xt7s4m91cj9q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7s4m91cj9q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-04-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 10, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 10, 1997 1997 1997-04-10 2020 true xt7s4m91cj9q section xt7s4m91cj9q  






[SIABl lSHI ll 18‘”

offense in spring practice. See Sports on 3.

‘- ’.&-Mww-...,



“mm Increasing cloudi—
ness today, high 5 3. Cloudy
tonight, low 40. Mostly cloudy
tomorrow, high 60.

lllllllllfllflllcll's IIEIWBI mum

quarterback Tim Couch is pleased with the

April 10, 1997

. W7 campuT—z
l Crossword 7 Nation 5


V Irrz'pomt 6 Sports 3




By Kathy fledlng

News Edi tor

Kentucky House Majorigl Floor Leader Greg
Stumbo of Prestonsburg tol his colleagues yester-
day the problem with higher education is not how it
is structured, but that it is not readily available.

“I truly believe that the real need in higher educa-
tion stems from the fact that so many students
throughout our state are denied the opportunity to
receive a four-year degree,” Stumbo said in a letter
to all House members.

Stumbo said he would propose a system that
would allow bachelor’s degrees to be awarded
through the community college system, but provid—
ed no other details.

Larry Saunders, Senate president, is looking for
student and faculty opinion on higher education
reform proposals.

Saunders said he has met with presidents of the
state’s public and private universities and community
college officials to discuss the plans.

“ ne thing I noticed that was lacking in all this
was the student's opinion,” Saunders said.

He has sent surveys to editors of college newspa-
pers to be published, alon with an e-mail address,
toll-free phone number and address for responses.

“(The survey) was the only way I could think of to
get student opinion,” Saunders said.

In the survey, Saunders asks if students and facul-


Senator issuer's Survey

VContact Sent-tor Saunders by email at lsaun

dersflmalntrcstatekyus. lax r to (502) 564-
6543, call 1-800-372-7181 or write 203 Capitol Annex,
Frenldort, Ky. 40601

Vlncludo school and student or laculty classification.
70003 the school prepare tor bachelors and
advanced degrees and careers? Does the school ade-
quately advise and provide career placement services?
Could students be more prepared it resources were
coordinated? Would better credit transler among state
schools improve students' educational and career pur-

VAddress deficiency mas and solutions.




ty think their school prepares students adequately
for careers and degrees, if the school does an ade-
quate job with financial aid and course advising, and
if specific deficiencies exist in higher education.

Saunders said Stumbo’s proposal would make
passa e of an education reform plan more difficult
and t at not much support for it would exist in the

He expects other pro osals to be made about
Gov. Paul Patton’s lan, but not until people have
hard copies of the bill.

wants education input

“The actual bill is not in writing," Saunders said.
“When it is, more people will make amendments."

Some changes he has heard about Patton’s mea—
sures have regarded regional requests, making pas-
sage of the final bill a regional rather than a partisan
issue, Saunders said.

The community colleges have become the prima-
ry bone of contention in Patton’s )lan to overhaul
higher education. He has proposed removing 13 of
the H community colleges from UK’s management
and placing them, along with the state’s post~sec—
ondary technical schools, under a separate board that
would try to im trove job training and literacy levels.

Stumbo said he will oppose that portion of the

Saunders said he is undecided on the community
college governance issue.

He said he is waiting on a “good solid argument
with facts and figures" from both Patton and [K
President Charles \Vethington to document
whether a governance change is necessary before he
makes a decision.

“I’m told both of them are doing that.” Saunders

Patton said he wants UK to aim for becoming a
leading research institution, unlike its current stami-
ing near the bottom among public universities.

Saunders supports this portion of the )lan as well
as implementation ofbetter across-the— )oard stan-

dards for degree programs
See SENATOR on 2






GET A JOB A representative of the Mazak Corp, ajapanese-Americanfimt in Kentucky, talks to an interested stu—
dent (above). Another student checks out a company’s recruitment booklet.

FOI‘Bidn firms find students






.- _.._‘ __ ..._.,._.


By Kathy Bedlng
News Editor

Students in search of jobs or intem-
ships with potential international con-
nections had to look no farther yester-
day than the Gatton College of Busi-
ness and Economics Atrium.

There the International Business
Management Center held a career
opportunity day with 21 Japanese-
American companies are located in

Randy Chapman, of Sumitomo
Electronic Wiring Systems, Inc., said
the idea for the fair for the Japanese-
American firms was simply “excellent.”

He talked to many students about
jobs and internships, he said, and he
already has some UK graduates
employed in the company. As the

llth-largest employer in the state,
Chapman was happy to receive some
UK exposure for the firm, because its
headquarters are across the state, in
Bowling Green.

“So many times the Kentucky cam-
pus is unaware of all the industry out
in the state,” Chapman said.

“I salute the International Business
Center for organizing this type of

Josh Cummins, a foreign language
international economics senior, used
the business day both to look for a job
and to recruit students as international
business ambassadors.

“There’s just such an influx of peo-
ple into the FLIE program,” Cummins
said. “We focus on meeting each
other, networking and finding out all
our career options.”

Cummins also talked with company
representatives and passed out his
resume. He may have found a good
match with one of the com anies.

“One of them has an of ce in Mexi-
co and my major is in Spanish,” he
said. “I’ll have to wait and see what

Former Kentucky governor Martha
Layne Collins, now director of the
management center, is promoting the
international focus in the college.

Collins brought Toyota, the state’s
largest Japanese-American employer,
to Kentucky during her term as gover-
nor. Since then, many have followed.

“We’ve got about 100 of these com-
panies in the state now,” Collins said.
“Most of these companies are very
diverse They are all over the world.”

The college’s economic and busi-

ness research center is studying the
impacts of the foreign businesses on
the Kentucky economy, she said.

“It’s got to be a long—term partner-
ship,” Collins said. “You have to keep
cultivating it.”

Collins was pleased with the
turnout at the business opportunity
day and is considering another one
next year that features all international
businesses, not justJapanese ones.

“You’ve got to think globally,”
Collins said. “You’ve got to think

Kim Carter, a Toyota representa-
tive, was surprised and pleased with
the turnout.

“I'm impressed that students are
looking early (for jobs) like they are,”
Carter said. “The best students are out
there early.”

Panel problems end
llll Speaks Out series

By Gary Walt
Associate New: Editor

Organizers of UK Speaks Out postponed the session on sexuality, originally
scheduled for April 16. Controversy concerning the members of the discussion
panel led to a ho cart by a key campus organization and kept other individual
faculty members om serving on the panel.

A press release from University Senate Chair Jan Schach and Contemporary
Affairs Chair Craig Dylan Wyatt of the Student Activities Board said they are
disappointed the session will notbe held this spring.

They believe, however, “that it is in the best interest of the series and the Uni-
versity to postpone the session,” according to the press release.

Schach and Wyatt said the session would be a part of the 1997 fall semester

Speak Out Series.

They said without the inclusion of key 0

rganizau'ons and experm on the panel,

constructive discussion of the sexuality would not be possible.
One panel member voiced his discontent with the UK Speak: Out officials.


Ben Rich, a journalism sophomore and Kentucky Kernel columnist, was asked
to serve on the panel. Later he said Schach told him that groups and panel mem-

bers were pulling out because of him.

“I was going to stay in line and do research on the subject,” Rich said. “I was

going to be logical.”

Upset that organizers canceled the session, he called the groups that pulled

out “a bunch of gutless wonders.”

“If they have opinions and don’t have the guts to express them then they
shouldn’t be a campus organization,” Rich said.

Matt Solberg, president of UK Lambda, said his group had planned to attend
the event, but would not comment on whether the group was to serve on the


“We have yet to be informed by any decision by the Contemporary Affairs

Committee postponement or cancellation of the Speak Out Series,” Solberg


UK Speaks Out organizer Wyatt said he has had problems this semester in
gathering a panel, but those problems usually concentrated on scheduling diffi-
culties or not having a strong opinion on an issue.

“There are lots of reasons people have for not being a panel member, but this

reason it was just multiplied,” Wyatt said.

The objective of the UK Speaks Out Series is to create a forum for enlight-
ened discussion and intellectual discourse on topic: of interest to the University
community. The sessions have run smooth] since they began in January. Panels

discussed race, gender, religion and censo
“I couldn't be more proud,” Wyatt said. “

set out to do.”

e have done more than what we



4 -t. _ __.___ -1 -. s... .-. __.


ll 0! L student
beaten in hazing ritual

LOUISVILLE —— A University of Louisville
student was severely beaten during a recent frater-
nity hazing ritual, police said.

Shawn Blackston, 23, suffered kidney and
spleen damage and was in critical condition at a
local hospital yesterday.

Police said that 15 members of the Omega Psi
Phi fraternity were involved in the beating that
took place off campus last week. Police were
searching for those res )onsible.

UofL suspended t e fraternity while police

No other details were immediately available.

lobbyists want gas tax raise passed

FRANKFURT —- A highway lobbying group
would like to boost Kentucky's gasoline tax but
admittedly is traveling a mu h road in attempting
to get the issue on the agendia for a special session
of the General Assembly.

“\Ve haven't been getting a lot of encourage—
ment on this but it is a critical problem,” said Jack
Fish, president of the SOD-member Kentuckians
for Better 'I‘ransportation.

()nly Gov. Paul Patton can set the special ses—
sion agenda and Patton, speaking through his
press secreta , said possible changes in igher
education is 1the only issue under consideration
right now for the May session.

Ilouse Speaker Jody Richards, D-Bowling
Green, said several lawmakers have asked in
recent days about the likelihood of considering a
gasoline tax hike in the special session.

“That's left up to the governor. I would tell the
governor not to do it," Richards said. “The state
Road Fund may need help, but I don’t think any
legislator wants to take up tax increases at this

Kentucky last increased its gas tax in 1994
when the price went u ) a penny per gallon.

Fish said Tuesday that his group has no specific
proposal to raise the state's tax on gasoline at the
pump, which is 16.4 cents per gallon. But he said a
l(l-cent per gallon hike would put Kentucky on
par with West Virginia and Illinois.

Social Security ands its online

VVASIIINC’I‘ON —— Accused of putting
Americans' privacy at risk, the Social Security
Administration yesterday suspended an Internet
service that gave taxpayers access to their earnings
and benefits records.

“The Internet is a new world and we want to
make sure. we can provide the highest level of
security for our beneficiaries and our workers,"
actin 'Social Security Commissioner John J.
Callahan said.

He said the online service will be disabled for at
least 60 days while he holds a series of forums
across the country with privacy and computer
security experts and the public about how to ease

Advice also will be sought from banks that pro-
vide electronic financial services.

“We want to get the benefit of their experi—
ence," Callahan said.

mm China outlines Hone Kong plans

IIONG KONG —— In the most detailed

blueprint yet of the limits that could be put on
IIong Kong's freedoms, the government-in-wait—
ing unveiled plans yesterday to require police
approval for protests and allow political parties to
be banned.
IIon Kong’s future government said it wanted
to “strike a balance between civil liberties and
social stability.” But the Democratic Party. which
is often critical of China, called the proposals “fla-
grant violations of basic human rights.”

()utgoin British Gov. Chris Patten said they

would “untfiiubtedly tighten the screw on Ilong
Kong's civil liberties."
The roposed changes, outlined in a document
releaserffor public comment, stem from recent
moves by a China-ap ointed committee to roll
back Ilong Kong’s civiflibertics.

The incomin government, which assumes
power when the British colony returns to Chinese
sovereignty on July 1, defends the moves as need-
ed to bring Hong Kon ’s freedoms into line with
the constitution China as written for it.


o'lloliaell to host tony Awards
NEW YORK — Rosie O’Donnell, who grew

up sneakin off to musicals, will soon be in the
middle of roadway’s biggest moment as host of
this year’s Tony Awards.

“ used to steal 20 bucks from my father's wal-
let, take the train in and get standing room,” the
talk show queen told a news conference yesterday.
“I saw ‘They’re Playing Our Song’ nine times;
‘Dreamgirls‘ six times.”

PBS will broadcast the first hour, with awards
for sets, costumes and lighting. CBS will show the
rest, featuring the major actin awards and rizes
for best la and musical. 0' onnell will the
host for SB ' part of the program.

“I hope that this show serves as a two-hour
entertaining commercial for all of America," said
O'Donnell, who appeared on Broadway in a 1994
revival of the musical “Grease.”

Compiled firm win "pom.







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APR 10 1997

2 Kentucky Ker-ml, Thursday, April 10. 1994



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Editor In (Ihief ..................................... Brenna Reilly
Managing Editor .................................. Jeff Vinson
News Editor .................................... Kathy Reding
Associate News Editor .............................. Gary Wulf
Features Editor ................................... Mat Herron
Editorial Editor .............................. Tiffany Gilmartin
Assistant Editorial Frill”! ........................ Chris Campbell

Sports I-Iditor. . . . . ....... . ................... Chris Fasterling

Assistant Sports l‘.ililttr ........................ 0.]ason Stapleton
\Veekend Sports I':\llll|r ............................. Rob Herbs!
\Veekend Sports Editor ............................. Jay C. Talc
Arts l‘ltllltfl . . . . . . ............................ Dan O'Neill
Assistant Arts l‘lllltlf .......................... Suzanne Raffeld
KeG Iadiior ............................... Rodman P. Botkins
()nline Editor .............................. Andreas Gustafsson
Photo liditor ................................. Stephanie Cordle
Design l-‘ditor ......................................... Tracie Purdon
Assistant Design l‘XlliUf ........................ Sheri Phalsaphie
The Independent Newspaper at The L'niversity of Kentucky
Founded in 1894 ......................... Independent since 1971

()26 (irehan inumalh‘lll Bldg” l'niversity ofKentucky
Lexington, Kentucky lziiii/t-(‘illll
Your/m: wily of'rhr Krnm‘l‘v Kernel it fire.



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The Contemporary Affairs
Committee of the UK Student
Activities Board proudly presents
an evening with

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Free admission, but limited seating

0 The Rec. Dr. llama is the minister of the First African illethodist
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in Mail Elllaon '

. When you think of a culturally
diverse city, Lexington does not
immediately come to mind.

But UK has provided Hege
Johansson with wonderful cross-
cultural opportunities.

As the student adviser for the
Cosmopolitan Group, she has
shared her love of cultural diversi-
ty with anyone with an open car.

johansson, who is from Nor-
way, chose UK in part because she
wanted to attend a college in the
heart of America.

She “wanted a place that was
truly American, away from either

johansson has traveled to many
different countries in Europe, and
for eight years she lived in Kenya,
where she learned to speak
English. Johansson thinks that
experiencing cultures other than
one’s own can become a way of

., , Hege j’o/mmson ..
Brining world 0! diVersity to Illi

“I think international exposure
is addictive, because once you get
some of it, you want some more,”
Johansson said.

One place she has found such
international expo-
sure here at UK is the
Cosmopolitan Group.

The group holds
bi-weekly meetings
and often takes stu-
dents on outin , such
as hiking or ra 'ng.

Johansson, an
anthro ology gradu—
ate studJent, has served
as the student adviser
to the group for the
past two years.

The group spon-
sors many events within the inter-
national affairs department, as well
as the cross-cultural workshop
held during student orientation.

As student adviser, johansson
offers helpful advice and support
to the officers and to the mem—



' v


Jianzhon Zh , a physics
instructor, sgid e1gulp is excel-
lent for international students to
have fun while not in an academic

l‘lt’s especially eat
for foreign stu ents.
They can get relaxed
from the pressures of
studying," said Zheng,
who is originally from

The grou consists of
intemationa and Ameri-
can students.

While the group has a
lot of fun on its outings,
Johansson thinks learn-
ing from different cul-
tures is the greatest ben-

“Everyone should learn some-
thing outside of the classroom,”
Johansson said.

“The best way to learn about
other cultures is to meet people
from other cultures; you can’t
learn that stuff in books.”




The role of student adviser-"to“
the Cosmopolitan Group comes
along with the graduate assistant
position in the department 'of
international affairs. , ' ‘

Johansson often provides sup-
port for those international stu-
dents who are trying to adjust to
the American lifestyle. ..

Unfortunately for those people
whose lives she has touched,
johansson will be leaving the
department at the end of this
semester to pursue a PhD. in
anthropology. .

Carolyn Holmes, the foreign
student adviser in the internation-
al affairs office, praised the work
Johansson has done.

“She’s been a tremendous asSet
to the office, the Cosmopolitan
Club and the students who know
her,” she said.

Will Holmes be sad to see her

“Absolutely,” she said. “She’s
been my right-hand person for the
past two years.”

Service provides personal

By Chris Campbell

Amrmm Editorial Editor

How do you justify the exis-
tence of an organization that
doesn’t have numbers to qualify
its use?

You don’t. You just acce t it.

The Student Assiste Free
Escort for Campus Area Travelers
program has been mentioned on
numerous occasions as “a very
proactive” movement to increase
safety on campus and give stu-
dents, faculty and staff a sense of

“This is not a reaction; nothing
has hap ened on campus to pro-
voke t is," said Col. Craig
Koontz, commander of the UK
Reserve Officer Training Core,
which runs the escort service.

The pro am is five years old,
but relative y unknown by most of
the UK campus.

Freshmen learn about the pro-
gram during orientation. After
that, most students on campus
remember the program only
because of the flyers posted in
their dorms. Advertising for the
progam is something members of
R0 C who work for SAFECATs
want to increase.

“We’re not advertised enough
as we would like,” cadet Josh Har-
tig said. “We are trying to look at


Task Force concludes
Monday, Tuesday

From PAGE 1

and credit transfers he thinks will
come about with Patton’s plan.
Since the announcement of
Patton’s plan and Wethington’s
opposition on the community col-
lege governance issue, groups

ways to get on the radio, newspa-
per ads and things like that. One
thing we do is when we are escort—
ing someone, we do ask how did
they heard about it.”

Students sa both the flyers and
word of mouth —— talking to peo-
ple who have used SAFECATS

efore — help to increase their
own awareness of the pro-

“A lot of my
friends have used it
before,” said Jen-
nifer Keefe, a jour-
nalism sophomore.

While she hasn’t
used the program,
just knowing it
is available is
good enough.

“It makes you
feel a lot safer even if
you’ve never used
it,” she said.

One reason Koontz
sees for the lack of peo-
ple calling is initial
social discomfort.

“People always say,

‘You’re a real wimp ifyou i

call an escort service,’ and
that’s just not the case at all,” he

Although not advertised widely
on cam us, SAFECATS is not
exactly ead every night. Its oper-

around the state have offered their
support to one side or the other.
The Kentucky Farm Bureau
has aligned itself with UK
“Kee ing community colleges
with UK is a keen interest for
rural Kentuckians,” Kentuc
Farm Bureau President Bil
Spra c said Tuesday. “Our
mem rs feel strongly about this.”
UK has a pi line to many
farm interests wi its agricultural
extension agentsineach coun .
Meanwhile, the Northern en-
tucky Chamber of Commerce,


ating hours are from 8 pm. to I
am. Sunday through Thursday.

The service averages about
eight calls an evening; the area
most people call from is the Mar-
garet 1. King Library. The library
got so much attention that the
service placed a worker there to
serve the people better, as well as
to spread the word to
those nearby that the
service was there for

Assisting the UK com-
munity is the eatest
gift the ROT force
elieves it gives by par-
ticipating in the



“It’s a win-win
situation,” Koontz
said. “We are
accomplishing two

distinct things

here by doing
workin this pro-
‘gram. e are pro-
vi ing a service to UK
community and a lead-
ership opportunity for


ROTC gets money from the
Student Government Association
for pro ramming and travel, so
the R0 ‘C cadets work for free.
That is where the plus comes in

with a membership of 1,800 firms,
lined it Tuesday behind Patton,
saying is plan “comes at a critical

time for area emplo ers who are
facing increasing di culties find-
ing skilled employees.”

The state chamber, the Ken—
tucky Advocates for Higher Edu—
cation, the Prichard Committee
for Academic Excellence and the
presidents of the state’s seven
other public universities and its
private colleges all have endorsed
Patton’s plan.

A preview of the legislative and


for the Air Force training pro-
gram, Koontz said, because every—
one in ROTC works for SAFE-
CATs and everyone benefits as a

“This is not an ROTC adver-
tisement. This is a public service,”
he said. “We are getting a lot of
utility out of this program.”

Some would say that the pro~
gram does not see much business

ccause of the lack of campus
knowledge of the program; others
would say it is because UK’S cam-
pus is just that safe.

“I’ve heard of (the service), but
never needed to use it,” Marisa
Brown, a telecommunications
freshman, said. “I think it’s a rela-
tively safe campus and I’m always
with a group of people, so I don't
think I’ve ever needed it.”

Koontz said it is a combination
of both lack of information and
the safety of the UK campus.

“Honestly, the answer is yes to
both,” he said. “In my opinion,
this is not a high-risk campus. It is
very well lighted.

“This is not a defensive effort,
but a deterrent effort,” Koontz

“This is not just for ople who
are afraid of the dark, ut anyone
who wants to feel better about
walking to their car or somewhere
on campus.”


philosophical debate will come
next Monday and Tuesdatiy durin
a planned meeting of e Tas
Force on Postsccondary Educa-
tion, made up of legislators and
executive branch officials, includ-
ing the vemor. .
All 138 members of the legisla-
ture have been authorized to
attend with their expenses to be
paid. Patton has said he will call a
special session of the legislature .’
on May 5. ‘
Tb: Anaiated Pres: contributed to this

Mt ND 6¢m~iam


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6:0qu reflex/Jed
@/ oflmive style

By Chris interline

Spam Editor

It’s almost as if Hal Mumme
were hired specifically to appease
Tim Couch.

Of course, that's not true, but
just by looking at the new wide-
open offense Mumme has
installed, Couch has to be all

“I think it's going great,"
(touch said. “The receivers are
picking it up real well; the offen—
sive line is giving me time to
throw the football.

“As long as we can do that, the
system is good enough that we’re
going to get people open and I'm
goin to complete a lot of passes."

T at didn’t happen for Couch
last year.

As a true freshman, the 6-foot-
5, 216—pound Hyden native came
to Lexington with all the fanfare
of an all-star, which he was. He
had been named national player of
the year as well as Kentucky Mr.

But Couch found himself in an
offense that wasn’t his style.
Instead of the pass-pass—pass style
he played at Leslie County, he was
reduced to running the option - v
not exactly the way to utilize the
biggest name player to sign with
UK in years.

“The type of offense we were
running, I wasn’t really ood at,”
he said. “I really couldn't ive up to
my expectations.”

Not only was Couch in an
offense that didn‘t suit him, but he
also had to play second fiddle — to
Billy Jack Haskins — something
he hadn’t done in years, if ever in
his career.

“I was real frustrated with
myself,” Couch said oflast season.
“I’ve always had a lot of confi-
dence in myself and I just wanted
to be out there playing, and it was
kind of stressful standing on the
sideline with my team playing out

So (Iouch’s numbers plummet-
ed. He completed only 32-of-84

k, coach Iilltilg limitless




pisses for .37) yards and one lone
[UUCIltlUHIi‘ in the opener against

\s his numbers fell. so did his
confidence. and as [K was search-
ing! for .i new coach. people began
to wonder where Couch would
end up

There was talk that he would
go to Southeastern Conference
rival 'l‘ennessee, or to Iiig 10
power Ohio State. both schools
that finished right behind UK in
the (Iouch recruiting battle.

But the hiring of Mumme
ended all that talk.

“The first time I talked to
(Mumme), I knew I was going to

fill: pboro
SIIIIIIEN IMPACT Tim (four /' Ivar already made rm impart in Hal [Illumme'r

rm: aide—ripen uric/1w

be staying here," Couch said. “He
told me what type of offense he
was going to be running and I
knew from that point on that ifl
was just given that o )portunity to

lay in this type of offense, I could
it: the best I could be."

Mumme didn't need to be sold
on his new quarterback.

“He’s a great player. no doubt
about it,” Mumme said. “He's tai-
lor—made for our offense.

“The thing that is so encourag-
ing is that he is such a student of
the game," the UK coach said.
“He really loves the game and
really studies the game. He's got a
real knack for picking up the
nuances of the offense."


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n- ~~ ____.___._ ""

Mumme settling
into new position

By Chris interline
Spam Editor

After five practices and one
scrimmage, as well as months of
working the phones tryin to rally
support for the UK foot all pro-

ram, new head coach Ilal
I Iumme said yesterday he finally
feels settled into the job.

“It’s been a lot of fun," Mumme
said after practice. “The guys are
learning and real eager to learn
and having a good time. It’s a
wonderful place to be."

One of the biggest differences
Mumme has experienced —— and
one he finds to be a great improve-
ment — is the support staff who
help the football program.

“It‘s a lot easier because there's
a lot of support people who do a
lot of the things that I had to do
this time last year (at Valdosta
State)," he said. “At smaller
schools, you walk to the field
thinking about raising money, aca-
demics, things that just get done
for us here."

Now that he has settled in, has
the job become somewhat relax-

“Yeah. until about August 30
(when UK opens against

I.ouisvillc)," he said. “It’s going to
be a real pleasure.”

Injury mm

The Cats have a few bumps and
bruises as they reach the mid- int
of the second week of spring rills.

Lamont Smith has the most
glaring injury. The senior defen—
sive end suffered a broken fibula in
his right Ie during Saturday’s
scrimmage. file will