xt7rjd4pp77w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rjd4pp77w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-02-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1992 1992 1992-02-21 2020 true xt7rjd4pp77w section xt7rjd4pp77w FEB



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Kentucky Kernel

Wt" Friday .Fcbmuy. " 21.1092

Jones signs Scorsone’s trustee reform into law

Associate Editor

FRANKFORT, Ky. —— Gov.
Brereton Jones signed the uustee re-
form bill yesterday that he champi-
oned in his campaign and tltat Rep.
Ernesto Scorsone (D-Lexiitgton) fa-
tltered tltrough three sessions of the
General Assembly.

Jones called the law “along coop-
erative effort" of the legislature and
the executive branch.

“I‘m just real pleased after six

years we‘ve finally got something
in place that I think is real meaning-
ful for higher education.” said Scor-
sone. who attended the signing.

The law purges everyone from
the current governing boards at the
eight state universities and the state
Council on Higher Education.

Current board members automati-
cally are nominated under the new
process required by the law. That
new process sets up a seven-
member nominating committee.
which will submit three names to

the goventor for every board posi-
tion available.

The governor then appoints a
board member from that pool.

The nominating committee must
be confirmed by the legislature.
Jones said he would submit a list of
candidates for the committee to the
General Assembly during the week
of March 2.

The law also prohibits goventors
from appointing themselves or any
member of their families. Former
(iov. Wallace Wilkinson appointed

hintself to the UK Board of Trus-
tees bel‘ore he left office in Decem—

Tlte law does not purge the
boards until Jurte 30. Jones could
appoint trustees and regents under
the old method until then —— includ-
irtg tltree seats on the UK board.

However. Jones said once the
nominating committee is confirmed
by the (ieneral Assembly, lte will
begin using the process.

“As soon as'we cart get the new
process in place. I would begin to


Contributing Writer

For some students. all it takes to
master algebra is a little extra

Several Lexington junior high
students are getting just that front
the UK Engineering Dcprutmertt


arid local engineering firms.

More than IOU engineers, t‘ach-
ers and students attended an
awards ceremony last night at lli-
Iary .l. Boone Faculty (lab to
show appreciation for a tutoring
prograrrt fourtded by the UK engi-
neerirtg department.

The Engineering Alumni Alge-

Kot Unrug, a UK professor of mining and engineering, demonstrated a small probe-like camera used in mining research. Among the crowd were Job
Turner. 14. and Joshua McKinney. 13. from Christ the King Junior High School.

UK, local engineers tutor algebra at junior highs

bra Tutoring l’rograitt is a volun-
tary progrzun designed to help
Fayette (‘ounty junior high stri-
dents with algebra.

The program began as a way for
the Engineering Alumni Associa-
tioit to interest more high school
students in engineering or science«
related careers. When alumni incl

cl. thcit we won't see them itt gc


w a»;


GREG EANS lKemel Stall

witlt Fayette (‘ounty math tcach-
crs. tltcy were convinced that jun-
ior high algebra classes were the
right place to start.

“If we don't get them through
the first algebra classes at this let»

See TUTOR. Page 8



‘X’ speaker

says myths
still exist

Staff Writer

Some 27 years after his assassina-
tion. myths about black activist
Malcolm X still persist. according
to a speaker at the Martin Luther
King (Tultural Center.

()mar l‘arouq. a noted Malcolm X
collector arid archivist from Terre
llaute. lnd.. last night said a major
misconception about Malcolm X is
that he promoted violence. Farouq
insisted that Malcolm X taught vir»
lence only in self-defense.

“Did Malcolm X preach vio
lence?" Farouq asked. “The answer
is unequivocally no.

“"th truth of the matter is. the
only violence Malcolm X was ever
involved in was the violence of his
owrt assassination."

Another myth propagated about
Malcolm X. Farouq said. is he hated
white people. l’arouq argued that
Malcolm did not hate white people.
but rather was suspicious of them


”gar..- -

—V ”a


JEFFREY BURLEW .t‘Kerrtel Stall

Omar Farouq, a noted Malcolm X archivrst. addressed a crowd last night at
the Martin Luther King Jr. Cultural Center as a part of Black History Month.

Another reason. ltc said. is tltc
rise of rap artists such as Public lin-
etny. KRS-(lrtc. rutd Sister Souljalt
who have preacltcd Malcolm‘s
word to young blacks through song.

because of what they had done to
blacks iii the past.

The resurgence in popularity of
Malcolm X. which has spawned '1‘-
shirts. ltats. and even a movie di-
rected by Spike Lee. is due to at

. . . Farouq said he first became inter-
least two factors. l'arouq said.

ested in Malcolm X iit I076. when
he took a black history course at Iii-
dituta St. tutd a friend gave hint an
S-tmck tape of one of his speeches.

See SPEAKER. Page 8

“The condition and the position
of black people in this country is
deteriorating and young blacks
are finding relevancy irt Malcolm‘s
message." he said.

use the new process." Jones said.

On Monday, Jones made three
appointments to the Kentucky State
University Board of Regents. re-
placing chairman and former Gov.
Louie B. Nurtrt.

Jones said using the current pro-
cess, where the governor is the sole
appointive authority. for those ap~
poinunents was justified. He said it
would have been worse to allow
those members to continue serving
until the new process is ready.

“I think to allow them to continue

with boards that have created prob-
lems. or been part of the problem.
would be irresponsible." Jones said.
The law also requires a training
process for incoming trustees. a
process advocated by the Pricth
Committee for Academic Excel-
lence when Jones was a member.
Prichard (Toinmittee lixecutive
Director Robert Sexton was lit at—
tertdance at the signing. Also at-
tending were llouse Speaker Don-

See JONES. Page 8

Library committee
challenges students

Contributing Writer

The Student Library lindowmenl
(‘ontmittee is challenging the [K
student body for IOU pcrccrtt particr
patioit in the “Pack the Stacks”
czunpaign to buy books for the new

To accomplish this goal. the corn-
mittee has devised a system of cap-
tains and co-captains iit all fratenti-
tics. sororities. residence halls artd
other student orgzutirations. said lir~
ica McDonald. student chairwomzut
of the campaign.

liach individual involved with the
project is responsible for approach-
irtg five others. McDonald said the
system will have a “trickle down"
effect w in which tltc five people
contacted then will contact five oth-
ers. Eventually, the committee plans
to contact every UK student.

"We want everyone oit campus
involved iti tltc campaign." McDo~
itald said. "liveryorte should be
asked at some point or another by
someone they know."

After being contacted, eaclt sIU‘
dent is given a pledge card. 'l‘ltcsc
cards cart be sent in with a pledge to
donate or with money enclosed. Do-
nations cart also be charged on cred-
it cards.

The lllll percent participation
goal is based on the number of stu-
dents who have git cn. not the
(mount of money they donated.
McDonald said.

Signs have been placed irt front of
the Studcrtt (‘entcr on lznclid Ate-
rtuc to measure participation latch
week as plcdge cards come rrt. tltc
signs tu‘c marked according to par-

Because the campaign began re-
cently. no participation figures are
ayttilablc yct

"livcryoiic should want to gi\c
something. whether it be by biiyritg

tut entire book or just a few pages
of one 7« what about 52 to 54
would buy." McDonald said,

Sophomore Dccanah Kcllnm. a
member of Delta Delta Delta social
sorority. is one of tltc campaign
captains Slte already has contacted
five people.

“The people I've approached so
far have all been very willing to
give.“ Kcllurn said "I think it's be-
cause of all the press and tltc lell‘
tudcs around school concerning the

“(The campaignl should be very
successful because when you‘re ap-
proached by someone you know
personally. people tend to be so
much ntore willing to participate.”
Kcllurrt said,

"This way we‘re getting .i pcir
sottal touch." McDonald said.
“liveryonc is asked by people they
know. not by complete strangers
It‘s just friends talking to frtcnds
tltc stuttc way they might talk about
iniything. lzvcry'onc stays within
their own groups. No ortc Will have
to talk to strangers about donating."

In addition to this approach. scyu
cral organi/alions .n'c ltoldiiig spe-
cial events to raise cvcrt ntorc mon-
cy. l‘or exrunplc. Phi Sigma Kappa
social harmony and Kappa Dclta
social sorority arc selling coupon
books to benefit tltc student library

Pi Kappa Alpha social lralcrnity
will sponsor tltc "Noon to Moon
festival” at The Red Milc to raise
money. said Brcnl Bell. l’ikc social
charrrnart lltc ctcnt will lcalurc
national and regional bands. includ-
iitg the councils arid Hammer and
the Fluid Rabbits, lltc headlining
act has yet to bc announced

Tickets cart be bought at all lrck~
ctntastcr locations for S” in ad

See LIBRARY. Page 8

Students take part in DUI test

Staff Writer

Wlten college students drutk. it
scents tltal the police are never too
far away.

This was certainly tltc case
Wednesday night irt Memorial
Hall. Only this time. the Clips wer-
en't busting the party. Instead they
were saying. “Have a drirtk on its,"

Lexington Fayette-Urbzut (‘ouitty
Police officers Jeruiettc Walsh and
.Ioltit Stnoot stood only a few feet
frorit two sorority and tltrcc frater-
nity members setting up :utd firing
bottles of Bird Light Kirit Ritrtncll.
a Fayette (‘ouitty prosecuting littor<
ttey. also stood watching.

No. it wasn‘t a strange splicing
of the "Police Acadciity" aitd "Ani-
mal llousc" movies. biit rather a
joiitl effort by UK‘s Kappa Alpha
(lrdcr. rrtctro police artd tltc city
prosecutor‘s office trt inform \Ill-
dents about Kentucky's tlcw lile
concerning alcohol. to let them see
firsthand how rrtuclt alcohol it takcs
to be iittoxicatcd turd to clear up
myths about field sobriety It‘sls

“There is a couple of people we
krtow that had Hills." said Jason


Associated Press

ASlll..-\.\'l). Ky 777» Wit-
ncsscs to a drunken-driving ac»
cidcrtt that carried Ron lewis a
lifc sentence coittcitd hc mis-
represented the aftennath of
tltc wreck irt art llllCl'\lC\\ that
was widely published this

l.ewis. who was interviewed
for WI.l'..\'-l'\"s “Your (iot-
crnmcnt" prograrit Sunday.


Roney. who coordinated tltc event
with John lcck. "'lhcrc was obvi-
ously sotnc iitiscortccptrons. l‘coplc
didn‘t rcali/c ltow few drinks ll
takes to gct intoxrcatcd."

()pcning up tltc legal files. Britt-
rtcll brought tltc predominantly-
grcck crowd at Mctttorial llall up to
datc on the new touglt laws against

Witnesses claim convict
lied about facts of case

rinsrcpr'cscntcd lll\ blood-
alcohol level. according to a
prosecutor artd a law officer.

Witnesses also contradicted
l.c\yis' claims that he tried to
administer first aid to a boy
who died in tltc Dcccmbcr
1083 accident on I‘ S no ncar

”It made ltiiit look
dainrt ‘(iood Stunarrtan'

like a
. and

See DUI, Page 3

drirtkittg arid driving.

Bunncll said all first offenders
ntust pay a lillL‘ bctwccn $200 and
S500. spend 48 hours to 30 days in
rail arid cornplelc a ”thirty alcohol/
substance abuse program. The pen-
allies jump to $500 to SLOOO from.

See ALCOHOL, Page 8








day on the road.
Story, Page 6.


No. 13 Wildcats face Georgia Bulldogs Sun-


Italian and Spanish instructor Lucia Guzzi
and study abroad advisor Suzi Kiter will
present an art professions lecture in 118
Whitehall Classroom Building.


‘Tomatoes’ serves
up culinary delight.
Review, Page 4.

Sports ............................. 3
Diversions ..................... 4
Viewpoint ....................... 6
Classifieds ..................... 7




 2 - Kentucky Kernel. Friday. February 21.1992

ERaising money for charity
requires order on the court

Contributing Writer

UK law students have been shoot-
ing hoops in the hopes of getting
more than just a little exercise.

Wednesday night. the Student Bar
Association took on The Under-
ground in an intramural basketball
game to help raise money for the
American Heart Association. The
Student Bar Association team. made
up of seven law students. is “shoot-
ing" for the $300 mark to donate to
the AHA by getting pledges from
their professors for every basket

“A nickel here. a quarter there."
said Clint Willis. the team‘s
founder. “it‘s not much. but it

Willis said. the pledges total
about 51.80-51.90 per basket and al-
though they lost to The Under-
ground. they tnade over 575. Sun-
day night‘s game brought in almost

Kernel Sports

$100 for SBA.

Law student Bob Heuke said he
got involved because it. “sounded
like a good thing to do for charity."
With 2:58 left in the game. and The
Underground winning against SBA
51-38. Heuke said. “right now the
record‘s not so good. but i think
everybody‘s having a good time."

Aside from raising money for a
worthy cause. team member Lloyd
Chattieid said this is a good way to
“restore the gtxxi reputation of the
legal profession by giving our time
and sweat for a worthy cause."

Students involved said itr rut age
of lawyer bashing. an effort like
this is worth noticing.

Seaton Center intramural basket-
ball officiais grade teams for con-
duct during the season. With a 3.0
or higher for good behavior. the
SBA will have the opportunity to
play in the playoffs turd raise more
money for AHA.

Just Feel It.



If you're stuck with a student loan that's not
in default. the Army might pay it off.

If you qualify. we’ll reduce your debt by
1/3 for each year you serve as a soldier.
so after just 3 years you'll have a

clean slate.

You'll also have training in a choice
of skills and enough self-assurance

to last you the rest of your life.

Get all the details from your
Army Recruiter.



Senior Staff Writer

Your computer may be sick
and you may not even know it —
until next month.

March 6 is the date a fast-
spreading computer virus is set
to attack the machines of unsus-
pecting personal computer own-
ers worldwide. erasing the ma-
chines‘ memories. This date also
is the birthday of Renaissance
artist Michelangelo. after whom
the virus is named.

UK Computing Center offi-
cials are moving to ensure that
this piece of artwork that never
gets finished. at least at UK.

The center is offering software
to scan eutd eliminate the virus
from infected computers.

The electronic bug has already
found its way into many of UK‘s
iBM-compatible computers. said
Jack Coffman. security and con-
tingency planning officer at the
UK Computing Center. He has
had about 30 reports from corn-
puter operators who have found
the virus.

The bug has been found in
[BM-compatible software and
hardware but apparendy does not
affect Macintosh computer sys-
tems. (‘oifman said. The virus
cannot infect UK‘s mainframe
computer or the Prime system.


Virus could infect
computer systems

he said.

if the virus is allowed to exist
in a computer‘s memory until
March 6. it can have devastating
effects. The computer's memo-
ry on its hard—drive software
would be erased and. unless
backed up. the int‘onnation will
be lost forever. C offmtur said.

Officials at the UK Comput-
ing Center are warning not only
UK staff and faculty but also
students who own personal
computers. that their machines
may be infected with the swift-
rnoving virus.

The bug is spread in a num-
ber of ways including using oth-
er peoples‘ software. using your
own software in someone else‘s
computer and then using it in
yours or through a computer
bulletin board.

The Michelangelo virus also
has been found in some comput—
er hardware and software prod-
ucts shipped from manufactur-
ers to computer retailers.

The anti-viral software is
available at the UK Micro irr-
structional Lab in 107 McVey
Hall. Personal computer owners
and operators may bring a corn-
puter disc to the center and copy
the program. The software. a
shareware program. is free of
charge for five days. C offman






Cable Learning Channel
gives UK satellite uplink

Contributing Writer

UK recently has been on the re-
ceiving end of a donation worth
more than 8700.000.

The donation. a satellite uplink
facility. was a gift frotn the Learn-
ing Chattnel. a nationwide adult ed-
ucation and enrichment cable chan-
nel (Telecable channel 0).

The Leaniing Channel has used
the uplink facility located on UK's
Coldstream Farm since 1980 as a

o Anchorman and Commentator for "Good Evening Moscow".

0 Former Russian interpreter for President Reagan and us.
Senator Edward Kennedy.

0 Professor of Rhetoric, University of Moscow.



3:00 p.m., Monday, February 24
Singletary Center for the Arts



Parking available behind Memorial Coliseum .

Sponsored by

Student Development Council

network operations center. The fa-
cility was used to send taped pro-
grams to the satellite which distrib-
uted them across the country.

But last summer. Discovery
Communications purchased the
Learning Channel and decided to
eliminate the uplink facility.

UK‘s Office of instructional Re-
sources will direcdy benefit from
the donation.

The building. satellite. produc-
tion materials and technical equip-
ment included in the donation will
be used to produce insuuctional
videos as well as more cable and
public relations prograrmning. said
Andy Spears. associate director of
media and design. Among other
things. the instructional Resources
Office currently produces half-time
programming for televised football
and basketball games.

Engineers Week
begins. with ‘bang’

Contributing Writer

National Engineers Week begtur
with a bang as blasting and work
continued on the quadrangle.

The UK College of Engineering
is observing National Engineers
Week. which is designed to show-
case the college and promote local
awareness about the work that is be-
ing done at UK.

“We hope to promote engineering
in communities and to make junior
high and senior high students wish-
ing to pursue a career in a field of
engineering aware that their madr
and science skills are itnportant.“
said Ron Gamett. president of Eta
Kappa Nu. an honor society for
electrical engineering students.

The week's activities include a re-
ception for the Alumni Association
Tutoring program on Thursday. a
“Dinner with the industry" spon-
sored by the Society of Women En-
gineers on Friday. and an open
house complete with student corn—
petitions and exhibits by industries.
individual engineering departments.
and students themselves on Satur-

Competitions on Saturday. divid—
ed into undergraduate. high school
zmd middle school divisions include
the egg-drop contest. the model
bridge building contest. the mouse-
trap-powered car design contest.
and the Rube Goldberg “contrap-
tion" designing contest which sports
an IBM laser printer donated by
LexMark as grand prize.

First prize for each division will
be $75. with $25 for second place.

“My main concern is that the
(Rube Goldberg) contest really goes
well. We hope to make a new tradi-
tion out of this." said Gamett of the
week‘s newest contest.

The contest is sport'sored by the
UK chapter of Eta Kappa Nu. 2m
honorary society.

The Crash Survivability Contest
(egg-drop). sponsored by the Amer-
ican Society of Civil Engineers has
contestants trying to construct a
container that will protect an egg
from being broken as it is dropped
twenty feet.

The container that weighs the
least turd drops the fastest wins.
There will be a cash prize for each

The mousetrap-powered car con-
test is another popular contest. The
object of this game is to design a
“vehicle" that is powered by one


mousetrap and will fit inside an
area measured 25 by 15 by 10 cen-

The vehicle must travel a dis-
tance of at least 6 meters and stop
within a distance of .6 meters. The
track. a smooth. hard floor. is
straight and 1 meter wide. '

Points are awarded for the lowest
product of elapsed time and mass.

This contest is sponsored by the
American Society of Mechanical
Engineers and there are cash prizes
for the winners of each division.

Last year‘s winning vehicles are
on display on the fifth floor of the
Robotics Center.

For the bridge building contest.
contestants are to design and build
a bridge out of balsa wood and

No laminated surfaces an: al-
lowed. and the bridge with the
greatest strength to weight ratio

This contest. sponsored by Chi
Epsilon, the Civil Engineering
Honor Society. also offers cash
prizes to the winners in each divi-

Last year‘s entries consisted of
some fancier suspension bridges.
but tnost entrants stuck with the
more basic designs. Gamett said.

Bob Dugan. staff coordinator. is
sponsoring a “Lighten Up" limerick
contest where engineering students
may unleash their favorite techno-
rhymes about the life and trials of
an engineer.

Dugan, along with student coor-
dinator Charlie Clark, is producing
the highlight of Saturday‘s activi-
ties — a compressed interactive
video involving Hazard. Paducah.
Ashiand and Owensboro Commu-
nity Colleges.

The forum will involve five stu-
dents and about three faculty mem—
bers answering questions from
these four sites.

Also provided will be a con-
densed video of the week‘s events.

On Saturday. shuttle vans will
run every twenty minutes from An-
derson liali to the Agricultural lin-
gineering building. the Mining lin-
gineering building. and the Center
for Bio-Engineering.

Last year the open house drew ti
crowd of around 2.000 people. turd
this year organizers hope for a tuni-
out of about 3.000 people with the
added publicity.


Kentucky Kernel
needs editors for the summer gm the 1992-93 school year

Requirements for 1992 summer Editor-in-chiot
do Must be enrolled full time on the UK Lexington campus tor the semester prior to and

following term as editor.

(4) Must be in good academic
University at time of application and d

(2.0 GPA). disciplinary and financial standing with the
uring term as editor.

:2, Must have publications experience and be familiar with the operation of a newspaper.

(:8 Persons applying for the position who

have not worked on the Kernel must provide a

recommendation from previous employer. adviser. or both.
Requirements for 1992-93 Editor-ln-chiot

(3 Must be enrolled full time on
w Must be In good academic (2.0 GPA). disc

University at time of oppllcoti
do Must have 0 minimum of one year's publicotl

operation of a daily newspaper.

is. persons applying for the position

the UK Lexington campus during the term as editor.
lplinory and financial standing with the

on and during term as editor.
ons experience and be familiar with the

who have not worked on the Kernel must provide 0

recommendation from previous employer, adviser, or both.

Pick up on application in and return to Room 026 Journalism Building

Application Deadline: 3 pm, March 13, 1992

The Kentuckion Yearbook

needs editors and staff for the 1992-93 school year.

«a» The following paid positions are ovaildbi
academics editor; campus editor: copy

managing editor.

is. Editor-in-chiet submits proposa


1» Students must be in good academic. ti

9: Editor-inchiet: photographers; sports editor;
editor: portraits editor: organizations editor.- and

I and is chosen otter interviewing with UK Media Board.

noncidl and disciplinary standing with the

University at time of application and during term as staff member.
a» Applicants for Editor-in—Chlet should have some prevlom publications experience.

Pick up oppticotion in and return to Room 026 JOurnoIism Building

Application Deadline: 3 pm, March 13, 1992



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No. 13 Wildcats

to face Georgia;
men’s tennis falls

Staff reports

After defeating Mississippi State
89-84 Wednesday night in Stark-
ville. Miss., the UK men's basket-
ball team remains on the road to
face Georgia Sunday in Athens.

Georgia (12-10 overall, 5-6
Southeastern Conference) upset No.
IO Arkansas 87-78 Tuesday night.
The Bulldogs also defeated Louisia-
na State 64-62 Feb. 11 in Baton
Rouge. La.

Georgia is tied for third in the
SEC‘s Eastem Division.

With only four SEC games re-
maining on its schedule. UK (19-51
8-3) needs only one or two victories
to win the Fastem Division champi-
onship and cant a first-round bye in
next month‘s SEC Toumament.

Women's tennis

The No. 21 UK women‘s tennis
team (4-0, 2-0) faces a busy week-
end beginning today when it plays
host to No. 17 Brigham Young at
the Hilary 1. Boone Indoor Facility.

“We always had very close bat-
tles with them,“ UK coach John
Dinneen said. “It‘s a really good
chance to get a win in the Top 20
because we want to move into that

The Lady Kats have tomorrow
off before No. 2 Georgia visits the
tennis center Sunday.

“Georgia will be even tougher,"
Dinneen said. “They are the No. 2
team in the country right now. They
certainly will give us all we can

Bat Kats to

Assistant Sports Editor

UK baseball coach Keith Madi-
son previewed last weekend's Sa-
vannah Shootout. the opening event
of the 1992 baseball season, by pre-
senting the media with a very pow-
erful statistic.

“This is going to be a very differ-
ent team than we had last year,"
Madison said. “One thing that we
are very excited is we won 41
games last year. which was a school
record and we have 37 wins back
on the mound. So we‘ve got the
bulk of our pitching back."

UK returns its entire starting rota-
tion — juniors Rodney Henderson
(5—3. 6.67 ERA). Scott Smith (8-4.
3.46) and Mark Thompson (4-5.
4.23) —- to a tezun that went 41-20
in 1991.

The trio lived up to its billing.

Smith and Thompson picked up
victories last weekend, zutd Hender-
son put together a solid first outing
as the Bat (‘ats won two of three.

“()ur starting pitching was out-
struiding." Madison said. “Our three
starters combined gave up only two
canted runs over 18 innings.“

That rotation will stay intact for
this weekend's retunt to Georgia.
this time to Macon for the Mercer
Baseball Classic, where UK will

Spotlight Jazz Series


The Kats continue play Monday
against the unranked lndiana Hoosi-
ers in Bloomington, 1nd.

Dinneen said he cannot forsee
UK‘s three matches tiring his
players. He said they are in shape
and will be excited to face the H00-

“We all know Indiana is a very
big rival of ours," he said. “We
should have no problem getting up
for that match."

Men's tennis

This weekend the UK men‘s sten-
nis team will compete tor the Na-
tional Indoor Team Championship
at the Louisville Tennis Club in
Louisville. Ky.

Eighteen of the nation‘s Top 20
learns have been invited to the tour-
nament. No. 9 UK is the host
school for the tournament.

Last night. UK lost 4-2 to Texas

At No. 1 singles UK‘s Andy Pot-
ter lost to Tony Bujan 4-6, 6— 1, 6-4.

Lauren Becouarn defeat U K‘s
John Yancey 6—4. 6-4 in No. 2 sin-
gles. No. 3 Luis Ruette defeated
UK's Scott Hulsh 6-2. 6-4, Wildcat
Mayhar Goodarz defeated Mark
Tjia 6-3, 6-2 at No. 4. UK‘s No. 5.
David Culley defeated Ricardo Ri-
bio 6-1 6-2 and at No.6. Devin
Bowen defeat Wildcat Stephen
Mather 6-3, 6-4.

UK is now 6-1 and will play the
loser of UCLA and Tennessee to-
night at 6.



Kentucky Kernel. Friday, February 21. 1992 {a







Kentucky (19-5) vs. Georgia (11- -10)
:00 p. m. Georgia Coliseum

UK leads 79-16. Last month UK won 78-66.


Pos. ,‘ Ppg. Rpg.
G 11—Sean Woods 6-2 180 Sr. 7.6 2.2
G 32-Richie Farmer 6—0 170 Sr. 9.2 2.1
C 25-AminuTrmber1ake 69 195 Fr 0.9 1.5
F 12-Deron Feldhaus 6-7 210 Sr. 12.0 4.3
F 24-JamalMashbum 6—8 240 80. 21.0 7.2

Pos. Pia or Ht Wt Cl. Ppg Rpg.
G - 'tteral Green 61 185 Sr. 20.4 3.1
F 15-Kendall Rhine 6-6 205 Jr. 11.7 7.1
C 33-Chades Claxton 7-1 265 Fr. 10.1 7.0
G 22-Bemard Davis 5-1 175 80. 8.1 2.1
F 41-Mike Green 6-9 220 Jr. 6.5 4.7







Ice hockey

This weekend the UK hockey
club will play in the Southem Club
Hockey Association Toumament in

The Cool Cats (21-2) are the
No.1 team in the nation and in the
Westem Division of the SCHA.

UK will face tough competition
against fourth‘ranked Liberty Bap-
tist College in Lynchburg. Va.
which is the Easteni Division
SCHA champions.

Women’s basketball

The Lady Kats (14-11, 5-4) will
face Ole Miss (23-1. 8-0) 2 pm.
Sunday in Memorial Coliseum.

The KaLs three seniors — guard
Stacy McIntyre, guard Kristi Cu-
shenherry and forward Rebekah


part of senior day.which is the
Kats' final home game. All three
seniors will start.

play Georgia State, Mercer, WKU

face Georgia State today. Mercer
tomorrow and Westem Kentucky

“This weekend [‘11 be able to let
them go a few more pitches." Madi~
son said. “Last week we let them
throw 80 to 85 pitches They might
be able to go near 100 pitches this
time. We‘re moving up a little each
time. letting them get stronger and
stronger. I‘m hoping to get them
into the seventh or eighth inning."

Although Madison admitted he
knows little about Georgia State. he
said he thinks Western Kentucky
and Mercer should prove formida-
ble opponents. especially Mercer -
the host team.

"With us playing on their field. 1
would say that they would be a very
tough team to play." he said.

When summing up his 1992
learn. Madison alluded to am old
baseball adage

“If you‘re strong up the middle.
you‘re going to be strong." Madi-
son said. “1 think that we will be
strong tip the middle.“

The Bat (‘ats‘ experienced pitch-
ing is equaled by its infield defense.
which starts with junior catcher Bil-
ly Thompson.

“Billy is the best catcher in the
Southeastem Conference." Madison
said. “if there is a better arm in col-
lege baseball. l’d really like to see



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Office of Minority
Student Affairs


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$8.00 UK Students
$10.00 General Public
All tickets purchased at
the door are $10




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February '28, 1992
Memorial Hall
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it. Last year. he was throwing out
runners in SEC games that weren‘t
even sliding at second base.“

Senior second baseman Max
Reitz and junior shortstop Jeff Mi-
chael will handle the middle of the
infield. The tandem is coming off a
1991 season in which UK was third
in the nation in double plays.

Sophomore center fielder .lct't‘
Abbott will try to follow up his out-
standing rookie year. Last season
Abbott batted .304. posted 21 held-
ing percentage of .988 and his .515
on base percentage led UK batters.

Abbott. however. may miss this
weekend‘s action because of a mi-
nor injury. but will retum soon.
Madison said. in the meantime.
sophomore transfer (‘had listcp will
play Abbott‘s position,

The rest of UK‘s lineup should
inclrrdc senior Greg Mercer in right

field. junior college transfer Tom
'l‘hacmcrt in right. senior Jan Weis-
burg at first base and freshman lid-
dic Brooks at third,

Brooks hit two home runs in
UK‘s 13-3 win over Howard Sun-
day. 'l‘hrce other UK players hit
home runs in that garrie. something
that didrt‘t really surprise Madison.
Although he said the short left field
fence at the park in Savannah con-
tributed to a couple of the home
runs. he does have sortie punch in
his lineup. he said.

"Some of our home runs were
very legitimate." he said. "We‘ve
got some guys that if they get their
pitch, they‘re