xt7rbn9x3q6g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rbn9x3q6g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-01-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 28, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 28, 1972 1972 1972-01-28 2020 true xt7rbn9x3q6g section xt7rbn9x3q6g Q" o .
Forecast tor Lexington and vicinity: I
Travelwarnings continue. Slightly warmer
and rain ending Friday. The high tem-
0 perature Friday will be 40 degrees. LOW
Friday night in the mid-20’s. There is an 80
percent chance oi precipitation Friday, 60
percent Friday night.
I Vol. LXlll, No. 78 LEXINGTON. KEN'l‘l'CKY 40506 Friday. January 28. 1972 ' .
Senate vote close—1 8- 1 7
FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP)-—The provision most frequently chamber the first time her name Wendelsdorf explained that the the University of Kentucky Board '
Kentucky Senate passed a bill requested by studentgroups with was called, returned and asked to bill passed by the Senate was an of Trustees from 12 to 16.
Thuiisday granting votingf which he had come in contact. be recorded as voting “aye.” amended version of the original The bill itself would remove
priv1 eges to student members. 0 The original roll call showed 17 “You just denied me a good Kentucky Student Association lrom the UK board the governor.
state college and umversnty senators voting in favor of the . , ,, (KSA) proposal which would — . ‘ t‘ d t f bl" '
- bo d d t d 17 d - privdege, Carroll told her after , 5119‘ rm 1” 9" 0 P” K lh‘
governlng . -ar S. ' . amen men an oppose t In She cast the deCidin VOte have also given the vote to the siruction and Commissioner of
The provnsmn was contained in which case the lieutenant ‘ g ‘ faculty members of the board. He agriculture and would replace
' an amendment t0 5341, WhiCh governor normally would cast the SG President Scott Wen- continued that it had been un- the superintendent on the boards ' ’
passed by a vote 0f 18 t0 17, the tie-breaking vote. delsdorf, the first Student derstood that if the bill were not of regents at the other state
, closest margin of the current “This matter was a campaign Trustee who would beaffected by amended, it would not pass and schools ‘
session. promise, so get ready to wrap it the bill, if passed completely, Gov. Ford would withdraw his ' . ’ .
The. bill. also would remove up,” Lt. Gov. Julian Carroll told said he was “a little disappointed support. They had been surprised 'Removal Of PUthV ofimals. '
- public officnals from state college the lawmakers as he prepared to that the vote was so close.” He that the bill had come up and “ho “fled the boards '" an ex
and university governing bodies. vote for the amendment. predicts however, that the bill passed that quickly, said Wen- OthCIO ('apat‘lt.“ “'85 one Of the
Sen.Lacey Smith, D-Louisville, Before he could act, however, has even better chances in the delsdorf. r ecommendaiions 0f the interim
introduced the student voting Sen. Georgia Davis, D-Louisville, House, where it might be brought The amendment also increases Study ~C0mmlSS|0n 0" Higher
amendment saying it was the one who was absent from the up by next Thursday. the number of citizen members of Educatmn.
D ' ‘I ' h l d ’
etectwe Canan - never m a e
LPD narc reveals technlque at drug hearmg ,
_ By MIKE BOARD William T. Canan, Lexington narcotics difference between simulating and smoking
. . Kernel Staff Writer detective and arresting officer in yesterday’s marijuana, Canan defined ‘smoking‘ as
‘ Mumc1pal Court Judge James Amato cases, was the only witness called in con- inhalinginto the lungs. “By simulating,“said
v . . . ,, yesterday postponed the hearings for seven 0f nection with the cases. Canan. “the smoke is put in the mouth and
the 106 persons 1hV01V9d In recent Lexnngton Canan, employed by the Lexington Police blown out. It doesn‘t enter the lungs.“
drug hhStS prov1ded they seek professnonal Department since March, 1971, told the court Most of Canan‘s testimony referred to a
. counseling. he began his undercover investigation into series of “marijuana parties" at an apart— -
In a preliminary hearing in Municipal Lexington’s drug scene on August 29, 1971. ment on Transylvania Park where he had
Court Amato seta target date two weeks from “Sim“lated Sanking" participated.
yesterday to hear reports of the defendants The detective testified that he joined in Canan testified he simulated smoking and
from psychiatrists and psychologists. smoking marijuana with a group of the passing marijuana cigarettes at these par-
The State Crime Lab in Frankfort forced defendants. Canan stressed,however, that he ties. .“They were mostly in party type
City Prosecutor James Cottrell to proceed never inhaled, but only “simulated smoking situations In WhICh several Phhpte were S|_t'
without material evidence when it failed to marijuana." “"8 around 5m0klhg marijuana. said
§ deliver drug samples in time for the hearing. Asked by the defense counsel to explain the Continued on Page 7. Col. 1
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° ‘P l ‘ P k’ d 'd d -9- ' .- A~
P0381 ble eop e 3 ar ate un eel e , 4, . M4 ,
ad mmtstrators say UK needs hotel M -. . ; I 3%
Byl’lthCESSlAWES had been made- . . and lighting fixtures In .t 33*» \f‘
vi Kernel Staff Writer However, Forgy :ald‘ 3‘” :35 Pralltown last year. 3. g ‘2; -‘ 2‘3 3?“ 3“: f,. f
~ - - a i mt
business affairs said yesterday facilities in the area that would With and supported any attempt , - .fi . g: .. ‘ _~ “'2. "<
he was “amazed" that the add to the enerala pearance of to protect thc‘cm'ironment. 1‘. é . ‘2"; ,. I..‘ -
University’s proposed sale of the campug" p l‘orgfi' I(lid notl think Icolitisidcring ‘ M ' .J’ 9.: -' will“ ,,
. r . ., ‘ n ‘ , - losc iictwo otsi'or mung was ' " .' ' f ’ 3' ‘
3:13:21zllirilfldtilémt t}: 17:);er The empty lots had been sitting detrimental to thc cnvironmcnt. an, _ ‘33 rm IW‘ * . ’:.' 2 :
_ p “ 3 there for years P‘orgy said. and \ddi-d problems " -j_ .;.. . Waging); ‘t x" 3‘s -
> 'l‘hc land. a iwoacrc plot T391313 [91:31?“ om stions’albout “t' ““5““ “HHS- t“"““." w . 1" I 3:32;“; ”MW“; . h ., £
coinposcd (if two separatc plots (3“ hlhnt" him. Into “ par m £l(i\'l.\‘l)l‘ to thc l‘InVironmcnial . .‘\ “a”; . ' , ‘L . . :, ‘ '
. along lhc Virginia Ay'cnuc lccrcaiional Mm" . Awarcncss NW'N-V (“d not agree . K gaw- I 5 3.33;. 3 'l t
Wt W h... mm «mm '3’” ‘5“: ”1“} ‘1‘""".‘,", mm W w W H mm M as. .I.M"“" .
idcal siic for a “pcoplc‘s park” ’1‘“ Witt") t!" | ”1‘". 1'33“; .Rl.‘-)‘;Ull'\, unloriunaic to build any .id- Mtflfxfiw‘ .
by rcprcscniativcs ol' the En ”‘1‘; 3110””. t)“ “.“m H 3“” til “ dilions lll ihc arm and mcrcasc “ "‘“3 33¢? 1 flag; Mattie .43 ,
Vironmcnial .-\\\'arcncss Sociciy ”V” . "it 3 "mt“ H lhc ii'allic coimcslion.” Davis .1 r J, «4 . i
‘1‘“ ) l nivcrsity had certain ('l‘.l(' said a . -'
him-I)" mci carlicr this wcck :3‘:l\)i('nililil:lI‘litll3"i:rhii‘()dl(()1silli((itli con- Dayis said lic \yould opposc the t ,
with PEAS members. but claimcd .l('lfl ‘ i; ,‘ ”ll“ [p ‘ .3 ' "IHMWL‘ It It ”NW” «'1 zoning
. his talks had been “complclcly . ‘t‘ " "mm“ "‘ “It" "3 no changc llc said if the l'niy‘crsily -- _
. , _, . loially unlcclmg toward lhc _ ll i I) ll . """t') 'l
mmnicrprcicd by students. rcsidcnis ol lhc ‘il‘("l Forgy' said ml“ no m ( d I“ ”d una
”0 said the University had only llc )oinicd out ih'ii lhc [Zn-iv”: "cm” or somclhmg “mum lhc ‘NF'M” ”0'0 ”V 9'” (”‘0‘ It “as 5‘10“ going Thursday as In-
bccn approached by a man and 8 “Mt S )cnl scy‘c‘r'll lhous'md loi should rcmam as ll ll cmpty ‘ . lcrnalional Harvester and [K Physical
woman interested in buying the dollars! buildin 1 (skating-rink “\N‘Dt .tfl".L’"4'~“-“ ”Wt “‘1“? ‘ ‘8" () u‘ ,() I) Plant teamed up to make thecampus
lots for a hotel, and that no sale ' ‘ g ‘ ‘ ‘ “"‘t'nm‘d 0" ""3" h t "L l - safe for pedestrians.
l I , fl

.{ .
2-THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. January 28. 1972
. _ . 9 0 l k
'3: UK students begin a year S 80013 WOI‘
Austra in. “Cd. 0 c,
avgfigmgfifiypfimigf In |,\',\\ .\l.\lt'l‘l.\' am- tangible reward for their M'Pill‘illt‘d "”0 Six lifl‘t‘flsl 0‘ which the volunteer can apply his
Wid- ”Wm"- 518mm“. .' . .. , , . ,. .- . - needed development. lhese are skills. 1
Free information Write Jobs kernel Mali “ruler “01k lllblt‘dd ”“3 “l” b‘ put ider— ‘llid unemployment; child f
:figfié'26'lfflézfig' 8‘“ 1507" This semester .38 students will ting . a W, of hard work [mo [:1‘ velo‘iment and daV care; A“ student VOIUIHCCFS were 0
___._.__ embark on a 12—month career of making life a little 0,8536: for l'dlicatlon and community 5"""“""d before being accepted, [3:13]]
WANT ACTION? ‘ ' ' helping others help themselves. mrfltifllgtuldfgt31:11:133352will utilization of school resources; 'l‘hree major checks were placed 1
V USE THE KERNEL WANT ADS The“ “Udell“ “'l“ “Ol F909“? he “.01.ka4 for University Year legal aid and representation; on. the students. The first, Lu
for Action (UYA l. a .newly housing; and special placement. sutlillnllly. involved aspects such ter
authorized federal program. Each volunteer is sponsored by 115 .V0Ulh- lack 0f Skills. and h01
: ! UYA was created last fall and an agency. The sponsoring generally "01 being suited to the Th
for 1 includes nine other schools agency provides lthe tstudenkt area of placement. did
nationwide. volunteer with a pace 0 wor H ‘ ' ‘ . . iss
UK's UYA program is and access to the problem on “l.“ blUdéP‘t volunteers WI” live apl
., . I ~ (in a subsistent. income com- voi
parable. to the incomes of the 5
M or, a s c H A R L E l s peoplethey will be working with. the
j I This is paid by the federal grant. Dr
FOREIGN CAR 5 SERVICE Because of this, all volunteers [38)
347 5. LIME Phone 252-1722 v W BMC Motors __ Mercedes Benz receive a medical check. If it hOI
‘ ' ‘ — . . , appears that a student volunteer rac
SPECIAL GOOD ONLY Foreign Mechanics Specnalist is going to require extensive CI‘G
. . Mon. and Wed.'s 5:00_]0:00 10% DISCOUNT TO STUDENTS AND FACULTY medical care he is not accepted. hot
, ‘ . . J ONLY ON PARTS AND LABOR The last check placed on
D f l g . _ student volunteers is a le a] 1
'zza_2 for the pnce 0.3 800 E' Mam St. Phone 269 9046 check. If it appears that sga
. "AMERICAN STANDARD" student volunteer is going to be ..m
" arrested during the 12 month 3::
X - - assignment he is refused. "Ire
\ _ I , The student volunteers will
3 receive approximately 30 hours JAN
‘ ‘ . ' ~ of credit from the University. Sgt”
. ' _ . Hours are set up by the student's
. . ’ 3 . faculty advisor. According to
. ‘ ' UYA rules. the student volun- THE
teers will not spend any time in (AP
‘ . - ' actual classroom work. Instead 3;:
' ' periodical seminars with faculty Eng
. advisors are scheduled. Grades ms
' / will be based on evaluation of the miss
. _ student's work by the faculty p01
advisor. with examinations at the Si";
end of the semester.
‘ ' Presently the student volun- :32:
an teers are in a four-week training 206'
. program. Each student has a
unique training program. sue
you qual'fy designed to train him as an Won
analyst. First the student must 125.3
— . I ’ define his own needs, then survey 5121::
or an Ing s ew the needs of the community he EN.
will serve. and finally he will SOC
, focus on the needs of the par- 8.3:,
B d 7 ticular job. sew
ree . . »
' ' 3 ' ’ ' Au: Bi PM»: wimhrutark‘l
‘ _ . y . ‘ Rc‘EL a. z 4495 l
They re young. Our average new Officer 18 26. They re flex1ble. 6, Auto Tail“!!!
The kind who rush out to meet change. They're self-starters.
Because they know stagnation is not our style. W
. We need managers. You need a job. Does this suggest anything _
to you? Why not see C&S. the billion—dollar bank at the a
” crossroads of the South? Where 80 out of the top 100 3
US. companies bank. -— . S?“ @333."
‘ fi- _,::;:.. Y ‘33 _.~.{."’.':"?Esi;. \ its...
C&S’ Don Rochow will be on your . \fi‘
. campus next week. Like to meet him? _' .. ‘..,._.;;7'."5"‘ . . 55‘3” '4
Check with your placement office now! 3,492; ”Hg“ V} .L
, . a . a: «.2
'2‘3.. xv...” 3‘ is»:
08$ 3 as Ms x
The Citizens and Southern Banks in Georgia .» ” ‘ _ V, ' .
I "lit!
‘ ' Eil'iiii”é"ii°"i°i§ii”i
‘ ’ ’ P‘NleSlUN COLOR hv Deluxe.
_ lGBl® Umiodmim
. -p1us- " '
'7 .. The Landlord '

 x v _.
m0 .
‘ 'l‘lll‘l KEN'l‘l'(‘KY KERNEL. Friday. January 28, 1972—3
l Open forum examines I D C re S Sibilit
o ’ 0
Ga Alliance 8 mews “y i l p 5
Dply his y The original proposal for a will eventually have a day care to care for 30 children. including .
Understanding from both sides However, members of Gay University day care center has center open to faculty. staff and ”1059 Of part-time SlUdemS-
, Wore of the sexual world was the Alliance stated that even gee; thFW?rde:. to nfgesfiém :‘u‘lenifl- The “U"Wirstiltsvh"; READ THE KERNEL
’ general problem cited in Gay heterosexual relationshi 5 must m e ar-Y or ‘5 co ' erA '0" (”“5“ 9 recen y 95 a '5 9
topled' Alliance‘s open forum last night. be based on a racket ofpgames. and appointment to a 9°‘.“.".“"ee such a facility WhiCh is licensed CLASS‘HED COLUMN DAILY
placed The forum, held at the They contended that life is full of to investigate the pOSS‘b'm'es 0f - w-” '
‘ “I‘Sls Lutheran Student Center, cen- games, making homosexuality web a faCIlity: . v,
‘5 SUCh tered around whether or not just as normal as The Council 0” Women S x ,J at WILDCAT - .
S. and homosexuality was a problem. heterosexuality. Concerns, the ”St campus group “- -0 ’ ~
. , . . ~ ~ ‘ - \,‘,.-3 _—
to the The crowd, approx1mately 125, “I dont think it to_ fight for day care fac'lmes' A V... . \
did not seem too divided on the (homosexuality) is wholesome," “"11 p9 represented 0“ the /-.- “W“. \ ‘ PIZZA
iii] 1' issue. Instead only the panelists said Baute. He said it is a committee along With other less ’ l\ \\ g ‘
_'V9 appeared divided with the crowd deviation which deprives in- enthused Part'es ‘0 balance the - v’ “ —_
tom~ voicing pro-homosexual opinions. dividuals from the fullest group. said SG PreSIdent SCO“
0‘ .the Several panelists presented satisfaction in life. He went on to Wendelsdorf. _ .. u l RlOR
{With their views on homosexuality. say that people who are confused Dr. Peter Bosomworth, Vice- A way OUT p ace — .
grant. Dr. Paschal Baute, a Lexington and homosexual can change. preSIdent of the Medical Center, . I
inteers psychotherapist, contended that He said the reason so few do met 1" 3“ closed meeting Thur- MONO S-3l‘d floor
If it homosexuality was based on a change is that they are not willing sday With Wendelsdorf. MS- . .
unteer racket 0f games played to in- todo thework required. He said it “dim Archainbo, Professor 0‘ 6:004:00 347 5. [me
ensive crease and continue the is possible to change with ZBehaVI’orlfll SCIence, DdeRObeI‘; . R
repted. homosexual world. thera y, umwm e, Vice-DreSl ent 0 _ .
p Student Affairs, and George Pal" Beer Game 00'"
ed on Ruschell, vice-president for 2 for ] 0'50 God on _ ‘
legal 1 oday and tomorrow Business Affairs. 9 , 3'd “W
at s a The Council on Women’s watch Kernel for deSIgnoted nights.
. to be ..The deadline for announcements is it a.m. Referralservice 3' 758353] "'0'" 103m. '08 Concerns hopes the University ,
month Mo weekdays prior to publication or items in W" weekdays- - ’ , . . ' '
this column. All announcements WI" be run
three times; twice before the day of the COUNSEUNG CENTER offers "99' "9”
event and on the day 0! the event. credit, eight-week developmental reading _
; win 3“£5'¥3:s‘“;'.12‘i’:53§'ati'i'ZWS’eztiti‘ , * .
h , TODAY 3th.; Old Agricuitore‘Bidg. ho later than , / , / \ NOW at
9““ JAM SESSION With ”Genesis" 8—12 pm. Thurs.,Jan 27. / «it
‘Slly- Fri., Jan. 28, Student Center Grand PROVIDE A FOSTER HOME for a ,9 3 . .
dent's Ballroom. delinquent boy or girl. Ages from 12 to 18. . the THEBO I I OMHALF
K The solution to problems stemming from the ,
ng [0 TOMORROW home and community is in the home of by .
voun-i assists? sis-25 -
THE AIR F0 i . i i I , - .
me in m... . i, I STYLES FOR GUYS & GALS *-
‘IStead at 9 am. in 201 Barker Hall. No obligation. EUCLIDGRILL I . ,. T , I ‘4 \
acuity g::.:i:3:.ti::fii:siggn,assigns - r @i. «l' t I .. .
fades 2.m.Sun.,Jan 30,Recita| H.all,Mitcheli Fine Breakfastspeciaiserved 24hourS- 49‘ lg n fi’ ‘éfgm ’
or the “We 2 eggs . ' r i f _ A - 14o: .
aculty POT LUCH SUPPER t celebrate lnd‘ n POlalOES BUllei'ed l°a$l & lel'Y \ Jx/l ‘ a »
at the Republic Day, 6:30 p.m.oJan. 29, Baptista Open 24 hours 43:“ day except / k ’/ // ' ”Lia 3’5“
Student Union, 371 5. Lime Mondays. l g ‘f A g '
ROCK CONCERT with Vikki TsrgeL am: I ’% h! .j/} I 0 e
Ti h edb Th , I '
our-i assessment..:.m.,.:2:. g ,, t . , 4s at [L@W[l S AUTHENIC
iining 206, Student Center. Admission 25 cents. ’ N // ‘ J i ”_ .
has a COMING UP COMPONENT . . / 0" g/
t .— I ,,
. . . on i,
.8 an Women‘s Concerns Iscompilingabooklet on g ml 6 /
must Ilfnslii‘fsfgn‘l§¥ZT3"'p.gs°.mi':"r'§§mmfieo§ ,AM/FM_ 5'9“” Radl° '. .. ' I; ’i; .‘ , BELL BOTTOMS
irvey Student Center. Those interested but unable With bUIlt-In 8 track and . .._ *1 F . it ..
ty he to attend call Cathy Martin, 277-3515. Garrard Changer. $1 19,95 l "3 ”I”, ,3; \ «- l"; g C
, ' o ENT A RE 55 h, l t t ~ , ‘ ‘ . - , .
. will 539.2% werme‘bu hé’l'dAa mé'efing, “c ”Spec 3 , 572.; . ‘8“! If you've got the Rudd for our
par- 7:30Wednesday.Feo.2.in room 245, Student UNITED FREIGHT SALES . '/ 6; f . l . ‘t “ '
Center. Everyone InVIted. Plans for this 5 . g . ‘
semesester will be made. 2123 Oxford Circle ( ‘gl _ i ’ Ind Body Shir's levi's has 'he Jean
MISCELLANY Hours: Monday-Saturday, 9-9 l I . é Hug-g? I
;0 FOR ANY INFORMATION call the so \ . “turl‘lu‘al T0 complete the scene.
{‘3er ‘ .
l , ., XX
in .1 coniiiiiwioi iiiiiiiiis, "It. .1 ll l , \— B‘“ 30ml“ "' ""9"
.' . l f in .- DENIM, CORDUROY and STAY-PRESS
' é WI:E K ' ‘ ' ' K‘ ' ———————————————
2l4 E MAIN ST 254»60l0 .. i V
' . » . . - THE FRENCH ' , - . ‘- AND GAlS— come see our tight
p . ' 9 .' . I o o o
n__, n n . u _ i fitting Body Shirts - and those \
"iii-J . ° 11%;? . ’ ' .- ‘ o - '
Is ... COLOR BY DE LUXE . l ,, ever popular low-rise hip-huggin’
. 2': .
It " . . ' . ' Jeans - In BUTTON FRONT DENIMS
. 77° ‘~ W ”- ~‘°°'-,—-—-—-—- a . . ’ and supra son anususo ems.
mu” . l: l l Come Climb Our Walls
I ‘ D ‘ i s‘ -
C , . I . :, , t .
I S T R A N D 4 o ‘ ‘i ‘ . l , Phone 252-5938
' . i... ii ii_i . K
. . R .. . . i c _ .. . i l ' ll EVERY we:
. F‘Rsr UN 0 . at? it ‘ C - .. -l ‘ "
. a love story . / in gas. . it... . -
f j " ( “é; \ Lime 8: Maxwell
l . 155? o - ., -
- ...otlIatIi coini- .5 '
' unconsciousness-s

 Q ‘ I 5
Established im Lexmcrou, KENTUCKY P
i i a is ' h
‘" ”hi“??? massages .. UK and Lexington can help each 0!: er
5 Wi ,Edif i Chi"
ifnet‘émfifmnfiinz Edam " d the University could use a nearby
. ’°"3,°£”'-511222155333" The sudden controversy over park than as a pave over . . . b d1 t:
. ewns, . . , . . . . ' s
. Tim wig: Bonni Brockman, George Gibson, the UniverSity 3 potential sale of convention facility. And Vice hotel fatlhty JUSt‘ as a y 0
, I n L , ,. . . . , . . . _
iffisilii'li‘ti‘fiifiié’a..f:2° two acres of Virginia Avenue land PreSIdent for Busmess Affairs attract prestigious and
- - Mgitéifiiéimili£31253?". to a hotel firm raises the question Lawrence Forgy, who believes profitable—conventions.
- “3,5,,373;,,"::,',,°:;:g",¥,,f,"'°' of whether the ecological fervor the issue has grown “all out of Nevertheless, Virginia Avenue
0°I333???affliiiiifiiiiifigmt 0“ campus is being carried too proportion,”claims the sale 0f the seems neither close enough to the
far ' land WOUld give UK an extra campus’ center nor attractive
i ,l .. .
50:25.23;34L??J§§2"j§f§?§swn§i $200,000 during an era of belt- enough to . hotel developers to
swim $512733“ $331723“ The Environmental Awareness tightening. justify holding the land for a sale
F°UN°E°MI Society, Whieh opposes the land Both have good points. that may never come. A state-
Editorialsrepresenttheopinionsoltheediiors, sale, contends the acreage could LeXington’S shoddy park System funded and operated motel, 0n
' "°""e”""°""t be better used as a “people’s desperately needs upgrading, and land closer to meeting rooms and
balls would seem to be a better
' ’ solution to the University’s ac-
1 I
K ERNEL SOAPB 0X commodanons problem.
9 Meanwhile, the unused Virginia
0 u
o tra bonus. Avenue land .18 a. monument to .
. A (98 degree requirements. an ex foolish Spending m days when
universities were more
Between drop-add, fee payments, health to consider for “College Requirements” “alludes to the utility and necessity of the generously funded
insurance. buying books. and the shock of that looks a hell of a lot like a General deSIred requirements in terms. of the
being seated alphabetically in a 500—level Studies plan. While the Chairman of the A Major or Professional program” in order . It needs to be sold, and one
courseamongstotherthi'ngs, the start ofa & S Faculty Council, Dr. Tom Olshewsky, ti, be approved. They further state that llkely candidate would be the
semester is usually enough to make almost is quoted in Jan. 20, Kernel as saying that they would not look With favor upon an A & Lexin ton-Fa ette Count
. . .. . . . 8 y 3’
any student wish thatgraduation had been this plan 15 not an attempt to speCify S attempt to maintain a language Department of Recreation which
. last May instead of atsome date in the far General Studies or to undercut Senate requirement. h ldb ta . for arkland in
Otttumethatseemtngty Wittnevet °°me' auto" 0" Genetat StUd‘et'” I have t° Ifitsounds toyou likeafight is building S on 6.8 rvmg t.)
This semester the University. and par- disagree With him havmg seen the up you are probably not too far off. Just a town literally devmd Of open
ticularly the College Of Arts and Seiences, proposed reqmrements. who will win, however, remains to be seen. space.
18 treating us to all of the usual and IS . The University’s job is
throwing in a little extra as a bonus. The proposal WOUld requu‘e twelve "Wis At this time, only one thing is cer- . ,
. . each of humanities, social and behaviorial tain...just about everyone wants and ex- education, HOt park malntehaflce
Last December the UtttverS‘tY Senate seiences. and natural sc1ence (including pects to have this all cleared up and And as long as the Virglma
changed the General Studies requirements one lab course), four units each of math definite in time for pre-registration. Avenue land sits idle, its sale to a
so that the student would choose any five and a foreign language (a unit is one , .'
' h f if“ h' h pdlK board rather than to a hotel
C. out Of 9'8 t areas to u t '5 or er semester of college work or one year of Mark Neil Paster _
General Studies requirements except high school work) and the standard Junior devetomr womd be how Wtse and
under SPeClaI Circumstances. They also English composition requirement. Then Educational and Social Change “ecologlcally” sound,
sa'd that the. C°tteges ctmtd set add‘tt°"at you get to do your field of concentration as . . . .
degree reqmrements “if not mconsxstent in the past. a .. ,
. (emphasis added)with the“any five out of . _ _ gK I F 11 d o
_ eight" concept. Should you be in the unfortunate posmon g erne Drum: t e rea ers wrltefgfi
Th F ult C uncil of the College of of having to fulfill all of these requiremets "
e ac o . . . ,
Arts and Scieitlces last semester asked that 238,16” 3,213, tiger: 6:0(:;xty'eli§ht)fhours An eating fable fat. The f00d in the cafeteria was laden
. . . . . 0 ie 0 con- .
the PreSident appoint a UniverSity-wide centration. Does it sound like General Once upon a “mt? there was a thin and With unnecessary .flour and sugar and
EommitteieI to ll)ook ":10 tGenferalhsmdiesj Studies to you? healthy young maiden named Lioness. otlzierjsvtills toudistgouse ”:8 natural flavors
ecause e10 W35 00 lg 01‘ em an Lioness ate fruit and vegetables prepared an 5 0y e V3 ue.
involved more than just Arts and SCiences. One hope is that the Senate Council has in the way closest to the natural form, and Once Lioness had eaten 3A: of a bowl of
Hence, after more than a year of looking said that as far as they are concerned the never oar t°°k °_t Whtte flour and white Special K when she noticed three black
at General Studeis they said the job was adding on to pre-Magor, pre-P r ofesswnal, sugar. She flourished and blossomed into hard~shelled creatures and a little white
not for them. Major or Professmnal reqmrements a rosy and happy young lady. worm with brown eyes and ridges on its
.. ' . ‘ courses thatpreViously were listed only as But alas! Lioness went off to get body in her bowl The next time it was a
Miraculously this sameIgroup in leSS General Studies requirements will require educated at the great University and fruit fly in the lettuce salad which wasn’t
than four weeks came Up With a document “clear and substantive justification” that immediately gained twenty pounds of ugly as bad The next time it was a black beast
H" ' "~ffi\“‘\\ with wings between the bran muffin and
@%1WW Wfimwafr , / /¢///M/// [/ny , , , ,
- ’4’ r . /7//¢92/////7;§/////////7//7// Z/ / / , the paper-
..2/:////// ////////////%/// / / :27/ . . ..
M%%%;%;éfi%//Z///W// / %/?% 572/, Devoutly believmg that the hottest
M.//;’//////,0////////// / / / a" 77/“ éé/é/é/é/ ‘ ,
/ ’ /////” /”//// / ” /, ///5§/// , e/yy/ / . ./ // / ,
/////////////¢/%///7/ttt/ty/%///f/////fl46/67////%U/ / // ’ / // ‘1 their eutralit ” Lioness has made a
/ ’ {’7 / '7"/’//”//M7M/”//”//////%M :,,€//> :v,:/,//////// / // / ’ / /? number of rotests and com laints. She
5 ’ ///' // ///// \ 4's ' e/7/// // / / /////// tdth t't ldb rand more
MggVé/a " ”9 ($1 " I I / ////////// / WW0 economical to serve the meat and
%42€Zj¢/Zé/%flfl ‘- /4' '/"’J I \ I \\ . 7/! 7 " / . vegetables naturally than covered up with
/{///t%}?éZ/%/% “I / BUDGET I ' ”NM. BFV‘V' / // gogeylstufff. find :29 |sugtgestled ”than:
///////;/; 't/ ‘W » w I ' an ot er 00 no e e so ong a u S
gy/éZ/géé% t 1,4 t L‘”‘, “ I ” // (r ‘ ‘ WWW //// are likely to get in it. She also mentioned
7%//////”/ %~ 7 ““W ‘1) “s that it mi ht be a ood idea to be more
%/i/6/é€////¢%/ ”W .45 ‘$\\\\§\\t \C ‘ WW? W.'/;5;“-5='=:s~':"113-53i33'5ffi5555:-;Eii5:;i:fs::.535iii-iii;:3::£$5=33.€5§525§55é35:“ii-:2:- Clafll 16d; . ”Ill-31:: {flgimw I I
‘ ““‘F‘OEZILM". ° W“ $.23; f..‘."‘.3i.’.‘JEI';".?J"J§32;"..‘3' 3.3a“ :.%:‘.’:.°.::.“retractass'ra':m2:
. . ., W Wm— collar mum in *
lfi'ilfiHEhgnJifigLifbiil‘dsfili"imagined? WANTED “0'“ 4 6 hours weekly For MA 42l or 483 gas/mac's?“ 19:2"22(l9§?':9"15‘:”:e:3: W"
chest: {’17. Conservatory level pano music: mm‘ “::.:5232 $125 _hou_rly-_“__‘25'3 21:] '27“, , Eggs. <$55351 beads Owners ”93km Call 252 ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘N‘T' "‘"‘"‘
'ngan , . OT- ‘ TBC S ere
_FOR SEE-gm W Ldfge Selection. current, quality0 932:; LOSTEBlackJemale Labrador Three white F0“ RE~T*E"'C'°"‘V apartment 39'0"” —~—-~
input solid 5,3,9 amplitier, pickup cord, tashNoTeg: Male and female model tor ha" leed Royalty paid You buy at low price, toes on tront toot Name Duegon Reward 'W
:2?:'§.'~:;:';:°.A“2332's“"”5“ p...lamest:V;$:.::::2;?';3:9::;"e SS?£.‘:T°§LJJ‘J.%”JJ”32“.“.333 masts: .. , -- mm «mm May ' '
arby 4—CHANNEL EANASONIC recorder reel Need mostly. long hair, straight or (puny New Mexico 87119 AMFQIJlla I FOUND hill‘se' (a);S'gozgnshg53%:2551335e3523;;5fi'
-‘ to-reel. New heads, auto shut oft, extras CU, lobe g'Ve" bY Jerry Spry, nationally PART TIME GROOM tor Thoroughbred WWW 2“ 73 .
. to aggragg.lsiso.oo.mer l0p.m. 0...... 25', g:‘°gg‘;,fgd agggges'ggfrorfaquDhglcoggraph; face tongs k Three noun a day 52 per . ~W
I I 7 rule OUF n r II n r * — l
ind fim 32°-'§.?£§°"fi'. 5.156;: r". ex 9'5" C8 "3 "9
i i , . . n '_ _ 'n' . T I’- t r WWW ,
jog: ton—call between 6 pm. 8 pm., 254 Ll'frrymgg'r";$2,“Q'gemwaa'tkggsagagég'7:23“: . MISCELLANEOUS Laundry
nue --_.. N . C°"‘ °P°""°“ "
Civilization. Like new. Call 277.92la after S'Uden'. needed '°’. pa”""le '“dusma' Jo'" “5 ’ Lemgm" ”ems mee'mg ‘3' _
the 6:30 2~m~ 26J2 :figggmgnfngvfgswflzgul'lltime Sumnwer gainlthulzugheran Church 4 p m Sundays
. . . I . e , , - .
ive 53:: s‘lhE—Smll'tcacrgh‘gg gaggégfd 33:? Dura Corporation, Paris, Kentuyckilorzgizledr WM Dry Cleanlng laundry VII» ‘
t0 overhead cams, AM-FM. new radials, $1700. W SERV'CES
272-5826. “J23 _ ne female for roommate in mm
“a- l h . i , . . . , , ape °
ale .. . .H. m... {33:0}2":0327'é‘222‘23‘2.‘$11333.$3541?: stress-3:23.22:research; Free 5°” “m“ 9“" “She" '°°d — *—
lte- lTiiiii3°¥3i§§Xi?922i73§233;? b25245”; MATH ruroa tor pan-air ~ " "'—" fink—““— HOUI’S : 9' I 0 daily
‘ ' ' Ys'gh'ed S'”°°"'~ :NCOME TAX PREPARATION. Fully
r i cl (1 rk r . iv '

0:; Upa. rl‘Jesuaally moattegru? :lh'fegteife 2e57qulllirs Free Park'ng I 0- I 0 Sunday
ter gag;§gi:55;:is‘;z§2§g;s§;;e;1::;ggs COlhOlIC Newman center H LOST I480 Alexandria Drlve ‘
iC‘ MOVED I _i;.‘§:;51:'§:35-»;. : ‘ I . a --=-=c-=-=q==.=. _— . . i;
Iia _/ \ ——

t Where : / \ .‘ .1. . .. -L --

° OldPt M 'I ' ”I“ l‘l ’
en . or er emorIa Baptist Church, / \ A l _ -,
re 730 S. Limestone ' I \ \ ———-—__ .

. O l I M
(opposne Perkin s Pancake House) I /’\‘\ l //;y/~\s ‘ ~
ne Sunday Masses: . \ Ir / \‘ / _ ‘\(R\\ ROUND TRIP FLIGHT -
9 lo I I I : . - ' \ - ...———/ . " \ -
he . . . 8‘ 2 a m. 8' 5-00 p.m. ‘ / // / \ (\ VIA DELTA AIRLINES TO 7
ty \ / I .l A; I u
KR ' \ \ _ _
:h Weekday Masses / // ///, ’ \ \\\\ \i
m l2100 a.m. 8. 5'00 p,m, /'// 1/ I ' ‘ ‘ \ ‘\ f : I . - > ‘
5n i ‘ . l \ 2 _
Where: I/ / I / \ . ._
is 444 Rose Lone - l/ /i ‘I" I: AUD€RE>AI 6
{I (9/ '4 \ ) ' .—
a REV. ELMER MOORE 252-4605 ..l \ 2‘” I) /
a REV. LARRY HEHMAN 254-1544 ; Eve” ‘.\\ \- I .‘ ( F A g
- \
,1 . PRES. JOSH O'SHEA 255-0467 Enter \ i I l L .
d DOY ' I \
r-fi-H-fi \ i. .
l M— l The Un1vers1ty Shops
' I I M‘55 . L“; . '
am . : Dont “once ( _ l of Lexmgton 8. Richmond 5
Tn : C J l o a a
1 .‘our \le /‘!§.¥ are glvmg this FREE TRIP FOR U
5 . . ' l0 A" _
: - s ‘ SPRING BREAK! :
'f Eta/ll H
k I — “——
e ' fi: . _
s . F .d J 28 I __ . N0 Purchase Necessary - 1 '
. , rI ay, anuary ‘fis‘ . — '
t _ ; 3 Enter Each Tlme You Come In. t '
I : \§ . : . ,
‘. i, \ "I Drawmgr — Feb. 25th, 1972 '
_ , ‘ I UK {5" l‘lKl' S'l‘l'lH‘lN'l‘S ONLY
. ' flzk st
' A" A *
I "\ _ . l
-/ ~ at. YOU c N WIN. -
I Q ./ [\d \ ‘K 3
8:00 - 12:00 5 - : .. . 5
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- Midnight ~ ~ ‘-
1, Student Center a STUDENT CHARGES WELCOMED _l H _
l master l. halqe
. mmnmnl
: Grand Ball-Room Per Person : l _ .. 407 South Lime 212 wow, 5,. _ ;
' Lexington, Ky. Richmond, Ky.
' 2557523 623-9674 ' .,
Sponsored by: GP . .
l cosmoroumi CLUB l H. Y TO FLORIDA ON THE U. SH .

ti THE KENTUCKY KENNEL. Friday. January 28, 1972
' ' k d f '11 b L S U
$300-$500 per month 1110 neSS, e ense W1 eat . C .
ecolrxgrsinsgrejiirivreiellliierhesollr “.V MINI-“‘3': HELDS tangle with the UK Wildcats. overall defensive problem for the “‘We must have the quickness
, For full information write National KH'IH’I S OHS Writer ' ’ ' 'r l f 6—9 Bil] Cats. we V8 had the last tWO games.
P Boasting a i ont me o _ _ ‘
fi§:$.§‘f...5_e;¥;3‘i’ PO 8°! ”‘5' Muscle to spare. That‘s one Newton, 6-7 Al San