xt7rv11vht7m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rv11vht7m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-04-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 03, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 03, 1975 1975 1975-04-03 2020 true xt7rv11vht7m section xt7rv11vht7m Vol LXVI No 138
Thursday Apri'13. 1975



an independent student new



University of Kentucky
Iexington Ky 40506

Two-day forum focuses on world food crisis

Huddleston foresees
food system trouble

Kernel Staff Writer

The oil crisis will look like a
Sunday picnic compared to prob-
lems that Wlll he generated if the
food producing capabilities of the
world falter. said Kentucky Sen
Walter “Dee“ Huddleston in an
address delivered Wednesday

lluddlestoii. who is the Senate
Subt‘onututtee on Agriculture
Production. Marketing and Stab
IllZiIllOIl of I’rices chairman.
served as a l' S representative
to the World Food (‘onference in
Home last fall.

Forum on the World Food (‘risis.
lluddleston breif'ly outlined the
rapidly developing food crisis‘
history and expressed his views
on how to alleviate it

“Of all of the dramatic experr
iences in the past several years
perhaps the least understandable
and the with the most
universal implications has been
the change in the world food
situation." he said

“The manifestations are many
and of varying degree but the fact
is inescapable there is trouble
in the world food sy stem." Hud
dleston said "The question is
asked again and again whether
we are making our way through a
period of aberations "


HE SAII) that world grain
output decreased by three per
cent in 1972-the first time in 20


years in addition. because of
bad weather. world cereal stocks
are now at the lowest level in 30
years The resulting increase in
food prices has had two extreme-
ly significant results. according
to lltiddleston

“lt reversed a three»decade
trend causing the percent of
iiiilividiial l' S disposable in
comes spent on food to rise." he
said "And it added to the
financial difficulties of the em
erging nations which were al-
ready saddled with higher costs
for energy imports "

These developments have rais-
ed questions about America‘s
ability to feed the world "World
food production must increase 2:3
million tons. or almost three per
cent annually just to keep up
with growth and demand."
lluddleston said "That does not
include the upgrading of millions
of diets that need improvement '

l\'l‘l|. HI‘TEN'I‘IX
in world production have barely
kept up w itli rising demands But
now an ever-increasing demand
production gap is developing.
according to lluddleston 'l‘hird
world nations are being most
severely effected by this gap

“l'iiless food production is
greatly e\'panded in these reg
ions. the developing world may
face an 85 million ton deficn by
1985.” he said “Therefore we
must begin to plan for the food
needs of future generations.”


siaii photo by John Cranmi

Georgia Skowlund wipes the remains of a pie from her face
Wednesday just outside the west door of the Office Tower.
Skowlund was a victim of the “hit man"—a group of students

who fiillfill

“contracts" to

hit anyone with a pie.


America's approach to meeting
these deficits is a greatly ex
panded program of food aid. “In
this area the l'nited States has
been the most generous nation in
the world." Huddleston said
“Over the past ‘20 years we have
shipped more than $23 billion
worth of agricultural commodit
ms to needy nations under our
Food For Peace program Since
ttiiifi we have provided over three
quarters of all food assistance to
the developing world

"Ill'ItING THE current year we
will be increasing foreign food
assistance by over 50 per cent to
about SI 6 billion.” he added “It
is clear that our record in food aid
is unmatched by any nation in the

('ontinued on page It:


For more information con—
cerning the Focus Forum
on the World Food (‘risis.
see page 6





Group fulfills

By RON \ll'l‘t'llEl l.
Managing Editor
The last thing Georgia Skowr
lund expected when she went to
lunch Wednesday at noon was a
face full of Kraft whipped cream
But when the agriculture thItIOI‘
walked out of the Office Tower
west door she became the latest
victim of the “hit-man" a
group of students who fulfill
“contracts" to hit someone with a


THE (iHOl'l'. l’\'l"'l‘Elt.\'El)
after a similar professional or
ganization in (‘hicago. started the
service this week because "we
needed laundry money "

As Skowlund. a Honors Pro
gram student worker, emerged
from the Office Tower. she was
stopped by several people who

UK research could

ease food

By JAMIE l.l'(‘KE
Kernel Staff Writer
University of Kentucky
research could eventually lead to
crop production with almost no
cultivation. increased beef pro-
duction and innoculation of plants
to protect them from disease. a
panel of professors from the
College of Agriculture said Tues-
The presentation of food pro
duction research at the l'niver~
Sity was part of a World Food
(‘risis forum

“FOOD l’ROI)l'("I‘lO.\' invol—
ves a broad range of research
that progresses in stages." said
.lack Hiatt. agronomy depart-
ment chairman

Research rarely produces sud»
den changes. he added. but small
breakthroughs add up over time

"Over the last 35 years corn
yields have increased threefold.
and there's been a twofold III
crease in soybeans." he said

State experimental research
stations and universities across
the nation also contribute to food
production research. Hiatt said

mental Research Station focuses
on Kentucky agriculture most of
the research there has national
and international application.
Hiatt said.

He also stressed the interdis-
ciplinary nature of food produc-
tion research.

wanted to talk. As she stood
there two “hit men" wearing
fencing masks ran from the
Office Tower. slammed the pie in
Skowlund‘s‘ and dashed
back inside

Rates for the “hits" are $3 for
students. $33 for most faculty
ialthoiigh they are usually will-
ing to barter on this pricei and
Stan for top-level administrators
One of the organizers said there
are two faculty members which
$50 to be “pied“ because
are so hard to get ' She
would only say that there have
been “several" hits so far and
that no contracts have been taken

out on administrators


“I hey

said all of the victims. like
Skowlund. have realized the mate

c ris is

An example of the interdisc-
iplinary approach and an impor~
tant research area is no-tillage
crop production.

Farmers using this method
plant seeds in narrow trenches
that are just wide enough to cover
the seeds. he said.”No cultivation
is necessary because of the use of

from herbicides is not really a
problem with no-tillage crop
production."he said. “We cannot
assume that the environment is
polluted with herbicides." Hiatt
said.“All herbicides now meet
stringent requirements,"

No—f‘illage production advanta-
ges are a 75 per cent reduction in
energy requirements. a 95 per
cent reduction in soil erosion.
savings in time. and increased
soil moisture retention. he said.
Savings in time and soil moisture
also permit two crops to be
planted on the same land in one
year. he added.

Plant diseases and insects that
destroy crops are another impor-
tant research area said Steve
I)iachun. plant pathology depart-
ment chairman said. The des-
truction of crops by insects and
disease has troubled man since
Biblical times, “The destruction
of plants leaves hunger in its
wake." Diachun added.

Continued page

‘controcts' to throw pies at people

fer was a joke and there have not
been any angry complaints ”

“I think it was for fun."
Skowliind said “I don‘t even
know who took out the contract on
me but I don‘t think it was
someone who didn‘t like me."

“I‘m not mad I didn't know
what todo It was real good." she
said “I will retaliate when I find
out who it was. I will probably
call a hit man todo it when I get

easy bit since she and her
coworkers always go that route
to lunch every Monday. Wednes
day and Friday.

Although the two spokesmen
refused to say how many persons
are involved in the group. thev
(‘ontiniied on page 16


 Editor incnel. Linda Carries

Features editor, Larry Mead

Managing editor Ron Mitchell Ali‘ canon, Greq Hotelich

Associate editor. Nancy Daty

Sports editor, Jim Mauom

Editorial page editor Dan Crutcher Pnaography editor, Ed Gerald


Editorials nepieseni the opimons at me edIIOIS



‘Law and order' produces Senate Bill I

A bill has been introduced before
the US. Senate which could have a
substantial negative effect on citi-
zens' civil liberties. It deserves. but
has not received. a lot of publicity.

The bill. known as Senate Bill 1 or
the “Criminal Justice Reform Act of
1975." is a comprehensive review and
revision of federal criminal laws. It is
partly an offspring of the National
Commission on Reform of Criminal
Laws (the Brown Commission. 1966-
71) and much of it was drafted under
Attorneys General Mitchell and
Kleindienst. A similar bill was
originally introduced in 1973 by
Senators John McClellan iD-Ark.t
and Roman Hruska iR-Neb.t Exten-
sive hearings were held in the Senate
Judiciary committee on the original
bill tS. 1-100) in 1973-1974. but it never
came before the Senate for a vote.

At present. a group called the
National Committee Against Repres-
sive Legislation iNCARL) is leading
the opposition to the bill. It is urging
senators to either send the bill back to
committee or vote it down.

Many sections of the bill are almost
worthy of Dick Tracy. They clearly
favor the “law and order" approach
to criminal justice by giving the
government and its law enforcement
agencies the benefit of the doubt
whenever possible. In places it seems
in direct conflict with the Constitu-

Some of the more questionable
aspects of the bill:

—make it a felony to disclose
classified information to “a person
who is not authorized to receive it."
even if the information was not
lawfully subject to classification at
the time of the offense.

—permit 48 hour “emergency”
wiretaps without court approval.
Also gives law enforcement agencies
incredibly broad grounds for request
ing wiretaps and compels telephone
companies and landlords to cooperate
with government wiretappers.

_prohibit participation in a group
which "incites other persons to
engage in conduct that then or at
some future time would facilitate the
forcible overthrow" of the [TS gov

wmake it felony to "incite others to
evade military or alternative civilian

«provide heavy penalties under a
very broadly defined sabotage law
which sanctions almost any damage
to government propery done “with
intent to impair. interfere with. or

obstruct the ability of the United
States or an associate nation tog,
South Vietnami to prepare for or
engage in war or defense activitiev ‘

institute a mandatory death pen»
alty under certain conditions for
treason. espionage. sabotage and

make a misdemeanor of “pub
licly iiiiitilatiiig. defacing. defiling.
burning or trampling upon" anything
which vaguely resembles the ('5.
flag including pictures i

There are many other sections of
Senate Hill 1 that seem overbroad and
too harsh It is amazing that the
drattei's of this legislation could
justify so many infringements of
individual liberties in the interest of
national security and “law and or-

der ”



On the spot

TV networks
pander blood


The sunny beaches of Florida were just too many
dollars away this spring to join in the annual migration
southward during break, Consequently. the vacation
week was spent lounging in the confines of the family
villa at Shivley. At the end of the day‘s activities one
evening. television viewing was suggested. Everyone
settled down for an evening of entertainment.

The weekly installment of "Police Story" featured
Lloyd Bridges as a cop. Father is a Lloyd Bridges fan.
“Police Story" was agreed upon. and the dial was
appropriately set.

l.\' THIS EPlSODE. Lloyd Bridges was an aging
bachelor who had devoted his entire life to police work
and whose fervor for the job approached obsesswe
fanaticism. His partner was a younger family man.

In the first action sequence. the heroes respond to a
bank robbery happening just across the street.
conveniently enough. Dressed in plain clothes and
armed with pump shotguns. they dash across the street
and arrive just as the masked robbers are emerging
from the bank. The heroes shout “Police? Stop or drop
dead'.“ The robbers shoot at them!

Every junior G-man worth his Crimestoppers'
Notebook knows what happened next. One of the
robbers got blown in half. After this rather demoraliz—
ing development. the other robber naturally would
surrender. Wrong!

THE OTHER ROBBER flees to the parking lot. Just
as Lloyd Bridges is about to draw a bead on him. the
wily bird ducks down. But Lloyd Bridges outfoxes him?
Lloyd Bridges calls out “Gobblesgobble'.” The villain
stands up and promptly gets sprayed across six late
model cars. “Something I saw in a Sgt. York movie,"
Bridges explains later. “Good shooting," commends
the captain.

Later. Lloyd Bridges bags a child molestor. The
same blast which nails the crook first passes through a
baby crib, The crib was occupied. Bridges is “retired“

from the force. He goes berserk at this injustice.

occupies a high vantage point and starts taking
potshots at things. things not people When the police
storm his position his partner blows him to smither-
eens iirony of ironiest. and iii slow motion

“Police Story” is only one of some two dozen crime
oriented prime time television programs being aired.
The programming constitutes a virtual wave of

:9 as Juan: wt. mum‘s



‘Natiiriilly. if we'd had American aid. we would be much braver than this . . l'

dramatized violence on television. accounting for so
per cent of prime time broadcast material t.\'ewsweek.
March 10!

THE ANNENBHRG S(‘Ht)()l. of (‘omniunications at
the L'niversity of Pennsylvania reports that for every
ten violent characters on television there are H
victims injured or killed.

A disproportionate number of these victims are
female. elderly. low ciass. foreign. non white t' 8
News 8: World Report. Jan t3i. By the age of 15. the
average child has witnessed an estimated lit-.ooo
television killings. Concern is rising again over the
effect of the viewing of violence on the public.
particularly among the young

Television crimes have inspired actual crimes iii
isolated instances. Evidence suggests that children
who are frequently exposed to portrayals of violence
become more tolerant of violent behavior. if not
actually more violent. Research is these areas remains
inconclusive concerning any exclusive causal relation
ships between broadcast violence and violence in lllt'

Sl'GGESTHD CHANGES for improvement haye
consisted mainly of various ways to signal the
audience that the programming is violent by a l'éttiiig
code similar to that for movies. by late schedutm.
after kiddies" bedtime; by warnings printed with
program listings: by a visual symbol lit‘oadt‘ast during
the show in a portion of the screen who“ on]
crossbones seem appropriate: None of lllt‘Nl‘ changes
address the problem,

'l'eleyisioii tare continues to pander to an audience
whose .itteiitioii can be woii and held by shallow
eoiiti'iyed plots resolved through \iolciice Such
programs can be produced easily . simply and cheaply
’l‘hi- sensationalistic iiiiish l\ then marketed as
entertainment The television audience today shares
the tastes ot i'ockt'iitht enthusiasts or spectators at
Holtiat: gladiator tournaments Advertisers happily
toot lllt‘ bill toi .i laige audience

Sunday night as we traiiiped down “the yellow brick
t‘oatl ' tor the iiiiiptecnth time, it occurred to me that
ittialit} has a Place on television "The Wizard of 0/"
has been shown so many times it has become an
institution ttiie no longer merely watches “()1.” one
participates llt it. shares in it The film has become
part of the .'\iiierican consciousness Hun any "l’olice
Stoiv episode annually. the tradition will qutckly
wear threadbare The difference is quality

\litllin'lfi INS ITS l’l.\(‘PI in drama and Hi
enteitaininent tVt'itness the demise of the Wicked oltl
\Kitcli of the Westt Violence of life

lint \iolciice alone cannot be substituted for It”
«yen .i gilded skeleton is no more than a skeleton 'l‘llt‘
tY'llltt' oi the networks is prottering this counterfeit '\
'ot'ltttldl boycott of titl\t'l‘ll§(‘r,\ sponsoring sll;llltl\\l‘
'. 'tli'tt' piograiiiniiiig would teach the tclcyisiort
intlii-i‘iy th.i' t'lllllt' tlttt‘s not pay


l lilllt'l langsiloii is a junior majoring in psychology

.ii i ' ‘ ' .
._tl liistoii “is i oliiiiiii “(hi the slittl‘ "WW". \
lliiii'sdays in the Kernel.



_.~_.—A ,_.








“'l'he time is right to legislate on this
matter III the I'iiited States." you might
expect these to be the words of a member
of (‘ongress or perhaps a respected
political analyst in the media Neither is
correct. the speaker is all Israeli official in
Jerusalem and the topic is the Arab
boycott of Israel

Jerusalem has directed its lobbyists In
Washington to work for a law that would
declare participation in the boycott illegal
'l‘he Israelis would also like to see
t‘oiigress enact a law requiring foreign
investors in the I' S to sign nondiscriimii
.itioii pledges Whether or not the powerful
Jewish influence will muster enough
support iii Washington has yet to be

I’ltI‘LSIIHLN'l‘ Hill!) HAS at least paid
lip service to the increased power of the
boycott moyement Iii a speech in Febru
ary Ford described the boycott as “totally
contrary to the American tradition and
repugnant to American principles.” The
above statement is particularly interes»
ting in light of the fact that the United
States has only recently shown any
willingness to liberalize its own nearly
13year-old economic embargo of (Tuba. It
was just in 1973 that this country ceased to
require a certificate of origin proving that
goods to be imported had not come from
tfie the People's Republic of (‘hma Before
197:5 any company having dealings with
(‘hlna was blacklisted by the Treasury
Department. President Ford's “holier
than thou“ attitude is not likely to impress
the Arabs and certainly not the (‘ubans or
the (‘hinese

What the Arab boycott and blacklist
amount to is in effect to deny petrodollars
to those banks and companies having
direct dealings with Israel and to financial
institutions owned by Jewish families. The
boycott was never considered much of a
threat to Israel or to Western industry
until the last war in the Middle East and





Opinions from inside and outside the university community

6 "Q I. all”;






the Arab ascendency to the control of their
oil resources. Since 1973 there has been a
great scramble to attract petrodollars and
recent monetary instability has made
many nations and companies reevaluate
their policies toward Israel.

Some American companies have quietly
disposed of their subsidiaries and con-
tracts iii Israel while others maintain they
will never bow to Arab pressure. Samuel
W. Sax. (‘hairman of the Exchange
National Bank of Chicago has published a
quarter page open letter to the President
commending him for his stand on the
boycott question. Mr. Sax considers the
President's stand to be a moral one and
enthusiastically joins in this position. It
should be noted that Mr. Sax‘s bank is the
only American bank in Israel The letter

appeared in the country‘s most widely
distributed business news daily.

ISRAEL HAS HAD some success in
helping the Congress decide foreign policy.
Israel has been particularly successful in
explaining moral issues to the American
people. After all, we did blindly support
Israel as she increased her territory at the
expense of some of our long-time allies in
three different wars of aggression in the
name of her “national security." .

The combination of crimes known as
Watergate have taught us the perverse
meanings of the terms “national secur-
ity.“ After all. the US. did piously support
Israel as it systematically removed the
Palestinian nation from its homeland. We
did not make a moral issue of acts of

The New York Times/Barton Silverman

aggrandizement that created an entire
nation of refugees. How then can we make
moral judgments about tried and true
means of economic warfare. No war is

In light of Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger’s failure to obtain the negotiated
peace in the Middle East because Israel
has refused to give up Egyptian territory.
Israel may find its lolbyists having a
difficult time getting their legislation
pased. There have already been hints from
Washington that future aid to Israel may
be in jeopardy if Jerusalem does not adopt
a more conciliatory attitude at the
forthcoming Geneva peace negotiations.


Bruce Allbright III is a graduate student
in the Patterson School of Diplomacy.

No need for literary field trips through dead post

By Nelson Algren
PATl-LRSON, N. .l.—“'l‘he mere fact
that the younger American literary
generation has come to the schools,
instead of running away from them,"
Prof. Wallace Stegner, of Stanford,
assures us about Creative Writing
Workshops. “is an indi;ation of a
soberer and less coltish spirit."

“Writers in groups are with few
exceptions the most impotent and per-
nicious tribe to infest the planet,"
playwright Ed Bullins says. flatly re-
futing Professor Stegner. “It would be.
healthier for a writer to socialize with
drug addicts than with a claque of

If the act of writing, like that of
ministering to the sick, defending
lllsllt‘t‘ or constructing decent housing,
is perfomied to sustain society‘s con»
fidentc in the rightness of its own
rules, Professor Stegner is right. Mr.
lliillins' is wrong If the act of writing
is pcilornicd to sustain the reader‘s

imi 'tion that his own society is the
bmt if all possible so ietfies‘, Mr. Stet;
her 1‘. right agazn. \lr. Bullins still

\t't strangely. from “The Starlet
lette "l Ill le 'I'om's Cabin" and

"k'aiyge." through “An American


Tragedy," “The Grapes of Wrath" and
“Native Son." the American novel has
consistently challenged our society's
confidence in its sense of justice. Of
those books written in the conforming
attitude of a “soberer and less coltish
spirit," not one has lasted. While not a
single enduring work, from “Moby
Dick" to “Catch-22," but has been
written in alienation from society; and
in denial of the justice of society‘s rules.

It is true that, as Professor Stegner
says, Creative Writers' Wcrkshops of-
fer sanctuary: a sanctuary which is
precisely the means of cutting off the
writer from the real world. Can one
imagine “Life on the. Mississippi" be-
ing conceived in a literary workshop?
Could anyone have developed “Tile
Open Boat" from a field trip through
a classics library?

(,‘rtative Writers' Workshops do not
dcr.vc from the tradition of thallcnge.
iliey derive, rather, from the tradition
of smiling optimism which William
James once summarized as “the smil-
ing side of American life." It was the
\viitcr s duty. Professor James decided.
to ayniiif writing "anything that might
bring a blush to a inaidcii's thecksf
'lhis i‘tduttion of American writing, to
what might lie within the grasp of a
retarded teen-tiger. was \iolcntly

blasted when Stephen Crane published
“Maggie: A Girl of the Streets.”

The conformist tradition, however,
persisted among those who found
sanctuary in “a soberer and less colt—
ish spirit." Sanctuary, that is. from
the dark, unsmiling side of American

“Are you one of the quiet ones who
should be a writer?" the Famous Writ—
crs School used to ask in all the mag-
;.zines just as if no one had pointed
out that the loudest mou:h and the
most belligerent bore, in any group,
was inevitably the writer. “If you are
reserved in a crowd you may be bot-
tling up a talent that could change
your life. If you‘ve been keeping quiet
about your talent, here‘s a wonderful
chance to do something about it. The
first step is to mail the coupon below
for the Free Writing Aptitude Test.“

'lhe minute you've unbottled your
money y'i.ti’te passed the test. The
Lt‘eative Writers Workshops are the
t lupus extenson ol the Famous Writ-
i;.s philosophy.

"\Ivlictlie. Dreyfus is gti.lly or iii~
iiiitciil.’ (.‘iiekhov wiotc at the time
o. the iteyilis ti'i'll. “Zola is still
.igil t.t-.l!llil§1 that. in detendlng
lllt)i‘_i‘-. /.o..i was r.ght Slitlpl' Ill tie»
tending llit‘ accused, guilty or inno-

cent. Lola, to Chekhov, was right
Simply because he stood in opposition
to tile Establishment.

Creative Writers‘ Workshops, by
and large, are conducted by people in
the service or the court. Having long
ago compromised their own integrity.
in return for security, their busmess
has now become that of inducting the
young into the necessity for com-

But if the proper study of mankind
is man, it follows that, in order to re
port man, one must first become one.
How is one to create something unique
without first having, himself. become
a unique being?

The style is the man: the unformed
personality cannot create form beyond

lam all in favor of Creative Writers'
Workshops. They pay me more, for
talking about writing. than I get paid
tor actually writing it. But the young
people to whom I talk are not the ones
who are going to do any serious writ-
ing themselves. If they were they
wouldn‘t be listenziig to how s n'ieoiie
else does if: they‘d be doing it their
own way. by themselves; without lit-
ei‘ai‘v field ti“ps through the (lt‘Jtl past.

\clsoii itlgt‘cn's i’utcst l‘U’th is “The
I,i1.\( Carousel."




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news briefs


S.’ Vietnamese senate
calls for new leaders

S.~\l(l()\. South Vietnam i.-\l’l The South Vietnamese Senate
called unanimously today for a new leadership to end the war as
President Nguyen-Van ’l‘hieu's government gave tip the last of its
enclaves in the central part of the country without a fight

Anarchy and panic gripped five cities in the region. including
(‘am ltanh. now among the three quarters of South Vietnam under
North Vietnamese and \'iet (‘ong control

In a flight from possible turmoil in Saigon, a World Airways “(‘8
left for the l'nited States carrying 37 Vietnamese orphan babies
ranging in age from it months to :l years

THE HEAD (W the airline. lid l)a|y. said the South Vietnamese
approved the evacuation of Still other orphan babies but that the
L? S. Embassy prevented their departure because it felt his plane
was unsafe

A spokesman for the l' S Embassy today denied that it had
blocked the departure of the 2300 babies saying the Friends of All
Children. a charitable organization helping :‘tmericans adopt
children. made the decision

Thieu summoned Premier Tran Thien Khiem. his cabinet and the
top military commanders to a meeting and there was speculation
that a new cabinet would be announced

l.\' t\ R \llltl address, Khiem pledged to hold onto remaining
government controlled areas and "from there work toward
retaking control of the entire country "

Continued loss of territory
spreads panic to Saigon

S\t(;tl\. South Vietnam ‘.'\l’-'
the l' S consulate to make honest women of the Vietnamese they

Alllt'l'll'flll men are storming

have been living with for years

In the midst of the jam at the .\mertcan consulate. in walked
vacationing Richard Smith. head of the l' S consular section in
New Delhi. India He took one look at the mob, and plunged right in
to help out ms Saigon colleagues

“The biggest problem we have are these American men coming
here to get their marriages validated.” said one otticer

“'l‘lllCY \\ \\'T it) get married and the government ol Vietnam
says foreign men need a sworn statement from their embassies
that they are legally free to marry We tell them to fill out a form

and take an oath "

\1l2'l‘\ “ll-35F. \Nll l'tlltliltmlilts are stamiwrling banks to
get their money out in the wake of rumors already denied by the
government that accounts will be fro/en

l’anic has spread to Saigon alter the loss of about 73 per cent of
South Vietnam's territory to the North Vietnamese and \'iet Cong.
much of it without real opposition

The exchange rate of the l' 8 dollar may be
elsewhere But black marketer-rs were quoting it
Wednesday at low plasters. up from Hm plasters about three
weeks ago

U.$. energy use declines
for first time since 1952

“DWIIINGTON lAl’i Energy use in the l'nited States declined
last year for the first time since 19:32. the government reported

Preliminary Bureau of Mines figures show that reduced use in
the transportation industry led the way to a 2.2 per cent decline in
overall energy use from 1973

Consumption of oil products dropped 237 million barrels nearly
two-thirds of the million barrels a day savings which President
Ford set as a conservation goal

in Saigon.

Bl'T ONLY lt million of those barrels represented a decrease
in petroleum imports, which is the principal target area for

Outgoing interior Secretary Rogers (‘tt Morton attributed the
bulk of the decline to five reasons the Arab oil embargo. higher
prices. economic slowdown. conservation efforts and relatively
mild winter weather.


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There may not be a solution

for Office Tower wind problem

Kernel Staff Writer

The constant draft around Pat-
terson Office Tower is sometimes
called the “Marilyn Monroe
effect" ~because it lifts hats,
umbrellas and skirts ——said Uni—
versity architect Clifton Mar-

There appears to be no solution
to the wind on the Office Tower
plaza, only the consolation that
no more towers are planned for

“IT‘S A microclimatological
phenomenon." he said “A swirl-
ing effect ismbservable near the
base of the building which,
depending on the wind. can
create an occasionally hazardous

A rumor attributing the plaza
wind to the tact that the con
strtiction of the Office Tower and
the Whitehall (‘Iassroom Building
several feet “off" was
discounted by Anthony Eardley.
(‘ollege of Architecture dean
“Any tall building will create
wind problems," he said.

"Depending on the surrounding
buildings and the prevailing
winds a tower can create a
moderate to great wind problem,
It 's no co