xt7rfj29d01p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rfj29d01p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-09-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1983 1983 1983-09-26 2020 true xt7rfj29d01p section xt7rfj29d01p . ._ _. _______________.__——.——-.__ .__ _. _. ._ _______.._.__-_- .._.......__.___-. . . _.. , ,
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 34 An independent student newspaper serving the University of Kentucky sinre l894 Monday \optuinh" 3. mm l
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W] W ar en S In Bll'llt as cease- “‘8 18 called
AssociatedPress a news conference. “An agreement Khaddam and Saudi Prince Band- llUthl ltirt'c coltiprlsul til Marina cct t'li.itii- limit \J'J‘. .t \i.irtttt- ill a.“ 'M'v‘hi‘ iii' win i |"'" ‘tr i«
has been reached for a cease-fire in er Bin Sultan refined to provide de French pat-atrtxipers British troops to» llt'llttbplt'l VFW-”MM .tiih than lill': innit“ n tron. 'tu- - 1;. a. c
' BEIRUT, Lebanon — Saudi and Lebanon. ending the war and start~ tails of the agreement at the Damas and Italian soldiers was sent to lx-i» but was not t..t .klit‘f :t time under .ultn-m' '- lk'll‘tl' it. i -.-~. ~
Syrian officals last night announced ing a national dialogue. What was cus news conference. saying they anon A year ago to keep pt'dt‘t' and ground int? “i, .- 2H,”; .,\..r ‘mm H...» w- arty“. ~04. “A. ..,~ \I.
a cease-fire agreement in the IJeb- achievedisg‘eat." would be disclosed later by Leb help the arm) reassert control after lightingui:\ifnt-tat 'lH‘\ .ir. iii-limp iii. ll‘l|.t"‘l'\q' .. ,. t
l anese civil war hours after a re- Druse leader Walid Jumblatt. who anese President Amin Gemayel in Israeli iiiitision and subsixiuent (mu-rtnnt-w ' mils and \lltitr -t«-tt- "r. ...; -..
newed attack near us. Marine posi- attended talks with Khaddam and Beirut evacuation oi l'illt5lllllilll “Ut'llllils Mosh-in giiiznw infill”! «tt 'll .irtii
' tioth at Beirut airport after a 21- others, saidhehad ordered his mili- front thelx-bunesecupital lt'l‘) .ind n..i.:.;:.r gun» .i. He'll“! . lt lntxlu' m ..ti\ mm. l\!".i.l
day-Old conflict. Three Marines tlamen [0 Stop flrmg 316 am. Mon- Bander sald. ”“15 is the begin Miulhprn >ltllli> lit'dl l \ ““er ‘1, li.i'.«l .il -l l'.it\ liml ‘I‘gnl. 'lH'il
werewoundedduring theday. day. ning of the road for Arab solidarity Lebanon s latest (‘l\'ll war began chm.“ “turd”; -h,..di,.,,”m h, 0‘...“ mi. w t. Jump.» .. vim. it. ~ x!
The cease—fire accord — to take Khaddam said, "We appeal to all and for freeing Lebanon from lsraeli Sept 4 with the withdrawal of lsl'.it' d “Wm“..m _,; m. . i“ M, ..n.t i- 3w t 9. ant. ,..t\ \.| .t '.-. .- - ..
effect6a.m. today tmidnightyester- our Lebanese brothers to go beyond occupation.“ He called the pact ”a ll troops from thi- tnuunuitm mcr l .\ .llltl l'lV'llt l~ t‘tiltlingt‘tlls li.i\r ‘ n a» ‘Itl‘llliu'm‘. .t 'l ..-..t. ~
day EDT) — was announced in the bloodshed and the hatred in historic achievement that guar- looking Beirut to a new defense linc ll‘t‘ltlllt' -iii~i.-..ci;,;i-. mutual H. mom uniting ii..- t- an o.“
Damascus. where Syrian Foreign order to restart the building of Leb- antees the establishment of a bal- further to thesouth fighting Mitt: itickmi mini.“ 4",: mm; \t.t'il.ilt munch“ \.‘ .tl‘
Minister Abdul-Halim Khaddam told anon." anced rule in Lebanon." A multina- Marine Spokesman Warrant Utlt lht‘ll' P.llt'.\lll.:.tl .llltt'\ once .. t'l\'ll «l't. kits n l\.l!ll.t\i in
O O “av—'7'" ' W" ' . ' 1 "
Board seeks lower utility rates V “We. 1 « ' ' ' '
2.“ ‘ V I ‘1 ' . g t x ' . .
‘ 1/ i, . . ft
. ,, . ' ' . s . e‘ t)! ’ 7"}! I
By JOHN VOSKUHL increase, he said. “The PSC is un- anyone can go over to the Public ‘ g“ . “is 3.: Q I
Assistant News Editor usual. It's a quasi—legislative branch Service Commission. represented by “ 0 ‘ .t ‘. e - , , (f ' , ‘v‘i ..
of govemment.They can set rates.“ an attorney. looking presentable and ‘ x. ‘ .y ’ , w , .
‘ Members of the Citizens Utility The PSC then holds hearings. he make their point known." Clark a ‘ a ' ’ it!” y t, , ‘
Board of Kentucky, in hopes of en- said. The Attorney General’s Office said. 3 . D o ' ’5 ‘ ;, g ‘ v i. Q i ,
couraging students to become active of Consumer intervention handles Clark said CL'B is presently orgae . . I.“ t q , ~~ », x
in their organization, will hold a the rate payers‘interestshe said. nizing a UK branch for the corpora- l, 9 Q - i ' * ,,
. meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Stu- But the process is “a bit discrimi- tion called the Wildcat CUB The or- a . \' ~ . - .~ '
dent Center Theater. natory,inherently,”he said. ganization is not yet offiCially ‘ ‘ . a '. V .. ,
“The meeting will have a three- Both sides hire expert witnesses to registered with the Universny. he « . " _ \ .. , .
fold purpose." said Robert Clark, testify, he said. The utility compa- said. Tonight's meeting will be spon- “ , ‘ g c' v 7
executive director of the group and nies have a lot of financial resources sored by the Student Government . l ~ '
a UK graduate. “We will try to get to hire experts, but the attorney gen- Association. ’ ‘ 3
the University community involved eral‘s office does not always have “David Bradford tSGA preSidenti ,. _. .
in our organization; we'll provide a comparable resourceshe said. and Tim Freudenberg tSGA Vice 1
forum for citizens to voice their “The attorney general's office told president) have both been very help . ~ -’ , -
views on utilities; and we'll intro- me the residential citizen is the least ful to our organization.“ Sturgeon _ .0 . .
ducethepublic totheCUB." represented in the process.“ Clark said. “They're both very broad- . . .
Clark said the board, which was said. minded." . W .m f lat“ 2 . ‘
founded in August of this year, is a Clark and Sturgeon both became Bradford said he encourages. all . a . " .1.- f ‘ ‘ i ' ‘j
“non—profit corporation designed to interested in utility rates while they students to get involved in utility .~ , ~ J, . ‘
represent the inberests of the utility were stillUK students. rates. ”This is an issue that will ef— this/4 L4; 33'," . .« ‘ - ( J1 a? . l
consumers 9‘ Kentucky before the Sturgeon. who served as president f?“ students'forhthe rest 0f the" & ”Th" ' . -~_ ‘ . _ 4""
Bublic Servxce comml§5‘°h-. CUB of the student government in 1980, lives. he find Its “We for stu- Q 4,; I. y I“ y. .
is): stativzide organization With over petitioned the PSC to hold an official 3311;: ii? tl‘iiarlrlifitgl‘a‘t' they can have a m . 2:! ‘ , Q, Q. 8"; ~_: . my”
4 mem 1‘5~ ‘ n ‘ . - ~ ".4 .t r ‘ . i _ ‘
He said, however, that tonight's 3:?“ 0 the UK campus that Clark said SQA has given the CUB ,. ~ I!» ;'-' f.’ ~s s j \ at f... .
meeting will not be a hearing of the student organization $200 worth 0f ' , “It 3"” ‘v at, M, ‘ __
Public Service Commission. “But ”GTE (General Telephone and phone use through its Student ()rga- ¢' ’ ' ; .‘. 4 a" , ‘ -— _; --
we will record the comments that Electronics) Md requested ? 38 per- ni7ation Assistance Fund. “That . .’ f ‘ " r ""‘ _ ' i i"
are made and present them to the cent increase in its reSIdential rates helped us get the word out state- 3", _ '; .1 ,t' ‘ _
PSC.”hesaid. that year,“ he said. "I went [0 widef‘hesajd. . ’3' ,~ ' 1:35, l “a; ,
Brad Sturgeon. CUB’s director of Frankm" With ,my lawyer and Now both men are trying to ' f his; ' g " 1
organization and another UK grad- asked for a. hearing that would be spread the word 0“ the UK campus. " ' “mg i) ' ‘ ' ' ‘
uate, said the organization has two more aCCSS'hlelo more P90919- they said. “The on-campus student e / ..!b”.’ ‘ ‘ . "
main goals — to open the utility rate “‘9 commisSion agreed. ”1‘ W85 is the hardest one to convince that 351%.; . 1.? H33 ,
increase process up to the comumer the first time a hear "IS was held we’re going [0 be helpfu] 10 them." - ' v‘ I
andtohavereasonableutility rates. outstde 0f Frankfort, Sturgeon Sturgeon said. "BU! either through Il\\\l\tllll .. .
“We know we can at least handle 531d their phone bl“ directly. or through Cheers
the first one,"he said, The hearing was held in January their room and board. they are pay- ‘ -
. . 0f 1991- When the testimony was h“ ingutility bills." l)il\ld Bradford. Studcnt (imcrtiiticiit DIL'\ltlt'lll tlcl'i .i:.: ll't'xlthlH (Nix \itiivh '.l"~ tm-lni .unrt.“
. Sturgeon 531d th? process 0f dead" over m the case. GTE ended ”p “"ch "They don't usually get a chance tilutc listi (ilbh\ on hCIllg crown-ll lltllllt‘ttflll‘lll‘ Uticc' 'U ltiiini- balltiiiic .ii \iitittlitV ll‘tlll‘tlll l
mg utility rates is complex. “The an increase of only 6.9 percent. in- to have a direct effect on utility gutncag'iinxt thcl ”who” iii lll' inc
utility companies go to the Public stead of the38percent originally. rates." Sturgeon said. “This is their ‘ ' " l
Service Commission and ask for an “What it demomtrated was that chance." ,___________._________W__v__4 -. _ , 7 . _. .. _. 4
Emergency ; ms.“
New serwce assures handicapped students that medical help 15 Just a phone call away
By ANDREWDAVIS "We will automatically call the the hospital. Sometimes it isn't an from $400 to $500 apiece." Reynolds ’l‘ho- national ;t\t'r'.'lflt' H Ulll' all M h“ “m" “d "m‘ h"
' " ' -» ‘ - , . ' death of lost nect'x even“, see
StaffWriter person back. Reynolds also said. emergency. said We re raising funds to pay cu-rx lllllf‘lllmllllh .,
“If they answer. we talk to them —— The s stem is used in four of th for the systemt We charge $1.3 a I like the system It is u-r} lwlp mun“ ”4"“
Handicapped residents of Holmes it might have just been an accident. room yt Hol H ll R , Ide- month. 50 cents a day Im the Lex ful .md ll'llf'llt'litl lo the i-liii-rlt ,
Hall have a new type of insurance If they do not respond. we send the 'd s T: "r35", a - 93m 5 mgmn area: But H someone Ls dos; ”ummmm ' the Wile-u rotted the (HM'M
policy with the UK Medical Center paramedics.“ :21"de fifth obuttohes fffig‘sfoufi: titute. we make other arrange Reynolds said. vu- luiw- rt'llrt‘tl $Z?;m mm”:
—Urgent Kali. At Holmes Hall the system works student. a quadriplegic. has a tube merits . y _ m...) put m "w "W'hmfi hum”: ." neon. “.9096.
“Urgent Kall is a personal emer- a little differently. said Jacob to blow into for the same result. she The students 3‘ H‘flm“ Hall d‘l milk!“ 'PH' women feel hem-r w-
gency communications device,“ said Karnes. director of handicapped stu» said. Each unit has a battery back- "m pay far the” ”hm“, Kames "mm ””1. 'h'” m" “”"wn mum”
Janinne M. Reynolds. business man- dent services. up. and a range of 300 feet from the :8Lkgepfidg‘rrandmtlraheaddrizgml thrill? “‘3‘” [itL’ZZ‘II'mlgru \Nf'm'
- ' t' In H‘ l' I l
:tgg'eggegiafncfgtggmy department Students have someone to look telephone hookup. students. pays Slti per month. per Frank Thompson ls om- of the sill WEATHER
' after them from 6 to 10 am. and "The beeper is loud. for a person‘s room." dents ;it Hulmv-s Hall mint: thr- syn
"A person wears a beeper 0" his from9p.m. tola.m.Karnes said. assurance." Reynolds said “It goes According to Reynolds. it takes tern
belt, and if they need help they just Reynolds said. “There is one mon- off when someone receives the call about 20 seconds for the call to 'l lilo- the system But it is really
push the button on the beeper," Rey— itor for every two rooms. Their but- at the hospital Then we call them reach the hospital David Ricardo. int-rt» in ttiaike my part-nth lm-l bet to“, “it be partly way With 0 M
holds said. “A loud screech Will ton is by the bed. And we dont call right away. When they do not an- administrative assistant for the ter ‘ he \jtltl 'I almost used it once m m, and ,0 “PM ya 70mm M
come from the person's machine. their parents, we call the Resident swer. we come right away The per- Medical ('cnter. l5 one of those who My mumm- was" t mm. and i g... k d. .“ . k” m m M u 10
which is hooked up to the phone. It Manager. Someone is on duty 24 son has a number of assurances that mayansweranl'rgent Kall taught up ll". my slit-«ls inn l hol mm will h M” W ”m.
automatically captures the person‘s hours a day. They go check on the help iscoming. “Only three people have called lore-(tinnitut M” II "Rm”.
phone number. whether it tthe student. “Urgent Kali is an expenswe sys- in.” Ricardo said "Two were stu» "I hope we new-r really have in
phoneiis on thehookornot. “If he needs help. the RM. calls tem. They tthe beeper unitSi range dents; both were accidental calls use it harmssaul
6' 0 ) .
Students real conservative about paying for more channels
0 e e
ReSidence hall cable T V instalation starts after two-year delay
By'lRACYWHYTl-Z codes and men cable installers up to in before addilmnal channels should be able to decide on "if”
\i~ — StaffWriter working in a women's residence ("an be added from the Tub-cabli- ‘4'M3I‘h3hm
. '1 ball. “We tend to keep running into station Hills are u-nt in the stumnts . ,
’;>?"""—"-””Mmz’z¢h After a twoyear delay. cable tele< theseproblems.“ Williams said Jo‘nes said tthe “Entertainment 019:1?le "m "1" ran-nu 3""
I", . _ vision finall is bein installed in , F5 l pac age Is mm pv ar wit stu sat
"'ffy’ ‘ — _ ' all two [1K frzshmen wgomen‘s 1-95.. wrg‘l‘mf Hall was slldn “mtg": dents It includes the basu' cable Karen Harman an mlh'idr-d
/)év deuce halls.BoydandJewell. de 'filsfiTTZAIS bgt Telecatlle package of up to channel fit. plus freshman and Boyd resident or
' I . “BL _ 0' The University'will be able to a,” Seablé at'o‘cornplete the )0!) Home Box Office This package dPfl'd the basic cable package, plus
7" r)" C » ... offer cable to all students “hopeful- Clay stated he is unsure when South cats in 70 per month Without HBO and The Movie Channel '9)!
’1’ l _ ‘ ly. next summer." said Bob Clay. campusmllhavecableinstalled NB”. the rust is 9575 "To my said she 'Wlll haw- tn Met fit
g i / l [23: assistant dean of students for resi- ‘ . knowledge. this package is the the anlt‘e am plam to cancel one
i. , . . 5-9} dence hall life. He said the Universi- Finding In appropnate “me 10 in cheapest in the country ‘ Jones of the movw manna-ls after Viewing
Eff? . A pit-i.» ty first discussed cable installation stall cable in residence halls i: dim and mm of them Harman ind her mu
‘ 1'2sz - ‘I in i901. Telecable of mington was cult because we students t-ually "Students are mi emotive of on,- bill Will only be r: or a melt
r ‘ "'" , awardedthebid. m in the building and get disturbed about hunna cabie.’ iii-gm mmth
///'["' ' / ,‘ hytheworkers.accwdimto(‘lay Students who have questioned Harman said the orders! cable
'y‘“ — Clay said the delay was because of Eric Jones. a Telecable represen Jones about package but decided became she likes the movta and
“I ’1 7/ ' \ certain “miscues” between the Uni- tetive who promoted cable in Boyd not to buy. have wily made that Mime Televuion ”.Sometima it
a ; 1/ \ venity hhd the compny. although and 5m“. said am w '0 m “bk decision because they feel it will Will probably seem like a waste be-
- ¢ 7/ f % ~ UK was specific regard“; where, subscribers reside in Greg Page Al- interrupt theirstudiaj'heuid cause I wont always have time to ‘
I jg f ’ . . when and how cable was to be in- though the company has made 8 Clay and introducing cable into an watch it. she said. but added that
W ' I. ’ . «‘r stalled in the builditgs. "We have a refit then. Jones said he believes environment created to promote cable Md b'. In improvement
3‘ I ! fairly high stanchrd of materials imtalling able in freshman hells is study was debated for “quite some "We can ml." 8" “'0 “JUG- here
'1 l ~ going intoourbuildings."heuld "a loom cause." At that two build time" by the L'mvmlty But since in mulch. and one of than h- o
. . “II. he lid. there have been only diam” students have the appa- MkIMRP
! \ \ Deena Williams. mutant Vice isiiooitm unity to ”cine ante. (Jay aid
. \ ‘ chancellor 0‘ ”"31 “id ' "Wh‘ Jain aid that after a student has oncemput studenut mud have the Inlo'mn'mn [0' "in “my W 04-0
‘ '17 . « her of problems have coined the FIRM a “big pm, he or sanctum "can“ by Reportlr Natalie Cau-
tnmmln'lmam delay. including ”PM"! by (if? she must have the mailer cit-melt He also said in» and IO-yeer-okh dill
o ' e

 2 . TH! Klmv KIINIL My, ”Mil r 2‘ ‘
___e_oa___ PitCh °
. 2......" g Propels Bat Cats over
' 25¢ Kantian!” wnwujw‘l‘m“ Ore cad Stat
‘ 30‘ "0' D I “ V V ‘ ' . ,, 7 m any ”finishes on the a] . e
l ”I The UK Wildcat. m in "Elm MHZ. when targm pitching and a walk to Scott
. hibttion mm yum J‘ithum Opened its {all .4. 2°89?“ base via Walks from Hellman and d ”we” hother overnietgt nerdfi'h. he drilled a thee-rim
I 3 of Moi-elm y ' doubleheader awee ”1"”. ‘8 "1P“? ‘0 right b s - scored 0“ “Brandt-s em."
datShively Field. P and in the 59 th V “0"me Mike Ishmael ‘ "”1 800d hitter He
”3“” In a at ven ' When C3170“ save Up a walk ’ ya." Vb?" he was second - ’ "We“ that last
" mm . "Fe “1'“ same. the Wildcats med three . "31°- 50‘1me Ktlgus the win“ . and hespckmgupwhe he 1" the league. nu, year
7. to 13?: the 335'“ ‘0 two hits in a 7 2 Victorypticnmuri: a t"Fluent; "in "“9 inninth» otwork er' M "m an" Knox picked up 30 Rg‘flnmm said '
5°C slime. Brand ' - " fall, the ' - ‘ b1 , 8 In fourth '
seven RBIs bEtween tiBEgazngxsfoofizdewx knOCked in l: b: are all our yfirtechgticggf {gimpf'sohzrd we want Chzémflgmmmgflizd the mm m Zitgéflg
.. , . - 0r - e use a lot m . . amount of fieldt . . a 80‘0 ho '
[m ve - . , ' ore SUbSlllutes m m _ . . OStart off um - mer to right
ernel head Wenglglasladdrm the pl today," said Mlilllnewevahlate peoPlev"Madison said e fall n 5 Jay Ray picked upman‘eng.‘ .
n... t... nmtwa 'm n32... .. we tn... “Wins “.3283ng .n
bined to fire five peflect inni 5 11'0“ com. The W’ ield to score Kenn ‘ '9” three PitChers 0y the serv-
al I, ‘ - “85. “E Ildcats coll t ' . y JaCkson. h, . . Who allowed .
p L's £23335 :2!“ :1” 321th in the mugmwfiharfi 0‘ "“99 Moreheagcgoi‘sgfi $2.5 2:; to? adVantage R515]: {5:231:50 We"! three $338813; Buuraeed
n ea with our comm . ' sevenmmwereun ed e. our 0f their On e911113.
a e TOday Wethrew StrikesCOmis l “115 fall. In m earn . e aSPeCt that Wm .
ar ' tently," 9 second game it was ~ walks in . Madison was tn -
the ‘ ‘ again Ely who 5 pitchers sun-em . e 51x
sconng‘ After a ”ado” single by Clint m7: “"1“ .Was Pleased with 0,3323%“ Same.
C sruov SKILLS MINI-WORKSHOP ror esslnthe dwbreheader. , which was er,
overing speed and stud -
in ' t . Y rfiodlng, note ' _ A d
9 '°“L".fl.?鑧 °“ STUDEN'I' 3521': " La 3’ “8 battered b P ' -
- L
Friday. September 30' LL2M3ENT The WFMl-SGA Fall IgATIONS y aCIflc
Manhews Bundling. Fee 32.00. pm. 304 A been 58, fer Oct b estwal has By JASON WILLIAMS Kg
”CHEA'nNG A , tered student 0 .er 1' A"Y regis- SeniOrStaffwnter ca: ”ff lead ”ac“ 3‘ H b‘" UP UK '
.‘I fururflf 8' T U.K' ' l0 ' ' orgunlzafio" is ell bl 0‘ 6‘ ack to score the "e,“ four M Reaassoclgt-e head coed) Marilyn
0,. "mm“. Forum and s‘ ParliClpate. Thi 9t e The wave came . ' P mts. while UK could get no 1 C .vy criticized her team»
Tueldcy, s.P‘.mb. 2 - . 'flff Cellent me 5 COUId be an eX— its OppOnent Not 1" and swallowed than two. c oser ChOIOglcal dawnfau “We 8 5y-
206 one Stud-n:CoZi'to1raoP.m campus-wiggsefor YOur 9'°“P '0 gain {hat Oleulante. Whlclglrfirt‘ had? 332‘: leali‘lp' qlthic'dy jumped out to a 5-0 :35 and d°“" “0'“? out Wit:
Sponsor“; , XPOSUre. 18’ i“ the day in footb 11 b ' m 0 second game before Lo ' ' ‘
The Human Rotation. corn" and “A A flu'mber Of area m 0f the variety fro,n theapécigt more ErpenbeCli answered with a bloc“ The Kats were. at Beuarmine $-
o "I E F R 'NTERNAfl N POT'IClpating and . erchants are eitically University of the pact? 596 and a.Spike. Her spike and Bondyk :Tday for a mini-tournament hith
P Al. two Olhe "lUSIC by Helix plus UP swept into Lex‘ llc, front-line work kept the game cl S e host school, Indiana and Mo .
information on intersl?AMS For lurtl: gro'ulf’S thI be featured Washed away the vollelygéhn ngd aIOng Wlth UP errors, until the 500:; gang-mfih'rmm" they tr avelreto
and Ed' b Ips tn Madrid, 5 at er. tn Ormatio ' _Kats 15-3, 15.3, 154; Sa . V was 3'9. F 18. e next home ma .
Rm. ”smou'ggh, Scotland. Sept_ 23' 4.00p”m" SGA office 251319 n contact the In Memorial Coliseum hfd‘l‘y "'8’“ The Kats could not score - 898m Texas Tech Thursdzch 1:
5. Student Center " Director of Stu dent if?!“ Bryan West the second and worst'forethgssng‘ss allugh. as Lisa Franco and Egg; 7'30p'm‘m Memmal Coliseum y a
' ' , .m , '
WIanA: CATS MEETING alrs 266-9306' hggcrlrlafiég'éfifiter Lgtfing into the quickpswti‘hr abused UK S defense for a
es av. September 28 3. - .1" ‘3 NCAA rat- Just ‘ h - T -
All: fiudent Center I '30 310%? and seventh m the Tachikara couldn‘t zefnmugllimgvsorsjelgmt‘lliy """smm ““5 EKU
“ u entsWelcomei “They‘re a lot better team th Kata UP scored the first I e The Visiting Lady? Kat tennis team
' oum B we are,“ UK assoc‘ t an pOInts 0f the third game d edged 0‘" a 5“ V‘C‘Ory ove E
wants t d our " r Mar .1 la e head coach went on to lead b an the" Kemucky Saturd r 35m"
solve ' s u ems . 'o get involved and h I W ‘ rankido Peppler said Of the second. Kirby‘s side-o t y. as much as 12'2‘ The meet ay. <
IntereSSSe; facmg students who commujep here can YOU get very {figxegt‘eunation “They're Erpenbeck act; 2233:; ‘3: afI‘flnher seed doubles 2215162135121? the No' 2
, ersons mo . k ' . . ' ‘3 y scund. We {0“ ed . . e. 'ger-s hl v, j Ernie Plum—
51624 l e ‘ ‘ N
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{.1 ’9‘ S; (3:11? developer 01‘ UHiVCrsity-oriented can; :‘ {:1 ‘Q%€K ‘ V ‘5 “If—yr {“5 1 ‘1
0 . :0 mm apartments an ~ - . 9 N‘ ‘ 1.- 2‘" m‘él‘ :3, EM‘
N . . ‘ ' nounLCS a new - ' h t l 1 Q . . ”7? Fr .,..., Iv
:3 :1 ”fienng. Brighton Close. Scheduled for Fall 33:3: ’: ’3 t: l ' 1‘. ‘ f \ \ N‘- ' ”b O ) Li‘ S‘ I," l
M N "UPanCM Preconstructio - ' l‘ M -- -1 l a 7’ ‘ —-§ ‘1’ l
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 THE KENTUCKY KIINIL Monday. “pimbor 2..“9CJ»; J
W a... min..—
Gory "on.
three-rm _
that last —-" .-..“
[his year. Q o o
Homecomin eccentriuty
ith a dou-
fielder's r
' to ri it , . . . ‘.

8’ Leon Redbone and Dirt Band pro wa'e mixture of rock and eclectic ism ‘ . ‘ ‘
Wand ' V ‘ . . . n “J. «2.; l
m? serv- Homecoming concerts are mually eccentric crooner produced a Polar- The bill)“ (”I") DI" Band 0" $1.; ximwupcgdstdrhiznofmbariigbfi‘i: '

of three stop-over affairs, largely attended oid camera and photographed the Fla.“ 3* a headline act ‘0"? ‘ fayontes incl “(1108 ”Rod“ Top I ‘ \
and Brad by people on their Way to other first few rows of the crowd. thenhslid mam claims to {3:26 :33 alcameo and the. perennial fawn“; (W . , _ 2
nts. It is rfectl a propn'ate, quickly into“'I‘he Sheik of Araby appearance as ncom- . ‘ ,. . . g
i the six 33m that radii); nighilvs show in the These are typical Redbone tncks. mons, the back-up group for Steve 3:32,: he; 3:23: whiih had . ‘
1d game, Student Center Ballroom should fea- and while his fans may find such Martin 5 "lung hit i. which may Well .138"? of ‘em mm“ but I | ‘ ,
I was er- ture as an opening act a cult figure predictability outrageorsly funny. to explain why they tried harder I-h- those .1“ dancers were (“W m _
. who gave his audience exactly what anyone else such tactics are te- day night h h ~ 'th "C mic several more when the band n; ' '. ... ‘
they had come for, followed by a diously trite. . ‘(lpenin‘g [ e S owdm (l‘skl' turned for the (bligatory encore and f \ I .
cod-time rave-up country rock Fortunately for those who prize (ow boy the ban ran 5 ic y . ‘ . ‘ ‘ _
g - ' ‘ lt' Redbone through a set full of new songs and pleasantly 5”an an already - ’ .
band that had the audience dancing good music over noye y. g * , happy crowd with a hipshalung n~n ‘ . .
th door was joined for the final portion of old stand-bys, playing with the tight- ‘ __ . ' ‘ ,. . _ _
out 9 - . m. i. .(h the ex dition of Surfln t SA. and no .
his show by Jonathan Dorn on tuba ness at comes on ,V “1 P1“ one seemed to mind the anachru \ H; m
———‘—"—“" and Scott Black on trumpet and nepceol 163'9850" ”‘9 mad _' msm when bass“! Jmm“ mnbm a . .. 1:.»- g '
Ch Marilyn trombone. betting most of the material from duck»walked (hock Berry 5““. Q ’ g .:
:eam’s PS)“ . For the remainder of the set. Red- Let's Go. their latest album, out of acrossthestage . . . - . ‘ .
i play With reVIew bone‘s second-guessable drollery the way early. the Dirt‘Band segtlted One note that begs mention The __ . .. p .
of it." she played a decidedly secondary fiddle. into a comfortable sesswn of o a- concert onginallv scheduled for “(I ‘8“? a
as the trio brought a little Bourbon yontes like ex-Monkee Michael Nes: monal it‘oliseum. suffered mm" a , ,. i .
“mine yes" Street ‘0 "‘9 Bluegrass: ‘m’lapp‘ng ‘3‘"“5 ."some 0‘ Shelley S ,Bhia‘ confused seating arrangement which '
iment With — their way through a delightful array Surprismgly, they didnt :ayef Mr. left many fans holding what should (W K
and More- [eon Redbone exhausted his usual of Mardis Gras-sty‘le oom-pahtunes. Boiangles. their biggest lit: or tin have been Chm“ “Ck?“ mm“ m i;
3y travel in bag 0‘ “id‘s during the “mt half or In fad, the additional some 800d encorfi. lPSteé‘d perfonlmnfi l ’as 1‘ et conSiderablv less than desirable ‘ W7 ’t
3 match is his show. Mumbling almost unintel- music raised Redbonewshstagf (tirlicks jhtfifw}: riginiugflgiethefsrics‘ (gage seats Good thing the Dirt Band km. , . (we;
lursday at ligibly at the audience after his first from silly to satiric. en e mne e a . . . ~ . .
.. , , . x d verse but by that time the crowd up on its feet and mining.
”um tune. Redbone remarked. NOW 10‘ set 0“ a 5ma” ““0“ mmbflun'lg ““0" ‘ - ' . . . which partially relieved crowd re : 3‘-
. cordjon for on," (what else?) “There‘s a Hot lime in enough of the audience was Singing ' . , as .- . . .5.- ‘ 4 ., ~ 1
glelsedto Itafiiiydumbeio‘iii: effect, and 3in no the Old Town Tonight,“ such buf— along with the sentimental favorite sentmentoyer theseating Primlf’mh . .‘ ~ mm!” m » u m. . g . I,
(U one’s surprise concluded, “But I foonery served as an enjoyable par~ to'r‘nake the mistakeafriendlyvone, (MRY “ PlFRt‘F I I “\ RI hilt '\. .... . ‘ , .
don‘t have one." Minutes later, the ody of big-time rockconcerts. lhe highlight of the show came . . .
nnis team ’ . . n
”3“" l.’ ‘R k H cast ives fans something to dream 0
‘ 1V6 OC y Ol’l‘Ol‘ g
.mie Plum- , . - . .. ~ - . . . . ' tn r l, q» M ii ~i. Hwy «'Illl"
' - ~ ‘ . ‘ " - talntn the mwdeleted Superheroes qultllti lll dillllllllillli \.i|i li|\\(‘l . w.” I it u
)mt as tea» Thepursuit of pleasure takes many and varied forms. The notionfthit the gugienrcl: lifes Epctk‘ye Ilsa: $085] whichgthe corrupted young folks Nah" hm h” ”M w hm M ”m “W“. In”... .,, .. Wu, 3...... ,w M”. M“:
gum: an Last Friday night, overdrmmpleléisutre-igeklgrs raitffi ifllriilst egiigilfgnibntl ”ei‘lirciuf‘ilfn hZS played to packed houses fallen while Janet Sings “All I know is do