xt7rjd4pmg16 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rjd4pmg16/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19741122 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, November 22, 1974 text The Green Bean, November 22, 1974 1974 2014 true xt7rjd4pmg16 section xt7rjd4pmg16 n , A
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cnssmvzwcs Avnrmxsrs ’ T H E
Tape cassettes of the presenta- ‘ G R E E N
tions by_Ms. Hall from North
Carolina and Ms. Dugas from Ohio ‘ B E A N
University are available on re-
cassettes and player under Susan NEWSLETTER ll/22/74
McCargar‘s name.
Bins to receive paper for recycling have now been placed in strategic
locations throughout the library. Stipulations are —— no staples and
no carbon paper. Card stock in large quantities should be batched.
Any questions concerning the project may be directed to Karin Sandvik
in Tech Services.
Effective December 2, 1974, the Interlibrary Loan unit in Reference
will become a separate department. Following the installation of
SOLINET terminals (scheduled for late February) interlibrary loan
activities are expected to increase significantly. The University
of Kentucky Libraries will also become a clearinghouse for expensive
materials purchased by the state-assisted college and university
libraries in Kentucky. The State Assisted Academic Council of
Kentucky and the Council on Public Higher Education Library Services
Study Group are exploring ideas for further cooperation among the
state supported libraries in Kentucky. Many of these activities will
be coordinated for U.K. by Interlibrary Loan.
It is possible also that access to national data bases such as CAIN,
ERIC, etc. might at some time be centralized for the King Library
system in the Interlibrary Loan Department.
Mr. Harry Gilbert will head the Interlibrary Loan Department effec-
tive December 2. John Bryant will assume direct responsibility for
the activities in the Acquisitions Department. ·
I would like to call a meeting for Friday, December 6 at 8:30 a.m.
in the King North Gallery. Let's plan on the meeting ending before
10:00 a.m.
Please submit to me any suggestions which you have for the agenda.
I will distribute a full agenda to you soon. Some of the items
needing attention are:
l) Performance Evaluation Review Procedures
2) Promotion and Tenure Procedures
3) Committee Assignments
4) Elections

would you please express to me any interest rby December 2) which
you may have in serving on any of the committees below. All staff
members are eligible for consideration to serve on the committees
unless otherwise noted. ~ ._ L — .
A. Ad Hoc Committees I `
l. Performance Evaluation Form Review
-` Committee to review the performance evaluation form for ·
all categories of support staff. The committee will
also be asked to review the supervisory evaluation form
which was used last year. The present committee
headed by Larry Greenwood will be asked to participate
in this review. Only non-library faculty are needed.
2. Building Display and Publicity ,
A Committee to consider pictures, exhibits, etc. in the
· renovated areas of King South.
B. .Administrative Committee 4
» 1. Personnel U . `
To assist in the identification, recruitment and selec-
tion of new professional staff members. v_‘V
.C. »Standing Committees (See Procedures document at VII. C.)
1. Library Policies, Guidelines and Rules.
2. Library Planning _ ., = -
A five-year development plan is needed. Perhaps sub-
committees (of three staff members each) could make up
. this overall committee. Some of the sub—committees
might be:
a) Buildings M
. -b)` Staff  ,';, A j _
c) Collections
l d) Services .A l · x
It might be helpful to ask representative teaching
faculty to serve on this committee. The Senate Library
Committee members may be good candidates. This com-
mittee may not want to start functioning until MRAP
activities are completed or nearly·completed.

 5 .f‘ -3*
3. Professional Activities and Staff Development
This cormuittee may want to pursue the "library management
roundtable" idea recently suggested by Joan Gatewood
following the KLA management pre-conference in Louisville.

 \ — A

The "pink sheet" will appear irregularly as a news medium for UKLA
activities and as a bulletin for items of interest to librarians.
Everyone is welcome to contribute — either bits of news from your
reading or brief reports on conferences and meetings attended.
‘ »Submit material to Jean Graef, Chairman, UKLA Publications/Publicity
WHAT IS RLG3 “ ‘ I `»
RLG (Research Libraries Group) is another consortium consisting of -
major libraries in the New York area. Included are Harvard, Yale,
Columbia, and New York Public Library. One of the controversial `
things about the consortium is the fact that the libraries have -
agreed to engage in copying rather than buying duplicate sets and
serials. A
Source: College & Research Libraries News
020.5/C6864 v. 35 no. 5 (October, 1974) H
"The Calspan Corporation has developed a special paper for recording
proprietary or restricted information, which the company says can
put an end to the practice of making forbidden duplicates on commer-
cial copying machines. It was placed on the market last month under
the name of Copy-Trol."
Source: Information Retrieval and Library Automation.
029.705/In33/v.lO/no.5 (October, 1974)
"A $5,000 grant in 1975 to aid junior members' participation in
American Library Association activities has been announced by the
Detection Systems unit of 3M Company. The grant will fund trans-
portation, lodging, and related costs for several members of the
American Library Association's Junior Members Round Table (JMRT),
young librarian leaders in the profession, to attend the ALA annual
conference, since few of them can afford to attend."
from American Libraries. November, 1974.
Call number: 020.622/Am348/v.5; no. 10
"Garland is a young (four years old, to be exact) publisher that has
heretofore published scholarly reprint series. Recently, however,
we launched a rather ambitious new program to publish original ref-
erence works, mainly bibliographies. We have about twenty-seven
under contract and will publish the first seven or eight this fall
(we have previously published only one, William Ward's two—volume
bibliography, Literary Reviews in British Periodicals, 1798-1820,
and it has done very well). 4

 .. 2 ..
I know that reference librarians are one good source of bibliogra-
phies and checklists, and we would be most grateful if you would
let your readers know that we would be delighted to consider for
publication any projects they may have in mind or are now working
on. We offer good royalties and distribution throughout the world.
Many thanks for your help. Peter Kemeny, Editor-in—Chief."
from College and Research Libraries News. ,
Call number: 020.57C6864 v.35, no.5 (October, 1974)
"The world's most powerful communications satelitevdjl be used to
extend local library resources for residents of 12 mountain and
plains states through the Satellite Library Information Network
The national space agency, the mu1ti—state Federation of Rocky
Mountain States, and several library-oriented groups and agencies
will pool their expertise and resources in the program, which will
begin planning late this year."
from The Unabashed Librarian. V
Call number: 020.5/Unl3/no.l2 1974 (Summer, 1974)

 November 22, 1974 _ g __ _
MEMORANDUM: C _,. · é'. _ »·_·
TO:-G -Library Staff an ‘ ‘
FROM: M.R.A.P. Chairperson `» V 2 `
SUBJECT: A Progress Report V .
The decision to enter into an A.R.L. Library-Management Review and
Analysis Program was made after reviewing-the Library needs and on
orientating the staff extensively.~ . r I
The orientation: V V"
Duane Webster from the Association of Research Libraries Manage-
ment Office in Washington visited the University and spent con-
siderable time explaining M.R.A.P. to the Library staff. Jerome
Yarvarkoosky discussed the implications of the now famous Booze
Allen Study made at Columbia University. A representative group
from the Library went to Knoxville to a workshop describing the
University of Tennessee's M.R.A.P. study and the results to
date. Later Keith Cottam of Tennessee spoke to the entire pro-
fessional staff at Berea late this summer.
In August the Director chose John Bryant as the Chairperson and later
after much consideration and consultation with the Associate and
Assistant Directors chose a study team representing many levels and
areas of the Library system and one faculty member. A
Manuals and other support materials were sent from the Management
Office for the use of the team and the various task forces. The
team has gathered additional reading materials and data to support
the study.
The team meets regularly at 1:30 each Tuesday afternoon with addi-
tional meetings scheduled when necessary. Special committees are
established within the study team to perform tasks during the first
three phases of the study.
Activities to date:
The Chairperson attended an orientation meeting in Washington,
August 22-25 with chairpersons from the six other research
libraries participating in M.R.A.P. this year. The study team
began its regular meetings the following week. The initial
meetings included a thorough orientation and the design of a
work plan. On September 26 the Director gave the mission and
overall objectives of the Library to the study team. The
mission: The basic mission of the University Libraries is to
provide bibliographical, physical, and intellectual access to
recorded knowledge and information consistent with the present
and anticipated instructional, research, and service responsi-
bilities of the University of Kentucky. (Objectives to be
studied in phase III will be given in the next progress report.)

The first product of consequence from the team was the Initial
. ‘ M.R.A.P. Survey. This survey was given to Department Heads for
the following purposes: ·
l. To secure views of trends and developments that are affect-
ing Library operations.
2. To secure information on specific changes occuring in the
3. To alert the administration to the areas that will be
examined by the study team and to solicit their view on what
the team should be concerned with in these areas.
The survey was completed, analyzed, and has now been summarized.
Based on the responses from the Department Heads the team has
now produced a survey tailored especially for the staff at M.I.K
It is in the third draft and should be in your hands within the
week. The entire staff will have an opportunity to react to the
statement and give additional direction to the study team.
Present activities: i
The study team is well into Phase II on Environmental Analysis,
attempting to determine implications of major technological,
professional, and higher education trends for the Library. A
list of trends have been given in the manual; the team has been
adding more recent trends to the list, modifying or deleting
those trends which we feel are not applicable to this institu-
what to expect in the near future: a summary report of the Depart-
ment Heads survey, and a detailed report from the staff survey. The
next phase will be to review the University Programs and Library
Objectives. January will begin Phase IV at which time we will begin
selecting task forces to study those areas that have been identified
for study.
The study team has kept regular communications open to the staff
through the Green Bean and will continue to do so. We are available
to discuss our activities with you, and as the staff becomes more
involved we will schedule a series of meetings in the staff lounge
for discussions on M.R.A.P. An M.R.A.P. suggestion box has been
placed in the staff lounge of M.I.K. North.