xt7rr49g7j6v_41 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002.dao.xml unknown 5.05 Cubic Feet 8 document boxes, 6 slim document boxes, 3 flat boxes, 2 photograph boxes 32.9 Gigabytes 142 files archival material 1982ua002 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center Collection on University of Kentucky University Training School/University High School Barrells of Fun:  Social Recreation Institute, University Training School Gymnasium text Barrells of Fun:  Social Recreation Institute, University Training School Gymnasium 2025 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002/Box_5/Folder_2/Multipage2353.pdf 1949 December 5-9 1949 1949 December 5-9 section false xt7rr49g7j6v_41 xt7rr49g7j6v  

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 I N


Choo Choo

Crossed Tires

Fingers Up

I Say Stoop

My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
Pocketbook Race

The More We Get Together



Beast Bird or Fish
Fire in the Mountain
The Poor House


Hunter, Gun , and Rabbit
Keen Eyes
Slap Tag

Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Three Blind Mice


Human Checkers
I Know Club
Live haughts and Crosses
match Game
Jind Reading
My Father is a Herchant
Star Trick
What Time Is It?




Camp Town Races
Clap Polka

Good Night Ladies
Glow Worm

Green Sleeve Mixer
Let's Get Acquainted
London Bridge

Looby Loo

Pennsylvania Polka
Pop Goes the Weasel
Pop Goes the Thasel for Threes
Portland Fancy
Skip To My Lou
Sicilian Circle
Texas Schottisehe
Tally Circles
Virginia Reel
Thistle Game

DANCES (Couple 8: Square)

Military Schottische
Put Your Little Foot

Glory Glory Hallelujah

Hinkcy Dinky Parley Voo

Northern Lights

Oh Johnnyé

Thenyll Be a Hot Time in the
Old Town Tonight



- 3H03-CHO&

Formation: A single circle facing the center.
Sevrral players (about one to every ten or
fifteen) are askcc to some out in the cen-
trr. luck Che chooscs a railroad to repre-
sent and are told they must see how many
cars sick train can get. loch one of them
runs us to a person in the circle and says

I C E B R EA K E R S "11y mmc is . Tsat's years?" The

person sdsressci gives her name. The first

werson then moves his feet in rhythm, at the

some time regeating the name given him. For
example, if the girl s:ys h‘r none ‘: "Ruth". ho player who is the train says,

"Ruth"(patso) 'Ttutl" (pxusc) "Both, Ruth, Ruth?"








indicatgd, the feet slid( forvlrd and back at the some time. The first

0 r then turrs ground so text the second player ”Futh" can hang on to his
so (or shoulder) and thev both shuffle ucross the circlo to get another "car"
0‘ their train. P: 3 time a new person is added, all thOSe already on the

train shorts the ntw mime tloir foot as describod above. ”3 each new
persor is auceo, ' ' c direction so
that no person is


”Cl CV C S


The Winning tcafi.?s ttw oni wi*h tho P0st playors uttzcked when all in the cir-
clo havc born chcscn.



Introduction 20 or ice breaker


Take hold of ttc left our titF th right hand. Then, re ch over and take
hold of the end of ttr nose with the left Pans. Clap bards quickly three times.
Repeat above several til s. Eton, after clipping hand , revrrse the process.



 Fago 2

This game may be played where there are 2 or more players, or in an
auditorium with hundreds,

Each person faces his partner and holds his hands with fists pointing
toward the other, Either the leader or one of the players counts, 1-2-3—
GO and on the word GO each player holds up a certain number of fingers.
The first person of the two who shouts out the correct total of all the
fingers gets the point. Pliy for five (or more) points,


Played just like “Simon Says" only the leader says "I Say Stoop";"I
Say Stand." Players stoop and stand accordingly. Anyone who changes posié
tions on a command not preceded by the words "I Say" is eliminated. Play
to s so who is the last person to remain standinET— Game must be played
quickly with lots of surprises and unexpected commands.


FORMATIOK; Group is seated
Tmm: Bth2amenmm.
ACTION: Hy-— point to self

Bonnie -- with both hands outline the figure of a bonnie lassie

Lies -- rest left cheek on both hands

Over -— put thumbs in back of shoulders

The Ocean -— with both hands make waves in front of face

My Bo nie Lies over the —— as before

Sea —- make letter "C" with left hand

My Bonnie Lies Over the ocean -- repeat above

Oh —- make letter "O" with both hands

Bring back —- extend arms straight ahead and bring both hands
toward the face, then touch shoulders with each

My Bonnie -- as above

To - hold up 2 fingers of each hand

Pk —— as before.

Chorus: made up of previous words, so repeat action.v

Verse 2: My Bonnie leaned over the gas tank -- lean forward and look in
tank, making telescope of

The height of its contets — measure height

To see -- as above

She lighted a match to assist her —-pant0mime lighting a match
Oh, bring back my bonnie to me ~- as above

Repeat chorus.


FOQTATIOH: Grou: is seated find divided into two tetms Vhich compete against
esch otheru Each parson is asked to get out his pecketbook or
bill fold‘

LOTION: Loader us“s for a list of objects - one at a time.
The parsen who can produce it first holes it up over his head

“rd 3 point is given to his side.

SUGGYSTID LRTICLIS: 1947 penny two dollar bill

calendflr Handkerchief with blue on it
3 cent stmmp receipted bill

nail file lettrr

driving license fishing license

conb house kky

safety pin gum CtCo, etc.

SONG; By the same name.
ACTIONQ Group is seated. They sing the song and every time they come
to the word TQGLTHRB or FFILVDS they rise if they are sitting

or sit if they are standing;

It must be song twice in order to leave the group seated as
they wcre at the start.


 CillC:l.E G F\f4 E S

FORMLTION: Circle of players seated.

ACTION: Leader points to any per-
son and says ”Bandit" and
that person must immediate-
ly place both hands over

his earso Simultaneously the two neighbors of Bandit must place the

hand nearest Bandit over the ear on that side. The last of the three
to cover his CHIS must rise and stand in back of his chair: If the

Bandit does not use both hands or if one of his neighbors uses wrong

hands or both handsj he stands back of his chair leaving empty chairs

as the game progresses: (The one who started the game goes back to

his chair.) The empty chairs become confusing especially where played

fast. NOTE; Each new Bandit calls next Bandit and also acts as judge

to eliminate the proper person. Last two players left are the winners.



Players are arranged in a "three deep" circle - groups of three
players standing one behind the other, all facing the center. "IT"
standards in the center of the circle: The players are divided into
three categories according to their position in line. The first players
are "beasts" (nearest the center of the circle). The middle or second
players are "birds". The third or outside players are "fish".

"IT" calls out "swordfish" and immediately all the "fish" players
change places with each other. In the meantime "IT" tries to get a
place and the one left over becomes "IT” and goes to the center. If he
calls "lion" all the "beasts" change places - "bluejays" and all the
"birds" change, etc", etc.

Encourage players to cross the circle rather than move one place


All the players except one form a double circle facing the center.
This means that each person in the outside circle is standing lirectly
behind his partner. The extra player who is “IT" stands in the center.
When he calls “Fire in the Mountain- Run boys runi” the players in the
outside circle begin to trot around the circle in the line of march
(counterwclockwise). "IT" and the players in the inside circle clap
their hands. 1When "IT" stops clapping, he and the inside players hold
their arms up over their heads as a signal that all the outside players
must step in front of a player with his hands up. "IT" tries to do the
same and the playEr left out becomes "IT" next time.

(The next time the game is played the former inside circle is now
on the outside). Avoid tendency to have the circle become too small
by asking all players to step back occasionallyy


(A partner fruit basket)

Players choose partners and sit in chairs placed in a horseshoe
formation. At the open end of the horseshoe place two chairs facing
in. This is the Poor House, Couples must keep hands joined through—

out the game. Each couple has a number which he keeps all through the

When the game starts one couple is in the poor house, They call
two numbers and the couples whose numbers were called must change
places. During the change-OVcr the Poor House couple tries to get the
chairs vacated by one of the couples. If they succeed, the couple left
over goes to the Poor House. If the Poor House couple call "House Afire"
everyone must change seats,


 i Q


‘L. \ l‘f’ ‘

,_~. :1 ‘ w' 1' N T - r r

' ;/ HUnTrR, uUh, AND RABBIT
\l 51 ‘,

\‘.\ n J u u

The fun in c.:s game is not so much



in what the players do but in how
they look when they are doiht it.
The game consists of 2 teams trying
to out~gue:s each other in choosing
the word which scores the highest.

SCORE: Hunter scores over Gun (be-
cause the hunter can control the gun.)
Gun scores over Rabbit (because the
gun can kill the rabbit.)

Rabbit scores over Hunter (because

the rabbit can run fast and escape.)
If both teams assume the same pose,

no score is made- it is a tie.


To play the game, the two teams line up facing each other about
10 or 15 feet apart. The first person in each line is the Captain
and decides on the word and then goes down his team telling each per-
son the same word. He then stays at the foot of the line. At the
signal of the leader each team takes the position of the word given
by his Captain and the one with the higher one gets a point. Number
2 then becomes Captain, etc., so each person has a chance to decide
the word. Play for the first line to get 8 points or whatever the
game is. After players are amiliar with the game penalize the team
for any errors in pantomime. (If every one is doing Gun except one
careless player who is doing rabbit — his team loses the point even
though the word outrated the other team.)


Players stand in 2 lines facing each other. Each person observes
closely what the one opposite is wearing. Team A is told to turn a—
round and Team B is given a minute to make some change in costume(untie
a shoe lacing, unbutton a button, turn a belt around, etc.) Team A
then turns around and each person on the team in turn is given one guess
on what the change was. Score one point for each correct guesss The
second time the game is played the opposite team does the changing.


 Page 7

Two teams line up facing each other about 15 or 20 feet apart.
Players of Team A extend their hdnds in front with palms up. A
player from Team B crosses over to Team A and goes down the line
touching each pair of hands. When this player decides which player
of Team A he wishes to tag he hits that person's hand not only on
top - but on top and underneath. He immediately runs back to his
own line chased by_the player whom he hit twice. If the player from
Team B reaches his line without being tagged he is safe. If he is
tagged he becomes a member of Team A. The chaser from Team A then
taps the hands of Team B and the game continues. The team having
the largest number of players at the end of the game wins.



._- W .
j: 5E§3
e f L

ROW, ROW, ROV’YOUR BOAT ~ Action Round
MUSIC; Old round.

WORDS: 1. Row, row, row your boat
2. Gently down the stream
3. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily (xox xox xox xox)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

FORMATION; Four separate columns, each with three players standing
' abreast, a lady between two men, elbows linked, Columns
of threes are numbered l,2,3,4.

lst Verse: Have all sing the song.

2nd " Have all sing the song, walking forward four steps on
first line, starting with the left foot, backward four
steps on second line, forward four steps on third line,
and backward four steps on fourth line.

5rd " Sing through three times with action, as a round, first
column being started by the leader; then the 2nd column
when the lst column starts singing line 2; then the 3rd
column when the first column starts singing line 5;
finally the fourth column.


 Page 8
THREE BLlND MICE w Action Round

MUSIC: Same name
FORMATION; A square (not necessarily even numbers)

Line 5

Line 4 Line 2

Line 4

ACTION: Learn in unison first before each line works separately.

1. 3 Blind Mice — 5 Blind Mice - (cover eyes partially
with hands and step forward toward the center 4
stops — then back 4 steps)

2. See how they run e see how they run (take hands
away from eyes, face right a quarter turn and take
4 steps in this direction and 4 back to places)

3. They all ran after the farmer's wife, She cut off
their tails with a carving knife. (4 steps to
center - 4 steps back. Slap hands together on
word "out")

4. Did you ever see such a sight in your life,
as 3 blind mice. (Turn around in place 4 steps to
right - shading eyes and searching. Stand facing
center of square and cover both eyes - shaking head
from side to side.)




Players are divided into two teams. Each player has a card beer-
ing a letter of the alphabet. When the leader announces a word the
players holding the letters in that word hurry to the base line which
has been marked ten feet away and try to arrange themselves in proper
order. At the same time the opp0sing team is doing the same thing.
One point for the winner. A double letter is expressed by shaking the
card from side to side.

NOTE: Handbook for Recreation Leaders has lists of words for full teams
of 26 each or for smaller teams.


Players stand in relay formation. A complete set of alphabet cards
is laid on a chair ten feet away from each team face down. The base line
is some distance back of the chair. Then the leader announces a word she
states how many letters there are in the word and if there are 6 the let
6 players only are involved. Number 1 dashes up, finds her letter, takes
her place on the base line then number two runs.


 Page 9

The cards must be left in a neat pile and face down after each person
has selected her letter. The team finishing its woord first gets a
point. These players then go to the rear of their own line so that
'new players are involved in the next word.

NOTE: Each alphabtt set should be a different colored card. Salmon
and white or blue and white. 3 x 5 cards can be used and lettered with
a speed ball pen.





MUSIC: The verse of "Good—Bye my Lover, Good-Bye"
WORDS: The farmer's black dog set on the fence,
And Bingo was his name,
The farmer’s black dog sat on the fence,
And Bingo was his name.
B-i-n—g~o, Bingo was his name
B-i-n-g—o, Bingo was his name.

Spell - — B‘I-N-G-O

FORMATION: Couples in a circle facing clockwise.
ACTION: During the singing of the first 6 lines, partners pro-

. mcnede around Circle in line of march hands joined in
skating position. 52 counts on the Spell girls step
out in front to face partner; drop 15ft_hbnds but keep
right joined ready for the Grand Right and Left. The
letter B is With own partner, then progress - I with the
next person, N With the next « G with the next and on O
exclaim and turn new partner once around leaving her on
Right and ready to repeat all from the beginning.







Page 10

By the same name.

Partners in a circle all facing line of march;

l, 16 walking steps

2. Turn to face partner, join both hands and take 4
slides in the direction of the march and 4 slides

5. Keeping hands joined take 6 walking stops turning

4. On count 7 end 8 the girls move one place to the
right- taking a new man as partner and repeat all
from the beginning,


Any good lively polka.
Partners facing each other in a double circle. Both hands
Starting outside foot do heel and too, heel and toe and
slide 4 times in the line of march.
Repeat the heel and toe and the slides moving clockwise,
Fece partner and do;
Slop partners right hand with your right 3 times.
Slop partners left hand with your left 5 times,
Slap own hunds 3 times
Clap own knees 3 times,
Swing partner once around and on the last count, each
man progresses one place to his left,
Repeat all with new partner.

If the group is not ready for a swing, substitute - link
right elbows, swing once around and the man progresses to
the left.


By the same name or ”Sweet Sue" or any smooth 4/4 time,

Couples in a circle facing the line of march,

1, walk forward in line of norch 4 steps.

2. Face partner, and take 4 short steps backward (men
toward center of circle, ladies toward outside of
circle) 0

3, Face diagonally right and walk forward 4 steps to

- meet new partner (the girl meets the men of the couple
who was ahead of her in 1.)

4. Join both hands and turn clockwise for 4 counts,

Repelt all getting a an partner each time on 5.

This mixer makes a good closing activity by using "I‘ll

See You in My Dreams" or "Good Night Sweetheart."


Version I - Done in Couples

Partners in F double circle. They turn to face each other
which morns tho mun his his bmck to tho ccntor of the circle;

ACTION; a. ”Good Wight ladies” — Shtko partners right hand.
b. "Good Right Ladios" — Each girl movos one place to the

right to shxko 1 now mfin‘s hfind.

"Good Fight Ladies“ u Each girl moves one place to the
right cgcin and shokoS»

d. ”Wo‘rc going to leave you now" - chp that last man as
your partner. Tako s:ating position and all face line
of march.

Chorus: Promenade or skp.

Repeat all several times. (Kocp the man you just promonadod
with for tho first hondshake.

VERSION II - Done in 3's

Min in middle - girl on either side of him. All facing line

of march.
a. Min turn to girl on his right - bows and shakes right
hand 1
b. Man turn to girl on his left — bows and shakes right hand.
0. Man bowa briefly to Indy on his right and loft.
d. Ho luuvcs these two girls and walks ahead to bocomc the
ccntor one of a new trio.
Chorus; Fromcnado or skip.
TUNE; Little Brown Jug

FORMATION: 6 — Couples in column formation
adios on R. of gents - couples are number 1-2 from front
to rear


w m wtmyJ M
O o o O o o


1. Couples 1 and 2 face to place Rm hands to form a star,
Walk 8 Steps clockwise.
Chango and place Ll hands in a star
Walk in opposite direction 8 stopso Finish by everyone facing
up the sets


 Green Sleeve Mixer ~ eont'd

2. Couples 2 make and arch by forming inside hands only.
Couples 1 move backward under the arch made by couple 2 as couple
2 moves forward — 4 counts.
This figure is repeated 5 more times - (4x in all) 16 oeunts.
Couple 1 mkaes the arch the second and fourth times.

3. Lines face each other.
Head couple slides to foot of set and stays there.
The rest move up one place. This puts each couple in a new
Repeat until everyone has been the "head couple".


MUSIC: Camp Town Races — (verse is played twice-chorus once for
each part)
FORMATION: Partners in a single circle - girl on the right of the man.
All facing center of circle.
ACTION: a) Ladies take 3 steps to the center and back to place.
Men take 3 steps to the center and beckto place.
Do-si-do your partner (pass R. shoulders - back to bacm
Do-si-do your corner ( " " " " " "
Promenade your partner - 16 counts

b) Ladies take 3 steps to the center and back to place.
Men take 3 steps to the center and back to place.
Do-si-do your partner
Swing your corner
Promenade your corner-16 counts.

Repeat all from the beginning.


MUSIC: By the same name. Available on a record.

FORMATION: Circle of couples. Partners facing - Men with backs to the
center of the circle. Both hands are joined.

ACTION: Two slow slides and three fast ones, moving in the line of
march. Tap the free foot in back instead of closing feet on
the three fast slides. Repeat, moving clockwise.

Step and tap in back twice(onee in the line of march, once

Step and swing free foot forward twice(once in line of march,
once clockwise)

Do-si-do with partner and on the walks backward each person
moves to the right to face a new partner.(Do-si—do is a back-
to-back-with R. shoulders passing)

Repeat from beginning.


 Page lo

lMsical Game

NWSIC: Ary march

If the group numbers 50 or less, two couples on opposite
side of the circle make In arch. All the other players march around
the room and under the arch - single file at a whistle the arch des-
cends on the player passing through at the moment. The person cap-
tured goes to the center and waits until another captive is sent in
to help him form an arch somewhere in the circle. This continues
until everyone is caught. The last ones are of course the most elu-

If the group is made up of more than 50 players make several
arches to start and the pliyers may march in couples. As couples are
caught - they make another arch immediately.

SUGGESTION: Use players Wearing glasses to form the first arches.


MUSIC: Looby Loo (in "Twice 55 Games with Music")

FORMATION: Men join hands and form a circle.
Girls join hands and form a circle outside.
Each circle moves to the left during the singing and stands
still for the action.

ACTION: The action follows the words.
"I put my right foot in
I take my right foot out
I put my right foot in
And shake it all about — Ohl"

Ecch circle moves to the left while singing
"Here we go Looby Loo

Here we go Looby light

Here we go Looby Loo

All on a Saturday nightl"

Each circle stops and does 2nd verse which is, "I put my
left foot in", etc.
Repeat circling and then do 3rd verse;"I put my R. hand in,eto.

" " " " 4th " "I put my L. hand in,etc.

" " " " " 5th " "I put my both hands in,

" " " " " 6th " "I put my little tongue
in", etc.

" " " " " 7th " "I put my big head in,eto-

" " " " " 8th " "I put my vholc self in,

End with a shout after the lost circle.


O. Mixer)

MUSIC: Any good lively polka.
GORhATlOV: Couples in a circle facing the line of march
ACTIOT: a) Promenade the ring.

b) The gents swing in and the ladies swing out.

o) Pirtners with the right and all the way 'round

d) Front lady with the left and all the way 'round.
e) Partner with the right and once and a half around.
f) Promenade your corner as she comes down.

DESCRIPTION: a) Partners promenade (about 16 counts)
b) Partners separate by the gent walking in a little
circle to his left and the girl to her right. (4 steps)
0) Face partner, join right hands and turn once around.
d) ach man joins left hands with the girl who was in
front of him on the promenade and turns her once 'round.
e) Join right hands with partners and turn once and a
half 'round, lcuving the man on the outside of the circle.
f) He crosses hands with his corner (the girl who was in
back of him on the promenade - puts her on his right
and he has a new partner to repeat from the beginning.

MUSIC: By the same name.

FORMATION: Sets of 5 in a circle facing the line of march. Man in the
center - girl on either side. Each girl takes one of the boy's
hands with her outside hand (in front of boy). Girls join in-
side hands behind the boy's beck.

ACTION: Promenade until the word “Pop" when the boy is released to
pop under the arms behind him back to the next two girls.
Repeat until boys huVe been around the room.
"n penny for a spool of thread
A penny for a needle
That's the way the money goes
Pop Goes the Vbosel."

POP GOES THE MELSEL (for groups of three)

MUSIC: By the same name.

FORMLTIOR: Lines of 3 in a big circle, all facing the line of march

in the center - girl on either side. Each girl takes one of the boy 5
hands with her outside hand (in front of the boy) and they join insii“
hends behind the boy's back.

ACTION: Promenade throughout the singing of the song until the we;.
"Pop". The boy is then released to pop under the arms behind him bac: t
the next two girls.

Repeat until boys have been around the room.


 Page 15

A musical game to be used on occasions where there are too many girls
for the number of men, or vice vczsau
MUSID: Any good lively march.
ACTION: 1. All the girls go to the center of the room
' 2. Men form a big circle around the room - all face in the
line of march; Put left hand on hip,

3. When the whistle blows all the girls dosh out to get a

' man‘s arm. The extra girls go back to the center of the

4. Partners march around the circle until the whistle blows-
thcn the men continue marching along while the girls all
turn and march clockwiser At this point all the extra
girls in the center join the clockwise marching circle
of girls:

5. On two toots of the whistle all get a partner and march
in the line of march. The extras go back to the center
and the gyms is continued repeating 4 and 5 indefinitely.

Musical Mixer

MUSIC: Any good medium or slow Schottische — we used "Scatterbrain"
FORMnTIONs Couples in a circle - girl on the right
Girl raises her hands - man reaches across her shoulder to
take her right hand in his, then takes her left hand in his
left. (This is called the cross shoulder promenade position.)

ACTION: 1. Slide together - step hold diagonally forward left

Repeut - moving diagonally forward right - walk forward

4 steps L.R.L.R.

2. (a) Each do a heel and toe left and a 1-2-3— he stands in
place - she finishes on his left facing the opposite

(b) Repeat heel and toe and 1-2-5. Girl completes the
turn - backing up to the man behind her in the circle
on the 1—2—5. Thus each man gets as his new partner
the girl who was ahead of him before.

Repeat all as long as desired.

MUSIC: In Henry Ford’s book "Good Morning"

FORMATION: Two couples standing side by side making a line of 4 facing
clockwise, facing a line of 4 facing the line of march. O x O X

They are all in a circle, like spokes of a wheel 0 X 0 X
ACTION: The calls are exactly like “icilian Circle except the first
call is eight hands around instead of forward and back and four hands





words: Verse 1 - Skip, skip, skip To My Lou
I! 11 1!

I! M N

Skip To My Lou, my darlin'l

Verse 2 - Lost my partner, what will I do?
H ll H H N H H

H I! H H l0 " H

Why, Skip To My Lou, my darlin't

FORMATION: Couples in a circle facing line of march. Girl on the R.
of the boy. Hands joined in skating position.

ACTION: Verse 1 All promenade around the circle.

Verse 2 - Boys keep marching while girls stand and face the center
of thg circle clapping hands and singing the words. On
the words"my darlin" each man takes a new partner and game
is repeated from beginning.

Should anyone not have a partner, go directly to the center of the
circle for one and then return to the marching circle.


MUSIC: Any good lively march.

FORMATION: Single circle, all facing in the line of march.

ACTION: Everyone marches until the whistle blows then stop and listen. Leader
says "Make circles of ." (Leader chooses some number).
The circle breaks up and the players arrange themselves in circles
of the correct number. Only a few seconds are alloted for making
the circles. At the end of the time the whistle blows twice and
all players who are not in circles of the chosen number go to the
center for one round.
The groups circle 8 counts to the left, 8 counts to the right and
then break up and everyone comes back to march in a big circle.
The next call is for circles of 6, 7, or any small number. When
the game is ready to break up in confusion ask for circles of 11
or 12.


MUSIC: Any good lively march.

FORMATION: Single circle of couples facing line of march.

ACTION: Instruct group to listen to number of whistle toots and form lines of
that number continuing marching. Any left over go to the middles of
the circle and wait for the next number. Vary the whistle toots from
odd to even numbers. Finish in formation for next game such as 2'8,
3'5 or 8's fro a square dance or relay.


 Page l7

MUSICi By the same name, Record: Victor 22991
FORMATION; Double circle, in which two couples fhce each other to form little
sets of 4. (One couple faces the line of march, the other clockwise)
Each man has his partner on his Right.
ACTION: 1. Forward and Beck 8 counts.
Partners adyance forward 3 steps, bring feet together on ct. 4,
and retire to place.

2. Circle four 8 counts.
All four join hands and circle to the left once around,
3. Ladies Chain Over 8 counts

The ladies crassvover to opposite places by giving right hands to
each other as the cross over, then left hands to the opposite
gentleman who puts his right arm around her waist and turns her
counter-clockwise so she is on his right and they again face the
opposite couple.

Ladies Chain Beck 8 counts
4. Right and Left Through 8 counts


The couples cross over and exchange places in this manner.

They drop hands and walk right through the opposite couple touch-
ing right hands to the person the; face,(or, "opposites") as they
to through. Ehen they reach the position occupied by the other
couple man takes his partner's left hand, puts his right arm
around her waist and turns her as in the Ladies Chain.

Right and Left Beck 8 counts
Return to place in similar manner.

5. Forward and Back 8 counts.
As in l.

6. Forward and Pass Through 8 counts


Each couple walk straight ahead passing as in R and L to face
a new couple coming from the other direction.
NOTE: Drop back a step on the last two counts so that couples are not too
close together for the Forward and Back of 1.

MUSIC: (Using different music for each of the 3 parts helps to hold a large
number of sets together so that no caller is necessary.)
Part 1 - Turkey in the Straw or Irish thherwomanu
Port 2 - Irish Jig or Reel or Ten Little Indians.
Part 3 - Glory, Glory Hallelujah.
FCRfiATION; Sets of 6 couples - boys in one line, girls in the other.
AGTION: Part 1 - The Figure
Call 1).—I5;wnrd~and back
2) Turn with the right hand
5) Turn with the left hand
4) Turn with both hands
5) Do—si-do (pass R shoulder)
6) Head couple down you go (Slide to the foot of the set)
7) And back (Slide back to place)
Part 2 — The Reel
8) Turn her by the right one and a half
9) Left to the next
10) Your own with the R
11) Left the next, etc., etc., until head couple has reached
the foot of the set.
12) First couple come back (slide up the set)


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Part 3 - The March
Head lady turns to the right - head gent to the left,
leading their lines to the foot of the set. All clap.
First couple makes an arch at the foot of the set and others
walk under and slide to place. Second couple is now the
head couple.

N. B. - The Figure may be done by both lines simultaneously or the
traditional way is head lady and foot gent do each step
of the Figure and the opposite corners (head gent and foot
lady) always repeat it right after them.