xt7rr49g7j6v_79 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002.dao.xml unknown 5.05 Cubic Feet 8 document boxes, 6 slim document boxes, 3 flat boxes, 2 photograph boxes 32.9 Gigabytes 142 files archival material 1982ua002 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center Collection on University of Kentucky University Training School/University High School U-Hi Lights text U-Hi Lights 2025 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002/Box_6/Folder_11/Multipage3571.pdf 1957 May 23 1957 1957 May 23 section false xt7rr49g7j6v_79 xt7rr49g7j6v  














tannins KENTUClx’Y, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1957


Commencement T 0 Be Held On May 30

JUNIOR PROM COURT: Clockwise from lower left, Charlie Lisle, scroll bearer; Charley Turnbull
and Rae Reed, Chuck Maxson and Betty Evans, Lanny Cox and Lady Greenslit, Bradley Switzer
and Shelia Hargett, all juniors; Betty Maxson, Junior Prom queen; Ernest Clark, Nancy Harding
and Bobby Fain, Nancy Davis and John Melzer. Carolyn Stroud and Bobby Griffin, Martha Marr

Spring Music Festival
Presented On May 16

The University High School pre—

sented its annual Spring Music

Festival on Thursday,

Ye Christians Loudly,” by Bach;
“Praise Be To Thee,” by Pales—
trina; “Old Man River,” by Karun;
“Oklahoma,” by Rogers and Ham—
merstein; and “June Is Busting
Out All Over,” by Rogers and
Hammerstein also.

The Boy’s Glee Club sang “A
Blessed Savior” by Mongall. The
Mixed Quartet sang “Bless The
Lord, 0 My Soul” by Isolitoff-
Ivanoff. The Little Choir sang
“My Hero” and “Hello, Young
Lovers." The Boy's Group sang
“Dry Bones." Also making up the
program were the Double Trio,
All—State Chorus Members, and
the Junior High Glee Club.

A Band Concert, directed by Mr.
William McKenney, opened the
program. Mrs. Ruth Osborne di-
rected the vocal music. and Miss
Ann Vimont played the piano.

May 16.;
The Girls Glee Club sang—“Thea
Creation,” by Richter; “O Rejoice

and Billy Alexander, senior members of the court, and Becky Strub, crown bearer.

lBetty Maxson Crowned Prom Queen

" U-High Carnival Held

The first U—High carnival was
held on Saturday, May 18, 1957,
at the University High School from
5:00 to 7:00 pm. Various games
,and booths were operated by the
, classes, school clubs, and organiza-
tions. In conjunction with the
carnival, Masque and Gavel held
its annual talent show beginning
at 7:30. Individuals and groups
1 participated.

i The following booths were spon—
;sored by the classes and school
,organizations: Ring the Goosey
iand Catch the Cat by the 8th
:grade; Dunk the Girl by the
3 Seniors; Ring Toss and Pony Ride
,by the Juniors; Spook House by
{the Sophomores; food sale by the
‘ Beta Club: cake walk by the U-Hi
;Lights staff; balloon shaving, pic-
;tures, squirt gun games, squirting
lcandles, and dart game by the
i7th grade; fortune telling by Y-

Teens; sponge throwing by the
Freshmen; balloon game and stock
sale by the Pep Club.


Betty Maxson was crowned
queen of the 1957 Junior Prom by
Ernest Clark, president of the jun—
ior class, at the annual Junior
Prom which was held in the U-Hi
Gym on April 27. The queen‘s
court included eight juniors and
eight seniors.

The Juniors included: Rae Reed,
Betty Evans, Lady Greenslit,
Shelia Hargett, Charlie Turnbull,
Chuck Maxson, Lanny Cox, and
Bradley Switzer.

Senior court members were:
Martha Marr, Carolyn Stroud,
Nancy Davis, Nancy Harding, Billy
Alexander, Bobby Griffin, John
Melzer, and Bobby Fain. Becky
Strub was crown bearer, and
Charlie Lisle was the scroll bearer.

The theme of the dance was
“The Emerald City of Oz.” Green
crepe paper streamers decorated
one end of the dance floor; at the
other end of the floor, the queen’s
throne rested on steps leading to
a backdrop featuring the castle of
“‘Oz." A flowing fountain was
placed in front of the steps lead-
ing to Oz. The side walls of the
floor were lined with white picket

; The University School will hoid

its annual commencement exer—
‘cises at eight o'clock on Thursday
F evening, May 30, in the high school
gauditorium with the Reverend
[Robert Estill, rector of. Christ
lEpiscopal Church, participating as
,the principal commencement
lspeaker. The Reverend William V.
EGardner of the First Presbyterian
ichurch will give the invocation
and the benediction.

Diplomas will be presented to
,the following graduates by Dr.
‘ Morris Cierley, director of the Uni-
,versity School: William Olin Alex-
‘ander. Margaret Manning Biggs,
Jayne Logan Bishop, James Penley
Brakefield, Nancy Carol Davis,
,Robert Cook Fain, Robert James
,Griffin, Nancy Jane Harding,
‘Linda Nichols Kaufman, Elizabeth
Logan Lehman, Martha Lee Marr,
Elizabeth Bodley Maxson, John
Tecumseh Sherman Melzer, Mary
sMarshall Phelps, Robert Dunlap
,Pinson, and Carolyn Kay Stroud.

Music will be furnished by the
,Little Choir under the direction of
Mrs. Fred Osborne. The traditional
L‘Pomp and Circumstance" has
been selected for the processionai
iand recessional. Members of the
,University High School faculty
:will participate in the commence-
ment exercises, also, including the
senior class sponsor, Miss Anna B.

Baccalaureate services will be
delivered to the graduates by the
Reverend James W. Angell during
the regular Sunday morning serv-
ice at eleven o’clock on May 26
at the Second Presbyterian Church
on East Main Street.

On May 30 at nine o’clock Dr,
and Mrs. D. B. Harding will be
hosts to the graduating seniors and
the University High School faculty
at the annual senior breakfast at
their home on Eldermere Road.

The seniors observed their “priv-r
ilege of privileges”——SKIP DAY-—
on May 24 at the Pinson camp.
with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pinson
and Dr. and Mrs. Robert Griffin
serving as chaperones.

Dean and Mrs. Lyman Ginger
entertained the graduates, their
parents, and the University High
School faculty at an open house
on May 19 at their home on
Queensway Drive.


fences covered with poppies and
l1ghted by large emerald lamp

The music was furnished by
Frank Wagner. The chaperones
included Dean and Mrs. Lyman
Ginger, Dr. and Mrs. Morris Cier-
ley, and other faculty members
and their wives and husbands. Mr.
Leon Porter is the sponsor of the
junior class this year.



 2—- l'-Hl LIGHTS, Thursday, May 23, 1957


Seniors Say Thanks and Good-bye

'l he time has now come lot‘ the seniors to say goodbye to


our Alma .\later. As we look batk over the years. we remember
the unhappy times :1» well :is the gay times. We think ml the
mam times we (tuned the tuuhcrs to he displmsed with Us
and oi the times we did wrong. \\’e rmli/t- that we muld
lime tztlwn l)C[l(‘l' .'t