xt7r7s7htj47 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7r7s7htj47/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-09-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 28, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 28, 1981 1981 1981-09-28 2020 true xt7r7s7htj47 section xt7r7s7htj47 . . . . . . . - . r » r i 2 2" n 'z-v. » “~;'_‘ 2: ‘ o . . “Wren“ 3' . ,,',' «es/33:; infi-‘(efiif:“rf-if. .,".-J?f"5""‘?.. ‘7 ’7’"? ' 2‘ life VJ: sl’e 11'. “viii-V .4, l t "V 3.x. ' ‘V - . ‘
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It will be sunny but cool Monday with i i
highs in the upper 60s. Monday night i,':.:..‘,-.-",i
will be clear and cool also with laws in i2 .,
thelowtomidilm'luesdaywillbea i 7
| little warmer as the will reach the low 5
705. y - UV
. 2 l. ' Vol. LXXXIV, ”0-31 W a“ DWI. m University of Kentucky 4 . .
‘ V . 2 ‘ ' Monday, September 28, 1131 An ' t 1'" Lexington, Kentucky i
. . . .., .m. r» _ , '(t‘i‘ "*.:: . V' . 4 , . g ‘
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2. , . V' 42493.1.“ng4; '. a w t). ; , L, V e . 4
" ’ ‘ {“kfg'ggixt”; W£V41¥4r ‘ l 1 location Northern Kentucky Univer the football team and all athletic pro groups on every campus " Payne V .
' ' ‘ reg‘giééggfw 43?“; . 2 V4. 1 } By NANCY E'PAWS sity has planned its rally for Oct. 14, grams, and this would hit close to said. “If we can get them involved in 2 V
2 dig in - ’ l Sem‘mwme' end the University at weenie win manaiororsosnsnis... on... might have e snewbemee et-
,. :. .._.. . V ggae4 e i...,. ' ,~ l l M_ wind up the series with a rally on “Although UKV is hurt badbe the feet . . -
y? 7.394”? ($334? :44 -'V .1 .‘ 'l‘hursday,oct.15. cuts. our athletic program is self- In other busmess. SGAK elected its ' .
a. e%@1 " it? r l veiling a return to the student duo... Education .—. Kentucky's summinordssosmmm officers tor the coming year. Tara ,
,“tgzgésggwfg4 2. . to . l militancy of the 19505, members of ammo" is the theme to be used to president. "But more students would Spencer of UL was chosen president .
33%cey4~t%t£«y .2 3977 Z t l tthtudent Government Associations unite all Kentucky studentstoprotest relate to (cuts in athletic pro- and Gamtson selected as the vice _
, . 491”“44tw‘3'; “fig ’ ‘2 L VV 1 of Kentucky yesterday planned the budget cuts inflicted on them by grams)." PreSldellt- Karen Reynolds 0f KSU if '
l *;4.4wgie’4”emt 4 , ;_V;;VVu{l t rr’f' ] i rallies at six of the state’s public Gov. John Y. Brown. Payne displayed . was elected secretary-treasurer dnd .4
”gegffiméfiofiy‘t/i ., 'f’ -V4 4 . l universities to protat recent higher samples of bumper stickers ini- .. Payne said other (“its 9‘ the Payne was chosen public relations
. «(41%figg .2.“ I I education budget cuts. printed with the slogan and each grass ”00‘? campaign '“dude director on the merits of his work in .1;
214.44,” n . w- ‘_ g Representatives from five student university will arrange to have them brochures designed “to make people organizing the rallies. Senator-at- .5: ‘
”3““{231e2’ggdg‘4th ' 4 22 -.,.l . t governments attendedthemeeting in printedupintheschool colors. aware 0‘ the effect? Ofohe budget Large MikeV Scott was appointed .4
1 . gégydjmghéhgfide . . f. » l" Frankfort. Payne urged the representatives to C'utsszosters employing scare tac~ parliamentarian becameof his adept— .3:

, 2§$4*5*”e%2fl. ;. {ff ' *fi‘. ‘ 1 l “The idea is to change the percep- spur students into participating in the “05' Van heavy IPdeemem by “855 in Parliamentary procedure. his 343V
1 :1?" 2 2 i l tioisotxentucky residents regarding rallies. Aside tram the bumper “WWW“ 50mm- . ability to commend attentiw and his
l ”My? 1”"; .5, l '2 higher education,"said David Payne stickers, he is organizing a media “Greeks are the "‘0“ 0'83"le Size.

l . ”44% f; ' ”germ-V _ . V_’ . of Western Kentucky University. “We blitz by writing to the editors of all
.5. V. i _ .3 4.‘,3» _ ' 4.? ”1.“? i _. mist convince the average Ken- major Kentucky newspapers, the I l j.
391’; I. .571... 2- '/ V. l - tuckian how vital higher education is Kentucky Education Association, and E], I b [e s tuden ts
. - "f; ‘ ’4 .2 figs” . - 3 . -l tothestate.” all Kentucky congressmen and . ;
. . . - e-V‘.-,2 32 ,V 2 .. *4 V_ l I Rallies will be held at each state senators. .
.4 _ 'i 223.24 _ ». .. , ., V4; . V‘l 2 3' university within a two-week period “The idea is to get as much press g;
V. ‘ -;4. .'..%V..,.... [V : fiwfi .4 .3 todrawa tentiontotheeffects budget coverage as possible," Payne said. to g at urt er a, :5
‘_ 2» 2 ' , 4 .e‘ ‘2' l l ' cuts have on higher education. The He is hoping that militant sentiments V. . 2
_ 2, ‘ _ .. .. .515 :5“ V f V first rally will take place Tuesday, will run high as a result of extensive
. . . . " tig44W‘ifit ’ .3. t ' 3°" 6 at “’5‘“ “mm” ”mm" magi; Senator Dean Gap W However. “full need will still not be -,
' ' "' ‘r V. f I Kentucky State University’s rally, ritson said SGAK is “no longer a Bureau Chi“ met. ‘Inglesald. . .
2 2 " .. .. . 4. '- -‘ l ' scheduled for thefollowing day will paper organization" and called for ”WW ‘°’ "”99 ‘mvered'
. t ' 4;"! 5 ‘ l include a march on the Cd 'tol .. .. _ . ., . _ funds will first be given to those :
2 V. .. . . . pl 196% militant type tactics to in students who were notifl ed tin
- . 2 1.2.92: . 2. a... ‘ ..- 2;.VV_V.42.'» . " 4 l Building in Frankfort. Eastern Ken- stigateparticipationintherallia. Approximately 1,000 students are Au ist) that aid was not available .
.; . ' .. :2 . tag. '. ,‘ if?“ i . l tucky University’s demonstration is Payne cited the effects cuts in fun- still eligible for an estimated $300,000 othir than basic ants or state 2
V . ;~ _. VV .2 . eh? . , V tentatively schedlled for Thursday, ding would have at Western, and said in excess financial aid money. said gr . .
2 2 . 24V, . 3 . . 42.4244 . 1 t. . . . . . grants. and who returned the slip ac ;.
2 i ~.'. . £34V 4 F4 Oct.'8, though a rqiresentatlve from that they apply to all state umver- James Ingle. director of the financial companying the notification in» ,1.
. . 4 '. .V. W44. 4 . . EKUfailed to appear at the SGAK sltles in Kentucky. Among the pro aid office. dicating they would still be able to .
’ 3‘ ' '. in": h we ”I“? . . .V l meetingto verifythedate. )ected consequences are dol'm ClOS- However. “It is still probable that return to the University of Ken- *\ .
: ,-. -‘-V V o4" 14.154 @4343?” f . UK’s rally is scheduled for Tues- ings, slashed enrollment, and larger students with less than a 3500 need tucky .. lngle said .3
2 a4;- t .3 I .2271 see". 1 . l . l day. Oct. 13. but details have yettobe classsizes. will notbeassisted,"1nglesaid. saddens who did not return the .
2 " 4 I I . . , V " .9. 4.4. . . 44., t. ,_.V worked out concerning the hours and “With the cuts, we would also lose The money _ unclaimed aid from slip will also be considered he said
: 7’“. 147:... . " f .." ”(’gélk‘w F' 1 . J the Natimal Direct Student Loans. but added the ‘ill be , d ‘ ‘ .
- v ,2 7 ' - “so ‘ l the s lemental Education Oppor- . . .. y “ . 5°?” ‘"
2 '. V. Vt . i , j. 1. 4;.4-tuicz. 4341.. > v. , .“W priority. If funds still remain after .,
L' ‘ “J/ . t '. ‘< .32 (,4? 1‘s?“ L' l .4 I a t tumty Grants and the CollVegeVWork meeting the needs of these students, 2.4
' 0': '. fia‘ée S‘ Study Program .— w‘“ be distributed an application t period) for spring
d. '1 '2, . .2 (X 1 l . . . onatrlority bas‘s' financial aid will be announced 3
f , 1 4m.) _ I W QzThe Israelis are against selling This year the amount of recovered around Oct. 15...
I , V_ .5 ' .:'.,V”. I ‘0 Associated Press Writer AWACS totheSaudls. maintaining its funds, normally 12 to 15 percent. in- There is one difference in the 4:4.
1" 2‘ . Ili’eiéireei. ' ' ' 'deinterce - creased a roximatel 4 :rcent . . - ”s
' . 2 ’ ’- Magnifier. 3 . radar and “5 ablhty :93” P Vpp y 9, method of notifying students of aid 1
’ . 3 n.4,; ,ggfiggéawc , , ———————~—————— tor fighters would Wipe out Israel 5 from prekus years, lngle said, ad- available. 51%;;
5' defifiulfi €575... ' ‘ ‘ ' military superiority over the Arab ding this increase can be credited to 44c};
. .2' . " a. aBrit “’ , ’ 1 WASHINGTON _ The debate over world. Is this so? students receiving larger amounts of “Those students who returned the 33:4»
2/ - . 1 whether to sell the scha‘“ A:In looking from Saudi Arabia aid andtothelatenessofthe eligibili- sup saying they would be able to 4:3
_ f e . 5-1 2' . AWACSSPY planewsaud' Arabiahas toward Israel, the AWACS would ty notification. return will be notified (by mail) if “:43:
. / , , ii 4 put the A" F?!“ and the crafts have blind spots in its view created by Also, many students were able to they still have need.“ hesaid. “Those 4"
. i ’ ‘, . ." I l manufacturer m an “m“?med the mountains of Jordan. To be in 8 Obtain funtk from other sources, he who did not return the slips will be ‘3;
' B TODD CIIILDE/Kernel Staff ”‘90": arguing what their elec- position to watch for Israeli aircraft, said. taken care of on a firstcome, first- .
y tronlc marvel cannot do. . the AWACS would have to fly right up "There are (always) going to be served basis." he said. 433
. Sm' T H The argument .805 that WM? the to the Saudi-Jordanian border. either some funtk which we will recover." Aid totalling $2,550,000 was .
. [may 0 98V” AWAtC‘fcia: szldszglgugggngg near Iraq or near the Sinai Peninsula. Ingle said. distributed this year, Ingle said. he
‘ ' an a . n . In either lace. it wouldbevulna’able To be considered for additional “Most students who received aid. ”V
t i xxnfimsmergmg $fi$fl§ifir$fihfi$fiinégrazed: digec; fltghtefilglgéie: ayginsud‘. an to Israelipfighter jets attacking from assistance students must inform the other than basic grants or state ‘ 72%;!"
. - . . a c,lwo one is - - - - - - ..
. ;' toputanew roofonanelevator shaft. on Israeli aircraft and, if usedpfiinagt behindthemountains. flanClal aid office before Oct. 15‘ grants. received more than $1000 .
i way, would be vulnerable to being .i
‘7 V f . blown out of the sky by fighter jets. I fig;
* Tax cuts begin Oct 1 Wish... I e-a-t on surpasses 90a
- 1 Saudi Arabia are opposed by many
members of Congress, where hear- :2?
- -———-4-——— made in paychecks received after ings on the $8.5 billion sale begin this
. llVy JIM LUTHER _ Sept. 30. week. and by Israel. Here are someof W sheets showed $10,000 in com- the 100 miles non-stop, except for one
' . “Noam“ "”5 wme’ The withholding changes in the 50- the issues that have been raised about Stiff Writer mitments. However. Lucas said that 15-minute break at these—mile point. :"
’ 7 ____________ page guide appear to average close to the AWACS and answers based on . . not all pledges will be received. VanGilder said they decided to ride iV‘
- 6 percent. Since the first part of the conversations with officials of theAir —~—~—-————— Additionally, $5,000 is tocome from the 100 miles because “it was a
WASHINGTON — A typical mar- three-stage tax reduction averages Force and the Boeing Corp. prime the Greek sponsersofthe event. Each challenge. It's tough to ride 100 miles -
. ried worker with two children and about 5 percent, many Americans contractor for thecraft. . . . Delta Tau Delta and Kappa Alma in six hoursonthis typeofcourse."
‘ weekly income of $400 will take home may find they owe a bit more tax ——— or Q:What is an AWACS? Tired, ”“th bikers were a com- Theta member was required to obtain Together. VanGilder and White had
on extra $3.90 a week starting will get a slightly smaller refund — A2The letters stand for Airborne "'0" Slfihtam‘esevem",*mm‘b‘k°' szsin pledges for the hiked-m2 $3.45pledgedpefmile.
Thursday because of the tax cut when they file their 1981 return next Warning and Control System and the a-thon for the Amer ”a“ 039°" Last year. 236 bikers raised Ten-yearold Luke Noderer. a
recently enacted by Congress. year. plane is officially known as an E-3A. 3:33;? Commonwealth Stadium $12,500 for the cancer society. fifth grader at The Lexington School
‘ Assuming the worker claims a The tax cut. a key element of Presi- Basically it'sa Boeing 707toppedbya - _ . . on Lane Allen Rd. peda 55 mi es '
withholding exemption for himself dent Reagan‘s program for revitaliz- 30-foot revolving “rotodome,” or Amgtmb'cyd‘S‘stwed around “99““? who raised the "w“ for his 23 sponsors, About l5 students
- and each dependent and an extra one ing the economy. is built around an scope, and packed full of electronic the milearound stadium parking ‘0‘ money “nu receivea 33193: 1:599“! rode from the Lexington School
. for itemized deductions. the federal average 23-percent reduction in in- equipment. from 11a.m.t05p.m in theevent,co- bicycle from Everybodys l e 5110:) . . .
‘ income tax subtracted from each dividual tax rates It also includes Under optimum conditions flying sponsored by Delta Tau Delta frater- 0" Woodland Ave. First. 59”“ and Noderer said he JllSt deClded [0
' . . ‘ . ‘ ' ' lace la a will be awarded to ride" for no 5 ial reason. He added
weekly paycheck WI" drop to $44.60 automatic annual tax cuts to offset in- at about 30.000 feet. the plane can use mty. Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and mtrhdghe fp tq" ‘t' d rorities pee . l .
uuntieneeneeeu unspent isnuruseenuneenniennen sessionsssunost “has: 5° Zimii‘fiié'liifiéiddivm "39'8“
. The Internal Revenue SerVice deduction for married working any direction for about 2§Ma or— special fundraiser for cancer in Ken- No students will receive plaques Dan Dorsett. director o f operations
already has mailed the new couples. new tax incentives for sav- in the case of high-flying craft — tucky for riding 1m miles each _ the first at WLAP FM said the station started
wlihroldlng rial]? til the nat':onb: ing. and a bigger tax credit for child— about350mlles. An estimated $17.000 was raised, time participants have racked up a co-sponsoring the event last year .
”up oyers s c nges ca careexpenses. surpassingthe$15,000goalsetforthis three-figure total. The previom because because“wewereimpressed
. l year's event. according tobikea-thon record for the most miles ridden, set with the organization it had . _ . It‘s
. Elm drlve seeks 50 n“ co-chainnan Jim Lucas, a advertis- last year. wasssmiles. a very worthwhile cause."
~ ing junior and member of Delta Tau Kevin VanGilder. mechanical Hedges may be turned in until Oct.
. . . Delta. Of that total, $2,000 was receiv— engineering senior. and Steven White. 7 at the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority .
‘ By JANE GIBSON gfgdrsa‘vlasisim :‘Efafieaxktgtzzzfi negorfos‘gugefisvgsgdfiremeflfi ed in business donations while pledge business graduate student. pedaled house. 329 Columbia Terrace.
cg 4 Staff Writer and their immediate families. drives this year. Wilson said. whether
, ____.—___—__—_ The blood donating process takes by making phone calls and posters or
' around 45 minutes and is divided into aiding in the donor process.
. 2 - The Central Kentuglltgod $9001 four steps: registration. medical Wilson said she sees two beneficial ..
' . " Cenlef's flrSl Ctllfllmpm W9. screeni .donating. and R&R (relax- reasons for students to donate blood. 2
‘i' ‘ S".- cosponsored by the Student 553°C“? ation anndg refreshment). One is assuring blood availibility CENTRAL KENTUCKY
lion. begins at l0 am. and runs until The director said the actual blood for the students and their immediate . BLOOD CENTER
' 3:30 Pm- tomorrow in the Student donating takes only ten minutes and families'l‘he CKBC's clearinghouse . :
Center Ballroom. is painless. system supplies blood all over the \ , ,
Suzanne Wilson. director 0‘ the The medical screening consists of country to student's families who do \ // l (
. CKBC. said a goal of 50 pints is being questions and a mini-physical to not live in this area. / | \g
. 2 projected for tommorrow’s kickoff determine the donors eligibility and “Some students say,‘ Gee i live in \ / s (“v
. ‘ . drive. safety. Nashville. why I am I donating here?‘ \ \ / ' 34‘: g
’ "The first drive is usually the Wilson said the screening is Well whether it‘s here or Alaska we ( 4/, c '5 l
2 - ‘ lowest every year and we would like necessary because of the high defer- supplytheblood." Wilson said. c / ' 3' .
. ‘ 2 to chance "mlihlsywt"sh° “id- ral rate among students due to poor Wilson advised students who planto I . 4 . 2 ' 2.‘
.1 . Wilson said 20 percent 0f the 3“? diets. bad sleeping habits. and busy donate to eat a good meal and get I “ .‘ ’ 2‘“
dent body. approximately 4.700 schedules. severalhounsleep the night before. , fl“ V. . 2
_. . .0 . “It is more fun to come with a g I, / {I -.V . V;
2 ~ . friend especially if it is the student's ' V I’ T. " 4mg;
1 - ' Ins‘de first donation." Wilson added. ‘ ‘ V // Q 31.33.3121;
. The one is hoping tor uiothsr ® , , V2; .2V.n.:;.;;;.4.:u,;

‘ 3' m Wm . '. - 1’52?! f4)!"
2 . ‘ L ' “chubnumwmbedhtflhtedthhnredey.neulhmpeget m&‘:g‘£m “Jr‘s“ 4-. Q I.\ fi/ L M,
v . \. V' r ‘. hails: ~ I
‘ ’ ' ' - . m" ‘ ' ‘ . ‘r
VV . . My-cmmmmmrmhhmmmu. metI'eInformatimstiflmtscan 4Q {In 43:43

‘ contact Lee Pent: d “I CKBC It ' If." mn‘y ‘ “mi

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wrthRonaldReagansbudgetcuts - flag it ,. , s .
_ ... , . . . .liy/«II // *I \ .ll - If.‘
. It 18 time for Ronald Reagan s honeymoon well in the past for Reagan is a series of radio ,3, /, / l / / a“ A . l
with the American voting public to come to an spots urging voters to call their congressmen -" ' ' . . r; ) t. I
end. in support of budget-cutting legislation.thh ' , 4; F‘
Even before the legislation enacting the first $13 billion worth of new budget cuts on the con- ,1": g ‘ x, k, I) Z 3 . ‘; , j
measures of his “voodoo economics” has gressional platter and increasingly shaky sup- 0:“; 4" I I/fl \ . g 5.. ;
taken effect, Reagan has been forced to begin port from the unlikely coalition of Republicans @ ,/ \é \ \ . 5,1“ t .
shoring up the program in an attempt to fulfill and conservative Democrats who pushed the f, , 1.. (Ed-1 - ,- . . l \\ . all“ l
his promise to balance the federal budget by first round of budget cuts through the Househit “4" e‘ ' ._\ l , hp" i
1984, and it is likely that he may be headed for is likely he will once again attempt a media A" , ,/ ' -‘
more serious problems in the future. The blitz. . . _ /_ L4; A . 4 / "\ . (19‘ . .5 g .
. response from the press and Wall Street has But this time, he Will find that the public has ~— } 5}? ~_ /, . at . ,2» .g , l . .
been an obvious vote of no confidence. grown a little hard-of-hearing. High interest lg lg . 4" . 5258‘ 7/ ’ / ‘ 4. - t g,
. rates and the impending cut-off of the many ARI; w: {'5W’gry/é ,; l flaw/(7f ; I l, [I
AS Saturday’s Boston 010” painted out, social programs that assist the beleagured .. Nth/ega‘w "I i/ . I»? .3 .. .. e .j
Herbert Hoover also started out his prwiden- middle ClaSS have bOOStw the pliblic 1‘ fly. % t 70% \ \\’ 4/” 2 tum . . l‘ l
cy on a equally optomistic note, only to end up awareness of just what Reaganomics really gutgl/fi // , ; . ,, hi” ,4 E .
sullied by the 1929 stock market crash and the means. And with defense spending basically 3 . anyw/ /' / l ., Vac“ w f
ensuing depression. . . . untouched, many shouldbethe questions rais- j //'/ . " , In}. 6/. . '
Of course, the president wtlluseevery tactic ed about. where the president’s priorities lie, . 'l /7 / " h t. 057/770 .
, in his power to avoid repeating Hoover’s fate, and why. '. ./,/. 5% £9 \{ infir- ‘
blaming the inflationary “tight money” So when the administrative luggemaut i ‘t 4/ .. ‘ / . l l‘ .. " .- .
policies 0f the Federal Reserve and the bear com$ pounding on your door, asking you to ':’,I/§,_ %.“l’ , //'/ Whig]? , “I; . ..::::'"'~. .::.m;n.:’ES'-"’hh . 1
market 0" Wall Street for the mevrtable help force your congressman’s position, think ‘ (fits/fl ' ‘ ((53312, I‘ 'é‘ . . Pé Jul ’. ‘-"=n:nn:::sis§§si::::§§ . ‘
One technique that has worked especially will bite the bullet. . ._ 3- I j a : ,0. . l
ssassssass;="""'-:::...:n==='. . ...:nis====222nn:iiz 3 ‘ ‘ - ' 4555“" i. -' " " "ii i
2'" . ‘ .555....2HZ:22"' ""‘:':... . "it" a ' “ ha .- . . u ”:3 .
‘ "'3. um um m m w W m, - I. Titan'fd"'wm’ ' . "W4? f ‘ - 1" . ‘ ' .. l
' am PM "W "s H E’ N IT LL BE 5 00 7 H '
n... theorem. tenement. stewardess“... SA IL/A/G FROM .. HER E ON I" .
line up [0 claim their Purple Hearts m The Danoa'ats are “1mm“ gégéfififigfififig?§:::...;:éi:;.........::::::::::::5325535::::::::::::::::::::::Eiitiiiiiiiiznfi:::::::::::::::::::::::.:§E§S:::::;:::::::::.';::55355’=‘3‘“z“”‘3‘“‘3‘”:““”“:555:5 (
tor wountb suffered in the battle of - deciding thattheycan,too.Theyhave . t
the budget cuts, the Pentagon will be d ted b the Ge al A _ informally reached the conclusion
there. {iguaz'w gm of Sir 9e33,, that there is nothing in it for them to ' \
Hating received only a ritual budget _ with the secretary given propose a leaner, altanate defense a w 9 mm i
. scratch inflicted by a wincing com- discretion in the choice. Only three budget. They do notneedtocarrythe a
mander in chief, it may look a little Re ubl’c ns out of62 who had written added burden of being called “soft on - e . o . c
runny next to agencis which have a ,3“; 5, May. mam ma, ,2, defense” no the inn campaign. New Jersey m merits Ital-rations calm-in Greek Ifeslylo ,
10$! arms and legs. but where the billion could [3 ”“11le removed, They are inclined to let the ,
‘ Department of Defense is concerned, dared to vote with her. Republicans fight it out among I’m sorry this letter isnot typed and preppiest, and we are all equally in c
Ronald Reagan is ready to stretch a She was denounced during the themselves. triple-spaced, but not everyone on debt to Uncle Sam in the 7% loan it
901m» . . debate in July 16 by outraged , sorority row has accas to a WML If a person "a"? “"1"“ 8
Actually he only did it to make .8 defenders of the Defense Department “‘8’.” are We “1 "'9 GOP ‘YM typewriter. to so to an expensive school. they’ll
pomt. which is that all. government is for ”a cheap, backdoor attempt to are mindful oftheirbudget-balantnm lnmy three-plusyearsat UK, many find the bucks.By the way, poverty it
making equal sacrifice for the reduce the authorization figure" and rhetoric and somewhat self-conscious things printed in the Kernel have got- does exist north of the Mason-Dixie o
realization 0‘ the presidenrt’s for “really going after the national about taking hulk from ham“ and ten my ire up, to say the least. The line. at
economic goals. Making a $13 billion defense of this country." ptttances from Social Security reci- first time it happened (the second
reduction in the rate of rise of the She lost by a margin of almost 240, plents in order to prowde for “the week of my first semester here), I And how many UK students came f.
””38"" Spending means "NP?“ 1. 9°” "Jame" " Reagan's m ‘0' fired off a letter that was printed, Don’t let it fool you. 1 am on mega ‘° UK because °‘ “5 "“889?" 1 b
year, the warriors Will have 32 bllhm And how will Reagan, With his the Pentagon. much to my satisfaction finamial aid; I get no fimncinl thoug‘lt collqe [tapered students for fl
1955 ‘0 defend "5 from the Sowets. Out penknife on the Pentagon’s sleeve, be Bl“ as Rep. W olnerves But, as the semesters dragged on, I assistance from my parents, and l the ’0b market, and the most "PW-
' Of a budget 0‘ 3.136 mh'hh over the received by such champions? They from her experience, Republicam never found the time (or the desire?) work 15 hours may weekend at the tan! aspect oftheschool chosen ”the s.
-. next five years. tt may not seem like will groan a bit, hilt only for the talk defense cuts, but they never vote to write again, though the urge was Med Center to pay my sorority bill, strength of the program each student K
.p; mUCh“b‘h that s only t° 990919 who record. The $13 billion frees their them. there. 1 placated myself by saying car payment (1977 Chevettle — p.s., CW t° enter, h°t the image it
_' “mm“ 599 ‘he we.“ “'0"? a nation hantt for the real action — bigger Politically and cosmetically the that [would writea short novel dur- it’s real), and long distance phone associated “mummi-
Wh‘Ch has added to "5 perfldy, accor- slashes on thesocial programs. ~ - - - ’ - ing the last month of my senior year, calls — the things that grants . '. '
, din to our secretar ofstate b us- , prwdent ls tn fine shape. He Will _ _ . As for the Kernels alleged anti st
3% . g _ _.V . .' 3’ They were tanbly concerned that “win" in Congress. He has tiptoed in- and I do not drive a white Camaro, l scholarshipsandloansdon’tcover. Greek taidencies _ _ , 1 think all the n
’7 mg ponsonous chem1cal s m Asra. radicals like David Stockman and tothe templeof defense spending. Un- have "0 regional accait, and I d0 not Anyway, Iwish Mr. Steiden hadn’t stereotypical crap about Greeks that gt
1"; Actually, the 313 billion was ? sum White Horse Chief of Staff James L. - - worship alligators polo players foot- taken Manda 's article about Nor- -
ro ed b a Democrat Chairman fortunately for him, Wall Streetistbe . _ . y has appeared in these pages was a m
p pos y ' Baker, “’h" have an unfortunate only audience that counts. If the ball players, 0' “'3th men 0" them reactions ‘0 UK soseriously.l wasteof newsprint. To pledgeor not
, Jim Jones of the Home Budget Com‘ tendency to look at figures imtead of - - - bendedknee. laughed. No offense to those inter- . -- -
tt nd t nl re ectedby . . Street says that the 813 billion mck _ to pledge IS one of those personal decr .
. "" a” , ' “sang 3'. 3 red hobgobllns. mlght persuade wont do anything to bn-ng down the Let’s see . . . where to begin? Ac- viewed, but I thought it was a joke 5,0,ls that students make regardless
conservaih'e‘“ ”0‘” PM“. . Reagan to do something really wild. ~ - tually, thelast straw was youreditor- when corn cob ' and hillbiuies ’ ‘
. B ta ,3 was mu ms . . . . . high Interest rateleemay have toso . . . Pipes of what the school paper says about u
.' y 08" "l 5 n I59“ y like a $20billlon to$30bllllon cut. Now back and take a serious Whack at the in-chief's article of Sept. 22. He were mentioned. People here are the theissue ,
j. 0W"- Reagan was entrant!” brave. that reason has prevailed, they are wallets of the admirals and the writes, ”It’s all those preconceived ones who ask me if] thought nobody ‘ ll
1: He does not believe for a minute relieved. generals. It would 80 against the notions l'll be up against." SPARE in Kent :I wore shoes, not my Everyone has theirownopinionson . a
,I that lhePentagort wastes money. 9'1 During the suspenseful White - f hi METHEGRIEF!!! . ' neighbors from Jersey the subject, and everyone is entitled
.' l sl , cmlian agencies like ~ grain or m. _ _ - . . . , p
. y oppy . Home meetings where the fate 01' the Anyme who read the article - Sometimes it seems Kentuckians to those opimons. Usually . you can t
~ H931?” and "mg 5331:? 33" big spenders was being decided, two p0,- now, though, he and his victims “$9,000 a year tuition . . , wrong fork perpetuate the myth; countless times change these opiniots. Sowhy doan‘t h
fi‘smm an“; U " Cost Wm“ friends of the Pentagon. Rep. William are happy, . . . drink out of the fingerbowl . . . [have been asked by persons with in- everybody .stop trying to dime the
‘ ow It 5 around. ovhniunst Dickinson, R-Ala., and Charles Ben- They are rejoicing in their token Haughty Nortlmm _ . , the Cam- credulouslooksontheir face, “What campus'rmnd aboutGreeksandgoon 1
3“." emoneweapons reg” wont}: nett, DFla., held a press conference martyrdom. They can say with Mer- bridge Square set . . . " — are these made you decide to come to Ken- With life?
32,536? 3: gmpa thted . under theauspicesof theCoalition f0" cutio-bouttheirwound: not preconceived notion that Mr. tucky?” After a while I wondered 1
behaltrsz’. [ta pag..‘fnd 0th}; Peace thrwah Stulath —_ a 272- .. ‘Tis not so deep as a well, nor so Steiden expressedintheartlcle? Whatwassobad abouttheplace that! Surely there are more imperative 1
h 358” quee member hawlr CM) 0“ €8le "111 wideasadiurch-door; Maybe some background is in wouldn’t want to come here! Don’t "“183 ‘0 flit?“ 10- Md 1 sure dont 1
5““ Freda rdi th‘ bout the Although Dickinson had been shown “But ’tis enough, ’twill serve." order. 1 am a preppie by bloodline; get me wrong; ILOVE Kentucky and hear the WM“ complain .
The “‘Fa‘t’ms'g’y "‘5 ”that special consideration by Reagan. and my grandfather graduated from Har- outsider it home (if only 1 could eon- about imbibing beverage provided 1
, hen‘agonln “d genesis em had been flown to the ranch for @1931 Universal Press Syndicate vard, my grandmother from Vassar. vincetheregistrar. . .) bythe Greek System ,3‘ 1
5* “we at: m Takvethef theftar reassmancesmm ”me ”New” "”3 b°"' i“ ”we mm“ W in Many ”he I ”W hm“ my “‘9" [have thr ho asexual relatives “
a,” ”CT 52%;“ 9 0d; a “apt endangered weapons systemshe was Mary Mecrory won a 1975 Pulitzer New Jersey; and there's lots of old school go to those “exclusive, BIG 1)“,me people like wud ‘I, 1
.' ‘I-tl'tgitibillion in Solenumente: “inst rm?” untied” "Sign! my" be M ”9' “mm"m" ”we “'m' ”w "Phihddh‘h mmeynh‘my hm“ y" prime" “hm“ in New End“; 'rurkey- others like Makers Mark n 1
:3: isteningto wmnsvmooa. Washington Star. past. funny thing ls, I am probably the DoestheKernel waste timepollingus t
onwhich brandofbourbonweprefer? l 1
,ii . , Homosexuality is another issue that is
3:3] -'l 3 Jazzmntltmmxz Immune-dd adlreu their cornmenu typed and triple-spaced to the a waste to try to charge minds on.
.I‘z‘f - mu. U I on“ employee- and other interested person tlncldde their . Hires . telephone hen . . .
3&7; bl e dwx and their iii-1:1.eluyrlncdu-erceueruonmurt.imauummuzmwnnugnlmwmmn I guess what I'm “TIDE ‘0 say ‘3 I
r 'nteKernelraervestherighttoeditforgrammar.claritymdlemthmndtoeliminatelibelwsrnaterial. LIVE AND LEI‘ LIVE. SW
% l are worthless, and there are some
is ____________________—____________ thugs you tht can't charge, much as
in . . . we’d like to.
. w m reason to seek new, creative solu- then it could be said with assurance sound. Some bands that you can begin showing against the Louisville squml
. _ _ tions: . . that rock music is dead and has been inquiring about are: Dome, Birthday (Sept. 22). We would especially like to Thanks for allowing me the oppor-
- me exlnblt sponsored by the Col- While it is truethat a monument foralongtime. Pa