xt7rxw47t292 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rxw47t292/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-10-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 28, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 28, 1986 1986 1986-10-28 2020 true xt7rxw47t292 section xt7rxw47t292 l . x . .
,T l
I Vol. xCl. No. 45 Establlshod 1894 UWVOFSt'y oi Kentucky. Lexington, Kontucky Wt slnc. t97t Tuesday, October 28. 1996
u en 5 o as , ~ 4
:‘3";.’“.‘"b~;"ta. .....4 44 444,44 4. 4 _ 4444’ ”4 4
I ' _
Ol‘ magazme llIldlIlg 4,. . , ..., .. .’ . .
.4 4.444;...4, W 44 44, - « ‘ .., . . 4 4 .
. 4 4 4'33 ..t‘: . } ‘ A 4’ 4 ' 4 4
My J\Yltl..\\1‘0\ title of the magazine . Turnst)‘lt‘> azine does not receive some badly . 4g.444.4.: «4 .4 .,. «,4, " O 4, a, 4, .. 4.4 .44- ' . . . 4-
Nt'itst‘ldltttr implies change needed funding. ' '44" ' .-' y. I ' " ' t" ' " 4. '. .
And change is exactly what the The group is hoping to publish an ,9. [.4 .4 4 4» ‘.:1a;?‘.sw" 4. N 4.4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4- . 4',

‘ Tit” )‘t‘tth‘ ago it campus mag- group thinks the magazme is all issue at the beginning of next semes~ fifigfifim‘J “iwhfi’fiw .. 44, 4, "' " r4vé§tfléfixaltyff¢¢M1y«5&2; ‘,;~4’4.444'.,."«44 , ’ .1 " ,. f4
../iiie was founded to give students about. ter The group has no advertising ‘w‘ *’ 9% 44»); f - 4 _4 . ,3”, .W-; 4.4,,” g1": . .. 4 '4 ,
A”itltt‘t'tttttt‘PUthattthtL'K- Phillips. at Journalism junior. said bust: 10 fund a magazine. 50 funds - ' 1&4; ' /' , .' ‘ , .' " “ .'

'l'ht' matiazmc W35 appropriately the magazine will “find issues of ”1‘ must be procured with some outside 3" ;.,4 ' f .r/ 3" - ,. ' .1 " ' . ' ' "

titledt'ampus terest” to the communit)’ and those assistance. r, 1 4' fit ”’4 . ' 4g” . wot-z» .‘r, - . -- : .‘ _ ‘ » '

'. “Ut St’mt‘tttttt’h‘ good ideas don‘t issues covered by the magazme will The group hopes that assistance "4'4“ x - v W4 ' ' 'f ' ' 4. . » 4
: ith‘it“ “'"t‘k Wt the “113' they're offer more indepth coverage than willeomefrom SGA 4 _ ' ' 4 I a , 1,

' " ’3' \tippthl tit. and at the end of last whatadaily publication can otter In“. “oak pmm (,f Campus mag. ’ 4 . 4444 “ 4 fl 4.444_ 44 . 4 V 4" .'

' year. alter having printed only two phillips added that she hopes the azme has been advertising.” Lyons ’ 4 ' " .- ’ . ' 4'. 4 1
' I>\\lt'> tht‘ magazmc t'OUhd ”59” in magazine can "satisfy some aesthet- said. “(me of the things . . we‘re 4444.44 , ‘ " . 4; ' 2'54 4 4‘ '
‘ tinancial straits. ic need “ trying to do , is build up an adver— " a -. . SHE? 3:44“ 4 r. . , ' " a first; , '3 . ' .‘ ' 4
t \‘ow a group of students ., armed [Aishe Lyons. the magazine's “h, “5mg staff.” ' .4 _ 44 ”Qty“ 4 ,4/ . e4. 44 4,4. . 4 44 44
: \ch a It?“ name to" the "1883““? tor. said changing the name of the Thomas Sullivan. the magazines 5:1". 44444 ,, s ‘ 4444, 4,4 4 ; ~ " , “a; - 44.‘ 4 ’ .
' have formed an organization 1” magazine also means changing the copy editor. said SGA was the only ’ w 3’“ “’- Emfig‘, ' 1' ' 4 . ',‘
. lt'lt'\lt'(l in bringing the publication ~'thriist" of it. too. Lyons said the route the group had for funding. ' “' 4»; "" 44444440,, ”‘2‘" , ' ’3; w— ‘ 4‘ ‘.
hick niagaltne will be more political in "SGA was our only resort.“ said ‘ U 4?W‘* 5 fl, . - . . _ ' , '
. Publications, though. need money nature and will not confine itself to Sullivan: who is also 8 Journalism 34" “ 3344.14“ 44 ... . ‘ 4 4 . 3 t.4i'.-
' 'l‘omorrow night the group will ask 4itistcampus news. . . Junior “1: already are a registered ' ' * ‘ “‘t ' f I . t ' i .. ' I ' "
' the Student Government Asstwiation Lyons. a journalism junior. 5m" student organization. . . ' . , ..,;43 ' For ’ .,. __ ' t " ‘ 'i. ~
144, 51.228 m hel the m. .. ,4, the magazine will offer "another Student Publications Adviser at “4" W44 4 .. .4 4,4, 4 4 4 _ '
.4 p agazine gt . 4 4 .. , 4 4 . . , i _ . 4
hackonitst’tet medium for people to have their Paula Anderson said that if the $4»; 4 4,, 3594;,” M . . ». _ 4 . 4 .
work published and get involved “ group is able to come up with the fi- .4 it" «44 ”4:4 ’ .. 44,5,fo ;; g ~ . '4 t" . 4, 4: ' .. .4 4 4-
', Karen Phillips. the magazme's de- However. this medium will not ttiiht'lhg. then Sh" Wt” "hEIP them " ' ' ...,». i9?“ 3 first, ,i 5:; 2W:,«,"" 3%" it" ; , h';,‘”**"‘ , . ' ' ‘ =
sign and layout editor. said the new find its way into print if the mag- “tththt‘PUbltcattt’n " $4441»: ,. *"fi‘fi' fiyée‘fi't" f - ' $4.»; , . ' . "
,3’fi'igf/ bi -’ ‘ “a '» W” 441““: “firm-’4 7 ,. . ’ . , '
4K, 4 ,3 4' , t», '4--4 _~,v «.4 4/_, ,. .. .4 - , 4 , '
» Ph th h l o f d 1;; J ,, m ...Iivefi? ; 44 .4 " .4 _. g 4 --
one a on e [)8 raise un . . . Wm . . . . ~ ,. . .
.- ., was.» at,» ‘ "w a , m ,. ‘ -. . . ..
f B & E - ,, ~. —.
01' CO e e SC 0 ars l S " . ’ .. = “ ~ ‘ ,
at in 1 ..,?”4 ”“7. ' . ' . '.
. Sf h:\l4{4f4.>4l’llll.lill’ts A” ”WHO." ““59” ”t the phone-a» students in addition to raising ' w 144444.444 2050», " 4 w ‘ M d ' t . ;'
‘ " H U thon “I“ 310 tttWat‘d SChOtbtt'ShtPS money toracademic scholarships, _ . 4 . a“. ...,“.4 f ‘b"'~ “" - 4 ‘ . 2 ‘
This year s (‘ollege of Business L‘l\ en by the college. Ford said. Free 't‘-shirts will be given to each C 3343:; ft ~ ' ,,. 't . ~ 4 4 ' . .4
and Economics phonera-thon is a The student volunteers will be volunteer working at the phonefl. ., ‘4 t 4 ' V 2' 4444 - ' . 4
ttiiid raiser by the students. for the calling nearly 2.0m graduates of the thoii and prizes will be awarded .. ' ‘ " a». _ 1 ‘ . , ' 4 - l.
' students l’K (‘ollcge of Business & Econom mph night to the person with the r ‘4 v- .4 4 a g/ a 4 4 -4 4
*t‘oiiii- Join the Party" is the ics.Fordsaid highest number of pledges and the , 4 ”M 37‘s., a!” ,. 4 4 " . "
theme tor the event. which will help However. only hit“ ”t that “gt"? person netting the highest amount of _4 4 44’ '4 f ‘ ' h 5'1”” 434' ,2 " t 44444- «:74 1.031” .‘ , - '
raisi- money for the (‘arpenter isexpectedtobereached.hesaid dollars In pledgcg said Barbara ' 5M ‘4‘ 4 ,4 M“$:m“ 9% 4‘31““? . t "‘ '. " ' ~ ‘ i». '
Scholarship Endowment Fund Frotn the alumni reached. the llandschuh. the phonea-thon prize . V. ‘ ' _ ~..¢1.~. ' ' ' ‘ ° “N - . - , ‘
'l \t' been amazed from the start phonearthon committee h0pes4to gft Chilll‘\\t)llldll. unouwiumuisou leraetstaft 4 , ,
.it how much these students haw ac about $2.31th in pledges. salt J“ )' Among the pl‘l[('>. which were (10— " ‘ .7 '
t-oiitl’lislied.‘ said Richard Fortl. llanks. the fundraisers stuttt‘ht nated it} about :3 local businesses. Up for grabs ' ., ' V '
who is serving as the faculty adviser "'¥h'x'\\i:"'"hau‘hmm are complimentary dinners for two Patterson Hall Panther Vanessa Blankenbeck- pass in a game played yesterday against the . . ' 4
to the student committee or 'anizin c p (meat on. which will run . . .. i - . '
‘ the phunpu4hm, L. g 1mm .\o\ 3:4 offers an incentive “4 44444“ HUIARSHIPS. Pugctt ley on Arts 8 Stieoces freshman "“5595 a ViLtOI'lv/US Jewell Hall Sledgehammers 4 4 4 4
O ’ '
EIVis bodyguard stepbrother -, .. ., . , . M.
9 fit— I? . , 1-54,. Syria 5 role in ideast , . ..
. . t' . ,
W diff rent ‘ kin ’ i... 3, . . . . - .» .
no SCl‘VeS a e g :1 9, A presents administration . . .
4 4 4 4 4 4 *- .4444 .4. 2r 4 - 4 4. o o 0 I. . , 4 ‘44
Ordained minister recounts his experiences while on road v.4 . :4, s Wlth dilemma m [)0 my . , , 4. . 4,
44. . . . ' J 2 #44 44.44 ' ' fl .' ‘ .
with rock star, discusses religious change that followed , y e I? 4 444 44444444444444444444 44444444 44444444444 4444444444 444444444 44444 . 4 . . ,4.
“5:: a} “ 4 Assoctated Press Syrians are credited with helping ' ', 4 ' ,
ltv KlPp(‘Sle\"4’ Because of the pressure of who he Stanlev what 44 would take for him Assad's 44444444444444”, 4‘ philosoph agid lraln ustl 4terroii4s4n4i4 4.4o at \4ah4te _ 4 4 44 44 _4
""951” 1” 18 years. takes all the Although Stanley was not aware 0' “'35 and “hilt ht‘ ““5 domg. Stanley to come to (‘hrist “I don‘t know." icallv too secular to please most '~ 0" m, 13“.". amt: *NI'I' film l) 9l I ' ' I
Jlitr) that surrounded Presley and ht)“ P091111" his new stepbrother started usmtl drugs, While 0“ the Stanlevresponded. Moslem fundamentalist groups to 'en‘w ('dép‘“ 'ln.xrt‘“4 '. "n41“ ‘ 4 -
. _ . .4 . 4 4 ..Q h . nfo nd out. At this t'm 4 .4 4 4 .. 4 . ~ 4 _ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 both governments thiee years ago , 4
lit‘Iht‘ tt “ht-ltd (hFISttdmt) Ht “d“ 9500 _u ‘ e. “’dd- Stanley began to dttnk on d Stanley left for Los Angeles and \olved iii terrorist incidents. its po- t th‘ l but (44 thi l' \- \lartne ~ . 5,
tells his- storychronologically. ”9519." W85 23 and “dtng a wave 0t daily basis and started using “up- continued to use drugs He said he litical influenceis substantial ho4rd '. “lull : B ”in [h.,[' killed ' '. '
.\t age 3. Stanley and his two popularity 4 . pet‘s. downers. in—betweeners and knew that he would soon die if he Also. terrorist experts within and .,idrqsdr U _' 44c ' -
t‘t"‘tt“‘t'~" “'t‘t‘t’ Pt" m an orphanage "1 remember the “mg drive from whatever else l could get my hands didn‘t change his lifestyle. Although outside the t' S government are " 1 ' seivicemu . I .‘
i“ Vlt'illhtil “hit? his parents” were Vtt'gm‘a ‘0 Tennessee and driving on."hesaid he had no intentions of going to convinced that Svria plavs a double Thi L‘nited States ‘lls’O accused ' ' '. '
. illtlht-l through a divorce One day his through the “7m"? gates 0' the "POL pillS. ilk'OhOl. 1 did It 3“- ] church. he called Move and asked to role 7— providing a safe haven for “m: of res insibilit‘v {'0} the bomb ' ' ‘
iiiothet‘ pulled tip to the orphanage (iraceland ManSion. I remember was a heroin addict at age 174“ he 4.45" her 444 Fort “44444444 Beach. [4.14444 Abu Nidal. head (44 the [4.4444444 R444” -44 of 44444 44431944444444 {444444448444 m Ber
”t-t htEWh‘tt‘t'itt' walking through the rooms 0' the Battt- “1 had t” he strapped t“ '4 bed where shelived luttonar\ t‘ouncil. and others acctis ' L?" thi 4.04.40 : 4‘ “i $th \ild'll .
She told me and my brothers house and seeing it” the cars and for two weeks I went through two 4 4 ed of terrorism. but also assistng fihup' “Phwh 341,443,; out of the ' ~
‘“ “““Lmh American hostages. at least alter Syriancontrolled Bekka valley 0f 4
- -. I . . . . ,... . they are released Lebanon. took responsibility tor the . ’ -
or ac ev says . . lStOrte ta S t . - ., 4' . In the case of at least three of bombings at the ticket counters of .
_ , ’ them. Jeremy Levin. a (‘able News El Al. the Israeli airline. in the
o o o ~> ‘ . - , Network correspondent. the Rev Home and Vienna airports last De—
about cllmlnatlng nuClear weapons Bejamin Weir. a Presbyterian mtn- cember. in which five of the 18 killed ’
W", W ‘00- ister. and the Rev Lawrence Martin weret 5 Citizens
By ANDREWROSENTIIAI. proposed more than the elimination space Weapons and a nuclear test w“ w'" tponsor ° can.” 0 4
Associated Press ofallballtstic missilesin 10years, ban. "Might 0' MOMONG‘ "0“- rl ay ast ay to pay ‘
Gorbachev's statement was the “If th A ‘d h d SOONVW; P'9'2-
MOSCOW .., Soviet leader Mikhail latest in a series of efforts to coun- (49 ted [:44 mirican 5' e] 3 ac o
s‘ Gorbachev yesterday accused the ter 1' 5. accounts of what the super— of pm I ' pat; agefa rela process w" 'M. 1*”. “a“ houSln down payment
White House of “gross misrepresen- powers tentatively agreed to before ons e4 11'3“? 3°" 04 nucdear “48?? tho womm'l tennis room so
tation" in its accounts of the Reyk~ they reached a stalemate at the G bm’h . .‘39 go un er way. for in m. fall mm. 500
javik summit. but said the super- summit over the t'S. Strategic De— or ac e‘ 5‘" m P 3 Staff reports students pay now to acid the confu
PO“ers could 5“” work out their tensetnitiath‘fior"SarWarS " “The situation after the Reykjavik ' o9. ' sion of adding extra fees to the origi-
prohlems. "At the recent meeting with the meeting. in spite of the well-known Friday is the last day for students nal payment
A member 05 thi‘ 4Sovict summit t'S president in Reykjavik. the So provocative actions of the LES. ad- . .,- -..,.“..- '- —- “ to pay the $100 down payment on
delegation. meanwhile. reiterated viet side put on the table a package ministration and the gross misrepres . their residence hall housing fee for Also. Bob Flay. aSSIStant dean of
50‘1“ Claims that PreStdeht Reagan 0t interlinked proposals“ on arms sentatton of what came to pass at next semester residence hall life. suggests that stu
had agreed in principle to a Pt'09053t Control. Gorbachev said in a mes- the lceland meeting. still offers op- The payment should be made at dents who will be living in the rest
to eliminate all Soviet and US. nu- sage to a writers conference in Bul- portunities for a search of solu- 7°"? wlll b. M m the Student Billing Office in 257 Stu- dence halls next year apply early to
clear weaponstn to years. garia. His remarks were carried by tions." he said Mt hi it! tho m a dent Center. guarantee the room aSSignment and
The Reagan administration has theot'ficial Soviet news agency Tass * . W ' Those failin to make the pavment roommateof theirchoice.
disputed the claim. White House Gorbachev said the proposals in [n accusmg the l'nited States of Tonto” W m m b'Frida willgbe fined an additional
spokesman Larry Speakes said yes- cluded an initial 50 percent cut in “misrepresentation." Gorbachev ap- to mostly hit with I!” h 85: “1,44 chy m av be id bv the end (4f Students living in residence halls
terday in Washington that Reagan strategic nuclear weapons. elimina- parently was referring to the dispute .... W a, - this semester. pa - are guaranteed priority over tram-
discussed abolition of all nuclear tion of all medium~range missiles in over what he and Reagan had tenta- ' fer students and students who live
arms during the summit but never Europe. a ban on the tasting of tively agreed toatthesummit. The Housing Office prefers that offcampusuntil April 15.Claysaid.

 , _ i l i
‘ 2 . KENTUCKY arms-I. rand-y, coma, ms
Arts Editor
. WeleIIor
‘ , Assistant Arts Editor
t~w » 6A 1 \;i\\a\sta *sf‘fil‘xflfi“‘,
re m - . " ERKXVK$§m§§£efimog§é§§fimmgV‘*avk
. B n f ‘tors - - --
. e e 2“ . Eight books in competition
4 _. Eight bands to perform in two-day benefit for Soc1ally Concerned Students for American Book Awards
I‘- lh Krll'l‘llxsulll-IY bands also appeared last week at All proceeds from the two shows tor benefit shows “1 think that So-
- .‘ .' stiiil Writer Amnesty International's benefit held will go toward Socially Concerned cially t‘oncerned Students Is an or» NEW YORK (AP) _ Two novels. Publishers submitted 270 titles
- \ ' at the Bottom Line Students‘tunctions, gunization that should he recog- World's Fair by EL. Doctorow for prizeconsideration.
- t3 2 mm Lexmgton bands will pre- “120d.” ht‘ sand "I don't think that and A Summons to Memnhis bv
‘ . - ‘ . wm NI, bonefjl shows tonight and . ' . , . . .‘ most people are socmlly aware any— Peter Taylor. and Whites. 3 vol- Winners. chosen by panels of
‘ ‘ V "- Inimiil‘l‘im night for the Socially Con— Shifdtiili‘, 1:} afigfi%?m:;§m; “The money will be used for out more " ume of stories with African set- \H‘ilt’l‘s. Will be announced Nov.
, l 3 i-i-rneils‘iudents organization. music history professor Brunner ting on forums, bringing speakers to The organization's basic platform tings by Norman Rush. have 17.
. ‘ . . Purple Lens. The Mange. Active who is the organization‘s faculty campusthiriddsettingthup varlious pro :tto‘increase)thelcaigipuitt'iii;iniu(i been nominated for this year‘s _ _
- '. > Ingredients and Happy Death will sponsor. will discuss the United grams . ea “1 50cm ”bu‘b' ‘ll‘l‘.'§“arsn‘>’t:)‘)ul 901"" an American Book Awards mm)“ 'The non-fiction nominees are
.- ‘ " hxt‘k ii]! the lund-raiser. playing States'relationswith Nicaragua. Creechsald. 300M Ilsillf‘mon "h a toteign and prize. “Ur “MOM Mercy: Ru“) and
.. ; trim: e. In II 30 tonight in Memorial omes K (H i)(hwml)m ”w 1:10“le War. ii).
~ , ‘ ‘- i « ‘ ‘ ‘ . to n i w ' . ~ - »
_2 If. gafilguzgeescga péiigfi?‘ (gintclgn; Markeld’l‘umliiril. as English grad- We ammo" (",‘ithfifi; Yr";
- . lllt' min “I“ he iollowed tomor- Students WI” also have an open mi- 51:: stuhent V‘ 9d nelpetfluorgbamée“ Socmlly Concerned Students will Five nonfiction nominees also Herald Tribune. by Richard

~.‘ . . 13‘5” '3‘. "139° 81‘“ bheep' l‘b‘ crophone for anyone Interested in h .“3; WS‘ 831 ya. 9 d9 at“ i hold lls next meeting at 4:30 pm were announced last week by the Kluger. Arctic Drwms by Barry
‘ ‘ v‘_ '- '5 “NH“ ”1 10“” speaking. [filmy nflcoopera “9 m ona ml” Nov 5.,11155iudeni(pnmg awards organization, which pre- Lopez; The Young Hemingway.

‘ _ ”NW” ‘0‘}. 500mm. Concerned 8" Ime. The organization will also sponsor sents a $1000 prize to each nomi- by Michael Reynolds; and Toni

'- . i. ' ' :‘ \iiltietils mil sponsor Steve Goins. A cover donation of $3 for individ. a forum titled "Nicaragua The nee and 510900 ”Ch [0 the W“ b""- P""”“" "f“ C‘mo" Plum"-

. ' ~ . V‘_ ‘. m. A ; Will and play an acoustic uals and $5 for couples will be taken Gerald Distad of [.8 said his band Many Realities" at 12-30 p In NOV winners. by TthUW RUSEIIEBNGH

z . 3' 4.431. (lotus .ind several of the at the door. has always had a policy of playing II in 203 Student (‘enter
H: '. i 5H,: I - I - . I ’1 _,— ” _xfy 1- ‘\ —
. .. .- . I . u . CHECKERS a: "T ——————
_. _ l‘ I I I I I i -.... & Groc- 193..., , 5.x;- . g1a.: fix _________AN MSWK The perfect burger,
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. 2' . .-. 2' 2518701 k/D\ III; 3 visits $10 02”“ ‘57 ”-5,. - ,,-. . _‘s *3.” 5% pus,“
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4' I Onion and Green Pepper P1223 ' T. To address the students on their role to the Lexington community.
. : Y s . ' mBuYitimc for Wit. 33.92 g 2. Problems dealing with the Lexington Transit System.
, «- wo pecio 0 Mon pines must or to redeem this ~ I
' 5”“. o. m. mm '0' “MW 0"" "Pim Omb“ I 3. Issue regarding the sale otolcohol on Sunday 5.
. 3] my, good 0..., m (MI 0.... "on No. mud Wm. on." : 4. To answer any other questions that the students may have.
Chevy Cha‘e Limimi Delivery ~ A

i l , , , , '
KENTUCKY KERNEL Tm” W23. 1~- 3 .
, Andy Dun-tori -
i 3 Po RTS Spam some,
‘ .
«it as“ - Qataistse‘ms .7 -
J ’ UK, Taka . mak'ng racket 'n NCAA tennis scene U l '
111 i'llltls \IJiRIlmE She only started with a win in Syr- Championship but was upset in the opportunity to play in Europe. Aus- Iiuriiiu hei lil'N' two seasons at netting hat-k into the tournament I ‘ . 4 -’ ‘
. l ittlll‘lltllllllil Writer acuse's prestigious SUnity Life Ten- finals tralia and the United States She l'l-\' she eaiiteil -\ll.\1tull11‘d>l&'t'n is something 'l‘akdt-‘tl and ht‘l’ lt‘dm - ’1 1 1 . ;’
iiis (‘lassic In the finals, she Her ability to perform \\lili the na- went on to become the third-ranked (‘oniereiii-etioiiiir~ mates are ‘.Utrklng toward this year , , - _' .-
'l'akai;i sounds like the name of knocked off nationally ranked Patti tion‘s elitedidn't _|u,si dropout oi the 18-and-under player in Japan . . ’ .“Q, hau- d 110011 team and d, a ‘- "V." . ,.
me ill lllttM' ilt‘\\ tangled Japanese ()‘lteillyOl‘DUkQ3-6.6-3.6-4. sky Oi'eriiight The Fukuoka. Japan, As a \(i[)llttli.tll‘t‘ she helped 1 l\ to {mm M, want I“ make the \l‘AA. .' '_ _ -' t" ,
_ i..i\ i'itihi" Early in October. Takagi was one native started playing tennis at the After touring with the Japanese an Slit l'liililt'l’ up title and helped W, \m, ““1 Me have my srjt' .1 .- ‘ ‘ ,-
\\t‘ll.lltll<‘\;tt'll\ iii onl_\ :12 singles players anlied to ageoflii National Team, Takagi enrolled at the l K teaiii earn its lii\l .\'t AA tournament ”1 Kentuclu [hm 58a]. 7, ‘ " .,-‘ '1
11km m iii Japanese horn in the All-America Tournament in "My uncle gave me a tennis rack the Nick Bellottieri Tennis Academy tournament li‘iHLtlliill w .M, MW ,0 d“ We“; M.“ We V'rj. ",1. _
mam 11.1mm 1\ Hill on]; one ot the .\l_\rtle Beach. S (‘ There the 20- et and a tennis club opmied near m) in Bradenton. Fla. There, she sharp- huwd WM“ wwhhumy,‘ , , 1..., . r;
1 “Wit .. lK‘\l li‘lll1l\ [)lti}(‘l‘s. hut tt-urolit Junior was upended iii the house. so I Slui'lt‘d playing.” she ened her skills for a year until she ’I‘akaui and the rest ltl her team ‘ a; ', '_ {-3, ’
\llt' ‘ d ”1””le “l lllt' ”‘1 W’mWS llt‘Sl round by the NO- 1 $99de P13)" said. met Mike Patrick, who was just mates tell on hard times iii the tour ..\,1,H.,,~m.rw§,~ f '.‘, . _ - ,
‘i‘filih 'i'iiill er. She quickly developed a talent for hired as the women's coach at L'K. nameiit. however .\ot only did the . '.- '.1'5 j ,1. ‘I
[ha 21-.”- '1‘;ik;.m h,” quietlx the game By age 13. she was play Patrick offered Takagi a schol- team him out earl}, hut 'I‘akaizi lint l “M“ *1: ‘H ”2) freshman and " .2
Winn) v.4, ,, ', i tliial ”Wm record ,\ week later. she was seeded N0 ing for the Japanese National Junior arship, she accepted and she hasn't in the iii-st round to southern (a1; :“phtltlinirt‘v ~t‘.ti',;t!it. I puviuiijt iike to ' ,
.1 _i ,2 mimil wow,“ i in the Southern Intercollegiate Tennis Team. which gave her the disappmnted anyone tor itia \ lit-:iaiii-Mt-tlcr‘: '- 1.. . ~"‘ \.; \“l‘ “- ~"‘l”-"' l 11““ “1"“ .1 "1ft! .,
fl‘ ' _x’xs’f" ‘i-/»; -------—----- "v"
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Just Another Face #__k_#_fi_r_, TfliT 1.1,}. fin-‘.‘,
in the Crowd? K k K 1 -——_'" ‘—“—‘" ‘A ”A' '" l -’_ ‘ ‘.g-ffi'
Bring Your Face To Us' entuc y erne I ’ l H‘ ‘.’..ti‘k‘z;
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' ’ K... /\\ Managing Editor 560" Word l . ll Comple‘x 1’], J5“: W
- :1“ "'1 KR News Editor J0V Blomo" . - -,- ”.2, 1,2,:
1 ' 1'. xx, 1 / l .."\"".,--.'-
5' . 'fr ' ' , Assistant News Editor Br°d C000?” ‘1 ;\ ”(a *flwfi.4 l-v/ :l Commons i-' - I. 3 ‘ _‘
I ‘ t “ ‘ \‘ 43:}?! Editorial Editor CV"lh‘° A P”“‘"' " l ‘N l/ W ll . 1"”.‘3-Jtu I
Wednesday Evening Fellowship Sports Editor Andy Durr-storf l a k ‘ (18" fl 1 :I‘ j! " ’ is“,
t 1 row and 8.1319 mm Arts Editor Erik Reece l \\l l ‘l WHEN: :33 ' A l
6 90‘” "" Assistant Arts Editor Wes Miller G V i t -: -'.
UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRY S . 0° _ ~ Q 1 Tues.. Oct. 28 ; 9,, .‘
“2 no" 5,. 2544”, pecial Proiects Editor Sean Anderson » ,, _, .,. /+’ 9 -. 1; ., 1; ~,,'
Photo Editor Alan Lesmg f ‘/;§< W a Wed.. Oct. 2 a
a / 3'," '."J i'fi.‘-..','-.
»- - -- --—~— Adviser Paula Anderson (ilk / ‘ r \ //// 1 4-9 pom- ,V ' .
- Advemslng M°"°9°' “Ml" COH‘“ | CENTRAL KENTUCKY BLOOD CENTER v/ l _JT
, AMERICAN Production Manager Rhonda 0 Non ‘ ”"‘_“ n4. . l l ‘
‘ V ‘1 ~-...-’..,,, ._<,
, MARKETING mm m... .. Misha on .1... dm out Cool Cats Jersey . ._‘ ,-, :-
ASSOCIATION ai:d weekly during the summer session I' d nors i" ‘ l _ . Mo 4."
MEETING TONIGHT! Th.rd 'lass postage paid as Lexmgton KY 405M Maiiea subscr-ptiur‘ totes *0 a o ‘.‘ ,," :3". 'V.
are 56 per semester and $30 per year 7-51., }_."- j *1} = : '-
y A . The Kernel is printed at Standard Publishing and Printing 534 Buckman t "i. A" " “.3. 77x.
' . p" 237” New Student Center l Sheet Shepherdsville KY 40165 '3‘: '- :., ;
‘ GHOST SDGOl‘e’ Refreshments l Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel Room 026 '- if; '24 1‘
Journalism Boilding Universny of Kentucky Lenington KY 43506-00423 --.--o~ Kw- ;. ;-.. - - * " -‘ ‘ ' '1 l» ‘. ' “ , ' -'
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DO YOU HAVE UK'S BEST PARENTS??? ‘ ' ' " . ' , f "f . i
It you do, enter them in the ’Parent's of the Weekend Contest' .1 V ., . , . n -f y .. . if. 32-. “’5’,
' I ‘ :,£5":1§?:”3« , 1 ~,, I -: l . 7 \ _ . . ,'- .‘ i, .‘1. ix"; '4 1:!
. 7 .f The Rules ”a a ' ,- , . -, . (:1 y ‘ ‘.- 5- ,f
i 1 Any tolltime UK student is eligible to nominate their parent(s). ‘5‘ W ’1 O - ., , , . . I :1; :‘Tf, a _3’9}
2 Parents must be attending the T986 Parents Weekend, Nov. 7 - 9. V _ V “:5. . , I 3,1: I ff: * V' . .‘ . ,_ f '5'."
3 Applications are available in residence halls fraternities, sororities. and room 203 of the V «r y ‘ . ' ’ '-"~'~':’."“~ ’ ~' ;1 : g: i "
Student Center ‘3; - ‘1' '1 '.3 1311'?
- .1 Applications are due Oct. 3l in room 203 of the Student Center. “I; t,‘ - ' '
".- ' ‘V' .3' 1:13;":
'.‘-'.‘ ’34,: [it"s-1.,”- 3
3-1:... \' 1":“H'I'il‘jtn‘,
Winners will receive: . '5"? 211'- 1