xt7r4x54gk63 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7r4x54gk63/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19740614 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, June 14, 1974 text The Green Bean, June 14, 1974 1974 2014 true xt7r4x54gk63 section xt7r4x54gk63 Czjpif E
IS Ay; 4, Fgggns T H E
There have been a number of re- G R E E N
sponses to my May 29 request for
out-of—state travel funds. It wiU. B E A N
be generally impossible to grant
more than one request per person
for the coming year.
i NEWSLETTER 6/14/74
H1! y 1 Qcgym IME  
There is a July l deadline for all news for the KLA Bulletin. Sara
Leech (Med. Ctr. Library) is publicity chairman for Special Libraries
and will accept all news for that section. All librarians are reminded
of this deadline and should submit news items to the publicity chair-
men of their respective sections.
New staff members:
Lara Gahafer — LT II, GPD (June ll)
Jody Smith — Grade l2 (old grade V), Cataloging (June 17)
Joyce Turner - LT I, Acquisitions - receiving (July 6)
Promotions and transfers:
Marilyn Brown — from LT I, CSR to LT II, Acquisitions-receiving
(July 6)
Lynn Shrewsbury - from LT II, Cataloging to LT IV, Cataloging
(July 6)
Susan Lineberger — from LT I, Acquisitions to Grade 16, Accounting
(July 6)
Teresa Walden - Cataloging (June 14)
Positions open:
LT II — Quick Cataloging — open July 6 -
Grade l2 (old grade V) - Cataloging - open June 17
LT I — CSR - Open July 6
See Dotty Green to apply for any of these jobs.
Four interns will be working in the library system during the coming
school year.
Bobbi Lynn Pollard is from Athens, Ohio. She has a masters de-
gree in Spanish from Ohio University.
Craig Eliot "Marcus" Coon is new to the intern program, but is
not new to UK libraries. He has worked in the Agriculture library in
cataloging and has been working in the MIK cataloging department this
Bob Larsen was an intern in Acquisitions last year and will be _
working this year in the Medical Center Library.
Nannette Wright is also a returning intern for next Year. She
has already worked in Acquisitions and the Law Library.
Vivian Hall, Geology Library, wrote a commentary on "The Special Li-
brarian's Role in the Current Environmental Crisis," which was publishui
in the May/June 1974 issue of _S_p_egij;l_Libra_:g._g_. _

j “Men and women volunteers are needed to record college textbooks which
will be used by University of Kentucky students in classes this fall.
Michael Bell, program coordinator of the Rehabilitation Materials Unit,
located in the UK Human Relations Center, says some 25 blind students
enrolled in colleges and universities throughout the eastern half of
Kentucky are dependent on volunteers to make tape recordings of some
65 required textbooks.
New readers are given handbooks which outline ways to “read" or de-
scribe pictures, footnotes, graphs, and charts. All recordings are
made at the center and vclunteers are asked to spend at least three
hours at each recording session."
Lexington Herald/Leader, May 30,1974
For those interested, Mr. Bell's office is in Alumni Gym and his ex-
7 tension is 82751.
University of Kentucky Library Staff Organization dues are due for the
last half of 1974. This notice will serve as your receipt when signed
by the Treasurer.
I 1974
Received of __w_w_mw_ w__ _ , $1.00 to cover last half of
1974 dues for the Library Staff Organization.
Signed _______________“_ “_w~m__ _

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