xt7r7s7htj6d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7r7s7htj6d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-10-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 08, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 08, 1982 1982 1982-10-08 2020 true xt7r7s7htj6d section xt7r7s7htj6d m
' I ' is
K EN UCKY °“ “W""N'lon'?
' Head Coach Claiborne says Doug
' Martin isn't fast quick or doesn't
% ., pass the ball well but he‘s a win-
ner." The sophomore quarterback
will start against Auburn tomorrow
See page 5
r Vol. LXXXV, No. 43 Friday, October 8, 1982 An IndOPOIIdOnf SfUJOI‘" I‘IOWSPGpOr University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
U K f. t a' I students in management
By CHRIS ASH “It you mess up, Lenny’s going to tell you. If it involves the University “When you go with those kinds of odds against you, it's pretty tough.
Copy Desk Chief or something really big, thenIcomein.“ It’s not so much having the knowledge as knowing where to find the an-
These failures mirror the problems faced in starting any business. swers when you need them."

,_ _~_,w_______._ Reynolds said, quoting one survey report that eight of 10 businesses fail He considers managerial experience vital for students desiring a job

within a year. that‘s enjoyable rather thann aiming at the top of a corporate ladder.

Rayvon Reynolds will observe an anniversary Wednesday. The econom- “It's gotten now to where that job is competitive as hell."

‘ sanda riculture economics senior,however,isn’t married. Also, “the person who has his executive job isn‘t safe anymore. It
2 ‘ ‘C Insteagd he will be remembering the day last autumn when he first stUdent plo ts course ' doesn’t matter if you have tenure or what, you're not safe anymore.”

l talked to Britt Brockman, then student government president, about ' 3 Creating the image of students’ profiting from their initiative has
formingacorporation owned by the University bilit managed by studenlts.3 aided 3Etieyntélds in securing donations and work offers from entrepre-
UK Student Agencies has grown from that p aiming stage to emp oylng f d F t 5 00 neurs, e sai . 3 3 3
16 toZOstudents who manage various business ventures. 3 3 3 a m e a n or u n e 3.lYou go to them and say. 'I'm raismg money to combat the terrible

The corporation is designed to utilize students’ skills and ambitions In _—___ thing that s happening in some other country, they don t want to hear
ways that will provide needed services to the University community, Rey- :y OBEECASHI about it.

' nolds said. . ' ' 0w w . . . , _

.. . - n - i. - . "They dig capitalism; that s the language they speak. You say, Hey.
for 5:31:25;th wg‘chEu‘l‘cl‘lliehggi/icl‘ifigsf‘llgm owurhgelsil‘e‘su‘d we be out paying 3 ' W we're going to teach students how to run a b3usiness.‘ They love it.“
renovation, too small or numerous for the UniverSity s PhySical Plant Di- 3 files on student leaders. tal The corporation pavs 16 pe‘i‘cent interest without attempting to reduce
“Sim . . . , - = a... “Wing a career and Planning the principal Stoltz said.

“There’s a million areas that we ll never look at. We re not wanting to ' Rt. =W college activities to maximize em- Stoltz estimated corporate assets at 520 0003 '
“ab sgmebhdy’sgjctibgwayggfinothergche ., ”v ‘ ploymen: chancets :cctupy a large Reynolds has been successful in recruiting donations from businesses

” e’re ryin o i in wn . 3 por iono manys u en 5' ime. . . . . . _

Original plans called for Student Agencies to seek work throughout 3333 , One senior, however, has known gisth sales of $25 million or less. which are often controlled by Single own
Lexington rather than devote its efforts to the campus. Internal3Revenue "\3 3 33 all along what he wanted to do '

Service regulations. however, forbade the non-profit corporation from A and the path needed to achieve his “They like to see a student hustle. There's not a big chain of com-
competing in many ways with other busmesses. . 3 ,, 33 goals. mand; one guy can say yes. or .3103, n

In Student Agencies, people may 833‘?" wages through we" work as K " «a “A lot of students go, ‘Yeah, I While planning Student Agencies, Reynolds and Brockman visited Har-
lawn care, painting 01‘ distributing PUbllCltY- Reynolds estimated about 50 I “a , , ‘33 want to be a millionaire.‘ I do, vard University, which has one of the largest student corporations in the
students worked in this capacity during the summer. Lenny Stoltz, the - 3 » ; ‘ “‘ too, and I will be,“ said Rayvon nation. IRS regulations do not restrict the projects of businesses at pri-
corporation’s office manager, said there is no set total of employees be- 3 333 Reynolds. “But you’re not going vate schools.
cause some will work onlyonone job. 3 3 .--55;:' , to get it by hitting every party The UK organization has received inquiries from students at the Uni-

Reynolds is most interested, however. ln those seeking to research, that comes along. You’ve got to versity of Florida and the University of Virginia interested in beginning
plan 1nd operate ttheirOilnznfbuSinelsosesi g that‘s all you’re going to RAYVON REYNOLDS find the thing you enjoy, that similar agencies.

“I you come 0 wor or an ury wa e. . . you‘regood at." 3 3 3 3

. - . t , he
get out of it. You can work for Student AGenCies. you can get a lot out of And Reynolds’ specialty is he 2533501333135 osctagtg‘tihisAets‘fhi‘ino‘lga ill‘lhgsgcs‘f‘ilfii‘il‘t-‘gflhvglg‘afwfl‘dgs “3333331:
lt- _ 3 3 . h di 1 entrepreneurship. From Teddy’s 20years
. Stoltz. an accounting junior, said he ‘09“ for someone w o iphiays Tuck-In Service on campus to a Reynolds and Stoltz are eager to begin the move about Oct 15 to 428
‘n‘ltflé’l‘t‘ve‘ who (‘06 "0‘ What 15 asked 0f mm but what he eXpects 0 m- C A MPUS LE ADE RS private 58‘” marketing company, Columbia Ave. The University owns the two-story, red—brick building,
se ‘ ' ‘ds’ h' and financin man projects but the and executive officer .Of UK which the students are renovating. Reynolds estimated the renovation

Student AgenCies a‘ m researc mg g y ‘ Student AgenCies has laid the costs between $4 000 to $5 000 which will be subtracted from the rent
then the new entrepreneurs are on their own. Not all are successful. 33 foundation for a course that he is char edthe or anization ‘ ‘

“We find3out33real fast ‘f they - ‘9 be a wage earner '0 r a manzdger, confident will take him and best It: presentgoffice at l09 Student Center although small has space for
Reynolds said. Some people adjust to it like that. I was disappomt in a 3 friend Rob Puckett to the top. a $3 on the wall‘ “Time 35 Irre laceable —‘Don‘t Waste It
lot of students — it was disaster. See REYNOLDS, page 3 gn ' p '

..... e i». *1 ' : M51. -‘ . »

x 4““ , m“ - k ‘ , , “ °‘ r ‘ ’ ’ " FRIDAY

' W‘s; i‘ii‘: r‘ ‘ ' " ‘ j ' l a From AWE-munch:

, ‘ I-‘::-jf"‘*3§§.,'..=l.3 «6&1 - ,2 33, 333 N. “'~ . 5:3 3_ ,‘ ' f‘ ‘
c““""§: “:‘:““ it ‘A; :5" i " . , .3 33 i ' U -
§s§$‘ {i - ' r °' 3 - 33333 ,» 3 UK graduate becomes PSC chairman

3333333333 s«A i ’Vghgt 33 3‘3; 3 ' 3 _ . ' . a 3. I

s" g‘i " ' , . ‘ ' ' 3’ > a FRANKFORT — Laura Murrell, a Frankfort attorney and UK

333 "§~¥‘ 3 _ 3 . .. 3! law school graduate, was named yesterday as chairman of
' ‘ ‘ 3 3 ‘ 3 3 ~ . [4“ v ‘ the Kentucky Public Service Commission.

“ 3a 3 , 3 Eta" ‘ ’_ .‘ As a former assistant attorney general, Murrell became
i 3‘33 “9‘ 3 ' ' 3 . 333:,333. 3 g. 33; - v" ‘ a consumer advocate in utility rate cases. In private law
333% 2*? 3'" 3 ~‘ "3 ‘3 . ,‘33 " . g , 3 i .-. 3f “ ‘3 practice later, she also represented a number of small utili-

i" a _ it” As the first female director of the PSC, she replaces

‘8‘ ,, .‘ V ,3 a 3. s, ‘3 l d 33 3 ' 3 ‘fi Marlin Volz, who is returning within the next l0 days to a
333 , 3 ‘ ‘ 33mm ' 3 3 33 . TM teaching post at the University of Louisville College of Law.
" ‘ M -' , ‘ ‘ 33 Murrell, 39, is a Mercer County native.
W.” -—-—-—~~-~\......~3_.4. ‘1 3 ‘ \3\§:“‘ .
' ‘ i A " ‘ .12; :‘i .
__ 333,3,» 3 . 3‘ t . .

W‘ ’ “‘MW‘ w” w “MM“ 1 .3; ;_ State library to be dedicated today
.333 . J J J 3) ..3 ‘J . 3 3» 3&3“ 33* 3‘ ‘ . *3 *%~\§s333 FRANKFORT _ After a decade of hope and frustration, en-
:Mss ’ 3 \gvtg “ ‘ ._ ;..3i $33gss3§ thusiasts who pushed for a new centralized state library
.3 Q 3 ,, Q3 :4 .1 J Ni? V ‘l‘ ‘., ‘9‘ *‘ iffl »,~:_; 3 , it! Q 3‘3331“ and archives building will see the spotlight shine today.

‘ ‘ 3 J 33’ a J 3‘ 4 3 3 ': 3‘ »- 3 " ‘ x m“ \': " The large concrete structure will be dedicated formally,

‘ ‘ ‘ ’ " ' 3 ‘ 3 ,3, 3“ ' ' and 1,600 people have indicated they will attend the cere-

’ “fig: fiftiwr ‘Q 3‘ monies.
1’“ ‘23 .s‘ ‘. Located on a bluff overlooking the Kentucky River and
a _ ‘« 3..» the Capital, the building comprises 134,000 square feet. It
A .3. f " 3 5'3}, contains the state library and archives as well as the state
K .3 . 7t; 3 regional library for the blind and physically handicapped
‘ f x ‘3 ‘1 ‘ 51. " if ‘2 and support services.
a ‘ . . ‘ . . ' ‘ ”‘ ‘ ’2 Those facilities used to be in five separate buildings.
a: "r, . ‘ ‘ ‘ ,5 f“? Tunnel network found under Beirut
.IN VANNOOK Kerrie: Staff

00 you see Who, eyes see ‘ IEIRUT, Lebanon — An elaborate tunnel network under
Two pairs of eyes look away from a LexTran bus during yes- pair rode out in the rain, an advertisement on the side of the West 38eirut served as a _ city W“““‘ a city for Palestinian
terdays rainstorm. The first, belonging to an unidentified bus. guerrillas — complete With an amusement center and tar-

passenger, sit in the dry sanctum of the bus while the other ture chamber, security sources said yesterday.
They also said that the international terrorist Carlos
- - - used the tunnels to meet with Palestine Liberation Organi-

I SO“ I‘BI‘I‘IIHISCGS a Oll WOI‘ ea ers guerrillas.

3 33 3 di eed 3 t' The sources said the four-mile network ran from the
By JASON WILLIAMS hzbniet‘it‘“? challenge was there and 3, .. .. ., 333 ou?“tsll)al‘t 51%;; 3:? the pl‘dl‘g‘ensgt Sabra and Chatilla refugee camps to Bouri el-Baraineh near
Staff Writer ‘ :33 ‘ ‘ state. The other person replied that to the airport. and was packed with arms, forged passports
Wilson also "9033““! experiences ‘3’ ~ ‘ ' once all the ice was melted off Alas- and stolen cars. Other sources said helicopters and small
"""_ "‘— “ “‘_-‘ w‘m world leaders m World War “I . ‘k‘ " ,7 ‘ / “1.“?an clearly had more land. submarines were hauled from the tunnels, but that was not

. . . He noted Winston Churchill s A‘s? 'fi' During a question and answer ses- confirmed

3Sir Harold Wilson: former prime calmness and self-assurance under 33% ‘ sion with the audience after his ‘ 3
mimster Of Great Britain, Spoke toa trying circumstances. assuring *xsz " . ‘ speech. Wilson. who is a member of The tunnels were discovered late last month, the
nearly full house at Memorial Hall President Franklin Roosevelt that .- g ' the Labor Friends of [5,8913 came sources said.
last night on his personal obser- the Atlantic Ocean would remain é out against the recent battles of that \ /
vations of world powers and their safe for transport during World War 3’ 7 . country.
leaders. ll. _' ' 3 “Any peace has to be just to be ’

Wilson commented on several 0f Charles DeGaulle the resi- is ear lasting," he said. “The Israelis have
presidents of the United States, all dent of France during ‘the wall. he 1.. -.;-. » to understand the prinCiple of give- WEATHER
0f Whom he said he had met With the said “He thought he was France n ‘ if 3 and'take. 3 3 3

. . v ' i. , r
exception of Jimmy Carter. Wilson said he first visited the . When they were fighting for thei
Wilson stuck to mainly humorous United States in 1943 as a civil ser- livest 3it waf all take, and now they
i anecdotes of his encounters with the vant beginning a series of tri \ ‘ mus earn ogive.
. ps i . .
world leaders. abroad that led to his close . g The recent war With Argentina It will be cloudy this morning. becoming portly
. relationships with many of the presi- 03"" the Falkland islands was 313° cloudy by afternoon with o 20 percent chance of thun-
wg‘aLlfldl‘nnanl‘l‘rlnxzryhaas:nl‘dog‘et dents. HAROLD WILSON figfiggw; $333,273; l‘g‘gofilhlfie m dorshowon. The high will be In the mld to upper 70:.
think the American people fully un- He recalled a game of golf with The former prime minister re- ”Argentina was clearly the 8881'5‘ "WW." wlll Mi". "‘"NI'I'W cloudiness ""5 0 4°
‘ “' derstood him. Of course, he could be Johnson. saying the scores became called a conversation with a Texas sot-3" percent chance o showers or thundershowors and a
difficult - when he was not being 30 embarrassing that they changed resident who noted that her home Wilson surprised some members low In the low 603.
impossible" that?” ‘0 the "“1“" 0' “"3 '0“ state was the largest in the United of the wrence what; h: sald3lh:t tomorrow will be mostly cloudy with a good chance
. . °" “our” Stats and Yorkshire. where Wilson calling ormer en iman ea -
Harry Truman was given high Johnson had Wilson named an the In t 3 er "a bloody tho 8" was an under— of showers or thundershowors. The high will be In the
. 3, . _ 3 was born. was rges county in 10' '0 low .0.
marks by Wilson. He F088 “"01 the honorary Citizen of Texas. Emllnd. statement. ”PP" -

 em “olden Andrew W John ouuin smon w. iomkor Llnl s. kudos. m. Venue... eon cliuom ' 3
Editor iii-Chief News Editor Arts Editor Sports Editor Speocl Proteus Editor Photo Editor Grophnu Editor 3
Managing idvior Editorial Editor IIII l. “Mono: Jr. Asiistoni Sports Editor Spatial prop“. Aimiuni 0,... Phoqagrgphgi (up, [)yxxh { in.» .7“ "
Alill'flfl' Ans Editors '. A. .
mm 523-5: ‘
Rea gan's accusations reek Of chCarth 'sm
The political pressure is on President Rea- union leaders he met during his days in the 6
gm, and it shows: During a speech Wednes- Actors’ Guild as “Russian agents” and says ‘ ‘3 .
day in the East Room of the White House, he “those who deplore the use of the terms 2
lost his temper at a Republican congressio- ‘pink’ and ‘leftist’ are themselves guilty of r 0 1'0 / Comma
nal candidate who repeatedly accused him of branding all those who oppose their liber- FORWAQD I G , . #5.. “n.5,
abandoning conservative causes. Reagan, in alism as right wing extremists. WNQU’SH MY OPPO NENTS. ( , ’ t: a Fortune
fact, yelled at him to “shut up.” “How long can we afford the luxury of this MOUNTED WM THls .‘ r “l, W13” ell
But that is only the tip of the iceberg. Far family fight.” he goes on to say, “when we 695/“ AND BM FUL 8 J 3’ :33 hures‘h?
more serious was his charge during a speech are at war With the most dangerous enemy W 53 ’~‘ $3 Rein.
to Ohio voters Monday that the nuclear ever known to man?” STEED “Whigs. ~ hi3 ness ad
freeze movement is “inspired by, not the sin- What then, is the alternative to free, if , ~ ‘ ‘ ‘3‘ ,3,» 3:53. diana
cere, honest people who want peace, but by sometimes heated democratic debate? It '1‘? , l” gr? 3“"?
some who want the weakening of America, would appear that, to Reagan. totalitaria- E . 3‘ louwslhft
and so are manipulating many honest and nismis preferable. ' l l - .5. By tht
sincere people.” Furthermore, he challenges opponents of , 3, h _' 0-9 3% tuiitim,
It h nf d ed t t t d' the nuclear arms build-up with this incredi- 0» . . . , ,I 3 w , Es , “1W3
tehvas h 1'55 ’ h 0“? ls atemen, 1' ble passage: “There is only one argument ‘ “to" i . -. 00 . . «ohm-,1 3 , ' . . m "‘2;
rec agains a group 0 nuc ear reeze sup— with regard to the best way to avoid war. .’ a, «a, a 9 a! i 4 r‘§‘:‘§‘§3, ' , in . r, 4’ . ‘ , “'3'“
porters gathered outSide the hotel where he - n 4 t. - I . n . ' w“? , . . gavells
. . . There is only one way—surrender. or, 3,, .\ A, on. ,g/ , . 0,0, . Bald,
was making his speech. And it has brought . - _ x. . C _. 3Q»; #151; (q ,2;
scathin reactions from at least t “sin- In other words, there once again Is no al- {[7} ® 1’1 it"? (3 " 3' « ‘ ' ‘ . in term
g ,, wo temative. For Reagan, there must be a con- ‘ . i , . 'il'tt, . , s t ,,,,,,§;.é,.,,i ’ 1W: ”’2‘”, supplyii
cere, honest people — Sen. Alan Cranston, - - ‘l x. i *‘av ‘ :- . (/1 ”fit" as: reach tl
D-W 0min a nuclear freeze s t d tinued arms race or nothing at all. _ , «~ ,9,“ K .3 l , \ ,, , i
y_ g, . . . uppor er, an Who’s suffering from paranoia, then? Are ' ’ ..’ a)” . (,l, . «ll/l. 2' ‘ l \ " camgehs‘
prominent soc1alist Michael Harrington, who the dan . - 5%? .. . _' , , 3 I <1, 43; the Vi
. . . gerous ones the people calling for an e , i. a, . ‘3' . i l . , : i. ,5 dent Ag,
spoke in Memorial Hall last night. ~ - - - - 49 hi 3v: fi ’i ., éfi . i. ~ ,1 , v,- \
, attempt, albeit laced With practical difficul- ., . -, - i , - _ 6?, .t y, 3 , The i
Both warned that Reagan 5 words reek of . - . . fi co we,“ .' n2 . g ’59 y ,. . - 4;... -
a new McCarth . _ bl m' . 1 d's- ties, to achieve peace, or Reagan, who has ., ,3 it; . ‘t at 1-” 8333‘“ l: ’ - J“ l l ; . 3.3-. Unwers
t . 1535131 t 'da mg soaa 1 said he sees no real alternative to conflict " ., ‘ a 09' ‘t ,‘ § hilt “o". 33”” m I '/3' ' , '. 0-0 “i ”2? WE;
sea ongagpu a New tSl :pfowers. w and whose cake-to-the-masses support of se— ' , ‘ ', ’- mfié 5's; - - 3'33""3’" .1 . ‘ '53 r i 3 . is a 333,321,
nfa Inge heghznh: en S b er, m d? tnfha: lected nuclear-arms limitations will almost ‘ - ‘ . 7 a . X3; I l . ‘, 0, (~_-' " ’ ' ~ , ,5 of in,
‘1’: ere rcn . l_nslieef ’ 2 pre if _ surely receive the cold shoulder at the Gene- . co ;“ y, , _ " , w « 3:3, ‘30. w . ers on p]
eagan ay lncfeaS‘ g y urn ° suc accu va negotiating table this week? if: " .. ' ' i 7,. ‘W. ' ' Rey“
sations as the failure of lus economic and so- , ,a “:3" ‘ _ l , . . .43 L. - «,5
cial initiatives becomes more and more ap- 0 M . ‘ ’ i l w 4 ’v . “i w
' ' ' o . . . . ‘— ..§ .‘ \ 8 ’4/ ‘ / '.‘ ‘
parent, and lhtlmatlhg McCarthy-style Among the most preSitigious recogmtions ‘—" , , «.9! a 3 ._ , A; I If? v ‘— q \
vendettas COUl_d be the end result. . in the academic world are the Rhodes schol- , // 4"“ raw? a ;_‘ _ / ,3 3"?!) '
Although this may sound like paranona on arships, which no UK student has received ' 4. ,5 ~ , :33, - y, j“ ,c', _ r, ”
the left, anyone familiar with Reagan’s polit- in nearly 30 years. i - ”at / 46’ . , ,1 . _ ; v, ‘ .‘ ,_
ical record khOWS his belief "1 an ongomg Perhaps this year, our luck will change. ‘— - ‘— .; 2 ' .; /
conpiracy against the US 18 strong. Information on the scholarshim is available (Durham‘smci— ~ ~ , a , 9 ’ ' $3323“er 3.: ,
In his 1965 autobiography, Where 8 the through History Professor Daniel Rowland,
Rest of Me, be repeatedly attacks leftist 1735 Patterson Office Tower. 52;,
' JF £1131" i“, _ ' _
x / s "l “I: D ft 8 on beca
en fin. es , ra I wr g use war :3 wrong .
‘ .,.(.,i:o_l I Il-i-i-?"lI I En!" .
7 "MM“ , 3-» I. M! l ' I ’ / Iamacoward. tyranny inherent in draft legislation. for the draft. who their products dismember. '. ,
' Efl‘l‘!’ —;._3.’!__'_!".__3 "-—— ,, _ This week saw the conviction and Then, of course, they did take him Today I decided something else. I I‘ll tell you what does bothers me, ' 5‘“
,/,. H , EC :1.“ .37" : : ,3 sentencing of one Benjamin Sasway, away. amacoward. It bothers me that Benjamin Sasway '
/ ’21” . ‘ 49 a ‘ 7 I " g ‘ " . the first man tried for refusing to I would love to stand before a dod- is going to jail and that his appeal is ‘ - 557 ‘
'/ 733.. i .4. , I" ll " “‘1" 3 l, “a. register for the draft since registra- dering judge and jury and tell them unlike] to chan eanythin , ' o
' - I \ \ ‘ . ,. ,. J , , , , y g g
‘ ‘ A. ‘, ‘ a \‘\ 1"," . \. , _-" I tion returned in 1979. He will spend iii-El, 3" 5‘, ames just what to do With their preCIOIlS It bothers me that some damn fool
—-—~—— kaa‘ \~!¥‘$A-._ "“ , .3’ l '1': two and one-half years in a federal :4, ., , legislation, and not necessarily in congressman can yank me out of ,
A r’ ——=_—____ ‘-‘ ' ‘ -—- prison becausehe refused tokill. - STOLI. Sasway’s reasonable manner. college to defend a country some- .4
A 99,, ._— )M I can't say I wonder if he thought . I’d like to tell them in no uncer- where on the other side of the globe, ' C0!
5 / 7% ~ ’ he’d get away with it; I’m sure he tain terms just what they can do Digging trenches to stop an invasion '
, , 3 h . didn‘t. Maybe he didn’t expect to be Was it worth it? Two and one-half With every M-16, every 8-1 bomber, of Florida is one thing, but wading .
._. W/ , v - ‘. the first to go to jail, but he had to years of life for a 20-minute speech. every last piece of shrapnel de- through El Salvador gunning down
i . . .. WV realize they’d get him. I ask myself over and over, was it signed to butcher their fellow man. peasants is rotten for my karma. ,
. e. 0' ~ I read he got to make a 20-minute worth it? Wasit'? However. Iknow better. It bothers me that calm, consider-
‘ .‘J '2 " \II/ speech before they took him away. Actually, I already decided it Those men may be doddering, but ate men — our leaders, mind you —
TJ‘VE GOT A GREAT CASE llERE.... SHE Cl-NMS lb MVE MTED A PRINCE W It was a speech that spoke briefly of wasn’t before he made the front they’re also old. They got that way can continue to assert that the exis- '
TIEY‘D LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER 8077mm: WMPEWIER AT MIDNIGHT, 930M851) his desire "0t [0 take life and the pages. Idecided the day I registered by dealing quickly and efficiently tence of war is natural and nec- " h
with young upstarts who try to essary. Most of all, it bothers me “W |
' ' _' """"' ' change the world. they imprison the men who stand up _
More specifically, they kick them and say it isn’t. j
in the slammer for two and one-half I want to make this column a ,t Ge
years to think things over. shout. Deep inside, I feel a desire to g,
I’m not what yowd call an irate grab every militaristic son-of-a-bitch ,3,
taxpayer I don’t complain much who ever sent another man into bat- f’
——___—_—___—____——______ about potholes in the road or t00 few tle and scream into their ears that :3?» Ba,
- - , - - blic 80“ courses. 1 pay a fourth or mankind has had enough killing in "iii-
Mek sense 0t humor and {311' play as ‘0 busmess suffers because the cant It is m bel ef that these le pu .. . ,, ,,.
ong Delta respond to ninnies who can't bear serve alcoholic beverages,y that should haze thdir right to speallfogut more 03 my paycheck to the powers the name Of ”ght or property or
A letter by Kakie Urch appeared the use of the word “crap" ought to seems a sad commentary on the I don’t think they have the right to that be 3” the .hght 3° be. left hm G°d- . win};
in 'l‘uesday’s Kernel concerning the belauded somehow. food they serve. tell me (or anyone else) what I am and exwtgehmhe'yhme‘" "huh" Ca'? we ever ”Pea 3° 1”" ”get” Cu
Delta Tau Delta Mekong Delta This is all I can think of. but she is In reference to James A. Stoll’s and whatlmust believe. sure 1'" upset that a V353 he" er “’“hW‘ we”? Ca" “V? ever .get 33
party. She attacked the “bad taste” really appreciated! column last Friday, why not leave That’s right, they actually try to centage 0‘ my tax (19113? 805 t0 the down to the busmess of life and just a}: 1;}.
0f the Greek system for enjoying This summer, Barbara 00‘th things as they are? People will have convince you that if you don’t totally military and that ““5 percentage 15 “Pm the land Without fertilizing h 3
themselves at the expense 0f the an article 0" wine-tasting that made Sunday to sober up from Friday and agree with their point of view, you Oh the increase. Of course Im con— Whh bIOOd? . .
men who gave their “V5 in Viet- me cry, I laughed 50 hard. I read it Saturday, thus being able to return are done for. They tell me that I am cerned that much 03 this money 15 Can we ever get around the politi- 3‘3
nam. Allow me to goa bit further. aloud to strangers on the bus. Now, to work on Monday morning. a horrid sinner, and unless I am spent 0" countless absurd weapons cal double-talk that keeps the NW fig.
Take the so-called Roman “Toss” that article is StUCk “P on my wall I mean. if you can’t booze it up in swept up into their rhetoric, that I pmjects that become 0335033339 before funds hhhhg 1". and the young men
party in which men and women don here at school, so I can steal lines just two days, you obviously can’t cannot be saved. (Whatever that they are out Of the planning stage. marching t0 the" doom? , 9 i‘
Roman-style togas and listen to like: “It reminds me of a feminine booze it up. means.) I even become what might be Ordoesthat J“St sound $31135 3%
“Animal House" .musm. . There IS douche." and;""I‘hls was fermented The future of Lexington depends All I want to do is have these called irritated when social pro— t I (:1an I h‘ [:05]?th 3: tehhle Yal
dflhklhg and dancmg “ht” the wee under a POOR. When I refer t0 some on liquor? The absurdity of this idea speakers tone down their sermons grams and welfare needs are 0 0 e "3h. . ng an .30 0 Ja' ' .t '
hours. and everyone has a good of the scuzI’m drinking. is exceeded only by the gullibility of somewhat. because right now 1 get stashed to the bone to boost the 31- ”mm” malls"? SWP‘d ”ward
time. However, we must look back I almost didn‘t write this because those who believe it. very disturbed when I walk by the ready staggering defense budget, that I am. I send in my dollars and
3° the history of the Roman Empire who cares about the ""35 reading Daniel Crawley Student Center. You’d figure they could put one or keep my mouth shut ' .' ‘ knowmg '; ME
to find out where this Bacchanallan Barbara's column who don’t like First- I “t the t to . de . th I m not the one responSIble for the
year med.student suggesti y wan remainso two Armageddon Vices on e d ed dth ed «
"3:33:33 inglgie old days (so I’ve the; 3:: I 3333133 Baé'bara tohhhw radical, they be given a meeting back burner one of these times the mhletelalsoanknOSinngugll the while _:
a at an appreciaive ' ° ° ' the Std t t ' kr t ,bt , . .
heard from reliable mm, More mderdhemmmmedomst, Editorial Incorrect 3230'; could :13; $353533: $333333? IS "ear ban "W " that'lput my name on the list of po- _2
pro fOOthBU. Romans used to 80 to So. Barbara, I like you! And I like On Thursday, Sept. 23, the editori- do so. if the speakers must remain , , tentlal butchers w'th my own hands. ' -.
the Coliseum to see the lions do bat- profanity, too. al in your paper was titled, “Abor- outside, I ask they not be so overly [expect this sort of thing from a Benjamin Sasway has two and .
tle with the Christians or Gladiators so, keep up the good work and re- tion _ the poor get babies. not fervent and threatening capitalistic government. War is good onejhalf years in prison to regret his
fighting to the death. Many people member. "Non Illigt‘timus Carboran- choices." ' business — any historian Will tell chalcelhave the rest of my life.
died before the bloodthirsty crowd. dium” — Don‘t let the bastards I am concerned about the me Lisa A.Santora you that — and the bigger the busi. James A. Stoll is a theater sopho- , St,
Afterward, there were toga parties grind youdown! sponsible reporting in the editorial: English junior nessmen the less they care about more andaKernel columnist.
allover town. . ,Paul Joseph specifically, about the law the Ken- DRABBLE to by Kevin Fagan
Does the throwmg of a toga party EDShSh freshman tucky Legislature passed concerning a
show bad taste at the expense of the S d I' married women having to have their men I oer or: uloRK, Ne JUST RECENEO M m cm, Mi ulEEKL‘t 7 see? , Lm
people Who shed In Rome? Should ,8" U" CY lCIUOr husbands notified and the statement locum. now) too LIKE lMPoRTANT PROMOTION‘. PAickecK l6 Now uIELL ,l it in};
3°“ Wt“ Wm" sue“ PM” Th , d n. . . about the Urban County officials re- 10 so our mo _.__. in non cuter MSISTANT "no roux i: . ,
In respect of am eaten by the e recen .a V8 31118 campaign fusing to allow minors the right to CELEBRATE? CW“? E‘ECUTNE 509“ “K IN FleEf) I / I
lions? To do so would obscure the by "lose Pushing for Sunday 8316 0‘ obtain contraceptives. ' ounce or cuocou'ie / - it " [“1
real reason for a toga party. It is liquor has brought a question to my The Kentucky law that was passed MT, WM. . / a
nd' 1305 the f of be . tillMMMlES. '-
just an excuse to throw a Party. as m! ' . uture , ”333°" was iii Federal Court and did not not , " ’/ , it ’ ”I,
was the Mekong Delta party (which, really hingeonthesaleofllquor. ever go into effect. So women still t g / :3 , -
b the way, W15 a tremendous I "‘9‘“ com? on, '5 ngmgton have the right to obtain an abortion '3 ’ L3“- 3" '2: 8“
fine). really 1" we" fill"? financial 5"“33 without consent or notification of ,. //"’ {4 =’/ , ~ ‘ ' “W
Katie, I don’t know if you go to that the “Ml/3113mm" of “1°03”! 0,“ theirspouses. J) 5%,”: 7 V j 3.: m J"—
parties at all because of your politi- one day of the week Will send this The mama/Fayette Urban. _____:/:e& M 3.-” r; W
cal and/or ethical convictions. but metropolis ‘Pto “Ch ,3 downward County Government has not even ‘03 ' smallhomnmsvmuw ""- ioo 71% W11? '- i-. ,-. m
isn’tittimetowakeuptoreality? econormc spiral that it can never discussed, much less acted upon, a .
David Wilshire Pullout? , , , minors. right to obtain connect; I uouoea um Tillé ON I JUST \ill6ll l couw , 2' , l M
Marketing junior If the structure of this nty Is that um, Any person, regardless of age, mos in stone. MOE naive A 62le To Let I t ' fl / .
Sigma Nu member weak to W“ “a" the“ "5 chances has the right to obtain contracep- ,0 I WW 61'“ ME mow WAT KIND ‘r Q /’ ’ 6009 MIGHT!
. gf stir-mall seem somewhat du- tivesinlexington. 'l 3 l1 M 8w! OF DH ”3)" 4%; III _-
Likes Sallee 3mm ongrun. S I Janflarman 33 H ““5 “ML 6 ~ ‘3 0 '57 ’ 3il ' ' ‘
The pr| - 38 03 y “3“ Executive Director GT: 55m ' 377% 3' ‘ $3 ‘ ' ‘rgj
In rand: to Barbara price shi— think that without these sales, bex- m PM Parenthood Center .. l 3. q ,7 / ,. , ,, , a i 'i J 1, . l
lec'i column: Thank you! She has "38303:? llttlglsoomuiortlt in the ' @ v , 9 .. / , Kw .3» y 0 v ’ ' <\ .i‘. .
made me In out loud in some way "8‘ e I no conven- r“ /_—"'~ . * - .7 - ~ h“ a
strange “naugh— “f.“ in the li- tions and such. Has Lexington no Preachers at SC F" ‘7 ¢\ ‘d’ 5%” / V 3’ :j’.—<.' / / '70 2 ., 9.11.
brarynnd rolllns on the floor of my '3‘“ 3:" if?“ “n“ “n “5“" I would like to comment on the 3 3h '14” -' ‘ ~ 9 ‘7 ‘ \ . 0‘ I: / " ’ ' -'-
apartmtthiuumma'. nce ¢°h° - peak the i . V _ u l" v (fl <7 -
MM WM III! such I W W, if restaurants fear MP mm muzsmdtg‘w 3 l '00 q '3' V (7 ( teezlmiiealeaim-r, nonhu- nu -_

'23.; ME KENTUCKY KERNEL flirty, 0001301 no - 1
— ~ , . - ' ' f ncer center “WWW
, -- mversrty names mac or 0 ca ‘°‘;'"t?.'i‘:3a‘3.‘3£'
' t; {J ——-———-—-——— tt M Do ell Network. cams. has Ierved 88 F010”. dim” I" the ”3' tint
“ i ”"- By 003;?‘lleIIMIL1‘ON “$13an gFiielIle': quilifications are impeccable,“ gronal Cancer lnstitute's. National Bladder Cancer "”5333; Am“,
- .. . ri er . . . - -
M ‘ “ ll kn n as at tho] lst 010a- _
:4"; ' I; " ' f gridsglgddeli‘lecelficgtgrnpirl]. Heoyrlll bringpstrongogen- . Friedell will assume his position July 1. will“; ”Ingltzzzfigg
"" t . .1. , T . , ., Z '—‘—‘———“-—— lhuslasm andateam-oriented approach." . "I8 IDI' D. KaAClawson. dean 0f the COHBSC 0
*‘ ‘ . I” ' . Dr. Gilbert H. Friedell has been appointed exec- F‘riedell said the staff of the cancer center Will Medlcme.
‘ ' one? "35' utive director of the McDowell Cancer Network “aim for achieving the best possmle care for can- K'l/ . , w «‘3'
' 3’5- and the Lucille Parker Markey Cancer Center by cer patients and their families" and I“try to foster Vs . J {A
—- . We . the UK Board of Trustees. He will also be a profes- the best possible program in both CllnchaI and base . / , . 4
' v ”If Tillie 501' inthedepartmentof pathology. research within the medical school. UniverSlty and ' ‘ 3 .
,3 ‘ V Friedell is the medical director of St. Vincent associated hospitals. . . . .
. . _. Hospital in Worcester, Mass, and a professor of He said he will also participate In seeking {"13" 1 if
, ' .._,;‘ pathology at the University of Massachusetts Medi- cial support for the facilities. . ,/’ " A, 4
n r, '55 cal School. “Support of cancer research must come in part , ,.,- , __ a
W I “He has experience in a community hospital and from the community,” he said, as well as the state I K1 / /’/ l
' in a hospital affiliated with a university college of and nation. . 3, ,, ,«~ ,.
g GILBERT H. FRIEDELL medicine," said Tony Goetz. associate dean for Friedell, chosen from among more than 30 appll- ‘ / . 2
IT, \ '. . 4/5, // ' a .,.“"’<
OReynoIds » A, am