xt7rr49g7j6v_93 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002.dao.xml unknown 5.05 Cubic Feet 8 document boxes, 6 slim document boxes, 3 flat boxes, 2 photograph boxes 32.9 Gigabytes 142 files archival material 1982ua002 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center Collection on University of Kentucky University Training School/University High School The U-Hi Lights 1994 reunion issues text The U-Hi Lights 1994 reunion issues 2025 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002/Box_8/Folder_4/Multipage3653.pdf 1993 October 1 1993 1993 October 1 section false xt7rr49g7j6v_93 xt7rr49g7j6v  


How Can ’I‘hts This Bunch Can't
Class Poseibly H E - i I G H TS Last for
Sufi/No.7? SO Yearsll

"For when the One Great Scorer com 2: :0 mm agmw your name, He wwues no! that you won or lost, But how you played the game"










At our last reunion mang of us said we would like to participate
in a continuous (chain) letter and Lola agreed to write the first
one, which she has now done. However, a chain letter would
probablg not get to everyone before our upcoming 50th reunion
in June, so Lola and I propose that if each of gou will write a
letter of l to 3 pages and mail it to me bg the end of Februarg, l
will zero: and mail copies of all the letters to evergone in our
U—Hi class (including those who don't write a letter pg then.)

Lola's letter sags, in part: ' l am hoping that evergone who
participates in this letter will be willing to inform us of
happenings in their lives, recording some of the great events

(weddings, deaths of parents, trophies and honors), and of
course mention of children and grandchildren. And we will
accept some degree of bragging. But no lies.‘

Continuing, she writes: 'l have enjoged keeping in contact with
mang of our classmates, either Via phonei’mail/visn. And I love
getting all of the news of those that l don't get to talk with,
write or see. We are a special group, and l think any of our
teachers would agree to that. There seems to have been a bond
that has held us together all of these gears, 50 I am looking
forward to seeing everyone in l994,' (End of quote from Lola's

he wonderful as our past reunions have been, there is never
enough time to share with everyone ( or even with one person)
all that can be put in a letter. So Lola and I hope that you and all
our classmates will follow her lead and share with each other
some highlights (and/or low points) of your gears since we
were together at U-High. It should he fun, both to write our
letters and to read one another's. lt should also add interest
and meaningfulness to our reunion in June when we can start our
conversations where our letters have left off.


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How Can This
Class Possibly





This Bunch Can’t
Last for
50 Years!!




"For when the One Great Scorer comes to write against your name, He writes not that you won or lost, But how you played the game




Number 44



Frankfort, Kentucky

With the announcement of their
reunion next summer, the U-High Class
of 1944 has caused the full mobilization
of the Federal Emergency Management

Ananlf“: {CC\1A\. 4n fwd—- VA
A lsblky] \A LIAVAJ A} \.U IIVI‘J '11 MFMAV AVA

this un-natural disaster which is
expected to hit Central Kentucky next
June. "Who knows what might happen!"
exclaimed Mr. Wotta Blastt, FEMA
Director. "The last time this bunch was
all together, they almost blew up the
physics lab at their school. People were
jumping out of second story windows,
and they had dug a tunnel (or was it a
bomb shelter?) under the school."

In a 'separate report, Mr. I. M.
Rockin of the US. Geological Survey
Office in Menlo Park, California
commented: "This reunion could be
wilder than the Ioma Prieta quake of
‘89. And that one took down a part of
the San Francisco Bay Bridge!" He
denied that his engineers were fine
tuning their seismo graphs in preparation
for monotoring the reunion. He also
denied that he was worried about the
reunion triggering a major quake on the
New Madrid lauit. iie did admit,
however, that he was planning to be out
of the country next June.

Raymond A. Wilkie, class president,
decried these reports as "hysterical
hyperbole" and claimed that the U-High
reunion will be a "perfect picture of
patrician propriety." "There will be no
quakes in Kentucky." said Wilkie. "After
all, our no-fault class has real class!" (Or
did he mean: "Our noclass class has
real faults"? — Editor)

Nonetheless, the Governor’s office
has called on the US. for aid. A Senate
committee will be appointed to study
the issue, the only thing that they can
do without adding to the damage. The
state’s fate is now in U-High's hands.

”—9.," r,“


Gala Bash Planned for June 24-26, 1994

Lexington, Kentucky

Having confounded all of the experts by
surviving for 50 years, the Class of 1944
U-Higii graduates are holding a reunion
to celebrate fond memories and their
survival. Forty seven graduates received
diplomas on May 26, 1944. Forty four
are still here to celebrate!!

William II. Allen
Morris Beebe
l’sther Brumficld
Martha Crutchfield
Jane Fugazzi
Frances IIorlacher
Juanita Jacobson
Dianne leStourgeon
Greenberry Marshall
David Morton

Ray Murphy
Ridgely Park

Eli Powers

Glenna Ritchie

A P. Schneider
Harry Scott

Iarry Simpson

Jim Steiner

Cora My: Strain
Thomas Underwood
Alice C. Wei]
George Willmott

Thomas Asbury
Adolph Bigge

Jane Clark

Henry Foushee
Jake Graves

Iafon Ingels

Patsy Karsner

Eva Lewis

Carolyn McMeekin
Floye Mullineaux
Nancy O'Ilare
Nancy Potts

Betty Rhoads
Betty Sageser
Betty Sue Scott
Carolyn Silas
Nancy Skeen

Lola Stokes

Ben" J: Undefined
Phyllis Valleau
Raymond A. Wilkie
Vella K Wise



Ann Carter Pat Evans Gene Marlowe


If you know of any class members
who have moved in the past five
years, I probably have the wrong

address for them. Please send

corrections to:
James W. Steiner
14195 Wild Plum Lane

Los Altos Hills, California 94022











Lexington, Kentucky

In a news release to the editor of this
paper, a spokesman for the U-High
Class of 1944 announced the long
awaited 50th anniversary class reunion.

The weekend of June 24-26, 1994
has been set as the reunion date. While
plans are still in the formative stages,
the gala weekend activities will begin on
Friday eveniggflwith a party and will
continue through Sunday morning. Of
course spouses (or date) are welcome!

Reunion events will also be
scheduled for Saturday, both day and
em. There will be plenty of time to
visit and reminisce with old friends.
Sunday morning there will be the
traditional farewellflbreakfast as the
reunion closes.

All class members are invited to
suggest events which they would most
like to see included in the reunion
schedule. (Would you like to have
daytimgSaturd ayfree, or would you like
some special class activity?) Please
forward all suggestions to:

Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Graves III
5081 Winchester Road
Lexington, Kentucky 40509
Phone: (606)-293—1800

As plans are finalized, you will be
sent additional information. Reserve the
reunion dates and stay tuned!