xt7rxw47t39m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rxw47t39m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1994-04-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 26, 1994 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 26, 1994 1994 1994-04-26 2020 true xt7rxw47t39m section xt7rxw47t39m  

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LCC survey reveals skepticism

Results indicate many in state
disapprove of health-care plan


By Lance Williams
News Editor

A poll of 1,646 central Kentucki-
ans showed little support for either
the new state health-care plan or
the refomus proposed by President

Two Lexington Canmunity
classes conducted the survey,
which polled registered voters from
Fayette and surrounding counties
about health care, the Kentucky Ed-
ucation Reform Act and the perfor-
mance of Clinton, Gov. Brereton
Jones and the state General Assem~

About 29 percent of the poll's re-
spondents said they favored the
state's new health-care reform plan.
Thirty-one percent opposed the
plan, and 28 percent said they were
not familiar with it. Thirteen per-
cent were undecided.

The Clinton initiative fared a lit-
tle better, with 32 percent favoring
the plan, although 41 percent op-

deaths still


- a mystery


By Perry Brothers
Staff Writer


The official eause of death re-
mains unknown for two former UK
employees who were found iru their
home Sunday.

According to the coroner’s re-
ports, a family member discovered
the “unresponsive" bodies of En-
nice Diachum, 81, a former College
of Business and Economics instruc-
tor; and her husband, Stephen Dia-
chun, 81, a retired UK plant pathol-
ogist, at their Tahorna Road

The coroner's office is waiting
for toxicology results on Eunice
Diachun and the results of a pend-
ing police investigation involving
Stephen Diachum before determin-
ing the causes of the deaths, the re-
ports say.

But Timothy Diachum, the
couple's son, speculated yesterday
that one of the deaths may have
been a suicide.

“It scans natural to suspect that
thae was either a natural death and
then a suicide, or an assisted death
and then a suicide," he said.

Timothy Diachun said he came
to this conclusion because his par-
ents “were not well.“

Eunice Diachun “was well into
probable Alzheimer’s," he said,
and Stephen Diachun’s memory
was “declining,” he said.

Stephen Diachun began his 41-
yeareareeratUKin l937asan as-
sistant in agronomy.

In addition to serving 10 years as
chairman of UK's plant pathology
department, he also acted as the
first director of the University Hon-
ors Program, which began in 1960.

Eunice Diachun received a law
degree from UK in 1967, mid she
taught classes at UK part-time for
several years.

Aside from Timothy Diachun of
Lexington and his wife. Jacqueline
Lee, the couple's survivors include

See DEATHS. Back Page



oBreezy and warm "

high between 80 a - , ,,
~Partiy cloudy and mild " “
tonight; low around 60.

INDEX: , ‘ . ,
Sports ........................... .



Viewpoint ........



posed it About 17 percent said
they didn't know enough about the
plan to have an opinion.

In a related topic, poll takers
asked participants they supported
federal reforms. Fully 52 percent
of the registered voters surveyed
said they would not approve of the
hike. Thirty-eight percent ap-
proved of the plan, and 10 percent
were undecided.

The poll results, which have a 3
percent margin of error, show a
largely negative reaction to health-
eare reform, which could be due to
negative publicity about the ef-
forts, said IJCC political science
professor Tun Cantrell, who teach-
es the government courses that
conducted the survey.

“All the hoopla is creating a lot
of doubt in people's mind,“ Can-
trell said.

He said problems encountered

_ by the Kentucky legislature during

its recent term have hurt the state
reform effort, in particular.

fused about what (the state govem-
ment is) doing," Cantrell said.

More than 80 LCC students
helped collect information for the
survey, which has been taken twice
a year since the fall of 1988. Can-
trell began conducting surveys with
his classes at Madisonville Com-
mumity College and continued for
18 years before coating to LCC.

Since the polls began in Lexing—
ton, Cantrell said, his classes have
picked a loser in only one election.

Cantrell said the survey also
could provide information for a po-
tential issue in the 1995 govemor's
race: 28 percent of respondents said
they would support a eandidate
who actively sought enforcing the
death penalty.

Thirty percent said it would have
a moderate influence on the vote,
while 26 percent said it would have
no impact. Only 7 percent said it
would have a moderate influence
against the candidate, and 9 percent
said it would have a great deal of
influence against the candidate.

Clinton's approval rating in-
creased from the fall 1993 survey.
Jones‘ rating dropped.


Results of Lot: Survey

In general. how do you tool Bil Ciirron has
done his job as president so tar?

7% Outstanding 29% Good 35% Fair
26% Poor 3% Undech


In general. how do you feel Breroton Jones

3% Outstanding 25% Good 40% Fair
25% Poor 7% Undecided


In garters]. how would you rate the
performance of the Kentucky State
Legislature in their recent session?

3% Outstanding 15% Good 33% Fair
30% Poor 19% Undecided


Do you favor or oppose the State Health
Care Plan which was passed by the recent

29% Favor 31% Oppose
28% Not Familiar 13% Undecided


Do you favor or oppose the Clinton
Health Plan?

32% Favor 41% Oppose
17% Not Familiar 11% Undecided


"n the Clinton Health Plan is passed. do you
approve or disapprove of financing it wih a
naior tax increase on tobacco products?

38% Approve 52% Dlsapprove
10% Undecided







Social work graduate student Paul O'Neill flips through volumes In Margaret I. King Li-
brary yesterday In preparation for a research project.




Work with handicapped
fulfills student’s dream


By Julie Jeflorda
Contributing Writer


Engineering majors usually don‘t
seek summer employment counsel-
ing handicapped campers in niral
Kennicky, but for Chris Cash,
Camp Kysoc isadreamcome true.


gram director at Kysoc, a rustic
outdoor living eamp in Carrollton,
Ky.. designed to help physically,
mentally and behaviorally handi-
capped campers of all ages experi-
eruce nature under circumstances
they would otherwise seldom en-

“Camp Kysoc is a dream to me,"
the electrieal engineering junior

said. “I live somewhat in fear of
the day someone will come and
wake me up to the real world."

Cash secs Kysoc as an exciting
opportunity to set his books aside
for a few months and experience
the trials and joys of living and
working with the special group of

See CAMP. Back Page


APR 2 6 l994




By Ty Haipin
Sports Editor

The situation surrounding UK
coach Rick Pitino and his flirta-
tions with the NBA's Los An-
geles Lakers has been getting
more interesting by the hour.

' After a day of rumors and
speculations, UK Me-
dia Relations an-
nounced that Pitino will
hold a press conference
today at 11 am. to
speak of his weer in-

As of 5:30 pm. yes-
terday. UK had down-
graded its stance on the _
Pitino situation from to-
tal denial to just being

“We have no official
word at this time," UK Assistant
Media Relations Director Julie
Watson said.

The Lakers would neither con-
firm or deny that Pitino will be-
come their head coach. Pitino
was golfing with UK Athletics
Director CM. Newton and Indi-
arua coach Bobby Knight yester-
day at Augusta National in Au-
gusta, Ga.

“I talked to CM. today, and





Pitino scenario
grows thicker
as rumors fly

he said everything would be tak-
en eare of," Watson said.

Newton seemed to take care of
things on his radio show yester-

“The fact is, I intend for him
to honor his contract." Newton
said on WVLK-AM (590) radio.
“He has indicated to me that is
what his intention is.

“So we're going to
leave it there . If you
don‘t believe me, I can't
do business with you

Pitino was in Los An-
geles last week to partici-
pate in a golf tournament
and address a Castrol
North America gather-
ing. This appearance in-
creased speculation con-

cenuing the Lakers.

“1 don‘t really care a whole lot
about the national press," New-
ton said. “But I’m really con-
cerned about our own media and

“As I said last year when we
renewed Rick‘s contract. he and
I both indicated that we were not
going to respond to every source
.We were not going to do it.
It took so much of my time last

See PITINO, Back Page



Troops pull out
of Bosnian city


By Susan Linnea
Associated Press

Herzegovina — Bosnian Serbs
blocked a UN. aid convoy headed
for Gorazde yesterday despite
pledges to allow free access, but ap-
peared to be moving heavy weap-
orus further away from the Muslim
town as demanded by NATO.

U.N. helicopters evacuated 91
more wounded people from the be-
sieged Muslim enclave for treat-
ment in Sarajevo. Hundreds more
were waiting flights.

The Serbs mostly halted their as-
sault on Gorazde on Sunday, more
than a day after NATO threatened
air strikes if they did not immedi-
ately cease fire and withdraw armor
and artillery 1.9 miles from the
town center.

NATO commanders sought U.N.
permission to conduct air strikes
Saturday, but the chief UN. official
for former Yugoslavia, Yasushi
Akashi, refused. UN. officials said
Monday he had just worked out a
truce agreement with the Serbs and
did not want to jeopardize that.

Although NATO and UN. offi-
cials reportedly had heated ex-
changes over the refusal, officials at
NATO‘s headquarters were satis-
fied Monday. They said the alliance
had received assurances its war-


planes would be allowed to stage

bombing runs if Bosnian Serbs ig-
nored ultinuatums.

The Serbs appeared to be abiding
by the cease-fire.

“We have good news from Go-

razde." said a

UN. spokesman,

Maj. Guy Vinet.

“The situation is

quiet. There's

some sporadic

small-arms fire,

but it‘s very lit-

I I“ W! Cm dr. Eric
Chaperon, another

UN. spokesman, said that “all
heavy weapons are believed to be
out" of the exclusion zone. He said
“a number" of Serb infantrymen
were still on the right bank of the
Drina River, which divides Goraz-
de. but it appeared they would

Chaperon said there also were in-
dications the Serbs were pulling
farther back to meet NATO's de-
mand that their troops be at least
12.4 miles front Gorazde by early

The Bosnian Serb army said in a
statement that it was completing
the pquut of its heavy weapons
from the 1.9-mile exclusion zone. it

See BOSNIA, Back Page



By James Forhueh
Photography Editor

Four UK students have some
travel plans for next year. On
UK‘s bill.

Bath Holohau andMelody Hol-
show off the Univasiry's fitter


“it's a great way to let the
community know there me posi-
tive things going on on canpus,"
said Hollimm. a physical thera-
py junior from louisviile.

The anbassadors represent
UK at Vlious functions during
the year, includhug meetings of
community groups, high schools
and alummi associations.

Hollimm spent the past year
speaking to high school students
throughoua Kenmcky.

Ambas sors to spread word

Representatives will tour state to promote UK

“1 tell students about the ad-
vmtages of being a college stu-
dent," shesfld.

“it's a place to brighten your
horizons. meet a lot of people.
explore other cuulnures and grow
socially. I hope to see more stu-
dents gotocoilege."

Each ambmsadors receives a
$2.0“) schollship for a one-
year am. but must say the espe-

See STUDENTS. Back Page



Evan Reynolda,Berth Hoioharu, Melodyi‘ioillman andllary .



. hm.» ‘ - eve-r

NV, H.-

I: Q



.. ,az. ,,i....~
~ .« Mam-a... , .3 «w- /







By Chris Tipton
Staff Writer



\ . . 'The UK Career Center has re-
‘ \ . Z ceived a $2,600 grant from Stu-
. - -. .' dent Government Association to
\ ' ; update the facility's library.
- j The money is being used to
\ », purchme new career books and a
4 complete series of job guides for
20 major cities nationwide.

“It's vital for us to have an up-

to—date reserve of information for
5 the students," said Career Center
3% official Dl'cma Howard.
*‘ “We previously had no budget
‘ for the career library. Most of the
‘ time, we received desk copies in
exchange for critiquing them."

Howard said most of the credit
for obtaining the grant should be
given to Sharon Childs, who set
up the center‘s Student Advisory

That group, headed by Student
Government Association Vice
President Amber Leigh, was in-
strumental in getting the SGA

“The money came primarily
from student funds, so the stu-
dents are basically helping them-
selves with this grant," Leigh

“When it comes to a topic such
as job placement, it is essential
to have the most recent informa-
tion available to effectively help
students find employment."

. :cv'. ”Virgil-V's?”


Grant buys resources
for UK Career Center

I“ mud“

SGA Vice President Amber Leigh, biomedical engineering
graduate student Reenu Salnl and Career Center official Dre-
ma Howard look over job resource books.

The center also has been honored
for its involvement with the Ken-
tucky Employment Conference.

The second-annual event took
place April 14 and had an estimated
attendance of 1,500.

Last year’s conference received
national recognition when it re-
ceived the 1994 Award of Excel-
lence from the College Placement

The conference was designed to



give students an opportunity to
meet with employers and be-
come aware of various job open-
ings at a wide variety of busi-
nesses. It also provided
employers with a chance to meet
applicants who might qualify for
positions at their companies.

The 1994 conference featured
an opening address from Lexing-
ton Herald-Leader publisher
Lewis Owens.









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Oral arguments give public
rare glimpse of private court


By Richard Careiii
Associated Press


WASHINGTON —— Clarence
Thomas rocks in his chair and says
nothing. Antonin Sealia squirms
while waiting to ask one of his
many, many questions. And from
his center seat, William H. Rehn-
quist tries to direct traffic while he
keeps an eye on the time.

Welcome to argument day at the
Supreme Court.

The high court's nine members
are among the most private of pub-
lic officials, wielding enormous
power in relative anonymity. Few
Amerimns can name most of them.

But 40 days a year over a seven-
month period, the Supreme Court
goes public. Well, as public as it
goes. And this furnishes a rare
glimpse of the human side of justic-
es best known for their legal writ-

Scalia can be funny and Rehn-
quist sarcastic; Sandra Day
O‘Connor can be demanding; John
Paul Stevens and Ruth Bader Gins-
burg often are just plain relentless.

David Souter can be long-winded
— Eleni Constantine of the Nation-
al Association of Attorneys General
called his questions “verbally intri-
cate" — and Anthony Kennedy
shows a professorial style.

Harry A. Blackmun, who will re-
tire soon, seldom asks questions.
And Thomas has not asked a ques-
tion since the court‘s 1993-94 term
began in October.

Nixon funeral has

Protocol chief works to accomodate
a world of government emissaries


By Michael Fleeman
Associated Press


YORBA LINDA, Calif. —— With
a paid staff of just two, Orange
County's volunteer chief of proto-
col is scrambling to accommodate
an entire world that wants to pay its
final respects to Richard Nixon.

“I don‘t think there will ever be a
comparison to this," Gloria Ander-
son said yesterday as she juggled
ealls from around the world seeking
information on Wednesday‘s funer-
al arrangements.

There are 79 foreign consulates
in Southern California alone, and
Anderson was working with most,
if not all.

“You don’t. want to slight any-
one," she said. “But there's always
the possibility someone could be
overlooked because you have to re-
alize the largeness of this."

Nixon's body was to be flown to
Southern California today. A
closed-casket public viewing at the
Richard Nixon Library & Birth-
place in Yorba Linda will be held
through the night. The nation's 37th
president died in New York on Fri-
day, four days after suffering a

Among the countries sending




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emissaries to his funeral are China,
Japan, Switzerland and Russia, An-
derson said. President Clinton and
the four surviving former US. pres-
idents also are expected.

About 30 countries had made





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Argument day at the nation's
highest court starts, at 10 am.
slurp. with a tradition. “Oyez,
oyez," yells the court‘s marshal. his
voice echoing off the courtroom’s
40-foot-high ceiling and marble
friezes as the robed justices take
their places at the mahogany bench.

“All persons having business be-
fore the honorable, the Supreme
Court of the United States, are ad-
monished to draw near and give
their attention, for the court is now
sitting. God save the United States
and this honorable court"

The “all persons" can include 80
lawyers sitting up front and about
200 tourists seated on a first-come.
first-in basis.

Law students and other hardy
souls, equipped with sleeping bags.
sometimes show up the night before
to earn a courtroom seat. Such con-
duct is linked to another tradition:
the court still bans television and
radio coverage of its public pro-

The 40 argument days, clustered
in seven two-week sessions, stretch
from the first Monday in October to
the last Wednesday in April. The
last week of arguments began to-

On an argument day, up to four
cases are scrutinized. Granted re-
view months previously, each was
plucked from the 7.000 appeals that
reach the court each year. Each is
destined to yield a Supreme Court
decision that will alter or augment
two centuries of American law.

Most cases, whether historic or

lawyer for each side gets 30 min-
utes to elaborate and emphasize
what already was submitted in
written briefs.

No lawyer gets to talk the whole
30 minutes.

“An oral argument is very defi-
nitely the justices' show, not the
lawyers' show," said Georgia State
University law professor Stephen
Wermiel. a veteran court watcher.

“l have some sympathy with
lawyers who say they don't get
through essential points because of
the aggressive nature of the ques-
tioning from the justices," be said.

Chief Justice Rehnquist must
harbor similar sympathy. After one
argument this year, he told a law-
yer, “I think you did very well in
the four minutes that the court al-
lowed you."

“There certainly are more ques-
tions asked now," said Constantine,
who listens to dozens of high court
arguments each year. “Some ques-
tions are seeking clarification of
points made in the briefs; some
questions are not aimed at the law-
yers but at other justices."

Northwestern University law
professor Lawrence Marshall
agreed, stating that some justices
“act as advocates from the hen

Justice Scalia, perhaps the most
persistent and entertaining interro-
gator, often is cast in this role. “He
tries to send signals to his col-
leagues stake out a position,"
Wermiel said.

volunteer hustling

“firm or semi-firm" arrangements
to send representatives by midday
yesterday, said Jim McCracken, a
member of a Nixon Task Force
working out of the State Depart-
ment‘s Office of Protocol.

“Some countries are curious who
others are sending to get a feel for
what is appropriate," he said.

Meantime, Anderson, Orange
County’s unpaid 'chief of protocol,
and her two paid staff members
hustled to line up the needed limou-
sine and hotel accommodations for

Yorba Linda, where Nixon was
born, is a quiet suburb of about
56,000 people that boasts Orange
County's lowest crime rate. It is 35
miles southeast of Los Angeles.

As a cold rain fell on the library
parking lot yesterday, workers
erected white tents and put finish-
ing touches on portable grandstands
capable of seating 600 people.
White folding chairs were available
for hundreds more.

Secret Service agents roamed the
grounds with clipboards. State De-

parunent officials conferred with li-
brary personnel.

Across the country, the US.
Army Military District of Washing-
ton coordinated the state funeral ar-
rangements, including flying Nix-
on's remains from Stewart Air
National Guard Base in Newburgh,
N.Y., to the Marine Corps Air Sta-
tion in El Toro, 15 miles south of
Yorba Linda.

“I think what couldbeaformida-
ble logistical task will come off
rather well," McCracken said.
“Then we'll ensure that everyone
gets back home."

Nixon, who will be buried on the
library grounds next to his wife,
Pat, didn't want a Washington,
DC, funeral. He realized it would
serve only as a backdrop for diplo-
macy and political discussion, said
Dimitri K. Simes, a foreign policy
expert and Nixon confidante.

“This is not a place where the fu~
ture of Washington is going to be
determined," Simes said of Yorba










IK'S 1?] (‘Hilltlf l\ |7I'|‘\I{S.\'





















By Perry Brothers
Staff Writer

After nearly a year without a
permanent director, the UK
School of Journalism and Tele-
communications has selected a
new chief. But some faculty mem-
bers say the position should have
gone to Roy Moore, the acting di-
rector since July 1.

William James Willis. the cur-
rent chairman of Boston College’s
department of communications,
accepted the school’s offer Satur-
day evening, he said in a tele-
phone interview yesterday.

Willis said he was aware of the
faculty's mixed feelings concem-
ing his appointment. and he hailed
Moore as a “fine man."

“I respect him greatly," he said.
“and 1 look forward to working


of Journalism finally
selects permanent director

with him and the faculty."

College of Communications and
Information Sciences Dean Doug-
las Boyd said Willis “has more
professional experience than Mr.
Moore, and Mr. Willis has more
experience as a department head
than Mr. Moore."

He added that Willis' profes-
sional background would allow
him to work with a “wider variety
of people.”

Boyd stressed, however, that
Moore “is one of the finest teach-
ers that we have in this college."

David Dick, who served as the
school’s director from 1988
through last June, issued a pre-
pared statement thanking Moore
for serving as acting director. He
disagreed with Boyd's assessment
of Moore‘s qualifications and said
he would have chosen Moore as
his successor.

“Dr. Moore has had professional
experience," Dick said. “He is a
lawyer, a nationally recognized
scholar. He is a wonderful per-

Associate journalism professor
Maria Braden agreed that Moore
was well qualified for the job.

“1 think Roy has done an out-
standing job as acting director,"
she said. “He has laid the ground-
work for this new director to come
in and move us forwar .”

Braden said the faculty “very
strongly supported" Moore. but
she emphasized that the selection
process has been completed and
all members of the school should
support and work with Willis.

"He's hired," she said. “We will
work with (Willis), and we will
support him.

Moore, who begins a sabbatical
on July 1, said he appreciates the

support of the school's students
and faculty, and expreswd his best
wishes to Willis and the school.

Willis earned his bachelor's de-
gree in journalism from the Uni-
versity of Oklahoma in 1968, his
master’s from East Texas State
University in 1975, and his docto-
rate from the University of Mis-
souri-Columbia in 1982.

He was assistant city editor of
the Dallas Morning News from
1971 to 1974. managing editor of
the Garland Daily News in Texas
from 1976 to 1978, and city editor
of the Columbia Missourian from
1978 to 1980.

Willis has published several
books and has taught journalism at
five different schools.

“I am looking forward to to get-
ting back into the South,” he said.
“I want to help lead the school of
journalism into the 21st century.”

Quality of life for Ky. kids falls

S taie’s ranking
drops to 36th
in United States

Associated Press



LOUISVILLE, Ky. — An annu-
al report card that attempts to rank
states by the quality of life for
children showed bleak numbers
for Kentucky, where youngsters
are increasingly likely to be born
to an unmarried teen-ager or die
before reaching age 14.

Kentucky's rank in the 1994
Kids Count Data Book fell to 36
among the 50 states and the Dis-
trict of Columbia, down from 32
last year.

“We were sort of comfortably in
the middle in 1992, and now we’re

shifting away from the middle,"
said Debra Miller, deputy director
of Kentucky Youth Advocates. “I
was a little surprised to see our
ranking slipping a little."

She said people should under-
stand that the numbers mean
many of Kentucky’s children
could be in trouble.

The report found that a Ken-
tucky child’s likelihood of being
born to an unmarried teen-ager
rose by 30 percent from 1985 to
1991. The child’s chance of dying
between the age of 1 and 14 rose
by 28 percent.

The most alarming statistic
showed that the number of Ken-
tucky juveniles arrested for vio-
lent crimes rose 110 percent from
1985 to 1991. That’s the nation’s
third-highest increase for that peri-

The data book said that in 1985
about 120 of every 100,000 Ken-

tucky juveniles were arrested for
violent crime. In 1991, that rate
had risen to almost 260 per

Steve Fox, deputy commission-
er of social services in the state
Cabinet for Human Resources.
said Kentucky‘s rate of juvenile
violence is cause for concern. But
he noted the rate is still small
when compared with figures fq
most states.

The data book lists Kentucky 3
the 18th-lowest in terms of juve-
nile arrests for violent behavior.
Nationwide, the number of juve-
nile arrests for violent crime per
100,000 youths is 457.

Thebook is the fifth annual pro-
file of children's well-being by
the Annie E. Casey Foundation, a
private charity devoted to helping
disadvantaged children.

The survey, released yesterday,
uses 10 key indicators to assess

the conditions of children: percent
low birth-weight babies; infant
mortality rate; child death rate;
percent births to single teens;
juvenile crime arrest rate; high
school graduation rate; percent
idle teens; teen violbnt death rate;
percent children in poverty and
percent children in single-parent

The latest figures in the report
date from 1991 because of the
amount of time it takes to collect
the data from all 50 states and the
District of Columbia, Miller said.

However, the indicators of child
well-being have changed each
year, making year-to-year compar-
isons of state rankings problemat-
ic. The data book provides nation-
al composite rankings for 1988
through 1994 using a consistent
set of indicators — namely those
used to derive the 1994 composite

Kentucky Kernel. Tuned-y. April 26. 1004 -8




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By Connie Cass
Associated Press


movie without popcorn? About
900 less calories. and no artery-
clogging fat.

Moviegoers are better off
passing up the popcorn at most
theaters. the Center for Science
in the Public Interest said yes-

That’s because about 70 per-
cent of theaters pop their corn
in coconut oil. making what
could be a healthy treat a high-
fat indulgence. researchers
from the non-profit consumer
group said.

A 16-cup medium bucket of
coconut oil popcorn has 901
calories, and 43 grams of cho-

lesterol-raising fat — more
than twice the limit of saturated
fat recommended daily.

Some large buckets of pop-
corn topped with butter contain
four days worth of saturated
fat. the center found. And even
a five-cup. kid-size bag con-
tains 14 grams of saturated fat.

”Theater popcorn ought to be

Movie popcorn
not as healthy
as some think

the Snow White of snack foods.
but it’s been turned into God-
zilla by being popped in highly
saturated coconut oil." said Mi~
chael Jacobson. executive di-
rector of CSPl. said at a news

Some theaters defend the use
of coconut oil to provide the
taste and aroma their customers

“Most people ask us why
they can't get their home pop—
corn to taste as good as theater
popcorn. The answer is the co-
conut oil." said Howard Licht-
man. executive vice president
of marketing for Cineplex Ode-
on. The Toronto-based chain
has 235 US. theaters.

Lichtrnan noted that most
people share popcorn at the
movies, seldom eating a medi-
um-size bag alone. “It’s not a
health issue; it's a small indul-
gence." he said.