xt7rv11vhw89 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rv11vhw89/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-02-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 1995 1995 1995-02-01 2020 true xt7rv11vhw89 section xt7rv11vhw89  



’95 race will
set new em

By Stephen Trimble

l'.\1'1'll!!i‘t' lad/1111'

\\1th the passinLI 111 the 1ilmLl
deadline 1111‘ the 1‘1‘11 L1111Lr1111rs
race 1‘1:stL‘rda1'. Kentuckians can
sketch their first outline 111 all the
gubernatorial hopeltils and it
appears to be .1 1‘ait‘l1' big picture.

Seven candidates two
Republican. the Democrat
enter the race 1111‘ Ket1tuck1"s top
L'VCL‘UIH'L‘ job as the winter and
spring primar1' electiotis season
opens toda1'.

Senate \1.11111‘111 leader lohn
"l“.L ‘k Rose was the litst to ltle lor

c.111dida1‘1' at the Secretary 111‘

St.1tL“s 11111ce when he lll.‘1(1( his
c;.1mpiign announLL‘inL‘nt .11 1 p.111
1'L‘sterd. 11‘.

“111 1111' political li1etime. this
electiott will 1111er KentuL kians the
greatest choices tlte1‘1‘e L‘11‘t‘ had."
said 'l‘e1l_l.1ckson. campaign 111.111
1.1L1L‘r 1111‘ Republican candidate

lhis 11‘ .11‘ s 1.“111 represents .1
new ei‘1 L‘11111‘L11nL1 111 Kentu1k1
politits as L111111‘111L1s1al new c .1111
paign laws .11‘L e111111ce1l 111 the
wake 111‘ the scars 111' legislatne
scandal 11‘11111 the l‘lil‘s 11(11’1‘1‘111

Political science prolessor
l’enn1' Miller. author 11111111 books
1111 recent Kentuck1‘ politics. sees
the candidates this 1L‘.11‘ addressing
issues sticli .1s L‘dtiLation reform.
tax reform and economic develop

Kentucky's next election 111.11


7 tile to be next Ity. governor

tesemhle something Llose 111 the
Republicans. \ict111‘111us national
and state clL‘Lttotts 111 .\V111L‘tttltet‘.
.\liller said.

The Republicans seemed to
have the 11111111e11tum and the can
didates. .\1lllL‘l‘ said. wltile the
Democrats will ha1e1otii1dtlie11‘
tot‘ch bearer among .1 crowded

the GOP race

Both 1 L‘\111Ltt1111 1tt11i“nL1 1. arm
l‘orL'1' and l1iisiness111att lxoliert

(lable ate 111 the race. although
one. (table. seems more interested
iii repealinLt some controversial
-‘..1mp.11L“n 1.111s than getting eleLt

l111‘g1‘ is L1‘1nsideted 111' 111.1111 to
he the Republicans l1est 1111pe..'\
11‘1r111L1 1111111 raiser rand pointman


tying/.111 game

elm/er lull/(H'I'uil'. /i/i." HUI/V 4/).
SPORTS ”'1' (.11/1‘ 1111‘ 1/‘1‘1"/‘1' [111'/(1‘1"! 1111

110131. ”lute/11111.1. page 1‘.


1111‘ the l\L‘.1gan bitsh 1..1111p11L111s.
l1es1“stump speakers" 11111 (.111

llt tltt'l l‘)‘)l C'l((1lltll. 111l:‘\ lost
l11 l pLitent 1ge point 111 tl11 pii
111.11‘1 111 Republic .111 l 1111 ll11p
kins who went on 111 be soun1ll1
1l1111111l11 l)c‘1111111.11 l111“‘11t11i1

_l11nes 111 the genei .1l echtion.

17111‘21‘111111 appears 111 11111‘ 1111

sL‘l‘tolis ('Hllll‘k‘llllltl] williltt lils
own part1 and is ahead 111 the
whole pack. including the

“Right 111111.11 11111 ask 1111‘
t11da\. (l‘111‘g1 s) )the 1111111111111."
Millet said.

(ialile, on the other hand. said
he wants to raise .1 “L'rass toots"
Lampaign to deleat some 1'1‘11‘111
legislation that testritts the tree
1l11111s 111‘ .1 gubernatotial 1.1111l11late.

.s'.‘.- RACE .111 Back Page

111/1114111. I117." 111 1/11‘ III/1]“ 1W1:

:‘1'1‘1‘1/1‘ Sum/1 (jam/Hm.

WEAIHER’ I’ III/1 111/1111'

rat/.11. lite/.1 mar )7). Jam/1'


February I . I 995

o (..1 «1111111 7 [Inch/1m 4

Z I ,0,“ 2 \[ml '1 3
l 6

’ ‘ 11113111.] 7 .'1':. ["111le







Election bits cemepm

By David Turner

.\Ia'ti ll inter

cation 11.111‘ caused college stit‘

dents 111be1'111111‘ more involved ‘

in the politital process. l‘i1lL‘len
\\'1th the elections neat‘l1 a Mlltl.

\ear .111‘.1\. gubernatorial hope ilVlK‘ l"ltt'1n ‘amp1iL1n stafti ‘

l'uls .1lre.id1 are tr1'inLr 111 court includts. 111.141.”. 11111111» 1mm 1

the .11.”)...‘1-111c ‘ ‘ campuses .1111iiiid the state. I
\1.1[11'sd1 Iltt‘Y 1)_}\c planned 1 \1L‘ltl1'111-tlic stlttlL‘ttth are 1101” l

11‘ are 111.1king plans to \is‘it [K ['K

‘.11111 other uni1ersities and 1‘11l- \1‘1rh all 111thc other 11111

leges .1c1‘1 1ss the state. paiL‘ns also use student interns
.‘\n1l what do students think “"1111 L‘ls and other K1‘111111‘k1‘

about the 1"‘15 T'ilLk.‘ 1111‘ L1111e1‘ 'HH\ ..... 1st Visit!

I 3315. .. 2nd Visit! g
4 s25... . 3rd Visit! (
l )



3‘5 .. 4th Visit!
SYN) ..... 5th Visit!








Call or visit our modern
center for more details.

2043 Oxford Circle . Lexington, KY
or ’

Mon-Thurs 8 am.-11 pm.
Fri 8 am.—7 pm.

Sat-Sun 8 am.-8 pm.













By Michelle Gibbons

(,‘IIIIIII/rmmg ll 'Ilter

lIIo L K stuIants IIL lIopIIILI
tlIL lIuLk stops on tlILII LlooistLp
tor I ‘Mllllllll llIIiI 5 Human
‘Llllil. IislIIp loIiiIIl ItIoII l\\ IrIl.

;\\I \VeIt/Inan .lllil .\liLlI.II-l
SLIItt (:l)(l\lf r't Llll llIliL‘Ll .Is it. IlIIIII. il
lIII. Ilists loI thL lIILIlIlI piestILIIoIIs
lllllll III \Lhol. Iisliip

l lIL III arIls .'-IIL LIIIen eILII
IL .Ir to I lInIItLIl IIIIIIIlILI of top
LollLL'L sttIIants th noIIIIIILL.
Inust lIL sL- elL'iIILr L Ireers III LIoI'L-rn
IneIIt or some other pulIlIL sL-I'IILL-
and must Ileinonstrate lL-aIlerslIIp
potential through L‘olleLIe iIIIolIL-
Inent .IIIIl :IL'aIleiIIIL snI'L‘ess.

\\'eIt/inan :llltl (IooII-Ii, lIIIilI
pIIlItiLal \L’lL‘l’lL‘L‘ IIIIIIors. iIIaI lN'
IIlL-al L'aIIIlIIlatL-s tor the .|\‘\.ll'Il

\Veit/inan. (‘\L‘Lllll\t‘ IlIrLILiIIi‘
ol ,\L';IIlelIIIL‘ Allan‘s III lllt' S'tuIlL-nt
(ioIernnIent -\ssoL'I.ItIIIII.
l‘L'L'lplL'lIt ill. LVK‘s ( iallles l‘I'llIIII

ship. .I l\\II*'\'L‘.ll' lIiIIIIaiIItIL-s sI lIIIl

also Is .I

.ll'SllllI .. . ._. 4-7.7. _ As


lII the [no
It‘.ll'\, llL' has lIL-en .I
lI'siIlI'iIl .IIl\lsLi lIIl' lllt‘

[H Y!


halls. .l lllt‘llllIL‘l' o! the
.I.-[Int- II-ain .lllI: .III ence
.lLlHL' partitipan III A 6'20
\( I \. 9

ll lIL‘ l‘L'LL‘lIL‘s .i

s. lIolaIslIIlL \Veii/Inaii
salIl lllk‘ Illllllt‘} \IIll LIII
IliI‘L-LilI into tuition
LIIsls lIIl l.III sLlIIIIIl .Il
(:iIlllllllllJ LIIIIL-IsItI
iIl‘ \I’L‘H Ytlllx L

Avi Weitzman
Major: PolItical SCI-

Birthplace: Tel
Avw, lsrael
Hometown: Scars-
dale. NY
Education: Edge-
monl High School

his .lppllt'dlllill for the

(iooI‘ert Is inI‘olIeIl
III Iarions L‘ainpus
.IL'tIIIties. .Is well as
L‘IIllllllllnllI' projeets.
(.uI‘reIItlI', he is [)l‘LWl'
Ilent ill. the Student
l)L-IelopIIIent (IoIIiIL'Il
.IIIIl LII-.III‘iIIaII of the
LR SeniorChallenLre.

lII past years,
iIILI l'reshnIL-II anIl Ulll'

lll\i‘l'\‘ Michael Scott staIIIlIiILI sophomore

t_'.. COOVEI'l lIII’ [lie SL'lIIIIIl Ill-(\gl’l
l h IIIll pIII sllt‘ .I l.III Major: Political SCI- LIIltlIre.

ll(’;‘l»’ l' .illIl .I lll.l‘wl('l «. I ence ll lIe l'L‘L‘t'lVL‘s .I

IlI-LIII-I- III IIIlIlII I . sIlIolarslIi I. (:IHHL‘I'I

. l Age. 21 l

.iIllII.’ . II IIIIIII . , saIIl lIe Ilans to attend

Hometown Padu- l

lleIII lIlIlt'\lIlt‘lll:I
lllI lIIlllt'[Il'IIII‘IllII'IIIl
llL'lll‘ .IllIl l'l ll!" . IIII ll i
[IlIIlI'YiIIli ll)! .llll
\\‘L-II/III.III ‘s.llil III

cah. Ky.


lI.ls]I L IIIl

llllllt‘l the he

Education: Lone
Oak High School

lor degrees in Interna
tIoIIal laII .IIIIl pnlIlIL
.IIlinIIIistI ..ItiIIII

l l\.LIItiIIllI he said
L-lIopLIs to omit lor thL Stile


Department or {or .III InternatIon
.Il all-airs orLIanI/ation like
.I\lnnestI International.

l’olItIL I.l sLW-iLIILI prolessor
l’LIInI .“\lllltl the laLIIltI rL pIL
seIItItIIL loI the LIIIIIthitIon saIIl
linest students.

“It Isa [lerllL‘LIL‘ to teaLh LllL‘lll
and to mentor them." she said.
0They are really LIIIIIIl L'iti/L'ns."

.I\ltlIIItILIh lIoth are L‘IIIIIpetIIILI
against others around the LotIIItiI'
tor the .l\\ .I III. sIIIL e tlIeI' are l'I'oIn
IlilleI‘L-nt i'L-LI‘iIIIIs there is no IlireLI
L'oinpetition lIetII‘eeII the l\\II.

“'l'lIat‘s tlIL- lIL-st tlIIiILr IIL-
(lltlll'l ll.iIL lII LiIlllpL' IL .IL' llll\l
e.II lI lllllL‘l. \\ eIt/in. III s IIIl. \\'I-
cum Inn/1L .l eaLlI other (on possi
lIlI- min I lt'\\ IpIL'stlIIIIsl."

\Velt/IIIaII “Ill be llllL‘l'\lL‘\\L’.l
toIlaI III .\e\\ YorlL (IItI's l.InLIIlII

(.IIIIII-I‘t llllt‘l‘Ht‘HL‘Ll on l'I‘IIlaI
.it \'.IIIIlL-IlIIlt L'IIIIersItI in

\IslII ille. 'l'eIIII.




ABIISIIO EXPRESSION lm I. .. IHII . .1. MM .III /\ m .1.

III] \'III /I..

IlI.I/«I/I/I11Hf/I.I.l.Ind/III .II1./ III/i!
\mJo/i kin/tux limiukl \I III/Jill" 7.1

Blzlrk Hixmry .l [0111/]

relied/III) {Inna/Hired
II mm PAGE 1

pin. :\IlIIIissioII Is tree

"\'In Strlllll.l.\ lLLtIIIL Is IIIII
sIIIIIetlIIIILI that Is LIL- IILIl In t in
.III lIIstoIILal IIIerIIeII that \'.lll
e';ssLIItI IllI LIIIL IIs sonIL Mk. I o! IlIL
IIIlllllllllllHll\ pLoplL o! \lIiL.III
IlesLeIIt lI.I\e III. IIle totlII \IIIrl l

th lotus ol historI has
lIntIIIIIs ol iIIIII \\estLIn pLIIplL
l)L“leL IIl .\lrlL.ln IlL'sLL'IIl li.'IIL
ll.l\'L' ( lIanLreIl lllL' «nurse of lItIIII III
L‘I'Llils. ..

(IIIIIIIlI saIIl ilIL KIIILI( nll:: I Il
\ III \Lrtiini s IIoIlL's aiIIl plIIIII
IeIoIIliIILfs IIl pILIions\ an M ii:
ina lIItIIrLs-Ill nIoIIth. loi llII IL-
iIIlorIIIatIIIII Iall ’\ 41H)

”l lllllllK sIIIIIL pIoplL \\lll lII
IsioIIIIIlL'Il l\t seLII lIIIII spI il-
sL II I .Il tIIIILs ”I s \L‘l\ ilIIIIoII lI.
LILII IlIIl lien \\(Illll‘ LIaIII .l lIIl
liIInI lIIs prLsLnt ItIoII.

\ in St rilllla ls llIL LIlllIIl Iil ll‘IL
IIIIaI'iI-I lI I7'IIH‘IIIII .., ,lfi'l..u1 (.1: .'
[1.1m In. (II'IIIIIlI sanl llI ‘s I


I/l [Hm/11.: i/ .' III/1.x”.
\: III

ie-sIILLiLIl lIIl lIIs IesL .IIIlI .Is .IlIIs~
.lllIl .I: I Ipilnop lIIgIIst. i

ll<' tlsII ll.I\ Iilllt l .illll IIlllI
lis llt (l .llHIlll ll \IIIIIIII \IIIIks in
.lI l-lItIIIII ll) sL-IIIIILI on the Nobel
\IlIII.lI \L'lL'l‘I\ I.IIIIlIIl.itI's for the

\Illll‘l [ll'l/l

IIIIIll ILIIII I\\l1Ll sL".lIol.II

L-IIts \I.Ill i‘oIIIIIl
out lil.l\'l\ lll\lill\ ,\lIIIItlI. lIL‘L’lll'
llllILI \IItlI .I SpIItlILIlItla/x pert-or
II:.III- L‘ lII tlIL \lIIlIzIeII \lillel‘
Uinntet on l‘l'll l l. .IllIl .l l I-lI. .‘l
l'll\("llllll‘ III-t'lIIi‘IIIaiIL’L' EllllIllI’ILll
.lllIl .lIII III-Il lII inn lllL‘llllIt l'\ M
hip hop IIIIIsILal \iII-steIl
\llI'siI l

\IIL .Ill‘l

ll \III ll!llle.Il l".


sI I‘\I‘s .Is IIIIIIlIIL'L‘I' lIIl ”l .llL' .\»ltlslt‘
\\llll l‘ll-lI'II.” .lllIl lL-IIIL' \\lllll
IlII‘eIts lllt’[\i'Vllllll1.lllL('.

IIIIpaIi \lIII. ill

lIILIIs III] the
.IIliIII‘L‘ has lIaIl IIII
other IiiltIII'L's. lIaIlItIoIIal
IlaIII L'I’s. \lI'II .III IlI'IIIIIIIIL-rs and .I
sioI‘ItL llL'I tIIIIIpiI-ss lllt‘ Inessaee.
lSlIIlL ll|\lIIlL \lIIiItlI. lirst
'lll\l‘!'\('tl lli l'r‘jh. lIL I! ll] llllIItlQlI
llll‘ \IIIIL ( .lllt'l' (I. \\'IIIIIlsIIII. I
L:I‘.IIlI:.IiI II! n IIlII lit IL I ( lllllt'LH'
lllL'I 'llIIll lIIlI I\L .I\I LII) lllstIIiI
“I'LL lIL s.IIIl III In thIt to I. Ilse


pIIlI IliL .l\\ III IILss oi the IIIIpIIIt. Int

l)ll\ls\ lIIIL IIIIIlL tII

/l'.l/I'»I/ Ill/flat IIIIIII‘I Hum/1 r/IL .1’.1/1.I t'I/ILUI/lli




11mm (Jim: I) ‘ :I/I/II 1/01/11 .lI/‘erru/
IL1 in; II! 7I. ()2) It'll II r/II .\I/1/_LI‘II'1: lII/[er Q/I.II7II:.I//.1ppI./1 .1.I [7.07 «If III.


“Ill'lIl I'ultnre .IIIIl L'l\'lll7‘.llllln.
(.I‘IIIIIlI saIIl the month's
eIeIIts should he InterestiiILI to the
LiItIIL IIIIIIIIIIInItI at least for
thLIi eIlIIL ItIoIIal I .-.IlIIL
“llIL' root of III anI oi onI prolI~
lenIs toIlaI h. Is to do IIith I pro

tlIL Le.iItrIl

not onlI this LountrI
ol Lultural LILnts You I III learn

Ith II! iIIloInIItIIIII IlIoui
role that .-\lriL'; III
\iIILriL .III people lIaIL- III-.IIeIl in
hut in thL
lIL saitl l h it s tlIL pIIIILr

IIIIl he L-ntLr-"taInLIl. .

grand Canyon Or Bust



Welcome members of the
triastate Chapter of the
Brady Bunch Apprematmn

SOCIety to BradyFest ‘95.







Sherman’ s Alley by gibbs ’N’ ’Voigt



{Arcaatirg 1.



l‘Ie :Ier’r to i that. :. we stale
5.x"!oww Mr‘ Cook III.) are
0th (‘1: .I..»torium.
"It the

Co Oleax , to no:
Sur‘ ower L


Cleveland chapter will show slides




Up next. Barry Ploughe of our

of his empty-step recreation
of the Brady-5' trek to
the Grand Canyon.

That's right. I stranded myself

in a ghost town and then got
lost In the canyon on purpose.
I also flew In the son of
the late Jim Backus.



















Cats ignoring

‘; llll not looking pa


“\Ve'll he in .1
Int HI tt'nuIiIe ll‘

uii vs. south caroiiiia

time in .i I; pniiit
It)\\ In .\l’k.ltis.ls.

st Carolina

'I‘he (‘.its‘ defense harassetl If“:
intn an H Itil’ Ii pei'lnriiiatite

’ L w e «Inti‘t, I 'Ir‘mig/Jt. ”: 3’0 "'Iihey 're plat lrnm three pniiit range, \\Illlt‘ I'Is
' / . s think we'll get ‘ ., lllL! \\llIl iiinre knnt'ketl tIt)\\Il a seasnii hltth I-
Szmdzl 5‘ elm/9 . .. ~ Rupp/bum .- . . -

up hit it. tnnlitltiitt, I iii thitts.
‘ Snuth (Ear iin saitl. “( it'l'IJlll (hie thing the
with S 7 [IL 21.5 e nIiiia H» I I, I (i UK (13 ‘3’ 71 SEC) ‘ I\. thex‘i‘e .i Iiettei' sentitiiiu i'epnrt
. . . Probable Starters. Pts. net). , - . » . .
B J n Datt‘l SI' ( .i enmes G lutinCIk 15 t, 31 haskethall team will shnw is L l\ is
ly “ox _ Ira] ‘ intn the game GJelt Sheppard 95 23 than the last time \uhiei'ahle when
‘ “""’”’ I’M" “”"’ rnntetl in the Efi‘fiImflI-“B’t 1:3 ‘3“: \\'e taeetI them. [Ilt‘(:.lls shnnt the
‘ ’ I n i ‘L .1 -
eeIIar nt the FVtL'iiltlti-thltirlaily .35 52 hut sn are we. haII pnni'l) lrniii

'Ikhe Snuth (:arnIina (iaiiie-
eneks “I” he marehing ititn I.e\n
ingtnn linpiner tn eateh the (Iats
«Iuellmpr nti the past ni‘ In:>Itiii}_r
ititn the future.


game enuItI nnt


SI’C‘s I".:istern

I“.\ en tIinugh
the Cats (ICIIN)I*
lsItt‘tI [ISO KI)-
“ iii (Lnlumhia

Pntw 74 Aiitlhltly thus.
59. Lialnertgi- ‘.‘ v: 25 S


Reserves: Antoinel/Valker 7'4pptj Mark
7 ‘ Jared Puckett

l:‘l{:‘1dlllS7JIl to Allen Edwards. 1 5.

South Carolina (5-11, 1-6)

\nu're stip
g priseil It) llnpi‘tne
W” math" 2 I as the seasnii ~Lines

ESL is the

first SHZ team in



the ”tint.

In all nl L-K‘s
Irisses this seasriii
e\eept \rkansas, Pitino
the ('ats h.i\e
heeii IieItI Iielnw -IIl pei't'ent shnnt


All/int. Aum/ it..hn~./.n. It/tr/mnl 1w; 8
















i write at J \WFW fllltt‘ It)“ Ihs‘ N” (l earlier this \‘t'al‘ f’gbab'f’ Starteisi Pgs}. 5?”: late the (Iats ha in”.
V ,_ g ', I ‘ aft." w l. / :n
\\ iItIeats, _ tnrwartl \\ alter GJMelenWatstir 133 g ,7 the set‘niitl titiie I’itinn saitl he has heen pleasetl
:VICT 4”. Iht‘ 3‘” \Il"\\lht\‘” .\It‘(:.irtt' saitI Lil‘etei‘rarltlswyk 33 47 this year, antl with I'ICs shnntiiie this seasnn,
“1h WITHIUIUI I’K‘U‘U'” III“ (”'1‘ the (Eats w‘tII :fl'lflfil'l‘w, I233 5;; I’itiiin said he hut at times the (Lits haxe heen
Clntmt’lhll ”4"): ht“ I" -\"I~J”Vt\ neetl tn enneenv Restive‘lstlhylau‘flaul‘ 7Wm'wahdfli' e\pet ts I'itittlt'l' tn plag’uetl hr pnnr slint seleetinii.
“M ”I“ “I""W‘I'Wl“”“"‘-'“.\ ”It" trate nn the tltiselttfiq GenrtinForrnaiiek.14 Sliawrt make snme “ I his team is grim}; tn slinnt a
. \'l\t‘fl CIJNh “Hh \‘t- I” NIFN'UW Iiusmess at hantl W'l‘ti‘a"? II; athustmeiits in an high percentage when \\ e take
i. UH MINI-IN tn .l\'t)ItI hem: a attempt tn keep utmtlshnts." I’itiiinsaitl.
p ‘ I I . _ ..l . ~ TV: unartiwlz/ delaywi . - .. .
””10 MIN 11% thin“ .HH _\ upset I).\' the the \\ tItItats tilt \IItI it s guilt}: In slinnt .i It)“
have prnhlems gettingr mntnateil (iameeneks. IlLlIJllt't‘, pereentaee when u e take pnni'
tnr games, antI he said he «Inesnt “It‘s titling tn ”'1 he} playeil a shnts . \\'Iieii ttiti see us its ni'
aIInw his players tn Innk ahezltl: he .i hig game lnt‘ us." .\IL'(:.II'I}' Inne last time. 'Iihe} ma} play us i" peiteiit. we're grime tn true
I he L I\ Ul-M'h JIW \Jltl IIW L 5(1 saitI. “\Ve went intn their plaee tnnre tiian this time. nr the} plat (‘I't'tIII tn the tIefense nl the nther
9’3”” ht“ mnre hing—term ”“I‘f’r' antI heat them. and the) want in us a enmhinatinn nt’hnth. team. hut In and large when _\'nn
tatiee IK‘C‘JUW It 1* I” [IN “ml” enme here and heat tis. “\Ve just have tn expeet the hi‘eak tll|\\n the I‘IIlll ynu'i'e farting
0110:} “’Ihey'i'e prnhahly gning tn he unexpected." tn see guts takingr iiimp shnts
““ t‘ W “CWT IUHIW‘I lllk'l‘tll a little hit upset." But t\\n eaii play at that game. u hen men are l’tllllllll‘zf .it them."
“0 \L‘ "OUT. 9"” fallen ”1‘" Th“ 'I‘he revenge taetnrwhen atItIetI “'I‘heth'e watehetl film nn us, I)eIk. whn is enmiiitz nil a
trap, saitl Pltlnt)‘ whnse team tin“ with Snuth (Iai'nlina's twnegame and we‘ve w atehetl tiIm nn them." t .ll't‘t‘t‘nlligll {I’lltilllt elliirt against
“I'm.“ at trail twerall‘ antl .7] m winning.r streak enultl pnse prnhr L'K guard 'I 011)" I)elk saitl Arkansas. “'1” he the man L \(i
IhC htllltht-htt‘m (.nnterenee. Ieiiis tnr the (Iats. “They're farting tn try tn take niir w ill he Innkiiitz tn tnntam. .-
Rtttlrlt'ls' Rhtftlb fk‘t‘lllt‘tl A“ I5tItIie I‘ngler's squad is tresh strengths away, and we're grime tn 'I'Iie \Vihleats will he Innking tn HELENA HAU Ix.
have a twinge Hf fear in his Wire rat a .‘2-pnint I)It)\\'()llt nt‘\\'estern try and take theirs away" slnw L‘Sti‘s Malil; Russell. whn '3":ng up THE PAGE [Mm [AIL [MA ”\- m hurmq. lizt't‘deth‘u 1,, .,
Wht‘lt :Hkt‘tl ll th FUJI“ “Ullhl I’L‘ (.arnlina and a nne~pnmt \ietnr} L I\ had nn prnhlenis taking ritItIIetI L Is lnr In ptilllts' .ith my. (3”, 41”,,“ 1,,‘/‘,,,,',,,,\. [1, ”uh/N m \ .,,/./...‘,>\vh,.,‘. (1],,ll;.,.,_.,,‘: 1'11”
mntixatetl tnr the (iatiieeneks. . nver(ienrgia. away the (iameeneks nutsitle sewn rehnuiitls m the teams first '//.( (Li: “A“ /., \r ,1. ,\ ”3/. far ’1‘,“ , l,.,. ,3, J, " {rim l\’.'i;l,,‘l,.1_)di
"“ U I’L'ltt‘r IK‘. Rhmlt“ \“tl- Snuth (Iarnliiia aIsn Ietl at half» attaek in their earlier meeting. meeting. '
UK's Tony Delk is coming oft a career-best31-p01ntouting against Arkansas on
Sunday. The junior shooting guard, who is averaging 19.3 pomts per game in
Southeastern Conlerence play. scored 18 against South Carolina the first time the
"KAT/175‘ two teams met this season. Carey Rich leads the Gamecocks in scoring, but has SOUTH CAROLINAVHHX
7 been limited tojust 10 points per game in conference play. v
Team statistics ' . ’ 1 st t' ti
DBIK Andy Bostick and Malik Russell present an athletic set of fonNards. Russell scored RIC“ ‘ em“ a '8 CS
18 points and pulled down 7 rebounds in the first UK-USC matchup this season. .
UK opponents The Cats' Walter McCarty, averaging 7.1 points per game in SEC play. scored 16 in 1‘ USC Opponents
. just 24 minutes against Arkansas 1 .
.449 Field Goal Percentage .385 l .405 Field Goal Percentage .469
.704 Free-Throw Percentage .733 .331!!! i .587 Free-Throw Percentage .698
.387 Three-Paint Percentage .253 Despite the fact that Jeff Sheppard has started 10tlmes, Anthony Epps averages ; .303 Three-Point Percentage .363
87.5 points per Game 68.1 more minutes and has dished out more assists than Sheppard. Epps has 59 aSSists i 63 9 Points Per Game 72 g
to Sheppard’s 41. South Carolina has little consrstency on its bench. but forward ‘ ' '
41-8 Rebounds Per Game 38-1 Ryan Stack averages 7.1 points per game oft the pine l 35-1 Rebounds Per Game 376
14.9 Off. Rebounds Per Game 14.8 Etc 138 Off. Rebounds Per Game 12.1
18.9 As3ists Per Game 11.6 11.3 Assists Per Game 15.8
15.6 Turnovers Per Game 22.4 UK leads the all-time series With the Gamecocks 142. South Carolina has never ; 14.0 Turnovers Per Game 14 7
5.4 BIOCKS per Game 53 McCarty won at Rupp Arena (0-9). The Cats pounded SC 80-55 on Jan. 7 in Columbia, as l 2 5 Blocks per Game 3 8
the Gamecocks struggled to an 0-for-13 performance from three-pornt range. South ' '
10'5 Steals Per Game 7'1 Carolina could be in the wrong place at the wrong time tonight — UK is 8-0 in Rupp 6-6 Steals Per Game 7-2
Arena. 7-0 on weekdays and 110 when playing after 6 pm. this season. ;
By Jason Dattilo “After the