xt7rxw47qk7m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rxw47qk7m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19690827 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1969-08-may27. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1969-08-may27. 1969 2011 true xt7rxw47qk7m section xt7rxw47qk7m 

       Minutes of the Special Called Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky on Tuesday, May 27, 1969

       On call by Governor Nunn, the Board of Trustees met in special session
in the Board Room of the Administration Building at 2:00 p. m., Eastern Daylight
Time, on Tuesday, May 27, 1969 with the following members present: Governor
Louie B. Nunn, Mr. William R. Black, Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, former Gover-
nor A. B. Chandler, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Dr. Harry
Denham, Mr. George W. Griffin-.Mr. Robert H. Hillenmeyer, Mr. J. Robert
Miller. Mr. B. Hudson Milner, Dr. N. N. Nicholas, Mr. James H. Pence, Mr.
Floyd H. Wright, non-voting faculty member, Professor Paul Oberat, and non-
voting student member, Mr. Tim Futrell. Absent were Mr. Wendell P. Butler
and non-voting faculty member, Dr. Robert W. Rudd. Dr. A. D. Kirwan, Acting
President, Vice Presidents A. D. Albright, William R. Willard, Robert F. Kerley
andStuart Forth, and Assistant Vice President Alvin L. Morris were inattendance
as were representatives of the various news media.

       A. Meeting Opened

       Following the invocation pronounced by Mr. William R. Black, the
Secretary reported a quorum present, and Governor Nunn declared the meeting
officially open for the conduct of business at 2:00 o'clock.

       B. Purpose of Meeting

       Governor Nunn explained that the purpose of the meeting was to receive
a report from the Presidential Search Committee. Inasmuch as the meeting was
called without giving ten days' written notice as required under KRS 164. 170, he
called for a motion to waive such notice. Mr. Wright then moved that the Board
of Trustees of the University of Kentucky do hereby accept notice for the special
meeting called for Tuesday, May 27, 1969 at 2:00 p. m. and do hereby waive the
requirement for ten days' prior notice as required for special meetings. Gover-
nor Chanidler seconded the motion and all present voted aye. Governor Nunn
suggested that in order to have signed waivers on file each member of the Board
affix his signature to a copy of the resolution. This was done and is in the files
of the May 27 special meeting of the Board of Trustees.

      C. Report of Presidential Search Committee

      Mr. George Griffin, Chairman of the Presidential Search Committee,
read the following report from the committee:

      Last November the Screening Committee recommended Dr. Otis
      Singletary, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for the University



       of Texas System, to the Board of Trustees as a man well qualified
       to fill the Presidency of the University of Kentucky.

       Dr. Singletary is now willing to accept appointment as President,
       and because his nomination was enthusiastically accepted by the
       Board of Trustees, the Screening Committee does not find it
       necessary to make an alternate nornination.

       The financial arrangements are parallel to those provided for the
       last President and identical to those offered in November.

       The committee expresses its appreciation, for the concerned
       advice and assistance it has received from many people within
       the University and the Commonwealth, as well as throughout the
       Nation, which has helped it in carrying out its charge.

       Governor Nunn asked if Mr. Qriffin would like to rmake the recommen-
dation in the form of a motion. Mr. Griffin concurred and the motion was
seconded by the other three members of the Search Committee, Mrs. Blazer,
Mr. Blck, and Dr. Nicholas. Governor Nunn called for discussion and, there
being none, the motion was put to a vote and all present voted aye. Governor
Nunn then announced that by unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees Dr. Otis
A. Singl-etary would become the next President of the University of Kentucky and
asked Dr. Kirw.an if he would like to say anything.

       Dr. Kirwan reported to the Board that he had talked with Dr. Singletary
in New York on Monday, May 26, and had indicated to him at that time that
Governor Nunn might wish to communicate with him soon after 2:00 o'clock on
Tuesday, the twenty-seventh. Dr. Singletary replied that he would be enroute
between New York and Texas at that time but authorized Dr. Kirwan to say to
Governor Nunn and the members of the Board that if there was an invitation from
the Board Dr. Kirwan might accept it in his name. In answer to a question from
Governor Nunn as to when Dr. Singletary might be expected to come to the
University, Dr. Kirwan replied that he had asked to be relieved of his duties in
Texas so that he might be at the University of Kentucky by the first of August. He
has received no commitment from Chancellor Ransom as yet but he is of the
opinion he can be here by August 1 or shortly thereafter, certainly by the time
the University opens in late August.

       Governor Niunn then asked if Dr. Singletary might be coming to the campus
for a visit prior to that and Dr. Kirwan replied that he was scheduled to speak at
a conference sponsored by the Brookings Institute at Carnahan House on Monday,
June 2, and would be in Lexington that weekend. He added that he and Mrs. Kirwan
would have an Open House at Maxwell Place on Monday afternoon, June 2, from
4:00 to 6:00 p. n-i. to which all members of the Board of Trustees, faculty, staff
and student body of the University were invited, as wellas any citizens of Lexington
or the Commor.nwe alth who might wish to meet Dr. and Mrs. Singletary on their
first visit to the carnpus since his appointment as President.



       D. Mr. Kerley Recognized

       Governor Nunn recognized Mr. Kerley and expressed his regrets and the
regrets of the members of the Board of Trustees that he was leaving the Uni-
versity of Kentucky. He thanked him for the many contributions he has rendered
to the University and to the Commonwealth and extended best wishes in his new
assignment. In order that the record might show the appreciation of the Board,
Governor Nunn appointed a committee to draft a resolution commending him for
his service here. To the committee he named Mr. Albert Clay, Chairman,
Governor A. B. Chandler and Professor Paul-Oberst.

       The Governor also requested this same committee to draft a resolution
of appreciation to the Search Committee commending them for the job they have

       E. Dr. Kirwan Named Seventh President of the University of Kentucky

       Governor Nunn called on Governor Chandler who said he was speaking on
behalf of the entire Board. He reviewed the many roles Dr. Kirwan has played
at the University of Kentucky, beginning as a student and ending with his service
as Acting President. In recognition of the magnificent contribution which Dr.
Kirwan has made to the University and to the Commonwealth, the Board of
Trustees has unanimously agreed to issue a nunc pro tunc order that the record
show that Dr. A. D. Kirwan was the President of the University of Kentucky from
the day he became Acting President until his successor takes over. Mr. Clay put
it in the form of a motion which was seconded and carried unanimously.

       Governor Nunm said this action by the Board of Trustees was not only an
expression of appreciation for the past year but of appreciation for a man who has
given his whole life to this institution. He continued that one of the 'fringe
benefits" of being President swas the privilege of having his portrait hung Wvith
those of other Presidents of the University of Kentucky, and he appointed a com-
mittee composed of Mrs. Blazer, Chairman, Mr. Hillenmeyer and Mr. Wrightto
assume responsibility for selecting the artist and commissioning the painting of a
suitable portrait of the seveenth Prtsident of the University of Kentucky, Dr. A. D.

       Dr. Kir-wan responded by saying that the action of the Board had rendered
himn almost speechless. He thanked them from the bottom of his heart for this
latest expression of confidence and for the support which they have given him
through,.ut thec year.

       F. Latter from Dr. Albright

       Governor Nsunn read the following letter he had received from Dr. A. D.
Albr ight:



                        UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
                           LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY 40506

THE EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT                       May 27, 1969

          Dear Governor Nunn:

          It is a source of great joyance that the deliberate search for a
          president by the Board, through its committee, has success-
          fully culminated in the selection of a nationally known educator,
          Dr. Otis Singletary. The University is to be congratulated in
          the prospect of his leadership.

          Dr. Singletary is to be congratulated also. He takes the presi-
          dency of an ascending University, one of great promise.

          I am sure that each of us, and all of us, will give every possi-
          ble assistance to him and to the future of this institution.

                                       Most sincerely,

                                       IaL                  , 44-Ii
                                       A. D. Albright


         The Honorable Louie B. Nunn
         Chairman, Board of Trustees
         University of Kentucky
         Lexington, Kentucky



       Governor Nunn thanked Dr. Albright for his letter and requested that a
copy of it be sent to Dr. Singletary. In closing, the Governor wished Dr. Albright
well on his coming leave from the University and said he would be missed.

      G. Meeting Adjourned

      There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion by
Mr. Clay, seconded by Governor Chandler, and passed, the meeting adjourned at
2:20 p. m.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              Lucile T. Blazer
                                              Secretary, Board of Trustees