xt7r4x54fw74 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7r4x54fw74/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1936 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 07, 1936 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 07, 1936 1936 2012 true xt7r4x54fw74 section xt7r4x54fw74 I  li I
I  ;  
 I(en‘cucl¤¤¤~¤iiy to meet in re- .eEn¥§é°“S§£ZZiZu.Eaié“g.Z‘3$?é2s i3§’.2‘§a.§“"€fa Z§Xuar°.3§€F5.g JE I
·  ¤¤i<>¤ with many °f the members W111 be new that afternoon in Me- the aiurnln association will be held ,  
of their own respective classes. Old morial hall, followed by the annual at the Commons. ' k
2 grads know they are always wel- alumni tea given by President and _ . · , - 3
; come to return to school and to Mrs. McVey at Maxwell Place, dguighlgf cE;§rI;_;a{;°I;°;gnS rigaziigég i
renew acquaintances with members Of principal interest to alumni .*1 ’ Og z _
. . . with announcement of baccalaure-
. of the staff, but it is only on these will be the annual banquet to be ate and CO Encemem speakers
special occasions that they have held Thursday night at the Lafay— wm be released when the prograui »,
the privilege of assemblying with ette hotel, when Gov. A. B. Chand- has bnen completed In the m€an_ {
" a large number of those men and ler is expected to be the principal time “au oid gmdé regardless Of ‘
‘ women whom they knew best be- speaker. wheéher or not the' r
, y are members
j Eagse u;i§1aV;€§$,€§%ai;I;1gtgi Hiigreé Commencement exercises will be of the classes holding special re- V ,
· E ’°r D p y held at 10 o’clock Friday morning, unions, are urged to plan a trip
5 yearS_ag°‘ _ June 5, in the Alumni gymnasium. back to the University at com- , _
_ ’  Whilil sommencggelgh €§€TP£$€S After commencement, alumni, sen- mencement time. , ‘
are si wo mon ea , 1 is r~ i
not too soon to begin plans for that —··—·· T ·‘ `
»‘  important reunion. Classes sched-   ` 
,» “‘°"l “° Fmemble this Y"?}*,,”° WSE? Arioxc THOSE TO MEET THIS YEAR A , r
_  ending in the numbers l and 6, r
· with the class of 1934 holding spe-   ‘
`· cial reunion on the occasion of the G   _ , . __ _ , . l `
second anniversary of graduation. '   |   ‘ _   T __ _   _ ` » j'r V .
‘ There are many changes taking -· .      .·•=—       _ {_   ‘,,4;_ - »
place on the campus which should ,     * °j I:   "   "`l·   __,,_   ig; ; · '
= prove interesting to those who have _. ...i;`_ '`·`  __ `_*.  .  ‘ ° éfif _ ,"` , ’   _¤   i
_ not had an opportunity to keep in     ~,_;_`* 4;.    ,   .   ··~ ·   “ r _   _ ,
,  close contact with the University ·;       "     , `·  »•»,_   .·‘   '- "j.r, ° l · _
·` during the last several years. In fj- . Z5   r * 3  · ·  i  ..       »- *
Q Some instances familiar landmarks   · I   , ·— gg, .~ .\* r g " --  _ {{,3; Q  iii { i z  A
are disappearing, but all these ‘%      si,P"·".   §\_‘ * A _$    gi?) °  
changes are in the direction of a      1      A  T·       .
_ progress which alumni will be _ _     —"y·‘_ H Y-_    .       . . F
I pleased to note. A special article * ~ _ ¢t§;g_;g*’    ry     ;
,  ilsewhere in this publication out- _ . ti  °  Ya~‘§;§ _ ; ”~—~   {QQ?     ’-4 _ ‘*  ,—   3 [
-i  lilies something of the transforma—   {Si if  V —     { · » ‘  · ‘ ‘ — i q ; ’
lions taking place under the cur-   K Z,  ` g   ° i`    ‘ ',  . '   '   \  .__ T
_ Writ University building program.    ii  .—   —; ,3, i    , ·   ,   ~§ ·- l 
—  Commencement Calendar   \ I ,      it 3: i i   ..     1
Speakers for the various events  g`   p       il  @   _ ,f  Y - , ;*3  it;   l
_ gf commencement week have not if `° anis we  .  j     A ‘   Q ‘ · 1
`  €€I1 announced, but a tentative   _. .  _ W-  __ <   xi, __ er ,`r.·l ’ ,
.  calendar iists the nigniignts or the     ‘      ,   , ,___ "  """"     __ ;j_ ; __,, ; l
Y llmgram, which has been so ar-   ‘·``` °     " "   i 3
-  ranged that an major events will · ‘ 1 1; 1 r the members of the class of *06 as they appeared on  
— me place within a day and a hair. the Z§2‘i.§r‘i.€§’€.‘}"i€J§’i.‘§t"le‘I.%“1.‘3.‘i3 June or1931. i
·  Oflicial organ of the Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky published quarterly ou the campus of the University, at Lex- 1
·  l“€l°¤· Subscriptions to non-members, $1.00, to members of the Association, 50 cents. Membership m the Association includes sub- _
E. —_  i°l‘l1>tl    { E lf ecessors, three new buildings and ¤· bate. A position in the right front riod of forty yeei·S_ , sor
rj   i     central heating plant will soon Dui? of the Administration building fac- ··D€an Of Heap Dickerson the
f E g   ‘_ new angles into the University sky- ing Limestone land near the Hag- man, in charge Of the present heat-
·         hm-e_ Dole. WHS Q0fl$1d€1'€d· `S0m€ SUP ing plant, is living these days in an- It
·   ’     Greatest cf the changes to be Bf- VEPSIPY ggmalsb though? uiuc wc? ticlpation of the new heating planh  
“*‘  _ § i fgcted by the new building Set-UD bmldmg ~ Ould B nemel ?F· d According to Maury Ci-utchey, Su_ His
‘ J- _ § tl probably will be made by the EEC- Center of the campus we S“%_g"’$‘$? perintendent or buildings and DH
I  ; il tion cr a student Union building- the Space H? from Pi th? llbliy grounds, the central system will
V     f ia The Selection of a site for this blllld-· Gthers favmed th? site next to 8 eliminate twenty-five heating plants,
T   13 - { ing has been a- subject of ¤0¤S1d€1" Old Pafterwn _1`€S‘d€“°€· _“°W th? f0rty—four boilers, twenty-two emk_
2     t- ebie discussion since first plans for W¤m¤¤S bmldmg L°°8·“9“S mm ers and twenty nremen along with li
T if  § = me Structure were announced Miivey Elsuit ne? cgiilgcgllig :3;% an array of wheelbarrows and ash.   5
.·   e _ an on e tennis · _ ei
i     yi Ngigngig g;¤£;gk;€];§€W?3n%Euih2 suggested. Official ann0l1¤G€m€¤t Caml the Operations incident t sen
1  in   ll que · as to the most likely location has . . · 0 sta
‘ ’ =* s   heme of the College of Engineer- . heating will be removed te the _
gg i ia. _ . . · been withheld. - . . bur
 ’ , 4 4;; _ Historical Mech9.I1lC?il. Hall, _ _ _ _ west side of Limestone, leaving the . _
    _ lil Lliliéli; in 1392, will form one Corner N0 SW1mmm€_ 1*901 is m Prospect atmosphere behind much clermel-_ lsfl
*’ é- i i EU gf me quadrangle, while the wendt for the new buildma All-hweh ee- Lower heating costs will follow, me ° ‘
  gg     Shops Wm make up the entire east riously considered by University Moving the old plants will make l°_
    . i   Side officials, plans for a pool have been more room for class rooms, Mi; °°1°
 ?i       ` t t. f a new law buud_ abandoned because they declared it Crutcher states that besides all , me]
        . Con? {uc gm;) ost fm years Of would be either too expensive or these advantages the heating plant `
·     l   ggfvifgl fc? th; IBM in gse at the too small and unsanitary. ·Othe1· will pay for itself in a few yeare_ EA
e  < l   l ps present time. The law building io- S°h°°*S €"*°€“€“°?S Wh ‘“d°‘?r Wim the l€‘*“`“?g d°W“ Of the Old tin
_ gis ,j   . 1 . undetermined pools were taken into account IH heating plant chimney back ofthe *_
~  °‘;    g   °3‘u°n a S0 ls _ ' _ arriving at the decision. Just what Administration building goes e gl:
lil     fl The <>¤¤¤m1hee¤¤e plant site no?) the water-minded group on the landmark that perhaps wont pass °
    i   'mly has been decided tupmt E; campus will be able to do in the fu- So easily from alumni memory
  $2   li. actual Work vn the struc ure €S _ _ {ure is at present uncertain How- And with the new Structure l`1SlI‘lg .
    *6 Pected t° bf? Started .alm°S lm evei-, Student Union building pros- about the {campus come new an- — ir
A. · {   m€diat€1y· Thls plant W111 be   pgcts were just as uncgyt/ain al year gles   Wlll   l'l3.VOC with the gfgyj
  Z fg 011 thi? ODDOSWE $i€l€ of Limestone age alumni conception of the Univer- _ Me;
il   { iggeegd§!§g;n;h€t1§2alg1.g;;§us§esac; Present plans call for the building sity Skylme K .  
y. l`   · - _ to_include a dance floor, the Com- > i
Q,   : ·· ii Ripart;n;m10l;;g2;§g’tgs;;2gr ;];i2_ mons, the Campus Book store, and Qin
 [ [     liogsel) To this 1et 2,600 tons or o·;*;et§;S;;£;=§é     News Oli the , ‘
‘· T ‘ il? coal necessary to heat the entire . · ll
,· l. r . =g . . move to the new location. , T.
,; ; t University group for one year can _ V _ _ e ls s
li ‘ ` l il b hauled by a special track right Engineering building plans are ‘ Ely!
ii   '   ug to the coal bins. being worked out, and tearing down   * mer
i ¤   sudden impetus in the building of the old section of Mechanical ._. V my
  i li; program became publicly known hall known as j‘Dicker hall" has 1881 eee
{ i, Z     several months ago when Col. James been completed. in preparation for Merry Lewis Pence, B. S} ,81- is my;
    Graham, dean °f the. Ccuege Of the new .bm1qmg‘ HOWEVER the professor emeritus of the Univer- = 
, .. Q ii Engineering, made a trip to Wash- front section, ivy-covered Meehan- sity, having retired after many .  
A ,.     inewn for it federal gram and 3* ¤¤¤1_h¤¤- will mmam stmldmg _ years as professor of physics here. _ lm
~ “— ji V il   Public Works Administration loan. With the newest materials avail- Professor PGUCB resides at 535 tek
je I . E ii Dean (3i·aham’s efforts resulted 115   tht! NSW dmlgingt YOOYYQ toni; Maxwelton Court, Lexington. _  
.; ; `· , 3 the approval of a $165,000 gran an u1 as a secon s ory o       V {
  *_ , ii?. a $600,000 loan, and the Student Wendt shops will have one long - ml
 ·` · V i   Union building dream was an- glass window extending from floor 1886 , glib
‘   li nouncecl as a reality. to ceiling for the entire length of D,·_ Themes Hum Morgan, BES, .  
  · .§ {Q ‘ This announcement followed sev- the building on the east side. This ’86, M_ 5_ igg, is e, member cr lie l —
gl . E il eral years’ work by such student innovation bin class 1`0OITl C01'1St1`L1C— staff of the Pasadena Institute of i X
 Q ` ; V   organizations as Omicron Delta ticn will provid-e abundant light. Technology at Pasadena, Calif.    
P l V Q   Kappa, h0¤0m1`Y wmpus l€¤d€1‘· The Wendt shops on the east or Morgan. an outstanding worker lll · mh
 1 i g ( ship fraternity, which sponsored the Mechanical hall on the southwest the i’1€ld Of $Cl€nC€» was Fllvardveii c me
e   selling of tags at football games. corner outline roughly a quad- the Nobel PUZG for bwloglcal 16 (gm
~ 2 ‘ E . The surplus funds from the Wed- rangle which will be completed with Starch m 1933- ‘ imp
_ i , . nesday dances Went into the Stu- the new buildings. Thus a cramped       me
{_ T . dent Union fund. Pictures of Stu- College of Engineering will soon 1896 ce;]
 , ,i l i   dent Union buildings in Qther hav? mom enough for 3* kmgi Sat" Widely known engineer and HCilV€ _
V ; » schools were shown at the Univer- isfying stretch. Supportel. Of the University, _]_ ry. .
. if · ·` sity Commons, editorial opinion ap- Dean F. Paul Anderson, late head vine Lyle, B_ M_ E_ *96, is executive T;
_» _ peared in the Kernel, and at last of the College of Engineering, came in - · · , {gas 1-ei- of the omg
. v ce president and ti u
  {3 , ·g concerted effort won out. here in 1891 and had charge of the Cal-mel- Engjnggying corporation of is A
 f, _ g [ Since the approval of the loan construction of Mechanical hall. He Newark, N_ J. His home addresils `21.
    '   and €1`¤¤l9, thi? jIliS011SSl0¤ of the missed by less than three years see- 1290 Wes; Seventh Street, Pl0l1l‘ ` they
  { g i Student Union building location has ing an extension of the college for field, N, J. » tllgi
_  . . Pl;   . ` ;
__ ···ln ·  .

 1   ,1,, » `
. t . 
- i
1896   ‘  
Dr. Harry Adolph Bavidson,   C. ( PLEASANT SCENE TO REMAIN UNCHANGED   . 
E. ’96, is a practicing physician . _ , ·   A
with offices at 815 Francis building, · 9 _
,. ‘ "le. He reside at 1601 W' d- . . ,. ,   =r.,l-       · .-·.   ., ss ..... l , ..7,-.- · ]
41 me e la- §,‘}“§Y;;s, Lslllsvllls? m {4   —¤* ’     -     L?}   A
F3 XZ: $1   A"? `riri, :7 5   . .- `. ~~"-   ·{;`·v'¥·».'f'ry.    ` > - 4   sew   é` ! r. I 4
cerson, tho 1901 ,;_,_   , `_,;_1,je§;;QU_,aj _i   {     '5     *_ "
gsentheate Henry Bewlase B. M· E. ,0,, is 1/     , .* 9, .j  - 11 2    ·
SYS m an` chief engineer with the Imperial 1 L-Q.-;I.j;»§"="‘~E'¥1`i¢¥i§T2-<”.:;.. ’l,‘ ` F'   ’* in-     `ri ~·· ‘`·‘ 74;-. I "* 7  °"·‘¥· 
ating plan; Ewcmc Company at Akron Ohio ;_;¤.l l,.9;s_»_,;.,.."·—1,ygefh -.j,.-iv l7;=;,,.;;··.;?_. j._.·’p1e€, * 2    9  
* ·  "·¥.£..J;<‘ iq   ., »l§",.    ·, ,1.-         ~   · ji — ‘
litcherl Su- His residence is 736 Evergreen "  *·,7r::"Y_`?;?*“i?-Q' g       ‘*—l‘7`>: l-   -  · .‘g* ‘ ·
lugs and Drive, Akron.         “'j’·=·i~f_,   r ~  ’ ·    »
nystem will l. s. s  ~._=,i»?“ [ l_`.t       -     3
iting plants ,906  Rt-.-¤2‘.·.,.s"":i§§¤,aq eg,_‘,,-’?*‘,-Q ,¤ ·'; %¤;;__’Y*?;`   ·-‘ ~
besides all mm ___   , _ lp ._     .,. rr ___. "“.   -_ . ,
iatlngeplgm Alexander Thornton Lewis, B. M. _ _ _ M O- `
BW Y ars- E ,06 is en a ed in health] and Although many changes are being made in the university campus under the present l
1 Of the Old · _ * _ g g_ _ g building program, this familiar front section of historic _Mechanical Hall will be left
back of the g3Hll1lB.t1I£' J€H§¥}€€1;`lHg 3(tid South standing, and, the beautiful view shown here will continue to greet alumni upon their re-
Tallge, T. . IS OIl'1€ 2, YBSS js Llfll 0I` IBUDIOHS.
g goes R 156 Irving avenue South Orange
won’t pass __ S; 1 ‘ r·—~—?W’ W‘ W
Etugegggg 1911 Mr. McWherterures%des at 39 Fair- ’ Charles Howard Riedinger, LL.  
8 new a¤_ Mining Engineer in several SEC_ haven Circ e, A an a. 31, is county attorney of Lewis .1 .
nc with the V tions of the United States and _ _ —`°‘ _ __ c0unty’ mth gmcieshat Vanceburg Y
.he Univer- Mexico after leaving the Universityl paFéE12¤?tg€?;*§)•§n;b<$11I{JI1ge,€y;a1i‘yag? T 1934 * A `
- »  PlF ’,B.E.M.’11,isnowa rm O ·' 1 ' , 2
..4 O com mlhigcgperator at La Follette, er his graduation, and later a mem- lVl1ss·Ethel Murphy Traugott, A. 4
1·e,,,,_ H,s heme address ,s ·1·e,,,,es_ ber of the staff of the Associated   34, is principal of a rural school . . 
see e,,e,,,,e Ls FO11ett,e_ Press at Louisville, Herndon J. Ev- in Bracken county, near Brooks- · 1 ‘
the ’ 1916 ans, A. B. ’21, is now editor and ville, Ky, 1
11 _1 Cl 1, , B_ S_ ’16’ publisher of the Pinville Sun, Pine- —; 1 9
,5 s,?;§?§,tegr;;1,€ 018:,9; sC1,OO1s at ville, Ky.   _Evans has been head V Euge?eChai§1 Royse, LL, B, ·’34, _  
_S E1,,_ Neveds M,._ C1a,.ke was 10,, of? the Pineville newspaper Since is prac .c1ng a orn-sy at Maysville, 4 · ,V
merly instructor in the high school 19-3-     1 y· `
at Winchester, Ky., and later prin- ` ‘ ' , ,' , _ _
slpsl or oss high sslsosl at Frank- 1926 ,S';‘;f,‘;§;{,gE‘;;S°,h‘g"§§;’g:,.,{}·,§,,,§; i
l · {Oil- I D ' Seott A. B. ’26 ‘ . . ` .
3.S. 81,15 Woodson. enme , , S, I t D t_ t M hi h E
.,,6 ,1,,,,,,.- _ _ LL. B. ol, 1S sl H1l'éI'Ilb€1` or thi? law \,,j;°;,,;,de§1,‘j‘1e,,,j,§,S,;,“' $8 il}? i _
1,981, many Sales of Delco lighting plants and mm of Lord, Day and Lord at 25 CHOIOU Miss Clifton 1_€£iv€d phir g
hysm here equipment and similar work in the Broadway, New York City. His M A“’5&e,,ree ,,1 S ,,,10,0 here in {
ES at 535 ield of electrical refrigeration have homo ado,-oss is 510 West 110th less' ° ‘ py gy ” Q
Eton Gccupied the time of Edward Albert so-ooo, Ngyv Yoi-k_ ‘       ,
' Blackburn, B. S, ’16, since his grad- Low ood banking have been the 19.,2 ·
uation from the University. Mr. principal interests of Kenneth F . . 1 S 1- .1, · A
Blackburn is now in charge of H€fHdOll Tllgglté, A. B. ·2e, since llis . Y" Sevm ¥€a‘?.a“ ec we Wm ‘ l ,
,,.g,,,,, B_ S, §`¤‘ieid&1ii·§1(s;i1es in ikexas. Iwlithtof- gmdllouon from soilool hEl`€f lxlr.   gtlggegéjlgs Egg,} 3]:,71,8;}; 1
nber ci the mes a` Mam S YES ¤ °uS‘°“· Tugglel IS HOW mesldem 0 le visor of group division for the Met- ~ -
` te of M Union National Bank at Barbour- _   . _ .,
gngggg D,-_ .1/1*`Ill.1l0l'l)’ Burnam Combs, LL-` B- ville, Ky.       iifllggllgllnbeslllgit   (lgII;pI?;¥ I Z
? Worker in ilhb]S‘p1§gt1c1ng1atjtolfqeylat 12%-     S fauver Went to the General Electric a .
as a\v€~i1‘d€d .,,,e;1%'EaV,%g_ WS§;§C',l€,]€}_;S ig? 1931 company at Schlnectady, N. Y.,1a§t— T
0109iCa "‘ ` . .` `,·° » ` ., ° Lguisg l\lIiller Tilton, A. B. ’3l, is er eaving the niversity, and a el-
§$,I,].3,bbt1,@€c{;g?€e,.;1;S   genilgisgg a member of the faculty of the Jef- was transferred to a `position as .
- ilfom 6,,,.011-,, - yu Um ersit forson Davis School in Lexington. district lighting specialist for that .  
l C0`le·e f L1 g m TB V y Hel- home addr-ess is 837 Melrose company at Cincinnati, ohio, He l
dactive A g O aw. avenue Lexington. has been in his present work since ` {
E1' an       ' 1929. Mr. Kefauver’s residence is »;
YSNY, J- P" " 1921 1310 Park Ridge Place, Cincinnati. 1 l
is executive Th€ manager of the Atlanta, Gag Mrs. Julian T. Leflerl (ITIGSESF 1, xs   - _ 
SL1l`€1` of the Qiice of the Bally Meter company Louise Greene) A. Bs ’31, 1S l1b1‘a1`- 1923   ‘ ·· —— 
l`l¤01'&tiO¤ gf }SM¤·1‘Shall J. McWhorter-, B, M, E, ian and instructor in English at ri
B 8dd1`€SS,1s 21- Wh0.has been affiliated with Lone Jack high school, Four Mile, M55.     Avant (Opal Ciox),hB,  
1`€€t, Plam- that company Since cgmplgbjng his Ky_ Her 3dd1`8SS 1S Box 235, PlH'3· S· 3, IS 01118 economics 98.8 E1' , l
mgineering woi-1; at tho Uoivoi-sity, vine, at Mayneld high school, Mayfield, I

 ·~v .;S V '   . 
V    Z   ~’$!‘ 
5*-* ~_§ ·Y    1*, Nh > 
2     ,
      Ky. Her home address is 624 South His home address is 3437 Mt. Pleas- Ky., where she has been employed >
 .    { Seventh street, Mayheld. ant: street, N. W., Washington, D. C. since her graduation from the Uni-
}  y  > _; . .... -—-— versity. Her home address is 225
_:      . Harold Victor Tempel, B. S. ’23, Mrs. S. A. Porter (Elizabeth East. Sixth street, Newport,
  i  .   is principal and instructor in vo- Aaron), B. S. ’27I, is homelfiemon- 1
  Q;   cational agriculture at; Henry Clay stration agent 0 Campbe coun- Mi N Ad .
      high school, Shelbyville, Ky. Mr. ty, Ky. She is a. member of Phi B_ B3? is Egggrory ;;:§§1,§:€S§§éO?- _
  E Z g ‘ Tempel has done graduate work at UDSIIOH Om1C1'0¤, h0¤0¥`&1`Y home high School Sonora Ky Mi 8· " ....
   { E · the University and at Cornell Uni- Gcommiqs fmt€mity’ and. Kappa son was formerly teacher- i11SSCli1/[SF  i` Voli
  i  5 - v·¤->rSiW· M is ¤ .m€m*=·*=r Qf Phe Délte PM *{¤¤<>¤‘¤»ry ¤¤¤¤¤¤$>¤ fw- berland high Semi, praise, Kn; ~—
_¤.  2 , E Kentucky Education Assoc1at10n, te1m1:y. Her home address 1S Alex- and later at Louisville and Milt q `
Z `, ` ; the National Education Association, andria, Ky, Kyn before going to the Song; _ 
; -‘: L ; and the American Legion. His home ;— ch 1_
" f     address is rural route 3, Shelbyville. George Edward Stone, A. B. ’2'7, S OO      
  ;   r s is 3, pharmacist employed by the 1933 °
 _.   1924 S. B. Hunt company at Mayheld, , _ _ ~
      Mrs. Eau 1:. Gregg (Mary Peter-- Ky. Mr. stone did graduate work _.T*}"“@g° H“ff· ‘°*· B· 33· ‘S D"“?‘ ` "
  V   sqm) ]3_ s_ ’24, is dugcmy of home at the University one semester aft- $33001; htm; Clgmiberland Public
eg L ·_ service department my the Amie er receiving his A. B. degree. and Huff WJ, .“"}1B‘1?¥‘d·. KY Ms   ..
    , ; - 1 Ice company an Louisville. she was later did special work in pharmacy, -,,,,,0. hi h°m;,e’ { p"“°1p‘“ °f the
{ » g I married to Mr. Gregg in August or passing an examine-¤i<>¤ in pim`- J I g Sc .°°. ai Hman KY F-
 Q   1 1930. Mr. Gregg is a former student macy in 1928, and has been em— “     .  
  , , or the University m me class or ployedthbii she Mayfield company 1935 W
 g __ ‘@ , 1922. After leaving school he went Since a im€· H6 is 9- m€mb€1` "’I‘h T· 1 ‘ C ·» · s
 ;      to Europe to study architecture, Of this Mayfield Junior chamber Of title if lgninxoo/l‘;I]11?ece$1l5;y   .
 gz, { » N and returned to Louisville to work °°mm*'=‘Y€€, the MaS0¤10 01`d€1`» and from the pen of William Stewart '
  , ,: for me T. J. Nolan mmcecn mm, the F- wd A· M- Milburn Lodge Leslie, M. A. ’27 Ph. D *35 pl-Of.? S ¥
  ;   where he became an associate in 927- His home addfess is Lvwe sor of history and social seiencexat A? ’
ifi {   1921 Mi`- and MKS- GYGQE hs-VB Apartments, N9· }Viayi"1€1d· Kentucky Wesleyan college, Wm. * ¥
.   Y 5 · Waveled m Europe Smcs their m¤·f— "   " chester, Ky. Professor- Leslie whose 3 }
ag, ~   mage, and both are actively inter- H’28_ book is being published by the    
.   _: g cséged in affairs of the University, Jeter D. tGi?chin1, PL. B. ’31, is Samuel R. Guard company an l  
  g r ghgldgig all gigme football games. ;·trgI`?€5é1_?· 34A1;<>1¤‘; Ls SP3? Spencer, Ind., is a graduate of the `  
°‘¤ ·   1* ome a ress is 180 Cerscent; €» ·1°ag°· BY €9»Vm€ 8 U ' ·'t f ' ` ' ‘ ‘ i¤
  T   i avenue, Louisville. University law $@1001. M1'. Gi¤·¢hi¤i Wliiggiiil gte(:2va11}i;I1i.§;it2pp.}r. Ijeieiwfgi ir   ii
 -- g   *     Qi g;“·§*E1.at€_ W°¤‘k at the Univer- has M. A. degree hereyin 1934, and ·  ,
  i i 1925 tf? Y 01 ““F”S» sgld has ber-=¤_ prac- is mw doing graduate study at the ,  i
W   A”§‘”;-,"’ W"g"“ S°“*hga~*€· Je r2$S$€ %“’4§é“£ik§`iErLL‘{`€s52Sp"*i§ F1“°h°* S°“°°l of Law md Dips- W *
fx < i - . ’ , is employed in the invest'- » ar r macy, B0s€0¤, Mass. 1 *
~* i , ment department of the Western m` »·
Q »,;e and SOLl$h€1'1'1 Life Insurance - 1928    ‘A ,
.·,~‘ ¤   pany, with omces at Fomhcglxd J°h“ D- N‘“‘*’·_BP S· '28· is man- STATEMENT or THE OWTLIERSHIP `
gy; ‘ ei Broadway, cincinnati, Ohio, His gtgcél ogqgie nregicigal labgrgtgyries 1};"LE.*?3TL2?I€r%Eé:h]gEN]gI‘§ §;€g€Elm ‘.—
’ I 1 _ ig R. _ American Bacteriologists, and the Before , N`t P br, ‘" dr ` ——
y, 4 ! ,29 'gmrd glayton Sm`00t’ LL· B· alumni Ch8.Dt·€1’ of Alpha Chi Sig- the Statemzncii csugg ailoreiaigé zgersoriif ‘.
_. · 1   y 3.11   i$OI‘1’1€y at Ashland, Kyn ma. chemical fraternity at Buifalc ally appeared R. K. Salyers, who, having __ HE
  I ; i Wh€I'B hB IS B, member Of the Boyd Hi ’ _ .d _ * · been duly sworn zrccordingrto law, deposcs . ;?u$“°}
E . a 1 County Bar association the Ash S I? €I1C€ 1S 155 KUOWHOH 21V— End says that he 1S the editor ofthe Ken- illegi-
L , ' 1 " ‘ k 0 *   Il
,-   1} gndyggs NO. 257, 1. o, 0. F., and "““"’ ""“‘°“’i]i· tE°¤¥e’?.1i‘§‘%¥S1.?§`?.¤t$§?rZc¥;° §§E°SJ¤‘£§r.‘§ , ggma
;. ,·   Q B a C ‘ l t _ ’ _ . l. rs.
_ Q Q, ,   , 1 U_ A_ Mfnegis 1“;‘;’;;1£gl_€’;‘;, ig  LOA·f0i1r;1e1bstati0n manager for the ?I;2i1€;;€g;[€og?t0f0511;1;ox;v;§;;S;n%1icg‘y?§11 {_ LW \
sg . r,g Mead apartments, Ashland. mggxlgwll;;.;18;igI;lgnI?%rk9i:;at£'§c};_ r2§:r§§dd§§€ 5£L°"AL§"0€“§..;E2E€2i?"§L‘i‘$é Q \
'E , =1=   2: I . ’ Em O ie in SECCIOH 411 Postal L8.\\'S 8.11 ’
2 . · . r A. B. ’28, IS now manager for that Regulations to wit' ’
¥~ ·_ _ Y _ 1927 newspaper and for the Louisville ` ° Cla
A I- `   be? ggaglglcmg attoméy and mem- Times at Danville, Ky. He resides pui$1i§1?§:, Ugg1?¤£rI?1€i¤;i;§gii?;r€;;i€¤;f  il
- {gx L B B East Texas College of at 205 North First street, Danville. busmsss msrmgcrs are:
' ` if a‘W* _ eaumonty Texas, Charles   * * Publisher, Alumni Association. U. of
';_ , {   Frederick Hcidrick, _]y_, A_ B. :27 is 1C,30 K., Lexington, Ky.; Editor, R. K.dSal- Wt
 A   - .   . .“ _ .L't,K.;M 'Eior,  ‘
n , l é ;ngi€_I1{;lk;<3€0fLEIhe ihrn pr Heidymk David H. cnn, B. s. *20, is rei- $51;. §§(i§15§DLEx§¤gr¤¤€°n1?i{€]gB¤si¤ess V in., L,
N L S his LL l’. I'. H€ldI'1Ck recerved EYEHCG 8SS1St2.I1Y} of the New York Manager, Vivian Nash, Lexmgton, Ky. Hgh
. j? Law Séhcii ?€gG€€ fI`O§I`). Harvard Public LibI`31’y, 476 Fifth Avenue, 2. That the owner is AlumuiLAss0c;é1K;   mmm
»· 5, n un - · , u,U‘· ‘c rKt1<,exmz S
z ` has been 3, member? (35 tL93°’ and New York C1ty' .H€ IS z' membgl Of (syn-shoe;c;g;p5or;tio11>?ng§i&rs are Keen . gf Cla
. L law Erm Sim th _ e Texas the New York L1brary club, and the Johnson president; Mm David Phelps, class
 · · dd _ 6 at tlmé. HIS home authO1‘ of 2/ publication entitled Vice-President; R. K. Sulyers, Secrctz1rY· ‘ __
· V ?n0;`€$;'€1S 2150 Avenue AU B€au_ <·Th€ Hornet Bible}, issued by the James Shropshire, Treasurer. t _ qs
; , XEIS, · · _ 1* - » {
. . . i .. §f}" YQ? mary 13 June .°f 1935 g.Z.£`?.E.dt“§¤h‘éL‘°§Z’2u£€§dS§}§§§§ Gill`;. Day,
. . { » Gem E C D _ · 1. C1 t, who recewed his B. S. or homing 1 per cent or more of wm bac .
"?* { doin gl . ° Owning; A· B- ’27» IS degree in Lj·bY?i!`Y S€I‘ViC€ at C0- amount of bonds. mortgages, or other Se- I» ca*
 · J scatgscegggnwork m the United lumbia Umversicy in 1931, resides °¤**“°s “°° N°“€‘ l E
 M V; Downmgg WaSmi)I;i{ncis§;¥1cegf   at 33 Washington Square, West, R_ K_ sALy1·;Rs, Editor. _ q
»_ X r c New York. 1b d b fore me this ·¤zt¤¤
u_ ,._ _ . Frankfort K I hi Sworn to and subscr e e [_ _.
 Qs,. r 1898 u ui 19y· gh $@100] from —-— zsm day or September, 1935. mmm
i Q · ' emerge? the lgéoggmgvhlclz t1m€ _h€ _ Miss Elizabeth Ercsheu, A, ]3_, *39, JANE J' NICHOLS, 2 En
‘     ` men S€rvlc€· ls elementaw t€2.Ch€1' at N€WpOl`E, (My commission expires July 17, 1939.)
-‘ ‘ .`1, _— ‘ .