xt7rbn9x216x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rbn9x216x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 198404 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Wax Bean, April 1984 text The Wax Bean, April 1984 1984 2014 true xt7rbn9x216x section xt7rbn9x216x Cac/¤7y')_.
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’ ""777 Apfult 1984 ’
IF1R.’<(lIH1 IMHO) l 1 .
Book_Sale April 26-27. ’ ‘ 1 1 _
- -7*7 LSO will have a table at the Library Associates Book Sale.
Only Paperbacks will be sold. lf you have paperbacks you would like to
contribute to the sale, please take them to JESSIE ADAMS, BPD, third _
floor King North. Jessie has agreed to store the books until the sale
day. — ¤ ` ` _
Volunteers are needed to staff the ESO table at the Book Sale, If
T you can work 1 or 2 hours sometime on Thursday, April 26 or Friday,
A April 27, between 9-A, please call or see Norma Jean Gibson, Reference
I ·Dept. MIK South, 7-1631. I » _ A 1. _ _ .   R ·
Pi embe ¤‘s1eie  
The King North Staff Lounge was the setting for a spring LSO
membership drive tea on March 13, 1984. Those who attended were offered _
spiced tea, coffee, and doughnuts all arranged beautifully for a St. _
Patrick's Day theme. From the approximately 60 people who came to the
tea, 10-15 new members were added. The current LSO President, Barbara
Randolph welcomed all the guests and had the unit heads introduce their _
new employees. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the LSO
social committee for their time and efforts in arranging this tea;
Hank Harken Lillian Mesner A
Sharon Clark Teresa Smyth
Dawn Gay Cecil Madison
Ruby Herald Sonja Riggen

 Meet_the President
BARBARA RANDOLPH, President of LSO, has been a searcher/key
puncher in the Acquisitions Department for the past two years. She has
also worked in cataloging (5 years) and, before joining the library
staff, Barbara was a receptionist in the residence halls here at UK.
Barbara was "born and bred" right here in Lexington, Kentucky. A
graduate of Tates Creek High School, she attended the University School
(now Taylor Education Building) before it was closed. Barbara`s two
sons, Kirk (ll) and Nathan (8), attend Glendover Elementary School.
Kirk, the family artist, now has an exhibit showing in the newly—formed
gallery in Acquisitions. (He gets it honest though, as his mom like to
draw and doodleJ
Reading romantic novels and doing counted cross stitch are two of .
Barbara's hobbies. She also likes to go out to eat and she hates to
cook (Hmm, those last two things MIGHT be related, don't you think?)
The family dog, part chihuahua and part poodle, is appropriately
named 'Chi—Chi." Barbara said that she might have some puppies to give
away if Chi—chi gets out again. (Oh the irials and tribulations of
~ parenting!)
Barbara has been active in LSO. She brings experience and many new
L new ideas to the job of President for 1984. We're glad she is our FL
I (Fearless Leader)! j
I IHS. Not being trained as a journalist, I will publically_name_my
sources —- Laura Olson and Brian Coutts in Reference who know how to
spell "chihuahuay
l Thanks — Karen
THERESA (IMMR) and JOE WYLIE on the recent birth of their son James
CATHY (Music) and BRIAN HUNT on the birth of their daughter.
LSO has been a part of the Library System for the past 28 years.
It began as a group to address professional concerns but over the years _
it has evolved into a staff enrichment organization. Many of our
current staff members have served as officers in this organization. The
first president was Jacqueline Bull (who was known as the Chairman) and
Geraldine Taylor (now Webb) was Secretary and Treasurer. Over the next
few months we will list past officers to remind us how many have given
their time to make LSO work.

 * n
_ JAN.-APR. 1984 ,
Ba1ance brought forward, 1984 . $201.98
, Receipts ` `
1 Membership dues ‘ $350.00 $350.00
. $551.98
. Expenditures it -
  Membership drive $40.49
  Cards, Memoria1s, & gifts 18.80
j Staff Lounge Supp1ies » 5.09
  Bank Charges (Jan.—Feb.) 9.00
  Credit Union Charges (checks) ’ 20.00
1 Christmas Luncheon, 1983 (tab1es 30.00 $123.38
; and chairs renta1) _
Ba1ance I $428.60 (
Respectfu11y submitted,
Laura 01son, LSO Treasurer
· / Apri1 5, 1984
LSO has 70 members to date. It is sti11 not too 1ate to join. P1ease
I send your fee (S5 oo) to Laura 01son, Reference Department, King Library,
00391. Checks are payab1e to UK Library Staff Organization.
On March 13, LSO c1osed its checking account at Centra1 Bank and opened
a share draft account at the UK Credit Union. This wi11 save us
approximate1y $50.00 per year in month1y service charges. In addition.
we wi11 earn 5% per annum, paid month1y, on our ba1ance at the Credit
Union. . s
3 T I V
