xt7rr49g7j6v_31 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002.dao.xml unknown 5.05 Cubic Feet 8 document boxes, 6 slim document boxes, 3 flat boxes, 2 photograph boxes 32.9 Gigabytes 142 files archival material 1982ua002 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center Collection on University of Kentucky University Training School/University High School The Purple and White annual text The Purple and White annual 2025 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002/Box_3/Folder_7/Multipage1800.pdf 1957 1957 1957 section false xt7rr49g7j6v_31 xt7rr49g7j6v  






The 1957 Senior Class

University High School

Lexington, Kentucky




The teeming hallways after the last bell on Fridays, the basket-

ball games when we yelled 'til we could yell no more, and that


glorious night when we crowned the queen of the prom, these are the
things which will always stand out in our memory as the highlights of
the 1956-1957 year here at U-Hi . We hope that this book will ac-
complish its purpose and serve as a reminder of these highlights in the
years to come. We hope that it will be a reminder of the times when

truly "our hearts were young and gay".

The Annual Staff


Miss Roser

Our high school years ..... a long time. During
this time we have witnessed Miss Roser's infinite
patience, her sincere desire to help us, and above all,
her personal interest in each of us. We will remember
Miss Anderson's infectious wit, her wonderful store of
knowledge, and the cheerful atmosphere which pre-
vails in her class room.

For these qualities and others even too numerous
to mention, we gratefully dedicate this annual to our
librarian and our English teacher-two persons we shall
always remember.


It is rather unusual for an annual to be dedicated to
two persons. Of course we knew this when we chose to
dedicate our annual to both Miss Anderson and Miss
Roser. However, we found it impossible to choose be-
tween these two beloved faculty members, who have
helped us, sympathized with us, and, of course.
corrected us throughout our high school years.



Miss Anderson















\ m






Entered from Elementary
Pep Club ‘53,'54,'55,'56,‘57; Band ‘54,'55,'56, '57; Second Vice-President '57;

Regional Music Festival ‘54, '55,'56, '57; State Music Festival '54,‘55, '56,'57-
Masque and Gavel '57; Senior Play Cast
Contest '57; U-Hi Lights Staff '57; Circulation Manager of Annual '57; Crowell-
Collier Salesmanship Award '56; Prom Court '56, '57; Convocation Committee;

Track Team '55; Boys' State '56-, Elected County Commissioner of Boys' State;

Represented U-Hi on it. Town Meeting-W.L.A.P.
W,L.E.X. T.V.; Brass Trio in Regional Music Festival '55; German Band; Brass

Quartet in Regional Music Festival '54.

"The secret to success in constancy to purpose."

Entered from Lafayette '54
Pep Club ‘54, '56, '57; Glee Club '54, 56, ‘57; Y—Teens ‘54, ‘56, ‘57; Y-Teens
Basketball Team '57; Y-Teen President ‘57; Beta Club ‘57; Masque and Gavel
Talent Show '57; Senior Play Cast '57; Speech Class Play ‘5

‘56, '57; Make—up Editor of U-Hi Lights ‘57; Business Manager of Annual '57;
Student Council Carnival '57.

7; U-Hi Lights Staff '54,
Social Committee '56; Y—Teen Convention of '56, ‘57;

"True merit, like a river, the deeper it is, the less noise it makes. ”


Entered from Elementary

Y-Teens Service Chairman '57; Y—Teen Swimming Team ‘56-, Student Govern-
Award '56; Prom Court ‘56; Social Committee '57; Convocation Committee '56;
Y—Teen Convention '56, ‘57; Enoch Grehan Journalism Award ‘57.

"She that does good for goods sake, seeks neither praise nor reward, though

sure of both at last. "

'57; Speech Class Play ‘57; Regional Speech

Radio and Youth Edits the Nev/s-

Pep Club ‘53,'54,‘56,'57; Glee Club 53,'54,'55,'56,‘57; Y-Teens ‘54,‘55,'56,‘57;

ment '52; Student Council '55, ‘57; Beta Club '57; Senior Play Cast '57; U-l-ii Lights
Staff ‘55, '56, '57; Assistant Editor of U-Hi Lights '57; Crowell—Collier Salesmanship


"Mary Lynne"
Entered from Elementary
Pep Club '54, ‘55,'56, '57; Glee Club '54,‘55, '56,‘57; Cheerleader ‘54,”56;
Y-Teens ‘54, '55,‘56,'57; Y-Teen Basketball Team '54,'55,'56, '57; Y—Teen
Swimming Team '55, ‘56, '57; Treasurer of Y-Teens ‘57; Masque and Gavel '57;
Masque and Gavel Talent Show '54, '57; Senior Play '57; Regional Speech Contest
'54, '55, '56; State Speech Contest '56; U—Hi Lights Staff '56, '57; Advertising
Manager of Annual Staff '57; Crowell-Collier Salesmanship Award '56; Social
Committee '54-. Convocation Committee '55; Y-Teen Convention '56, '57; Student

Council Carnival '57.

"An ounce of mirth is worth a pound of sorrow. "


Entered from Kenwick '52
Pep Club ‘54, '55, '56, ‘57; Treasurer of Pep Club '54; Secretary of Pep Club ‘57;

Glee Club '54, '55, '56,‘57; Cheerleader '54-, Y—Teens '54, '55, '56, '57; Y‘Teen

Swimming Team '55; Student Government '54; Beta Club '57; National Honor

Society '57; Masque and Gavel Talent Show '55; Senior Play ‘57-, U-Hi Lights

Staff '56, ‘57; Assistant Editor of the Annual ‘57; Crowell—Collier Salesmanship

Award '56; D.A.R. History Award '57; Prom Court '57-, Convocation Committee

'55; Y-Teen Convention '56; National Merit Scholarship Runner—up Certificate ’57; i
French Award '56, ‘57; Marguerite McLaughlin Yearbook Award '57.

"In youth and beauty, wisdom is but rare. "



Entered from Lancaster High School '57
Glee Club '57; State Music Festival '57; Senior Play

Staff '57.

'57; Dramatics Play Production


"Thought is deeper than all speech---men of few words are the best men. "



Entered from Elementary

Glee Club '54, '55, ‘56, '57; State Music Festival '57; Student Government '54; Student

Council '57; National Honor Society '57; Vice -Preside‘nt of National Honor Society

'57; Masque and Gavel '57; Senior Play Cast '57; Superior in Regional Speech Con-

test '57; Superior in State Speech Contest'57; U-Hi Lights Staff '56, '57; Crowell—

Collier Salesmanship Award '56; Prom Court '56, '57; Treasurer of Class '57; Track

Team '56; Representative to World Affairs Institute '57; Kiwanis Club Award '57;

Bausch and bomb Science Award '57; Honorable Mention in Lawrence S. Mayers

Essay Contest.

"The heart to conceive, the understanding to direct and the hand to execute. "


Entered from Elementary
Pep Club '54, '55, ‘56, '57; Vice—President of Pep Club '57; Glee Club '54, '55, '56,
'57; Little Choir '55, '56. '57; Double Trio '57; Regional Music Festival '57; State
Music Festival '56, '57; Cheerleader '56; Y-Teens '54, '55, '56, '57; Y-Teen Inter-
club Council Representative '56; Vice-President of Y-Teens '57; Y-Teen Basket-
ball Team '56; Y-Teen Swimming Team '57; Y-Teen Summer Conference '55;
Secretary of Student Government '57; Beta Club '56. ‘57; President of Beta Club
'57; Senior Play Cast '57; Art Editor of Annual '57; Crowell-Collier Salesmanship
Award '56; Pep Club Award '56; Prom Court '56,'57; Treasurer of Class '56; Beta
Club Convention ‘57.



"What is beautiful is good and who is good will also be beautiful. "


Entered from Woodrow Wilson High School, Dallas ‘57
Glee Club '57; President of Glee Club '57; Little Choir '57; Double Trio '57;
Quartet '57; Regional Music Festival '57; State Music Festival '57; Y—Teens '57;
Masque and Gavel '57; Senior Play Cast '57; Editor of Annual '57.


"Simplicity of character is the natural result of profound thought. "


"Betty Logan"

Entered from Margaret Hall '54

Pep Club '55, '57; Glee Club '54, '55, '57; Vice—President of Glee Club '57; Little


iety Choir '57; Little Choir Reporter '57; State Music Festival '57; Y-Teens '54, '55,'56;

Ion- Secretary —Treasurer of Student Council '57; Beta Club '56, '57; Second Vice-Pres-

ll- idem of Beta Club '57; National Honor Society '56, '57; President of National Honor

rack Society '57; U-Hi Lights Staff '56. '57; Editor of U-Hi Lights '57; Crowell-Collier

7; Salesmanship Award '56; D.A.R. Award '57; Treasurer ofClass '55; Secretary of

,5 Class '57; Girls” State ‘56; Enoch Grehan Journalism Award '57; Reader's Digest
Award '57.

"They are never alone that are accompanied with noble thoughts. "

Entered from Morton '53
Pep Club ‘54,'55. ‘56, '57; Glee Club '54, '55, '56, ‘5‘7; Y-Teens '54. '55, '56, '57;
Student Government '57; Beta Club '57; Speech Class Play '56; U—Hi Lights Staff
'54, '55, '56, '57; Lay-out Editor of Annual '57; Crowell-Collier Salesmanship
Award '56; Prom Court ‘56, ’57; Social Committee '56.



"A face with gladness overspread. "



Entered from Elementary
Pep Club '54, '55,'56, '57; President of Pep Club '54; Glee Club '54, '55, '56, '57;
Little Choir ‘56, '57; Secretary of Little Choir '57; Double Trio '57; Regional Music
Festival '57; State Music Festival '56,'57; Cheerleader ‘54; Y-Teens '54,'55,'56,'57;
Secretary of Y-Teens '57; Y—Teens Basketball Team '57; Student Government '56;
Beta Club '56, '57; Vice-President of Beta Club '57; National Honor Society '57;
Vice-President of National Honor Society '57; Vice-President of National Honor
Society '57; Senior Play Cast '57; Speech Class Play '57; U-Hi Lights Staff ‘56,'57;
Feature Editor of U-Hi Lights '57; Crowell-Collier Salesmanship Award '56; From
Cnutt ‘56, ‘57; Queen of Prom '57; President of Class '57; Secretary of Class '55;
Y-Teen Convention '56; Beta Convention '57; All-State Chorus '56, '57. ,

"Reason and judgement are the qualities of a leader."


a, 5'3 ‘5‘? w


~ Molly"
Entered from Margaret Hall ‘54

Salesmanship Award '56.

Pep Club ‘54, '55,‘56, '57; President of Pep Club '57; Glee Club '54, ‘55, '56, '57;
Y—Teens '54, '55, ‘56. '57; Y—Teen Basketball Team '55; Student Government '55;
Senior Play ‘57; Production Manager of U—l-li Lights Staff '57; Crowell-Collier

"I laughed, I danced. I loved; yet seriousness did Icheris . "


Entered from Georgetown '54

Glee Club 54,65. '56,'57; State Music Festival
vel '57; Masque and Gavel Talent Show '57; Senior Play '57; Dra—
m Court '56, '57;

'57; Student Government ‘56, '57;

Masque and Ga
matics Class Play '57; Contest Play '57; U—Hi Lights Staff ‘57; Pro

Vice-President of Class '57.

"Go West young friend, go West."



Entered from Bryan Station ‘54
Pep Club '54, '55, ‘56, ‘57; Band ‘53, '54, '55, '56, '57; State Music Festival '54, '55,
'57; Regional Music Festival '54, ‘55, '56, '57; Masque and Gavel '57; Masque and
Gavel Talent Show '57; Senior Play '57; Dramatics Class Play '57; Annual Staff
Photographer ‘57; Prom Court '56; Social Committee '57.

"Somebody said that it couldn't be done,

But he with a chuckle replied

That maybe it couldn't, but he would be one
Who wouldn't say so til he'd tried. "



'Entered from Elementary

Pep Club '54, '56, '57; Vice-President of Pep Club '54; Glee Club '54,'56, '57;

Little Choir '56. '57; President of Little Choir '57; Quartet '57; Regional Music

Festival '56, '57; Cheerleader '54; Y-Teens '54, '55, '57; President of Student Coun-

cil '57; Beta Club '57; National Honor Society '57; Masque and Gavel '56, '57;

Vice-President of Masque and Gavel '57; Masque and Gavel Speech Award '57; Senior

Play '57; Speech Class Play '56; Contest Play '57; Regional Speech Festival '56, '57;

State Speech Festival '56, '57; U-Hi Lights Staff '54, '56, '57; Feature Editor of

Annual '57; Crowell-Collier Salesmanship Award '56; Prom Court '57; All-State

Chorus '56.

"And miles to go before 1 sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep. "

Entered from Elementary
Pep Club ‘54,‘55,'56,‘57; Glee Club '56.'57; Band '54, '55; Regional Music Fes-
P‘CTURE tival '54, '55,'56,'57; State Music Festival '54,'55.'56, '57; Student Council '56;
NOT Senior Play '57; Speech Class Play '56; U-Hi Lights Staff Sports Editor '57; Prom
AVAILABLE Court '56; Basketball Team 54955, '56. '57; Track Team 54,55, '56, '57; Double

Quartet '56; Boys Group '57.


"A boy's will is the wind's will. "

 CUTE KIDS: 1. Linda Kaufman, 2. Jay Bishop, 3, Carolyn Stroud. 4. Betty Maxson, 5. Mary Lynne Davis.
6. Bobby Fain, 7. Martha Mari, 8. Bobby Griffin, 9. H2. 10. Nancy Harding, 11. Bob Pinson, 12. Nancy
Davis, 13. Margaret Biggs, 14. Billy Alexander, 15. Molly Phelps, 16. Betty Logan Lehman.




, Underclussmen






lTaylor, Herky Rupp, Allen Tolman, Charles
Mary Anderson, Perry Patterson, Lindsay Nunn, Ann
SECOND ROW: Virginia Prewitt, Rae Reed, Shelia
FIRST ROW: OFFICERS: Ernie Clarke, Lucy Manly,
lie Newbury,

BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Bradley Switzer, Lanny Cox, Bil
Stewart, Johnny Odear. THIRD ROW: Chuck Maxson,
Rodgers Martin, Malinda Clay, John Howard Williams.
Hargett, Helen Hamilton, Lady Greenslit. Betty Evans.

Pagsie Lisle, Charlie Tumbull. ABSENT WHEN PICTURE WAS TAKEN: Pat Boyd, Wil

g, ,







BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Joe Curry, Tommy Adams, William Wenneker, Bob Sprague, Bill v,
Blanton, Mitchell Gail, Tim Hanson. THIRD ROW: Sara Jane Byers, Mary Elizabeth Wylie,

Bethania Smith, Tay MaXson, Kitty Craig, Ruth Gaitskill, John Kaltenbrun. SECOND ROW: Betty

Burnett, Ann Chamberlain, Freda Grace Miller, Linda Lutes, Dudley Milward. FIRST ROW: Wayne

Haffler, Helen Warren, Charlotte Adams. Bill Combs. ABSENT WHEN PICTURE WAS TAKEN: C.V.

Ethington, Elsie Barr, Dorothy Davis, Susan Steele.

Freshmen rl


Clay Brock, John Cole, Rufus Lisle, Nancy

Mary Frances Moore, Libby

Jeanne Rich, Don Paris, Bobby Reeves, Durward Salisbury.

Suzanne Griffin, Betty Brown, Web Cowden, Judy ‘5
FIRST ROW: John Hobbs, Linda Wheeler,

BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Jeanne Shaver. Dill Marr,
Cowden, Jack Russell, Mike Stewart. THIRD ROW: Winnie Mauser,
Honerkamp, Louise Pryor, Carolyn Stivers,
SECOND ROW: Bunny Hartford, Mary Duncan.
Gross, Dickie Chamberlain, Leonard Cox, Bucky Harper.
Carolyn Mansfield, Billy Moore.

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BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Lloyd Anderson, Robert Pattie, Clifton Eaton, Joe Goodwin, Sam

Warren. Adrian Wilkes, William Wood, Mike Cox. THIRD ROW: Sarah Gaitskill, Elaine Irtz,
Melinda Stivers. SECOND ROW:

Barbara Falcouner, Jessica Paris, Susan Hamilton, Lynne Barrett,
Jack Ireland,

Sharron Cornish. Suzanne Phelps, Franck Dickey. Gerard Gerhard,Burton Milward,
Ellen Clark. Betty Newbury. FIRST ROW: Jimmy Coolsen, Libby Lloyd, Betsy Gillis, Roy Bachmeyer,
ABSENT WHEN PICTURE WAS TAKEN: Coleman Callaway, Glen Shepherd, Judith DeJoe,

Seventh Grade









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BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Bill Greathouse, Jimmy Stapp, Johnny Carr, Robert Walker, Mary
Manly, Betty Rae Cranfill, Frances Pattie, Bradley Bryant, Pat Witt. THIRD ROW: Joe Miller, Anne
Price McLean, Bill Russell. Buddy Bishop. Susan Gail, Sandy Queen, Phyllis Wall, Jack Gurnee.
SECOND ROW: Andy Armstrong. Garland Barr, Eloise Cox. Frances Jewell, Cathy Maxson, David
Reeves, Dick Eckel, Alex 6655. FIRST ROW; Edward Gambill, Jeanne Miles, Shelby Kinkead.
ABSENT WHEN PICTURE WAS TAKEN: Susan Jefferson, Sally King, Janet Stokes.



BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Nancy Davis. Betty Maxson, Ernie Clarke,
Bobby Griffin. FRONT ROW: Perry Patterson, Betty Lehman, Perry Patterson.

Beta Club


' BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Tommy Adams, lanny Cox, Bradley Switzer,
Betty Maxson. THIRD ROW: Pegsie Lisle, Betty Lehman, Betty Evans, Lucy
Manley, Margie Biggs, John Howard Williams, Nancy Davis. SECOND
‘ ROW: Charlotte Adams, Tay Maxson, Perry Patterson, Puddin Newbury,
A Lindsay Nunn. Ernie Clarke. FRONT ROW: Martha Marr, Nancy Harding.

Junior High Student Government

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BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: William Wood, Jeanne Shaver, Bill Russell,
Kathy Maxson. FRONT ROW: Frank Dickey, Bobby Reeves, Web Cowden.
ABSENT WHEN PICTURE WAS TAKEN: Sharron Cornish, Dill Marr.


BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: David Reeves. Mary Frances Moore, Sara Jane Byers, Susan
Hamilton, Mr. Gardner, faculty advisor, Don Paris, Mike Cox, Phyllis Wall. FIRST ROW:
Jay Bishop, Lanny Cox, Betty Logan Lehman, Bill Taylor, William Wenneker‘, Lady Greenslit. ABSENT
WHEN PICTURE WAS TAKEN: Bobby Griffin. INSET PICTURE: Carolyn Stroud, President.

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Two of the most respected positions that a University School student can hold are those of
representatives to Student Council and representative to Student Government. This is because one
of these groups is entrusted to make the rules for our school, while the other group is entrusted to
enforce them. The Student Council and Student Government of 1957 have performed their iobs

admirably. For this the school commends them.

Senior High Student Government


. Q“ rm ,.

faculty advisor, Chuck Maxson.

BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: John Melzer, Bob Sprague, Mr. Kemper,

FRONT ROW: Nancy Harding, Lanny Cox, Ernie Clarke, Betty Burnett.
TAKEN: Martha Marr, Betty Evans.

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BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Bob Sprague, John Melzer. Bradley Switzer, Bobby Griffin. THIRD
ROW: Linda Kaufman, Kitty Craig, Billy Alexander, John Howard Williams, Bob Pinson. SECOND
ROW: Joe Curry, Mary Lynne Davis, Carolyn Stroud. FIRST ROW: Freda Miller. Lindsay Nunn.

Masque and Gavel Romps through Talent Show

The Masque and Gavel recognizes
students who have furthered its policy of
good Speech for Use. This year the mem-
bers of Masque and Gavel have appeared
on the stage, on television and on radio.





Winter Program





LEFT TO RIGHT: Ernie Clarke, Linda
Kaufman, Carolyn Stroud, Lanny Cox,
Accompanist, Mrs. Osborne.


BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Betty Lehman, Rae Reed, Linda Kaufman, Lindsay Nunn, Bethania
Smith, Nancy Cowden, Carolyn Stroud, Virginia Prewitt. MIDDLE ROW: Mary Elizabeth Wylie, Ruth
Gaitskill, Nancy Harding, Betty Maxson, Sara Jane Byers, Tay Maxson, Lady Greenslit. FRONT ROW:
Susan Steele, Bunny Hartford, Betty Brown, Mary Frances Moore, Charlotte Adams, Ann
Chamberlain. ABSENT WHEN PICTURE WAS TAKEN: Betty Evans, Shelia Hargett, Ann Rodgers

Martin, Willie Newbury .

Boy’s Group

BACK ROW, LEFT T0 RIGHT: Jim Brakefield, Charlie
Turnbull, Allen Tolman, Ernie Clarke. FRONT ROW:

Charles Stewart, Mitchell Gail, Lanny Cox. ABSENT

WHEN PICTURE WAS TAKEN; John Howard Williams, Bradley



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Double Trio



LEFT TO RIGHT: Mary Frances Moore, Nancy Harding, Lindsay Nunn, Linda Kaufman,
Betty Maxson, Shelia Hargett. AT PIANO: Mrs. Osborne. ABSENT WHEN PICTURE

WAS TAKEN: Virginia Prewitt.

Music Soloists


BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: John Kaltenbrun, Glen Shepherd, Mary Elizabeth Wylie,
Carolyn Stroud, Lanny Cox. Mitchell Gail, Ruth Gaitskill. FRONT ROW: Linda

‘l Wheeler, Phyllis Wall, Susan Gail, William Wood, Frank Dickey, Bucky Harper, Joe
Miller, Bobby Reeves. AT PIANO: Jeannie Rich, Bob Pinson.

All - State Chorus Members



LEFT TO RIGHT: Lanny Cox. John Kaltenbrun, Susan Steele, Pegsie Lisle, Carolyn
24 Stroud, Bobby Fain. Ernie Clarke. AT PIANO: Bob Pinson. ABSENT WHEN PICTURE

WAS TAKEN: Betty Maxson, Puddln Newbury.


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Music Superiors

BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Lanny Cox, MitChaell Gail.
Johnny Cole, William Wood, Bill Harper. FRONT ROW:
Mary Elizabeth Wylie. Susan Gail, Jeannie Rich, Frank


Our 4


LEFT TO RIGHT: Bob Pirison, lay Bishop, Tay {\laxson, Rae Reed, Tommy Adams, Mr. Kemper, faculty


Convocation Committee


BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Chuck Maxson, Mr. Burkecn, Mrs. Osborne, Mr. McKenncy, faculty
adviser:, Mitchell Gail. Linmay Nnnn, Nancy Cowden. FRONT ROW: Franceslcwell, Bradley Bryant,
Mike Cox, Kitty Craig, Billy Alexander, Suzanne Phelps.


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’ MEMBERS OF THE COURT ARE, CLOCKWISE FROM LOWER LEFT; Charlie Lisle, scroll bearer; Charley
Turnbull and Rae Reed, Chuck Maan and Betty Evans, Lanny Cox and Lady Greenslit, Bradley

‘ Switzer and Shelia Hargett, all Juniors; Betty Maxson, Queen,
Harding and Bobby Fain, Nancy Davis and John Melzer, Carolyn Stroud and Bobby Griffin, Martha Marr

and Billy Alexander, and Becky Stulb, crown bearer.


and Ernest Clarke, her escort; Nancy


Betty Maxson, Queen of the l957 Junior Prom. Ernest Clarke, the
28 Queen's Escort, and President of the Junior Class.

 Senior Couples


Nancy Harding and Bobby Fain Carolyn Stroud and Bobby Griffin



Nancy Davis and John Melzer

Martha Marr and Billy Alexander





Virginia Prewitt
Girls State




Carolyn Stroud
Masque and Gavel
Speech Award

Boys State

Back Row: Herkie Rupp, Charlie
Turnbull. Front Row: Ernie
Clarke, Tommy Adams.


Jay Bishop
Enoch Grehan Journalism



Betty Logan Lehman Nancy Davis Bobby Griffin
Enoch Grehan Journalism Award Marguerite McLaughlin Award Bausch and Lamb Science
D.A.R. Award French Award Award

Reader's Digest Award

D.A.R. History Award Kiwanis Gold Cup Award
National Merit Scholarship

Runner-Up Certificate


BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Lindsay Nunn, Carolyn Stroud. FRONT
ROW: Jeannie Rich, Freda Miller, Bobby Griffin.


"Special Guest"


LEFT TO RIGHT: John Melzer, Lindsay Nunn, Charlie Turnbull,
Carolyn Stroud, Joe Curry.

Speech Class Play

"Balcony Scene"


LEFT TO RIGHT: Margie Biggs, Billy Alexander, Bob Pinson, John
Melzer, John Howard Williams, ABSENT WHEN PICTURE WAS
TAKEN: Betty Maxson, Lady Greenslit.






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BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Carolyn Stivers, Mary Elizabeth Wylie, Molly Phelps, Nancy Cowden, Jeanne
Shaver, Lindsay Nunn, Linda Kaufman, Bethania Smith, Nancy Davis, Tay Maxson, FOURTH ROW: Louise
Pryor, Mary Frances Moore, Carolyn Mansfield, Pegsie Lisle, Kitty Craig, Perry Patterson, Lady Greenslit,
Sara Jane Byers, Jeannie Rich. Libby Lou Honerkamp, Charlotte Adams. THIRD ROW: Bunny Hartford, Linda
Wheeler, Elsie Barr, Betty Burnett, Helen Warren, Rae Reed, Betty Brown, Linda Lutes. Lucy Manley.
SECOND ROW: Helen Hamilton, Ann Chamberlain, Judy Gross, Mary Duncan, Shelia Hargett, Jay Bishop,
Dudley Milward, Susan Steele, Freda Miller. FIRST ROW, OFFICERS: Betty Maxson, Nancy Harding, Mary
Lynne Davis.



Margaret Biggs








Hi Lights Stuff

BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Mary Elizabeith Wylie, Elsie Barr, Shelia Hargett, Tommy Adams,
Jim Breakfield, Bill Combs, Beihania Smith, Nancy Cowden, Perry Patterson, Mary Anderson.
FRONT ROW; Guard Gerhard, Betty Max:011, Jay Bishop, Betty Lehman, Molly Phelps, Kitty Craig.


BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Mary Lynne Davis,
Nancy Harding, Carolyn Stroud, Bob Pinson, Billy
Alexander, Martha Marr, Margie Biggs. FRONT

ROW: Nancy Davis, Linda Kaufman.

 Big Night!

This year the Masque and Gavel and the Student Council worked together to
prepare an evening of fun and entertainment for all. The Student Council presented
a carnival early in the evening. This was followed by the annual Masque and
Gavel talent show.

















Pep Club


BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Billy Alexander, Mitchell Gail, Bill Taylor, William Wennekcr,
Bob Spra ue, Herky Rupp, Charlie Turnbull, C.V. Ethington, Allen Tolman. FIFTH ROW, LEFT
TO RIGH : Bob Pinson, John Kaltenbrun, Tommy Adams, Wayne Haffler, Charles Stewart, Bill
Combs, Chuck Maxson, Lanny Cox, Jim Brakeiield, Bradley awitzer, John Howard William:.
FOURTH ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Carolyn Strouu, Martha Marr, Betty Evans, Malinda Clay, Ann
R0 ers Martin, Lindsay Nunn, Pe sie Lisle. Betty rlaxson, Rae Reed, Kitty Craig, Helen Warren,
Bethania Smith. THIRD ROW, L FT TO RIGHT: Ruth Gaitskill, Elsie Barr, Betty Burnett, Mary
Andenon, Vir inia Prewitt, Perry Patterson, Lady Greenslitr Betty Lo an Lehman, Margie Bigg:,
Tay Maxson, inda Lutes, Sara Jane Byers. bECOND ROW, LEFT TO GHT; Ann Chamberlain,
Helen Hamilton, Jay Bishop, Freda Grace Miller, Dudley Milward, Charlotte Adams, any Manly,
Shelia Hargett. FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT , OFFICERB: Ernie Clarke, Nancy Davis, Molly
Phelps, Nancy Harding, Johnny Odear.

Hamilton, Jessica Pam, Dick Chamberlain, Jack Rnoell, Johnny Cole, Billy Moore, Johnny Hobbx
Rooert Patty,C1ifton Eaton. FIFTH ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Phyllis Wall, Dill Marr, Mary Manlv, H
Winnie lylauser, Mary Frances Moore, Clay Broek, Rufu: Lisle], Don Paris, Bucky Harper, Leonard
Cox, Rooert Walker, Bradley Bryant, 8111 Rus:ell. FOURTH ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: handy Queen
Barbara Faulconer, Jeannie Rich, Linda Wheeler, Web Cowden, Libby Honerkarn‘ , Bobby Reeve:
William Wood, Mike Cox, Jimmy Coolsen, Lloyd Anderbon, Frank Dickey, Sam Warren. THIRO‘
ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT; Elaine Irtz, Betsy Gillis, Mary Duncan, Bunny Hartford Betty Brown
Suzanne Griffin, Shelby Kinkead, Burton Milward, Garland Barr, Buddy Blsllop,’AdriéIi Wilkes

Roy Bacinrieyer, Bill Greathouse, Edward Gambill, Jack Ireland, aliCO/NI) ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT~
France: Pattie, Libby Lloyd, Sharron Cornish, Suzanne Phelps, Dick Lt‘kel, Andy Armstrong David
Reeves, Gerard Gerhard, Jimmy btapp, Joe Miller, Alex Gesz, France: Jewell Kathy Maxmh
Eloise Cox, Anne McLean. FIRb‘T ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Judy Groas, Betty Newbnry Melinda
Stivers, Lynne Barrett, Louise Pryor, Carolyn Mansfield, Carolyn Btiycrs. I

BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT; Pat Witt, Jeanne Miles, Nancy Cowden, Jeanne shaver, bnsan 1


BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT; Mr. Huff, coach, Lanny Cox, Bill Taylor, Hcrkie Rnpp, Bob Spragne, Ernie Clarke,
Chuck Maxson, John Kalrcrbrnn, manager. FRONT ROW: Mitchell Gail, Jim Brakeficld, John Howard Williams,
Wayne Haffler, Charles Stewart, Bradley Swirzer, William Wenneker.

Senior High Cheerleaders


LEFT TO RIGHT; Lucy Manley, Linda Lnics, Berry Burnett, Helen Warren, Mary

Elizabeth Wylie, Freda Miller.





BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Glen Shepherd. Manager, Dickie Chamberlain. Robert Walker, William
Wood, Rufus Lisle, Bobby Reeves, Sam Warren, Mike Cox, Frank Dickey, Burton Milward, Bucky Harper,
Manager. FRONT ROW: Jack Russell, John Cole, Billy Joe Moore, Don Paris, Clay Brock, Web Cowden,

John Hobbs ,


Junior High Cheerleaders








LEFT TO RIGHT: Judy Gross. Betty Newbury, Melinda Stivers, Carolyn Silvers, Lynne Barrett, Louise
Pryor, Carolyn Mansfield.


BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Robert Walker, Dickie Chamberlain,
William Wenneker, Herky Rupp, William Wood, Bill Russell. FRONT
ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Joe Miller, Manager, Jim Brakefield, Lanny
Cox, John Howard Williams, Bradley Switzer, Glenn Shepherd,
David Swirzer, bat boy.

“Wwv—«m-ww »


% r BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Ernie Clarke, Bill Combs, Bill Taylor,
/ William chnckcr, Jack Rlléxull. John Cole. FRONT ROW: Charles
Stcwart. Web Cowdun, Rufus Lisle, Bobby Rcech John Hobbs, Min



 Tennis Team



LEFT TO RIGHT; Bradley Switzer, Ernie Clarke, Lanny Cox‘




 Senior Activities



















Senior Will

We, the Seniors of '57 being of sound mind and body do make this

will in the hopes that it's beneficiaries will become as dignified and as
honorable as the seniors of '57.


BillyAlexander, leave for the White House.

Margie Biggs, leave my Margaretisms to Lady, my peanut-butter
sandwiches in Carolyn's car, and my Kleenex box to all snifflérs.
Jay Bishop, bequeath my ”Bugie” to anyone wl‘o'll give him a good

Jim Brakefield, leave my dusty books to anyone who is smart
enough to pass without them.

Mary Lynne Davis, leave--for Jerry's.

Nancy Davis, leave my bobby pins to Betty Burnette.

Bobby Fain, leave my alarm clock that never works to Miss Peck.
Bobby Griffin, leave--for the moon.

Nancy Harding, leave Mr. Mc Kenny battered and bewildered.
Linda Kaufman, leave Mrs. Osborne, to wake up Don.

Betty Logan Lehman, leave my straight A's to Shelia.

Martha Lee Marr, leave with my finger in my mouth.

Betty Maxson, ieave my pen and stationery to Betty Evans.

John Melzer, leave--for a pow-wow with Tecumseh.

Molly Phelps, leave to suffer intellectually in a cold attic.

Bob Pinson, leave my keys to the next mid-night prowler.
Carolyn Stroud, leave my car to Lady, Lucy, Shelia, and others
too numerous to mention.












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January 20, l98l Ladies and Gentlemen, and good evening to you.

Another Presidential inauguration has come and gone. Now the gala reception is in full swing,
so let's take a quick tour around the White House and see iust what's happening on this glorious

President Alexander is still greeting friends and well-wishers. His endurance is magnificent;
he has been shaking hands and smiling for three hours.

We see Jay Bishop coming through the receiving line with a big smile on her face. Is it
possible that she has iust been promised the coveted job of White House Correspondent? Let's
follow her and see if we can get the scoop on it. Now she's waving to someone, we can't quite
see who it is-- it's Margie trying to keep her children from upsetting the buffet table. She is
now the wife of a prominent lawyer and the confidant of international diplomats. One of those
intriguing world figures is signaling to her now.

lt's Betty Maxson, who has iust gotten back from a dangerous mission in Algiers.

Just a moment, the President is going to make an announcement. Yes, we were right, Mr.
Republican has iust proclaimed his former classmates, the official White House Correspondent for
the next four years! People are crowding around her now congratulating her and asking questions.

in the group we see Admiral Fain, the former, Nancy Davis and her wealthy industrialist
husband, Martha Marr wearing the colors of her racing stables and Betty Logan Lehman, who will
undoubtedly be tapped as foreign correspondent before long.

in a quieter corner of the room, we see Molly Phelps, subdued for once, discussing her latest
book on the theory of Existentialism. She arrived