xt7rr49g6406 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g6406/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1921 journals kaes_circulars_001_2_103 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 103 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 103 1921 2014 true xt7rr49g6406 section xt7rr49g6406   ‘<>>’
init Extension Division
my THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
l'lIl· ——-1-
t>ll· .
vm ——
1i11‘ c Q »_ _, ’* `ri- ‘
tinv '   i  tt,   -· E V A , .¤iL:L$$
yry l‘·  `··- ·*~*`  li P     `-Q`TT’$~'7é  
the   i _ . I * »
·]‘tl· ` , _ _ IA', ` ‘ ,,
May, 1921
i‘tihli>h·.l in t···11titi with tht- :t;i·it·iilttir:tI t-xtuiisitni
wiirk <-;ti·i·ii~·| ui. by t·t>¤»1¤i~t‘:iti¤>ti ut` tht· t`tnllt·;t· ut` ;\2l`l('\llllll`L‘,
l`itivt~i·sity ·¤t' l{<‘lllllt*l()'. with tht- l', S, In-p:it‘t11tt·itt ut` .\::l‘i—
<·ttlt11i···, uml ·list1·ihi1ti·¤t iii t'tit·tlit·i·ztm·t· t»t` tho work pmvithwl
ttir itt thi- .\¢·t ut' t't»tt;t‘t·ss ut` Aluy N, lillt.

Tho uh_jm·t of this pi·o_jcl·t is to intcrcst thc boys uml girls
of thv L‘Ullllll'}' iii thc 1)l`ULll\<‘ll()ll of u imirc pi·uiituhh· typv nt`
murlcct hogs. A. km>wlctlgl— of lbutlitig uml vurv will lw ¤»l>tuim~ll
which will prove vuluulxlc to them in thi- lIllllll'<‘ p1·<»t·1·s ul` Juinieir ,\gl'li‘lllllIl'2ll l`hil>s ui··· uli-
gihlc for this pi·u_jccli.
2. Tho lutost llutv l`ui· l·1ii·¤¤ll1m~11t is Jimc l.
3. 1·]ut·h lllt‘llll}t‘l' shull ruisv ut lvust ¢»m~ pig l.l'¤>lll \\`<'illl·
l ing ugc tu six or svwii imniths nhl. l’igs shuuhl huw l»····u Q
l 1·ill'l'O\\`L‘(l uftcr Bluruh 1. A
-1. 1·]:1uh 1IlQllllll‘l‘ shull uvl. llltl\‘[N‘lltll‘llll_\' in thc t`t-tuliing. I
0111*0 uml 111illl2lg'L‘lll<‘lll ull thc pig uml  ull the work llt‘l’t‘S<2ll'j` ·
l'(>jt‘<‘l. tho pigs of ull llll*llll)l‘I'S shull Q
he ussuiiihlcml ul um} pluw l`<»i· uxliiliitimi uml jmlgiiig. ll` im- _
possible to hwhl u show tho jmlgc shull visit. cuvh 1m·111l¤~1‘. s¤··»1··· T
his p1·¢>,jcl·t. uml ¢h~tu1·1iiim~ thu wiimcr, J
T. The chil: 111<*11ilu·i· shull vhisu his [)l'l>_l!’l'l, <·<>mph·tt· th~ ,
I`(‘(‘(1l’(ll)()(>l{. uml svml it to thu {'1)lllll_\' ugvinl or vluh l<‘2l4lt‘l'. (
S. Tho jmlgvs for thu vuintvst shull hw s¤~l<·t·tt~_v th~
miiiity ugwiit or chnh lcutlcig
U. liusis of uwurll:
llcst pig cxhihit ill) pniitts _
llurg·.~s1 lluily guin 20 points {
S1ll2llll<‘Sl mst. nli guin 230 points (
lfwst. 1·vt·m·¢l uml st<>1·_v; "ll<>w rl y
Ruiscd My l’ig" 20 points I

.l· lll CIRCULAR NO. 103
t'lI¤Ill ‘
Swine Fattening Project
Junior Agricultural Clubs
· eli- ‘ -
]‘;ill‘Il IlIl‘]IIl)t‘l' sllould select his own pig. A \\`CillllIIIg pig
\'<‘iIll— f2ll'1`l>\\'t‘tl on or 2llIll’l' AIiIl'(‘Il l is pret`erred for tllis project. The
l,,..-H pig Illily be lrI)l2IIIl<‘tl f1‘U1l1 the IIUIIIC herd, at a sale, fl`Ol11 a
neighbor. or by applying to the county agent or club depart-
llilll mellt. Either the II2llIl]_)SIlIl't‘, llnroe Jersey, Poland China,
Nui`. BC1`I(SIlll`t’, or UlIlL‘l' breed ]1l2I}' be llsed because there is no best;
.`,igh_ breed. A purebred or grade pig of good f01`111 illltl quality
should be chosen.
N ml CO1If01`111ililUll is lIl1I)0l`l2\Ilil ill the prodllctioll of hogs for
I mv pork as well as for l)l'L‘CtllIlg. Many hogs are raised that are
NJN;. not as profitable as they lllllgjllij bc'because of faulty conforma-
mm tion. A good type ot pig tor this project has a deep, long,
_ _‘ low set holly, with broad. \\'Oll—2`l1'CI1Ctl back and stralgllt legs
A mi set squarely lllltlL‘l' the holly. A purellred is best, but a high
SWF" grade will give very satisfactory results. Barrows are pre-
ferred for this project. A stlldy of the pictures of the prize-
*` lI"‘ winning hogs will help ill iixillg the correct type ill tllc Illllltl
I'- of the club lllOllll)Cl‘. _
y the in I A
The pig that is l>rought l`l'l1lll another fill'1l1 should be quar-
11llI11(‘(l for lIlI`CC weeks. During this time he SIlOlll(l be given
zi tlloro SCl'lll,)l)lIlg` ill sonle good llisinfectallt. such as a two per
eellt sollltioll ot` (‘l`(‘lIIIlI. The pig sllollld be \\'Clg`IlPtl and his
weight recorded ill the l·eeord book before feeding llilll for the
project. The club leader ol· county agent sllould be 1)l`(‘SCllI[· when
the pig is \\`CIg`I1QLl.

4 Cl'I'(‘1{I(l7` N0. 103
Sl‘\'L‘l`ilI kinds of shelter ('EIII he (‘()llSII`lIl'Il‘(I hy the <·Iuh
IIIOIIIIICI'. A few of the 1lll>I'C ]Il'2l(‘II<'&lI ure the A-type IlUIIS\‘_
` The box—type house, a1, struw shude oI` il large hox ol` l‘IIlI\'I‘I|Il‘lIl
The A—type uud I1ox—type houses ure [)I'I)IIIII)I_\' the most
S2llISf2l<‘l0I`}’. The eluh 1Ill‘llIIl<’I` Uilll eusily Imuild III(’ll1 with the
uid of $01110 simple pla111s.""
_ lf ]lL‘llIll‘l' Iciud of house is 1l\'2lII2lI)I(‘ :1 very 1)l'lIi_'lI<'2lI sluxde
1111d %IlL‘ITC1‘}ll2l_\' be huilt hy using some old I)l>2ll`(IS 01- straw sup-
ported 011 poles. I)Cl'IlilpS El lurge box of ('(III\'CIlIl‘IIl size lllil}' Iw
0btz1i11ed 11101'O easily Illilll uuy of the uliove lIIl‘IllI4Ill(‘lI slu-lters.
1 Care must be exe1·eised. ll()\\`Q\'(‘I‘. 111111 the hox lll(‘l‘l$ the 1··~-
q11i1·e111e11ts of 11 good Ilflg house. A good hog house IIIIISI In-
(1) dry, (2) \\'2l]‘1l1 i11 \\'llll(‘l', (Ill 1-ool i11 SllllIl]II‘l', 141 well
lighted 5 free fl`0111 dust (5 well YUIIIIIIIICII T1 ('Il<‘El) i11
D 7 I 7 .
I .   _·._ I /.
. s~ 1
*— .  
-» — __ _ gw .
  ‘ i·’< · -· ..·—*       ` i·'. 1,
E ;·~, ` . ‘       .-+.-~:»w··1
*1* 'Y » I -·   ··;?.*·_,t»_ '
  . · 9; . ·  . Ji`c: =  r   _ N
- ·_ I- *1% .~ ·.    I   1, »I
,K _ xl" W , }~,&§£Cn ‘ 1  
.1 · ... __ 7
A r:oo1» I1,\I{I) TYI’I·Z 111111.
*\\'1·ite I`i7I' I_`II'('lII{ll’ No. 102, I}I\'Itn wl. ilnv r‘a1l<·n. lllll <·<»1·n alonv, witlinnt a
Hhlm In-an-iii snpplvinvnl. is not a gawd ratilin l'lll'2l{Il'U\\`lll{!I>lg`.(lf)1'11
is law in protvin and asliz 1lnvrvl`<:1‘··. <»1lav1· fvvds snvli as tank-
lll*>~l a;;v_ niiellllimzs or swylvvans lliat arv lllfIll<‘l' in tlnvsv imtrivnts
l1 Iliv slinuld l>v addvll In Ilnv I‘2llll>ll.
Winn! .lli¢l¤lIz`ny;.< —i\ ll_\'~[>l'(Nllll'l of tliv llnnr mill ·‘ sary l»nlk and l>vl·ansv l»l' tliv \'ill'lQ'l_\' aIi'<»1·dvd will vansv gxrvatcr
wvll tntal t`···»d v<»nsmnpti¤>n, Hats van liv snlistitaivd for middlings
lll lll in a ration. (lats arv liigjlivr in prlvtvin and asli lllilll L·<>1‘l1. lmf
nat liigli vnnngli to pvrmit lvaving tliv ])l‘nnd and fvd in a slnp.
l Til/l/·`·lr/¤~'l`llls l|l<‘Ell l»y»pl‘<»nv·lialt` pnnnd pvr pig daily is
nsnally ('Ull$llll‘I'l‘ll snlliviviit. llnv part tankagv td tvn of C0l`l1
w is tl1v usual l)l`l>l}l|]°ll()ll.
[_ / il//l}r——'l`liis l`vvd is pvrliaps tliv livst prntvin snpplvmvnt for
é ('lll`ll. l·`ivv pounds nf skim milk has tliv fvvding vlpiivalvnt of
 E`; wmv pnnnd <»l` grain, 'I`ln·vt· pnnmls nf skim milk slnmld bv {Cd
?;€{¥" \\`llll (`\'l‘l'_\' 1ll)lIll(l ull g£l‘2llll.
QA";-( (hn·/my: uml lfifr/n a l\`a.v l`vd. Wlivn tliv g`ill`l)ilg`<‘ is lnlitainvd llllllll a lw¤·•·1
The :11111 of this ]lI'<'l_j(’l'l is to ])l`(>llll('<‘ lllEIl‘l{<‘l hogs. mn
breediiig hogs. COl`l1 is :1 fill-])I`l)lllll‘lll{[ feeil llllll shoiihl 111:1l:e
up the 111:1jo1· part of the 1·:1tio11. SlIlll(‘ protein SllIlIll(‘Illl’lll.
I such us tuiikuge, Sl{llll—1Illll{ or S<’&lllS. lioweveiz is (‘SSl‘llllill
io l1:1l:111e0 the 1‘&lll()1l uml produce the 1ll(lNl 1`ilpltl guiiis.
Below :11*0 given severul 1lllXllll't‘S suituhle for feeiliiig 1h··
pigi`1·o111 the sturt of the ]>l`0_ll*l‘l Till it \\`(‘lQ`_"llS uhoui l25 poumls,
These llllXlll1'<‘S ure for feeiliiig u pig thut l1us :1<·¤·¤·ss to :1 gII`•‘•*ll
forage Ilf`iSlllI'O.
Puris hy l)2ll`lN h_v
Mixture \V<·ighf )ll*ilNlll'(‘
No. 1-
Shelleil (‘0l`ll S 9
Grouml outs 2 5
T2llll{€1gC 1 1
No. 2-
Shelled 001*11 10 ](l
Tuiikage 1 1
N0. 3——
Shellenl C0l'll 8 S
Soybeans 1 1

 Serine I¢'atlrin`ny I'r0_ic¢;l~—·/unz'm· AL/7`ti'llHllI'(ll Clubs 7
nt¤·1·thz1n Ono l1nml1·<·ll is: T
l<·<·1·¤-nsvtl Slwllwl ¤·<»i·n 1 purt. skim 1nilk 2 tu -1 pzirts.
z1g¤·¤·i·up_ '1`ht- <·tn·n mny hw t'<·ll·l`l‘(l out. giving half of it
[)l(_m'_m in thv 1lli>l'llll1;1` ziml h;1lt` in thv (*\'(‘llIll{j`. Tln· ft>ll(>\\`1llQ' tnhlv
__ . ` slmws thc wwiglit <»l` t>ll<‘t{1Iill'i hvziping full nf ¤·zn·h nf tho zihrwc
i—ss¤·ntml .
N ll11Xllll`t’S2
HHN mu h A Appmxniiiizttc Tivcight
’ Nlixtuiw Ul Ono Quzirt
lmmuk Nu. 1 1.5 pmuuls
it gII‘•’•*Il · ..
Nv. 2 1.i pnumls
Nu. Sl 1.T poumls
4 hy \\`··ights nt` the- skim milk i‘nti·•n:
mv Slwllml l'ttl`lt 1.T pnumls
Skim milk 2.13 puumls
Tho znnnnnt nt" grain tn t`¤·t·¤l il pig wliiuli is to ho sultl 011
ihv nnn·k<—t is RFQ to -1 pw ct-nt nli its hotly woigltt. This is at
{I(‘lIt‘l‘ill rulu uml shuuhl he ynrivtl zn·t·\\’lIl;L` pig. 'lIl|l‘_\' l
conlziiu ]llU1'l‘ prutciii uml zisli llizm is suitaililv for l`:iIl¤·ning llie- limvs
pig ziftvr liv lms l'l‘ill‘llt‘tl tliv wuiglit ol` zilmui l25 pmimls. s¢·¢·ui>
Bvlow uw givvii rzitiims suitzilwlv l`l l
125 pmimls In tlw vmi ol. llw pl‘<>j<‘i·l. is zi
No. l—
Parts l»_x· l’;ii·ts by
Mixturv \\'<·igl1l Al(‘&lslll'f‘
Slwllcnl L‘U1'll 13 15
T2llll{ilg'l‘ l I
N0. 2-
Sl1<*ll<‘l'Il 12 I2 . _l
i \Vl1¢·;1t miililling.4 ii lil ;»1`I\;`:t
Y r.l¤llllulQC I l wamx
Slicllwl unrii WWI
Outs l·`¤·il iii ><'ll. l.•‘l‘4ll‘l'. Ur tl
* Tzmkugc Nw
;\lll1ll10l' vvry gum] I'2lll¢lll is;
Slivllvil <·<»1·11 1 tp 2 parts. skim milk 1 purl. ]..“·i
The follnwiiig tzililv slmws flu- wviglit ¤»l` mw epiurl <»l' vaivli
of thc above ]1llXllll'(‘SZ
;\1>I)l'()Xllll2ll<‘ \\'<·ig|it
llixturv Ono (Quart
Nu.] l.T pmimls
N0. 2 l.25 pwiimls mw
\\'uigl11 nf skim milk rzitiem; HU
A\l)lIl'i}XllllEll(‘ \\'0igl1L is t·
]Iixtm·<· Univ Qmnrt its
Sl1<·ll<·<‘2ll (illlll l<*alrl4*1‘ (ll` (‘()ll]ll’-Y ;igi·1ii_ mg

 Ntrim Full: ning; /'m_j¢t·I » »./t/m`m· .lgjr{¢·ti/I11r¢1I Clubs 9
ln illlllllllrll In th<~ rutimis the- pig slmuhl huvte u<·1|(llllUll(‘1` uml {
$<‘l‘lllS ltr lw 4·t»mlm·iv<~ tu u ll('illllIll‘l' pig. This mixturu m·;·t hv huugzlit sim·i~ it <'2lll ll(‘ mixwl ul hmm-. Thv iittlltlwlllg
is u [>l'ilt‘llt‘ill uml t·t·<»m»mi¤·ul 1lllXllll'<‘Z
(`l1ui·¤··»ul l1l'r~lil<‘l{ mul 3 purts
(liwuiml liim·~t¤»m- hr uir slulwtl him- l purt
lliwuiml 1·<»<·l< ph<»sphut<· l purl
Null I purl
l\'¢»1·ms———lt is ¤·¤»imm»h l.¢lI' u pig tw hv i11l`<·st<·tl with iiitvs-
tiiiul \\`t¤l'I1l~ uml this gi·i·utl_x· l'l‘l2ll'1·1·<>11i0§ l‘0tl{1l1 uml
Tl1t·i·t· will hh u tt~mh·m·y tn l'lllI thv 1·m»t of tht- tuil uguiiist pitsts
or t1·t·t·s. uml w·»i·1us muy ht- pussml in thv thing. Thu fivlltiwitig
ll't‘2llllll‘lIl is gmtil l`<»i· rithlitig tht~ pig tif wiiriiisc
l‘1·t»\‘i¤h· mi l`m·tl nr wutvr l`¤»i· 24 linttrs. 'l`ht·u givv the fol-
ltrwihg pt·<·pu1·uti¤»ii tu tho pig in u thin slwp.
Til(‘ill`lN>llill<‘ nl. sntlzl ZZ ilrztms
Siillltllllll 5 gruins
.\i·t·t·u mit 1 ilrum
(`illtiIlll*l 3 gruins
This is thv tl<»st· l`t»t· u 100-pnuml pig; the sim of thc (lose
must hi- \`ill`l<‘tl Elt't·tlI'tllll{I tw thw wviglit nf lhv pig to bo lruutcd.
Thv thm- shtuihl hi- i·¢~pcutt·il twin tluys lutvr.
I,1`t·¢——i\11<>tl1i·1· vmmmiii ll2ll'llllilll purusitv infcsting pigs
is lhv hug hittsv. This hittsu liws mi tho hotly of thv pig und luys
its vggs ¤»1· Mlllliu tm tho huh; lt sm·l1·vm‘l uml ugo of pig. 1·`·
. . ¤
-1. \\c1gl11s. cost uf pi·mlm·ti¤>n uml gums muilv. (_1
5. ;\1lll>lllll uml mst of i`<·<·<·l< (`Ius~iii<·uti¤»11 ui B' <
i County Fuirs;" Nu. SH, "Swim· )l2lll2I§.!`t‘lIll*lll.u l‘
The follmviiig is thc sa·¤>1·v—¢·zml uswl l>_x· thc lviiivwsity ui` J
Kciituckv in 'ml<··iu: E . N
. \
5.  V _» i S»de ,.1; { . vc-A, _.
» 4 _ \,\g¤l » ’~ u {
’ ‘ gl h ·   E.
· '~ ¤=·" ·     -·
~ ` I " I Lshltlél I ' —‘*
Q. ? · .4 IH s   --1;} I ~ »· ."
  gz .   .` IQ x ··,»"*-—-n  
’   . I   Q v_ I [If"   ` 4 y. / ’ fac ~ "
    -;_,:-—~4V_;=t A [X,. _ _ 3;,;;. · = 5
·_ ,iI_"    , ' ' *5, ¢g Jr "'— &;` ¤ Y-.--
@·;(, luv, /4 ._(   ) ;’··v  . I ` ’   ' —  ·  °':f‘,_,
W  ,(}’·,’ ,>·` ·»       ‘··'i"g·* .·` '
,;»» ,·;  ,. . .  JMX ..~r.
_ .},;i$_~Z°',}$(»gf":i*$.Z _  ' · Lv " i ’· · 'Z   —' _.
  ·-.· —'           -
'Jsx   . ff " '-/?=.;` ' ' . l ' V · ____
1*111-: I’UlNYI`S¢1l·`.\ |,.\liI> mu:. S:

Swiuc (Laval type) Market
S4',\l.l·Z ¤*1·` l'**IX'l`$ QQQQQQQQQ $l\l¢l¤‘lll`S Q C*lI'1'l*Cl¥‘*l
l NM, I | Xu. 2 Xu, IQNU, 2
A. General Appearance-37 Points. Q Q Q Q Q
\\'•~lglll, ll·s. Q l l
|·`4.Q-m_ l·»11;_ ·l·-·Q·_ l»1’4»u·lQ I¤»\\‘ >¤»l, >y111- l . l l
1111I1‘i4·;1l_ ¢’·1ll1l*i¤<'\. Slinlllllng NQQQQQQQ,. _ Q Q
ly 4111 l··:> Q · ·· · ·
1‘·Qm!lll·»11, 1l11·l11y, uw-ll 1l··>l1·~·l, lvul lull QQ Q Q ,
tguuli1\_ l.illl' lll1¤‘; l··¤ll·‘ >ll`lxll\ >1m»··¤l1, ¤‘\<‘ll ·~4»x··1·111: 4 Q _
nf l]1‘1l1 1l~·>Iz, I*l`··•· Il’¤»lu l|llll]¤> :¤I14l QQ Q . Q ;
\v1·l11l;!· < . ·° - » ···-
Sly}--, Illll1\*'ll\l‘ Q -- I » -
_\4·\l¤·11_ >|»l1’il»·4l, >I1`.¤1:lllI'·11‘\\:n1‘·l, 1···;;11- A . . 1
l‘ lur, l'1‘·-·- uml ·#:1>y .. Q   [ --··-...  
t‘4»11>1i1u11··u, ··:1»-l<·-1 n . Q 1
" u4l\1l1l··~·l .ll1·l l4~\\`§ llu!1l4·111···l l»y l .
\\'I'lllQ{l··S Q — ~
l·`u<···, l·1‘1·u·l l···lxx····11 ¤·y··s :11141 4·u1·s, l _
slllrwlll Q · ·· ·
liurs, llll·‘ i~4x1111-~, lllvllllllll >lx·~_ m·u1ly l Q Q Q
Q. :1lt:\l·l1···l Q ` -·  
.lU\\`l5, s111···¤1E1, lll`lll. 1m·4llu111 six-; ll¤¤l · Q ,
Q. Q¤4·114l11l4»11> Q _ -  ··
X4·4·l<, sE1··11, ·l ·-·· Q·_ 1l1i·l;, _l1»l11i11; I1··u·l __ l 1
j 1¤» sl1··¤1Z·l·1·s >11l1·4»!l1ly - Q » Q Q· »  
C. Forequartcrs-9 Points. Q ` 1
$ll¤1\ll4l·*l'F. ·l····1·, full. 4··1mQ»u··l. i·~ l··;1\‘}‘ Q T Q Q
*1 luis. >ll‘1l‘:1ll. >l1‘~¤11:. l:\]»¤·1‘111:. 111¤·4il11Il\ Q r Q  '``'  
Q 1•11:1E~, >··1 v.···ll u1·u1·1_ l»·»m·s s111····I‘1. ‘ ·
Q _i4·ims 4l4~u11. 1·:nl1·ui:l1l_ ¤‘\•·ll, 114»l llul»l·y_ ]»1‘n» l Q Q l
[\\\l`ll\\ll;\l<· in xxl4l1l1 Q 12 . ’ . . Q.. . . ....... . ......
E. Hindquarters—2O Points. Q Q 1 l
Ilu111Q»_ l4»11;_ u·l4l··, 4·y4·11 i11\vi4l1\1, \l1l·l<- Q Q I
ly uml 4·x~·11ly ll4·sl1¤·4l_ l`l>\lllQllll¥ ll'<¤lI\ Q   Q
Q lllill lv l'*¤<\l 4>l` lull_ 11»»( \4»4¤ 4l1·.·4:Q¤- _ Q _ Q
Q lll: av ..., . ........,......   .......   .... . ........,,
Q llums, l»1·4·u4l_ ··sm·4·iully ul uQ»Q»4·1· 4·11·l, Q Q ~
4l····1¤. 1`ull, wl·ll ll4·sl1l·¤l uml 1»lu1111·. Q Q Q Q
mn Kms 1311 12 , Q .,.,. . Q. ..,.  ..............
l.4·:s, SlI`1\l¥lll, strunw. luQ»4~1·l11:, mv- ‘ Q
` 4li11111 lQ·111;1ll, xvi wvll 1\]W1lI`l§ l»Q·m·s Q
s1114»4»1l1; jwims 4·l4·u11: ]·ust4-1·11s 1111- Q 4
]‘i:|1l; l`¤·¤·t m4·4li11111 sim-. mvl s1¤1··1x·:l-Q Q
HIE, S\|llill`l·l)’ Q¤lul·v4I , Z ___ ,. ,, .......   ............. Q. ............
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