xt7s1r6n349t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7s1r6n349t/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 198702 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, February 1987 text GLSO News, February 1987 1987 2019 true xt7s1r6n349t section xt7s1r6n349t February ( (6
Wm is My
one fidFPl’WSS
I {I
m 94¢,
to gave
ms a, ma
George Szmé~

 mm WISU‘C
we! .
It you would like to advertise in the ‘aso Newsletter, @LSfi
{its}? send your camera—ready copy to: (la), P.0. Box
. Lexington, KY 40575. The deadline for all
Malone is the 15th of each month for publication the MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION
following month. Anything received after the deadline
will not be guaranteed to be published in the next issue.

Ads may be sent camera-ready or rough. Rough copies __ Please put me/us on the as: mailing list,
are subject to additional charges as shown in the rates including a free subscription to the monthly Q8)
section belw. (Em will not be responsible for Nwsletter (delivered in an "unmarked" envelope).
typesetting errors in the ad after printing: advertisers _ Enclosed is $10.00 (or $5.00 for students) for each
are responsible for proofing the ads they submit for membership in use.
publication. Please let [TE/LB how Use an be more involved in

The Editor and the (150 Board of Directors reserve the _ Gig) or other gay/ lesbian organizations by calling
right to censor advertisements and other submissions which '
are deemed in poor taste and to edit due to space (phone) ‘
rutrictions and/or granmatical errors. Erotica, fantasy, _ or writing to: ‘
sexually-explicit materials, or material cleaved in
conflict with the purpose or policies of the Lexington . ‘
Gay/Lesbian Services Organization will not be accepted for NAMElS)
publication. —____.__ _

Address Apt. l .
" mm

Eighth Page. 5 8.00 Charter Page $15.00

(2" x 3.5") (2 1/8" x 7' or 4 1/4" x 3 1/2") Sate ZIP cede

Half Page $25.00 Full Page $40.00

(4 1/4" x 7‘I or (8 1/2" x 7") Mail to: QED, P.O. Box 11471, lam, KY 40575

B l/Z' x 3 1/2“)
classified 5 1.00 (up to 4 lines, $.05
ach additional word) *
Wpesetting $l5.00
Screem‘. $10.00

1/4 off for 6 issues . .

m u Help U s Help 01716151!

1/2 off for non-profit organizations

Discounted ad space will be contracted for specified '
terms. Artwrx may be changed at the advertiser's apense
and subject to the above deadline. Half of the cost of
the discounteo ad shall be due prior to publication and
half shall be due upon conpletion of the term of the The (1.9:) Newsletter is published monthly by the
discount. Failure to conply with the terms of the Dexmgton Gay Services Organization, Inc. (d.b.a.
contract may result in future denial of contracts. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services Organization), 9.0. Box

11471, lexington, Kentucky 40575. The GIS) is a

Placanent of an ad in the CIR) Newsletter m an registered non-profit organization the purpose of which is
denote a person‘s sexual orientation or a busmess‘s to provide educational, recreational, socml, and referral
customer preference. services directly iniplving or relating to gay/ lesbian

Peep e.
Views or opinions expressed in the articles, stories,
letters, or advertisements are those of the authors and do
DIRI'ITIDRY not necessarily represent those of the (130 Board of
Directors nor the Newsletter staff. Publication of the

(150 C-ayLim.............................231—0335 nane or photograph of any person, organization, or other

5150 Billboard...........----------------293'673° entity in articles or advertising in the Newsletter is in

also Newsletter, General..---------------259‘3292 no way indimtive of the sexual orientation of such

Advertising-unu------273’0048 person, organization. or entity.
Submissions for the Newsletter are welcome. All

Dignity/Lexington........................273—5U56 submissions beccxre the property of the the Lexmgton Gay

Inperial Court of the Bluegrass Wife-"2554852 Services Organization, Inc. (d.b.a. Lexington Gay/lesbian

Gay 5 Lesbian A/A........-------u-------255'8397 Services Organization). All submissions must indicate the

cmmmity Health ’l‘lrust.------------------255'2329 full name and address of the author, although no by-line

lnmve/OWUD.......------------------223‘1“8 Hill be published without the apress, written permission

Lexington—Fayette County Health of the author. Non-original material must indicate that

DEPC- “”5 information............-..--252-2371 the original author has given permission for use of the

Louisville CELSLS‘HOtlinE.....-....(502) 637332: material. WW submissions cannot be ”must The

Owensboro Gay “lime-u-uuuu-(SOZ’ 635 _ editorial staff reserves the right to alter sunnissiom

Cincinnati Gay Siltchboardnfu-fu (513) 221‘7800 (including advertisements) to meet publishing

National Gay Task Force Crisu Line requirarents.

and AIDS (21515 Line.............(500) 221-7044

fl The following is the first in a series of r———~——————-——-—————-——— —
Z. articles which will appear in succeeding
.1 "1 issues of the GLSO Newsletter, dealing with
j." the availability of gay and lesbian
Z oriented literature in Lexington. DADE COL/(NW LESB/HN Boo/(sro
7’“ fl“
v I
W, Gay people face problems in their ~
1‘ search for gay literature among the book: / LL"
l stores of Lexington and Central Kentucky: / ' /
i most stores have a meager selection, and /
' often make it difficult to locate on their /
‘ shelves what they do offer. Now that has
5 changed. ,
l The largest selection of lesbian and _ MOVED \
£1 gay literature to be found in Central / T!) m
1 Kentucky is available in Le::ington’s newest l tESB fl..— ,
‘ book: store. Owned by Neil and Mary Beth //,/':,’:— ”T'—
‘1 van le. Joseph-Beth Booksellers is one of / < L k n ‘_ ”I
i the sprightliest features of the new Mall 1 M
1‘! at Lexington Green, located at the
;. intersection of Nicholasville and New
" Circle Roads. ‘-~—-v its! "‘
y; The store is large. open, bright, and ‘, :iflfifi‘figw‘figfi’pfifi'éhm
g the atmosphere of welcome is accented by 42 {5 T{:
I free steaming coffee. benches on which to “t“! a! $ . 3 __._u._'~.;
n sit and read or browse. and a helpful, ”a. .4 _.* :«.,.-.'-~- . ,'-_;{-‘--¢-:.},;$-.,.’;‘~,‘
w knowledgeable and friendly staff. {Ermafiilfi’fi‘si ‘
The 3(2)_.43(21\'Z) titles on the shelves range "? V ' ‘ . .
" from the anCient epic of Gilgamesh* to the '
I: most recently published works. There are Please send US your
2| extensive sections devoted to fiction,
{1 history, psychology, cooking, art and Change Of address
:‘ children’s literature. There are also
:- magazines and selected national newspapers. before you move_
‘ The gay and lesbian books are chosen —‘——
1 form a list of approximately l1!) titles
3 dealing with gay issues, and another forty that an occasional novel dealing with
.4 titles on feminist themes. These range lesbian and gay topics is not in this
i from scholarly studies and self-help books section, but may be found (by the author’s
;; to novels. plays, anthologies of short namel‘ on the fiction shelves.
stories and poems. to pure erotica. Other Beware of this store if you are
‘ titles are divided about equally between susceptible to lining your walls with
155b1‘3n and gay topics. books. It is wondrously tempting. both in
.g F‘ictorial pornography and calendars. the display 0.; the books. and in their
gay or straight, are not Band by Joseph— subject-matter. But you will feel at ease
Beth. For this reason (because of explicit in this big, roomy place lounging on one of
-‘ advertisements in the magazine) the store the benches. sipping your coffee and
‘ UDEE not carry ICE BQEQEefié- HDWEVEV" at letting interesting minds touch yours as
the Y'ECIL\ESt 0“ the QEEQ NEEELEEEEEStafT~ you browse among the offerings that seem,
the store may soon carry selected gay and truly, to be endless.
. lesbian newspapers from around the country, ________________________________________________
i such as Ihe giggly City Times (Chicago), *It’s interesting to note that the hero of
§ggg limes; (Columbus) and gay {295191391121 this tale, which is the oldest surviving
flew; (Boston). Chcistggbe: Etfieet may also epic and the world’s first great love
be offered. and the store is also story. is gay. The poem tells the story of
considering some lesbian periodicals. They a Sumerian King Gilgamesh and his male
1 have also offered to make the ELEQ lover Enkidu. The gods created Enkidu with
‘ UEHELEEZEC available. free as always. to the express purpose of diverting the king’s
their customers. excesSive Vitality from all of the young
The gay and lesbian section may women and men of the kingdom. Details of
increase in size, depending, of course, on the Gilgamesh Epic can be traced through
sales. It is very easy to find. tucked Greet-2 and Canaanite literature to the loves
1 away in a secluded area, comfortable with a of Jonathan and David, and Ruth and Naomi,
place to sit. It should be noted, however, in the Bible.

 ';'.,.”;Tv".~- . -
#3 ~ ’1 k
In a recent newsletter of the Kentucky ‘ 7 g
Medical Association, it was reported that ‘ tn 1 .
as of last December there have been 62 c - ‘., ‘V'f 457$\
diagnosed AIDS cases in Kentucky, 46 of \\ 5. ;W/> 3H”; 1
which have died. These figures reflect ‘\ .' \'?%ti whihé
data collected by the office of the , ‘ "/ ‘5 5' '/\f‘
Commisioner for Kentucky health Services, (_ ;, { i A
which also noted that cases have been a a ' '—
reported in 24 counties. ‘ " - T *
Not too surprisingly, the majority of ' ' ’33) H ' c
the reported cases involve gay men, ranging __ dig/4
in ages of 19 to 71. Perhaps the most _ , /.' ‘
significant aspect of the Commissioner’s 7““ _
report is the 79'/. mortality rate which ~
places Kentucky above the national average
of approximately 68%. It is important to mwmnwummMuemJnumzmuqmnmfit
realize, however, that these figures are at
best an approximation of how many people in
the state now have AIDS. In some Cases
physicians are hesitant to report a person
as having AIDS until he or she has shown a
number of the standard phases of the
Also, there is the problem of
determining who is a "resident” of
Kentucky. The Commissioner’s report is
based on a count‘-by-county total, which --—-—~T——--—————————-—————-
may not reflect those gay people who work “hfllng ublofolovo Why
in the state but live in Southern Indiana, younlfurlny need I'll
Cincinnati or Tennessee. The report also Gil!“ dvflund hu-unrighh"
may not reflect Kentucky AIDS victims who ———————————————————————-——————
are diagnosed and treated in another state.
At the present time the Center for Disease '
Control in Atlanta does include in the
Kentucky AIDS figures those people who are
diagnosed or treated in another state but fl
who are normally reside in Kentucky.
AIDS Vaccine Comes Closer After the final FDA paperwork is
completed, HEP—30 will be tested on 10
The end 0* 1935 erUth “EWS 0+ healthy volunteers. A month to six weeks
creative approaches t0 the research on an later their blood will be added to HIV in
AIDS vaccine- The major problem with test tubes, to see 1+ the antibody they are
locating an AIDS vaccine has been finding a producing kills it. If it does, 500
substance that dDESh’t transmit HIV: yet is uninfected volunteers in ”high risk” groups
able to call up antibodies against all will be given HEP-30. Over the next 24
varieties 0* the virus. A new potential months, these volunteers will be tested to
vaccine, HEP—30, has been the SDUFCE 0* see if they’ve subsequently been exposed to
much excitement in the medical community. HIV and evaluate the protection against the
The vaccine was discovered by Allan virus by HEP-30.
Boldstein, chair of the Department of These developments are especially
Biochemistry at George Washington encouraging considering predictions that a
Univer51ty. vaccine could not be expected for at least
HEP-30 is constructed from a protein 10 years, if ever. While more research and
that 1195 jUSt under the DUtEF coating 0* testing remains, a vaccine could be ready
the AIDS virus. HEP-30 has been Show” to for distribution within as little as two
neutralize HIV in laboratory animals and in years.
human blood in test tubes. Further testing (Article adapted from the gillage ygige)
will reveal whether it has the ability to (Editor’s note: This vaccine is not the
prDtECt humans against ihTECtiDh- same vaccine recently reported in the
Scientists also speculate that HEP—30 could Lexington Herald—Leader. HEP—30 testing on
PVDVE USETUI in treating P90P15 already people was to begin in late January.)

by Leslea Newman b" Cathy Arebalo
it sounds like something to eat Her W111 t: fight 15 gone.
you know She wears the scare of her surrender . . .
cream o.‘ celibacy Empty talk, forced smiles.
deep fried celibac"
celibacy fricasee I She aches in their regime.
sweet and sour celibacy on toast . .
everything sound like something to eat ‘3th In her SDlltUde!
when you’re hungry She dreams of woman—-—
and I am hungry for a woman D: woman fDUChlngs
o. woman oVing.
a soft woman like a cashmere feather _ .
a hard woman like a ball of clay And behind those dlstant EYES:
spinning between my hands :here they cannot see,
a sweet woman like a chocolate frosted “he unleashes her =P1r1t
caramel covered honey coated date chopped ' ' '1” hidden dreams.
in half with a salted cashew inside
because a woman is like that you know
layered like the earth
or a rose or an onion
or a. chocolate birthday cake
and here I am back to food again
I’m eating enough for two or twenty
and even though I’ve had more than plenty i/,,:_;! \H < l
I can’t get enough W 1 ,2 , ’
of something I never wanted in the first 4 “1‘17.“ ‘, F§\ \/
place “(ft/‘7‘ “ I V _,. TS
and I never wanted a woman no :2} ‘1 1 &WI/ (‘5 7/
I never wanted those deep dark delicious #11 F6 __ .
mysterious kisses 9 ' (Q‘ r
and I’m not talking about Hersey’s this / .7 \ "-
time "/ 0‘)
no, I never wanted a woman x \
‘ ,/
\ . /’ I ,
as much as I do now \’\ f A
7\.‘ - I
: “If: my palm”. Quick. help me think a] Jamelhlng heteroxuual to my."
_ Unfurnished room for rent, share bath and
kitchen. Non—smokers only. Call Karen,
259—3292, or Bill, 254—3351. Please leave a
messa e.
We’re starting something new this
month! Every third Friday of the month we
will be having "Movie of the Month". I
r?" “x
it,” 6% 1 _#———,1 EA?) ‘T’,\ will rent a movie and have popcorn. I need
"' L’~ A d, My” 4:? W ‘ou to bring your drinks. I’ll be showing
v W , J xix vat. / y
‘ v ‘3 JON/CW1?" *‘ 7v ‘ ”J": some old classics, like ”The African
. v . VJ. my .
K, "14%!" 41$, * ’v‘ M “I Queen", "Secret Agent", and "Gone with the
I ‘ \. K " ' \‘ , " 13/ 3/ /’ Wind", as well as new movies. too!
‘ ‘\ 735:“ \I V, @251; LL/\ Please make suggestions about what
}- \\ “39‘“ Q. * -, \ movies you would like to see and I’ll see
“—‘——’ —"’—‘——’ I what I can find.
, The movie will start at 7:30. so don’t
\ y / be late or you’ll miss the best seats (it
‘x f// would probably be a good idea to bring a
Lr t ~"b. cushion to sit on, too). Call Tom at 252-
”“ i \\ 1990 for directions.
’ \3 So bring your pop and a friend and
-- Tom

, o
‘ a
\ '
~ 9- $5.00 pen PERSON
\ " " B.Y.O.B.
* ~ / BE PART OF IT !
' ‘
. ,Q' - SATURDAY Feakuw 1‘ m7 9:00PM
o' >
r \
n ‘J .
" 5V ' 9W" "‘
' - QZEMW/ J3“

 IZewnségf: gfiptge QggglUEwslegtgg is happy the gggg Newsletteg. in an effort to better
go ;L_ m- _ _ _ngL;Lng;iggtgg figgsletgec inform our community of local events and
_ c: ‘pages. This combination of the opportunities. Thanks. Dignity, we’re glad
publications Will be a permanent feature o+ to have you With U53
From the President o+ Dignity.

I am exc1ted about the merging of , IWhy DOES Dignity Exist?
these two newsletters, and I hope it is the Dignity. Inc. and Its chapters aSElSt
beginning of a trend in Central Kentucky. the Church 1” meeting the spiritual needs
In addition to the benefits o+ having an 0+ gay me? and lesbians by means 0*
excellent newsletter, I hope the effort Education, witness and prayer.
works to increase the awareness of many Dignity members and friends endeavor
GLSD readers about Dignity and Dignity t? live .EaCh day In a manner consistent
folks about BLED. (Toledo has a newsletter With ChFIStfig teachings. we accept our
that combines news {rom the various respon51bility to ourselves, our brothers
organizations. It’s one of the best and Sisters, the Church and society.
newsletters around.) To the Church: We work for the

For those who are unfamiliar with development of its theology of sexuality
Dignity. it is a national organization that and for acceptance of lesbians and gay men
helps Catholics and non—Catholics in as +U11’ equal members 0+ the ChUFCh-
personal. emotional, and spiritual matters. To SOCIEtV‘ We work for JUStiCE and
To this end. Dignity/Lexington works to equality through education SHd 19931
make life better for lesbian and gay people reform.
0+ Central Kentucky. We have three To Individuals: Ne a+¥irm the dignity
meetings monthly _ a liturgy, a rap and self-acceptance of every person and
session, and a program/education meeting. ESEiSt each person 1” hls or her struggle
There are also separate special events to become full, equal members of society
occurring. and the Church.

I hope you can make use of and ENJOY Dignity PFDVIUEE an atmosphere Di
the services Dignity/Lexington has to respect and acceptance for gay men and
offer. I look €orward to seeing you. lesbians seeking spiritual expression.

Upcoming Dignity Events
Rap Session

On Thursday, February I5th, at 7:30, - -
our 14th rap session will meet to discuss,
laugh, search, and understand a truly needy
topic: Parents (and other Family members.)

We’ll gather over MfiM’s and caramel corn to

rap about our feelings about our folks. It

w' l e a th den ’ , r a

+2»: diFjrect-‘ion:.FH‘EHE'fi‘cmet 3e2339.t0=0 tglllzgf P.O.BEXI?9§W/[:Ex§l~cr?(§
listen. and enjoy. flgflHL 40593
Liturgy . 34%

Our liturgy (a Roman Catholic 2 Sb
FEllnguS service) is scheduled for
Wednesday, February 11th. at 7:30.

Location has yet to be determined, so March

please F311 Dignity }2J3-8QSE) for that Look for news about our Strowe Tuesday
information.‘ There 15 nothing QU1?E’ as Pancake Dinner. our 4th énniversary
nICE- as. being able to have a religious celebration, the Dignity Region V Meeting

service in an all lesbian/gay crowd. in Toledo. plus liturgy. rap session, and
P program meeting news in the next newsletter
rogra: Wednesday, February 25th, at 7:30, or call Dignity for more information.

at the Newman Center (Rose Lane), we will

meet to explore the impact religion has on Dance

our life. We’ll explore what the Bible has Come to the dance!

to say about homosexuality, what various WHEN: Saturday, February 7th, q:OO _ 1:00
denominations say about It! EKDIDFE our own WHERE: Unitarian Universalist Church
personal spirituality,v and eyen learn what WHY: Dance! Learn to square dance,
an openly Unitarian Universalist person. is Polka! Raffle! Meet people! Have-
dolng as pres1dent of Dignity. fun!

Re+reshments to be served. We look forward wHD: Sponsored by Dignity, GLSO, and
to seeing you! Interweave

Dear Aunt Mar ,: Az‘ter {our years
together, my lower and I have decided to 1
split up. while I am not thrilled with the
prospect of being alone, I think: we have f—M
both made the best deCision, and need to ' t/
Get on with our lives as soon as possible. ”‘ 1/
We have worked out very satisfactory a? I C I?» (7/; ‘y/1
arrangements regarding our place of 55% :, , /¢, _\/ ‘
residence. lentl‘,’ owned furniture. 5’ ~ [ fi/L; / \ /’/
electronic equipment and art work. Custody // ' “A ' 76" “'1' {/ 4%, /V
and visitation priyileges for our pets have KN ‘ /; / Ty 1"
been agreed to, and under the circumstances / / ‘2 2x /)\
I feel we have made a good start at putting /l I I ~&:: ( fifgifl‘ /‘vV/‘ \“
any bad feeling behind and maybe even /\ l / ;,\r‘l\‘§é7 ~fi§€3€4 :‘QI' \
ending up as friends, although it is a f/ \ I villi/j ‘:€§l‘l/ll ytu/ \ \K‘.
little too early to predict that with any \\ A V 58;: it ///§ :1 k \
great degree of certainty. \\. ' Vfit}Ea 3 Ft: \ fl. ‘Vl \‘X I
Why, you may ask, am I wasting my time \;\wl%g / l ’ i L“ j‘
and yours with this letter"? Very simply %fl‘l~i\_ §E§E\ 5::Fj72 '
proper shape, finding the perfect padding f 9) , t; ‘\ =i\ r
, . i f , in
makes for messy trial and error. Bananas . j , ” . g\\ , i g
yield too easily on impact, and although :3 [jfkf #féa Qciéjé— \\ ' ‘ i
sausages are more resiliant, they become uttil ‘§VL;?K:j:d&L _;f“z,. P 5
gamy when subjected to the heat that N9 ';U- I/E::: :2: "=,s::/ [ v
_ .=./,. _ h,-..,_-n \ \ ‘
accumulates beneath leather trousers. w.,;/7Lr77 47 \Afi>\ K
Tennis balls pack well. but the look is ‘ ,.‘ 25:. ’ ’ x .
more that of a hernia patient than of a fiégzflq ‘/ k \ .
conquering love warrior. /, i ‘ o_\ ' 1’;£E=:a§ y
David Lee Roth’s bulge seems to grow / r“ ' c» l‘// R
each year, which suggests that he’s using
his wallet for padding. I tried this
approach, and even tossed in my check book WmnumnimmmewymmpMmmmwnwmuwwnwmummp
and ChemElanl: card +0!” luck. but no one Alp/vvngagmgmwharmuindlmnwasrlygmomeayear’ ;
Next to her photo of Thin Lizzy 5
leader Phil Lynott, Paula Yates (author of
Best Etscs in Ibeic easements) wrote.
“Phil has stuffed a pair of socks down his .
already astonishing underpants." The
problem with athletic socks is that the
, ,,,ii,cfi,., . ch_,_ccccc____ccccc,”We,i , ,,

On Saturday, March 27, in the Grand Officials of the Center for Disease
] Ballroom of the Waldorf Astoria, the Control announced that they plan to check
‘ Imperial Court System of North America wi