xt7rxw47t25q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rxw47t25q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-04-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 12, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 12, 1982 1982 1982-04-12 2020 true xt7rxw47t25q section xt7rxw47t25q M d KEN I 0‘ KY Oh. whet-beautlfulmornln' ' It will be beautiful day today with partly cloudy skies and highs in the low to mid , ‘. 70$. Tonight is gotng to be partly cloudy Lonely at the top ‘ with a 20 percent chance at thunder- Race announcer Mike Bottaglio may be storms and lows in the low 605. Tomor- the best in the country when it (Onies to row promises to be windy and warm calling the ponies Sports Editor Marty , with a chance of thunderstorms. Highs McGee recently Vtslled With Bottoglio ot ' will be in the mid 705 to near 80. Keeneland. Story page 5 , ' Vol. LXXXIV. N0. N1 “MLAF‘UH. In ’UHNIIIHV “t “'“W‘t‘l t""‘9'°" ttontuttly An independentsiudeninewspapev time Nil h r . . >1} " A. .« . _,« V ‘ ‘ fi‘V‘m d“ ‘ -¥vm “$1.31. ' f . s, . 1” 13:1“ ». ;§‘ . -. 1.‘ ; W: m GSL preposal seen as .3 ' A. t ”*3 ‘ y . , . 2. s 1 ‘fi' '2‘ m at am _ I. _ ~. , , t 3 ,. , misleading to public l ‘2‘ 'a t . / a! . 3 .4 .. .V .igkv.‘ . L ‘J ‘5‘ I . . ' ‘ __—_____ f I". . l ’g’ " '~. . . " By I‘fANCY BR'OWV four times that amount because the lngle said one of the biggest detri- u.» ‘ w" w“ ,i . I ~ .. " ' ‘ SemorStaffVirlter banks simply won't lend the money ments in Reagan‘s plan is that it _ y ‘ _ ‘ , I ' sfi andAPdispatches as they did with greater guarantee would eliminate graduate students V, . . ‘r‘ J . ’ ‘ - ' -__.,-__ WM... 2 . .. . authority." Maitatt said. ”What we from GSLPeligibility ' 5‘ ;( I ;‘ really have is $1 billion fewer in Under the Reagan proposal griid- 'y . . . . ,v' 4!“- , . ' WASHtNGTt’N Democrats ac-~ loans." uate students would no longer qual- f. _ ,. ‘ ' » i cused President Reagan Saturday 0‘ Jamm E. lngle. l'K director of ify for the nine percent loans In "at; ' . y. _ u trying to.deccxve Americans by tell- student financial aid. agreed the stead. they would be requtred t0 .4, fit \ g "‘8 a national radio audience that he Reagan proposal is "a little decep» borrow money under an an auxtllary " . f“) _ l has h°t proposed CUtS 1“ student tive." . loan program that would charge h it if u‘ . / loans. . There is a spiraling effect. lngle them 14 percent interest beginning a . "' I . . Reagan has acknowledged that he said The government cannot contin— two months after the loan was rc- ; r' - , {t " ’ \ wants to cut the government‘s Guar- ue to subsidize the" same number of ceived - '. i. _ “teed. Stt‘deht than Program hm" loans without the same volume of About 2.9 million students. 700mm ,7 ' we. - -. . 2 o. 5- g _ y 32-1 htthhh thus billion in fiscal money. of them graduate students. are cur- m *«W’t ’ of. “J .. L Q W l w 133. Mt he said none Of that money Reagan is correct as far as the rently receiving guaranteed student “_- Q '. 3 . ,if? :r‘ «x it ~ . H _ “ . has ever gone directlytostudents. dollars themselves. lngle said. he loans at nine percent interest These .: "f ‘_ .fr it. . V . - te- «a _. . . t g \f’ N ‘ _ A lot of people Simply have been cause the money does not go direct- students do not have to bpgm repay- I. RSVQi ‘1‘~~ . g ' “Quail”; M “E“ jar misled, Reagan said.“in' a broad- ly to the student. It goes to SubSldlZe ing the loans until after graduation. _: , Wafi ‘1“: 2‘; s, k y y . -‘ . g ‘< , - ' cast from Barbados. Vie havent loans students take through banks and the government pays {tanks the . Mtfifl“ _ --’ ,5“ , m «,r ~. f v ._~, ’ . ' — .- CU! loans; WC Y9 cm the. 0051 to tax and helps to pay a portion of the in- difference between nine percent anti . .' . ._._ if: ér€~ -. ( - 5‘6 "ii-£1. ~ ”it. , .v .- r H.251; . .. payers of making those loans availa- terest. the market interest rate 11"; . »~....‘ w- .._.. .3 . ,. 9%?”"3‘3'32’ . n 1-“; m x”; ”it” . mi§£§¢w , ble. ‘ ' _ The GSLP “has been a very viable Levin said Reagan “ignored" in , .’ , s‘éafi z} f’tgag-i‘shw‘x “W33“ ; ‘5.;Q\d ~~ Q. in 2?, ~ L as ‘- _ ' Sen (,arl 113V"). presenting the Ol‘ means of financing education," the broadcast the administration's i '. _ ._,, ‘m‘, f ~ g k v . ~~ ' 1 g ”4.; [N ‘34}jvéfi‘h pgwg‘; “6"} - '8‘- that Democratic ”1'5th 1“ ah Ingle said. Approximately 6.500 UK program to eliminate over the next 1- x '3‘?ng ' ill a. “1““ . ‘ ’ ~ 't’"{a§?\}t‘w‘.v%~;g ‘f’ha‘éfifit . 113%» equal-time broadcast. 53*" 3038th students are now receiting aid four years Socml SQCLU‘H) student ,3. ~ ’2: -‘ «5‘8, g m .. t, ‘ ~"’ “It uE‘ “ ~%'§i"h-t$2.."t:"i~ t L 2' f‘ F a student 31d proposals. thlUdth cuts through the program. totaling an es- benefits now going to some bullion '3 g r. .~ \-. ’ 14*»: s" y . .- ‘vhir’g . $35nui£ — ‘3‘» x x“. In. federal grants. would “aid 1:9 timatedswsmillion. children of deceased or distilled .:,i ‘ t e .. »- "’ ”ms m '5.“ . . us» “I a." . ‘ (”3“ s ’- 3 are“; - million students less m_ academic One alternative to GSLP being workers ‘ M.CNANDLIIIOLIN/Phoioédim year 1933‘34 than are being helped considered is a need-base program. In addition. he Siild Reagan‘s pro now.” ‘ . y . lngle said. Students from families posed budget would cut oft Pell .5 Ste in time 7‘ Democratic National Chairman with annual incomes of less than grants to about Tlxitm students. re- Z It p Lharles Manatt said. the numbers 330.000 would be allocated loans on duce campusrbased aid to another 3 fleagarl l'eClted bear llttlt‘ relation to the basis of demonstrated financial 230.01!) students and eliminate fund: ,‘ I Swinging Light (No.2) and Double Distant vie for the lead during the early stages of Saturday's trogl‘ngt.lmll’actt°l “‘5 Wht'l‘5 0“ difficulty. for supplemental grants now going «. featured Ben Ali Handicap at Keeneland. Swinging Light, ridden by Dan Delahoussoye. continued to our” tuhcea ‘32:. 5‘: 9:“ ' 1 ‘1 th Another alternative would allow loabout44tl.0005tudents , -, press the pace for much of the race before giving way, finishing third, while Double Distant, Laura h 18f .tma rd '0? (5" 3" Sd 9 the student to pay theguaranteed ”Overall. the president proposes ~ Loveland up, wound up last. Withholding. ridden by Larry Melancon and trained by Ronnie Worreyp. foggneyvenmtheglglxtlnrhllliorlhigt Stftggehérthéer?t rate (lelllemo years “L9 0:1: federal tdlhlth 9011942;th ml .i th r e f r the second strai ht ear, returnin 6.20 to win. As ro, the 9-5 favorite of t e 4 . _ . I f a r a ua ion. an ll require aoou ‘Spercen. Run an "Ant rigged 01170.393éfinished second, a lgngth and three-quartsers behind the wilrainer. tioned'ln his Barbados address. ”"5 tth student to pay the market rate you can‘t hUlld a Strhhil (“UP-t!" ' .. .. Will trigger reduced loam three and otinterest. without an educatedt‘ltlzcnl'}. _ Awards n'ght p esent Tom Wick t k By ClNDYDECt‘ER The Student Center Board will Peggy Brandenburg. English and people to come because people they haveachance to winanaward, Saundra Lykins. asststant to the SeniorStafferter give awards to the outstanding psychology sophomore and awards aren't interested in academic: " she they won't come (to awarth night). dean 0f students and staff ad'n'ser . » . members-in. the frfihman. $0ph0- nightcommittee member. said. If academies were stressed more. for the COmmlllE‘t‘ said she thinks ————~—————————— more andJumorclasses. they might come just to see who’s awards night shows l'K curt-s about Tom Wicker, associate editor of . Three Oswald Research and Activ- “They have a hard time getting “Basically, if people don‘t think goingtomn." academics ; The New York Times, has been a ttydawatt'dsilfor “35?:de research t . t u . e . 5’ . visiting instructor at UK off and on an ar W0r . Wi presented in H P g s ph D h A d d a“ year, but he will have a chance each 0. five asserts by the Office onors rogram 0 me e on lac un war to outstan my senior _ y. ' to shine tonight as the featured 0t Undergraduate StUdlS- ————_—____. The award is named after Stephen Margaret Jones. will seltct the win Along with the Diachun award the , speaker at “Stars of the Night," Omicron Delta Kappa Will present 'ByJOHNLI'l'I‘LE' Diachun. the first director of the her. Honors Program has lllslilllltxl sew . . UK’sannual awards night. the Maurice A- Clay award. a new ASStStaht Managing Editor Honors Program. The winner of the award will be ral scholarships in the pihl l'our The ceremony will be held at 7:30 award, to an outstanding senior in “The faculty of the program announced April 24 ut the Honors years to help defray the cost of . 3" ' tonight in the main auditorium 0t eaCh undergraduate college, __._~_._H__.- ~-—— thought that it would be a suitable Program banquet. Belts said going to school. Belts said ; ;. 'f theCenter fortheArts. Student Association Collegiate and fine way to acknowledge his 0ut~ Diachun came to [K in 1937 as an “Annually we give two undergrad- 7' Welter, the author of several Awards will be given to three stu- A new award the Ste hen Di- standing service to the Honors Pro- assistant professor in plant patholo uate research fellowships of Show ' books, is on campus teaching a two- dents from each undergraduate achun Award establishedp in the gram by making this award.“ Belts gy and was named chairman in 1968. each for students undertaking a 3 . 53 week political science seminar on class and three graduate school stu- name of a eminent lant tholo _ said. “He is a man of tremendous He was director of the Honors Pro- major research project." -,' public opinion. dents. The awards will be given to ist will 0 than “outsllandiili’a s “g stature." grain in 1960. a post he held for five . g y ‘ ' Dan Dog-sen, who works for students displaying exceptional lead- going 0% to graduate schogl we :ir The winner of the award will re years. The. lgoporsh‘Progiam d1“: gives : i '. WLAP, will be the master of cere- ership while maintaining a 2.5 grade cording to the director of the Honol‘s ceive a certificate and $3le “to help Diachun retired in 1978. but con~ four 5C oars '95 0 ””0 ”C“ to if} monies for the awards ceremony. 99"“ average. SA members are not Program defray the expenses of graduate tinues to work actively in the plant 5°p20m°r%, f. . be . {cut Admission is free and open to the eligible. ' work."Betts said. pathology department. and said he , Tde pr ogr ‘1’“ 0 l9” _“ ’7‘"? r 0' public. A reception will be held af- SA 8150 Will be presenting a Stu- Raymond Betts, Honors Program The scholarship committee of the is now doing research on bacterial dca emic m‘em'w grants 0 up to 3' '_. terwards. dent Rights Award to a nonstudent director, said the recipient will be Honors Program will draw up a list diseases in plants. ‘50 98°“ if” “mtg”: engaged ‘” a l; Over 20 different awards will be who has displayed outstanding effort “a senior . . . who has demonstrated of students it thinks qualifies for the He is a UK Alumni Professor and ”um wor‘ lthat "#5 t reqmrest??? " presented, including the Otis A- Sin- m theadvocation ofstudent rights. outstanding research talent in the award,Betts said. has received a prestigious honorary ma] materla or o campus mp"- "luv gletary awartk, which are given to One reason for the decline in at- form of his or her required indepen- A special committee. composed of degree, Doctor of Science. Bettssaid. r, j i‘ ' the outstanding male and female se- tendance at awards night iS because dent study project and who h0ldS English professor Guy Davenport. Diachun “was very pleased and "All money ifor the awards“ has Mu“ niors. They will be presented by students are h°t as interested in high promise for further PTOtt‘SSloh' physics assistant professor Keith honored“ to have the award named been generated from outside przt'ate {f};- President Singletary. academics as they used to be, said aldevelopmentln graduate school.“ MacAdam and Spanish professor after him,he said. sources."he said. i" i ' G ad at'on 's ' sta d a ———_‘ ognizing individual graduates at the tun ”Mmmmmuumul By CHRIS A‘s" centralized Memorial Coliseum car {3. .‘3 moron-m Con-g. oi some: wmit tempos" lath lloor Poltelson on.” Staff Writer emony. the entire activity Will prob- .7": “7"" ably last about90minutes .‘ '- . ’=”'°7=”P-"‘- Chtl'9'\>tldw 'emvttoo Spindletup Hall —v———~~———»—-v——~vv——A~~~v~ »-- » Students who participate do not _ h"... ”A" need to obtain seating tickets for . :2‘5. mo Mi. 50““)! °' “W ”°°"" ““95”“ '°’“’“’"""""‘ "W” M" UK’s commencement exercises their families and friends. and Pad- 5:. 5' . :prvol Hall reception to a m to Noon Small Ballroom Student Cen are not stuffy or {Ornlal and require gen sald parking ls not a problem in ' 3‘ , 10:30 min.” lltflpJn. College oi Nursing (eiemony and retention College of Nu'lmg little on the part Of StUdentS‘ “It‘s the coliseum area as long as drivers ll” '3 nealthSnemeslearmoaCenter very simple to participate — JUSt respect no-parki‘ng zones. =1 ‘ Imucfil- Army IOYC Commissioning Ceremony Studen' Center theater lol piCk up cam and gowns at the It is difficult to receive feedbaCk ' " lowed symmomnoon p...id....,.m,m ohmic”... bookstore and show up. “ said Tom from graduates regarding com- ' , ' Noon (ollegeollaw ceremony Memor-alHnll Padgett, commencement coordina- mencement. Padgett said. ”Unfortu- - _.t l I'JII. College 09 Architecture '.(.pllofl Arrhiiertme library 200 Penn tor. nately. the only students that attend .i‘ I ' "°” Padgett, who is also director 0f leave that day and you never see , .‘ lpJIi. HonartProgiam reception Honorslnonge Kmqtibrmy public safety, said the number of them 883")" I tun. AFIOYC Commtniomng Ceremony Student c-nm mom followed students who will participate in Graduates who wish to participate ‘. .,............. ::.:::°;;:"..::;..‘:::..::.'.:.'°::::.:i:::,,i'::.::;f;::." um um commencement m May 8 that begin twins the procession .:: It‘ll". College at ("Owner-Hg commencement exerc-se Memorial Hall lol cann‘n u accurately predICted M‘ at 330 pm on the Avenue 0f Cham- ' \ lowed by reception in the Engineeringlibvary 355 Anderson Hall came m advance form or rengtra- plots by finding the Signs deslgnat' ' 1:” p.m.ve8p.ni. College of Agriculture reception tower Lobby Agricultural 5(llfl(" "on are required- _ . mg ")9". resmctlve COlIeges. In case .- Center North “Anyone who values tradition and of rain, the line will form in the cor- I I:”'.M.O.3p.m. (ollegeolHameEconom-u '.(.p'lOV\ I28 Erihon Hall is sentimental probably appreciates rldors and concourses of the COI- I ' ‘lfl'.m.h8!”'.fl. College of fine A!" reception Center tor Contemporary Art '07 going W it.” Padgett 88?; ”I iseum. " ‘ mumawim think we went through a peri in Partici nts are uired to wear . IiflpJI-Jeaiflpan. CollegeotArulSo-nces (C(Qplion «mg AlumniHoun an 7“ when people weren‘t really cal; andpgowm‘ wales-l1 can 1* rent- V h".fl.9.’l”l.fl. Collmol(ommunirahonl rec-Pinon 206$tudentCenter inmm in this _ mm“ it was a, from the Unlverslty Bmkstore I ‘l.’cfl.'..!:'.fl. GroduficsttZoEI mention ljtzlloor PciAVI’erson'Ottlcelower 5 ‘Mickey Mouse.' n beginning April 19 in [(77 Student ‘ . Il”'.fl.h.l fl... m;rco:mu (avionics an usmeu mum; to ion reception 2‘ Com men! Will u mld at 4 Center. Candjmta for bachelor‘s _ 8p... lenmgton lechmmllmtituie commencement Memorielflell pm m May 8 and Win (“hire an degrees are charged :7 rental fees _____—____._A _s.,.,,%_.____ _____-.‘- . - addras by Tom Wicker. assoctate and 815 deposits. Graduates of ms- .I'D-I- Acozemk Prrelstonlormson AvenueotChamon ‘ edit" of The New York Times. Wm ter's pograms Wlll pay Q rentals I L—JMflfTflmfi has served as a visiting instnictor in and m deposits, and doctoral candi- Op... (on... of .ognmiry convocation and reception Center tor the an English. mlism and finial data are charged ‘9 rental fees and .. *"‘ science rtments during aca- szsdeposits. "j " ”M :allmolfharmory commencement banqu-t Grand lollroom “Huey? m rented apparel mmt If re- \ an to w'c'm' Since (In college of Allied Health, turned before May 15 or a 85 late fee b»... DW'M' 0' Accounhno "(ovum MW"! and Yon-a Ioom Nursing, Law and Engineering are will be charged. Violators will be de- ‘W’m' conducting separate ceremonies and clared financially delinquent to the 1'... (output Medicine ceremony CentertortheAm un m an”, m m Imu- m_ Uhlmlty ‘ . i « W Kérnel "' ‘ 0.000.Moflon ' (divanulkdivov I . , IIIIStoldon lion Alon-o mm...“ “'0'”. Ala-Crouch new DAG-dale“. woo: iti(hlet Duy (dual ”mum 5901's tdno- Am Editor Graph-n [dim Photo (door lei-IMO". , _ » Anne (Milo! Llnl I“... Am J. W lobbi- lulw Lull- mm m H JD. w . ' MonugmgMi-u (owning. """m'WW‘W‘d‘W' Ass-stuntSpoHskditor AuntontAIuEd-toi iioyouiidlvov cnimnoiww... IV. I‘ . . , , , Wa I‘ games . Faukland Islands dispute should be settled by vote -- ' It‘s easy to view the dispute between Ar- against that nation, this country stands on a gentina and Great Britian over possession of technical clause in a treaty that probably ‘_ - .; the Falkland Islands as a real life version of doesn‘t apply to the situation (it calls on the , , The Mouse That Roared. The machinations US. to provide aid to other American na- OH,SELF‘DErEM/IV 7 l0” FOR ~1’OUR5KI...VE$, 5', '. 3,} of both nations -- threatening war and uncle tions in the case of aggression against them OKAY”" so WH‘CH YOU CHOOSE} EH?/Wl '57 . ar destruction —- are just as terrifyingly by other nations), and avoids its moral re- IV ‘3 g ": Ir silly. sponsibility to join the rest of the world in BRITAIN ORHQEEDWAO“, G ARGENT‘ NA . 5“ L ( 1ft;- But there‘s a matter of disproportionate condemning this madness. ~ _.I g . importance at stake in this conflict the. l‘ right of a people to determine the system of Good luck Redbirds . V“ I'M mm as. or . , I ‘I.I government under which they live. Sports fans have waited nine long years ., . I IAglzIfiItIgHNOEE - 2 L. :‘ The 1.800 Falkland Islanders are direct de- for the return of professional baseball to A 5.4 mm To . '1. scendants of the original settlers of the tiny Kentucky, and this period of patience has .. ”If”. '1 wngTntsAUTltoN‘ran‘ 1.; South Atlantic archipelago — natives of En» paid off. ”L‘Z“:\ {1 figs OFFA MY PMs-u. '1‘ gland and British subjects for more than a When the first pitch is thrown during . ”‘ng /, a 3 century. They have made clear their wish to Wednesday‘s opening games, many eyes will 2 -_ _ .39 4 53', remain under the governmentof that nation. be focused toward the triple-A top farm club I-.-,\ I\ I . . ‘57 ll . ~. _ II .: v1 Argentina, ruled by a notorious neo‘fascist team of the Saint Louis Cardinals —- the K (W .s‘ .p1 3-K \ “I ." ./~ ,. . f dictatorship, has violated that wish, invading Louisville Redbirds. " ,,I ;) ' m " 3 w a 1‘ the islands and proclaiming them Argenti— Most of the credit for bringing the Red- «W H W W I '- g} 5f ' nine territory. The motive: potential major birds to Louisville goes to owner A. Ray C“) ‘(ujlllllj'tw 6 . \ U i ._.:-_)‘I§iIJi '. oil resources underlying the area surround- Smith. who had to battle both Springfield, S l " ‘\ - C j ’ , . . . . . 'WI" \ " "f" “l u... ,3: mg the Falklands and, pOSSlbly, a deSlre to (11., (the home of the Redbirds during the It .1 [I ) . \\ . ”ll”. . I,_ .. .. . "" divert the attention of the Argentine people past four years) and the courts. ,-".I""Il”|”’, V 1 \ H; i", ('1: ' ' - , from the crisis state of their nation‘s econ Louisville traces its baseball history to .t (A :,. - ‘ “I "v. ”I , 1' , only 1876. when the city became a member of the V 7? _ \ ‘\ ’. I4 v . The European Common Market, a histori- newly formed National League. They were ' -,}‘:'i'.‘1 ‘ ’2 \\ "l/ 7t, v cally divisive organization. has not hesitated placed in the American League in 1901 and 4’13; ‘ \ \\ "a" _, j to condemn Argentina‘s aggression and joined the AAA American Association the /-“"— _ ‘3 \ . . ‘ 7" - .‘I' order sanctions against it. despite its $40 following year »— where it stayed for 61 ’ *’/ . /I/////////// :§,}/ ‘ I million-a-week trade with Western Europe years In 1968 Louisville joined the AAA In- r”. \\r r,/ ///////////~» .- d . _.-.,~"r MmhlI .. the Reagan administration‘s noncommit ternational League, after five years without / ND /://///////// .J i; tal stance. however. is indicative of the lack baseball, butwas forced to dropout in 1972. . I: fAl-K . /////////// //,4 ‘ -_?I: of respect it has for human rights Apparent- Most fans attending the April 17 home- gr -,,,//// ‘5 E5. the continued love of a criminal opener against the Iowa Cubs will care less 5/ ,1 DERS 5.! I . . I ///// If". dictatorship is so important to Secretary of that they are a part of a 106-year—old tradi- ' /: ' \ "/ , 4 / .I 3.. gfij- State Alexander llaig‘s plans for the future tion. Instead, they will be concerned with fix}: :._ . ...V .. ._ of the world that, in his opinion, the US. one thing — winning. Such is life. Good luck ; ’Z , f . flit.'.v,t-,.‘-f.-':.{. ’ .. I. “ cannot afford to offend Argentina. Redbirds, and thanks for filling a void in our " " so instead of ordering deadly sanctions society. ‘ ‘2; 3 W-mm . da}. you are musing many people to among the Palestinian population Isreal’s perceptions of a Palestin- them determine on their own what B remindin the readers of the _' Free speeCh it\'l’)i(l lllt‘IplteIt'f' and have given your has been agitated by the Palestine ian nation translate into a Palestin- kind of future they seek. dictionary defifiition of “liberal” he .I scl'vcs u our: name, Perhaps if you Liberation Organization. It is also ian puppet state. These perceptions Selfdetermination for the Pales- has 1‘ h ed thi Hm What Is it mm WU guvs" were not wring the subject to claiming that the majority of the are not only rejected by the local tinians is the only answer fora just accompiIs - 90 ng. Who _ \-.h.i? Hives mu the right m a’pém Lit‘illli (‘Iw‘l’Ix clinic day. more people West Bank population is rejecting Palestinian population, but by the settlement. The U.S. and Western cares “a“ 3}”1‘319 15 liberal garbage .2 t, , inatt- the Student (‘enter who for a would be \\Iiiill_l_ .o Ilisten As ii is the leadership 0?an PLO and is ac- United States government as well. Europe have recognized that. It is orconservatlvegarbage. . I; ill/til.“ mm.) day day m and day rum. none but git'iiilsi-ies are WI lng (‘t‘pItlngt e sraeir e. . . . . time now that something is done Steiden’s “unquestionable" au- out ad nauseaum‘ rcllglous serv- “)hf’am‘mmm, . \et press reports clearly mdlcaie $123235??? ttltl1e Amenfiflnladml: about it' The PLO has often de- thority, Admiral Elmo, who warns 2 1I ,..- 'l‘h‘t _...t( I. thif . ,_h “hill hula. then. does your mi» that the Palestinian population in , 1 e power 51?“ clared that it is willi to - ~ -- -. I .- ‘. l t a set l)n ls ( ree speu . I l' I . I I I I . l h . lobby m Washington not to negotiate "8 "30091128 us not to trust professwnal military f: III” an are“ intended {or the use IlII‘lll} iuu to u ouopolize that area gentra and t elr elected represen- with the legitimate lea dershi of the Israel, negotiate peace with her and people, is himself a professional mil- 2‘ {7; MM Ilmsum “9- “H “mm“ and not .lom noon ti. ll roe evein Monday tatlves, the local city mayors, have P live in harmony along side her. So ita man. Since that is th he . I‘ t" (I n L... 1., ,1 _ k , ,.,. , ,0”. t ted h 11 ball PLO and not to pressure Israel to . W e case, « “5, V'UT mm” overly weal mum” HI UM -_1» . HS 1. «1 Unit Mt t1 < IAOHS ra P ysrcaI y 01‘ V8? y make an concessions on th W t far it has always been an obstinate could very well be out for his self-in- ~_‘. ' t. ”KN \fil‘rlt'tli‘ v1“ GIMME it pleasant the” undisputed deSIFe ‘0 be rep~ Bank and, Gaz 's l l f3 [.05 Israel refusing to negotiate with the terest so his opinion should be disre- ~ :;_ y.“ ma). >11} that you have the break troni classes middling ‘0 Pat resented by thePLO. . . the a dministraatidn'sc fifdyEgg? p "111g nationalist Palestinian representa- garded or, at the very least, it nub? m lw the“, but when you lunch \to llilkt; tm- right to some TheIPLO to the Palestinians under cies as well as 'eo rdizin Ampgri- tives or accept any just peaceful set- shouldbequestioned. 1“:,"‘".‘,- abuse that right m exceeding the quiet ifll‘ tum- tnrough the week, so lsreali occupation is not a terrorist can interests in tliatg: ion g tlement for thePalestinianrights. é ”:21" limits of proprier, you are in fact In. glw lb a bl'cnk every lli)\'~' and then organization, as labelled only by g ‘ Bill’s premise, that having encugh . mngmg Upon ”w, “th We can no and quit utilising your right to the very few countries. The PLO is as The PLO has the undisputed right MaherAbukhater men to fight a good old-fashioned ‘35 WWII ”I out ”we mum the beau llt‘fiIJSfK1xt'llitlf‘ii I tually made up of children, parents to ne otiate on behalf of Palestin- Communications grad student war would prevent nuclear war, is =.f-' , “I no my. , \ , ', i To continue your current behavior arid relatives of Palestinians every- . g . unsound. It mi t tie] a nu l r . , . i a l ulld .tudy without [lit . . . lans ever here An attem ttOIm- 8h ay cea . ‘(til’r :‘z‘, .\ limit I j-oui constant droning m” only 80”“ ”S a demonstration where. It ls a legmmate grouncom. e an mutiori on 3t’he PalEstinians I war' hm as the SOIdiers‘ nummrs di- .7} mm m. “(mum of your infernal of thc Iconleinpt Willi Eklli-‘li you re prised and supported by aImajoriIty fihoutiheir total consent will rove Reallty minish (due to Old fashioned death ' .mtul:~i)¢*;xkt‘t‘s. it 15 ”en unpassible gal-d inc l‘lglttx‘ and (li‘filt‘t’s. oi your of the Palestinian people in partlc- p and mimjng)_ the losing side will “M. ('13 :i. I” In ”a”, m the nearby Botani- fellow students ulIar and the world In general. It IS a futile as well as a waste of time and Bill Steiden’s revelation, “reality be forced to rely on their more de- ,1... I liar/lot; n has become difficult in I I “("9 that takes upon Itself the PTO- human life. The American adminis- is hard to ignore," in his April 7 col— structive nuclear weapons. The best i, .. hold :. mmdly conversation mm [Iills lette'I Iii'us \llj'wd hi; hot-in tection and development of a Pales- tration and people as well are urged umn is as true as the day is long, preventionofnuclearwar is nowar. II {J . .-; thw- around 8m“, one mm, one” (norm-(ind (Hollie? studvttts tinian entity. at these crucial moments to interfer One reality that is hard to ignore is it'll-I'VE.“ shout to be heard over your rude AS lsreal has ‘3"?mpled over the on behalf 0f the helpless and 09' the worthlfisness 0f the res‘ 0f the JOhn Belanger .1“ MN Unrest many years to liquidate the Pales- pressed Palestinian people and help article. Pacifist senior . 9‘ "if I \‘.c and lliall\ other students tIInlagIculwral and political systems, ';.-.‘r“ . w- . ‘. , .. . _ 1‘ ‘ te .0 as'emerged with the un- ‘ ‘ .i, ;. ,-.. mun. lihf to t mo) 'Indtf‘d. thQ the ()llt't‘ again the lllHlld bring ills re . 4 . . . ~': ‘-...t . I _ .. . I . . . . . limited blessmgs of Palestinians ev- ‘n’e n" e e l, 7 . ,I i f'l_lll}l the spring weather polls from the Israeli occupied West 1 . . . A t b tt th d k II ,I'L‘H'iI our; once- in a while \ilthout having Bunk about a popular upheaval eIrywhere to preserve this "Ch h?” re r a "c 5' i:':_:“-.IIQ.II_ tor.»- k‘mk \i‘."f'.'lllllllL’ platitudes at against the occupation forces In one 21%: Sitcfag‘ t?:l]p:g]o:0np“ilde ~11 .' us week five teenagers are killed by tiniahs under [gen iiule ingitsarels- Every April a hen and two drakes The father who knows his child is were so busy with their lives they ~ I.I', (IVII r Iirlhei' t‘\'l(l('ll4,'(’ of the inappro army bullets 'l‘hcse are not the first to rotectand defend th . ‘ . is 0 e arrive in the back yard. These ducks seriously committed to a career but forgot son had a life and needs. 22.513‘ pl‘..i’l'tltf\\ of your actions is that five Civilians killed and they proba- 19h t l gngh ' . eagerly await a hand out of bread tells child to quit a low paying ca- Mother and father duck don’t aban- ',;-'I:.r,",‘-I‘ I". wlin' Ivor Ni; is apparently of little bl} Will not be the lust Local reSls- th 5V GEM-13:“ kwcza unrest m crumbs at our patio door each morn- reer field internship to get a “real don their brood once the egg shell lit-H.154 illicit-st flu- studenl body We tance in the lsrzicll (K‘t‘llpéllltm. Ill e e: t ”I an]. Gaza WI“ m.” ing and evening. They are part of job”atMcDonald's. cracks. II.I.II. '7: I; do ' tlt”l\ iluti you have the right to whatever form ll ”my take. has ixlrjiiluilnnlliumgn 5:3: L55 :mdergocratlc the “rites of spring and it’s mating Parents, who in their anger during Status driven parents who force II Hid.» will opinions and phlloso been a part of the dad) life of the (the PLO in tlfat area shell: $323118 season." a diVorce. use Child as the victim in Child to be someone he 01‘ She iS "0t. ;I jI le lull ;i l)l)\ll)u,\ that the only suppresrit‘tl Palestinian people for b . l t‘ t y One day the hen disappears and a tug of wills. Dad tells daughter he “I’m not sure what I want to spend I. i ,I out-s Mllltlg to listen are the 20 or so over titlyears (TnsoI Vlofus so “dud: 0 resqlve that the drakes continue their daily beg- has no further responsibility for her. my life doing bl“ dad says I Will be l-‘ 535'." ;wllplt' ’ll your group The Israeli llllllllll‘) authority :51“: “it”? an mocratlc Pales- ging routine while they wait for her If she wants to continue her educa- an engineer too. So I guess that’s -I1I‘l,II‘,;I-II" ”.- 4ppo-nring on the patio every claims that the recent upheaval ‘3 ’ e. toreappearwithalittle brood. tion. 80 to work. He needs the what I'll be”: I. ‘I Down the middle of the street they milney for his new family or him- Parents who say, “Our child real- if'du'r march, military fashion, to the lake se f. l doesn't have the ability to make a .1' MI: BLmM COUNTY by Berke Breati‘ed and the first swimming lesson. All ———_—— liyfe camr decisim and we know ,' rr, .,. I L. w IIIIIIIIII the neighborhood stops and watches. whatisbest." ‘. I' r -I any-3. '.; Q ‘r‘L erg. ,', ”is ,Qi; ”I?“ Np; c WSW WM?) Cars literally come to a screeching "ancy Mom who listens in m wone con- ,’ IIII.I I _. . ,IVIvIH . .i— In, .t-(Iw .. . I. vat 1W, W57 W0 LWEANP halt to give her right away for this versations, while dad is too busy to .-;:. III. ,I:.I,I . p ’r-l ”1.62;”: ., . 1 , Iii-“Ignimettr, _ MW LAURA. annualparadetothewater. Green taketimetolisten,letalonehear. .' . ,I, _ - . .. - l IfrIlIwIiI-er. .nowe ,; WWW” FOP. How proud she is of her little fam- Mom and dad who for “your own Q ti , - ‘ ‘ . )L \t M5 " Hy, She shows off her young to the , A.,A_______ good" help break up heavy romance ., I 'I ', ‘ ' , A t; , . . ‘ . HMT 7/ neighbors, father duck spends time but won’t help deal with the fears, ‘1, ”'3 L} A". ,‘t x T 6; WW" helping 0"“ ‘00. M0019? duck_only Adults who really don't think very deprusion, fear, stingof rejection. . 5'1 I Agar; . . yon ‘$~ - ._ a- ,,.<_ x , é takes a few weeks out of her life to much about the im ct comments Some parents make it as hard as ' ‘ k - \A J ‘ ' ' . pa . ~ , ~ 1'. . . C‘V . ’4‘ (j \ ‘Mr I x A _ . \- 1 lg” . ".I snide N?" young In the proper Skills have on youngsters who haven’t de~ possibleonchild. c‘j,’ '.j N . " l. " ' t; l - . - .' Var. «\ I. r. 7 Rl‘i. . 0f survival. The children learn to veloped a great deal of self-confi- Some who refuse to help in ways 1.’ - [7 c_\, - l b [Yd/\l " Jill ‘. fl 7 v.\ sw1m, find f00d. BVOId danger. Moth- dence. (Sometimes it's hard to re- that appear to be a perverse punish- . ',' l, 7 . [iii . x, *‘i‘ ill ,v ‘ 1. . , . ‘i 4 6 CI" and father dUCk know what is member how difficult it is to be meat, others over do from guilt of . .i i, . . ., i . h {'5‘ a, l'T' l T“ ' ‘ '. .- f . -- ,.' “J rightinstinctively for baby dUCk- young.) omission -— all money and no atten- j, ’ .-" ' ' ‘ J ” _ For the QUCK family. the pride in Parents who expect perfection in tion. ,‘ 1 . W609 Its young IS "well like the experl- behavior, intellect, appearance. Few Then mom and dad wonder why " I , . , I . ence of human families. However. make any real contribution to that child rushes to leave home. So little ' . ' . y j ’ WHU.’ "'5 hard ‘0 believe these ammals developmentprocess. time it takes to understand, listen ' 3U ’ (/WYWW \ create as much havoc for their Parents who refuse to eclmow- and care. How often you hear the . W- A 5v: , -- 0. brooqashumansdq. . . ledge thechild has a problan and calls,pleu,seeth