xt7r7s7htn0j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7r7s7htn0j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2003-03-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 2003 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 2003 2003 2003-03-26 2020 true xt7r7s7htn0j section xt7r7s7htn0j Literary nourishment

Bat Cats break losing streak I want a

The women writers conference I is“ 1.5!";

acn,26 ' 7' ” " ’

I ayers of independence


Safety restrictions upset
students living in dorms

Security: New policy limits visitors to family members
and UK students and requires ID to enter buildings

By Derek Poore

Harsh criticism met
llK's decision to tighten the
campus dorm visitation poli-
cy Tuesday:

On Monday night. stu
dents were informed of the
new policy by the Division of
Student Affairs. which cited
a recommendation from UK
Police and the Lexington
Joint Terrorism Task Force.

Under the policy. only
UK and LCC students. facul-

ty and staff. and family
members of students may
visit dorms. UK or LCt‘ IDs
must be displayed to enter a
dorm at all times. even if the
student is a resident of that
particular dorm. The policy
took effect this morning.

Associate Dean of Stu-
dents Tony Blanton said the
decision was based on safety

“There had been a lot of
talk of potential terrorist
targets.“ Blanton explained.
“The university would be a


place for terrorists to get
headlines." Blanton went on
to say that universities are
considered “soft targets" be-
cause they lack defense and

Dorms aren‘t the only
campus buildings being af-
fected. Blanton said. "The
university will take a look at
vulnerable areas and lock
down buildings that aren't
public." Blanton said. "Other
areas will have added securi-
ty. like labs where medical
research is done,"

On Tuesday: the circle
drive in front of the W T.

See DORM on A2



As a cultural icon. UK
is more vulnerable to ter-
rorist attacks, say some

But UK is prepared if
an attack should happen.

“We have plans for as
many scenarios as we cold
come up with," said UK In
terim Police Chief Henry

See TERROR on A2


in: W 5;: r

t tin stiles

Undeclared sophomore Ana

Maldonado and sociology sopho-
more Jeanne Jurgenson sit and
talk underneath a flowering dog-
wood tree in the Student Center
front lawn Tuesday afternoon.

Spring Break may be over. but

spring weather has followed stu—
dents back to Kentucky.

Flowers and trees bloomed

throughout the city and the cam-
pus yesterday: the skies were clear
and sunny. and the temperature
reached 73 degrees.

Students took time to relax

outside. studving. reading or just
hanging out.

Maldonado. who is originally

from Puerto Rico. said she was
glad that spring weather had come
to campus.

"I hate winter." she said.
The temperatures. however.

are predicted to cool off today:

The National Weather Service

predicted that today‘s high would
reach 58 degrees. with showers
possible in the morning. Tonight
will be chilly: with a low of 38

Thursday should be warmer.

with a high of 68. Friday‘s high
will reach 72 degrees.



GPAC nod goes to Watts/Rippetoe

Influential: Endorsement winners have won 14 of last 15
races for student government's two highest offices

By Sara Cunningham


By Jenny Robertson


In 14 of the last 15 years.
the Greek Political
Committee's endorsement has

first time all
four SG presi-

dential candi-


met to

platforms and

Act ion

debate issues.
Roughly 70
tives of fraterr

think it’s
going to
give (us)
a boost.”

- Matt Rippetoe,

SG vice
candidate whose
ticket won the
Greek Political
Action Committee

accurately foretold the winner
of the Student Government
presidential election.

Last night. the GPAC‘ env
dorsement went to SG presi-
dential candidate Rachael
Watts and her vice presiden
tial running mate Matt

"Winning something like
GPAC lets you build your nio-
mentum and lets you know
you were doing the right thing
already.” Watts said.

Rippetoe said he thought
the endorsement would add
energy to the campaign.

“I definitely think it‘s going
to give (us) a boost." he said.

The GPA(‘ forum was the

nit ies and Watts

sororities vot-

ed for the endorsement after
the debate. said .lohn Marshall.
Interfraternity (‘ouncil presi-
dent of chapter services

Marshall said GI’At‘ was
not going to release the num-
bers of the vote. but said that
the second. third and fourth
place vote getters were “rela-
tively close."

Despite the fact that (iPAt‘
has been a good predictor of
(‘II‘CTIUIT Sllf‘t‘l‘SS. Silllll‘ (‘IITNII
dates said they weren't wor
ried about not nabbing the en

“I don't think this is cru

The Student Newspa

r at the University of Kentucky,

cial." said presidential candi-
date Matt Falk. “This is really
more of a forum for us to get
our issues out."

Presidential candidate
Dave Hutchinson said that the
Greek vote may be split be»
cause so many presidential
and Vice presidential candi-
dates belong to fraternities or
sororities. He said non-Greeks
may play a greater role.

“We feel like we have a
large non-Greek following."
Hutchinson said,

Kyle Jewell. presidential
candidate. said the GPAC re
sult will help his campaign.
even if he didn’t get the.

”I hope we can learn from
it." .lewell said. “We will try to
be more one-on-one with stu-
dents and reach all organiza-

Though she garnered the
endorsement. Watts said she
wasn't going to take a rest
from campaigning; she said
she wants to reach non-Greek
students as well

“By no means is the work
done.” she said


Iraqi attack sparks
war's biggest clash





tionforliadvanoetothenorthoflraqon'mesday. Themove

Marine history.

Chaos: Sandstorms disrupt U.S. advancement;
insurrections, attacks rock southern city of Basra


American infantry troops fought off a desert at
tack by Iraqis on Tuesday, inflicting heavy casualties
in a clash less than 100 miles from Baghdad. British
forces battled for control of Basra. a city of 1.3 mil-
lion souls sliding toward chaos.

Defense officials, who spoke on condition of
anonymity, said between 150 and 500 Iraqis were
killed in the battle near An Najaf. adding there were
no immediate reports of American casualties.

Iraqis launched their attack on a day of howling
sandstorms — weather bad enough to slow the US.-
led drive toward the Iraqi capital.

Despite the adverse weather in some parts of
Iraq. U.S.-1ed warplanes bombed targets in the north-
ern part of the country and briefly knocked govern-
ment television off the air in the capital. And US.
troops in control of a vast Iraqi air base sealed 36
bunkers, designated as possible hiding places for
Saddam's elusive weapons of mass destruction.

American officials issued fresh cautions, as well.
about the possible use of chemical weapons by Iraqi
troops, although none has yet been used in the 6-day~
old war — or even found by the invading troops.

As the pace of combat quickened, American and
British officials sought to prepare the public for
something less than a quick campaign, and predicted

difficult days to come.

Still. President Bush forecast victory. “The Iraqi
regime will be ended and our world will be more
secure and peaceful," he said after receiving a war

update at the Pentagon.

Not surprisingly, Saddam saw it differently. State
television carried what it described as a message
from him to tribal and clan leaders. saying. “Consid~
er this to be the command of faith and jihad and

fight them."

If confirmed. the initial reports of fighting near
An Najar would make it the biggest ground clash of

See WAR on A4

April 1 is the deadline for
financial aid applications

Money: Applications for aid can be submitted online

5!. SWEET? "99"“

Students have less titan
a week left to apply for fed
eral financial aid.

The deadline for re-
turning atid transfer stu-
dents applying for Federal
Student Aid (FAT-Sm for
the 200304 .ir'ideniic \ear
is April 1

Lynda George. student
services director. said that
the deadline is set for the
beguiiiiiig of April because
that is also the deadline foi
federal funds.

"If we i‘r'ceiye applica
tions after April l. they
will not be entitled for t m»
triin funds] George said

Fuianri i' .iid includes
loans, ill‘.ll‘.l\. si‘I.'iI.‘ll‘.\Ili|l\
and work studi

A work study pi'ogiiiii
is when students work to
earn liltlllt“. These pro
grains are gereiiliy linked


to a student's area of

Students are eligible
for financial aid if they are
enrolled to obtain a degree
or certificate at [K and are
a (‘lli/Pll of the l'nited
States or an eligible non.

Although funds are
awarded based on tin'iiiciril
need. niost students will at
least uualili for .an unsub
stdi/cd direct in iii

Interest begins to l('
true .iiinii-dia‘eli fir these

Students iiiajt either
pay the lll‘t‘li'sl xiiiai‘ti-t'ly
or request that Ill‘t‘lt‘s' lw
capitalized mdded to the
loan principle)

”(il‘.ll‘.l\ and silm it
ships do not Iil‘l' to lu
paid back. but hit". ti
(ii‘iit’gt‘ \ {M

Tu itilllik tor tiiiaurnd

See AID on A2



.. . .-
‘.,'A “5““


Coctwtued lrom page A1

hinting l.ilil.tl" ‘.\;tsi'losed to
l' Illa

lliri l tor ot Residence
ll'h: .llll \\:n.-~ explained
::i.tt tlie ileiision was;

teat ll"li tlii'otiul: .i ioiiit dis

l'll\sliill between the Dean of

\iialeiits .\u\ili.ir\' St‘t'tli'es
and ly't‘\.tli‘lllr l.:te lt 'ilso iii
ltiiied :::p:.i ll'lIlI] .loe
liascltw‘. \liall'lil liovern
tri 'zt '. re president and slit
iie::-' ripieswitatwe on the
Ho ‘t‘ ot 'l'riistem

i oiiiiiiun cgiiioiis soplio
l‘. or» Ki .tii lylll'.’t‘liiltit‘l‘il'l'
was iii Inning .i protest on
the amt: oi l'K President
Lee 'l‘odd Wednesday night to
express Iriistrations regard-
111;! the change When told by
oilit'lais lie l‘tllllll not hold
the demonstration there. he
opted for another approach

“l emailed (President)
Todd and i said, lili going to
organize a protest on your
lawn.” Kilt'lettlloei'it‘l' said.
He receivet'l responses and
organized .‘l forum with
lilanton and Dean of Stu-
dents \'ictoi Hazard.

The forum will be held at
8 pm. Wednesday in the Stu-
dent (‘eiiter small ballroom.

Four llaggm Hall stu-
dents were upset. but some
were not surprised.

"I know it's part of the
homeland security staff. btit
l have friends that want to
come visit. but i can't (let
them iiii." said Architecture
freshman Eric Baxter.

"My gu‘lfriend doesn‘t go
to l'K; how atn I supposed to
let her in?" asked history
sophomore .lason Krebs.

lt doesiit really sur
pi i‘st me that they're doing
it." sports marketing fresh
lll.ll‘i lane 'l'rear said "They
might have taken it .i little
too tar when they say you
can't lia\e anybody btit l'K
students or miinediate
family "

.\lttsic education fresh
man .loii llealy said it
showed l'K didn't trust its
students. "It's a little bit silly

. if we‘re checking thetii m
we know them so they‘re
probably ttot going to be a
terrorist: it shows a little bit
ot a lack of trust." llealy

{\lanageiiieiit sophomore
Nathan Denney a Kirwaii ll
resident. said students are
adults and can make their
owti decisions regarding
who they check in "We're
college students.” Denney ex
plained. "I think we're re-
sponsible enough adults that
we can have whomever we
like over whether or not they
go to UK."

The new policy

Under the new policy, only
UK students, faculty and staff
- as well as immediate family
members - will be allowed to
enter the dorms.

Everyone, including dorm
residents, will be required to
present a UK 10 at all times to
enter the buildings.

The change will not apply
to Greek housing and UK
apartment complexes.

UK will hold a forum to dis-
cuss the new restrictions on
residence hall visitation at 8
pm. Wednesday in the Student
Center small ballroom.



The Kernel incorrectly listed the length of student
trustee Joe Ruschell‘s term in previous articles.
Ruschell will serve until June 30, 2003. The new SG
president will take office July 1 and become the new

student trustee.

To report an error call The Kentucky Kernel at 25 7-1915.


Continued from page A1


While probably oil the
radar screen ol .>\l»t.)aeda. l'lx’
l‘tlllitl be .i target for smaller
cells of terrorist groups based
in Kentucky. said Stuart Kauf-
man. an associate professor of
political science,

Kaufman said three lac
tors iiiakel K vulnerable. lots
oi people. tto si't'tlt'lly and
sy inboiic importance

".-\iiy arena or stadium
might be targeted." he said.

lleiiig wellgiiarded goes
against the mission of higher
education. llutt‘ said.

"That‘s the whole essence
of a good educational environ
itieiit where no one has to
be afraid to express them-
selves." he said. “By being so
open. there is a delicate bal-
ance of what we do to keep
this place safe."

UK is also a well-known
symbol of Kentucky.

“The Wildcats are one of
the most important cultural
aspects in (‘entral Kentucky."
Kaufman said. "It's a symbol
of our youth and future."

Despite this. Kentucky
and UK are unlikely targets.

Kentucky does not have
many known terrorist cells.
Kaufman said. nor is it heavi-
ly populated. near urban cen-
ters or the coast ~ all factors
that can determine terrorist
vulnerability; Kaufman said.

“I would think that if
someone did strike a campus



Selected reports UK police from
March IO to March 23

it would be a highly visible
one like Ml'l‘ or Harvard."
said Michael Desch. associate
director and protessor :it the
Patterson School

Kaiil‘iiian concurred
“Every state has a university
and a staditiiii." he said. "I
thiitk that there‘s not a need
for plastic and duct tape tilt
less you want better insula-
tion for winter"

Despite threat levels. most
say people s iotild live life nor-
mally while being vigilant.

“The point of this is that
it iotlld happen. btit people
should not stop living their
lives." Kaufman said.

To prevent possible ter-
rorist activity. ['K studies sce-
narios and responses in its
Emergency Response Plan.
which includes weather relat-
ed incidents. tires. explosions
and disasters oti‘ campus.

"We have plans for as
many scenarios as we could
come tip with." Hufi‘ said.

The Emergency Response
Plan involves such depart-
ments as police. fire. physical
plant division and administra
tion as well as the Lexington
police and fire depaitinents.

The plans are continually
edited. "If you just make a
plan. stick it in a book and for-
get about it. you don't have a
plan." he said. "You have to re-
vise it and if something hap-
pens. learn from it."

The Joint Terrorism
Taskforce. a coalition of state
and local police departments
and the FBI. has also helped
develop the plan.

The Lexington taskforce
is one of 56 in the country.

March 10: Someone crawling in a window was reported from 408
Administration Drive at 10:23 pm.

March 11: Criminal mischief reported from 845 Red Mile Road at
9:17 pm, side driver's mirror on a green Dodge Caravan shat-

March 12: Fire reported from Woodland and Euclid Avenues at
1:20 am. two brush piles on fire.

March 12: Suspicious circumstances reported from Funkhouser
Drive and Rose Street at 7:17 am, turkey in roadway.

March 12: Disorder reported from Funktiouser Drive at 1:34 pm,
caller advised he and a woman are disputing over a parking
space which both had their signals on to turn into.

March 12: A male subject involved in altercation was overheard
saying he would be back with a gun was reported from 460
Cooper Drive at 8:49 pm.

March 13: Hazardous materials reported from 401 Hilltop Ave. at
9:46 am, materials found under study table.

March 13: Suspicious person reported from 201 Ave. of
Champions at 3:07 pm, male had items to return he had stolen
two weeks prior.

March 14: Suspicious person reported from the Reynolds
Building at 5:17 pm, male subject in green pickup dumping
debris on railroad tracks.

March 14: A handgun found was reported from 101 Ave. of
Champions at 6:40 pm.

March 16: Information reported from Wildcat Lodge at 6:34 pm,
fans gathering close to building.

March 17: Suspicious persons reported from College of
Agriculture at 8:30 pm, off-duty workers possibly taking mate-
rials out of construction site.

March 17: Suspicious persons reported from 201 Ave. of
Champions at 11:48 pm, two people under bushes.

March 18: Suspicious circumstances reported from 447
Pennsylvania Court at 6:45 pm, gunshots heard in area.

March 20: Information reported from Cooperstown Apartments
at 9:09 am, tree limb fell on car.

March 20: Drug/marijuana reported from 101 Ave. of Champions
at 10:52 am, drug paraphernalia found.

March 21: Television in dumpster was reported from the


Continued from page A1

aid. students should com-
plete an application. which
can be obtained in UK‘s Of-
fice of Student Financial
Aid. 127 Funkhouser. or at
any high school or public

Whitehall Classroom Building loading dock dumpster at 6 pm.
March 22: An accident reported from Oldham/Track Gate
Entrance at 1:45 am, car drove through gate entrance to track.
March 23: Criminal mischief reported from 769 Woodland Ave. at
5:43 pm, car vandalism.

For more info

The deadline for financial
aid applications is April 1.

They can be submitted on-
Iine at: http://www.uky.edu/

For more information.
call UK's Office of Student Fi-
nancial Aid at (859) 257-3172.

Source: UK Police Log at www.uky.edu/Police and police
reports. Compiled by assistant news editor Emily Hagedorn.




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Continued from page I

the war. as well as the first
encounter between advanc-
ing American infantry and
the Iraqi units guarding
the approach to Saddam's
seat of power.

A senior military offi-
cial said the US. troops
had hunkered down
against a sandstorm. less
than 100 miles south of
Baghdad. when lraq15 W ei-
ther Republican Guard or
paramilitary Iraqi troops
traveling on foot ., opened
fire with rocket-propelled

Some of the 7th Caval-
ry's equipment was dam-
aged in the attack. the offi-
cial said.

The unit is part of the
Army force driving on
Baghdad. Some elements of
the force are farther north,
near Karbala. with only
the Medina armored divi-
sion of the Republican
Guard between them and

Details were sketchy. as
well. of the situation in-
side the southern city of
Basra. Iraq's second-

British journalists re-
ported that residents were
staging an uprising against
pro-Saddam forces and that
Iraqi troops were firing
mortars at them.

British forces staged a







raid on a suburb of the
city. captured a senior
leader of the ruling Baath
party and killed 20 of his

"He‘s sitting there in
his little room thinking
he's having a good morn-
ing and whap. we're in.
whap. we're out.“ boasted
Col. Chris Vernon, a
British Army spokesman.

The Iraqis denied all of
it. “The situation is sta-
ble." Information Minister
Mohammed al-Sahhaf said
in an interview with Al»
Jazeera. an Arab satellite
television network.

United Nations Secre-
tary-General Kofi Annan
and others have warned of
a possible humanitarian
crisis in Basra.

The International Red
Cross said during the day
that it had begun repairs at
a war-damaged water-
pumping station serving
the city.

Thus far in the cam-
paign known as Operation
Iraqi Freedom. Americans
said they had taken more
than 3,500 Iraqi prisoners.
There was no accurate
death toll among Iraqi
troops or civilians.

American losses ran to
20 dead and 14 captured or
missing. The remains of
the first two to die were
flown overnight to Dover
Air Force Base in

A total of 20 British
troops had also died, in-
cluding two killed Monday

by friendly fire.

Weather or not. the
U.S.-led invasion moved

The US. Central Com-
mand, which oversees the
war. announced the cap-
ture of an Iraqi military
hospital used as a military
staging area.

Officials said Marines
confiscated more than 200
weapons and stockpiles of
ammunition and more
than 3.000 chemical suits
with masks. as well as
Iraqi military uniforms.
The Marines also found a
T-55 tank on the com-

Elements of the US.
3rd Infantry Division were
about 50 miles from Bagh-
dad and hit Republican
Guard units defending the
Iraqi capital with an all-
night artillery barrage.

Thousands of other
troops hastened — as much
as the sandstorms would
allow —— to join them for
the coming battle against
Saddam‘s seat of power.

But some helicopters
were grounded by the
weather, and combat air-
craft taking off from the
USS Harry Truman re-
turned a few hours later
without dropping bombs
on their targets.

Distant explosions
could be heard in Baghdad,
and efforts were underway
to dig deeper defensive
trenches around the city.

Bush, after receiving
his war update, said US.


forces were clearing ap~
proaches to the port city of
Umm Qasr of Iraqi-laid
mines. “Coalition forces
are working hard to make
sure that when the food
and medicine begins to
move it does so in a safe
way." he said.

Sensitive to interna-
tional criticism that relief
was slow in reaching
Iraqis. the administration
dispatched national securi-
ty adviser Condoleezza
Rice to the United Nations
for a discussion of the is—
sue. White House
spokesman Ari Fleischer
blamed Saddam for slow-
ing the flow of goods by
placing mines near Umm

The war unfolded side
by side with diplomatic

Speaking in Toronto.
the American ambassador
Paul Cellucci said Cana-
da’s refusal to send troops
to the war effort has upset
and disappointed the Unit-
ed States and caused a
“bump in relations."

In Saudi Arabia, For-
eign Minister Saud al-
Faisal said his country has
contacted the United States
and Iraq with a peace pro-
posal, and was awaiting a

He did not disclose the
proposed terms. The Bush
administration said it was
not aware of any Saudi
peace proposal and there
was no response from the
Iraqi government.






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Sarah Zoph
Scene Editor

Phone 257 l9l5 | Email. pettyqnll8enotmallcom

«drummer "I TWAEDNVEVSDAVY,»MARCH 26, 2003 | A5

Bull riding, music
made to entertain


Jennifer Dishner shows off her skills as an urban cowgirl riding the mechanical hull at Cadillac Ranch.

Not just country: Cadillac Ranch offers dancing,
drinks and a wide selection of live performances

By Moira Baqley

Don‘t bother donning
your Stetson (that‘s a cowboy
hat. for you city folks) if
you‘re headed to the Cadillac
Ranch this weekend. This
Lexington nightclub has far
more to offer than ballads of
whiskey and heartache.

“There's no truth to the
wives tale of us being a
backward country bar." said
co-owner Brad Alford.

“it doesn‘t matter what
sort of music you like. when
you walk in the door. you
will hear something you like
before you leave from the
his top-40 to the house band
playing anything from David
Allen Coe to AC DC."

Alford said while many
may not realize it. the (,‘adil-
lac Ranch has picked up
many of the bands that once
graced the stage of the now-



closed Lynagh's Club. includ-
ing Hank Williams III and
Charlie Robinson.

Besides great music. the
Cadillac Ranch offers some-
thing a bit out of the ordi-
nary for fearless urban cow—
boys ~r a mechanical bull.
Located in the center of its
large dance floor, this robotic
bovine dishes out a rough
ride to patrons brave enough
to give it a go.

Alford feels as if the 3-
year—old Cadillac Ranch is on
a playing field by itself.

“Every night is a concert
or dance club here; we can‘t
be compared to other bars."
Alford said.

If the variety of music
and fun isn't enough to drag
you in. the Cadillac Ranch
also offers specials for stu-
dents with a valid ID.

On Tuesday nights. there
is free admission and line
dancing lessons. On Thurs-
day nights. there is free ad-

mission. 2-for-1 bull rides for
guys and free bull rides for
ladies. A valid student ID
must be presented for these
specials. Ladies get in free
every night of the week.

Alford said that the
Cadillac Ranch has a loyal
following of regulars. but
that more and more UK stu-
dents are beginning to check
it out.

“We are seeing more UK
students come in here and
have a good time." Alford

The Cadillac Ranch of-
fers something different
from the Lexington bar scene
7— a boot-scootin‘ good time.

If you go

Cadillac Ranch is located in the
Woodhill Showing Center at
2320 Palumbo Or.

Call 335-8800.




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