xt7rr49g6454 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g6454/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1984 athletic publications English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Women) University of Kentucky vs. Vanderbilt University, February 20, 1984 text University of Kentucky vs. Vanderbilt University, February 20, 1984 1984 2014 true xt7rr49g6454 section xt7rr49g6454 I I
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[ February N, 1984 I
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Contents _ n‘;_t _ ` . 2
UK Administration ...,.......i..A.,,,444,_4,__ 2 /?`V A` V gy '
Coach Terry l-lall .,..,..,..,,.44.....i......... 3 ‘ { _A 1 ``,.`
Basketball Statt ..........i....i............. 4-5 il , , _. _:': ,
Scorecard .......................4..........., 6-7 ` ’‘‘A _ gt_ Q Q \ _, g .
Lady Kats Team Picture ...,..4..r.......... 8 1 .—_V 2 ___VA in r if ‘·4i`
Opponents Team Picture ,,.4,.............. 9 ii " P
Features ,.,,..,...........,c,..4t......t... 10-12 —~y, ’‘’’`` ·‘ _’AA
Meet the Lady Kats ..,i______i1________ 14-15 .1;i_iA~i ..»:·= P ··~ ____i_ »
University information .,...........,.1..... 16 ‘’r ,=.. . { S {ei ·rr
l Assistant Athletics Directors ............. 17 · -·11- ·r=1 it »i,11 1E _ i
L Sports information ....t.t.,..,....4......... 19 Q _ y 1
` Lady Kats Cheerleaders ......,..........,. 2O _, ~- R" ·
r s sy
Uhltlerslty Archive; ‘_ — l _V __1_A J 1
Margaret l. King Library . North ° A >“-‘» , .
University Of i___ `
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__ Or enjoy an expertly mixed drink from our
AAEI , lounges Win or lose at the game, no one loses at
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\°°"~ __ Q ___ RiqhmondatNtwtiiirlc Poatb
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X.- "` K President, University of Kentucky
i rig `;. A `‘.·
A. ’ . has provided important research in students on its Lexington campus and ]
"“ H `G tobacco and equine diseases while other more than 22,000 students in the Univer- .
Dr. Otis A. Singletary has maintained University research has focused on the sity`s 15 community colleges.
an active role both in academics and field of coal and other energy sources. Recognition of his service to the
athletics since he became the University Singletaiys involvement in athletics is University of Kentucky was evidenced A
of Kentuckys eighth president in August as impressive as his academic by the UK Alumni Association which
1969. achievements. A fomcier president of the presented to Dr. Singletary its Alumni
Great strides toward academic ex- Southeastem Conference. Dr. Singletary Service Award, an honor rarely
cellence have characterized Dr. is a member of the NCAA Select Com- bestowed upon a non-alumnus of the
Singletarys presidency at UK. The mittee on Athletic Problems and Con- University.
Schools of Dentistry and Pharmacy con- cems in Higher Education. He is also A native of Gulfport. Miss., Singletary
sistently rank among the best in the chairman of the board of directors of holds degrees from Millsaps College
nation. Departments such as political the College Football Association. and Louisiana State University. An ac-
science. history. and mathematics have As president of the principal institu— complished administrator. Dr.
also gained nationwide attention while tion of higher leaming in the Singletary served as chancellor of the
the UK Library now rates among the Commonwealth, Dr. Singletary is greatly University of North Carolina at
best in the Southeast. concemed with the University's role as a Greensboro and was executive vice
Under Singletarys leadership. the land grant institution, a "people's chancellor for academic affairs for the
University of Kentucky has also become university" accessible to all who can University of Texas system prior to
a major research institution. The Albert profit from education. coming to Kentucky.
B. Chandler Medical Center is an ln the 15 years Singletary has been He and Mrs. Singletary. the former
established leader in research on cancer president. the University of Kentucky Gloria Walton, have three children:
and the aging. UK's agricultural college has grown in enrollment to about 25.000 Bonnie, Scot. and Kendall.
N ClLlllFlF©lRlD ©. HAGAN .
r AIMHBIIIGS DllIl'®®lIZ©ll' {
_. ,_,..» r».. -» the 1984 NCAA Basketball Champion- also of Owensboro. They have four ;
_,.. --—a A t ` ` ships. In 1985, the presitigious NCAA children: Mrs. Barry "Lisa" Thaxton of P
` . ~ V _ "Final Four" basketball championships Lexington; Mrs. lim "Laurie" Hill of West
Y _ . » will be hosted by UK and held in Rupp Liberty; Amy, a senior at the University
V F Arena. of Alabama; and Kip, a sophomore
Having graduated from the University member of the Transylvania University l
B of Kentucky with high distinction in basketball and tennis teams. L
1954. Hagan has been a longtime
Continued growth in practically all advocate of a strong scholar—athlete pro K
phases of UK athletics has been the gram. u1 iaétz amen
ball games. increased attendance at when he became the first University of BQ fQ§‘fj,,§,f“`,§Tlm€, BQ €€"1N@*Q§];ws
Lady Kat bmketball games. and a steady Kentucky player to be inducted in the Pr¤i~€t1¤r*¤ ¤¤l¤¤¤ Dr ¤¤v H¤m¤>¤¤¤ i
upgrading of facilities. Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Emimm l
ln the coming year. the University will Fame in Springfield, Mass. wiiiram ri safari at Ralph Angelucci l
host the 1984 NCAA Volleyball Cham- An Owensboro. Ky. native, Hagan is ;{;j*@'·**jj¤° “`°“`“°‘ Be" f
pionships and the Mideast Regional of married to the former Martha Milton, s.r.r¤aia» at er l
1 1
2 L
When Terry Hall arrived at
Kentuclzy in 1980, the Lady Kats
were coming off their most
successful season ever and
beginning to gain national respect.
They had been ranlzed in the Top
20 throughout the 1979-80 season
and had finished the year with a
24-5 record and a berth in the
AIAW National playoffs.
ic I riffiifi Qt __________. __ ,,_
I :. 2. _` _;
I ° »._ , .
. N in the nation but fell to Indiana in A native of Salem, Ind., Hall
y y i s`,s,— . __;, the first round of the NCAA earned both her undergraduate and
’· ._ c ¥ if . `sff { tournament. graduate degrees in Health and I>.E.
··» A · _ U Hall's record at Kentuclay is 72-19, While attending Indiana State. she
1·. i _ f . ,,_,..__.._ * and considering Kentucl2y`s tough starred in basleetball. field hoclzey
_ __ _ i; N scheduling habits (10 games with and volleyball. She was honored
. g ranleed opponents last season AND with the "I" Woman Award in 1965.
_ if T g » W this season), a .791 winning and received the prestigious
“ _ gg»_ -5 »_-· percentage is outstanding. Her Hillman Award in 1966 as the most
· _: = Q ~ carpeé record is 165-79. That mar}? Outstanding female athlete at ISU.
, r ig `· Q inc u es one season at Eastern ·
— tf it I “ ``ff` Kentuclzy, five at Louisville and g?§gh_ WSH O? lfengucfkys SWIG _
three at Kentucley. [ ad yé 12 wthgfe ?bp ag R;
But the season was just a hint of Hall began her coaching career in Q 1. em IS I .65 . rea Q
the great things to come under the high school ranlzs. Following 6 leve I at agp gl? lmme me.
Halls guidance. The Lady Kats have her graduation from Indiana State m€SSuf[€hOnbt Q 6 QHSNQ feam I5
gone far beyond respectability and in 1966, she was named head coach gnelfbt lf est WQYS tm Em? a f
I into the perennial role of national at Butler High School in Louisville. {15 ff a 96%* en lic S; 15 Eng O
contender. They have been ranlzed In five seasons at Butler. Hall gv;. gan? m T 9 EOUYILYE Cétabyll
, in the Top QO every weelz and coached her teams to two Jefferson De mate IO ast rea as at 6 ‘
. . . efensively, we play whatever
averaged Q4 wins per season since County titles and an overall record d f . .
Haus amwll Of 6965. e ense we feel will exploit our _
· In her first year at LIK. Halls Lady Then it was on to Eastern Oppcnems Weahnesgei (zur mam
I Kats went Q5-6. winning the Kentuclzy University. where Hall Cémgems me mmm Ugg I 3 timpc)
Kentuclzy Women's Intercollegiate earned her Master's Degree in 1974 O I Q game teamwm ‘ Sm S Ot
. . . . lection by our players.
Conference and reaching the final and was immediately named head Se
round of I6 in the AIAW National basleetball coach. The Lady Colonels C0¤Ch HGH On Working With the
L tournament. Hall was named the went 14-6 that season and won the P|¤yers: "I place a high premium
KWIC Coach of the Year that KWIC title over Kentuclzy, on hard worle and dedication to the
season. Louisville, Western, Morehead. tasle at hand. I want my players to
In 1982 and again last season the Murray and Northern Kentuclzy. feel the same way. I try to teach
Lady Kats were considered among Hall then accepted the coaching them that "doors of opportunity"
the top contenders for the NCAA job at Louisville, where she was open and close very quiclzly in life
championship. The 1981-82 squad faced with rebuilding a program. as well as on the baslzetball court.
won the Southeastern Conference She succeeded, guiding the Lady So always be prepared. In the span
championship and reached the Cards to a 79-54 record over five of a lifetime, their 4 years of college
i quarter-finals of NCAA play before years. In 1979-80. her last season at baslzetball is short, therefore they
i losing to eventual national LI of L, the Lady Cards won their should worla hard. be dedicated.
champion Louisiana Tech on the first Metro Conference excel, and enjoy the opportunity
Lady Techsters’ home floor. Last championship. Hall also coached that exists."
j yearIs Lady Kats were ranlzed fourth tennis and softball at LI of L.
I 3
` ; ~{ i T A .
l` , s - »» ·· 7 @5 A
77;;* mk U F —. .
° 1 fi 1 7 K
‘ `.,O . _ *B·~~ B ig wi i Graduate Assistant
., ~,, ‘ \\ Louisville, was
R V A former player for Coach Terry Hall at Louisville, Robin
7 rv _ joined the Lady Kat staff in September. While at Louisville,
Robin lettered in baslaetball four consecutive years, two of _
_ ‘ t 7 » those seasons with Coach Hall at the helm. She was a ,
» °` _ ``·= 1. member of the Lady Card teams that won Metro Conference °
titles in 1979 and 1981 and is in the record boola for best free
Miké K.iIldI'€d throw percentage in a season. which she set in 1979. Robin
Assistant coach washalséoq anqoptsganqding high schqooépllaygr at Lnpuisville Butler "
. . Hig . e e pe er team to t e ir s' [HIE oumament in
Eastern Kentucky umverslm 1980 1976 and 1978. She was All-State honorable mention for three
straight years and played in the East-West All-Star game in
. 1978, She also played tennis for three seasons and ran tracla
Milae was hired as a part-time assistant at UK in July, and One year at BUUQL
lh€l7] WGS elevated to fUll‘[lHl€ G$SiStaI7lt in late Septelrnber pObin is pursuing 3 MBSIETS Degree in p€C]*€a[iOndl Therapy
following the resignation of assistant coach Dottie Berry. A at UK. She has a great interest in young people and has par-
1980 graduate of Eastern Kentuclzy, Mil2e served for two ticipated as avolunteer for Special Olympics for five straight
seasons as assistant girls' baslzetball coach at Estill County years. She also is credited with starting two Youth Baslzetball
High School in Irvine. Ky., before coming to UK. Camps in 1981 and 1989 at the St. Matthews YMCA in
A native of Winchester, Ky., Milae graduated from Clarl2 LOuiSVjjj€_
COUNTY Hl9h $@*00] in *975 H6 then attended Mmehead A fomier collegiate softball player at U of L, Robin has um-
$@9 University {OY One Yea? b€7OY€ U€m$f€YYmQ YO E@$Y€m· pired softball and officiated basketball and volleyball. She is
He received a degree in Industrial Education, and then Q5 years Old and Single
taught at Clarlz County for one year before accepting a job
at Estill County.
In his first season at Estill. Milae helped direct the varsity
squad to its first-ever winning season in 1989. The following .... —
year. the Lady Engineers won their first district champion- ‘_ `
ship, Mil2e‘s junior varsity squad. meanwhile. was doing even :7***7 j
better. finishing with a 15-4 record in 1989 and a 19-4 record ° gv
in 1985. 7 7 ~ 1
Milze is very active in the Big Brothers-Big Sisters program, 77/ f
and currently sits on the organizations Advisory Board in 1 ' f ri', Joan Fry
Winchester. He is also an active member of the Fellowship . 1 H _ .
of Christian Athletes, and was the FCA's ioth Region ” 3 Staff Assistant 7
representative last year while coaching at Estill County. · Southwest Texas Stam *977 .
Joining the coaching staff at UK fulfills a life-time dream Joan joined the Lady Kats program in September 1981. Her l
for Milze, a 96-year old bachelor who has always been a "Big primary responsibility is handling all correspondence for the
Blue fan. coaching staff and acting as a receptionist for the j
department. A native of Burnet, Tx., she graduated from l
Southwest Texas State University and worlzed for the Texas 5
Department of Human Resources for three years. She is
marreid to Jason Fry. a senior at Asbury Theological
Seminary. They are expecting their first child in December.
_ 4
Trainer Manager
Ohio State 1979
Heather is in her third year as manager for the Lady Kats. A
Sue joined the UK training staff in 1982 after serving for lumal pallacal waaae malalj aha 15 a member Ol the l>¢ll¤
one year as Co-Ordinator of Sports Medicine for the Depart- 9¤¤1m¤ Sammy liledtliér ‘aalOY5 Saabaa QOH aaa leading
ment of Intramural/Recreational Services at East Carolina Sha '5 QO Years Ola aaa la a name Ol l’¤ 1 rv .. -/·’ " , E` l !$,F a
perhaps you`d like to bring the entire i ` —, r ‘ _ Li lr, ::;"§g—a- Tai-} - ···.·• '*- , °i"
t ll . , _ I I! 1 4 - _ ·
° family in for a day and evening of fun. We *' __7__€% `· V` gpg, ):*“u'»s;.i_ Q !"\_
i also Offer a famllil plan guest room rate. F l ` " "/ ` · l a »¢·· ~. " ¥ " rb 1*,
a Special Weekend Room Rate: $45.00
(subject to availability December 1, 1983 thru March 31, 1984)
O9&zz1ngzan©(&rrr1az16?crar! CQrMn@©
1800 Newtown Pike, Lexington, Kentucky 40511, 606/231-5100
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Experience the taste
With true Kentucky heritage
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Seated. left to right: Sandy Harding, Julie Duerring, Lisa Collins, Lynnette Lewis, Diane Stephens and Donna Martin.
Standing. left to right: Head Coach Terry Hall, Graduate Assistant 12obin Board, Leslie Nichols. Debbie Miller. Karen
Mosley, Melanie Warren. Jody l2unge, Melissa Napier, Assistant Coach Milze Kindred, Volunteer Assistant Patty Jo
Hedges and Trainer Sue Stanley.
4 Diane Stephens G Jl2 5-9 Louisville, Ky.
Southern High
5 Sandy Harding G F12 5-2 Auburn, N.Y.
Auburn High
lO Lisa Collins G/F S12 5-10 Corbin, Ky.
Laurel County High
ll Leslie Nichols F SO 6-0 Lexington, Ky.
Henry Clay High
Q5 Julie Duerring G F12 5-7 Florence, Ky.
- Boone County High
Q4 Donna Martin G S12 5-7 Lexington, Ky.
Tates Creek High
25 Jody 12unge C S12 6-2 Waulzon, Iowa
\X7aul2on High
BO M€ldT1l€ WQTTQIT C F12 6-6 Owensbgrg, Ky Q
Owensboro Catholic `
55 Debbie Miller C F12 6-1 Liberty, Ky.
Casey County High
40 Lynnette Lewis F $12 5-9 L6ya]]_ Ky '”
Cawood High
42 Melissa Napier F F12 6-1 Barbourville, Ky.
Knox Central High
44 Karen Mosley C SO 6-5 Toledo, Oh.
, Bowsher High
- Head Coach: Terry Hall
Assistant: Milze Kindred Graduate Assistant: 12obin Board Trainer: Sue Stanley
Student Trainer: Mary Beth Brool2s Managers: Heather Longton, Lisa Neal
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