xt7rfj29ct5r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rfj29ct5r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19131120 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 10, November 20, 1913 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 10, November 20, 1913 1913 2015 true xt7rfj29ct5r section xt7rfj29ct5r . ` lk-t*" ' * `  
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P Vol. VI LEXINGTON, KY., NOVEMBER 20, 1913 No, 10 l
I ‘ • •
O3? Ol' OLIISVI 6--
‘                       A     The Social Event of tho Thankoglvlng
Holidays Han Been Entruatod _`
The "OId Boy•" of Kentucky 8tat• THE EMINENT CHAUTAUQUA to The Ida sun
Gathor and 8p•ak In R•mem· AND PLATFORM ENTERTAINER
Excurolon 0v•r th• 8outh•rn WIII banc. °, U. KEENLY APPRECMTED HERE 8tat•'• Second Team Smears it on "··_
_, • Carry 4N Moto Student!. ' Lads From Happy Hollow In FRIDAY AFTERN00N AT ARMORY
K —-—- a 12 to 0 Scrap. *1
  Evlnvnobv wu-L BE THERE REPORT I8 COMMUNICATED The Clergy, the Prot•••or•, the Poll- Owing to the high cos, 0,,,,,,,,8-,,,,1
CONCERNING VA8TNE88 AND tlclan and Edltorn and all Other U [ Mh ,,.1.,, Id h b
‘— sstsssss ss pmssuss ~....T»....k... H". ts. ··s.s.. """° "'“"°" "*° A °°°° °" ‘° “° “ ° "“ ““ °°“°°"°"*
Saturday the Wildcats are slated ..... ly handicapped this tall by a large ln.
——— k" T bl d th "D h-
to engage the eleven representing the P,,,Bb“,_gb the home 0, many was Tse d ¤:°u·° :1,,, see kl; The Kittens eased over ln the llme d°b*°d¤°8¤ *¤h°m€d ¤’0¤¤ liu Y¤¤'·
, o r ou •" a • .
University of Louisville in a four- 0, ,,0,,, Kentucky, ,8 wanted ,,1 A, a P llgnt Thursday afternoon by dstonttng ihv Stuff has decided to give a Benefit
_ round battle for the State champion- ' the Pleasurevllle Academy eleven 12 D°·¤°° °¤ uw °·Y*°*’¤°°¤ of N°'°¤¤b¤¤‘
,, mm, The bout ls ,0 be staged at l08h0¤Y County, Pennsylvania, lt the What many consldered as one of the to 0, 28,,,, from 2,30 to 5,30 dclock in the
- noun", Pak md wm be me ms, ‘p_ Win! Wh61°6 the AU68h€¤Y and M0¤0¤- best lectures ever delivered on our Mm0,,y_ _
Y gahela rlvers unite and form the University rostrum was that delivered The gum was played in a' Sea of h i i .
' P°“'|·¤°° of UW Wudcus in uw FUN mud and lt was necessarily the best T °»°r g Ml plan was t° m°k° this
t Cu, Ohio. by Mr. Ott, last Friday evening. Time ' an evening affair but we were forced
; S. d , m I lt was rounded by the Ft-ouch tu after time he flashed upon the screen Tad Roni; uga! Tinm under, the wml to abide by me umm laws,. of me
_ ,,1 mt"' uma: B,pr°v°d°:,;,° 1754 and called Fort Duquesne, secu- of the minds of his hesrcrs sripvins n °°h° 3, Q °h° pm"' U"' th? if dam, committee. However, ,,8 the
..Z......'°Z!;1‘L‘L..Z...  ...32   by     M-     ·····—·= ····*     0* mm IZ"Z...“2.,T. ‘.-°.§";‘2,T.‘2.°'L‘i‘;?.°..i.i, 2       ·—  
k ' , , was changed to Fort Pitt, ln honor or social conditions. Never from the ‘ th h ig I d f lacking in entertainments, this 8,8,,,
an un empt aggregat on represent ng the famous Engush statesman, wu- time that he bowed to the applause percentage on e eav er a s rom wm no doubt be 8 plenum mum, of
U. of L.'• int effort at a foot ball nam Pin, from whom me city Obmmed dm his heaters mum", mymmg but Pleasureville in every department of b ki
rea ng the monotony. Many alumni,
team, and on the friendly turf of Stoll M present name, me mos, careful attention and up the game, and deserved to win by a
l new they blankod this shaky csrmssl larger msrgm. "°“°'“ ““d ’°"”°’ °‘“d°“‘“ wm "°
, dna vm, 41 mma Tm. muon Pittsburgh is the center of the “°"bmg i“t°r°°t* W° think it w°rthy {here to add attractiveness to he oc-
**` an C ll I lu'.   ho", w°u_|greatest industrial region in the rnd °°m°°Y"°t° thu w° mv° h°r° on me unt kickoff we visitors Fum-Icasion. and the function should prove
I od I an 'ul the mg Wud_ world, and it leads the world in the °°m° °t uw w°°d°"°l mm" whim h° med md · Kmen mcovu-ed` In a the social event of Thanksgiving week.
manufacture of alr brakes, electrlcal ”° vividly "°‘°"“y°° by m' l°°t'“`°· uma of mw buck! Emotn Johnson Music for the occasion will be
uu dlxunyl an do, t°·°°r°·'ic:”. machinery. iron, steel, glass, steel W° "°g"’t mn ""Y °t“d°°t md and Preston shoved the Oval toward furnished by Thomas Saxophone Trio
· “f' r•ooThr: for tnsiionon ,,,::1,; gznsx °*¤’¤· mi P\¤¢¤» UN b¤’i¢¥. White lead, m°mb°" °t um mcuny “'°"° mt p"°" me Pl°°sur°vm° gm] u"°’ Pr°°t°° ..m,¤ s,,d_ Tags will be placed on
od credit on Had Icoach Larson pickles and preserves cork and alum- Gm t° hw"` his pl" mr mn thinking mxlmg it Over for B touchdown No sale at the Business Agent's omce, and
' inum_ iconoclasts ln the mighty struggle for $° · may be had for only half a bone, And
Captain Walker is a senuinc star. and To my the cm ,0},88 0, than vas, intellectual pmg,eSS_ wma we are Subsequently me play wss ls me ,9, ,, be md mw__M THAT
plays his posltlon at tackle in a class D enemy's territor and the Kitt n ’
th ks b industries requires a pay roll of over “w“·"’ that Gxtmcts ne"' gi" an °°' y' 8 S DATE EARLY.
R;t"r:¤B·k::u'; tgimgm ;:du;;l;:;; $1_000,000 E dBy_ curate account or due justice to the 8°“l was “°"°' threatened-
S ' ' ` Nor ls us prestige sssnssa alone to ¤P°°·k°’· Y°* ‘”° m“”* gm *h° "“b‘ TM umd °°"°d ·*·1·*s*¤··¤* as Pres` ooustz Hunan runuxscnvnuo
10::, Z line: floldbth¤ti0L1;‘;V¢T8h¤ ¤·:Y mdusma, supremacy ,0, it has within Stance or some of his most timely and °°° Md °“"i°d ° f°"w"d mss t°
Qu 8 8 CN! 6 D0 wm t 9 ' Pl ill ' 5· dll . Wh 1
* s........s was ..1...d ms sts me M b¤*¤¤*= M lm ¤¤··¤¤**¤··¤* *¤· """""”"“"“‘°" '°“`“"‘“‘ w::B.::JmsZS.hi;; ss; b...»..e[}Y.Z; “°*‘"°*°" *"¤"·*"*"'°"’ °**°"·
bu, has expect um years mam ,0 stttnttons of high mak, Thg Univer. **0ne man out ot a thousands ever ,0 gain and 3 mrward a S to Pr Added Attractlon.
’ . ‘ QB.
surprlse the wtldcnts [gud ,, victory SIW O! Pmsbufzh with 2,000 students really thinks accurately, conslstontty mu scored me Kittens Eefond touch ___
md put Louisvme on me football map and the Carnegie Institute of Tech- Mid D€¤`¤i8¢€¤UY !0W¤¥`d U16 ¤·€¢0m· down No goal ‘Addltional interest ls added to the
The uma Saturday wm certainly nolggy, Wlth 2,500 stndantm pllshment of some definite end. May Présmn was `the Kittens, mam d Turkey Day game on Stoll Field, wlth
mt be 8 repetition of last yam €x_ Besides these the city has n-umer· the dw h¤S¢€¤ WMD ¤1€¤ <>8¤ ¤`¤¤UY pendeuce ,n udvancin me ban and the announcement that Lexington
mbmon The Wildcats Med the ous other educational institutions. throw Off UNB SIBVKSI1 Y0k8 0f ¤¤D€¤‘BU· the work 0, Park Dmfworth and, Rod High will play the Stanford (Ky.)
mud support of 400 students when The Carnegie Institute, built by An- U0¤1B. ¤¤Si0¤1B 8·¤d D¥‘6j¤di€6 ¤¤d ¤t¤¤d man was one ;,0n8,,,y ood Rat High School eleven, as a curtain
they mv"}, lungs territory against drew Cnpnoglo at 8, cggt gf $5,000,000, out for what they know to be right ,,,,6 and H Shsck seemei to` be the raiser for the State·Tennessee scrap.
· tem th., in u yet an unknown novo;-S {om- and Ouehalg uc;-Bs, Om,- regardless of criticism and unpopu- backbone 0,, the "Bmng aggregation, This provides the strongest attraction
quantity It I- up to every student in half acre more than the Capital at IBNIY- OUT lives M6 like 8 NW6 The summm_y_ of the season for Thanksgiving and
the University to be on me new Sub Washington, and contains a Library, €0\1¤‘B€··i¤ R €ii`€|€· W6 slivw 0U¤`· Kittens ' Phwsureville Stoll Fleld should present that crowd-
Museum, and a large auditorium with selves to bf! {Hd 85 Sheep bY tht? 0Si€¤`S whose 0¤lY i¤¥·9¥`€¤t in vast I l I ' i · · · · U U UI; · · I · l   `Ad S the State-(`entrnl games of yore.
  free concerts nre given twice n wee]; us ls the flllBllClliJ TBIUPHS. The God · - - l . - l l l l l U ` l · . l H   _ ams
Th _ _ _ _ _ Rodman ......... Lb ....... S. Shuck _,_,_  _ _   _ _,   f
o city has n large number of of science flashed electricity across S nh C W d ft . ,, .   ,, ._ · . ,
ID ............ . .......... I · ‘, ’ ,    
churches, and its principal streets are the heavens Mid followed it Wm! 3 Dulvwonh Ru R Ad 00 ·    __ * ‘·’
lined with handsome and attractive clap of thunder, but men saw it for Gras, `''`'`' R'} `''°'` `R Jigs     · I;
residences, while extensive perks gnd HV6 th0us&l1d )'8B.l‘S Wll.h0u!, CVB? FEB.- y H · I .`·`''' ' ''''' " a I E   ,,`   ’ .". Ag
Sanford, \Vatklns.RE ......... Reeves . · .¢. ¤·
boulevards are to be seen everywhere HZU18 that if WHS Y0? MW 0ih€¤` D¤¤‘· Park QB H S, k g? · . ,;;._   *
wltllln its bounds, pose than to frlghten superstitious and `'````````'' ` '`'''' ` mc p  "*:°? K"   M
_ Preston ......... LH ....... wlmsms e ‘; pits ·
Blgnegs or Prttnsnt-gh, ignorant people. Steel, electricity, _   gy 3_. . `· _ ,
La _ blllott, Hatter .... RH ......... Wells ]'   ·»    
rgest use of ozone in the United water, coal and [IIB other H.ge1lLl€S of J h FB U l · 9;;,9,,
States, nature were made to perform the oner- 0Tns0?d `''``'`   t ````   `````` OSS   / sq
Largest production of radium in the Ou! and wearlsome duties necessary R‘;;frl€‘§—v;;s_ ui? on l     — 4
world, to human existence. The greatest T, 6 I uc; y`15 i I ;. r  
Largest fruit distributing center in Wvfds ofthe modern day are B;n(.t8m.y_ U mi 0 3*1% •·;;‘¤—— m nu es. ‘ , __&,,,V
the world, service and unlon. No man ever mp I-Q_ Hwa ' Y°`v”¢· t  
. Largest structural steel plant ln the knows hls powers untll he learns to har wm b ld l d , ‘ r;~ { *’> `
world, makes his mind obedient to the will, I 6 8 an ea num' ·   ·
Largest glass manufacturing plgnt Our bfuhls MB but H8 all U1l0l'gal1lZ6d · S
, NOTICE! ,,.,2,,.,,
n the United States, mob when they should be a great , ·s ,_
Largest lndopondont wlro mnnufge. trained army marching on in trlum- '  
‘ ll "4 K' " ‘ 1 Ed ·
turlng plant ln the world. phant tread to the battle fields or ln-I treatin'; (Kd, st blgday ub u v Q_ .
· ‘ 11. `v r' ’
Largest lndependeut concern man- tellectual conquest. Wlth our great if UTS; mil edu? bu re eu; ,,,,,:8;
lt} ' 0 6 B . {
ufacturlng steel brldges and bulldlngs. DFUSWSS U1 HBUUHBI Bliiiivllivll W6 be r m tg D _ ,
U Largest brake nlnnufncturlng plnnt have 0V8I'lU0kBd the Bul1lllAtl0I\ and p 0 p - *
ln the world, purification of minds from the anclg Remember me dawWNov, 28,,, ,
H. W. WOODION ’14. R. 0. (Continued on Page Six) Wcutluusd 011 Pulse Sill from 2:30 to 6:30. • '  • · ·

 ‘ 3
[ l
2 rss mall  
FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY APPOINTMENT. J. H. STAMPER. Jr., Owner and Manag•r. OPEN 10 A. M. T0 11 P M   I
  -5 -_;;;·5g;‘餢·—>- -—-ef -+;;*;- r   ..—I  ...::.%?—"‘_’"....;—-—-— ...;`°`_-`_.;..*······—·—·--—-_..`7LZTl7.€ T ¤F:T¢a¥ 7%;;: · » ‘-‘- e2 Ease -1  ;;·———··g____Tj;i;i;; I I
, , The nlm- amt \\'hite. ( : ‘b 7 (   b '
The Tnttler.   .__@ ... ...   will benpproprmte for celebrating
of Vnlverslty Reporter.  
Thy Onlookerl FEAR. glven his side, and much difference of
Kc  Tha SPH-mt0r_ ———— opinion seemed to have arisen. Two For Your hg`i¥`l" will not enjoy
The Fipigtlater I. hours of discussion seemed only to the Kam? unless $h€ *188 HOWBTB
Often free tuition in all depart- The Revem The candles out: wlden the·breach between those who to wear m honor of the
ments except Law to graduates (·,,;um€t_ The prayers all laid: held that our Senatorlal system ls un-   I.
of Kentucky High Schools who The Studpnt voices And round about democratic and those who deemed lt
gye prepared [Q gn\¢f [hc F|’¢|h-   The the tfllndlé bed OUIBYWIIB. T°°m• Our Swck is   most
man Class.   The Sandmaffs troopers hover. Mr. Donovan led ln the devotional complete m the Qty-
exerclses. Mr. Henry Spencer gave a
Each county in the State is     Ah. the shapes and sounds splendid address on the "Mudern Ten-      
entitled to send FREE of tui· Takgs [egg Shoygcning Of the goblin, Fright. dencles of Jurisprudence? A deelama- ° °
tion. matriculation, laboratory • —— Made by— I That haunt the bounds tion was delivered by Mr. Crowder, V· A. BABBAGE
and other fees, one or more Lexmgtonl Roller; Malls Coq Of Chlldh00d's Night! aud "D0c" Hardin was acting critic. x‘s`U'R°°i°°°”°'°"" I
appointee;. "°""°'" And the smother’d cry of "Muv- —.-. '
ver!" Patterson Soclety Embelllahea the     and   1
Necessary expenses moderate. D E N I I S I Evenlng Wlth Mlrth-Offloera T  and FINE
II. Choaen. J
For full information regard- DR' J' T'   The gleam and flash The Patterson Society elected Mr. STATIONERY » I
ing appointees, courses of study.   Cheapsidg Of the gun and sword; Sartan, president, C. E. Wilson, vlce-      
coat of board, etc., apply to Hoursg A. M. I0 8 P. M PHONE 8M_x The ilrst mad crash president on last Saturday evening. _________ I
H, S. BARKER, _____________________ Of horde on horde; A debate was held In which the B ' I
President, W S     NG When the souls of the stoutest steam of controversy spurted llberally.     cn; ,
L¢Xl¤8\0¤. KY- • • quiver.- During the business meeting the     M    I
  I The Sanitary Grocer eligibility of certain members to enter  
Telephone 638 PHONE 720 IA grip at the heart the contests aroused unguaged frenzy
From unseen hands;— and "much ado about nothing" was D P
    C0. Cor, S, Lime and Virginia Ave, He nies in the dark, the result. The members in ancient ' •  
  And e livld br¤¤d’¤ _ staudlng declared two new initiates q...,,,.,.,..,) ‘
· , On the brow of a coward forever! not eligible to participate lu the com- DOROTHY DODD SHOES
·roBAccos, Prvss, mc. Klnkcad Coal C0. ,.,, c.,,..,,.t_ mg WQMEN t
Pipes Remind Anthracite and Bituminous m. -— $3.50 to $5.00 d
° CQALQ The claw-llke hands, Freshman ch•ll•ng•. RALSTON HEALTH SHOES L
LEXWGTON · · KENTUCKY Lexington, _ Kentucky Grown Stiff and cold. We the Freshmen of the Unlon Lit- FOR MEN
Cling fast to the lands erary Society hereby challenge the $41,0 to $5 00 I
      And     Freshmen of the Patterson Literary . I
I   !
cn", cxclmwely to nude"`, & F d ` Of four-Score Years ¢0¤tl‘iV|¤g.— Society to a joint debate. This notice
and Faculty of State Unlveralty     _ ls. omclal and we trust that you will FOI' the
A B B A     The starting eye; take this up at your next regular meet-
COR. S- LTMESTONE AND COI-FAX       The rattling breath; lng and appoint a committee to meet       E
  p y A trembling Cl‘y;— 3 committee from our gqciety tg gg-. Go to -
YES, 211 NORTH LIMESTONE ST And the Rider, Death. range the prellmlnaries. The L¢WiD Clglt C0. I
.w° ue stm prenlng 4 Sum for $120 ` Has borne a Soul to its sbrivlng! Signed. FRESHMEN OF U. L. C. 0pp. New Pho•n|x
,_at__ ._Th6 Friar, Canterbul-y_ 1,.,,  
Bully Ba¤|cy’s Prcssmg Club ON YOUR SHOES- -—-———- or. ankml. mk. .t p».u¤...p».l.. STUDENTS
159 South Limestone Phone 621-y   ° Last Tuesday Gvemilg at 7 dcl ck On Youiowalim WWI!
  ··** ° 8 pa
C A     O Love that get each star in place the PhiIOS0phl&¤ LltBl'8l‘Y Society héld   New   Room
J And tuned 3, world-wide melody; its Usual meetitug at Pattersol HBH. 116 south Li"`. T
· ·           That, far across the gulf of space MOBI, all thB members W6l‘8 present  
wh°éghz'g`;EV-{jg g§$G°`g°·P$ggl¤ l G_ M_ chgptnan Flung golden chains of mystery, and a most attractive programme was JOE BENCKART P I
Should Have. Ice Crea Soda. .559S I. Q OPP l ,1 Bldg rendered. Dr. A. S. Mackenzie made ’ rop r
NWN AND WA'-NUT STREETS- ' ` ` mgm saw thy face and shadows neu, a splendid and helpful tan; to the Ea C B b  
The oceans heaved trom pole to pole, girls. while Miss Nancy lunis save a arr    
Earth rendered up hls prlsoned dead ¤`6¤di¤8» MSB Elsie Sl>¤¤k ¤'€¤d ¤ P¤P€¤` 107 South Llmestona St., opp. Ptwaalx Hom
when Love brought forth the hu. on Louisa M. Alcott and Miss Eliza- p|gg·|·.g|_A$g you cunnnun
man soul. beth Moore discussed several import-  
ant current events. The meeting was    
High on a throne of rainbow light, closed with a magazine contest, which Im Lunch-. lt III II CI
The God of Nations ln that hour was very unique lndeed. Miss Dot W"' un ‘ T°“°°°
Looked down with joy upon the sight Wood received the prize. Miss w• w•  
And blessed the chlld with deathlese Mlchot, president. is pleased very Corner Upper and Bolivar
power. much with the society and has some
______,.._... splendid plans to be carried out.   E  
-—— Horace Mann Llterary Society. cr ° , '
P S Y   Literary Work Waa on the Go The Horace Mann Literary Society BEST   ‘IY6u%i:£‘NSE°N TH!
Last Week. held its weekly meetltng last Thurs- CITY FINE CANDIEB
¤ s • s • • _;;.  
We are the orngmators m Lexmgton of hlgh-class tallored F_ B k O I Mh U I 8 I d df °v°°h;“h°°°tth°°° p'I°:;”°bh°? uw S h I c d  
garments made to our measure for are rea a u a e non a ur ay peasureo ear ng oneo e es pro-
K y Night. grams of the year. The debate on the c q?¥g°§THaU'B’P!R  
No No A cold rain was not sufflclent to proposition. "Resolved. that Hamlet F h · ·T' ·
Less More dampen the ardor of many members was neither cowardly or insane," was resP0E{?::§s §·sDally°
of the Unlou Soclety last Saturday skillfully handled by Mr. Jones and LEXINGTON Ki";
. . , . · · UOKY
POSIUVQIY VY0¥'th   t0$35. W€_hUY OUT WOOIGUS d|!`€¢t evening. Those of the faithful ones Miss Relder on the amrmatlve, and '
fgirlrggggsrfgglsei:'?“n;t:;·{·t}§dm£gg|°man;.pr0£:rAll who came enjoyed one of the best Mr. Blevins and Miss Brown on the D  
g 8 9 · Q, ° y ° impromptu debates heard ln the Unlon negative. A strong argument was pre- r• L    
I I . hall in recent years. sented on the negative side, but the  
The trouble arose over the question, affirmative prevailed. After listening Clty Nat‘l. Bank $14],
"Resolved. that lt would be better for to the careful analysis of Hamlet’s
. the whole people of the Unlted States character. the society was delighted  
lf the Senators were apportioned ac- with Miss Mlchots humorous discus-
cordlng to populatlon." Of the slx de- sion of woman suffrage. She went    
237 W. Sh0I‘[ SL Z•2 ODD. C0||I’t House baters ouI the prolgram, gnly rox: wits back ln hIlstory toItl;e time of Adam and   '"
Next door to University Book Store. present, tlat one e ng " awg orr s. to prove er conv ct ons.
The question was given for open dla- The Horace Mann will meet tonlght Ml.- M·"u• S·iv°'·
lcusslon after the lone debater had at 7 o'clock ln the Education building. Phu`. 1261

‘ l
I 1
* I
i `     I I I   Motley Loaned 0Il all goods of v8I\l€· I CBN SIVC Y0\l fl’0II\ 30 to 50 per cent on
_ Diamonds, Watches, jewelry, Etc.
I LICENSED PAWNBROKER. ll0 South Limestone St. Watch and Jewelry Repairing. phoenix Block
I `
Ender Keen Cutter
ln this clny of "l’rohlbltlon l`lubs," I(l‘I\I||¢'kIl—\llS who live ln Uklnhomni ’ •
who is paying his way will be interested to know     ,..,, ....,,..,....... ,.,.   ,,,,. ,,,,,., ,,,, ,,,_,,,_,,,_,,_ 0, MMI and Ever Ready
        the Prevention of lin.nclng," lt seems the only lveople who have- organized JUST WHAT YOU NEEQ,
  Suits for   I     f0r$l3·50 fIt:In1z llmt there should arise ln our 1•I"K•-nt11I·ky TIIIII" lnxhls "Yonng lim-I   t  
mtstz I.tI l' HHN. lt1r•-tl`t•·\’·t" r
        lll UTKRII 7R Ul] (ll` I I I ¢'* LT'0ll|\ of K0!]
was thought that the cllmnx ln clubs tncklans ht-ld n tn•-etlnu nt the Ukln-  
WE m8k€¢V¢fY Suit 8¤d¢\18I'8l’lt€¢ Fit nfld Service ""‘I I"‘*"‘ '*‘=-PI-•·It»¤t·- l·`=•lr >I•·1-t•-ml-•·r ¢¤·>. and MAIN STREET AND BROADWAY
S()(-|p|y" W"); (,y·gan|zpd and gtarfpd ('()l]l]lI¢‘I¢‘(I TIN' IITEHTIIZHIIUII (If IIII‘ (`IIIII  
        llllilll IIS IIllll‘l;l(:|l;);|g pujapr; hilt RHTL .IIIlIi;•- IKt*&ll4)ll. I,,'·I()\:|;lI]()lllT ‘I`I'}g  
lll) Hlli , N ` · \\us •_-•-t· i-·l irs-sit Otll { ~ 4 1 y ,
" ""’ W “" ""`" " _ ' _ " " ' nv Au. THE LATEST ervtza A·r
history as the day that gave hlrth to torvner 1n•-tnln-rs ot the Illne Grass
II the "Slx-(lm- ('lub," nml marked the Hint". in n‘l1l• I1 t|i•- pl•-nsnnt aissocla-    
MEN:§°'Q,i·’•fE_YINGS bezlnnlng of n new ern in the sowlnl tions of Kentucky were rc-connted.I —T0—
  E     O   _ H life of the Vnlverslty, 'I`Il¢- <:|llb tlecltled to have ii clubhouse  
' ' _ —_I_ I__ pp' Oemx Otel \\'lth the solemnlty dm- the occnslon nl tht- Ialf next jweur. '|`l1e spot-cli of ’ •
·—""l""—”*‘“"`_"‘__`;"“‘—"’T"""T"""`_‘*"—"*T_; those SIX-footers were quietly meas- (IW fill) lll lllr- l.{8theI‘lllk-I was mutle by   S  
of the society or engl wpgping lnlo The club adopted a constitution and ` MAIN 8T' Ph°"° 1°35'x
J' T'   L" M'   OIITPT TIHTKDPHS. Iauttellllle pl|l'p()i·u-at of hY·IHWN RTNI IIl¥‘ THONG 0I` KPTIUICIKY WHS        
I , the club were outlined. They are to HlI0l>l*’tl¤•-rsare rtw-<=t+·d to it-ln.IHAND-MAII§;{'·]CI$:{J(g‘?`l}’l%LY
I A · T not complete. 'l`o be albrlble t'or mem- "—"‘ " 1 136 WEST MAIN STREET ·
I Imported Li|1¢ Qf MQQIQIUQWS and Sweaters hershlp one must merely possess the \\”here‘? Armory Time? 2:Zln to
I Call and let ua make your Fall eult. fell-ri-die helzlnt of six-one or more. Vi"- II"*‘I‘”’ ****"’l’I"’“" "I"· MIM? New Phone 1650-Y 152 8. Limestone
'l`he officers ol' the organization are I*I**H*rI IIHFWP. A-HIGH'? ~`·"f‘.
pplqgyqlx Hy;-gl_ gull_plNg LEX|NG1'QNI KEN-;-Uggy M I0II0“._I_ H I) I,aImm_p II"_IIIdI_m_ _ to _   P• B• ROBARDS
. .. . . , . . TheC0l|e¢e   SUITSMADE
li. lr eeiix, »·it-enresioont; .1. 1-*. (Torn, AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY MEETS. cI¤<>T‘ hw "roonmm
__ ,_ , ,. _ aan ng. r ng and llepalrln
  ”"""“'*· "“'“*‘*‘ '*""· ‘““““""“'· ' "‘” __ _ _ 8v•¤•¤•Mt•••t1¤¤ c1v•¤i¤ u¤1•2· r••i¤n»ig
.______1_j_______________*____;__ __;___#____ following is n list ot' charter inenibers; Ihe .~\l:ri<·ultural Society niet on All w,,l, (;,,,,,n,m; Harmon, A snclmy
T. ll. (lrubbs ti-lh., ll. N, \\'o0d5on Monday evt-nlm:. last. line to the ab-
      l$·2%. Il. S. (`layton ti-3%, (‘. ll, ldllston sence of the president, Vlce·pr•-sldent
O ti-4*;,, ll. \\'. Holden ti-3%, R. H. Huml- ll. l·‘. llryant ofilciated. ,
ley •1.1=y,.. v. inns 1:.:1%. James l’ark J. W. \\'hlt+-house save a ver-- cleari -;_
I I             li-2l/4. H. I·`. l·`ellx ti-:1-!•.l•;_ N_ y|_ Urogor explanation ol` the (`urrency llill, and fw V" 'I \
I t:.l.l;;.l•;_ t;_ l·*_ lteddlnll •;.lnI_ lr K_ Miss rllsle Speck told the society some of /
i I         Tockltt li-lm, l•], li. Snodgrass ti-llgh of the ways ln which domestic science A ` · I  
Il               N_ )l_ Tony 1;.-gigb l>_ D_ Br0w*n q;.1%_ helps a, girl. After it short business KI•l`_’&I`· ` V
_ H. ll. Palmore 6-1%, \\’_ (‘_ Nagle ti.23»A_ meeting the society adjourned to at-   (W {gb *
l               (worn 6_l I/A. tpnd {hp Choral rally. I: I I ,   |  
` tIl·I'l` .\ii·;AsUiu»;l1 Now. -     ‘   " I. ·"·
I   _,________,_ _____ ____ Why is it an Ideal Iluncr-`.’ Given by . r
“ —‘—‘——T*" TW"- N ‘ic’‘   iiti R me   2 LAW DEPARTMENT BUILDING up 'lIl¤e ld;Ia—-Il i>I¤i»er. lI<1I<-MI ¤¤¤uii<·.' Ideal   4. .
'° I lll?. 98, l) &('P, ( PH Ht IIIINSIOH.
1 Ideal crowd.  
I   '|`he last shipment ot` Em.-zlisli Law ________.   U V _ ___,,
· Wteports has been received by the Vol- s.,n-A--wn.n is good horse sense.
lege of Law, making a complete set of had-]-- a    
  linglisll reported cases from ltioll down I4Ia[h(;r ··_|u5[ {ll,. ability to say
FOR to the present time. 'l`he law library .m,iKh_- my SOIL-· I I
_     now contains about 3,000 volumes. V _ _  
  -»-— -— CADET HOPS.
    I A great deal ot` interest is shown in . V -
we any IIN hmm mtk °I L.I“g;IyguImI5HIf’I:?EIIETrc' Ihe {Tri-State llebate being arranged Pallet llops have been sclleduled IGF "' B U -I-""'*
ietneen this (ollege ot Law, tincin- the tollowing; Saturday intrenoons: I ‘ .' . 1
. . . (ont g1V€ di yOLlI‘ at-
FIT$t mum, SIIIIDIIIIS   Prompt SITVICC. nati Law School. and either the Law llecember ii, January 24, l·`ebruary 14, . .
S -Anal Iical Balances and W I h I I’€l*¤¥`U¤€‘¤l 0I` IIIIIIKIIU I'nI\'¢-fsity or and March T. Male students may ob- tentlon to that kind Of
L   XOM dom Lemng SWI_IIIe_IcIg   IV¤n<1erbllt Vniversity. tain tickets tor the series troni the tastté."
_ ’ The debates will be some time next Uoininamlnnt; young ladies from the Q¤,T!.¢t*'.;;”_ "
ESTB - las] i¤l¤`I¤¤» Dean of Women. These tickets are Have the ThankSgiV_
203·2.ll·'l`l·llRD·AVE   xo-r good Lzor the Military nan April _
¤W‘Y°FK‘CI Judge l·)delen. prominent, ut the ll. lng Look   the good
Frankfort bar, will speak to the law- ·V~»V~-— V V taste of your apparel.
  yers today in third floor ot the Science His idea or good innsie- V··A t`or—tune We can Satisfy your
  Illllidlllki. lllutle- up of l_)gllk~uU[e5_" . ·
C. C. APPLEGATE. Manager Goods Called For and Delivered I   tdbte fol Thanksglvlng
I Toggerv.
1 C IIC IY Cllllll 0 · · •
El ct ' D Cl ' C I `
• V•S-I The Princess Theatre
`Twill add to our a -
232 East Main Street y P
C1 _ D _ P _ The BGSI PICIUYCS Ill thé City léedl Mme dt the table
canjf] ¤ Qu] ¤ fcssjn I 11:109 the occasion
g y g g I Universal Service ALWAYS 5C Wheth _ I ___ ,f
Men, We Press Your Suits Whiie You Wait. i . _ QI I Ou bay
I Miss Davns and Miss Bean, Owners grace 0,. [lot
NEW PHONE 1843-Y OLD PHONE 527-2 1 I `
_ ______#________,4___ _,_M_,_._. __ A _ * __.A_;;   _ _§I MISS CARRIE BEAN, Manager V I
Looks talk. Look our
"¥·-—-—-—’—i————-—————"‘i"‘”‘""`-——————-———i*   E i`i` " ‘”“""  `i`iii‘‘ ei-——`i   T"-"___“;`j`_"W_""'_"'_"_“ way.
"‘° '““"°S S“"`° THE ADA MEADE
Fall Styles in Hats, Shoes and tzxmamws new vaunsvitts nicnas    
Furnishing goods are now in 9
3 Shows Daily Prices
Graddy 84 Bradley   -   -     .   .       ln  
J.&M.and MiII€l' Bild 5 . Acts and Kinumacolur . 5 mcoitrormzn
' t s
Florshwm Shoes S et on Hats I See Reading Notice. I °°COII€g’€ F€IIOW°s Sh0p`°

-" U H l   °—-—— ‘   "‘. _. .   ""
@ srecm. srtowmo
Published every Thursday throughout the College year by the student body
of the State Uulverslty of Kentucky, for the benelit of the un-
dergraduates, alumni and faculty of the institution. l     t
~_ THE IDEA ln the-Ellmal neniliaper of the_Ynlv’er;R};m-blt,diulnstted V 2];,,,25   S
with the view of furnishing to its subserlbers all the college news ol` Ken ··   »
t’t;c§5;et·o§t;t`l::·;; ::21 (alrdlgzst of items of interest eoneernlng the universities   - (SEE WINDOW DISPLAY) _
me-w+asia?-;;eisa;rt—·2:iisaivixiA   erm-; Gems •=•En”C059 A N OK A Z Mw
Entered at Lexington Post Utllce as second class mall matter.
T;-E"“‘—"`—”—i‘ ’6»`·FE>ii}iIL—`e¥Ais‘*"i=“”"{ef:i`1i*‘      ‘*";° ° 0 ’
STONEWALL JACKSON, Editor-ln·Chlef. ’CLYlJE TAYLOR. Asst. Editor W) C I I
A••ocl•t• Edltorn. Ofc O  
RUTH McCHEBNEY, Society Editor It. A, NURRIS, Mgr. Editor CI••n.P••body&C•., ••. Mahon   , {  
IG. P. DANFORTH, Athletic Editor .I. U. Rl·2YNULDS, Humorlst ` l
Contributor': Club. 2; .
W. F. WRIGHT, Editor A. S. HEHHMAN. Assistant.   Cor Main and Limeltonc
Buolnna Staff. p •
V_ A_ BABBAGE, Business Manager. Q'. H. S(`H\VAR'I`Z, Sub. Mg?.  Y  
o. s. Ronmxos, Aeetsteut t J. T. <¤HM>F1R. Meietunt ""?` ·    
 l;1LT-L--V-LWAW »·»--»-· ~--- —r·—%-—»£`L—iJ-ii b • • A—W _L I *1.-* •—  
EDITORIAL was t=nnAn·· or cnrrcnsunv. ID nuon S N I I D E N I `S
..j..——..- H··— to cxeel in any sport is rendered easier
STUDENT PUBLICATIONS. In 8;::mwr lmtlmnl 0; mrh nulgnrer     §;|(u;t·:;;g.0uth"t9rS to Yourpwants stgiplied here. We carry • n•w and up-to-date line of
YOU W TPM " `f’¤¥‘»` Y 6 NU`- champions, whose implements must be en! encus `|'ab|cts and flac gationmf
E i it I R th il t Canterbury. No more sublime lines 'nvarmbly nghh Q“**|‘tY °°“m"· ’ ’
ver un vers v tas so ea su- . . t . . · ·
i . “_(_N npr plmmd and penned than s;:}t;m¥r;et,.x:i.;.;lt;e;:k?§:· For Lunches we have a fresh supply of Fruits, Cakes, Pies,
dent publication. the success or failure tho mq qwuon of this IMM then`? Sgndwlchgg and Canned Goods
of whleh depends upon the support UTI ` `H _ H ' ` A-     • •
te emu es on ; 'l* I I
xiven it hy the student hotly H 327 W. |•fi•r•0n St. LOUISVILLE, KY. h t  
The Idea had as its beginning. a Syn- Ill? l)I`l»\) OTS all Hall];   c      
Ang] round gbput GARDEN TRUcK_ I}. `V. BRITTINGHAM, PROP.
dlcate, composed of n few loyal stu· _ ,,.,  
'I he trundle bed, -T-Ar .-—- 
dents who were willing to devote their ' _ __  
l`he Sandmans troopers hover. When Eve, with ever present mirth.
HIDE and CDQTQY to m8k(‘ [HP l)Hll(~*l' 8  
Success qeveml WMS mm the Wn- The atmosphere ls so cautious and Perambulated on this earth.
dicaté {vas dlssolvéd and fh? ldpalge ;‘:)llllIl8Ildl:R to UQ? lattfilltltiltt (list ?l£0"gaTedt za: Adam`T seant] array,            
irows a oree ant sp entor n o e g ea`, wo or tiree, they sayt.
‘ume the property f the .tudents f _
;(€mu(_ky gmt? Uu;)v€rSnv§ 0 UDPR that follow And said, as only woman eau:   °00  
4 U '_ °·‘\l\. U1? SURPFB Mid sounds "\t`s a good thin elothes don`t make
'“"°¤* “*°' dey "’““ ““’· "*° mw or the goblin, wright. the mn.-- HAVE YOUR FALL SUIT AND OVERCOAT
has been forced to struggle against That mmm the bounds _ __________ v_ M ADE HERE.
overwhelming odds tor its existence. of Chudhoodk Night! AH, SHUCKS!
It has not reee ved the support it de- And the qmmhered (Tv of _“uvN_r,_ _,   d . W  
, I , — - · · 1 l' O EI] C0.
“°""*’ """‘ °‘"" "‘““°“‘ "°“’· Y‘“°" This ··¤r»r~·eee ue as being as geee sue ·-Amt me um .uum»rom·:··
year less than mt} per mm Ut the as the best that ever appeared in our He~»"Yes, and aln`t there a heap L.   MHHRKEY Ph0¢IIiX  
students are regular subscribers while paper- The mug? 01. ,,Th€ Nur,. has of _(_m·__
tm p°r°°m°g° is Wm gmam °m°"g been ¤r¤<=¤¤¤=— to his ven- He has been -———-—————    
the mculu° But for the loyalu of H endowed with a divine diction to de- Everybody will be there.
few students who have had its destiny line-ate the most intense human emo.   .
in charge it “°°ld ha"? be"` S"°"d°d tion from the terrors of trundle-bed 11-15 cpzws pmzg is open O. R.  
"p°" tm "°°k° °f i“dm°"’°°° 1°°g|entldhood to the whispering invitation 1-0 STUDENTS or umvensrrv
b°f°r° nm`; TM Idea md°y has ot` A venerable t‘our-score. And wel ...~
“’“““°" ‘* ""“°“' *’°""" “‘ “S "'“‘°"· subscribe to The Friar, for me (-retty The none; Governing ot. Contegt Ap. Graduate Opticmn
The question that must be answered gpm. the nam? pom- pur Below.
by every student ln this Lniverslty is, _ ___ J 1OfH¢• Hour! 9sOO to l2•00 ..... 2•¤_9 to §•0O
shall we have one and only one real Umm for I , . —
get to bring that girl. \\e have never come to realize Just
live publication that wlll reflect credit _ scltulrlrlc Tas" tant
u Ives and our University or -—-—;-; -—-.— ll\O\’\ lllally llHlldS()ll)(¤ prizes there ufe
pon ourse , _ V
Shan we continue to encourage a mul- MQUANT PARLEY_ lat our beckoning. The Clews prize °“|¤•¤ UBB I••¢ Hsin It., Opp. Ph••¤|g l|•••1
U li it f 1 bu U h lwill he decided in a few months and   __   __  
li C ty O im M; pu cl? ODE' t 6 m` we ,,0,M, ma, a lgaptisl l,mm,m,rl¤¤¤¤>* students should participate in l\i`i"”""_"_—""’_' 
Su t 0 wh ch' not t E pm-p0S€° is » ,, , . _ lthe trial for the $50 and $25 prizes. , Car€fuI'buying'p8rtlCuIIr'Dr¢II¢rS ITE
to cut and undermine the Strength of in kansas was recently tied to a tree,
our Omclal paper _ and ,,f0rc€d.. to drink a hug? swig of Any man eould well~·lady either, for W€8I'lI12 Stein-Bloch Sllllft Clothes
..h00z(_··· we Suk? our bimlrigm that matter-—spend a few days in such " ’,
Th re existi in ur U iv r.'t t- ,,   N L h 7
day in mgurdbm Btzdem nutiiziéonz against the parson's Sunday collection ii ldluabw emerprise y     w Y ’
. `P i · that it was H bud jug, Sum at Sum, Revtsed Rules Governing the Claws ` ` ` _
A deplorable condmonl It is a wd is enough to throw a Kentuekian into Pri" c°"*"* f°" 1913491*      
· thing indeed that we have no student 'mthropomeuarg L There Shall be two prizes, me P•tt•r•0n; Ryuntt McCarty
1f_ 1 _ _ ‘ ·· U _ _ _ ncorpora ,
"° g°"’“““"“‘ °'g“‘““‘°“