xt7rfj29bz4v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rfj29bz4v/data/mets.xml Louisiana Tulane University. Middle American Research Institute 1939 Other creators include: Historical Records Survey (U.S.). 146 l. ; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number FW 4.14:L 93/5/no.3. books  English New Orleans, La. : Middle American Research Institute, Tulane University 0f Louisiana This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Louisiana Works Progress Administration Publications An Inventory of the Manuscript Collections of the Middle American Research Institute, No. 3, Maps in the Frederick L. Hoffman Collection prepared by the Historical Records Survey, Professional and Service Division, Work Projects Administration text An Inventory of the Manuscript Collections of the Middle American Research Institute, No. 3, Maps in the Frederick L. Hoffman Collection prepared by the Historical Records Survey, Professional and Service Division, Work Projects Administration 1939 1939 2015 true xt7rfj29bz4v section xt7rfj29bz4v I.   I ,  °I'Y“ff'"°?“EI‘T`I°“‘  
  I   I
  A An Inventory of the Collections of the I
I   Middle American Research Instiiuie I
` I
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I, Preparedby !
. THE Hrsroxxcm. RECORDS Sunvzv T ·
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g AEA Historical Records Survey Prcrrsm
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, Luther H. uvans, blrectcr
Q JOMH C. L. }.21z11“@¢¤·Ss;n, Eiezgilurznvl
l mid Stzaiic Supervisor
  V. Q. sscisclc, S¤.=.;;aJ1*v;is0r
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herewith is presented a catalog of maps, compiled by the Iistorical
Fecords Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work ·
Projects Administration. The catalog covers that portion of the map
collection of the Middle American Research Institute, which was acquired
through the wenorosity of Dr. Freoerick L. Hoffman, eminent statistician, .
SCieHilSi, Kké SGh0l&T. lt contains S5? entries of which 568 refer to
South America and BOO to Hidilc America. While many entries describe
maps drawn to accotmary or illustrate text material, a large nugber
of them are seoarates.
These mans and other materials were collected by Dr. Foffman for
study to orient himself in the “known facts" of the countries through
which his invostigations`kn. his own words best imply his method;
”l have been in the real tropics of Panama, Cuha, Jamaica_ Costa lica,
etc., etc., and in all cases I have gone into the most infected locali-
ties, yet, never even onco have l had malaria nor any other tropical
affliction, due larrolg to forgsiyht and a careful regard to the known
facts {Field lettsr, no,5G, of the South American lnvzstiwation,
July le, l32l}.
Tho Xidilo American Research Institut; takes this occasion to nay
tribute to Dr. Loffman for his valuable contributions to knowledre,
and to gratefully aoknowllicc his jenorosity. It also vlsLcs to acknow-
ledge its rratituds to the Uistorical Fecords Survey for the careful
preparation of this catalog. Throurh its preparation the Iistorical
Records Eurv y has mude it possible to farther thc disscnination of
knowledge; which Dr. Hoffman so mothodically collected.
or W
Q//ji"/"E;Z//YA/-·O /0.7 ;’/L.!}
{RATS ZLOI, Director,
113iLi lhliifal lE5LaiCT I“LE?TTEE,
T*Lafl CTlT;1siif.

Q .
Q » . "
Tho Historical Rscords Survoy was organizsd and hss born iirrgtsd
by Dr. Luther H. Evans. From February l93i until Novrmbcr lfié, tLo
notion-wids Survoy oporotsd within thc frnmswork of the Fei pal Writers`
frojoct. From Novsmbsr 1936 until August Bl, l@39, the Survsi was an
indopcndsnt part of WPA Fsdsrsl Projoct No. l. Sinco Ssptembor l, it
nas opcratsd os s soriss of ststo projscts undor tho nation-wid; HPA
Historical Rocords Survoy Program.
ln Louisiana, s unit of tho Survoy bogon oporztions in {srch l936,
undir Lylo Saxon, Stats Diroctor of tho Writors' Project, Sinco Karon
lO, l937, whon tho prosont Stcto Suporvisor wss nppointod, the Survey
has boon soparcts from tho Writors' Projoct. Sinco July l?E , Vcréil
L. Bodsolo, Suporvisor, has boon in immodisto chcrgo of tho Louisiana _
Projoct during tho abssnco from tho ststo of tho Stnts Supervisor on
rogional businoss. Tho official sponsor of tho Louisiond Historical
Records Survoy Projoct is tho Dopsrtmont of Archiv s, Hill Iqmcrirl
Library, Louisiana Ststo Univorsity. Dr. Edwin A. Povis, Archivist, `
is th; official sponsor's r pr;scntctiv . Tn; so-sponsor for this par-
ticulnr publication is tho Liidlo Amoriccn Hss;1rch Institut., lulsno
Univorsity of Louisiana. Frrns Slow, Dir ·’.‘ ctor, is th, cc-sporror's `
The propcrition of 1 list of th. hops in tt- Hoffmsn Collection
wss bcyun in l93G, und;r tho supervision of Dr, Gs por Lu ins, assistant
to Ir. ~.lr Saxon in chorio of th; Eistoricsl Rocords Surv;r, The WPA form
l5HR was usod to dosoribo pooh mop. Thoso in turn r ro ohigkad ini
rocnookod. A list was thon pr.p¤rod and an nttpmpt vos mili to cbtoin
o roasonoblo dcgroo of brovity, by the adoption of nobr vifticis, and
by carofully roducod bibliographical citwtions.
A morc or loss nrbitrsry form of zrrtnv mont of ntrio: ·.·.· ts ¤ispt-
od. Undor wich of thc googrxphicnl namo hodiings indicotoi in tt; t¤blo
of sontonts, tho srrsnggmont of cntrics is ;lphzboticjvl.
its nits irs ksyoi if 1“iE*r "‘ ‘*? oxtr u t ir: ?4 *?Zs list, V
ani slculd Ls s‘sily ico sri le tc init r·-¤. "tsf ifPir"¢*ls.

The Survey is indebted to National, Reqional, and State WPA
officials for oid in the preparation of volumes of which this pub-
lication is representative. This is especially true of Lis. Loo
G. Spofford, Chief Regional Supervisor, and Miss Alma S, Yammo i,
State Director, of the Professional and Service Division, under
which the Survey Project operates. Mr. Blom, Mr. Gropp, and Hrnrice
Ries, of the MARI, have all given much time in criticism and helpful
suggestions in the preparation of this volume. Salo K. Lowe, formerly
foreman of the Survey unit at the Institute, has, since his connection _
with the University through a Cernerie Grent, been of material assist-
ance in bringing this work to completion. The final checkin; of the
entire dreft was done by Jessie R. Kelly.
John C, L, Andreassen
State Supervisor
Historical Records Survey `
OP e5-l-GQ-34
SW 40027-27®7
New Orleans
September 27, l939

Q .
Q _
F. _ . .
Q ,
Foreword ........................... i
Profnco . . ... . . ...................... ii
§bbrovi&ti0nS . . . . . . .... . .............. iv
I. Amorico ~... . ........................ K
A. Amcricu, Gcnor;1 ............. . ........ 1
_ B. hindlo America . . . . . . . . ............... XO
Y- 1. Middle America, gonorhl .................. 13
2. British Honduras ..... . ............... EO .
H. Costa Rica . . .... . ................. 21
, G. F1 Salv&&0T . . . . . . .................. 22
, 5 . G`U’3.“tZ€il'l€L].El . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 _
. 6. Spanish Honduras . . . . . . . . . . ........... E5
_ 7, Moxioo . . . . ..... . ................ 27
. 8. Nicaragua ..... . ................... 5% _
. 9. Panama .......................... 54
IO. W%St IHdi8s . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . EC
, G. North Amorica ........................ 57
1. North America, rcnorml .................. E7
2. Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........., D9
3. United Statos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... Db
D. South Amoricn ..... . . ................. 55
1. South Am rica zonorol . . . . . ............. E5
’ ~ -i
2. Argentina ......................... JD
3 • EC·].iVj.& . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · · » . . FV
- Q- BTiZil . . . . . . . . ......... . ........ :T
S . Chilo ...................... _ ..... 1;
G. Colombia. . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . i°Z
V- Bouodor .......................... liz
T` . 1“' —
1U,JUO ¤.G. Gutl. Cox., athnoi. C.1 X é.[.
5,10ian 1?E2, 5.;, SSE,
7. DI5fFI;YT1OQ OF A}C.;;U d1L1Y;;. Ui;TriEU*fci 
5. LTCHISON, TOPHKA 2 FIITY To H ILRCZD, Eoilo %roi% rs, Cbicowc,
co. 1i91. Eostorn Unitod Statoc and northcrn joxico. Outl. Cc:. lc.1
X 23.
. Eootty, 1891, f.p. 7.
9. QYUTLA, GU TJMJLQ, TO TCCUMQ , 1§QElT1.Q, lntcrcontinontcl P il-
_ way Commission, L. Eoon and Co., Lith., 18%*. rrofilc Y. ilcvgtion of
sorvcyc on lino of proposed Intorcontiuontal Railwry; oxi tin? and pro-
jcctod railwoyo from Ayutlo, Guotonolo tc Tucumcn, lr cntinn. Err. Com.,
phy_ pgp, 1; 5_Qo&$QQ, vor, 1; 1@4000, Qlovotiono in L~ct. ?c.¤ 1 95.5.
lntorcontinontol rrilwoy commission. 1??5—@E, v. 1, cock.
10. c1sT1LLo’s MAP, 1511, Castillo, 15Ql. 150 to 250 lotituioo W. .
Wcctorn const of lcxico and California as known to tho Sprnish in 1E%1. ·
Cutl. Hist. 7.é x ?.8.
Bancroft, l&82, p. 153.
STATES OF MEXICO, 1. and C. Walker, Sc., Chapman and {all London, 1942.
Published undor thc Suoorintendonco of tho Sccioty for thc Diffrsion of '
Usoful Knowlcdpo. E30 to 420 latitudes Q. ond 920 to 12S` lonvitudos Y.
of Grconwich. Carly oxylorotions on coast of Crlifcrnio by Joon Cobri—
llos [i,o., Juan Cuorilloj, 1Qé2; Francis or ko, 15V?. irons to fest cf
tho Colorado Rivcr trwvjrocl by Soir S M—rcos and bout, 1T? , ono by
Fodros Lsc;1onto noi Domin o, 1YT7. Suypos~; xite of the Qgtzo civili-
zation in twelfth couturv A. D. BLU to 370 latitudes “. end 1lf` to
` 1120 lonritudcs W. of lF@UCT1Ck, Aitoc ruino Qizcovorod o" Qrocor in
1773 on Gila and Son Pedro Rivors. Distribution of 1¤*i"¤ YFiU¤5- EGFS,
copos, forts, islonis, lokoo, mountains, poriz, rivcri, roeic ~rd troils,
towns (population given whon over 3,0UG), vocsnocs. ArcQ., cc ., cihnoi.,
hist., phy., pol., stat. Lntd., sho. 4 3/lu iu,Z iio pi. Llcroticns
obovo soo lovol in yards. 31.2 x 39.5.
12. [CENTRAL AMLHICA, PAIALA, "CST .''. 1;D11j, -111C., .VLU $TiT;S_CF
Tho ULITLD dTAT;S AED LOULR CjL1EQRQ1é1, Qmory Yrlkor, Sc. ]Fiici{T1
giologicol formations, Outl, Cool, 3/Q in.= 5YO Mi. z.1 I *.}.
Central America, 1910—1?11, p. QTB.
YLILYCLDS, lntorcontincntwl Railway Coomission, Q. Focn zni Cc., Lith.
Y"1timore, 1898, 110 E, to Q10 S, lntjtuoos rnd 700 tc SJC lcnjitudis
Y. of Groonwich. Prooosod loccticn of the Intercontinontrl Railwgy, cnr-
VETS USGS; proposcd cxtoniions, QUYUZIQ grojcctii; rcllwwji ii Cp€FUT10¤
ono progcctcd. Com., phy,, pol, Cw1,, arti, T4.? I ?E.D.
l¤TGrCoHt1nGntr1 rui1t¤7 c@tmi$$ioi, 1 if-TF, V. 1, biik.
1%. IAP OF Diilil 5,g jlljji j1H,1, TQ* tc 1f' latiiqies H. and
VCO to $10 lonritndso L, of gy.¤;~jc;, Qrys, crgcz, is1·x1s, ri·®rs, ·.i‘ and
towns of Wh€t it now ·;~tsm<1., .'_. fcgi ·.’. rag, _lc1r¤ wv, C¤i2T° lic', P'n¤io,
and Ccluxoio. Qwtl, {Qs?. -; V,k.",`*j. 1r.+ H £?.?·
Bancroft, 1*&?, 5.,. L. ‘

Q .
g _ . _ .
- 3 - {l5l—`;T}
15. DIEGO RIBEHO'S MAP, l?29, Diogo Riooro, 1529. GOO Y. to SFO S.
latitudos, Reduced copy of curly Spanish mop of North, Central, ond
South America. Outl. Hist. 16.6 X 9.8.
Bancroft, 1892, f.p. léo.
ROAD, Wondoll P. Colton Co., Low York, ca. l92E. Eton or rortev of
Graco Lino from Now York to woot coast of South éycrico vfo ?*H?KE C2-
nol; routo of Transaniiuo Hcilmoy from V-l;;r¢lso, Chile io Luc os Plrcs,
Argontino; comnoctlmo stoowor routc fron ;oono; Aires to ]oW York, Com.,
pol. Col. 20.% x lV.8.
Croco Lino, liié, f.p, lj.
l7, llHlHPCO¤Tl`§*TlL %U?*;Yl, lntcrcontlnontol D¢ilwwT Sony ssiox, ·
A. Hoon and Co., Lith., Eoltimoro, lSTl—93. Tho roporto of Corrs 2 and 3.
Lino of survey of proposed Intorcontioontol 7zll ey, oxistjtf tgw yrojcct-
cd rnilwoysQ topography of cowntry covorol by survot. Profil —.‘» S of line `
of survcy, railways oxlstln;. Com., phy, Col, Unloso o*Rcr·i#C ototié,
Scala is: lz &S,UCO. Froflloo: Hor. l; @@,0OO, tor. lz ¥,‘§?. *lo o- r.,‘
tions in feet. l
Corps 2, Divlslon A: l. Quito to Yeruqri, jour or. l' x 53.
ll. Yaruqul to Cochicoranqul, Lcualor. 2f 1 lli. Xl]. Uoolicéronqui
to Rio Amoi, Ecuador. 28 1 55.9. XV. Flo Awoi to {lo {rfc", Qcuuior.
28 X 82.7. W. Rio Euxca, icuador to lyioleo, Colomsin. 28 2 ;:.7.
VI. lpioloo to Lo Gino do Santo Cortroilx, Golomblc. ZE t Il?. . Ulla
Lo Civ: do Santo Gortruolz to Tablon, Colombia. ES X T?.Z. *Fll. Tcblon
to Dio Foyo, Colcmbio. 28 X 78.W. IX. Rio [ayo to Elo Yiojo, Colouoln.
ZS X 54.%. X. Rio Tiojo to Quobraio Limonclto, Colo blw. 25 Y ll9.3.
Xl. Quobrodo Limonclto to Poouyon, Colomoia. 2% x €C.&, lll. Fopoy ·*·. n
to Czjlbjo, Colombia. EC x 5€.5. Xlll. Cojiblo to Rio Cnucn Coloxolo.
QS X llS.l. KYT. Flo Couco to Cali, Colombia. 23 1 lD5.&. JYY. lTulccn
to Rio Sapuvcn, Colombia. 29 2 @@.4, IUI, Rio Sapuyo: to Rio Quwitnro,
Colomolm. bi 2 4l,@, All mypo of Division A oro zccopprniod Ly profile
cxcoot XY and KVI.
Division M: l. UPQD to Ealgirg, Colombir. Qi x 77.3. ll.
Palmiro to ]ug—, Colonoir. ii x hT,n. lll. Euro to Pnl S, Colo bla.
25 E 55.3. iT, Ttl¤* to gtogrgéw onoo, Coloboii. Z° K KP;. T.
Quobrado Eongq to Kvcz eros, Ccloxoi . 3% x lLe.b. Tl. rocejrros to
Rio Clioeros, Colopoja, Fr 1 lo`, . 'gj, ¥fo Clic rei ty nic icio,
Colonbl;. 25 x €H.c. Ylll. {lo {occ to Ewso 52 Cor·moiT‘» Colqlzic.
V? Ti   ll. Pico cl.; G-7i5·";~‘·· ?‘* `jr . =r;sV€,'Llr*, Golf. {Tit . 2W i·‘ lf  ·
X. C&lF”ZES JDO Firo   rC¤*;r‘·"·ii; ‘j§’< V Uzlgr _°j’· , 2* ii  nl .i. . Yi . F' S'¤ 'Y3
Curamonto to Ri- 5¤llt¤r,‘ColoJ`i$. 2* x lfL.2. VI?. Slo `;lj or to
PSSO do Los Pobros, Colo kin, LV x TE, . Xl 7. Pain ir Lo. Eoirvc tc
éHTiOq¤i¤, Colomiia, Q? 3 lL5,?, XQ’, Qntioitlf ,o G¢»v¢ ¥rro¢S, Col-
ombia. TJ 1 E7, All gpm; of Diwisiot Q ar. *cc;Lf4;j;. UT xrofflci ex-
cept Ill, FIIL and XII. _ ,
Dfrii on J: l, [olollin to Quehro Lt', Colo EQ2. 2~ x lI*. .
ll. QUCWT?ll€i to Yirueron Su gil, Col; il . E' X 1.o. lll. Fi uirfi
Summit iM Axcri, Colcgbjr, Q 1 cf, , IY, A ori iv Y·u"rt, Celc-¤L·.
Zi I l0 .l. Y. Aior{ to Qu;§r¢;¤ ll Hozirl , Cc]:. j?. Y° Y ”.?. ~
YI .  SI2". ;¤.‘§· ll ]_o;q.,ri o to Yr mf l, C; lc:   , Z ii ’- . 1 .   T . T`.C`f’.l'.` L

Q c . ·
2 ‘ _ ·
-   - (17)
A to Caceros, Colombia. 2% X 77.G. VIII. Caceres to Cucbaral, Colombia.
28 X 92.3. IX. Cucharol to Rio San Jorge, Colombia. 25 X lO7.5. X.
Rio San Jorge to San Francisco, Colombia. 2S X lQ7.5. XI. San Fran-
cisco to Chinn, Colombia. 28 X 90.2. XII. Chinn to Station 79, Col-
ombia. 28 X 85.4. XIII. Station 79 to Carman, Colombia. ES X 73.5.
XIV. Carmen to San Cayetano, Colombia. 28 X 9%.3. XV. San Cayetano
to Mahates, Colombia. 28 X 52. XVI. Mabotes to Cartagena, Colombia.
ZE X I27. XVII, Tamara to Bejuquillo, Colombia. 25 X 89.5. XVIII.
Bejuquillo to Cacoros, Colombia. 28 X 80.%. All maps of Division C
are accompanied by profile except IV, VI, VII, VIII, XII, XIII and XVIII,
Division D: l. Boca del Portalon to Punta Uvito, Costa Rica.
28 X 77. II. Punta Uvita to Falmar, Costa Rica. 28 X 7?. III. Pol-
mar to Rio Brus, Costa Rica. 28 X 64.3. IV. Rio bros to Cabos Gordas,
Costa Rica. 28 X ll8.3. V. Canas Gordas, Costa Rica to Dfvclc, Col- _ `
ombia. 28 X l29.l. VI. Divala to Cborcha, Colombia. 2* X ll%.B.
VII. Cborcha to Quebrada Cal, Colombia. 28 X ol.2. `III. ·.~‘' Quobrada
' Gal to Quebrada Arma Falsa, Colombia. 28 X l29.7. IX. Quobrada Arma ‘
Falsa to La Pano, Colombia. 28 X IIO. X. La Font to Aqua Dulce, Col-
ombia. 28 X I2C.7. XI. Agua Dulce to Pib Riato, Coloobia. TV X @@.3.
XII. Rio Riato to Rio Sabalisa, Colombia. 29 X lld. XIII. Hfo Sonolisa ~
to baraflores, Colombia.! 28 X l27.5. XIV. Chorrora to Iaoguf, Colombia.
38.5 X 9l.S. XV. Panama to Pacora, Colombia. 25 X $4.S. XVI. Faoora
to Cbopo, Colombia. 28 X 64.3. XVII. Panama to Pavaronlocito, Colombia.
· 2G X lOS.4. XVIII. Rio—Sucio to Los Indios, Colombia. ZE X 73.%. XIX.
Los Indios to RIo Sabaletas, Colombia. 28 X 73.4.V XX. Rio Sabalotas to
Dabeiba, Colombia. 54 X 29. XXI. Dabeiba to Canas Cordas, Colombia.
ZS X 97.8. All maps of Division D are accompanied by profilos except
IV and XVII.
Corps No. 3: I. Quito to Latacnngc, Ecuador. 2%.2 X l77.2.
II. Latacunga to Ambeto, Ecuador. 25.9 X 87.6. III. Axbato to Caja—
bnmba Ecuador. 26,9 x 125,7. IV, Cajabmdxtto Palmyra, Ecuador. 26.9
X 102. V. Palmyra to Station ICQ, Ecuador. 26.9 X lC4.4. VI. Station
ICQ to Canar, Ecuador. 26.9 X 47.7 VII. Conor to Biblian, Ecuador.
26.9 X 56.5. VIII. Bibliin to Cuenca, Bcuador. 26.5 X 7c.?. IX.
Cuenca to Station llé Y, Qcuador. Zo.? X l2?.é. X. Station llé I
to Station I53 Y, Ecuador. 2c.? X &3.d. XI. Station ISE I to Station
IE5 I, Lcuador. 26.2 X b5.3. XII. Strtion l$5 I to Station EEC I;
Ecuzlor. 25.9 X l3®.7. XIII. Station ESC Y to Station $2 T', Hcrodor.
2b.? X IIE. XIV. Station 52 F' to Station 7&', Ic odor. Ez.? X JI.2.
X". Station 7é F' to San Irnacio, Tort. 2L.? X €l.é. XVI. S¤n Iinzcio
to Station ICQ F', Pern. 2b.? X P?.2. XVII. Station l?Q *' to Station
245 F', Peri. W5.? x oa. xvzii. ssaaisa 142 v· to cagtiio, ?~T¤.
2G.? X l25.%. XIX. Cujillo to Station T2 I', ?erd. fo.? X 122.2.
Station 22 I' to Station 7H I', Porn. ZL.} X $l.?. XII. Static; 72 I'
to STQIZICN ICICI I', llawrwz, 2c,f X QIQQS, XXII, S‘j5i‘€ioE‘1 I V- l' TQ STTIICQFA
I4? I’, Pern. 26.9 X IIo,Q, XXIII, Station Iéi I' to Cofabrmb , Sor .
2o.Q X lOl.L, XXIV. Cajebezba io Station Tl? I`, Port. F;.Z X lTj.’.
X:‘;l!· SI-Entloii Il? I' to St;atj)o;i LZ} I', I’e!",i,. 2*5.*2 I-I l`l`-I. "IXIII; ill?-·
tion PEE l' to Pallooop, Perl, 2;,9 X Z;. XXTII, Ezllercv to Lo rcxpa,
?@TU· Z@~$> X lJl,é. QQXYIII. Qi Iiixja to Inn to , ECTS. I?~. Z4 lSI.i.
XXII. Ytirai to Station Ii? Q', rar , Qc.? I €,".[. XXX. S‘¤TioK li?
I' to Station TQI K', Eorf, Q<,i X e .l. XY I. Stailzi {Pl Y` to ,
Stotion P?T K', Porf, QL,; 7 Ii ,7, IYHEE, St¢tio~ YC- Y' IZ Station

si? .
-   .. (1'z`—1:"*
37O K', Porn. 26,9 X 65.5. XXX111. Station 37O K' to Station o L',
Foro. 26.9 X 54.5. KKXIU. Station 6 L' to Station 20 L', rorn. 26.9
X 6€.1. XXXV. Station 29 L' to Station 32 L', Porn. io.? X 146,
XXXV1. Station S2 L' to Yuo1iapampa, Foro. 26.9 X 12E.2. XXXT11.
Yucliapampa to Huamali, Porn. 26.0 X 56.2. XXXV111. Huawa1i to
iuancayo, Foro. 26,9 X 07.5. XKXTX. Euancayo to Station S1 O', Foro.
26.9 X 87.5, XXXIX. Huancayo to Station 31 O', Foro, 26.9 X 139. KL,
Station 31 O' to Station 197 O', Porn. 2c,O X 163.2. XL1. Station 197
O' to Station 288 O', Ford. 26.0 X 156.7. XL11. Station 2C? O' to Sta-
tion 337 O', 337 O', Foro. 26.9 X 64. XL111. Station 337 O' to Sta-
tion 379 O', Pordt 26.9 X 60.6. XLIV. Station 379 O' to Station 437 O', 1
Ford. 26.9 X 102. XLV. Station 437 O' to Station 533 O', Peru. 26.9
X 102. XLV. Station 437 Q' to Station 533 O', Puri. 26.9 X 11¥.3. /
XL71. Station 533 O' to Rio Apurimac, Para. 26,9 X 37.7. XLV11. Rio `
Aporimac to Station 637 O', Porn. 26.9 X 33.6. XLU111. Station 637 O'
to Ouzoo, Porn. 26.9 X 91.5. A11 maps accompanied by nroti1oz. F1ano
do 1a Linoa Lntro Aroquipa y Func. 1/2 in.: 10,000 ft. Proiiloz Eor. ·
1/2 in.¤ EO ft., vor. 5/B io.: 1,000 ft. 39.4 X $$.5. 2 oopios of
F. G. do Iu1iaca a Cuzco, may and profi1o. 4 15/16 in.: 100,QOO ft.
30.4 X 131. ·
Intoroontinontal railway commission, 1895-93, portfo1it; S ;nd 3.
18. JUAN DE LA CASA'S MA}, 1500, Juan da La Cooa, 1500. Hoiucod
copy. Southern coast of North Amorica, Host Indios, and northern coast
of South Amorica as known at that data. Out1. fist. 3.7 X 9.7.
Bancroft, 1882, p. 116.
19. MAPS OF LATIN AMSAICA, Dopartmont of Gommorco, ca. 1020. BW
maps of Latin Amorioa. Joundarioo fixed and in oispato; capitals, cities
and towns; rai1ways in operation and projoctod, wagon roads, trai1o; can-
a1s, lakoa, marshos, navioahio and onozplorod rivcrs, water !a11o. Ooo.,
po1. Unions othorwiso statod tho sca1o is: 1: 4,000,0JC. §1cv2tions
in motors.
l. Hcxico, Northooot, 2203O' to 330 latituaos Y. and 1O00 to
1200 longitudos W. of Groonwioh, 25.7 X 20,2. 2. Tcxico, Northeast.
240 to 320 latitudos N. and 960 to 1O@0 longitudos C. of Greenwich.
23.1 X 2%.2. 3. Mexico, Southvost. 160 to 240 12titn£c: I. ani icc to
1080 longitudos N. of Groonwioh. 23.6 X 33. 4. xoxico, Sottrcast.
100 to 240 latitudos N, and S40 to 960 lonyituooo E. of Crooxwior. Z3
X 33. 5. Cuba. 160 to 240 latitudes E. and 720 to :40 1cngitnioz ?.
of Qrconwioh. 23 X 33. 6. Porto Rico. 160 to 240 1;titoic: I. and
600 to 720 longitudos W. of Greenwich. 23 X 32.3. 7. Cantrai éucrioa,
Qost. OE0 to 160 1atitudco H. and E40 to @60 1cngitaico Y. of Ornogvich.
23 X 33.3. S. Eanama—Co1ouoia, forth. 370 to 160 iatitudiu Y, and 720
to @@0 lonwitodoz W, of Groonw;ch, 24.E X 33.2. 9. Ton€Z~@12, Yorth.
S30 to 1£0 latituloo H. and 590 to 720 lonyituios Y. of Grcontici. Z2.?
I 36.0. 1G. Co1ombia, West, OCC to OG0 1atitudo$ Y. ani 720 tc 040
" 1on§itu&os E, of Qroanwici, 25.% 1 34.3. 11. CQ1ClO1Q—v@E%ZJ€1‘. 730
to OE0 latitmioo I. and CC0 to 720 loniit dos W. of Qreonwioh. QE X 34.4.
12. Guianas. OO0 to S30 1otitudos Y. ani 430 to C30 loniituios Y. of
Groonwich. Z3 X 3%.4. 13. Ecuador. D“0 to 250 latituiaz S. ani 720 _
to S40 longitudzs L, of Green ioL. 23 X 34. 14. Erezil, “*;‘r £mo;on.

 3 .
E ‘
, ; - /1r_~&
\"' '~ *
` `."`·O * PO ,. .; .:.. , ,_ ,_ ,· Q/· , _· V ~ . ,. _ ,
ub me Ow l tlbuluw 3. l;- MJ' cc U20 len mtuies M. mi wr;ex ·.‘· ici, 23
x J&.&, l5. Brazil, L©w;r Alraon. A30 to GGG l;tlTui;: 5, and QQ0 fg
cO0 lomgitulcs W. of Crncnwien. 93 1 34, 16, Er Wi? ’~y+¤».~5 *n¤
tc w¤¤ lgwltuues 6. and 570 to éc0 lwmrltvlcs V. af uxscmwich. /·~‘ 7E,l X
39.9. l7. Peru, Ccntrnl. OF0 in l&0 l2ti+ni©s S, raf 720 is QQ0 lgnv-
Jtudus H, of Greenwich. 22.0 X 35.5. l?. Feru~F0livln, "0rih—Triiil,
ww' to lb l4tlEUd€¤ J. unl ¤U’ Lu 720 l0n¢;tu¤es M, uz wrcsn ·.*’ ich. Z3 x
Jd.7. l9. Br:1.zl.L, ;.01“ch C¤m1r‘...1.. J.;0 10 loc lc·,1:J_*;11w;v .5 S, #,1;/j 5.;-0 tg
wU0 longltudcs m. nf CTGGHWlCh. B2.? x a3.7. 20. £r¤;iL-jzsi Cenivfl
O80 to l60 lvtitudes S. and 340 to 480 lcnpitudes H. of lyuenwich. 23
x J$.u. QL. B0livin»50uth. 160 to 240 lgtltudws S. 051 éJ0 in 740
l¤g,lth¤©¤ N. O1 UfOGHWlCh. 2J.l X $@.2. 22. brazll, Soni; Uewiral.
1. tu ZG l;lltUi@S S. and 480 to ¤U0 l©ng;tud©s n, cf urcenwxcm. Z2.?
x dk.& 23. Ernzil, Scuthcast. lL0 to 240 latiiudzs 5, and $$0 ie Q3]
lcnpliuues M. of Grsgnwich. 22.8 1 32.7. 24, Ghil2—1r¤@&Tina, Earth.
>¤,i;_{_, to   ·!,__bl_4__,l, ·» __·. .;.-—O r— O _ · ;·- -.   · A
-. » . lu ..d©s ¤. anu uu to /9 l0nr¤tuds¤ N 01 #*¤¤¤ *‘=· ¤r* °—
2 a;.é. 20. Argcntina—%razil-Uruguay, North. 240 Tc 320 leiitudas S.
._.` i q ;( _;_  _ J _,_ _· I .·· _ —, _ _ . ,. ,»~ ., , · .
R-d &u' bu LO' l0»&1tud@e A. Ol Lreumwgch. 2J x 3u.u. Q;. Gh1l@—Ar—
rs..lw., Cent1»L. 310 tu QO0 letlaudes S. and cu0 to /d“ l¢¤*;Tu1@S H.
Oi ?—’?`f‘*J??‘-`·'?L Gi-   K     P;1‘¢1‘¤11*ci¤t;,   LT3*1,=/j·1~··jr, Smyth, Eff"? `
to QG0 lutitndcs S. and @80 fw GU0 lunxitudes W, mf Gymon ’,‘.· ich. 23.1 X
"'\ ' Dj; ‘ 3 _   ..· 2*., ,, N 7 -· ·· , ~ ~ .
nw,x. L-, Chll»—Lr{nntlma, Quqih, 400 to a8O lat;Tu4;s S, S21 @30 tc
/6 l0ng1iud¤¤ M, of urmwudluh, 2; x ¤l.¤, 29, Ch1l©—,r’cnt1na, mx-
trnmc ¤¤uth. QQO to E60 lvtiiudya S, eni $70 tm 760 lunsiiudcs Y. cf
Cr©©nWich. 23 X 3©.2, 30, {A Asp of Lziln Americzl. 350 I. lc $$0
S. lafltudas and 20 `*‘' he lid" lmmlituics L, of Crcum ·.‘= icR. L ip.: l,$@?
mi. 50.E X 42,c,
U. S. Burcaw of §wr»jiw pyi xmmlatlc ;;;;¤rc;, l?TQ.
EO. l~/1AI‘·FZF5CRlE‘l` LAB, J;. lil,-   ;`-QU , ;$l;,}:©¤;I) YU; .1§—.";Q TAXI i.*}*-Y.'.']‘.'
_ ¤uThLLh 1532 AND l54H, $0qihw~;irr¤ gev? my {erik égqricux continent.
Yucatzn is raprcssniwd as gw isl~rd. Umil. {isi. 5.l 2 0.*.
Bancroft, liif, n. l$£.
uO fc DO“ latitudes M, Raqugwl qujy, Hmrih am; Camlrrf é&¤Yic*,
ncrtharn coast of South Amnrica is Lncwn in lili. C;<;. fiat. 7.C
X Ci.}; .
Eancrcif, lG8?, w. l35.
f¤ /'.·::r;-;.»-_ g— .7-7..-,.... 7,... ..,-.   ; . . , ..
¤:. /G¤»lup Ul Fl;hAC ;AUlU_Ap llX;CglO,, ca, ; ·,·» ... ROYTC @5 ;&x—
iuzan Qz1ti©1e¤.l Enz.il.=;.*e;v f1T·02ii C0rr;=12.· Ciiriirii., l»;<#2;1 *:42 ..·1·ti‘,¤;; {'it:. Ur wi.-
'ezlcg   : ..~   ,,   .. .... '   . .. —· ~ .. -—· 0 `
T~.-~, p1-.r1Clg~.2; (,11/l·.·,.> my.: .,q:·..~;;..:, dom., pw;. li. / ~ J   ·
` -:   ,4.; ,..,." . :1.,.. (Y" .7 ,· .·¤
..*2.*ZlL/;.;. E.; L·,L¤.;;1;L,L I‘2l;,l€V/; .,, 1.1 LSI, L.} . V7.
El?. >E.}XlCO. l50 te $.20 li if_ix:}1.   1";j,l·z·€A‘y* 5:,7, fr;r;lw;,li;.r "Jjl'Q’E Qizlf Si'!.)-53 ;{` TY}: 05.iT- T
$“`TT’Ff‘, Z'Fi.fi.J}; `Yc11;i#;r3s, 3;:;% ;;-j` `,$T_1f;"l]UEZZQ;.’Q.. Cc-.·.., ;»?i#’., ·i.i~iL.  
lé.2 J-; TIC,}.
u/C1;:.ll;.; , i. C=—;, 11C1.L..
?€. l;XQQO, $b¢Lfqr·'; ~i;$rnjLic