xt7rfj29d206 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rfj29d206/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-03-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 2000 2000 2000-03-31 2020 true xt7rfj29d206 section xt7rfj29d206 um


What'd you

Are the neighbor's
children picking on
you again? Here are
some lines to get
back at them:

Yo mama so stupid. she
thought Hamburger
Helper came with
another person.

Yo mama so stupid, she
thought meow mix
was music for cats.

Yo mama so stupid, she
thought she needed a
token to get on soul

Yo mama so stupid. she
invented a solar-
powered flashlight.

Yo mama so stupid, she
told everyone that
she was
because she couldn't

Yo mama so stupid, she
sold the car for gas

Yo mama so stupid. she
ran out of gas leaving

Yo mama so stupid, she
sold the house to pay
the mortgage.

Yo mama so stupid, she
thought Sherlock
Holmes was a
housing project.

Yo mama so stupid, she
went to a Whalers
game to see Shamu.

Yo mama so stupid,
when she saw a
"Wrong Way" sign in
her rearview mirror,
she turned around.

Yo mama so stupid, she
thought Delta Airlines
was a sorority.

Yo mama so stupid,
when your dad said it
was chilly outside,
she ran outside with
a spoon.

Yo mama so stupid, she
called the 7-" to see
when they closed.

Yo mama so stupid,
when someone said
"Take the trash out,"
she moved.

Yo mama so stupid, she
thinks Christmas
Wrap is Snoop Dogg's
holiday album.

Yo mama so stupid, she
tried to drop acid but
the car battery fell
on her foot.

Yo mama so stupid, she
thinks Taco Bell is
where you pay your
telephone bill.

Yo mama so stupid, she
got fired from an
MSM factory for
throwing away all the




THE 411


5.7 4.9

A nice weekend. but
showers early next


VOL 38105 ISSUE ”128


News tips?

Call: 257-1915 or write:



Rory Kennedy
defends her

film on
Appalachia l 3




The t rill of sweet victory


Winning ways

SGA President Jimmy Glenn and Vice President-elect Amanda Holloway de-stress in the Free Speech Area after they won yesterday's

SGA presidential election.



It's Glenn again: 1,767 students hit the polls,
Glenn secures second term by 296 votes

By Chris Markus

After an exhaustive day of last minute campaigning, presiden-
tial candidate Jimmy Glenn was able to rest easy after winning his
second term as president of the student body.

A stoic Glenn was flanked by his vice presidential candidate.
Amanda Holloway and his sister. Kim. as the results of the vote
count were announced by Election Board Chair. Emily Boyd.

. .with 688 votes. (‘harmain Neal and Keisha Carter." said Boyd.

And with those words the Carter supporters erupted with cheers.

But the celebration was premature.

“And with 984 votes. Amanda Holloway and Jimmy Glenn.“
Boyd managed to say over the cheering (‘arter supporters.

Now it was the Glenn supporters turn to cheer.

Immediately after the announcement Glenn was greeted with
handshakes and hugs. but even as the Glenn-loyal shouted.
hollered. and cheered. Glenn remained calm and answered the
loud shouts with quiet "thank yous" to all who approached him.

“I can guarantee you that tomorrow morning I‘m going to be the
first person in the office...l‘m excited to get started," Glenn said.

After the crowd had settled Glenn and Holloway climbed on
top of the brick wall outside of the Student Center and gave ini-
promptu acceptance speeches that were riddled with emotion.

“You guys don‘t know how much this means to me." Glenn
said to the crowd.

Glenn went on to thank the student body. his campaign man»
ager and his sister. Kim.

Glenn said that as soon as he begins his second term he will
work to fulfill the promises enumerated in his platform.

He also said that the campaigning prior to the election has
brought new student concerns and problems to light that he is
looking forward to dealing with.

Glenn‘s mother. Cornelia. described her son as a natural for
the position.

“Jimmy has always liked to make a difference. he‘s always
been that way." she said.

Joe ()rtlett. an engineering sophomore. and Glenn's assistant
was not only glad to see his friend win the election. but also by
which the manner Glenn secured victory.

"It‘s good to see that a cleanly run czunpaign can win." ()rtlett said.

After Glenn had addressed the crowd. he descended from the
stone wall and was approached. once more. by individual students.

Even Rynara Murphy. a Carter supporter. shook Glenn‘s hand
and congratulated him.

Glenn said that after he left the Student Center he was plan-
ning on calling family and friends who he said were ”eagerly wait»
ing to hear the results.“

And as to his plans for the rest ofthe night:

smiling Glenn said.

“I‘m going to enjoy this and just celebrate it for what it is." a


Wand the bitter agony of defeat

By Tracy Kershaw

There‘s always Germany.

Keisha Carter might have lost the
SGA presidential election. but she now has
bigger plans: to study abroad. possibly in
Germany, she said.

Carter. a political science and history
junior. tallied 688 votes to incumbent J im-
my Glenn‘s 984.

“We did the best we could. We ran a
true and fair campaign," Carter said. “We
tried to get the truth out there about what
has really gone on in student government."

A large contingent of family and
friends turned out at the free speech area
to support Carter and her running mate.
Charmaine Neal. a chemistry junior.

And while Glenn and his supporters
reveled in victory. Carter and her support-
ers still celebrated.

Carter and her Alpha Kappa Alpha
sorority sisters gathered in the grass.

singing harmoniously w ith arms inter-
twined in a circle of support.

Carter said she ran for SGA president
because of the things she has seen go on
over the past two years and because sever-
al students had asked her to run.

“Over the past two years. I‘ve seen
SGA disintegrate. Over this year. it just
seems like we've gotten away from the
purpose." she said. “I care about it so
much. and I didn't want to see that hap—

Every politician seems to have a lucky
charm. but Carter said she puts her faith
in a higher power: prayer.

“I‘ve left it up in God‘s hands. I prayed
about it for along time." she said while re-
laxing with her sister before the results
were announced.

She spent the election day handing out
handbills and praying.

“I have no rituals. Just more prayer: I
prayed that everything would go well.“

Carter‘s interest in SGA came before

she was even a student at UK Thel Lexing-
ton native and 1997 Henry (lay graduate
visited the SGA office before her freshman
year. Visiting the office made her really
excited about getting involved with stu-
dent government. (Tarter said.

Carter secured a freshman senator
seat her first year at UK. Her sophomore
and junior years. she was a senator at
large and headed the Appropriation and
Revenue committee.

Even though SGA has filled such a big
chunk of her college career. (Tarter has
many plans for her remaining years at UK.

"I want to get involved with other stu-
dent organizations. and I might study
abroad in Germany.” she said. “I might
leave for a semester. or even a year."

However Carter plans to spend her
time. she wants the students to do one

“Keep your eyes and ears on SGA and
make sure they are representing you at all
times." she said.



New senators hope to

By Katie Nelsen

While the president of SGA remains
the same. newly elected senators are still
hoping for change.

After just one year in SGA. freshman
senator at large winner. Tasha Neal. ran
for election because she felt there were
some changes to be made among the stu-
dent government.

“There were a lot of problems that
needed to be rectified." Neal said. “I feel
the leadership that was declared today will
keep us in the same cycle that we‘ve been in."

While focusing her role as senator at
large on parking issues and the alcohol
policy at UK. Amanda Lewis has some con--
oems about the trend in student government.

“At least we have a progressive Sen—

ate." Lewis said.

The re-election of president Jimmy
Glenn and his vice presidential running
mate. Amanda Holloway. have some new
senators looking for ways to make changes
to SGA. using the resources they have.

Jacquelynn Russell. first place winner
for senator at large. and second time in of-
fice. said in order for SGA to progress. it
must endure change.

“T feel the outcome is a little disap-
pointing because it's important that we
change.“ Russell said.

Despite the mixed feelings felt by some
senatorial winners. the 15 newly elected
senators at large and 15 new college sena-
tors are focused on beginning their role as
a voice for the students at UK.

“I want to try to make this campus as
student-friendly as possible." said Jay


Eoiafort zone

Keisha Carter was consoled by her Alpha Kappa
Alpha sorority sisters after the loss yesterday.


make change in SGA

ally can't see how that relates to student

Varellas. a senator at large winner. "Stu-
dent government only exists to improve
student life on campus."

Varellas said SGA is important to the
welfare of UK students because it allows
students to have a voice and find answers
to their questions concerning university

“SGA has a lot of important decisions
to make about student life.“ Varellas said.

Varellas plans on tackling the tuition
issue and wants to provide students with a
clear explanation of why tuition is increas-

Student government at UK involves
senators from every college on campus,
These senators are available to bridge a
connection between students and universi-
ty administration.

“People think of fine arts and they re-


The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky, Lexington

government." said Mike Allen. (‘ollege of
Fine Arts senator. "Maybe there's some
way we can get a little more involvement
from the students in fine arts."

Aside from the opportunity to repre-
sent his college. Allen feels that running
for SGA was a personal victory. as Well.

“I think of this as something I really
needed." Allen said. “Just putting my
name out and taking the risk was a chal-

Patrick Robinson. senator for the (‘ol-
lege of Agriculture. wants start off his re~
sponsibilities as college senator by spread-
ing his name throughout the college.

“I want to get around to all the clubs
in the agriculture college to let them know
that I'm available." Robinson said. “I‘m
here for the students."




2 I FRIDAYMARCH 31. 2000 I mam


The Low-down

to Hillary
Clinton, at a Los
Angeles charity
event this week,
as quoted by
New York's Daily

Ellen's lather applies for 0.5. visa

WASHINGTON The father of Elian Gonzav
lez yesterday applied for a visa to travel to the
United States from Cuba to regain custody of his
son. as the US. government and the 6-year-old
boy‘s Miami relatives resumed talks to end the 4-
month-old legal dispute. Attorney Gregory Craig
submitted the visa application on behalf of Juan
Miguel Gonzalez. his wife and other family mem-
bers. (‘raig said Elian's father would travel to the
I'nited States as soon as he is assured that he will
be given custody of his son.

Gore: keep Elian in 0.5. for now

WASHINGTON Breaking with the Clinton
administration. Vice President Al Gore said
yesteraday he supports legislation that would al-
low 6~year-old Cuban refugee Elian Gonzalez to
remain in the country while his custody case is
resolved in the courts. Gore. the presumptive De-
mocratic presidential nominee. urged Congress
to pass a law that would grant permanent resi
dent status to the boy. his father. stepmother,
half-brother. grandmothers and grandfather, “so
that the case can be adjudicated properly." GOP
rival George Bush supports such legislation.

Nasdaq is off 186.49, Dow off 38.16

NEW YORK The Nasdaq composite index
narrowly averted its worst day in history yester-
day. ending a volatile session sharply lower as
investors bailed out of stocks that recently had
run up sharply. The Nasdaq fell 186.49 to close at
1458.18. a loss of 4.0 percent. Technology stocks
have been in a slide since March 10. when the
Nasdaq closed at a record high of 5.04862. The
Nasdaq woes dragged the Dow Jones industrial
average down 38.16 to end at 10.98056. On the
NYSE. gainers led losers l.563-1.470.

San Francisco Chronicle sale approved

WASHINGTON The Justice Department
yesterday approved the sale of the San Francisco
(‘hronicle to The Hearst Corp. the owner of its
century-long rival. after Hearst agreed to sell its
tlagship San Francisco Examiner to owners of a
local free-distribution newspaper. The deal gives
Hearst control of the city‘s dominant newspaper
and ends a joint operating agreement in which
the two papers have split profits evenly for the
past 35 years.


Making videos
can be haz-
ardous to your
health. just ask
Britney Spears.
The pop
princess col-
lapsed on the
set oi her
upcoming video
for “0ops...l
Did It Again"
last week when
a heavy camera
tell from its
moorings and
cracked her on
the head.

Mick Jagger,
lead singer of
the Rolling
Stones and the
sixties bad boy
of pop, was on
his best behav-
ior Thursday
when he went
back to school.
School's most
famous old boy
visited his alma
mater tor the
opening of a
performing arts
center named
after him.

Clinton wants to tight abortion law

WASHINGTON —- The Clinton administra-
tion is asking the Supreme Court to let it join a
Nebraska doctor‘s fight against a restrictive state
abortion law. Justice Department lawyers asked
the court to let them participate when the Ne-
braska case is argued before the justices April 27.
They said the law violates some women's consti-
tutional right to end their pregnancies. The
court's decision in the case may determine the
fate of 30 states' bans on a surgical procedure op-
ponents call “partial-birth abortion.“

Economy extends retirement programs

WASHINGTON , The strong economy has
delayed the projected insolvency date of the
Medicare trust by eight years. to 2023. and the So
cial Security fund by three years to 2037. It
marked the third consecutive year that stronger-
than-expected economic growth has added new
years of life to the retirement programs.
Medicare, the health insurance program for the
elderly and disabled. had been projected to run
out of cash in 2015.

Sentences in date-rape drug death

DETROIT Four men were sentenced to up
to 15 years in prison today in one of the nation‘s
first trials involving a death linked to a “date
rape“ drug. The men were convicted March 14 in
the death of 15-year-old Samantha Reid. In Janu-
ary 1999. Samantha asked for a drink at a party
and was given a soft drink spiked with the drug
known as GHB. She became violently ill, lost con—
sciousness and died the next day. GHB has been
linked to at least 58 deaths since 1990.

Icahn seeks 100 million shares

NEW YORK , Financier Carl Icahn said
yesterday he is prepared to begin a cash tender
offer of $13 a share for 100 million shares of
Nabisco Group Holdings Corp. and said he
would consider selling the food company if he
gains control of it. The offer is lcahn‘s most am—
bitious effort yet to gain control of the company
that was created when RJR Nabisco Holdings.

Catchings, Auriemma earn AP honors

PHILADELPHIA , Tennessee‘s Tamika
(‘atchings was honored as The Associated Press
women's player of the year and Connecticut‘s
Geno Auriemma received AP coaching honors.
Catchings has led Tennessee to a 32-3 record and
kept the player of the year award in the Lady
Vols‘ court for the third straight season. Auriem-
ma received the coach of the year award for the
third time. His team is 34-1 and was ranked No. 1
all season.

Compiled from wire reports.



not the

By Shauna L llorn
Winsome wnim

It‘s still March Madness
and the Cats aren't in the last
weekend of tournament play.

But has basketball fever
left the Bluegrass? Most stu-
dents say yes.

“I love March Madness.
but when UK loses early. it's
hard to keep watching." said
Matthew Martin. a UK alumni
who graduated just last year.
“I still watch the finals.
though.“ said Martin.

Martin is not alone in his
apathetic attitude about an
UK-less tourny.

“I'll always watch the
NCAA tournament even with-
out UK. but it just isn't the
same.“ said senior accounting
major. Lawrence Bell.

Alyssa Dennison. an ele-
mentary education junior. re-
main true blue and do not
watch the games if UK is not
still alive in the tournament.

“If UK is in it I watch. but
otherwise I don‘t follow," said
Alyssa Dennison. an elemen-
tary education junior.

Others keep an eye on the

“I kept watching just to
make sure Duke lost." said
merchandising senior Gwen

There are still those who


watch. but hanging it up until
next year.

“I‘ve kept up with some of
the tournament action maybe
through Sports Center, but
I've lost interest until next
season.“ said biology senior.
Bridget Castle.

Among all the Cats fans.
there are still those who could-
n't get behind this year's

“How can a team that
can't even uphold the stan‘
dards of our university expect
people to care about whether
they win or lose." said Melissa
Patterson. a theatre sopho-

“There‘s more to life than
basketball,“ Patterson said.

Others never got involved.

“I didn't really care about
the tournament at all this
year," said Gretchen Shoot. a
theatre freshman.

Some even want to see the
Cats fail.

“I follow the University of -
Virginia and Louisville. and
am always happy when UK
loses.“ said Torri Martin. a
theatre graduate student.

And some just miss the

“The basketball fever real-
ly changes when there‘s no
hope for a Euclid/Woodland L
celebration," said Alysia Hall. _
a forestry senior.



The photo captions in the story titled “Lexington rich in
black heritage sites" should have said that they were of the pre‘
sent and the old churches of the Pleasant Green Missionary

Baptist Church.

To report an error call The Kentucky Kernel at 257-1915.










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Matt Mulcahey
Assistant Scene Editor
Phone: 257'1915 | Email: kernelartfiiyahooxom




Film stirs controversy




Director Rory Kennedy responds to questions after a showing of her documentary American Hollow at the Young Library Wendsday
night. The film details the life of an Eastern Kentucky family and their battle against poverty.

Sgueal like a pig, boy: Director says her film doesn't
stereotype Appalachians as Deliveranceesque hillbillies

Bryan Marshall

Director Rory Kennedy came to UK
this week and defended her film about the
life of a poverty~stricken family in Ap—
palachian Eastern Kentucky.

"It is a celebration of people commit
ted to keeping their family together
through everything that goes wrong.“
Kennedy said.

Kennedy. daughter of former Sen.
Robert Kennedy. talked about the contro-
versy surrounding her documentary.
American Hollow. Wednesday night in the
WT Young Library auditorium.

Many people believe that Kennedy's
film shows a stereotypical view of the peo-
ple who live in Appalachia by showing
them as “hillbillies.“

However. Kennedy says her film is
not trying to stereotype anyone.

“This film is about one particular fam-
ily. It is not meant to portray all of Ap-
palachia." Kennedy said. She says she

does understand how people might react
negatively toward the film and stresses
that she welcomes criticism.

“This film of course takes place in
Eastern Kentucky. and I am from New
York. So. I am interested in knowing what
you think and getting your feedback." said

Dwight Billings. associate director of
the UK Appalachian Center. believes that
Kennedy should be shown a lot of grati-
tude for what her film has shown people
about Appalachia.

“Poverty is not a stereotype." said
Billings. “and We should be thankful to
Rory Kennedy for reminding us all of

The HBO—broadcast film gives audi-
ences a peek inside the Bowling family
that includes 13 children as well as tnany
grandchildren. who all live within an
hour from one another in Mudlick Hollow.

The Bowlings are a family struggling
to make it on welfare due to lack of re-
sources. including employment and mon-

“It is really important to recognize
that there is poverty everywhere. and it is
not something to be ashamed of."
Kennedy said.

Negative reaction to the film has in-
cluded a local newspaper calling the fami-
ly ”disgusting" in a movie review. Addi-
tionally. the mayor of Hazard. Ky. says
that the family (lid not even exist. but
were just actors.

However. the documentary has many
supporters. as was apparent by some of
the audience reactions at the discussion.

"I think the controversy is unwarrant-
ed because the film shows a family stick-
ing together against all odds rather titan
making fuii of the family.” said Angela
Scales. an elementary education fresh—

In addition to the film. Kennedy has
also written a book on the Bowling family
A photo exhibit of pictures from the book
is being displayed at the UK Singletary
(‘enter for the Arts through Wednesday.

Kennedy hasn't ruled out the possibil-
ity of returning to do another documen-
tary with the family.

“I think there were several stories
there. I would be very interested in going
back anti telling those stories." Kennedy




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Actresses bloom
in ‘Magnolias'

By Matt Nulcahey

Who better to direct a play about six southern lt‘lilillt‘s than a
male college student

That's exactly the task that senior theatre major (‘raig Miller
has undertaken. Although it might seem like an unusual choice
considering his gender and age. student director Miller isn‘t trying
to work out an unresolved ()edipus complex. Instead he's giving
the actresses of l'K a chance to shine.

“The UK theatre department has a lot
of female talent. Most of the shows have a
lot of male parts. so for this show I want-
ed to give the women a showcase." Miller

Most people are familiar with the
1989 film version of Steel .llagizoli'us. but
what ittost people don't know is that the tilm was based on a play
by Robert ilarling and is a true story.

The play consists of six characters. all female. and four scenes.
set entirely in 'I‘ruvy's Beauty I’arlor. ’l‘herei‘ore. all the male char-
acters and much of the action is never seen. only described in the
vivid. colorful Southern dialogue.

Miller. who ttot only directed but was also responsible for cast»
ing. props. programs. lighting. and costumes. went for an abstract.
minmalist approach to the set anti lighting.

"I wanted the focus to be on the actresses." said Miller.

Although he has been working on the play since midl‘ebru
ary. the cast has had only about BU rehearsals. a small number for
a production

Said Miller of the limited rehearsals: "It wasn't really neces-
sary to have a long process because the female talent in the show
is so great."

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iravis Hubbard
SportsDaily Assistant Editor
Phone: 257-I915 | Email: trhubeidpop.uly.edu




Tempo a
key for

Gators and Heels: Two teams are
complete opposites

By Matt Ellison

Each ofthese teams has knocked offa No. 1 seed
to be here.

That’s about all North Carolina and Florida
have in common. So let the mismatches begin:

History: North Carolina is wing to its 13th
Final Four since Florida coach Bil y Donovan was
born (in 1965); Florida will be playing in its second

Styles of play: Florida likes to press. run and
shoot threes. This year‘s Carolina team. due to in-
juries that have limited the team‘s ability to play in
transition, has averaged just 69 points per game in
the tournament. The Gators lead all NCAA teams.
averaging 81 points per postseason game.

The aforementioned bench: Carolina has
used only seven players in the tournament; Flori-
da's bench goes 11