xt7r7s7htn39 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7r7s7htn39/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-09-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 01, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 01, 2005 2005 2005-09-01 2020 true xt7r7s7htn39 section xt7r7s7htn39 EiWRiS


Wide receivers set to show some flash and
dash to football opponents PAGE 3



g N G _ g R 0 P} N?- ; 9:} M Student Government presidential debacle

.- ii ‘waste of time and money’ PABE 8

Ke rnel


Thursday, September 1, 2005

Celebrating 34 years of independence


UK: 36 not a student organization

Official cancels last night's meeting; university files
motion to prevent Ellingsworth from taking office

By Sean Rose
in: xrurucxv mm

The first Student Government
meeting of the year was canceled
last night as UK announced that it
currently "does not recognize Stu-
dent Government as a registered
student organization."

“...The university does not rec-
ognize Student Government as a
registered student organization be-
cause university policy requires a

registered student organization to
have officers. At this time there is
no president and vice president of
Student Government," said an e-
mail sent to members of SC yester»
day by student services director
Rhonda Strouse.

The meeting couldn’t be con-
ducted because the student consti-
tution requires the one who called
the meeting to be present. Because
the meeting was called by former
Vice President Michelle Bishop,

who was removed from office by
Fayette Circuit Court Judge Gary
Payne. the meeting was cancelled.

UK filed a “stay“ yesterday in
Fayette Circuit Court that would
prevent Ellingsworth from taking
office as the new 80 president until
UK‘s appeal on the matter is con-

The motion will be heard Sept. 9
under Payne. UK said if the motion
is denied it will comply with the
court, but until the motion is decid-
ed there will be no SG at UK.

“It makes me anxious to begin
working on everything."
Ellingsworth said.

Payne ruled in Ellingsworth‘s

favor on her law-
suit against UK.
awarding her the
presidency Tues-
day afternoon.

UK said they
would file appeals
to the outcome of
the case immedi-
ately, and the ap-
peals are still being
worked on. UK announced that they
were not recognizing SG as a regis-
tered organization yesterday along
with filing the stay.

UK spokesman Jay Blanton said
that UK had the authority to not
recognize SG. He said that SG re—


ceives their entire funding from
UK. is housed on campus and is
guided by UK procedures.

“That sounds to me like an in-
stitution that is ultimately gov-
erned by the university." Blanton

UK continued to maintain that
its new legal actions are not about
who should be president. but about
UK‘s authority over 80.

“It should be noted that the uni-
versity‘s concern is not who is serv~
ing as Student Government presi-
dent. but that the university has the
authority to design and implement

See 56 on page 2


Devastation mounts,
along with floods,
in hurricane’s wake

New meal plan

By Scott Gold, Lianne Hart
and Stephen Braun


mounting humanitarian cri-
sis gripped this city Wednes-
day. two days after Hurricane
Katrina blasted ashore, with
police battling to halt looting.
rescuers continuing to pluck
survivors from rooftops and
the mayor predicting hun-
dreds or “most likely thou-
sands" among the uncounted

Floodwaters coursing
through the city appeared to
crest Wednesday, with 90 per-
cent of the city’s homes un-
der water. officials said.
Crews began repairs on gap-
ing breaches in the city’s
lake and river levees. but
progress was slow. And bus
caravans prepared to carry
25,000 exhausted Louisiana
Superdome refugees to shel-
ter in Texas. Federal officials
dispatched National Guard
convoys and US. warships to
the ravaged Gulf coast to aid
in rescues and stem wide.
spread looting.

The immense scale of the
disaster and the pressing
burden of new emergencies
continued to threaten thou»
sands of the dispossessed in
Louisiana, Mississippi and
Alabama. where survivors
still scavenged for food and
shelter and risked dehydra~
tion while waiting for rooftop

The fraying conditions of

life in the flood zones could
be measured in the sighs and
short tempers of frustrated
public officials. New Orleans
Mayor Ray Nagin found fleet-
ing hope in the decision by
Texas officials to house thou-
sands of flood refugees in the
Houston Astrodome. But he
turned grim as he predicted
hundreds and possibly thou-
sands of deaths from the
storm and three days of

“Do the math.” Nagin
said. “We know there is a sig-
nificant number of dead bod-
ies in the water." The num-
bers. he said, were “mini-
mum, hundreds. Most likely

City officials turned to
setting up a temporary
morgue and said they would
soon begin a methodical
search for the dead. presum-
ably drowned in their hous-
es. trapped in bedrooms and
attics. and carried by flood
currents. A New Orleans
television station reported
that one woman waded
through floodwaters. floating
her husband‘s body down-
stream to Charity Hospital
on a door frame.

Over another long day,
rescuers concentrated on the
living. Helicopters darted
over Chalmette Medical Cen-
ter in inundated St. Bernard
Parish. trying to evacuate
more than 300 patients, med-
ical staff and refugees who

See Katrina on page 6




Kelsey Fenix (18) attempts to keep control of the ball against Janine Davie.

Women's soccer beats Eastern Kentucky | SEE PAGE 4



unappetizing for some

Students trying to adjust to buying food by the meal, not by the item


By Sean Rose

Students pay with their
[BS or cash as they enter Blaz-
er Hall on north campus on a
typical evening and head for
the buffet style dining that is
part of the new dining plan
implemented this year. The
students sit, eat and converse.

The scene looks similar to
any evening from last year,
when a pay-as-you-go meal
plan operated.

Still, many students are
finding the new dining plan
hard to swallow.

“I think it sucks," said
Eric Chase. an undeclared
freshman. “I think 7.7 meals a
week for $800 sucks.

“People aren’t supposed to
eat one meal a day."

Last year everyone living
on campus was given a meal
plan where they had $825 to
spend on food over the course
of the semester. This year, UK
Dining Services felt the need
for a more flexible meal plan,
said executive director Jeff
DeMoss. DeMoss and UK din-
ing met with parents. Student
Government, the Resident
Student Association and two
marketing groups throughout
last year and the summer to
create a more flexible meal

“Is it different?" DeMoss
asked. “It‘s 100 percent differ-
ent from last year."

What came from the focus
groups was the current plan.
It‘s a system of choosing be-
tween seven plans for those
that live in student housing.

The plans range from 123
meals a semester (7.7 meals a
week) for $883 to 336 meals a


semester (21 meals a week) for
$1.873. Commuters can choose
between two plans , 80 meals
a semester for $670 or 48 meals

See Meal on page Z

From wallet to mouth: 2005-06 meal plans

Last school year, UK students purchased food by the item. but that changed this year with a switch to a
meal plan system that buys food by the meal. Here's a breakdown of this year's seven meal plan options:

Itinlnm 7.7

2* 8.9

3' m

4- 12.8

5' 15.3

6’ 17.5
m It
were: $100 In “flu" deli-s

Meals Per Week Meals Per Semester



Cost Per Semester



loll um I snrr

Undeclared freshman Jessica Job (right) talks to undeclared freshman Kristin Sherrard as she helps
herself to mashed potatoes at Blazer Cafe last night. UK switched to a buy-by-the-meal system this
school year, a system that a majority of other universities have adopted.

Is it differ-
ent? It’s 100
percent differ-
ent from last


- Jeff DeMoss, director of

UK Dining Services, about the
change to a new meal plan
system this school year.




Paul I Thursday. Seot.i.2005

California student dies after frat football game

By its. Rex: and David Reyes

IRVINE, Calif. ~ lrvine police are in
vestigating whether a college student who
died after a weekend football game be-
tween pledges and University of Califor-
nia, Irvine. fraternity members was a haz-
ing victim.

Kenny Luong. 19. of Rosemead. died of
head injuries about 2 pm. Tuesday Luong
was among a group of Cal Poly Pomona
students pledging Lambda Phi Epsilon. a
nationally recognized fraternity

The students were playing against a
team from the fraternity's UC Irvine chap
ter. said Police Lt. Jeff Love. None wore a


Continued from page!

for $479.

Commons and Blazer have all-you-
can-eat meals. while other dining choic—
es like the Student Center and K-Lair
have a set amount you can buy for one
swipe of an ll). or the price of a set

“I like it because you only pay one
price," said dietetics junior Jacquelyn
Evans in a previous Kernel interview.

DeMoss said that these changes bet
ter accommodate the majority of stu-
dents, more than last year’s plan did.
and added that the top 20 universities in
the nation have similar plans.

“We can only get better,“ DeMoss
said. “You have to look at your history
and you have to try to create from that."

The five mid-range meal plans also
include flex accounts of $100. Flex ac-
count holds money that can be used at
any dining hall at any time. Also plus ac-
counts, which previously could only be
used on campus. have expanded to pay
for meals and services at business
around Lexington.

Many students are finding the higher

Board overturned an 80

helmet or protective gear, he said.

"The game was part of nine weeks of
pledging required to have a fraternity at
Cal Poly" Love said.

A fellow pledge who participated in
the game, however, described it as “a haz-
ing disguised as a football game."

Daniel Dai, 21, of Alhambra, a busi-
ness major at Cal Poly Pomona. said he
and eight other pledges — including Lu-
ong 7 played against 30 to 40 fraternity
members in what was supposed to be the
culmination of the pledging process. Lu-
ong's injury. he said, resulted from a tack-

it was “as if he had the breath
knocked out of him," Dai said. “because

cost of the plans hard to deal with.

“I can’t afford to upgrade.“ said
Heather Semelroth. an elementary edu-
cation junior, who has the cheapest meal
plan with 123 meals.

“The fact that they expect us to eat
one meal a day or pay $1,000 (more) to
eat three is kind of ludicrous," Chase

DeMoss said the price of food has
gone up in general because of increased
gas, transportation and shipping costs.
DeMoss also added that UK dining re-
ceives no funds from UK. The primary
funds they receive are from meal plans.

“We’re trying to do the best we can
with the money we get from our dining
plans," DeMoss said.

Other students expressed their frus-
tration with how the new buffet styles in
Blazer and Commons are organized.

In the past, students could walk into
either dining hall and meet other stu-
dents. Now. the students must pay or use
their ii) to enter the main cafeteria in ei-
ther hall.

“Now, I have to plan all my meals be-
forehand so I can eat with people and
not alone." Semelroth said. Students
also cannot take any food out of Blazer
or the Commons, but they can take four
items from the “grab and go“ section. de-
signed for small meals on the go.

”It forces you to get more than you

claims that the SC Supreme

he became limp and knocked to the

Love said police had no information
suggesting that Luong's injury resulted
from a crime. “But given the fact that it
was part of a pledging activity we wanted
to make sure," he said.

Simple hazing is a misdemeanor, Love
said, but if someone dies of an injury,
those responsible could face felony
charges ranging from manslaughter to

Meanwhile, the UC lrvine chapter has
been placed on “interim emergency sus-
pension." said university spokesman Jim

want,“ said pre-nursing sophomore Shel-
by Reynolds, who was also upset that un-
used meals cannot be redeemed for cash
at the end of the semester.

DeMoss said he thought upper class-
men would have more of a problem with
the new plan simply because it was dif-
ferent than last year.

“I like it because I‘m a freshman,"
said business major Adam Mesaros in a
previous Kernel interview. “I don't have
to go off campus for anything."

DeMoss still believes this new plan
serves the majority of students better.
He said no major changes would occur
about the plan for now.

“I don't think we‘re ever going to go
backwards this year," DeMoss said.

DeMoss also said the soonest major
changes that would come. to the meal
plan would be next year. But the meal
plan is always being evaluated. he said.

“Change is good and some change is
bad.“ DeMoss said.

“We just need to get some history on
this and figure out how we're running."

srosem kykernel.com




UK. Red Cross to. I. to be. m «the

Student athletes and Red Cross volunteers will
be on hand at the UK v. Louisville football game
this Sunday The volunteers and athletes will be at
Commonwealth Stadium at 1:30 pm. collecting
cash at the entry gates to the stadium. Also, any-
one wishing to make a donation with a credit card
can do so at wwwukathleticscomcom and link-
ing to the American Red Cross' donation site.

UK participates in National Cannons
Fire Safety Month

September has been designated National Cam.
pus Fire Safety month and UK will take part by
holding several fire safety demonstrations at loca-
tions across campus. Campus fire safety officials
and Lexington Fire Department officials will lead
the exercises and students, faculty and staff are
invited to participate in the training of how to use
extinguishers and fire safety devices. Off-campus
housing will be one of the main focuses of the


The Martin School of Public Policy and Ad-
ministration is hosting a visit from Douglas Holtz-
Eakin, who heads up the Congressional Budget
Office. Holtz-Eakin will deliver the Distinguished
Scholar Lecture at 2 pm. on Friday, Sept. 9, in the
Patterson Office Tower's West End Boardroom on
the 18th Floor.

UK professor’s novel gets good review:

UK Professor Kim Edwards’ first novel “The
Memory Keeper’s Daughter" was chosen as a title
for the Barnes and Noble Discover Great New
Writers list. The Lexington Herald-Leader also
chose the book for their book club selection of the
month of July

The novel was released in June of this year
and is now in the third release of its printing.

Edwards is a professor in the Department of
English in the College of Arts and Sciences and
has also published a collection of short stories en-
titled “The Secrets of a Fire King.”


ed the office fairly by the SG


said she rights. Even so, he was wor-


Continued from page I


its own procedures to pro-
vide relief when a student al-
leges his or her rights have
been violated." Strouse said
in her e-mail.

Supreme Court affirmation
of the disqualification of
presidential candidate Will
Nash and running mate
Bishop after they violated
campaign rules by over-
spending their budget and
using tax forms not available
to other students.

The UK Appeals Board
decision was based on Nash's

Court didn't give a fair trial
and prompted Ellingsworth
to sue UK in Fayette Circuit
Court in early June.

if the stay is granted af-
ter the hearing on Sept. 9,
there will be no 80 president
until UK's appeals to the rul-
ing on the lawsuit are decid-
ed. UK maintains that
Ellingsworth was not award-

Supreme Court or by Payne‘s

“Ms. Ellingsworth was
not elected SGA president
and had no right to expect to
be appointed SGA president
by the supreme court. She
was merely the beneficiary of
an unauthorized remedial
opinion and order.“ the mo-
tion for the stay said.

was anxious about the stay,
but depending on the out-
come, she would try to not let
UK’s legal proceedings affect
her work.

“I think they’re just try—
ing to keep all their bases
covered," Ellingsworth said.

Nash said he supported
UK‘s actions because they
were based on student‘s

ried about the toll it would
take on SG.

“Undoubtedly the entire
situation has caused stu-
dents to lose faith in the or-
ganization and the entire
election process," Nash said.
