xt7s7h1dnn0v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7s7h1dnn0v/data/mets.xml Missouri Missouri Historical Records Survey. 1941 4, [1] l.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:M 69o/3 books English St. Louis, Mo.: s.n. This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Missouri Works Progress Administration Publications Missouri Baptist Historical Society Baptists -- Missouri -- Bibliography Manuscripts -- United States Information Concerning the Manuscript Depository Collection of the Missouri Baptist Historical Society, Liberty, MO text Information Concerning the Manuscript Depository Collection of the Missouri Baptist Historical Society, Liberty, MO 1941 1941 2019 true xt7s7h1dnn0v section xt7s7h1dnn0v ' .1 .:; W ‘H HNI‘VETSI‘TY 0F KENT‘UCKY ‘ 'V
231233.155}3:21:55;J's-"713:3: : l l“ " h 1 ‘M m ‘ ‘ i ‘ ‘
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” ‘ ‘ ’
- Eééééfiip";iifi Infermation Concerning
EEE:::253:53£ I The Manuscript Depository
i§ ' Collection of .
:f-itiggijfif???if:'Tffili.‘ The Missouri Baptist Historical Society ’
Eiirlv'»rp : Reprinted (with additions) from_"Guide to -
gigv*' : ” _ Depositories of Manuscript Collections in
ELI? ‘ ' ‘1. the United States: Missouri.“
_ 37f:; V . p Prepared by I
V ' ' ‘ The Missouri Historical Records Survey Project
if ,4 , Division of Professional and Service Projects
2: , . Work Projects Administration
1 p ' ’ * * * * *
r “ , . ' E St. Louis, Missouri
- ' p p ' ' January 1941
' y ' : LIBRARIES .

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{*1 \ ‘
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: Information Concerning . i
9 The Manuscript Depository j
i ’ Collection of §
} V The Missouri Baptist Historical Society i
; Liberty, Mo. ‘
i? . >
‘: ' ‘4
! Reprinted (with additions) from "Guide to ‘
I Depositories of Manuscript Collections in n
3 ‘ the United States: Missouri."
i » Prepared by
The Missouri Historical Records Survey Project
3 Division of Professional and Service Projects 1
; Work Projects Administration ;
n . i
; ‘ I
i l‘
; * * * * * u
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1 St. Louis, Missouri L
r ‘ January 1941 J
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I I ’ 7' ' z"
' . Sargent B. Child, National Director
George W. Hubley, Jr., Regional Supervisor '
A. Loyd Collins, State Supervisor of Missouri
' Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
Mary G. Moon, Regional Supervisor
‘ E. D. Voorhis, Acting State Director of Missouri
' i
Howard 0. Hunter, Acting Commissioner '
George H. Field, Regional Director
' B. M. Casteel, State Administrator of Missouri ~
E1133 i;‘3:‘.=:2:§§=_5$ ‘255'3 SPONSOR
‘:‘”“‘"‘"‘"--'- 1" Dwight H. Brown, Secretary of State

The information contained in this
. booklet concerning the manuscript Depository
L Collection of the Missouri Baptist Historical
‘ Society, Liberty, Missouri is reprinted (with
E additions) from "Guide to Depositories of [
1 Manuscript Collections in the United States: I
"f Missouri,"
\ The Missouri Historical Records Survey
‘ i is elso planning to compile and publish a com— ’
E V plete inventory or list of the manuscript r
E holdings of the SOciety as a part of the church t
i E archives program.
% The publication of this booklet is j
l i
E sponsored by the Missouri Baptist Historical i
i I Society. . E
i 1
E 61- fetid WM Q
l _ A, LOlD CO LINS, State Supervisor l
E Historical Records Survey 5
i a
. E St. Louis, Missouri t
! Decenber 16, 1940
E . -
i 3
t ' “ i
h .
, I .
~i_________________________________’ _____________________________7qifi

 I a
‘ I
, ‘1
Dr. John F. Herget, President, William Jewell !
; College, and Missouri Baptist Historical Society. '
*s**s i
John G. Putz, President, Cape Girardeau county ‘
Historical Seciety.
Henry C. Chiles, President, Lexington Historical 1
[ SocietY-
g *****
I Prof. R. F. Wood, Associate Professor of History, I
[ Central Missouri State Teacher‘s College; President, 1
g Johnson County Historical Society.
I **$**
i Dr. Ralph P. Bieber, Professor of History, I
} washington University.
i . *>i=**>‘.< I,
I Dr. UellN. Lamkin, President, Northwest Missouri ‘
E State Teacher’s College.
[ ‘ $****
I George Pohlmsn, President, mason County Historical
; Society.
E **$** ‘
z i
l ‘ Charles H. Whitaker, Sr., Editor, The Clinton Daily i
f Democrat.
i ***** ‘
t Dr. C. H. McClure, Head of Division of Social Science,
. Northeast Missouri State Teacher's College.
& **=1<**
I Dr. Jonas Viles, Professor of History, University of
Dr. E. A. Collins, State Teacher's College,
Cape Girardeau, Missouri.

‘ The headquarters of the Missouri Baptist Historical Society are I
located in the Library Building, William.Jewell College, Liberty, I
Missouri. Custodian, H. I. Hester. Hours: 7:50 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ‘
weekdays, except Saturday p.m. I
The society was organized October 24, 1885, to collect and pre- f
serve materials pertaining to the Baptist church in Missouri. }
manuscripts are occasionally purchased; most materials are donated, i
conditional deposits are solicited. Materials are stored in the i
7 library building of the college, a two-story, fireproof, red brick ;
E structure, erected in 1908. Outside dimensions are 84‘ x 72'; space i
g ' is adequate. . I
E . ‘ Holdings ‘
f Rev. F. W. EBERHART Collection, 1887-1936; this collection contains
E 405 pieces arranged alphabetically by author in two letter file boxes I
E (12 x 11 3/4 x 5). Arrangement is conmlete. Letters from prominent i
% Baptists, 1887-1936, A. R. ABERNATHY, J. C. ARMSTRONG, J. E. DAVIS,
’ S. E. EWING, Dr. J. P. GREEN, John F. HERGET, as well as a number of -
I others, give a comprehensive outline of the Baptists' religious status %
g in northwest Missouri.
E Baptist BIOGRAPHIES, 1885, 297 pieces, in six paper boxes (12 x 9 ‘
i x 3); they relate to leaders among the Baptists and their religious
f activities from 1798-1885, and contain biographical sketches and data
on the growth of the Southern Baptist denomination and its activities
, , v _ m ”I

 : i
1 - 2 E ‘
, l
in Missouri and the Louisiana Territory, of special value in tracing ;
' the development of religious activities in Missouri. %
‘ Miscellaneous LETTERS of Baptist leaders in Missouri, Dr. William E
: JEWELL, Rev. John Mason PECK, Professor R. P. RIDER, and others con" i
; nected with the church; the letters relate to early religious i
. conditions in Missouri, requests for information of historical nature,
“ and early Baptist publications. ‘
1 There are many manuscript historical sketches of churches, sermons, ;
‘ minutes and associational reports in the collection. The most important '
of these, perhaps, is the fairly complete collection of the minutes of I
all the various district associations in Missouri and of the Missouri }
' Baptist General Association. In addition there are a large number of g
V minute books of churches, bound volumes of sermons in manuscript, 3
- diaries, journals, church finance books, etc. E
There are 135 volumes, 1,164 pieces in the collection. Arrangement ;
is alphabetically by subject. There are 115 card and other entries on 5
I (3 x 5) cards, showing number of volume, name, dates covered, and T
} number of volumes in set. Volumes only are catalogued. The entry i
I collection of manuscripts is to be catalogued and arranged in the near }
I future. This is to be done by N. Y. A. ’ I
t The material is available upon application to the custodian. No 1
special restrictions are imposed upon users. There is no copy service. :
p H ,

 . ‘ _ 5 - 1
‘ 1. John Mason Peck, April 16, 1857, personal letter to Samuel M.
. Green, contains a discussion of religious conditions in early §
1 a Missouri. :
: I
5 2. Minutes of the Bethel Baptist Church, 1806—1820, contain informa— 1
tion on pioneer religious customs and events, a list of the church ' :
membership, articles of faith, constitution, and the business ‘ l
proceedings of the church. (Cape Girardeau Cd., E0.) (one volimm) J
, 5. Minutes of the Cold Water Baptist Church, 1809-1819, contain the 1
3 proceedings of the various meetings of the church, including the
constitution, articles of faith, etc. (near St. Louis, he.) (one
; volume). f
i 4. Minutes of the Mount Pleasant Baptist Association, 1818-1845,
contain reports of the meetings of the Baptist association of :
; churches in Howard County, Missouri. (one volume). i
l 5. Two Historical Scrapbooks of Baptist activities in Missouri, 1806—-. l
‘6. Miscellaneous Letters, 1846-1906, by early pioneer Baptist leaders i
3 in Missouri, including Rev. John Mason Peck, Dr. William Jewell, f
L Prof. R. P. Rider, A. P. Williams, Dr. J. P. Green and others, ‘
contain facts about the life and activities of early Baptist 3
= ' leaders in the state. (61 letters). ;
4 7. Baptist biographies, 1885-— brief life sketches of prominent
Baptists of Missouri. (297 sketches).
‘ l
’ 8. Correspondence of Rev. B. W. Eberhart, 1887-1936, letters written ;
to and received from prominent American Baptists, including: '
: J. G. Armstrong, A. R. Abernathy, J. E. Davis, S. E. Ewing, Dr. J. y
, P. Greene, John F. Herget, R. M. Inlow, J. W. Lowe, R. K. Maiden, }
R. P. Rider, John R. Saspcy, T. P. Stafford, C. M. Trucx, H. E. ,
Trqu, A. M. Tutt, W, J. Williams, and others. Gives a general
picture of the religious status of Baptists in Northwest Missouri I
3 . for the period covered. (405 letters). 1
' 9. Manuscripts of the Missouri Baptist Historical Society, 1905~—, _ 3
contain addresses on Baptist history before the Society, some ’
correspondence, reports, etc. (402 pieces). I
‘ 10. Minute Book of the Little Bonne Femme Baptist Church, 1819—1887, f
containing minutes of the church neetings, articles of faith,
' rules of decorum, etc. (Howard County, Missouri).
:- i
1 i

 i _ 4 _

: ll. Minutes of the Hebron Baptist Church, 1829~1873, contain articles

3 of faith, list of members, and minutes of the various business

; sessions of the church. (Cape Girardeau County, Missouri).

1 12. Minutes of the Sandy Creek Baptist Church, 1832-1871, contain

j the church constitution, articles of faith, and minutes of the

‘ business meetings of the church congregation. (Jefferson County,

' Missouri).

, 13. Minute Book of the Bethel District Baptist Association, 1854—1855,

_ contains nanms of churches conmosing association, delegates,
officers, and a report of the various proceedings of the body.

T (Cape Girardeau County, Missouri).

5 14. Minutes of the Bee Creek Baptist Church, 1859-1860, contains an
account of the business sessions of the church. (Platte County,

. Missouri).

15. Minute Book of the Big Blue Baptist Church, 1840-1890, contains

‘ the articles of faith, rules, list of the nenmers, and an account
of the business transacted at the regular meetings. (Jackson
County, Missouri).

 1 Publications of the
’ Missouri Historical Records Survey
I Inventory 3E the County Archives 2: Missouri, Pike County, St.
Louis, Mo., 1957. -
‘ Inventory 33 the County Archives 23 Missouri, Ripley County, St.
1 Louis, Mo., 1958.
Inventory 2: the County Archives of Missouri, Reynolds County,
> St. Louis, Mo., 1938. '“"' "‘“"'"““ ""‘”' "
. Inventory 2£ the County Archives of Missouri, Cole County, St.
Louis, Mo., 1938.
Inventory 2: the County Archives 3i Missouri, Linn County, St.
Louis, Mo., 1958.
Inventory 2: the County Archives 2: Missouri, Shelby County, St.
. Louis, Mo., 1939.
_ Inventory 33 the County Archives 2E Missouri, Pettis County, St.
y Louis, Mo., 1939.
1 Inventory 3: the County Archives 2: Missouri, Jasper County, St.
Louis, Mo., 1939.
‘ ‘ Reprint of Governmental Organization and Records System, Jasper
County, Missouri, St. Louis, Mo., 1940.
, Inventory 2: the County Archives 2£ Missouri, Henry County, St."
Louis, Mo., 1940.
Reprint of'Historical Sketch of Henry County, Missouri, St. Louis,
L Mo., 1940.
1 Reprint of Bethel Church Minutes, St. Louis, Mo., 1940.
’ Minutes of the Proceedings 23 the Bethel Church, 1806-1867, St.
Louis, Mo., 1940.
i Guide 33 Depositories of Manuscript Collections .131 the United
States; Missouri, St. Louis, Mo., 1940.
Minutes 2: the St. Louis Board of Trustegfij 1808—1809, St. Louis,
‘ MIT—"1940. "“““’ —" ' “‘"" '
Inventory of the Church Archives 3E Missouri, Baptist Bodies: Tebo
Baptist Association, St. Louis, Mo., 1940. -
Inventory of the County Archives of Missouri, Dallas County, St.
W —. —_.. m —____—_ ~— I“ —-—-—.——- -——-——~
- Louis, Mo., 1940.

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