xt7r222r8503 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7r222r8503/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-10-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 1993 1993 1993-10-27 2020 true xt7r222r8503 section xt7r222r8503 —....,..


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Kentucky Kernel ,





OCT 2 71993

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By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


Though the state Council on
Higher Education decided last
spring to raise tuition rates in spite
of student protests, UK Student
Government Association leaders
haven‘t given up the fight against

further increases.

First, the group planned a rally in
front of the Administration Build-
ing for Nov. 3. Now it members
have set up booths around campus
to garner signatures on a petition
against higher tuition.

“It‘s all a matter of principle.”
SGA President Lance Dowdy said.

“We don't feel like the council is
keeping its obligation to students in
this partnership. We've been taking
increase after increase the last three
or four years. and nobody has really
made a fuss about it"

Actually, student leaders tried to
make a fuss last year. but low tum-
outs at public hearings and a rally

in Frankfort kept the volume low.

This time around. Dowdy thinks
a more local approach by each state
school will be more effective. Each
school will hold its own rally or
protest. Dowdy said.

“It's a grass-roots approach,“
Dowdy said. “We have 172,000
college students in Kentucky. If we

bring legislators a petition with
100,000 signatures. that should oe a
pretty powerful impact."

Dowdy has set a goal of 16,000
signatures from UK students. He
said 1,000 students penned their
support last Tuesday. the fust day
the booths were set up.

thxhs will be scattered at vari-



By Holly Terry
Staff Writer


While most UK fans are
watching the exploits of the
football team as it tries for a

the Final Four every year I'll be
happy," Watt said.

“UK played the best game of the
year in the Final Four last year,
even though they lost. Pitino‘s do-
ing a great job with the team.”

Willis said he was born a UK fan



team's first preseason practice.

Watt said he can‘t see the Cats
in Rupp Arena. so he‘s sitting
outside until the coliseum's
doors open at 7:30 pm. Friday
so he can see them near Rupp.

“It is very hard to get tickets
for UK games, especially home
games." Watt said.

“IfI do get tickets to a game, I
have to get them for away
games. So. I figured that this
was the closest I‘d ever come to
going to an home game.“

He offered praise for UK
coach Rick Pitino.

“I'll be a fan for life no matter
what, but if they just make it to


winning sea-
and would do
SBO:wlin two anything for UK
Green 3 Ky I love me some UK basketball tick-
natives are basketball, and What cut] would
flffiamffi’; better way to see it climb mountains
watch Invas- than to be here for the fine me fix
$381.2“ '33.; very first game of the militia: and
‘ w a r way
CW“ .‘0' "it season. to see it than to
first time this be here for the
. . first game
Terry Willis - - very ..
and Floyd -Terry .VVII'IIS, :2 8:; season,
win. began who has been in line Amugh
flf'ifi M: for Big Blue Madness mo? safes?
. . , wai unti e
$323] “$331: S'nce Y”terday day before to
day morning morning aflpfizwsi‘ll;
12‘: 18155 Bib": they would not
' beoutdone.

In preparation for the 80 hours of
waiting. they came fully supplied
with books. radios, drinks. food and
a two-man tent.

Willis said he heard about Big
Blue Madness through a Lexington
publication and decided he had to
attend the event.

“I wanted to make sure I was go-
ing to be first in line.” he said.

Watt said nothing will make him
happier than walking through the
doors of the coliseurn Friday night.

“UK is my heart. and this is what
I‘ve been waiting for.

“Right now. I‘m the luckiest man
on eanh.“


F ans from Bowling Green
camping outside coliseum



Terry Willis and his father-in-law Floyd Watt wait outside Memorial Coliseum for Big Blue
Madness to begin. The building's doors open at 7:30 pm. Friday for the event.

United Way student chapter
auctioning Madness passes


By Joseph Banks
Contributing Writer


At 12:01 am. Saturday, UK has-
ketball players will take the floor at
Memorial Coliseum for Kentucky‘s
biggest preseason sports event. Big
Blue Madness.

But fans will have to line up early
if they don‘t want to be shut out.


Because of a donation from the
UK athletics department however.
two lucky fans can avoid the long
lines for the Madness and. at the
same time. help the United Way.

The student campaign for the
United Way concludes its silent
auction for the tickets today at 5

In a silent auction. each person
enters his bid separately. and the

JAMES "GP/Kernel Staff


item being auctioned goes to the
highest bidder.

Those who want to enter
should pick up entry forms from
the Student Activities Office.
203 Student Center. and take
their bids to the drop box near
the popcom area of the Old Stu-
dent Center.

See UNITED, Page 2





«hurt eopte the rem
P are 9
i." flrockm .
Mimi’ageB. ~

~Religion should Milt!“
as ajustiftationh'.fi‘ ‘ _ ‘
discrimination. ' ‘
Page 6.
-Congress should , _
control of what we Men.
television. Editorial. MO.


.3 {I

¥ pl



~The Wrocklage celebrates h
fifth anniversary today. Story,
Page 5.

SPORTS: .. . 7
Georgia fans played a big
part in the Bulldogs' win over
the Wildcats this weekend.
Column, Page 4.




-Cloudy, breezy and muc {V _
cooler today with a 40 p ‘ "
chance of light rain; big .»
around 50,
-Cloudy tonight, beco :-
artly cloudy toward " , ‘ _
aw between 30 an“? , ,. ‘
~Partiy sunny and _,. _ i ‘
milder tomorrow; V»
mid-503. a;

INDEX: . ...;

'4 “ 0 ”$.4anumomu ’ .



Noted historian
roasted at dimer


By Kathy Larkin
Staff Writer

When Otis A. Singletary was
asked to participate in a roast for
UK professor emeritus and distin-
guished historian Thomas Clark. he
mused. “How do you joke about a
fella who's a serious man?"

So. instead. he took a broader ap-
proach. “If we could get two or
three more like him. we could edu-
cate Kentucky yet.” Singletary said
last night.

About 150 people came last night
to pay their respects to Clark for the
Lexington Kiwanis Club's sixth an-
nual celebrity roast.

In addition to Singletary. the pm-
el included newspaper columnist
John Ed Pearce. Cardinal Hill Hos-
pital President FJneritus Lyman
Ginger. author and local auctioneer
Buddy Thompson. and Sue Wylie.
host of WLEX-TV's “Your Gov-

Even though he turned 90 this
year. Clark is still called upon regu-
larly to provide historical informa-

Recently. Clark provided Gov.
Brcreton Jones' Commission on
Quality and Efficiency a history of
studies conducwd since the 1800s
He says he thinks Kentucky would

be a leader in many areas if previ-
ous suggestions had been imple-

More than 200 recommendations
to improve state government were
approved by the commission last
week during a final meeting in
Frankfort. Ky.

“It's a gmd report. it contains a
lot of objections." Clark said last
night. shortly before he was to be

“But the legislature should listen.
should read and listen and take
some direction from it.“

He continued. "This state has got
to improve its image. and restore
integrity to public officials."

The oldest of seven children.
Clark was born in Louisville. Miss.
in 1903. Clark has contributed to
our nation‘s historical documents
for more than 60 years as a serious
collector and researcher.

Clark received his bachelor‘s de-
gree from the University of Missis-
sippi. his master's from UK and his
doctorate from Duke University.
He has edited numerous volumes
and written more than 30 books and
60 articles.

“is professional career began at
UK as an instructor in history in
1931 and led to his heading the his-
tory department in 1942 until 1965.

Since 1930. Clark has collected

M ....<,.‘ Bit Iii. I' .ll .. W.wm¢xur*’e\4' w"

ous locations around campus. Dow-
dy said this approach will also help
SGA’s relations with students.

“We thought we could provide
outreach to students and get the

senators out to the where the stu-
dents are." Dowdy said. “They

Men plead
not guilty
in killing

Staff. wire reports



Two Lexington men charged
with the kidnapping. robbery and
murder of a UK student have
pleaded innocent in Fayette
County District Court.

Robert R. Rankin. I9, and Rich-
ard C. Stanton. 21. who are being
held in the Fayette County Deten-
tion Center on 5100.000 full cash
bond. entered their pleas Monday.

They will appear in court for a
preliminary hearing next week.

The men are charged in the
death of medical technology stu-
dent Thomas Robinson. 26. of Pa—
ducah, Ky.. whose beaten body
was found Oct. 14 outside an aban-
doned schoolhouse in eastern Fay-
ette County.

Robinson had been missing
since Oct. 9.

According to Fayette County
District Court records. both men
have confessed to the murder.

Lexington police swore out mur‘
der warrants on Oct. 14 against the

Rankin and Staton were arrested
in Des Moines. Iowa. after police
investigators began tracking Rob
inson‘s credit card receipts.

After swearing out the warrants.
Lexington police contacted author-
ities in Des Moines and told them
to be on the lookout for Robin-
son‘s 1988 Chevrolet.

Tho officers spotted the car at
about 2 am. CDT on Oct. 14. oc-
cupied by five young men.

Police said one of the passengers
identified himself as Robinson and
gave the police identification.

The otficer noticed that the
man‘s eyes were brown and that
Robinson's driver‘s license listed
his eye color as blue.

A memorial service will be held
for Rtlhlll\0n at UK on Thursday.


JADE. rename/Km 9t!

Respected Kentucky historian Thomas Clerk shares a humorous moment with state First Lady
Libby Jones last night before a roast In his honor at Marriott's Griffin Gate Resort.

historical materials for UK's 11‘
brary. and he Continues lo do so
His cmploymcnl wrtli I'K came
With the provision that he help
strengthen the library's research dc-

When Clark first came to UK.
there was no on~campus publisher.
So in 1943. Clark cofounded the
precursor of the University Press of


l‘oilav. the University Press is lo-
cated in a renovated two~story
building on South Limestone
Street. and the building is named
tor the publisher's esteemed co-

Clark retired in the 1970s. fol-
lowing 40 years at UK and Indiana
University. However. he remains

active in historical circles. including
the Filson Club. a nonprofit organi-
zation in Louisville. Ky.. open to
those interested in history of Ken-
tucky and the Ohio Valley.

In 1990. Clmk was named Ken-
tucky’s first historian laureate by
the Kentucky General Assembly.

See CLARK. Page 2





3f Kmky Kernel. Wodm. Octobot 27. 1903


Continued from Page 1

don‘t have a lot of opportunities to
do that.

“We hope to really organize stu-
dents. We hope that students will
start looking to student govemment
to be their voice. It‘s a mountain
we're climbing."

The booths also will provide a
way to let students know what's go
ing on. Dowdy said.

“We want the council to know
that students are paying attention."
he said. “We want students to be in-
formed. With knowledge comes

Booths will be open through next
week. They will be held today.
from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm at the
Chemistry-Physics Building. from
11 am. to 2 pm at the College of

Business and Economics and the
College of Law and today and to-
morrow from 11 am. to 2 pm. at
Lexington Community College.

Other times include Monday and
Tuesday from 8:45 am. to 11:45
am. in the College of Agriculture.
and from 11 am. to 2 pm. in the
Student Center; Monday and Nov. 3
from 1 pm. to 3 pm. in the College
of Nursing; and between 11 am.
and 2 pm at Dickey Hall on 'l‘ues-
day and Nov. 3.

Additional booths will be set up
in Margaret 1. King library and the
Albert B. Chandler Medical Center.

The council will meet Nov. 8 in
Lexington to decide tuition rates.

And Dowdy said he thinks stu-
dents will have a say in the matter
this time.

“I believe we can make a differ-
ence." he said. "or else I wouldn‘t
be doing it.“

.. .4 “'1‘ .. o.



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Reagan gets three quotes in ‘Bartlett’s’


By Mike Foinsilbor
Associated Press


WASHINGTON — Ronald Rea-
gan was “the Great Communica-
tor.“ even his enemies concede. but
he managed to get into Bartlett’s
"Familiar Quotations" with only
three quotes. and a conservative ed-
itor smells a rat.

Adam Meyerson. who edits the
Heritage Foundation's magazine.
says the 40th president and others
on the right were deliberately un-
derquoted in the revised edition of

The motive. he says. was “to
show that conservatives are on the
fringes. that they haven‘t made an
imponant contribution to American


Continued from Page 1


He also is one of the editors of
“The Kentucky Encyclopedia." a
heavyweight volume full of facts.
figures. famous names and many
obscure details. published in 1992.

Clark and his wife. Martha Eliza-
beth Turner. have been married 60
years and live in Lexington.

Singletary had no trouble putting
his feeling about Clark into words
prior to the roast.

"It‘s just a pleasure to participate
in something that‘s honoring one of
the truly distinguished members of
our community." he said. “I've not
only enjoyed him as a warm. close
personal friend. but I also have ap-
preciated him for all he‘s done. not
just for the University but for the

“more: GOLD
rHis'is your: OFFICIAthl .‘lTATlON TO our:


.on 52 co orr AFTER 9 PM wirms not

FOR FREE ADMlSSlCN [it"«V/lklth-i7

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ext. 254 or 280.

will be given to UK students. faculty and staff and their spouses at the University
Health Service. Kentucky Clinic (Old Medical Plaza) across Rose Street from
University Hospital. Look for Wildcat Blue doors.

Wednesday, October 27 & Thursday, October 28
(Shots will be given these two days only)

8:30—4:00 p.m.
Charge: $10 Students, Faculty & Staff


This year's vaccination is slightly different from last year‘s. Annual vaccination is
recommended for individuals with chronic heart or lung disordrs; metabolic problems
such as diabetes; renal disease, hemoglobinopathics or immunosupprcssion; anyone
over 65 years of age; teenagers receiving long term aspirin therapy. Physicians, nurses
and other health care givers. especially those involved in primary care and nursing
home settings. and adults in community service are advised to consider immunization.
Immunization will not be given at the University Health Service to pregnant women
(those who are at risk should contact own physician), anyone allergic to eggs. chicken
or feathers. anyone allergic to gentamicin. any person with a past history of Guillain
Barre Syndrome or with an acute febrile illness. For information, call 233-5823,



intellectual and cultural life."

To bolster his point. Meyerson
has printed in his magazine 15 pag-
es of “conservative quotations"
from the pst 50 years that he says
should have been in Bartlett's.
They come from Robert Bork.
Rush Limbaugh. Milton Friedman.
Pope John Paul 11. Margaret
Thatcher. Phyllis Schlafly. William
F. Buckley Jr. and Chiang Kai-
shek. among others.

Some of Meyerson's choices
lack pithiness. ninning 80 words or
more. Others aren't especially
memorable. like a quote from Rea-
gan's first inaugural address: “This
administration's objective will be a
healthy. vigorous. growing econov

But Meyerson contended that
Justin Kaplan, general editor of the
16th edition of Bartlett's. not only
gave short shrift to Reagan but de-
liberately chose his Reagan quotes
to make the former president “look

Not guilty. says Kaplan. 68. the
Pulitzer prize-winning biographer

of Mark Twain and a self-described

“I may have my attitudes and so
on. but 1 did not sit down as a mat-
ter of policy to try to stick it to the
conservatives." he said in an inter-

In fact. he did Reagan a favor by
limiting him to three quotes. Kaplan

Reagan “could not be described
as a memorable phrasemaker or
original thinker." Kaplan wrote in a
Wall Street Journal article when
Meyerson first raised his charge.
“He had a useful vocabulary of
show business quips and punch
lines but. aside from this. much of
what he said was simply not mem-

To prove he had no evil motive.
Kaplan said two of his three Reagan
choices also appear in a highly re-
garded Library of Congress corn-
pendium. They are: “We're the par-
ty that wants to see an America in
which people can still get rich" and
“Government is like a big baby —
an alimentary canal with a big appe-

tite at one end and no responsibility
at the other.”

Kaplan‘s third Reagan quote
was: “It’s difficult to believe that
people are sming in this country
because food isn't available."

Many of Reagan’s most famous
zingers were written by aides. Ka-
plan contended.

Others were borrowed. he said,
citing what Reagan told his wife af-
ter he was shot in an assassination
attempt: “Honey. I forgot to duck"

Heavyweight boxer Jack Demp-
sey said it first. Kaplan said.

Before Kaplan updated Bartlett's,
there were no Reagan quotes in it
But Meyerson noted that Zachary
Taylor rated just as many quotes as
Reagan, while Jimmy Carter got
six. John F. Kennedy 28 and Frank-
lin Roosevelt 35.

And even when Reagan and oth-
er contemporary conservatives are
quoted. Meyerson said. “their ideo-
logically most powerful state-
ments" are often left out.

Woman’s death unnoticed by helpful neighbors


By Jeff Donn
Associated Press


WORCESTER. Mass. — One
neighbor had Adele A. Gaboury's
lawn mowed for her. Another took
care of a pile of mail. A utility com-
pany was called to tend to her brok-

en pipes.

All the while. the 73-year-old
recluse lay dead. probably for four
years, in trash on the kitchen floor.
Authorities found her body Monday

with a phone nearby. as if she was
trying to make a call when she died.

“She didn't want anyone bother-
ing her at all." said an old friend.
June Tsiokas. “She just wanted to
be left alone. I guess she got her
wish, but it‘s awfully sad.”

Neighbors had inquired about
Gaboury about four years ago, after
they noticed she was missing. But
one of her brothers. with whom she
wasn’t close, told police she had
gone into a nursing home.

“A brother had located a woman




Tartar: took






‘ms iSN‘T
LAW, .73 PlZZR






Sherman’s Alley by Gibbs ‘N’ Vaigt





50 what are you w'ltlne
today? More brochur‘co
tor the National Lemon





Actually. today for
working tp some
I ratickers.




T hat‘s great. Could you
make one for me?

bumper stickers. Like




Gm” COW"? iWAS WATCHING A the wishy—washy. alga
' ' ' ‘ kers for peop
They rea y ikcd my BAYWATCH‘ MARATHON one
'Go suck a lemon!" slogan. 1 need more With no sense of human.









Dr. Lyman Ginger,



Dr. Chuck Ellinger

Paid for by Ellinger for Council-At-Urgo



Non Partisan Election


Dr. Chuck Ellinger

UK Professor of Dentistry since 1965
. Post Recipient of “The Great Teacher Award”

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. Urban-County Council Member since 1985

Pull Lever 240




campus parking. Gold's Gym .
Memberships,Comedy on Where 0
Broadway tickets Blazer Xpress &
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And that's not all. I've got
stickers for people wrth
nothing to say. stickers for

Why . Celebrate the GRAND OPENING
’ of Jozo's Bayou Gumbo & KFC

with the same last name and as-
sumed it was his sister. It wasn't."
said police Capt. James Gallagher.

With the search for Gaboury end-
ed, neighbors began to tend to her
two-story house that stood out in its
decay in a middle-class neighbor-

The mailman kept delivering her
mail through a slot in the door, until
neighbor Michael Crowley noticed
a pileup. He opened the door and
hundreds of pieces of mail fluttered
into the yard.


Continued from Page 1

Kathy Lin. co-chairwoman of the
student campaign, said she appre-
ciates the donation and opportunity
for the fans.

“It's a great cause and a great
feeling for someone to avoid the
lines and walk on in." she said.

The auction’s highest bidder.
who will be contacted by phone.
will be announced tomorrow. The
winner. who may pick up his or her
tickets at the Student Activities Of-
fice, must make the donation be-
fore receiving them.

Proceeds from the auction will
go toward this year's student cam-
paign goal of $10,000. Lin said.
The yearlong campaign already has
raised 85.000 to benefit the United

The UK women‘s voUeyball
team will play at 8:30 pm. Friday
before the Big Blue Madness. Pre-
practice festivities begin at 10:30
pm. Doors to Memorial Coliseum
will open at 7:30 pm.

In other United Way news. the
organizers of the United Way
Sports Spectacular have decided on

Read The Okra!





Stickers Galore



And get a load of this:

the generic tumor sticker.
This could be a million seller!




Mates me wish 1







A "Spook-tacular" Day!


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October 28th







. 9.... _L










__._-__..._____._.__.__. .m

 ...- *-‘fl-—~~.- .. -..-o—o»-—-Mm ‘M‘ ..

Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday. October 27. rue - 3

Health care savings to fall short ' * * -3“ ~ ~~—-





. «law-e "2w.-









Clintons take plan to Congress today


By Christopher Connoll
Associated Press


WASHINGTON — President
Clinton's health reform proposal
will fall $30 billion short of the
budget savings predicted earlier. an
administration official said yester-
day as the White House readied the
plan for delivery to Congress.

The president and Hillary Rod-
ham Clinton were due to bring the
1,600-page bill to Congress in per-
son today in a ceremony in Statuary
Hall, five weeks after Clinton's ini-
tial pitch.

Clinton has argued that without a
sharp slowdown in health inflation,
the federal deficit would spiral
back up later in this decade.

But his economic advisers had
vowed to sacrifice further deficit
reduction before raising taxes any
more for health reform.

In the original draft, Clinton‘s
health plan would have lowered the
deficit by $91 billion between now
and the year 2000.

Dr. Philip R. Lee. the assistant
secretary for health, told a medical
educators' meeting the deficit re-
duction figure now is “around $60

in the original plan.

And a government takeover of
employers' costs of providing
health benefits for early retirees
ages 55 to 64 will be phased in
slowly between 1998 and 2001,
said the officials, who swke on
condition of anonymity.

In another change. the White
House has backed down from an
ambitious goal to reserve half of all
residencies for doctors training in
primary care, not specialists, within
five years.

Instead, it would set a goal of
having 55 percent of the residents
in primary care by the year 2002.
Seventy percent of the 625,000 US.
doctors now are specialists.

Clinton said yesterday he was not
willing to water down his health re-
form plan in the face of criticism
from the National Association of
Manufacturers that he was promis-
ing Americans too much.

“Most manufacturers are going to
save money on this.

If they want to look a gift horse
in the mouth, that can be their deci-
sion," the president said.

Leon Panetta, the White House
budget director, said Clinton had

A 239-page draft summary of
Clinton's original proposal that
leaked out almost seven weeks ago
has been a lightning rod for com-
plaints from businesses. hospitals
and others with worries about the
so-called Health Security Plan.

The plan proposes to pay for the
reforms with cigarette taxes. big
savings in Medicare and Medicaid.
a one percent levy on large corpora-
tions and a requirement that all em-
ployers and employees buy insu-

Some lawmakers have voiced
fears that Clinton was concentrating
too much power in the hands of an
independent National Health Board
and the regional alliances that
would form a new insurance-buying

Under the final plan. the health
board would be an executive agen-
cy. not an independent board like
the Securities and Exchange Com-
mission, the sources said.

And the regional health alliances
would accept virtually all health
plans with no limits on the number
of plans offering traditional, fee-
for-service medicine. the officials

States, not the alliances. would
certify each health plan.

But Lee told the Association of

Where: Intermezzo

The Clinton plan would encour-
age Americans to join prepaid plans
such as health maintenance organi-
zations where their out-of-pocket
costs would be lower.

Such plans would charge patients
510 each time they went to the doc-
tor with no deductibles.

Advocates for the poor warned
that SlO would be a hardship for a
poor family on Medicaid. which
now has no copayments.

The revised Clinton bill would re-
duce the copayments for welfare
families and allow the health plans
to waive them for others as well,
the officials said.

Clinton initially promised subsi-
dies for small businesses with 50 or
fewer workers and average wages
of $24,000 or less.

Now the discounts will go to
firms with up to 75 employees, var-
ying both by size and average

Clinton‘s proposed takeover of
the employers‘ 80 percent share of
premiums for early retirees will be
phased in slowly.

The government would pick up
10 percent of the employer share in
I998; 20 percent in 1999; 30 per-
cent in 2000, and 100 percent in





sItltIt'nls In I)l't‘-I.il\\2






billion." taken pains to avoid creating new American Medical Colleges that 2001- I s i ‘ If 5‘; \
Other administration officials “open-ended entitlements" in health even the fee-for-service plans The White House contends that : -‘ g a : J} g g 53';
said the revised plan will offer dis- care, “partycularly when we're tfy- would receive flat amounts to pro- early retirees will still benefit from ; _ Q E E; , . =1?- [E3 g I
counted coverage to some small ing to dlSClpline the rest of govem- vide care for all their customers — its swrtch to community-wide insu- : g . ; 432‘" If f , (’
businesses With as many as 75 merit spending." regardless of whether they paid rance rates. with no discrimination : r g. f g l/ /
workers. Panetta said Clinton has built in a physicians a salary or a fee for each between younger and older work- I \ g ‘ Z g
The cutoff had been 50 workers mechanism to cap the entitlements. procedure or service. ers. I i, g . , \
I (Hill: /l‘r‘4 E's/'6 _— l
o o I [Juli l 3—; , '/
Officrals seek rehef . = 3/
WOMEN s STUDIES TABLE ; / /,.-,.-,/
: r;lwrlwll: {/ /
: ( II I ill ' ' ’
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from gay ban ruling

Supreme Court to decide issue


Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The Clinton
administration will ask the Su-
preme Court “very soon“ for tem-
porary relief from a federal district
court ruling that prohibits discrimi-
nation against hornosexuals in the
military, the Pentagon said yester-

The emergency order, if granted,
would enable the Defense Depart-
ment to implement its new policy
on homosexuals. which states that
recruits will not be asked their sex-
ual orientation but that gays who
openly declare their sexual orienta-
tion will not be permitted to serve.

Kathleen deLaski, a Defense De—


lief from the Supreme Court."

The action stems from the ruling
of US. District Court Judge Terry
Hatta Jr. in Los Angeles that the
military's prohibition against ho-
mosexuals is unconstitutional.

The California case involved
Navy petty officer Keith Meinhold,
who was discharged last year after
declaring on national television that
he is homosexual.

Earlier this month the 9th US.
Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a
government request to delay imple-
mentation of Hatter‘s ruling while
the case is on appeal.

DeLaski said the government
now is ready to ask the Supreme
Court for that temporary relief
while the appeals court considers

of guard hot topic



President Clinton on Monday
turned down D.C. Mayor Sharon
Pratt Kelly’s request that he give
her the same power that governors
have to call out the Guard.

Clinton said he would support
asking Congress to change the law
to give her that authority, but in the
meantime her idea of using the
Guard for police work is dead.

Kelly's request highlights a
broader debate now under way: Is it
civil missions, and are citizen sol-
diers suited to law enforcement?

“I would be concerned about it if
it went beyond" the traditional role
of the Guard as a backup to active-
duty troops in wartime, a force to
respond to civil disorder and natural
disasters, and a supplement to coun-
ter-drug forces, said Deborah Lee.
the assith defense secretary for
reserve affairs.

“Our people —- even our MPs —
are not trained in the intricacies of

Until the late 19805 the two main
missions of the National Guard
were to supplement the active force
in wartime, and to help restore civil
order during riots or after natural
disasters such as hurricanes.

Then in 1989 the Congress. re-
sponding to a public outcry for
stronger action to combat drug traf-
ficking. authorized the use of the
Guard in the drug war.


fi‘ When: Every wednesday from 5:30-5:00

, Beginningtodayl October 27, 1993
Minen_s__"5tuhes Please Jom us!!!

An opportunity to gather informally
and discuss women’s issues with other
students and women faculty




Milan Saldlllelt WBeNIEIllinieIszll

at the Newman Center ,
320 Rosanne 255-8566 ,


I rearward: dam and «melamine:


ofSetaid Off!
Thursday. October 28 2:30-22 '

Tell your friends. tell your Mama
Brit don't tell your mu.



By James Chapman




Friday. October 29 8:00 p. m

UK Singletary Center for the Arts
$7 Gen Public. $5 Students 8 Seniors [reserved]
M L. King Jr Cultural Center in cooperation With The Brothers Program
Tickets on sale at Singletary Center for the Arts box office and
the Student Center ticket OITICG

'One of the best

'...absolutely superb!
Never have I seen


i such a large .
By 99M" Bums The National Guard, including audience SO 5
Assocrated Press about 400,000 members of the thoroughly -

Army Guard and about 117000 in ' 2

WASHINGTON — The Penta- . . . ' CGPUVBEEd .
gon didn‘t like the District of Co- "‘6. A“ Gm.“ ‘5 Sam‘s ““3”“ ‘ b a series :
. as is the active-duty force y '

lumbia‘s idea of enlisting National , ' of scenes.‘ :
Guard troops as urban crime fight- The end of the .Cold War has _Youn smwn 2
ers — and it isn‘t looking for any "“56" more questions about the 9 , .
. . . . . 2 State Unrversrty '

other new crvrl missions either. Guard 5 role. I








12 mmu item