xt7rr49g7m2m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7m2m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-11-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1977 1977 1977-11-11 2020 true xt7rr49g7m2m section xt7rr49g7m2m 5.,flw ~. >_ ,
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Volume LXIX, Number 61
Friday, November II, 1977


Student input
Kentucky campus leaders

oppose tuition increases

Kernel Staff Writer

Tuition and fees and student input
into the coordination of university
activities were discussed Wed—
nesday in a meeting between student
leaders and Harry Snyder,
executive director of ‘the state
Council on Higher Education.

UK Student Government
President Jim Newberry, who at-
tended the meeting, said the
students generally were opposed to
another tuition increase except for
one that allows for inflationary
costs. The students, who
represented every state school
except Kentucky State, believe
further tuition increases will cause a
drop in the colleges’ enrollments.

Tuition for most Kentucky un-
dergraduates increased $60 to $70
this year, while most non-resident
undergraduates are paying from
$250 to $290 more. UK tuition,
however, went up only $35 for
residents and $145 for non-residents.

But Newberry said, “I don’t think
the council has plans to recommend
drastic tuition increases in the near
future." He said that Snyder in-
dicated, during the meeting, that the
council does not anticipate any in-
creases for in-state students.

However, there is a possibility,
Newberry said, that tuition for out-
of-state students could be increased.
The possibility is increased
especially in light of the General
Assembly’s instructions to the
council “to get out-of-state tuition in
line with that of universities in
neighboring states," he explained.

Snyder pointed out that keeping
tuition low at Kentucky universities
to encourage non-resident student
enrollment is causing too much
expense for Kentucky taxpayers,
Newberry said.

Snyder told the students he did not
know how much of a non-resident
tuition increase, if any, would be

On another financial matter,
Snyder said he might recommend



MAYOR-ELECT JIM AMATO said yesterday he would be among 15


newly elected mayors attending a seminar on government transition and
leadership Nov. 17-21 at Harvard University. Participation is by in-
vitation only and Harvard’s Institute of Politics, John F. Kennedy School
of Government, will pay al expenses. Amato said. Amato said he wants to
be able to begin his term as mayor “with a clear understanding of the
way government presently functions."

WITII THE APPROVAL OF STATE fire officials, Latonia Race Track
will be allowed to open as scheduled Nov. 28 while work continues to bring
it into compliance with fire laws, the state Racing Commission ruled
yesterday. Racing regulations say that tracks must be certified by fire
fire officials no more than 15 days before the first racing date. ”The state
fire marshal's office has made recommendations that will permit
Latonia to comply with our rule." said commission chairman William H.


A FRANKLIN CIRCUIT COURT JURY has acquitted former Kentucky
State University student David Johnson of murder in connection with the
shooting death last April of Donald Botts at a local fast food resturant.
However, the jurors deadlocked Wednesday on charges alleging John-
son's involvement in a robbery that took place just before Botts was shot.
Johnson was accused of aiding Dwight Davis in the robbery of Long John
Silver’s Seafood Shoppe on April 22.


PRESIDENT CARTER, MOVING TOWARD public endorsement of a
compromised “full employment" bill, said yesterday that federal jobs
program will begin having their full impact early next year. Carter told a
nationally broadcast news conference the battle against 7 percent

unemployment, the current level, is “a tedious, slow process," but one he
viewed with optimism.

A HOUSE-SENATE CONFERENCE committee agreed yesterday to
give industry more time to install antipollution equipment and to relax
federal controls over the nation‘s environmentally delicate wetlands.
“We vi€w this as a step backward," said Larry Silverman of the Clean
Water Action Project, one of several environmental organizations which
opposed many of the actions taken by the conferees.

AMTRACK TOLD CONGRESS YESTERDAY that within six months it
must cancel train services totaling more than $60 million or face the
prospect of shutting down the entire system next summer. As a starter,
the National Railroad Passenger Corp. recommended that its board of
directors discontinue the Floridian between Chicago and Florida. It listed
several other trains being examined for possible cancellation.


upper 30's to lower 40's. Tonight will be clearing and cold with a low in the
upper teens to mid 20‘s. Tomorrow will be sunny and a little warmer. The
high tomorrow will be in the mid 40's.

Compiled from Associated Press dispatches




permitting the universities to in-
crease student activity fees,
Newberry said. The increase of $10
to $12 would be strictly optional,
Newberry added, and final decision
on increasing the fee would be left up
to the board of trustees at each

At UK, there is already the chance
for an activity fee increase separate
from the one the council may allow.
The proposed addition to the Student
Center will be funded by an activity
fee increase. Before construction
begins, however, the council must
approve the project, Newberry said.

“So it may mount up," he said.
“The activity fee could get rather

Student input into policy-making
for state universities was another
topic of discussion at the meeting,
Newberry said. Placing a student on
the council was considered.
However, Snyder prefers setting up
a “statewide student advisory
committee to advise him of students‘
wants and desires," Newberry said.

Snyder proposed that the com-
mittee include student government
presidents from the eight state-
supported schools and from two of
the state‘s private schools. Also
included Would be the chairman of
the Inter-Community College
Student Advisory Council, which is
composed of the student council
presidents from UK’s 12 community
colleges, and one representative
from the Student Government
Association of Kentucky.

Wednesday‘s meeting, which was
held in Frankfort. was attended
predominately by student govern-
ment presidents from the state
schools, Newberry said. Another
meeting between Snyder and the
students will be held in Louisville on
Dec. 11.



an independent student He wspapcr


'l‘hat durable dramatic production “Snow “ returned to
the Bluegrass yesterday after a long summer road
tour in the North. The play “as held over in much of
thc country lust )‘car. and thc outlook is for another



Patent pending

Foundation seeks invention security

Kernel Staff Writer

The UK Research Foundation will
finance the expense of patent ap-
plications for any inventions or
discoveries developed on campus.

According to the UK Research
Foundation's general patent policy,
UK controls ownership of patent
rights on im entions resulting from
the use of university materials,
equipment, facilities, or staff. This
policy requires the inventors to
assign patent rights to the
University, but allows them to share
in the royalties.

UK students, faculty, and
technical staff are obligated to
report any discovery or idea of

possible patentable value to the
Committee on Patents.

Reports of inventions sent to the
UK Patent (‘ommittee must include
a description, diagram or sketch of
the invention, and a list of possible
practical applications.

The Committee meets and reviews
the idea, deciding if UK has a legal
interest in the invention, and con-
siders the value of financing a patent
search ito insure originality), and
paying the legal fees for a patent
attorney firm in Washington.

There are several reasons for the
patent policy at UK, according to
Reasearch Foundation Director Jim

“There are two objectives at a
university, the first is to transfer

new ideas and technology from the
laboratories of institutions to people
who can use them—such as farmers
and health personnel,” he said.

“The second objective is to treat
patents and inventions as financial
assets, and to receive these assets
through liscensing."

John Walker, Chairman of the
Agricultural Engineering Depart
ment and a Patent Committee
member, praised UK’s Patent
program in comparison to other

“This patent program is the most
generous in the United States," he
said. “The inventor is guaranteed
the largest share (of the royalties»—
some colleges take all of the

Rural Caucus examines
non-u rban economy woes

Associated Press Writer

Lexington (AP)-Several hundred
delegates, including Rep. John
Breckinridge, D-Ky., and Gov.
Julian Carroll, took a look yesterday
at the economic needs of non-urban
areas, hoping to find a way to find

Their recommendations will be
submitted to the President and to
Congress to improve the economic
development of rural America.

Breckinridge told the opening
session of the twoday meeting here
that the program was based
primarily on the goal of full funding
for the 1972 Rural Development Act
which he said, never has been fully

Breckinridge, chairman of the
Congressional Rural Caucus, said it


had recommended that Congress
approve $16.4 billion for a rural loan,
grant and special programs during
fiscal 1978, but that only half—about
$8.4 billion~~was approved for rural

“We got half because no one in
Washington understood what we
were talking about," Breckinridge
said. “What we need to do is channel
funds into the private sector and
create jobs.“

He said a $2 billion loan to private
industry would generate from
200,000 to 288,000 jobs and from $1.6
billion to $2.3 billion a year,
depending on the number of jobs, at
a cost to taxpayers of from $300
million to $400 million for program
administration. He said that in-
vestment would be recovered
through the tax receipts in sub-
sequent years.

“We need to get the country off
dead center and moving,” toward
government stimulus of jobs in in
the private sector, the congressman

Breckinridge asked delegates to
fill out questionaires indicating how
they feel about accessbility of
private and public financial
resources for rural development. He
said the responses would be sub-
mitted to the White House, which
has scheduled a conference on rural
development early next year.

Carroll told conference par-
ticipants that Kentucky state
government has tried to assist local
governments in meeting basic need:
because there are "few if any, local
projects which have not been buried
in an avalanche of bureaucracy.”

Continued on page four

University of Kentucky
Lexington. Kentucky



successful run. The tragedy will again feature Ice.
Blizzard, Sleet and Filthy Brown Slush. Freshman
llerman Fitzgerald's muffled face, right, is typical of
audience reaction.

The Committee currently receives
approximately 15 inventions an-
nually, and during the last ten years
over 100 inventions were reported.
Out of 10 years of applications, only
32 were filed with a patent agency
for patent searches. 28 inventions
were successfully patented, and only
eight patents were licensed to
commercial industries.

The Research Foundation has
received $57,735 in royalties since
1968, and paid $26,269 to the in-

The standard policy for the
division of royalties between UK and
inventor are based on applying the
sliding scale formula to the annual
net proceeds. This formula uses a

Continued on page four

UT tickets go

on sale Monday

Distribution of student tickets
for the Tennessee game on
Saturday, Nov. 19 will proceed
as folows:

Individual tickets for students
with 10’s will be distributed on
Monday from 8 a.m. to 10 pm.
and on Tuesday from 9 a.m. to
noon at Memorial Coliseum.

Priority seats in sections 200
and 210, which are on the 50-yard
line, will be distributed at 6 pm.
on Monday.

Requests for group seating
should be turned in between 0
and 9 a.m. on Monday; the
lottery for those seats will be
held at 9 a.m. No guest tickets
will be sold with group seating.

Any leftover seats will be sold
as guest tickets to students with
valid lD's from noon to 4 pm. on
Tuesday. They will be end tone
seats and will cost $4 each.
Guest ticket purchases will be




limited to one per student.






editorials 8: comments

met Photographer c 2“."
in. 3...... man Durham Bill Kllht I"
Mlh E‘lflfll
m m Anal.“ Editor Sports Editor Lynn Funk
M Gabriel Mute Mitchell David iltbhltu 3..., Puree
Phil null-die
MI I“ “I" M“ m Editor
3. m Milt-In Puute M. :5 Clark






We hear only 'pros' about vaccines

WtSHlSGTON— it‘s that time of
year again when a million office and
factory bulletin boards will be of-
fering free flu shots. Just see the
company nurse.

If the swine flu fiasco of last year
caused anyone to ask questions. it
was no one in authority. From all
outward signs organized health and


von hoffman


medicine has concluded that
whatever went wrong was the one-
in-a-billion shot which eludes the
most carefully constructed fail-safe

We are evidntly committed. past
backing off. to the immunization
vaccination idea whenever and
however it can be applied. The men
and women of sc1ence may be
writing into the learned journals
with reservations and qualifications.
but all the pronouncements made for
television add up to the assertion
that currently available vaccines
are so safe that they are to be used to
prevent either or both rare and non-
lifethreatening diseases.

iIt's true that you can die of
chicken pox. so you can’t accurately
say such a thing as a non-life
threatening disease exists. but you
are more likely to lose your life
playing golf in a thunderstorm than
from chicken pox.)

The needle or else

The drive is on in some locales to
make such innoculations com-

pulsory by keeping children from
school who can't produce a doctor’s
certificate attesting to their having
been given the needle. The im-
pression is encouraged that any
parent who doesn't see to it that the
kid is vaccinated is responsible for
unleashing typhoid Mary on the
neighborhood and the school.

In recent years the government, in
conjunction with the news media,
has made us aware of our enemy,
the germ, and the infectiously
hostile universe we live in as never

Disease, like the weather, has
been nationalized by a media that
can‘t find enough crime and
rascaiity to provide its audience
with emotional thrills and stills.

Thus as the government supplied
satellite pictures in forms of highs
and lows in Ouagadougou and
phenomena we were once content to
be ignorant of——now the govern-
mcnt‘s (‘enter for Disease Control
does the same for sickness.

Be it mumps in Murfreesboro,
Veteran's disease in Valdosta,
chicken pox in Chicopee or measles
in Mariposa. their occurence is
reported in their clinical entirety
with almost as much fidelity as the
doings of Sun of Sam.

A resident of St. Petersburg. Fla ,
or Seattle. Wash, can now partake of
a worry or anxiety of a community
health program thousands of miles

If you not only have your own
measles but everybody else’s

measles moving on you like a
weather front, it follows you have a
desperate need for some person in a
white smock to empty the contents
of a hyperdermic needle into your
body and that of your defenseless
small children. Or does it?

It makes good sense to immunize

somebody such as a pregnant womar ,

or a woman who intends to become
pregnant against that form of
measles which can cause blindness
in her unborn child. It makes con-
siderably less sense to use the power
of the state to compel everyone,
regardless of vulnerability or the
robustness of their general state of
health, to undergo the procedure by
denying children schooling if their
parents won‘t authorize shots.

The history of vaccination over the
last 20 or 25 years justifies con-
siderable skepticism when claims for
the precedure’s safety are ad-
vanced. ’

The swine flu vaccination isn’t the
only shot that probably caused more
disease than it prevented. The same
may be said of the experience with
polio shots in the 19505 and there are
those today who say wise parents
are better advised to gamble on
their kids getting polio than getting
whatever thay may get from taking
a shot.

Dadly catches

Safety, which always translates
into relative safety in real world
languauge. is hard to establish. The
medical people who sold that poor,
handicapped Jerry Ford on swine

Ca n’t God wipe out

ii) J l.\l TOP.“ [LLER

livery time i pick up a paper,
stories of disasters. killings,
t-ar’ntquakes and famine jump out
irom the front page.

Monday morning‘s headline read
“Thirty—Seven Killed as Georgia


ham Breaks." After reading yet
another story about innocent lives
being taken for no apparent reason I
had to ask. “God. how can you allow
such things to happen“



A classic statement of the problem
is. either God !5 all-powerful but not
all good and therefore doesn't
choose to stop evil; or he is all-good
but unable to stop evil. in which case
he is not all-powerful.

Now before going any further. this
is not an “All you need to know about
God but were afraid to ask God"

article There is no way the
magnitude of this question can be
handled in one essay. In arriving at
your own conclusion, however, an
important factor should be kept in

When God created man, he
desired to have someone with whom
to share his love. For this to be love,
man must have the ability to accept
or reject God's friendship. If man
did not have the ability to choose. he
would be merely a robot. And how
can a robot show love?

(‘an you imagine being married to
a bionic love doll? Every day you
pull a string and get the beautiful
words. “I love you." There would
never be coarse words, conflicts or
problems. Sound good? lleck no.
That‘s not love. Love is voluntary!

God loved us enough to give us a
choice of either loving him or
rejecting him. The first man he
created chose to rejct him. therefore
his relationship with God was broken

By succumbing to his own selfish

desires. man stepped out of God‘s
perfect plan. The Scriptures say that
the consequence of this broken
relationship is an imperfect, corrupt
world. The newspaper headlines
reveal this corruption.

Hey. wait a minute! That's not
fair! It sounds like we are innocent
victims of something that happened
a long time ago.

Wrong. All of us reject God.
Mankind, because of his selfish
choice is responsible for suffering in
the world—not God.

But can't God still wipe out all
suffering and evil? He can, but if he
did he would have to eliminate all
forms of evil. That means that you
and I wouldn‘t have a chance since
we lie, fail to love and fail to do good
all the time. If God removed all evil,
he would have to remove man.

The Scriptures teach that a day
will come when God will wipe out all
evil; but in the meantime, his love
and grace prevail and his offer of
pardon is still open.

flu. or the prevention thereof,
thought the vaccine was safe.

One of the catches, though, is that
a substance that kills 11 people, say,
out of every 100,000 can come up
looking very safe if you tested on
only 20,000. It will look completely
safe if the fatal symptoms don’t
develop until six months or two
years after the shots have been
administered while the observation
period for the testing program is
only three months.

With all our discoveries about the


effects on the human body of
ingesting substances not found in
nature, one thing we ought to know
by now is that many of these toxins——
and vaccinations are toxins by
definition—kill slowly or kill only
after the lapse of significant periods
of time. .

Obviously the sensible thing for
people to do when they see the free
flu shot sign on the buletin board is
weigh the pros and cons of it.

But everywhere you turn all you
hear are the pros. it‘s safe, don't


worry about it. trust us, it‘s too‘
complicated to explain but believe
us, we wouldn’t give you a bum
steer. The cons we only hear about
after the reports of the first

The ending is that the vaccination
programs will go on, and somewhere
down the road swine flu II or worse
will be waiting for us.



Copyright, 1977. by King Features}
Syndicate. lnc. l

Mum.-. W, .. .. . _ ._._, “Wei

suffering, evil?

God has done something about the
problem of evil. He has done the
most dramatic, costly and effective
thing possible by giving his Son to
die for a corrupt man.

God has provided man with a way

of escape from his selfish nature.
When a man enters a personal
relationship with Jesus Christ, evil’s
group is broken.

Thus the ultimate answer to the
problem of suffering and pain in the

world is found at th personal level in
the sacrificaial death of Jesus

Jim Topmiller is a Communications

——‘l_etters to the editor——


This is in response to the com-
mentary by George Potratz and to
others who support the UMWA and
the film Harlan County, U.S.A.

l was born in Knott County which
is a sister coal producing county to
Harlan County.

There have been many books and
articles written about Knott County,
to better the stifled hillbilly who
needs outsiders to care for his

These articles and books are so
over exaggerated and filled with
pictures of the poverty without ever








sings: -
7’11!th mph: _.





mentioning the vast wealth in the

What I am saying is that these
books and articles exploit the people
by printing what the wealthy
comfortable flatlanders want to
read. In other words these stories do
not mean (or are worth) a damn.

This holds true for the movie
llarlan County. U.S.A. If you want to
see just how much the UMWA is
needed or wanted, go to eastern
Kentucky and live and work there
for five or six years.

Don't watch a one-sided,
propoganda movie and feel you are
an expert on the conditions and
needs of the coal miner and the
region as a whole.

Rick Slone
College of Pharmacy

Movin’ back

l’m an ole country boy from out
West (Colorado). 1 came back East
to get my book learnin‘. We lived in
Lexington for two years and visited
New York City last summer.

I'm movin‘ back out West just as
soon as I can!

David K. Beede
Graduate student. Animal Science


l was appalled by the letter con-
cerning Lexington’s jealousy of New

Being from Louisville, I too, have
noticed what 1 consider weaknesses
in this city, but I would rather hear
about them from people who have
something better to offer.

Remarks that suggest New York
has “put Lexington on the map" are
humorous in relation to recent

The people of the nation, Ken-
tuckians included. had to bail New
York City out of its miserable
financial state with federal aid.

1 am truly sorry that we lack a
likeness to such a great figure as the
Son of Sam and I am envious of New
York‘s circus every 10 years that
accompanies a blackout.

Terrorist bombings, pitiful inner-
city poverty levels, astronomical
crime rates —these are the things
that Kentuckians should be jealous

Get serious Jeanne Ronnie
Michaels. Although you made some
very good points, those strengths
were smothered by the en-
compassing weaknesses in the ar-

Kevin Johns
Accounting senior


At tTK. one becomes accustomed
to hearing about student
dissatisfaction with teachers. There
are two teachers, however, who
deserve recognition for their en-
thusiam and expertise.

Marge Chandler and Karen Winn,
riding instructors in the animal
seience department for the past year
and a half, have created a program
which offers a challenge to ad-
vanced riders seriously interested in
the finer points of equitation, as well
as to students who wantto ride
merely for pleasure.

The riding program has been
expanded to include intercollegiate
showing, student horse shows and a
small drill team. in order to make
these changes. Marge and Karen
have devoted much of their free time
to the program.

Those of us who have had the
opportunity to work closely with
them as student instructors greatly
respect and admire their ability and

We would simply like to expreu
our appreciation and say thanks.

The student instructors
of the animal science department









it‘s too‘
.t believe
I a bum
zar about
:he first

or worse



__. "Wei

nal level in
of Jesus


we lack a
gure as the
ous of New
years that

tiful inner-
the things
be jealous

e Ronnie
made some
: strengths

the en-
in the ar-

Kevin Johns
nting senior



hers. There
vever, who
r their en-

iaren Winn,
the animal
he past year
| a program
nge to ad-
nterested in
tion, as well
vantto ride

has been
shows and a
ler to make
and Karen
eir free time

ve had the
:losely with
tors greatly
r ability and

a to express
iy thanks.

t instructors






New York Times
News Service

OAKLAND. NJ. This year
three nostalgic souls
celebrated the summer
solstice. For me it ended a
decade of solstice ob.
servances that began with
LSD and psychedelia in San



Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury
district and had its final,
modest ceremony of grass
and incense in New Jersey’s
Ramapo Mountains.

For the most part, these
observances have been self-
serving. A way for the and
others to officially remember
our fanciful years as flower
children—a holding on tightly
to a last thread of romantic
illusion that flower power
might have its day again.

In the past I’ve been able to
gather up several honest-to-
goodness former flower
children for my little event,
but this year I could only
corral two.

Joining us were the brother
and sister of a Haight-
Ashbury alumnus (un-
ceremoniously vacationning
in Greece), both of them quite
willing to tolerate
reminiscenses in order to get
stoned. And their blank faces
of boredom and disbelief
were all too apparent
whenever we spoke about
rebirth or social reviolution
or the anger of the establish-
ment toward long hair,
marijuana, rock music-even
bare feet.

Alas, former flower
children are a social oddity.
The threatening phenomenon
known as the hippie is little
more than a ghost of the
19605~seldom thought about
by the 605 genertion and
hardly known by 705 people.
Ten years have scraped too
many minds clean. Those
optimistic child-people who
danced through the streets of
San Francisco have even
faded out of the memories of
their present selves.
Metamorphized into practical
human beings? Or have they
just grown up? Or do they
remember too clearly?

That June 21, 1967, was to
be the beginning of San
Francisco’s Summer of
Love—the experiment that
was to prove that the
creatures Time magazine
called “drop-outs with a
purpose” could create a
harmonious and functionning
community. One that would
be a model for other soon-to
beborn hip communitised.
One that would prove to the
establishment that flower
power would prevail.

Timothy Leary’s un-
derground voice echoed:
“Tune In, Turn On, Drop
Out," and had reached
middle-class, white suburbia.
Kids were leaving school, job
and home and heading West
Our ambassadors of music.
the Jefferson Airplane. Jimi
Hendrix, and The Doors were
spreading the lyrical word
that something special was

happening to San Francisco.
And The Beatles had just
turned on! The exodus was
beginning and we waited for
the refugees from the straight

The infant Rolling Stone
was being distributed on
Haight—Ashbury streets. The
first FM rock station was just
months in operation. Con-
certs at the Fillmore and
Avalon ballrooms were $2.50.
Head shops were doing a
thriving business selling
insense, Oriental keepsakes
and drug paraphenalia. And
so were dope dealers: Grass
sold for $10 an ounce and $80 a
kilo. The police and mayor
Joseph Alioto held their
nightsticks and opinions in
check because tourists and
their dollars were pouring
into the city.

The population of the
Haight-Ashbury rose to an
estimated 30,000 and then
rose again. They came with
the illusion that everything——
housing, food, dope—was
free, and they slept in
doorways, stairwells and
dirty crash pads. They
panhandled money from
tourists for food. They sold
what little they had brought
with them for dope.

But the misty San Fran-
cisco nights secluded the
community in good
vibrations. Chromosome
damage from LSD was a
government conspiracy to
prevent people from tran—
scending to the truth.

We believed everything
from within the community
and nothing from the outside.
Because there was the jingle
of India bells when we walked
and the smell of sweet in-
cense when we breathed.


We believed that you could
break from the past and build
something new on a self-
created foundation. We
believed words that described
only what we could feel.

And we held each other’s

hands and the dry-voiced
belladonna child with flowers
in her hair received money
from home and her parents’
plea: “Come home, Baby!"
But Baby was stoned—
smiling freshly—lovely on
Golden Gate Park‘s Hippie
Hill. Was she my polka dot
lover when she and I were too
stoned to know or care?
‘ And mindless Charlie ran
through the streets,
screaming after his non-
existent dog. And Captain
Acid dropped his pants and
spit at tourists. And beautiful
Jack was run over and
crippled by a hippie‘hating

And loving Maria died from
an overdose. And free Sally
was raped by 15 college
students looking for free love.
And the police gas-bombed
the Straight Theater and was
smashed faces to maintain
order. And a man clubbed a



dog to death and hung it from
a telephone pole on the corner
of Fillmore and Haight
streets. And I ended up in a
Texas jail because my hair
was too long. And in Sep-
tember 1967 the community
announced the Death of
Hippie with a symbolic
parade down Haight Street.
The experiment had failed.
But there was still the dope.
And the vocabulary. And the
deepened alienation.

('hick: Wow! I mean, it was
so absolutely mind-blowing
until the pigs got heavy.

Cat: l'm hip. They put a
bummer on our act.

Chick: Smoke?

('at: Phew!

Chick: Peace.

(at: Yeah, the same to you.

And the people left. Some
went to the mountains and
some to desert communes.
Some went to asylums and
others to jail. Most went
home to turn on their old
friends to the vocabulary and
the drugs and the alienation.

Some went on to become
political and made bombs or
martyrs of themselves. Some
got religion. Some became
vegetarians. Most tried to
rejoin the establishment. As
if they could just walk right
back into their former selves.
But the alienation was just
too complete.

The most sensitive and
enthusiastic (intelligent?)
minds of the 19605 will always
be dropouts or partly ins—
the most ambitious and
durable workers within the
system to gather up whatever
they need to get out of it

“One day he quit. Just like
that. He's operating a health
food store in Colorado. I
suppose he always was

Others of us manage to get
along on the periphery of the
straight world as street

peddlers, landscapers,
pottery makers, dope
dealers, musicians, editors

and writers*at jobs where
how we look or think doesn’t
matter that much.

So, Tim Leary, despite your
new reform costume, are you
really back in the groove?
We're not. Our alienation has
settled to the bone. Terminal.
We walk around incognito. Up
front is our get-along face.
One must survive, you know.
Inside, we still don't believe
in any of it. Do you?

Thomas Bridges is a former
flower child and former
editor. lie is now a writer.



Physical Therapy


For Spring Semester

6:30 to 9:00
Nov. 15, 1977

Rm. HA 611

Hospital Auditorium



A special Mass will be celebrated on Novem
her it at lipm at the Newman Center. All who
are groping, doubting, grappling with or
confused about their faith and their beliefs are
invited. These struggles are healthy and i