xt7rr49g7t0r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7t0r/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1972-04 bulletins  English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Counselors Handbook on Post-High School Education in Kentucky", vol. XL, no. 4, April 1972 text 
volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Counselors Handbook on Post-High School Education in Kentucky", vol. XL, no. 4, April 1972 1972 1972-04 2022 true xt7rr49g7t0r section xt7rr49g7t0r  












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Division of Guidance Services/Bureau of Pupil Personnel
Published by the Kentucky Department of Education
Lyman V. Ginger

Superhfiendentcfi PubHclnschflon

CVO\. XL ”/\wa2 [6‘72 N043





















Vocational-Technical Schools in Kentucky

Proprietary or Private Schools Approved For Veterans and War

Barber Schools

Bible Colleges & Theological Schools
Business Colleges & Data Processing Schools
Correspondence Schools

Cosmetology Schools~

Flight Schools

Funeral Directing & Emblaming Schools
Hospitals and Schools of Nursing
Kentucky Colleges and Universities

Listing of College Degrees




The high school student who is planning to seek
training beyond high school must consider a
number of factors in making his decision. Direct,
and as nearly possible, up-to—date information
free of confusing extraneous material is most
valuable to the student and his parents in making
a decision.

For a number of years the Division of
Guidance Services published on a periodic basis
a bulletin entitled Scholarships, Loans and Self-
Help Opportunities in Kentucky Colleges. In 1967,
the Division replaced this periodical with a more
comprehensive bulletin entitled the Counselor
Handbook in Post High School Education. In
response to the increased interest on vocational
training, the new bulletin included for the first
time a section on Vocational Technical Schools.
The bulletin received many accolades and has
been in continuous demand since first published.

This revision is not only a product of updat-
ing, but is broader in scope. One important addi-
tion is the inclusion of the section listing proprie—
tary schools entitled “Educational institutions Ap-
proved for Veterans and War Orphans."

Appreciation is expressed to all of the col-
leges and universities who provided information
for this bulletin; to Doug McKinley, coordinator of
Vocational Guidance Services, Bureau of Voca—
tional Education, who supplied the information
pertaining to the Area Vocational Technical
Schools; to James McGown, director, Interagency
Relations, Bureau of Vocational Education for
providing the information regarding Educational
Institutions for veterans and war orphans; to Ted
Gilbert, executive director, county on Public
Higher Education for his technical assistance; to
Mrs. Janice Boone of the clerical staff who as-
sisted in the preparation; and to William G. Stein-
hilber, state supervisor of Secondary School
Guidance, Division of Guidance Services for edit-
ing this revision.

Marshall Swain ' Bill Braden
assrstant superintendent assistant director
Bureau of Pupil Personnel Services Division of Guidance Services



Education in a democracy is based upon the belief
that every individual should have the opportunity
to develop his potential to the maximum. Further—
more, the successful maintenance of a democracy
requires an educated citizenry. In order to imple—
ment this ideal, our society has established a
system of schools to assist in the individual’s
development. The high school, vocational-techni—
cal school, college, university and other diverse
educational institutions, each in their own way, as-
sists in the educational process. The student who
chooses to continue his education beyond high
school is faced with the awesome task of selecting
a course of study from a multitude of educational
opportunities. This student needs information
which will help him in making a wise choice. This
same student will turn to the school counselor for
help in exploring these opportunities and in ulti-
mately making a decision.

This bulletin has been developed as an aid
to persons such as the school counselor, the
teacher, the school administrator or any school
personnel who share the responsibility of work—
ing with youth.

Lyman Ginger
Superintendent of Public Instruction


 Kentucky Vocational-Technical Schools

The purpose of the Area Vocational Schools in Kentucky and their ex-
tension centers is to prepare individuals for gainful employment and
to improve the knowledge, skills, attitude and efficiency of employed
workers. The curriculum of the schools is designed to meet the needs
of students, both youth and adults, and of industry and business in each
area of the state and in the nation in light of population trends, industrial
growth, employment potentials, and present future job needs.

Four general types of occupational education are offered to both
male and female students: Pre-employment programs, evening extension
courses, apprentice extension courses, and industrial courses.

Pre-employment Programs: These programs prepare students to
enter jobs in technical, skilled, business, and health occupations. The
pre-employment courses are offered on a full-time basis for post-
secondary students and on a part-time basis for high school students.

Evening Extension (Short term Courses): These courses are
designed to assist employed workers to upgrade, increase, or update
their knowledge or skills used in their present employment or to learn
new skills for better employment. Courses vary in length from 20 to 60
clock hours and are scheduled upon need and request.

Apprentice Extension Courses: These courses are designed to meet
the related instructional needs of apprentice trainees. Students attend-
ing evening classes receive instruction related to their trade. Courses

are organized in cooperation with the State Bureau of Apprentice train-

Industrial (In-plant) Courses: The Area Vocational Schools co-
Operate with local business and industry in the establishment of off

campus courses. These courses are tailored to the specific industrial
needs of any industry or group of industries.

The purpose of this type program is to provide up—grading and/or
retraining courses for industrial or business employees. The length of any

specific course is determined by the needs for the company requesting
the training.

Students Served

Secondary Students — Any student 16 years of age or older who is

anrolled in a regular high school program. These students must be either
uniors or seniors.

Post-Secondary Students — Any student 16 years of age or older
who has completed or left high school and is available for full-time study
n preparation for entering the labor market.




Adult Students —— Any student who is over 21 years of age or is en-
rolled in an apprenticeship program. These students have already
entered the labor market, but they may need additional training or re-
training to achieve stability or advancement in their employment. Train-
ing for these students is made available through evening extension

(short-time) classes.

Entrance Requirements

Age: All students applying for admission must be 16 years of age
or older. Applicants for practical nursing must be at least 17 years 01

Education: Educational requirements vary according to the particular
course in which the student plans to enroll. However, high school stu‘
dents who plan to enroll must be juniors or seniors, and they must have
the approval of their high school principal before permission may be
granted to enroll.

Students entering the Practical Nursing program are expected it
be high school graduates. The G.E.D. equivalency certificate is acceptec
in lieu of the high school diploma.

Entrance Test: Applicants are requested to take the General Apti
tude Test Battery (GATB) to be used for counseling prior to enrollment.

Health: Applicants should be physically able to attend school regu
larly and meet the physical demands of the course in which they an
enrolled. Assistance and program modification is arranged for student

with a handicapping condition.

Students applying for Practical Nursing are required to submit physi
cal examination forms completed by their personal physician and dentisl
Reports of chest x-ray or Tuberculin Skin Test must accompany thi

medical examination forms.

Discrimination Prohibited: No person in the United States shall, 0
the grounds of race, color, religion, or national origin, be denied admis


Tuition and Fees

The Area Vocational Schools are supported chiefly by legislativ
appropriations. Thus, the major portion of the student’s educational cal
is borne by the State. The fees paid by the student constitute only
minor part of the actual cost of his education.

High School Students: Students who are enrolled in a regular his;
school program may attend the vocational school without paying tuitiol
The Student’s tuition and fees are paid through the State’s MinimUl

Foundation Program.



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Post-Secondary Students: These students must pay the following
$5—Ftegistration fee
$4—Per Month Tuition

The registration fee and the first monthly fee is due at the time the stu-
dent enrolls. The monthly fee is due on the first day of each month as
long as the student remains in attendance.

Adult Students: Students who wish to attend evening extension (up—
grading) classes must pay the following fees:

$5—Registration fee for course

In classes of public service nature the registration fee may be waived
by the State Director of the Service involved.

Veterans: Students who are eligible for VA benefits are enrolled as
post—secondary and adult students. Therefore, veterans will follow the
same tuition and fees schedule as the post-secondary and adult students.

Financial Assistance

The financial assistance program has been organized to function as
an integral part of the student’s total educational experiences. insofar
as possible, an attempt is made to assist needy and deserving students
to meet their financial obligations while furthering their education. The
Area Vocational Schools students are eligible for financial assistance
through the following programs and agencies.

Veterans Administration: The financial assistance programs ad-
ministered by this agency includes:

1. GI Benefits
2. War Orphans Benefits
3. Veterans Vocational Rehabilitation Benefits

Student Loan Program: in 1965 the Federal Government passed the
Higher Education Act which authorized programs of Federally lnsured
Students loans. These programs allow students to apply for loans from
participating lending institutions to help pay their educational expenses
while attending the vocational school.

These loans are insured by the Federal Government, and during the
student’s in-school period the Federal Government pays the interest up
to 7 percent for those students whose adjusted family income is less
than $15,000 per year. Students whose family income is over $15,000
per year may borrow, but they pay all the interest on the loan. A student
may apply for a maximum loan of $1,500 per academic year if his educa-
tional expenses require him to borrow to this extent.

Students who are interested in this loan should contact local par-
ticipating banks, savings and loan associations, or the area vocational
school Guidance Counselor.












Other Agencies: The following governmental agencies provide fi-
nancial assistance programs:

1. State Vocational Rehabilitation
2. Social Security
3. State Public Assistance

Students who are eligible should contact the nearest office of the
agency providing the assistance for detail information.

Guidance Services

The Area Vocational Schools provide guidance and counseling
services for the purpose of assisting students to make wiser educationa
and vocational choices. Personal counseling is available when needec
and requested by students. Counseling services include testing, counsel
ing, placement, and evaluation.

Prospective students who have not already taken the General Apti
tude Test Battery are asked to take it at their local Economic Securlt
Office, but after admission procedures are complete, other tests ma:
be administered. The purpose of the test program is to assist applicant
to better understand their abilities and to choose a suitable programo
study. Test data are used in conjunction with other information abou
students as they progress through various educational programs. Place
ment services are made available to students seeking part-time or full

time employment.

Follow—up studies of former students and graduates are conducte
by the guidance counselor. These studies provide the school with Va
uable information regarding the effectiveness of the vocational school

instruction program.

Placement Service

The placement of students graduating from the Area Vocationl
Schools is handled through the counselor’s office in cooperation wil
the instructional staff. The functions of the placement service arel
provide the student with employment information, advise him whel
jobs are available and how to file job applications, and to provid
counseling concerning work conditions, requirements, wages, and 0|
portunities for advancement. The school does not guarantee placemel
to any student. Placement depends upon the record the student make
for himself even more than it does upon economic conditions.

The counselor works constantly and cooperatively with industr
business and governmental agencies in order to be aware of currel
employment needs and opportunities. The primary goal of the placemel
service is to assist competent graduates to locate employment in ft
occupational field for which they have been trained.




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Ashland Area Vocational School
Charles E. Chattin ——
regional director
Route 1, Box 520A
Winslow Road
Ashland, Kentucky 41101

Carter County Extension Center
Olive Hill, Kentucky 41164

Greenup County Extension
South Shore, Kentucky 41175

Montgomery County Extension
Mt. Sterling, Kentucky 40353

Morgan County Extension Center
West Liberty, Kentucky 41472

Rowan County Extension Center
Morehead, Kentucky 40351

Bowling Green Area Vocational

Phillip Hampton—regional director
1845 Loop Drive

P. O. Box 6000

Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101

Allen County Extension Center
Highway 231, P. O. Box 534
Scottsville, Kentucky 42164

Glasgow Extension Center
Industrial Street
Glasgow, Kentucky 42141

Monroe County Extension Center
Tompkinsville, Kentucky 42167

Russellville Extension Center
Rt. 1, Clarksville Road
Russellville, Kentucky 42276

Central Kentucky Area Vocational

Claude W. Howard —
regional director

Vo-Tech Road

Lexington, Kentucky 40504

Clark County Extension Center
Rt. 4, Boonesboro Road
Winchester, Kentucky 40391

Fayette County Extension Center
Springhill Drive
Lexington, Kentucky 40503

Franklin County Extension Center
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601

Garrard County Extension Center
Lancaster, Kentucky 40444

Harrison County Extension
Cynthiana, Kentucky 41031,

Harrodsburg Extension Center
Randall Road
Harrodsburg, Kentucky, 40330

Madison Central Extension
Center ‘
P. O. Box 809

Richmond, Kentucky 40475

Daviess County Area Vocational

Howard C. Warren —
regional director

1501 Frederica Street

Owensboro, Kentucky 42301

Henderson County Extension
Henderson, Kentucky 42420

Owensboro Extension Center
Owensboro, Kentucky 42301

Union County Extension Center
Morganfield, Kentucky 42437

Harlan Area Vocational School

B. J. Cawood—regional director

P. O. Box 936
Harlan, Kentucky 40831

Bell County Extension Center
Pineville, Kentucky 40977






Clay County Extension Center
P. O. Box 96
Manchester, Kentucky 40962

Corbin Extension Center
1909 South Synder Avenue
Corbin, Kentucky 40701

Knox County Extension Center
P. O. Box 194
Barbourville, Kentucky 40906

Laurel County Extension Center
London, Kentucky 40741

Rockcastle County Extension
Mt. Vernon, Kentucky 40456

Hazard Area Vocational School
Walter Prater — regional director

2130 Allais Road
Hazard, Kentucky 41701

Breathitt County Extension
Jackson, Kentucky 41339

Knott County Extension Center
Hindman, Kentucky 41822

Lee County Extension Center
Beattyville, Kentucky 41311

Leslie County Extension Center
Hyden, Kentucky 41749

Letcher County Extension Center
Whitesburg, Kentucky 41858

Jefferson County Area Vocational


Bill L. Evans — regional director

3101 Bluebird Lane
Jeffersontown, Kentucky 40299

Breckinridge County Extension
Harned, Kentucky 40144

Elizabethtown Extension Center
P. O. Box 631
Elizabethtown, Kentucky 42701


Marion County Extension Center
Rt. 3, Danville Road
Lebanon, Kentucky 40033

Nelson County Extension Center
P. O. Box 160
Bardstown, Kentucky 40004

Shelby County Extension Center
Rt. 3,
Shelbyville, Kentucky 40065

Louisville Public School System
Ahrens Vocational Technical
High School

Louisville, Kentucky 40202

Jefferson County Public School

Pleasure Ridge Park Vocational


5515 Yucca

Louisville; Kentucky 40278

Madisonville Area Vocational

B. M. Hatley—regional director
P. O. Box 563

Madisonville, Kentucky 42431

Christian County Extension

705 North Elm Street
Hopkinsville, Kentucky 42240

Muhlenberg County Extension

Mounted Route

Greenville, Kentucky 42345

Mayo Area Vocational School
George L. Ramey —

regional director
Paintsville, Kentucky 41240

Floyd County Extension Center
Hite, Kentucky 41638

Martin County Extension Center
Inez, Kentucky 41224

Pike County Extension Center
Belfry, Kentucky 41514


H. D.


 enter Pike County Extension Center
Route 2
Pikevilie, Kentucky 41501
enter Northern Kentucky Area Vocational
James D. Patton ——
enter regional director
Amsterdam Road
5 Covington, Kentucky 41011
'stem Carroll County Extension Center
al Carrollton, Kentucky 41008
Maysville Extension Center
Maysville, Kentucky 41056
. Somerset Area Vocational School
nonal H. D. Noe—regional director
North College Street
, Somerset, Kentucky 42501
Casey County Extension Center
l Liberty, Kentucky 42539
i Center

Clinton County Extension Center
Albany, Kentucky 42602

Green County Extension Center
Greensburg, Kentucky 42743

Russell County Extension Center
Russell Springs, Kentucky 42642

Wayne County Extension Center
Monticello, Kentucky 42633

Tilghman Area Vocational School
Ray D. Brown—regional director

2400 Adams Street
Paducah, Kentucky 42001

West Kentucky Area Vocational

H. C. Mathis — director

1400 Thompson Avenue
Paducah, Kentucky 42001




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 Proprietary or Private Schools
Approved for Veterans and War Orphans

This section has been compiled in accordance with the listing of ap-
proved schools for veterans and war orphans. The listing does not imply
that all courses offered by these institutions are approved. It should
also be noted that there are occasional changes in the status of these
schools; therefore, it should be kept in mind that the schools and courses
listed are those approved as of March, 1972.

A few schools listed here are not proprietary schools. They are
listed here as a matter of convience and are noted by an *.

Counselors working with individuals interested in attending any
of these schools should stress the importance of writing to, or visiting
the school of the individuals choice for information relative to courses,
entrance requirements, and accreditation. The counselor or prospective
student may also wish to contact the Kentucky Department of Education,
Bureau of Vocational Education, Division of lnteragency Relations, for
additional information.

information regarding approved appentieship programs for veterans
may also be obtained from this agency.

Finally, this listing is not to be considered as an endorsement for
any particular school or schools by either the Division of Guidance
Services, the Bureau of Vocational Education, the Kentucky Department
of Education, or any other departments, bureaus, or divisions.

Barber Schools

Ashland Barber College Moler-Covington Barber College
1516 Greenup Avenue 125 West Pike Street

Ashland, Kentucky 41101 Covington, Kentucky 41016
Kentucky College of Barbering Tri-City Barber College

1230 South Third Street 2044 South Preston Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40203 Louisville, Kentucky 40217

LeXington Barber College
171 East High Street
Lexington, Kentucky 40507

{All schools have approved courses in Barbering)

Bible Colleges and Theological Schools


Asbury Theological Seminary Approved Courses
Lexington Avenue 1/ Master of Divinity
Wilmore, Kentucky 40390 2/ Master of‘Religious Education

3/ Master of Theology
















(Bible Colleges and Theological Schools Cont.) Mid-

Clear Creek Baptist School Approved Courses __

Pineville, Kentucky 40977 1/ Bible Course May

College of the Scripture Approved Courses

4601 41 Old Shepherdsville Road 1/ Bachelor of Theology Sain

Louisville, Kentucky 40219 —‘

The Episcopal Theological

Seminary in Kentucky Approved Courses

544 Sayre Avenue 1/ Bachelor of Divinity Semi

Lexington, Kentucky 40508 2/ Licentiate in Theology ‘

'- Dona

Kentucky Christian College Approved Courses Erlan

P. O. Box 37 1/ Bachelor of Arts

Grayson, Kentucky 41143 2/ Bachelor of Theology . S'

. . . imm
Kentucky Mountain Bible Institute Approved Courses 1811
Vancleve, Kentucky 41385 ' 1/ Ministerial Curriculum LOUiS

2/ Missionary Curriculum
Lexington Baptist College Approved Courses South

163 North Ashland Avenue 1/ Bachelor of Theology emu
Lexington, Kentucky 40502 2325 l

Lexington Theological Seminary Approved Courses
631 South Limestone 1/ Master of Religious Education
Lexington, Kentucky 40508 2/ Bachelor of Divinity

3/ Master of Theology
Louisville Bible College Approved Courses
1707 South Third Street 1/ Ministerial Training
Louisville, Kentucky 40208 (Bachelor of Arts and Bache‘

of Sacred Literature)

Louisville Presbyterian Theological
Seminary Approved Courses Southl
1044 Alta Vista Road 1/ Bachelor of Divinity Pikevil
Louisville, Kentucky 40205 2/ Master of Theology

3/ Special Course for Non-Deg!





 Mid-Continent Baptist Bible

Approved Courses


*— North 15th and Dunbar Streets
Mayfield, Kentucky 42066

Saint Mary College

1/ Bachelor of Arts Degree

Approved Courses


Saint Mary, Kentucky 40063

Seminary of Saint Pius X

1/ Bachelor of Arts
2/ Pre-Priesthood Course

Approved Courses


Donaldson Highway
Erlanger, Kentucky 41018

Simmons University

1/ Pre-Priesthood Course

Approved Courses


1811 Dumesneil
Louisville, Kentucky 40210

Southern Baptist Theological
.——’-’ Seminary

1/ Bachelor ofTheology
2/ Bachelor of Mission

Approved Courses


2825 Lexington Road
Louisville, Kentucky 40206




i Bache

Southland Bible Institute

1/ Master of Divinity
2/ Master of Theology
3/ Doctor of Theology
4/ Doctor of Sacred Theology
5/ Diploma in Theology
6/ Master of Religious Education
7/ Doctor of Education
8/ Graduate Specialist in
Religious Education
9/ Master of Church Music
10/ Doctor of Musical Arts
11/ Diploma in Church Music

Approved Courses


Pikeville, Kentucky 41501


1/ General Bible Course
(Ministerial Course)
2/ Missionary Course
(A Career Course)






Ashland Business College, Inc.

1328 Winchester Avenue
Ashland, Kentucky 41101

Bowling Green Business College,

11411/2 State Street
Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101

Bryant and Stratton Business

216 Speed Building
Louisville, Kentucky 40202

Draughon’s Business College

218 North Fifth Street
Paducah, Kentucky 42001

Fugazzi Business College

Business Colleges and Data Processing Schools

Approved Courses

1/ Stenographic ,

2/ Business Administration and
Higher Accounting ‘

3/ Executive Secretarial

4/ Higher Accounting

5/ Junior Accounting

6/ Secretarial

7/ Business Administration-

Approved Courses

1/ Secretarial Course ‘ .

2/ Secretarial Science Course
3/ Junior Accounting Course
4/ Executive Secretarial Course
5/ Senior Accounting Course

Approved Courses

1/ Business Administration—
Automated Accounting

2/ Business Administration——
Professional Accounting

3/ Business Machines

4/ Executive Secretarial

5/ Legal Secretarial

6/ Medical Receptionist

7/ Medical Secretarial

8/ Private Secretarial

9/ Stenographic

Approved Courses


1/ Executive Secretarial

2/ Higher Accounting and
Business Administration

3/ Junior Accounting

4/ Secretarial

5/ Stenographic

Approved Courses


406 Lafayette
Lexington, Kentucky 40502


1/ Business Management
2/ Computer Programming
3/ General Office

4/ Junior Accounting

5/ Legal Secretarial

6/ Medical Secretarial

7/ Private Secretarial


209 E


501 Si



3105 L



1921 C



1300 E



6291/2 E


 Kentucky Business College


209 East High
and Lexington, Kentucky 40507

London Business College

Approved Courses

1/ Higher Accounting & Business

2/ lBM Automation Secretarial

3/ Junior Accounting

4/ Legal Secretarial

5/ Medical Secretarial

6/ Secretarial

Approved Courses


501 South Main
London, Kentuciw





‘se Metridata Institute

1/ Executive Secretarial
2/ Higher Accounting
3/ Stenographic

4/ Junior Accounting

Approved Courses


3105 Lexington Road
Louisville, Kentucky 40206

Middlesboro School of Business

1/ Data Processing & computer

Approved Courses





g 1921 Cumberland 1/ Executive Secretarial
MIddlesboro, Kentucky 40965 2/ Higher Accounting & Business
3/ Junior Accounting
4/ Secretarial
5/ Stenographic
Owensboro Business College Approved Courses
1300 East Ninth Street 1/ Clerical
Owensboro, Kentucky 42301 2/ Executive Secretarial
j 3/ Junior Accounting & Adminis-
)n tration
4/ Stenographic
Spenserian College Approved Courses
#6291/2 _South 4th St. 1/ Administrator Accounting
1t LOUISVllle, Kentucky 40202 & Management
ing 2/ Executive Secretarial

3/ Legal Secretarial
4/ Medical Secretarial
5/ Private Secretarial
6/ Professional Accounting
& Business AdministratiOn '
7/ Programmer, Business







(Business Colleges and Data Processing Schools Cont.)

SullivanBusiness College

Approved Courses





606 South Fourth Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40202


Business Accounting & Manage 3:ng








2/ Computer Programmer Char
3/ Data Processing Secretary 1031
4/ Junior Accounting Loui‘
5/ Legal-Diplomatic Secretary ‘
6/ Medical Secretary-Assistant c .
7/ Office Assistant Program 8:6,:
8/ Private Secretary C .
9/ Professional—Executive 0"”
S ta " '
ecre ry Easte
112 S
Correspondence Schools
Eastern Kentucky University* Ezell
Correspondence F’s/'06 N
Richmond, Kentucky 40476 urrc
. . H
Murray State Unrversrty* 2:89;]
Correspondence L exini
Murray, Kentucky 42072
United Electronics Laboratories Approved Courses 515 .W
Home Study Programs 1/ Electronic Technology Lou's‘
3947 Park Drive House
' ' 216
Lounsvrlle, Kentucky 40 41261
University of Kentucky* LOU'S‘
Correspondence ~ , K
_ m , , W~ WW auim
Lexungton, Kentucky 40506 701 E2
Western Kentucky State* A"
University Correspondence ( 5°"
Department of Extension and
Field Services Flight
Bowling Green, Kentucky 42102
Aire In
Cosmetology Schools Sixth a

Academy of Beauty Culture, Inc.

140 Sou'thland Drive
Lexington, Kentucky 40503


Ashland Beauty College

1549 Greenup Avenue
Ashland, Kentucky 41101


 (Cosmetology Schools Cont.)

Campbell’s Academy of Beauty
9539 Taylorsville Road
Ianage Jeffersontown, Kentucky 40299


Charm College of Beauty Culture
.ry 1031 Bardstown Road

Louisville, Kentucky 40204

tant Covington Beauty College

808 Madison Avenue
Covington, Kentucky 41011

Eastern'School of Hair Design, Inc.

112 South Second
Richmond, Kentucky

Ezell Beauty School
306 North 4th Street
Murray, Kentucky


Hager, Beauty Academy
228 East Main
Lexington, Kentucky 40507


HellemsSchool of Beauty Culture
515 West Oak Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40203


House of James Beauty College
4126 Taylor Boulevard
Louisville, Kentucky 40215

LL#J Kaufman Beauty School
701 East High Street
Lexington, Kentucky 40502

oLis Glyn School of Beauty Culture
1025 State Street
Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101

Louisville College of Beauty

226 West Walnut Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40202 '

Marinello College of Beauty

409 South Main Street
Hopkinsville, Kentucky 42240

Mary Anna’ 5 Beauty School
56 South Main Street
Madisonville, Kentucky 42431

Mr. John’s School of Beauty ,,
1507 Bardstown Road
Louisville, Kentucky 40205

Paducah School of Beauty Culture
124 South Fourth Street
Paducah, Kentucky 42001

Radclilf Beauty College
410 Dixie Boulevard
Radcliff, Kentucky 40160

Roy's of Louisville Beauty M
Academy, Inc.

3928 Shelbyville Road
Louisville, Kentucky 40207

(All schools have approved courses In Cosmetology)


Flight Schools
Aire Internationale, Inc.

Bowman Field
Sixth and Scott Streets
Louisville, Kentucky 40215

Approved Courses

1/ Commercial — Airplanes
2/ Instrument

3/ Flightlnstructor

4/ Instrument — Instructor
5/ Multi-Engine






(Flight Schools Cont.)

Ayer Flying Service
Owepsboro, Kentucky 42301

Bohmer Flying Service

Blue Grass Field
LexingtOn, Kentucky 40504


Greater Cincinnati Air Service, Inc.

P. O. Box 75036

Airport Branch

Greater Cincinnati Airport
Cincinnati, Ohio 45275

Central American Airways

Flying Service, Inc.
Bowman Field
Louisville, Kentucky 40205

Coy Flying Service

Approved Courses

1/ Commercial

2/ Flightlnstructor

3/ Instrument

4/ Instrument Flight Instructor
5/ Multi—Eugine

Approved Courses

1/ Commercial

2/ Flightlnstructor

3/ Instrument Pilot

4/ Instrument Flight Instructor
5/ MuIti-Engine

Approved Courses

1/ Commercial

2/ Instrument

3/ Flightlnstructor

Flight Instrument

5/ Multi-Engine

6/ Airline Transport Pilot in MuIII

Approved Courses

1/ Airplane Flight Instructor
2/ Commercial Pilot

3/ Instrument Pil