xt7rfj29cz4c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rfj29cz4c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-01-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 31, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 31, 1977 1977 1977-01-31 2020 true xt7rfj29cz4c section xt7rfj29cz4c ‘7


University complies

Building thermostats sink '

JAN} 1 1977

Kernel Reporter

Twenty-six UK buildings will have
their thermostats set at 60 degrees
dlring the day and 45 degrees at
night beginning tomorrow, ac-
cording to Jack Blanton, UK vice
president of business affairs.

The move is prompted by the 35
per cent art in February gas
allotments to commercial users
announced by Columbia Gas last
week, Blanton said.

The buildings chiefly house offices
and cm'ference areas. No dor-
mitories u‘ carfeterias will be af-

Blanton explained that although

the two central plants supphling 99
per cent d UK’s heat have been
converted to burn coal and fuel oil,
the 26 buildings, including the Porter
Building and Shively Sports Center,
are not connected to the central

In addition to the lower tem-
peratures, Blanton said hot water to
the buildings will be cut off in order
to meet the allotment. He added that
physical plant workers will be
reading each building’s meter daily
to ensure compliance with the

“If the petple dm’t comply, we
will be forced to close the
buildings,” Blanton said.

Tom Padgett, UK director of

public safety, said the lowered
thermostat presents a unique
problem. “We have a 24-hour
(aeration and we don’t have the
option of closing. We’ll just have to
grin and bear it."

Music department offices will also
be affected, but Gerry Shamon,
music department assistant ad-
ministrator, said they would “wait
and see" what effect the cooler
temperatures would have. “The
Fine Arts building was 65 degrees
the first week of the spring semester
and we kept going and hopefully, we
can now."

Mary Langenbrunner, an in-
structor at the Washington Avenue

(‘ontinued on page 3

'Meke do with what you have (not)’


* 81‘

an independent student newspaper

Vol. LXVIII, Number 97

University of Kentucky
Monday, January 31, 1977

Lexington, Kentucky


Reputation preceeds tough guys

Assistant Sports Editor

TUSCALOOSA. Ala.— Kentucky‘s basketball team
arrived here Friday but, as mual, its reputation
proceeded it. There has been a week-long clamor for
basketball tickets in this sleepy southern town, where
dining spots and car dealerships sport football names
like “Joe Namath's Restaurant" and “Bear Bryant

The scalping price for tickets to the 15,000-seat
Memorial (‘oliseum was $75 a pair.

Many of those who did get in Saturday night came to
see Kentucky‘s big boys. Mike Phillips and Rick
ltobey, push, shove and back their way into quick

And, in as intense a game as you‘ll ever see, they
almost got their wish. The board play was rugged—

Kentucky's physical strength against ‘Bama's quick '

leapers, Kentucky's big centers muscling the ball to
the rim against the Tide's front line, crashing the
boards for rebound shots.

But the crowd wanted fouls and. as referees Julius
Sliced and Paul (ialvan tried to keep the game under
control, it got them. Robey picked up a quick pair. to
the delight of the 'Bama partisans. Then Tide forward
Don Bowerman countered with a couple of his own.

Survey results aim

sandwiched around his running slam dunk that James
Lee would‘ve been proud of.

At the half. Bowerman had eased ahead with four
personals. ()n his heels (and his back) were Phillips
and ltobey with three each and ‘Bama's Ricky Brown
and Keith McCord with three.

Phillips had dominated the first half under the
boards. hustling for 12 points asnd nine rebounds, but
he was the first to be whistled to an early seat with
7:34 left to play.

ltobey had four at the time himself and the crowd
was jublant at the prospect of seeing Kentucky just
one foul away from a 6-5 center.

Up rose the chant, “Foul out Robey, foul out.“
Thousands of eyes officiated his every move and
thousands of voices screamed bloody murder when he
powered his way for a basket.


Kentucky slipped past the Alabama (‘rimson Tide 87-
85 Saturday night ill what Kernel Sports Editor Joe
Kemp called the most exciting game since the (‘ats

whipped Indiana two years ago. Read the account of
the game on page 5.


ltut ltobey disappointed them and stayed around
until the end. ()nly ‘Bama's Brown joined Phillips 0n
the sideline.

Kentucky outscored Alabama by two and out-
rel)oundcd the Tide by nine. Despite their fans‘
protestation. the Alabama players found nothing
about Kentucky's play that resembled karate.

at student problems

Kernel Staff Writer

“I wouldn‘t call them dirty." a weary Ricky Brown
said. "It was just hard for us to equalize them under
the boards beca use of their size and strength. We don't
have anybody to match up one and one.“

'l‘ea mlnate Bowerman. himself of the Robey School
of Basketball. said “They‘re not dirty. They just play
hard. that‘s why it‘s fun. You‘re supposed to go out
there and mix it up.“ Despite the hard loss, he couldn’t
suppress a smile at the thought of mixing it up.

Keith Mt-(‘ord termed Kentucky the most physical
team Alabmaa had played. “No, Robey and Phillips
don‘t getaway with anything, they just play hard, and

Last April, l,088 randomly
selected students (propor-
tionater representative of

Within the course of a the main campus and
student's academic life, Lexington Technical In-
problems will inevitably arise stitute) had an opportunity to
that create feelings of voice their neetk, satisfac-
frustration, helplessness and tions and dissatisfactions
isolation. through a survey designed by

But don'tdespair. Someone Dr. Robert Zumwinkle, vice

— Stewart Bowman

A chilling look

\‘icki I’icklesimer. 7. of 288i Middlesax Way. sled up a hill where slle and her friends were

“up there" is listening and president for student affairs.
Continued on page 3

help may be on its way,


Lee was tough too.“

t‘ontilllled on page ti

gives a photographer a frosty look as she peeks
out of her toboggan cap. Vicki was pulling her

playing, on t‘liftoll Avenue.



Gov. Julian (‘arroll yesterday asked commercial
establishments in Kentucky to reduce their hours of
operation by 20 to 40 per cent to conserve energy.
Carroll asked providers of “central services“—
such as grocery and drug stores and service
stations—to reduce their hours by 20 per cent. He
asked non-essential commercial establishments to
cut their hours by 40 per cent.


More than no U.S. draft resistors and dcserters
from as far away as Sweden and Frame met in
Toronto this weekend and denounced President
Carter's amnesty program. Steve Gross-man. an
organizer of the conference. said some of the
resisters would travel to Washington for a today
vigil and fast beginning tomorrow to dramatize
their opposition to the Carter plan.


Vice President Walter F. Mondale. on the last leg
of his 10-day world tour. begins talks today to
encourage the Japanese to help stimulate the world
economy and to convince them the United States
will remain a Pacific power. According to officials
traveling with him. Mondale also expects to focus
on Japanese concerns about Carter administration
policies toward China and South Korea.

More than L5 million persons were out of work as
a cold wave continued through the weekend. forcing
the closing of factories and businesses and a
curtailment of natural gas consumption. At least 45
deaths were blamed on the weather in the nation‘s
eastern and midwestern states. President Carter
flew to Pittsburgh yesterday to examine western
Pennsylvania, an area hit hard by the frigid winter
and resulting energy crisis. “I want to see
first-hand the impact of the weather on a high
concentration of employment." Carter said.


More than 50.000 persons turned out in New Delhi
yesterday for the first opposition rally permitted by
the government in t9 months of emergency rule as
active political campaigning began for the March
parliamentry elections. The newly-formed Janata
People’s party headed by former Deputy Prime
Minister Morarji Desai also held rallies in four
other Indian cities to kick off the campaign against
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi‘s Congress party.
which has ruled India since independence in 1947.

Pope Paul VI defended yesterday his stand
against the ordination of women. telling Roman
Catholic women they can still occupy first place in
charity and social fields. Woman was exhorted “to
carry out. with a new conscience and increased
strength, her mission of piety. wisdom and virtue. of
love that made herself. like Mary. teacher and

Eighteen Britons are missing on a flight in
President Idi Amin's personal plane in northern
Uganda, Radio Uganda said yesterday. The British
citizens were visiting Uganda as Amin‘s guests for
celebrations marking the sixth anniversary of the
coup in which be seized power. The radio said the
weather was “very bad" when the plane took off
yesterday morning.


Solong January and good riddance. The first day
of the new month will be partly sunny and not as
cold. The high will be in the mid-20’s with a low
tonight of INS. Tonight will be clear and cold and
tomorrow is predicted to be mostly sunny.

Compiled from Associated Press
and National Weather Burl-all dispatches.








editorials 8: comments

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University

an Murd-

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Am m I”. m M
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Mandatory service ,

is absurd

Once again, Congressional and military
leaders are clamoring for the power to draft men
into military service. Some have even suggested
that a 11 young men should be required to perform
a one- to two-year mandatory national service.

As usual, proponents of these involuntary
services are using shoddy logic to sell the
American people a worthless bill of goods.

Conscription is being advanced as the only
method to fulfill the manpower needs of the
depleted Reserves and National Guard as well as
the most economical method to reduce the
exorbitant cost of the all volunteer Army.

Pentagon leaders, alarmed by the drop of
about 200,000 men in armed forces reserves last
year, proposed reinstating the draft in a study
prepared for the Senate Armed Services Com-
mittee. According to the study, reserve forces
now stand at 1.6 million men, the lowest since the
early 50’s.

In addition, military leaders say that while the
Volunteer Army is currently fulfilling its
manpower needs, the cost of the program is
becoming prohibitive. They point out that more
than 60 per cent of the Defense budget is taken up
by salaries and fringe benifits.

Unfortunately, the Pentagon and Congress
have chosen to concentrate on the symptoms and
not the disease. The reason the Reserves are at
an all-time low is best summed up by an old
military axiom, SNAFU (situation normal, all
fouled up).

According to a report released last summer by
.he General Accounting Office in Washington,
the Reserves have squandered more than $1
billion. Moreover, anyone associated with the
military knows that, regardless of the pay,

military service is especially unattractivev

because of all the “Mickey Mouse crap.”

If the Pentagon is truly interested in attracting
and keeping qualified men and women in the
armed services, it should examine why few
people remain in service after their mandatory
.ime expires.



Such a study wouid probably reveal that if the
Army would come into the Twentith Century and
eliminate much of the unnecessary harassment
and Mickey Mouse, then manpower would not be
such a problem.

A simple first step would be to eliminate the
senseless haircut regulation. It accomplishes
nothing and serves to separate military men

‘ from civilian society.

In addtion, the military should find out if it’s
truly necessary for America to have five times
as many admirals and generals as we had in
World War II.

If nothing else, the Defense Department should
cease publishing false and misleading ad-
vertisements for new recruits. Frequently,
recruits are promised one job and then assisgned
another. Currently, 26 enlistees who were
promised jobs as language experts are suing the
Army for breach of contract because they were
placed in different jobs.

This is not an isolated problem. Rather, it is
symtamatic of the military system.

To make the draft easier for the American
people to swallow, a mandatory national ser-
vice— not necessarily military—is being
proposed for all young adults. This position was
supported in a recent Louisville Courier-Journal
editorial which advanced the absurd proposition
hat the service would be good for young people.

“It (need for national service) rests on the
desirability, perhaps even the need, to give
young adults an opportunity to perform socially
useful work, to gain a sense of self-worth and to
learn to deal with other young people from dif-
ferent backgrounds.” stated the Courier
editorial. ’ . . '

Not *only is the idea of national slavery ap-
pa lling, it also defeats the Defense Department’s
stated goal of cutting cost— the proposal to force
millions of teenagers into service would cost a

In : he final 3 nalysis, the military system needs
a rehaul and not a free refill.




A rebuttal to the front page ar-
ticle, “Concerning A Beginning of a
Pardoned Lexingtonian Draft
Dodger" (Kernel—Jan. 27).

Primarily, being an ex-Marine
sergeant, veteran of combat action
tn North and South Vietnam and
Cambodia during the year of 1973,
also a POW. for 33 days in Hanoi,
North Vietnam, I feel qualified to
speak on behalf of all honorably
discharged veterans attending UK
on the GI. Bill.

I do not stress that a veteran is
anymtre of a person for serving
their country in a time of chats than
anyone else. Due to either ignorance




of the situation, ways of evasion, or
patriotism to my country, I chose to
serve four years active duty in the
United States Marine Corps Airwing
as an alternative to a draft number
of 51.

I feel that veterans, combat or
otherwise, should not be undermined
or insulted by an article concerning
a draft dodger that had means to
evade military induction. Don Pratt
mentioned 20 months of im-
prisonmentfor draft evasion. Myself
and others served a minimum of 24
months active duty. It may not have
been prison, but I would have liked
to have been other places many
times during my four-year hitch.

As far as the pardon goes, I would
be more understanding with a

deserter than with a person who was
too cowardly to even risk boot camp.
Everyone did not go straight to

The United States is a very
beautiful place to live when you are
looking at it from Southeast Asia. I
am sorry to say that Pratt’s
replacement may be in a grave and
unable to speak for himself. At least
he died hmorably.

I am proud of my country and my
service with the Marines. Although
political opinions varied on Viet-
nam, it seemed very similar to other
wars when the shooting started.

Ed Harris
tieology junior


Lost humor


Ethnic jokes slowly dying

Fill in the blanks with the ap-
propriate population:

('opulatcw what an ............ police
chief says to an officer who doesn‘t
get to work on time.

How do you know when a ............ has
(lied? All the garbage trucks have
their lights on.

\Mtat‘s green and flied
over ............ ‘.’ Peter Panski.





What do they call removing a
splinter from an ............ ’s behind?
[train surgery.

tr you guessed Italian, Polack,
Poland and Italian, you’re correct.

If you laughed, you're a bigot, a
bitter-ender, a biased red-neck, an
Archie Bunker think-a-like. Slap
your wrist.

Ethnic humor is an endangered
species. Ethnic jokes get you in
trouble. Ethnic sitcoms get can-
celled. Ask “Bridget Loves Bernie."

The once bountiful joke material
that flourished in the US. is dwin-
dling fast. It‘s awful. Everybody’s
feelings are getting hurt. One ethnic
slip and the offender is inundated
with letters from the Daughters of

Americans are developing one big
sore spot—themselves. American
Indians and blacks have always
been touchv material, but now

Puerto Ricans, Chicanos, Jews,
Poles (“Polack" isn’t even in the
dictionary), Italians, Chinese and
Irish are off-limits. Rumor has it
that residents of South Philadelphia
are getting testy. However, gays,
atheists, and wasps are still
relatively safe material.

Humor historians claim that
poking fun at various races,
religious groups, etc., has been
around since Biblical times. The
Polish and Italians just happen to be
the chosen targets these days.

Larry Wilde, author of “The Great

I Comatians' Talk About Comedy"

claims that our right to free speech
enables us to laugh at sacred cows,
and that’s what makes America so
great. When yw’re the object of
such wit, Wilde states, you need a
extra sturdy funny bond. The im-
portant thing to remember is that
jokes are meant to be funny, not

But for some, that‘s easier said
titan dme. President Carter‘s ethnic
purity faux pas more rightly
resembee a direct hit on the
proverbial nail‘s head. While hun-
dreds of groups are demanding
unequivocal equality and fairness in
virtually all aspects of American
life, they turn rightaround and insist
“Don't tread on me."

Somebody’s confused. Our
heritage is Valley Forge, ‘George
Washington and the Liberty Bell.
But by the same token Henry VIII,
Warsau, the Wailing Wall and
Caesar all contributed to that
vitality and boldness which is so
uniquely American. And this doesn‘t
spell “thin-skinned."

Our country is more titan a
residential hotel for various world
communities. If this were not so.
we'd still be speaking Italian,

German, and Urdu, while across the
Big Water, Sitting Bull and
Geranimo would be battling over
zoning ordinances in Las Vegas.

A clear case of discrimination
exists. Morley Safer commented on
a CBS radio broadcast that ap
parently the only groups who are
allowed to make ethnic cracks are
ethnits themselves. Hence Freddie
Prinze‘ incessant barrage of
“liungarica n“ humor (as opposed to
Tony 0rlando—~“Greekarican,”
which is little better than Phyllis
(icorgw’l‘cxas ).

You may ask. “Is nothing $§cred
any more?“ ,The‘answer is 15‘No?“
Not since thewince'ption of “The Gong
Show.“ Instead of concentrating on
individual ethnocentricities, we
should be up at our collective amts
over this hideous ethnic joke whose
target is the human race.

("mon. We know that the Puerto
Rican National Anthem isn't “I‘ll
Take Manhatten." that Italians do
have batlttubs, and that it only takes
two Polish persons to screw in a light
bulb rather an 50.

However, if you the offended are
still not satisfied. simply delete your
particular ethnic endorsement and
substitute one of your own choosing.
The humor is guaranteed. For

Why does a Methodist take his kid to
the garbage dump? To give him on-
the-job training. 0r.

Why did the Afghanistanian Navy
disband their underwater demolition
team‘.’ They kept leaving an oil slick.

Would you believe a Luxembourgian
Mai-Tai is eight Luxembourgians
standing around drinking through
straws from a septic tank?

Fundamentalism is misunderstood

By BRADLEY u. um I\
Several themes that appeared
frequently in the first semester
editorialpages are disturbing to me.
For example, many people ap-
parently are afraid of President
Carter and his fundamentalist
Christian beliefs.
I qude AC. lloughton on Wed-
nesday. ()et. 6: “One only needs to




look in the history books to see what
happens when Christians, and
especially those of a fundamentalist
(fanatical) orientation, get into
power." He further cites “exam-
ples" of Cromwell England and
Puritan New England. I believe
there are many misunderstandings
in this and other philosophies con.
cernirg Christianity as expounded

on the editorial page last semester.

First of all, I would like to remind
AC. lloughton and others that they
tend to forget the basic fun-
damentalist Christian heritage of
this country. Our founding fathers
evdved from a Christian colony of
people who were escaping religious

The very irstitutions of a rule by
the people, the Bill of Rights, and
government for, by, and of the
petple, I would maintain, were basic
Christian ideals and thoughts from
that early American society.

Also, one only needs to look at any
basic US. history book to find what
a Christian fundamentalist did for
this country. A man by the name of
Abraham Lincoln, against the fierce
demandsof half of he country, stood
firm in his own convictions and
beliefs. Indeed. Mr. Lincoln's basic
fundamentalist views. his Bible

reading, his Scripture. quoting (eg,
“A house divided against itself shall
not stand.‘ tall bear out the fact that
he had the power and conviction to
strike forth for ‘his country a new
meaning of freedom and equality.

A very important point, often
misunderstood, is that Christianity
is not a religion. It is a relationship,
butmore importantly, a relationship
with Jesus Christ. It is the ac-
ceptance of trim as Lord and Savior
of one’s life. A Christian recognizes
the futility and finiteness of himself
and looks to God for the source of
power and strength.

Indeed, this is a freedom in the
truest sense of the word, a freedom
(and power) to do what one knows in
his heart is right, a freedom to do
what are really wants in his life, not
what society, advertisements, and
peer pressures dictate for him or

President Lincoln stepped out in
his freedom and poWer, despite.
threats and incredible adversity.
President Ford acknowledged a
supernatural need for help in
monomic affairs when he proposed
early in his term that prayer groups
be formed in every county of the
US. to pray for economic recovery.

Mr. l-‘ord had the best economic
advisors in the world, yet he realized
that the country‘s problems were
larger than the experts, or else in-
flation and unemployment would
never be problems.

I am anxious to see what another
(‘hn'stian leader can do for this
country. When guiding and
discernment comes from
acknowledging an ahnighty God, I
can ordy see our country moving

Brantley (3. Beck is a [K Medical





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TIII'I KI'IN'I‘l't'KY KERN-IL. Monday. January :il. ”iii—3





Useful in making plans

SUrvey results provide feedback

160 Moore Drive

Continued from pager already started, breaking whether each area had attributed to the differences fidentiality, there may have L'xmmmKV'
“Feedback is an essential down the findings acording to represented an individual in each person’s orientation. been some who did not feel
part to any program desiring class standing, residence, need or concern at any time “if a person is directed more free to answer candidly,

to remain alive, current and
effective, "Zumwinkle said.

With slight deviations, the
62.7 per centwho returned the
survey were equally
representative of the student

Inadequate local addresses
created problems and could
have been a contributing
facta' in a larger response
from the more accurate
residence halladdresses, said
Zumwinkle. Although the 150
misaddressed surveys were
re-sent to home listings,
many were “pretty far
away” and not returned by
the June 1 deadline.

While the general findings
may not lead to any im-
mediate solutions, they will
be useful in making program
plans and priorities in the
future, Zumwinkle said.

More in-depth reports/have

sex, marital status, full or
part-time classification and
grade point average.

“By comparing subgroups,
we may be able to determine
if a problem is particularly
acute in any one area," said
Jo Ann Thompson, a graduate
assista ntwho, volunteering to
get her “feet wet" on the
project, says she is in “about
knee deep" in organizing

The four-page survey was
divided into three parts. Part
A dealt with background
information, Part B included
areas of academics, social
life, ecmomic and health and
Part C asked for written
comments on the students’
most and least satisfying
University experience.

After each of the more than
100 questions in Part B, the
student was asked to check

University complies

during the schoolyear. “Yes”
responses went a step further
to arswer if the need had been
met well, moderately or not
at all.

"‘For any response greater
than 10 per cent in the last
‘No' column, we need to take
a long hard look on how to
improve these services,"
Zumwinkle said.

While the first two sections
were more accurately
computed, the open-ended
responses seem more valid,
said Thompson.

“By putting words into the
students’ mouths, we may
have missed something
because of the way we
phrased things. This way
things were turned around
and they could use their own
words to say what was really
on their minds," she said.

Even with the most careful
handling, some information
was lost in categorizing these
answers, said Zumwinkle.

Some discrepancies arose

toward academics, then both
his most and least satisfying
experience might be courses
studied at UK,“ he said.

Thompsm said it's difficult
to make any long range
conclusions about the survey,
but she found few surprises.
“Since students are here to
get an education, it follows
that academic areas should
be if concern to most."

College majors and
departments (especially in
the applied sciences, like
agriculture and nursing)
rated high on the satisfied
list, she said.

Finding adequate tran-
sportation or parking tipped
the concerned column with
$.l per cent, while 38.6 per
cent said the need had not
been adequately met.

Health needs seemed to be
well taken care of, Zum-
winkle said. In the eight
related questions, 80 to 90 per
cent listed no concern.

Zumwinkle said. And, he
added, it’s possible that
certain needs may exist that
the student himself doesn't
recognize or had experienced
and resolved earlier.
Because of its length, some
survey results may be less
than accurate or responses
underdeveloped, Thompson
said. Plus the yes-no answers
are no measure of intensity.
“We‘re not sure if any
policy changes will result, but
we hope that the ad
ministrators and faculty
involvedin aspects covered in
the survey will be open to our
findings," Thompson said.
Some questions were in-
cluded in order to gain a
knowledge of the students as
individuals, rather than to
provide grounds for
programatic changes,
Zumwinkle said. Ad-
ministrators could do little
about resolving the concern
of over 40 per cent who feel












Si Ud desea hacer sus reser-
vaciones en Espar'iol, Ilame a
nuesrro agente de habla
Hispana, quién le ayudaré con
sus planes de vacaciones,
toures, viaje de negocios,
uuses, reservaciones de
hoteles/moteles, alquiler de
carro y viajes de placer.
Nuestro telefono es: 2780215.








on Aid-FM stereo receivers This is iust an
example of the many units we have on sale
this week

ochre aKc











'th Like all surveys, this one they need to do more leisure
ross the WI as com an in the (pen-ended figures that had its limitations. Despite reading or get sufficient rest
1] and g p y Zumwinkle said could be the ensurance of con- and sleep. mapantl
"8 over Continued from page] the clases to Erikson Hall, we sound better
9885'} Sivemec nlilirsery 09:”? by though, until we can turn the
ma on e o egc o ome til it b' ku _u . i _, . . ,v . -, . ..- . . :
Inted on Economics, said the cold in "ms 3 5 dc p .Li’.“§33t.f§i.".°31§'1LY.’.L"££1§.1'3’3‘22.3"£"~'1°1~ ...-cum... ....Jnflflttm. 13.1333: nationally advertised
- - i ' ,Kent ctr Jesusw i tesar mos: anaronece er carnal-ins . _
“at ah the 1.1..“er m prghgrhty gamut?" saidhehadhmdi; ”:3:.1'..§':1‘.111‘.111"......1.1......22'.".1°?.'.'.....:11.....1‘.".1‘...........1...'............ "'00 1‘9”
' o are wou ‘t er e c i en. w n e gas service wou published continuously asthe Kentucky Kernelsince ms. w
cks are “The kids have a high returnto normal, butstressed “21:333.,"3'L'".‘fnmfm.mzw.mfif;3mfflm’f,fm',:m‘:2’:flw.xff{gfiggflnfl' SW! NW!
Freddie tolerance for cold and they that the University would ares:err.maxi;grammarsmmtcreams: Jim... .....m
age 0i dmtt seem to mind it," she comply With the anottments worasandcommentssnouidbenolongrinanmms.Editorsreservetnerighttoeatttettcrsaridcornmrns. MOPEL 22153
posed to said. “We will probably move as long as neccessary. 5w fingefifimfimigfl QSH
rican," CHANNEL M e OMMS, no» to H:
Phyllis gig: rorAi HARMONIC DISYOR-
‘ . 0 Phase locked loo (Pu) FM Multi-
§_ ’ om... plum/tame _,,,..,,,,,,,,;W
5.“No?" . . FOODS a GIFTS btleMANY—AUbHQIA jgr:v§i1232,31..tr§:'.gi.§t
he Gong Every TheSday nlglit sponsored by the Office for International Programs ° Malia/Rona" Speaker 53::an
ii on , Tuesday, February 1,1977 ""3”" ”M" ”M" “""am °°"°"
' we . . .
“:Sarms ls am11y lght 276.20] 3 Room 214, Student Center
. Panel of students from Germany and Austria to answer
e whose 357 SOU'hlond Dr‘ questions; charter flight information; slides. discussion of a 6 ea 6
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9 study, work, travel in Germany, Austria. Coffee Served.
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na light Valentine Dept. of Human Communication
ded are Give the gift and ‘ , E I
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9'“ and can give..... UD -_——:_—
hoosing. announce a general meeting for all UK students in- v =2:
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d. For terested in participating in traveling to Oral In A ——:—_—
terpretation Festivals this semester at Indiana State ——5
(ill. COLOR University and Emerson College. C90 60380". —=—-
i5 kid to lncase you didn't know. Tuesday night is very special at Ponderiisa Steak PORTRAIT ==__—
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tasty salad and a roll with butter. M a very special pl‘lt‘f'. (Jill) SI in So . ==__
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4—1'HF KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday. January 31. I971








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