xt7rv11vhx4h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rv11vhx4h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-10-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 04, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 04, 2000 2000 2000-10-04 2020 true xt7rv11vhx4h section xt7rv11vhx4h Late night

Excuse me

I am sure that we have
all found ourselves at
some 24 hour


Auto Extra

'lipsantl 11h 11111111 \\I:‘.‘.i‘f'


establishment at
around 2 am. The
problem is that the
neurons are not quite
firing on all cylinders
and you may forget
your server’s name.
Take this with you,
match the look to the
description and call
‘em over for some
more coffee.

li'Alfiu vaccine shortage hurts students

Manufacturers responsible: A flu epidemic could ensue

Dottie - The old lady,
who can’t believe she
is gray, but has been
for 20 years. Her
fake black hair is
darker then crude oil.
You notice her nails
are immaculate as
she impatiently clicks
them as you look
over the menu.
Gaudy jewelry

Belinda - Has won
employee of the
month more than 30
times. Career server
means that the
service will be good,
except the random
hair that sure doesn't
look like the bald

Alice - She is your
grandmother, minus
the dentures. plus a
wig and you and
everyone else at the
table is Honey, no
matter what.

Chuck - His oily hair,
which matches his
wiry mustache. is in a
comb-over. It
accomplishes its goal
about as much as the
Bengals against the
Rams effort would.
His tips go for buying
hair gel and 14 karat
gold necklaces.

Billy Ray - He comes in
with a nine out of ID
on the mullet scale of
fame. You have to
ask him to repeat
everything at least
twice because his
accent is so weird.

Gus - The lanky guy that
you picked on in high
school. He is skinnier
than Gumby put
through a clothes
wringer. He is not
“Sure" when he
raises his arms
either, if you know
what I mean. P-U!

Bev - The pleasantly
plump lady that
thinks she isn't. She
squeezes behind you
just as you are taking
a bite, but hey; it's
only spilled food and
a chipped tooth. Well
that and the
emotionally scaring
of seeing her
squeeze into her
medium shirt.

because of delay in shots and lack of vaccine, doctor says

By Allen foil—ire!


UK students may not
get free flu shots this fall be-
cause of a nationwide short-
age in flu vaccine.

“Last year we Were able
to give out over 2.000 shots
on campus.“ said Dr. H.

Spencer Turner. director of

States is headed fora flu epi-
demic this year due to a na
tionwide shortage in flu

The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention said
on their web site that vac-
cine manufacturers are re-
sponsible for the shortage.

According to the (,‘Dt‘l’.
flu vaccine is the best tool to

All influenza vaccine
for use in the United States
is produced in the private

Turner said the United
States is overdue for a flu
epidemic and this may be
the year that we see one. He
cites three reasons for his

“The first issue is that

second week of October.
“The second issue is

that we may not get all of

the vaccine that we ordered.
maybe none at all.“ Turner

Finally. Turner said
people that are considered
to be at high risk will re-

ceive whatever quantities of

the vaccine are available
and the general population
will get what‘s left over.
“Even if we get all ofthe
vaccine that we ordered we
may have to give it to those

Influenza. commonly cover completely 111 one to

called "the flu." is an infec-
tion of the respiratory tract
caused by the influenza
virus. Compared with most
other viral respiratory in
fections. such as the com
mon cold. influenza infec-
tion often causes a more se
vere illness.

Typical influenza 1ll
ness includes fever, cough.
sore throat. runny or stuffy
nose. as well as headache.
muscle aches and extt‘t'ttlc

two weeks. but some people
develop serious and poten
tially life-threatenmg med
ical complications. such as
pneumonia I11 '111 ;1\1'I':tg1'
year. influenza is assoc1at
ed with more than 311111111
deaths nationwide and
more than 100,011) lltlspllill
l/Ct’tiliilis and that flu related
complications can occur at
any age

.-\lth1ugl1 Turner said
that he 1soi1l'.‘ speculating
about the pos‘ibllity of :m


Merna - “Take it to the
saloon and pluck that
mustache." She
hates serving and
doesn't care if you
know it. Your coffees
take twenty minutes
and you still haven't
given her your order.

-Ron Norton

7.7 5.9

Stop looking forward
to Fall Break. This week-
end' 5 weather doesn't
look too promising, or
dry for that matter.


Her not
VOL. ”106 ISSUE 330

News tips "

the University Health Ser-
vices. “This year we may
not be able to give out any.“

Turner has expressed
concern that the United

among the




53%;); mi i at?

prevent severe illness and
death related to influen7a
chronically ill in the l'nited her."

the earliest we will be able
to offer the shot is around
the second week of" Novem-
hc said. "Normally we
give the shots around the


0 head

who are at higher risk." he Flti
said. “People Over 65. the
chronically ill anti health
care workers will get the
vaccine before anyone else."


the night
to talk
— George W. Bush.
candidate at
Tuesday night's
debate at the

University of


Presidential hopefuls George W. Bush and Al Gore debated Tuesday nlght at the University of Massachusetts. Bush hoped
to downplay the stereotype that he is "too green for the lob," while Gore boasted to reporters he was “ready to go."


BOSTON 77* George W. Bush declared
himself “Ready to go" and Al Gore‘s sup-
porters cheered. 9. game day. go get
'em“ as the presidential contenders faced
off in debate for the first time. exactly five
weeks before Election Day.

Tuesday night‘s duel of words at the
University of Massachusetts came with
voters appearing evenly split between
promoting the Democratic vice president
or giving Republican Bush a chance to fol-
low the White House path of his father.

Bush and Gore meet again on Oct. 11
and 17. Election Day is Nov. 7

The bipartisan group is sponsoring
all four debates with the idea that they
will be shown on as many TV networks as

possible. Veteran PBS newsman Jim
Lehrer was moderator.

A New York Times ‘CBS News poll
underscored the depth of at least one
stereotype that Bush was hoping to erase
through the prime~time debate: That he is
too green for the job.

Early on debate day. Gore had stayed
inside the Florida beach bungalow he
used for "debate camp.” while Bush in
dulged in a run and a nap in West Vir-
ginia. The 9 p m. debate start was just half
an hour before Bushs usual 9.30 p. m bed-

“Ready to go." Bush told reporters as
he made his way to Boston from a cam
paign stop in heavily Democratic West

He joked about turning up in "early
Regis wear." a reference to game-show
host Regis Philbin‘s monochromatic

Just kidding. Bush hastened to add.
"Tonight's not the night for gimmicks.
Tonight's the night to talk about hard.
compassionate issues."

Gore. by contrast. uttered no public
words as his motorcade pulled out of
Florida‘s Longboat Key resort Tuesday
morning. Supporters greeted him with a
bedsheet spraypainted: “It's game day. go
get 'em!"

Both Bush and Gore hoped to ride
fresh momentum into key battleground
states on Wednesday. with Gore headed to
Ohio and Bush to Pennsylvania and Ohio.

runs from around Decent
her until February.

The t‘l)(‘l’
people who get the flu rc-




typically epidemic. he warns students
tokccptl11'ircycsop1-n for
inforttiation regarding the
\acciiiation and get the
shot if It s available



being who
they are

hvolvemont: Students
learn about life, politics

By Ashley York

Bobby Clue admits to his conserva—
tive ways. In fact, he‘s proud of them.

“I'm very proud of my consetya-
tivcness." said Clue. a political science
senior. "Everybody should be proud of
their convictions. Be proud of who you

Clue‘s conservative ideologies mo.
tivated him at a very early age to join
the political spectrum.

It just so happens that he ended up
serving as the political director for
UK's College Republicans.

“It gives me a sense of worth. It
makes me feel good not sitting on my
butt not doing anything." he said. “I
feel like I'm doing something because
I'm helping people all the time.“

Clue. an activist for the College Re
publicans. said his political ambitions
and his outspokenness makes it easy
for him to participate in political cam-
paigning. Likewise. it makes political
rhetoric qu1te simple to him.

"Whether people know it or not.
politics are involved with everything."
he said. “It all affects us one way or an-

Clue said that he. along with 85
other active members of the College Ro
publicans. have helped Republican catt-
didates throughout the state with their

Bryan Sunderland. 3 political sci-
ence senior and chairman of IIK's Col»
lege Republicans. said they provide free


Donations help make cancer center a reality

Changing your life: The new center will have programs
and clinics available to patients and their families

By Kristi _M_ar_tin


The McDowell (‘anccr
Foundation announced yes»
terday that $0.? million has
been received in donations
to build the new $9.2 million
Women's (‘ancer Facility.

“The McDowell (‘ancer
Foundation has embarked
upon an exciting. new ven-
ture the creation of a

Women's (‘ancer Facility at
the [K Markcy (‘ancer Cen-
ter," said Dr, Ben F. Roach.

chairman and co-founder of

the foundation.

Roach said the facility
will enhance the capabilir
ties of the Markey Cancer

The Women's (‘ancer
Facility will have several
programs and clinics avail-
able to patients and their


Call: 257-l9l5 or write:



families. Besides dealing
with cancer issues. the facil
ity will address many
women‘s issues not related
to cancer.

The facility will have a
cotttprehensivt- breast can
c1-r center. lung cancer pro
gram. gynecological oncolo
gy service. heredity cancer
program and a women‘s
health center.

As a part of the I'K

Markey (‘ancer Center. the
Women‘s (‘ancer Facility
plans to conduct research
one day to cure or prevent
cancers. The facility will fo-
cus on treating the patient
care and research. as well
as focusing on supporting
the families of patients.

”In ( '8 News and World
Report. Kentucky ranks
fourth highest in cancer
death rates." Dr. Alfred M.
Cohen. director of CK
Markey (‘anccr Center.
said. Lung cancer is num-
ber one in cancer

related deaths.

I'K President (‘harles
Wethington said the center
will help contribute and
succeed the fight of cancer
across the nation.

“With programs like
those that will be in the new
Women's (‘ancer Facility at
the 1K Markey (‘ancer (‘en
ter. the l'niversity 1s striv
ing to reduce the cancct‘
burden of Kentucky and the
nation." said Wethington

I'K's “Call to Greatness
Campaign" includes 1111131; 7
million raised for the


Women's (‘ancer facility.

"()ne of our primary
goals at the l'niversity of
Kentucky is to develop and
offer solutions to present
and future health care prob-
lems.” said Wethington.

(‘ohen said the facility
anticipates providing su
perb medical care

“The new Women's
(‘ancer Facility will provide
the most compassionate
medical care \‘Ilptxlt‘tt‘d by
the state of the art technol
ogy and equipment." (‘ohen






The Low-down

I think
there are
women of

all sizes

and they
ought to

All” Wrestler
Chyna on her
reason for pos-
ing for Playboy.
in Tuesday's The
Washington Post.

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Gun violence rages in Mideast

JERUSALEM . Palestinian gunmen bat-
tled Israeli soldiers Tuesday at isolated army
posts in the West Bank and Gaza Strip that
have degenerated into virtual free-fire zones,
as both sides defied a cease-fire call on the eve
of a US. attempt to salvage peacemaking.
Tuesday's death toll of five was the lowest
since the fighting began last week. In addi-
tion. 206 more people were injured. according
to the Palestinians. Overall. 56 people have
(lied and at least 1,300 have been wounded, the
vast majority Palestinian.

No parole for John Lennon's killer

A'I‘TICA. NY State parole officials re-
iected a bid for freedom Tuesday for exBeatle
.lohn Lennon's killer. saying Mark David
Chapman hadn't lost his need for publicity. a
drive that fueled his ”most vicious and vio-
lent act.“ It was Chapman's first attempt for
parole stemming from the December 1980
shooting death. Chapman won‘t be eligible
again for parole for two tnore years. Chapman
was interviewed for .30 minutes this morning
at a closed hearing at the maximum~security
Attica state prison by three parole board

Milosevic orders strike leaders' arrest

BELGRADE. Yugoslavia Escalating the
Yugoslav crisis. President Slobodan Milose-
vic‘s government on Tuesday ordered the ar-
rest of leaders of one of the strikes launched
to drive him from power. The announcement
by the Belgrade prosecutor followed a govern—
ment statement warning of ”special mea»
sures" against those responsible for the wave
of strikes and blockades called to force Milo-
sevic to accept defeat in Sept. 24 elections.
The arrest order raised fears that Milosevic
may resort to the army and police to hold on
to power. despite calls at home and abroad for
him to step down in favor of challenger Vo-
jislav Kostunica.

Govt. seeks speedy Microsoft appeal

WASHINGTON The Justice Depart-
ment asked an appeals court Tuesday to set a
much faster schedule and limit the size of
court briefs more than Microsoft wants in its
bid to overturn a lower court order to split
the software giant in two, To underline its ar-
gument that the nation's economy requires
quick resolution of the case. the department
took the rare step of filing its proposed sched-
ule two days before it was due at the CS
Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.
The government said the company should be
able to reply before its Oct. 10 deadline.


admission of his
career In stat-
lng that he will
vote for the
Party candi-

Manson told
America's Talk

that he dislikes
the outgoing

Bill Clinton and
his deputy Al

A new exhibit
of Pablo
Picasso's work
organized by
his son is on
display in

‘ ‘The
Embrace" con-
sists of 130
works exploring
through images
of the body and
spanning the

entire reper-
toire. They
between mother
and the often
painful kiss

Fed leaves interest rates unchanged

WASHINGTON ~- The Federal Reserve,
encouraged that economic growth is slowing
enough to keep inflation in check, decided
Tuesday to leave a key interest rate un-
changed. The central bank‘s decision came at
the end of a closed-door meeting of the Feder-
al Open Market Committee. The committee
includes Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, oth-
er Fed board members in Washington and re-
gional bank presidents, who meet eight times
a year to set interest rate policy.

Nasdaq ends down 113; Dow gains 20

NEW YORK .- Technology issues fell
again Tuesday. pulling the market lower after
the Federal Reserve declined to increase in-
terest rates but indicated it remains con-
cerned about inflation. The Nasdaq composite
index fell 113.07 to 3,455.83. after having risen
about 60 points at the opening. The Dow Jones
industrial average closed up 19.61 at 10,719.74.
On the NYSE. decliners narrowly edged ad—

Cardinals defeat Braves 7-5

ST. LOUIS The Cardinals opened the
National League playoffs with a wild win,
beating the Atlanta Braves 7-5 despite the
most out—of-control pitching in the major
leagues in more than a century. Rick Ankiel,
a surprise Game. I starter for St. Louis, be—
came the first pitcher in 110 years to throw
five wild pitches in one inning. but St. Louis
held on to a six-run. first-inning lead and

Compiled from wire reports.




Continued from page Al



brynn Sunderland, a
political science senior
and chairman of Oil's
College Republicans.
encourages students
to loin the group.
Sunderland Is one of
many members who
has helped the
Republican Party with
thls year's campaign.
For more Information
call Sunderland at
“9-4178 or email
him at




volunteer labor to the Republi-
can Party.

“College Republicans tend
to do the stuff known as grunt
work," he. said. “(We) staple
yard signs, stuff mail — the dif
ficult tasks of a campaign that
have to be done."

Sunderland and Clue said
that collectively the College Re-
publicans managed to save the
Republican Party around
$10,300 during this campaign
season. That is, they have do-
nated 2.000 hours of free labor
to the causes of several differ-
ent Republican campaigns. At
$5.15 an hour. Sunderland said
the Republicans have benefited

Sunderland said students
donate their time so graciously
because they believe in the

“They believe in the candi~
dates," Sunderland said. “They
don‘t look at these candidates
as politicians, they look at them
as the folks we elect to repre-

sent us in state and federal gov-
ernment. If they believe -— they
are willing to donate their

Even though the College Re
publicans have 85 active mem-
bers. Clue and Sunderland said
the more members the better.

“This year we are actively
looking for people to join." Sun»
derland said. “For the first time
we are putting out College Re-
publican fliers to let college
conservatives know they have a
voice as well."

Sunderland said the Col-
lege Republicans main concern
is to support the Republican
campaigns. but also to help stu-

"We have students canvass-
ing the campus to get (students)
registered to vote. as well as
providing them information to
make the right decision.

“With the race being so
close this year. it is absolutely
paramount that people get out
and vote," Sunderland said.



The Economic Society and the Student Government Associ-
ation are sponsoring Gatewood Galbraith’s visit to UK on


To report an error call the Kernel at 257—1915.



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coming to UK

Take notice: The Economics Society and SGA bring
candidates from the congressional race to campus

By Courtney Reynolds

UK‘s political sphere keeps
getting bigger.

But this time it‘s not the presi-
dential candidates coming to Lex-
ington. Instead. candidates from
the sixth district congressional

Julia Sanders. president of the
Economics Society. said the Eco-
nomics Society and Student Gov-
ernment Association are pleased
to sponsor the three candidates of
the sixth district congressional
race who are coming to campus
over the next few weeks.

Sanders said Gatewood Gai-
braith, Ernie Fletcher and Scotty
Baesler will spread their ideolo—
gies 0n the importance ofthe econ-
omy in politics.

Sanders said the students
chance to hear the candidate's
views and find their standing in
the coming congressional election
lies ahead.

"We want to advocate a politi-
cally educated student body ~ and

are doing what we can to get the
candidates here so students can
hear their views and ask them
questions personally about their
platforms.“ Sanders said.

Sanders said the platform
plans to give students a chance to
express their concerns to those
who may be representing them in

"I really hope that students
utilize this opportunity to express
their concerns and opinions to
those who may be representing
them in Congress." she said.

Glenn Rudolph. vice-president
of the Economic Society and coon
dinator of the event. said the com-
munity needed to understand the
important of economics in

“We really wanted to heighten
awareness to the effects of ec0~
nomics and how it is important in
the political campaigns," he said.

The campaigns begin tonight
at the Student Center. For infor-
mation on upcoming campaigns
see the sidebar to your right.


inlet-e!!! N



Vice presidential
hopefuls Dick Cheney
and Joe Lieberman
will square off Thurs-
day at Centre College.

The debates start at
9 p.m.


groups on campus will
be protesting the ex
clusion of third party
candidates at the de‘
bates. A car caravan
will leave from North
Campus at 9 a.m., i
p.m. and 3 p.m.

Gatewood Gal-
braith: 6 p.m. tonight
in 245 Student

Scotty Baesier:
4:30 p.m. Oct. TB in
230 Student Center.

Ernie Fletcher: 6
p.m. Nov. 2 in the
Small Ballroom of the
Student Center.






Palestinians carry the coffin of
18-year-old Saini Altaraaisah for
burial. along the streets at Gaza
City Monday. Saini died Sunday
during clashes with Israeli forces.
ignoring appeals from around the
world to cease fire, Israelis and
Palestinians waged fierce gun
battles throughout the West Bank
and Gaza Monday.



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October 2 - October 8. 2000
The Campus Calendar is produced by the Office ol Student Activities Registered Student Orgs and UK Depts (on submrt information for TREE airline Olii WEE i
PRIOR to the MONDAY inlormotion IS to appear at hitp://wwvv.ohy.edu/(onpes Calendar
Call 25L-8867 lot more inlortnotion
'Fresbmen Focus 6pm Bopt. Stud Union Chapel
‘Dinner in the Dorms, Hillel/Jewish Stud Org. blSpm, Bloiet Court 'SPU Mtg 7pm ill Stud (tr
lord, Private Dining Room ‘Uit Lambda Mtg , 7 30pm 23l Stud Ctr
‘Tuble Francoise French Conversation Group 46pm Blazer Hall 'Devohonyn lunch 12 ISpm Bupt Stud Union Multipurpose Room
Private Dining Room
l08 m
‘Pgi (hi M19” 4:30pm, Kagfle Ha" Rm 213 'UK RUGBY Practice 6 8pm Club Sports Field
srorrrs W
‘UK Iiido Club 56,30pm Alumni Gym lolt 'Depression Screening Doy IOam 3pm WT Young library FREF
'li CFlO-rSldt
gillleciizggtmfngmeenng meet on am 3pm u C r Grand INTRAMURALS RECREATION
‘UK WiIdWotercats 6 30pm. Seoton Ctr Rm ‘73
'Frogrle Flights of Fancy The Imagined Worlds ol Art Glass,
"Multrlurnily Mortgage Prepayment Kerri Vandell 7 30pm
BBC Rm 445
‘Toe Kwon 00 Club Practice Hours llam l2 30pm Alumni va Lott
m5 ‘Footboll vsS Curoltno 7pm Commonwealth Stadium
‘Toe Kwon Do Club Practice NOW 56 301W Alumni Gym loft
'Womeni Soccer vs Florida 7pm UK Setter Complex SPECIAL EVENTS
Willy House Bldg Born 5pm

“ACLU Meeting, 8pm Til Stud, (tr wed

‘Russron Club Mtg 4 30~6pm Polio son S limestone
'UK Greens Mt ., 9pm 230 Stud Ctr

l'Z 30pm. Art Museum Gallery

'Newmon Center Moss 6pm
'Culturol Event in French Mtg S but“. lteeneiond Hull Basement
‘Meu < Smart: Altron 7lSpm

Newman Ctr (all 755 8566 with i s

'Amnesty International, 8pm 228 Stud Ctr
‘MAKE MOVIES, Creative Film Society Bpm 203 Stud, Ctr
'Phi Alpha Delta Mtg 4pm, 206 Stud Ctr
”Basics olSt y Abroad" lnlo. Sesston, 4-5pm, Brudley Hull Rm
‘Wometisileolth Farr, lDamVme, Stud Ctr Patio ‘UK Theatre Flertru 8pm Briggs Theatre
at '
‘Volleyboll .7 Baton Rouge 89m

'Dept ol Eniomologv Colloquirn 39m Ag Science Ctr North A]

‘Hgbttut For Humanity Reuse Bldg Brim Sum Newman C'r tall
755 8566 min 3‘


'Ult Theatre Electra Born Briggs Theatre

'RobettC Moi Photogrirphy Endowment lecture Serret Holly
Roberts 4pm Stud Ctr Worihom Theatre

"Newman Center Mass 9am ll 300m 5pm and 8 30pm
'Hoon Bagel Brunch Hillel Jewrsl' Stud Olg l? 000m Manhattan Bagel on Richmond RC
'F’hi Sigma Pi Mtg for“ 230 Stud 0'



'Ull ludo Club 57pm blurnnr Gym io‘t
‘WomerrsSoctet VSS Carolina 'prn UK Soccer Complex
'Volleyboll 0‘. Fayetteville 39m

‘Octubolest 6qu Opening 8pm Singleton (it (If





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 Mark Vanderhoff
Special Sections Editor
Phone2257-l915 | E-mail:kerneltepopukyedu





the car. Perform a
Visual inspection on
the battery anytime
you have the hood

pressure (it helps to
own your own
gauge). Check for
cuts. bulges and
excesswe tread
wear. Uneven wear
indicates tires are
mis-aligned or out of
balance. Keep a
record of tire
rotation. Rotate at
the first 5,000 miles
and everv 7.500

miles thereafter.

Compiled by: Mark




Most students have experienced it
The smoke streaming out of the hood or
the flashing blue lights in the rearrview


ries you have heard of your buddy kick
ing it into high gear and outrunning a

police officer.

"Something that was just a speed-


hide. and wanton endangerment and

felony charges can follow. Worth said.
Being belligerent will only increase

your heartache. An officer might sus-




There should be a 50-
50 mix of anti-freeze
and water. Anti-freeze
should be changed
every two years or
30,000 miles.

Check owner's manual
for the recommended
winter grade oil, which
has a lighter weight to
help make cold weath-
er starts easier.

Vlinter presents more
rain. added snow and
salt that can destroy
already cracked
wipers. Vlasher sol-
vent clears the sludge.

Make sure the heater
and engine thermostat
work. A hotter ther-
mostat can make the
heater more efficient.
Check the defroster.

A weak battery or
alternator may get
you by in the summer.
but they will not han-
dle cold weather when
you need extra power.

various styles. with everything from rubberized
grip to cow print.
Price: $4.99 - $15.99

down fora brand new set of rims. The cheaper al~
ternative: designer hubcaps. also known as
wheel covers. They take the place of your exist
ing hub~caps and come in a variety of sharp-look-
ing designs.

Prices: 811.99 - 836.99

Specialized shifters: For those who have a
stick shift. that beat-up old knob with all the gear
numbers worn off has got to go. There are nit-
merous shift knobs on the market to make dri-
ving a stick even more exciting than it already is.
Some knobs are designed with a European style
or a racing design. while others are more of a
novelty. shaped like dice. skulls. lucky eightballs
and so forth.

Prices: $9.99 -1:i.99

Prices from AutoZone on .\'())‘[/Ilc‘i’.s! .Veu‘
Circle Road.


















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. t 0 I I
- amass
Simple O M
things to rl ' l
m... , Simp e ways
Motor oil ' t w
Ignoring 0” changes and . - o s ruce
serious and ‘ .
expenswe damage to y
your engine. You can ‘ one u the rlde 3y
avoid all this by d:::ynlaotru|ri:|rst::; 57;
making it a habit to
- involved in an accl-
check your orl when dent is to panic, rat
you get Gas and but that could lead Bidlolmjampler oil
before setting out 0" to bigger problems. DIALOGUE coronon k
a big trip and See story below. ‘ ‘ ei
changing oil every Every car. even those that haven t been new
3,000 miles. iiiCii touccsii | PHOTO since the Reagan administrat