xt7s7h1dnq49 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7s7h1dnq49/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-11-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 22, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 22, 1982 1982 1982-11-22 2020 true xt7s7h1dnq49 section xt7s7h1dnq49 4f Jeu ertlet wows crowd
er 2 3: x "v ‘r’ Trumpeteer Dizzy Gillespie impressed o
' fl " weekend audience during a perfor-
f monce that was part of the annual Spot-
. W; light Jazz Series. See page 4.
I i
K. _ __ _ ] I L— N _.m.**
Vol. LXXXV, No. 74 Monday, November 22, 1982 All InJOPOHdOnf student newspaper University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
0 SGA considering election complaints
By JASON WILLIAMS The complaint also says the pam- The SPC complaint says this was Gaines and Fuel] ran together on
Staff Writer phlets were‘placed on polling tables learned from a‘residentladvifser fwho a lEl‘Cketde as briid Haclgnta: andtli‘ish. t
- - - and schedulin tables near the ll- asked to remain name ess or ear reu n r sai e a em 0
Reagan OHICIOI adm'u deficit 00““. 808! ing tables. Eglection rules prollu'lbit of losing his job. overturn the Election is based li’lpon
campaign literature within 25 feet of SPC said it will call on Arts and alleged campaign violations.
WASHINGTON — President Reagan's chief economist, Mar- The anti-mandatory student health polling places. ‘ Sciences Senator Tim Freudenberg .. j .
tin s, Felds'ejn' conceded yesterday may jhe federa| budget fee Students for Political Choice say Bob Easton. treasurer of SPC. asawitnesstothis allegation. . . G .lHackigag) 15 asking that. Drew
deficit could swe” u to $200 billion in fiscal 1984 without they may have eVidence that the SPC member Phillip Taylor and “When 1 went to my dorm in film , 91"” an race liuellibe disqual-
. p . outcome of a referendum on the fee, SGA Senator-at-Large John Miller wan Tower around the first day of ‘l‘ed because Of a “013m" 0f elec-
actions by the government to curb spending. Although ad- approved Nov. 11 by a more than are scheduled to testify at the hear- the voting," Freudenberg said, “I Flo" ”“6. m the PlaCiHGPf POSteFS
mlnlS'w'lO" OlliClOlS have hlnled privately 5" recent weeks 500-vote margin, was illegally in- ingonthe allegations. opened my mailbox, and there was a illegally "l, a stairway 1" ”Olmfi
that the deficit could soar to new heights, Feldstein was the fluenced. be SPdCa has alfso citmplained that giro— newsletter from SHAC (Student Halli 'he sald~
~ . ~ ~ - ~ - - Similar claims are also i man to co iterature was ‘s- Health Adviso Council. which . . .
2; :L:::;°J,::1T£:gfig'°n omc'al '0 concede the magmmde made about the Oct. _26-27 Studelligt tributed lbyy several dormitory resi- campaigned for trhye health feet." mai’ifigenbegs 53;; $212313"?
F j d t . int vi d on NBC’s "Meet the Press." He Government Association freshman dent assistants under orders from . F‘reudenberg Will also be involved tairs p35] t' f SG A . ‘3
e 5 e'” was er 9‘” senator elections. the Housmg Office. in another case before the Judiciary S. ‘ a 10a ‘0" .0 constitu
also exoressed little hepe for significant Progress on the SPC's case will be heard by the No one from the housing office Board today. in which he will rep— “0“3' bylaws~ deem" "“6 and the
unemployment front. The jobless rate, now at a 42-year SGA Judiciary Board today at 5 could be reached last night. but resent Flo Hackman, journalism StudentCode. , _ .
high of 104 percent, will hover "somewhere around 9 per~ pm. in llSStudent Center. . Rosemaryl Pond, director of resi- freshman. in an attempt to overturn mgecfiglafifkfig‘ $513}? 31::
cent” next year, even assuming a moderate recovery, he mallfle‘lygggiugozfligg: 1:2: miggoej Sglcéelwgsigggghigfzmg‘ said the th:nsrecent freshman senator elecs nous board. which did not deem jg
5°'d‘ couraging students to vote in fav0i “I think SHAC did distribute some The winners were Drew Gaines. Val‘d' She then appealed to the Jud"
of the mandatory fee were stuffed in materials.“ she said. “but the pro an economics and finance major. eiary Board.
' ' ormito mailboxes. While not a vi- rou could have done the same and John Fish. a business adminis- -
VA eh'ef says payments “"19 WGStOd glation bf, election rules, SGA Presi- tghingpif they had asked to. tration major. Hackman and Grace thireflgepbgmexsgejzegvgoflenmc:
. . dent Jim Dinkle said the distribution "After all, what‘s fair for the Fuel], a political science major. tied previous ruling.
WASHINGTON — R059" Nimmo, director 0‘ "‘9 Veterans of unaddressed materials through goose is fair for the gander. as the for third place. eight votes behind "I think we've got a heck of a
Administration, says millions of dollars are being wasted in themailsisafederalviolation. expression goes.“ Fish. case.”he 53de
disability compensation paid to veterans who have no diffi-
culty holding down jobs. The VA chief said in an interview
last week that reforms are needed in programs providing
benefits to many of the nation's 30 million veterans, to
avoid the kind of financial difficulties confronting the Social ! , .
Security system. ’ .4...
But he said reforms Probably cannot be achieved until a ’ . .
courageous president decides "that it is worth the political '3 ~ _, I
heat and the political sacrifice" to take on the organized ”‘ "A".
veterans lobby and its congressional friends. Nimmo has
announced his resignation and plans to depart when a sac
cessor is confirmed. .
Reagan to announce MX basing plan N ? i *5
WASHINGTON — President Reagan's announcement of a ’ ,3 %
basing Plan for the MX missile is expected to launch a new a! . _ it
round of military and political arguments that already have I . ' ._‘
stretched on nearly a decade. Reagan is expected to en- ‘, 6“ , ‘ :3...
dorse today on Air Force plan known as "dense pack," ’.:,” .. é 4}:
which calls for clustering lOO missiles close together in " " 3' I V
super-hardened silos. Sky hOOk . "l I - I
The missile decision is slated to be announced only T.“ ‘ .
hours before the president makes a nationally broadcast :vl‘ e‘ 3
speech at 8 pm. EST on arms'control to propose steps the UK junior center Melvin Tur- \ Q ~ ' 4
United States and Sowet Union should follow to guard pin tries a hook shot over > . ‘ . ‘ _
against aCCIdental nuclear war. . . . Russia's 7_2 Arvidos Sobonis “A . .__
Reagan is expected to call for improvmg the hot line be- in yesterday's 89-86 loss ,0 - . ‘5'
tween Washington and Moscowond call for a program of the Russians. Turpin had 16 . ' 4: ’
advance notification of planned mi55i|e tests. points and ‘2 rebounds be- a. 4.
fore fouling out with three t, ' _ -‘ ‘ R W
Walesa fails to appear at church service minutes left in the game. l -' , f is
GDAMSK. Poland — Thousands of Poles hoping to greet """"“'°°""9"‘9'5'°" . l '4 ‘ : R 1 ‘ 1*
Lech ‘Nalesa jammed one of Gdansk's largest churches yes- i, is ' ‘1‘ _ . ‘2‘ ,j ‘ ,
terdriy waiting for him to attend services. The freed Solidar- ' ' o ‘ ' 5, . k3. ' ‘3 5
ity chief prayed at a chapel near home instead. ‘ ' . 1f a _
There was no explanation for why the leader of the out- ‘ f . \ z“ ‘ 2 4;“’ f
lowed independent union skipped what would have been 3" g, . .2 ' \ \ a
his first major public appearance, one week after arriving l. 3 ‘ '3 '- '. . *
home from H months of internment under martial law. He ' ..~ ' _ '>
had been widely expected to attend Mass at St. Brigyda's O W’ 3
church. , . ‘t ‘
But there was speculation Wolesa decided the appear- ‘3 g . "‘jl ‘ \ .. \
ance might anger Poland's Communist authorities, who I” " “ \Lgt e ‘-
freed him after announcing he was no longer considered a l - u. 7’
political threat. He has been careful to avoid criticizing the . . . .. .. ' \
90vernment since his release. ‘-=;=-.~ ’a w i
in ,
Soviets to name new president soon ”w '4-
MOSCOW — The new Soviet leadership, acting swiftly after .. y "‘ ' . / ./
the death of Leonid I. Brezhnev, is expected in the next few . b . fl
days to name a new president, fill vacancies in the ruling & v . ’ ’ .
Communist Party Politburo and set out the plan for next . . .
Revenue OffICIa/ romotm flat tax
Yuri V. Andropov, 68, already named to succeed Brezh- g
nev as the party's general secretary, is widely believed
poised to assume the largely ceremonial presidency, consol- W— begins to rise. at $8000. has become imate‘ly 200.000 Kentuckiam fmany' ployers,
waving his hold on power. Editor-inChief‘ ”is-$3325.15 the bracket is set so 25.32.22 “92113 3311333335573" The silver??? he Sia'd‘ ligatin-
Other leading candidates for the job of head of state are low that. after deductions favoring of another 600m0. 3 3:35:15;iafsesagoiyifemeacenera’i
'hOUQh' '0 be 50““ Foreign M'mS'e" Andrei A- Gromyko. a_.‘_ higher-income taxpayers are taken Also because state income tax Assemblv in the near future to con-
73, and Brezhnev protege Konstantin U. Chernenko, 7l. The state's personal income tax into account. the greatesj burden of can be deducted from federal in- sider it. -
Brezhnev took control of the party immediately after system. “5 framework "“virtually taxation falls on lower- and middle come taxes. the higher-income Geary 531th has encountered no
ousting Nikita S. Khrushchev in 1964, but he did not become uncharged ‘9' 27 years, '5 badly incometax payers. _ brackets. Wthh would pay more “significant opposition" to the pro-
resident ntil 1977 when he took that oh from Nikolai V. outdated and m heedof change. Ron A flat-rate system. he said. would under the flat-tax system. would posal.
p u ' Geary. the states Chief revenue Offl- be more eqmtable across all brack- more than recoup the difference in pojmcaj science profasor and
P°d9°mY cer..says. ets because it: lower federal taxes. Altogether. state legislature expert Malcolm
. HIS "0905811 a flat-rate tax —that 0 Applies a single flat rate of 3.65 Kentuckians would save $19 million Jeweh‘ however. said in a telephone
is, a tax set at the same rate for 811 percent to all taxable income. in taxes under the flat-tax system. interview last night jhat the flat tax
WNW“ Md allowmg a limited 0 Increases the present 5650 stan- hesaid. Wm probably encounter opposition
numberofstandardized deductions. dard deduction ‘0 31700 for married Because Of thlS- he said. he 0P‘ from special' interests such as real-
G'WY- a UK "We? and Revenue Demons filing separatelit m 32-300 poses the browsed “atom at the tors and home builders who benefit
Cabinet “"9er for GOV- John Y‘ for unmarried persons and to $3.“) federal level. which would eliminate from itemized deducjjdns for inter-
mm” Brown. has been touring the state for married persons filing jointly this advantage. He also said a flat- at income eliminated under the
{9" the [‘3‘ few weeks presenting - Allows a 51.000 income exemption tax would eliminate man, of the flat-tax ”W15
. his proposal at}! series 9f t0th — more for the blind and persons checks and balances in the current Other possible sources of opposi-
meetings. He Will bring his. 31‘89‘ over 65. federal income tax system that en- tion. he said. are churches and char-
ment to lexinston. at 7130 WHEN I" - Increases from $1.65] to $3,301 the sure the equitability he is trying to itable organizations. which benefit
the City Commissioners Chambers. income level at which a single per- achieve withaflat-tax from deductions allowed for charita-
A 60 percent chance for light rain today with e high located on the second floor of the son is required to me a state Mum Geary said the sjmpjer “an” ble contributions.
N. In the lower 60:. new City Hall on Main Street. The and increases the figure for married would also greatlysimplify the pro- Jewell said state legislators so far
' A go percent ‘5...“ of "I." reln tonight and '0. meetingtsopentothepuhhc, couples from $2.651 to $5.401. Mar. cedure for determining one's taxes. have not responded to Geary‘s pro-
morrow. tonight's low wlll be In the low to mid 50:, in an mtemew Friday. Gea-ry 'led cmplw over 65‘ Who “”9”th male la’.‘ mun.“ would be reduced ”05"“- .
. said the current tax system. thCh file at $5.401. would not have to file from this year s 100 pages to one "I suspect that the legislators are
tomorrow "“0“ l“ "'0 UPPOI' 30'. sets the threshhold of upper income until their income reached 39,401 two-Sided pages. not going to want to do anything
brackets.theincome sector at which This system. Geary said. would He said the flat tax would also until they know what the people
the percentage of Income Dald In tax eliminate the tax liability of approx- greatly reduce paperwork for em- think."he said.

K3r"‘i)e'“l '
fill n I II . fl - ' ' ”W
62:13:33! “1:325:22. 1:" :di'to”: “.‘Sro': E23“ Spotlol :ro‘iomlwr J :hzm 6M6“ Editor
Jon-u IMI Norrie littor- Pele. Selle. It” I. Widener Jr. Mldioy Patron-n lulu. Million Ion Von Noel Chile Ash
Managingiditor EdnonolEd-lor AumamArv-Edttor Antagoniswneidilor swiolhoioaeAuiuant Chiel'hotoomvhfl CONDO“ 0""
A al ' 9 football season remains difficult
Less than 24 hours after the first winless Wildcats enter the locker room leading after
season ever for UK football, the true pride of the first half. . . . . .
the state of Kentucky took the floor to defend Multiplying his difficulties were the resIg- 845k (/US-T //l/ 7 ””5 F???
the commonwealth’s and the nation’s honor nations or dismissals of seven players, in- //l/ //
against the Soviet national basketball team. eluding a Slzable chunk of his offense. W/VKSG/ V G. .
, , And the worst factor of all -— the schedule GOM’W.’
The tranSltlon from football to basketball ._ killed the team. Eight of its 11 opponents WW'IVM/E’
was abrupt. perhaps too abrupt for those are bowl-bound, another should be, and the 6’an 1..
“fllllhg enough to 1001‘ back 0“ IthlS year 5 combined winning percentage of its oppo- H/Ka '
historic performance by UK’s gridiron war- nents approaches 70 percent. '
riors. But before the dead are buried by the Claiborne admitted Saturday the team . ' ,
amateur analysts. before the blame that al- didn’t have “the personnel or depth to match , a *‘K
ways seems toIfollow a debacle is placed, the people we’ve been playing,” but through- , I “ K ‘
lets take stock "1 what happened to UK tOOt' out the season it was clear the team did ‘ \Gfl.
ball dl-Il‘lllg 1982- have one thing — character, more than it /‘ A” '
The season was the first for a new coach, has had In recent memory. . fi' " : [Ir/(51’
a new staffI a new system, a new way of It IS hoped the character Will carry over to s j (Ill/>531?! t'l.‘ %
doing things. Prodigal son Jerry Claiborne the 1983 season. With an easner sebedule. a 1 .71}; Inc; —- W” ‘ / /. // .
returned to his native Kentucky to restore a program In place, a 800d recruiting year / .{‘ .19 an ,' ‘iI 5’ / l I y , /
winning tradition, a respect and a pride long plus all that character, fans 0f the blue and Q €3.53?ng
absent from the Fran Curci era. white may have something to smile about it /‘ “Rina: ; 8 E / /
What he faced upon his arrival was a late next season. . \\}}‘l~ly'.:;I..‘l.E~g. ‘: .. 7'5; // \
start in recruiting, little time to choose his For the moment, coach Claiborne, YOU _ ,. A\‘:.‘\",}:I,L\-j:,}_:_f4:-_ J small [I / / (
staff and a hard road during Spring practice, have 0111‘ best WlSheSt l 33:53“???thief/’5' I, ( ( .- H -
culminating in the symbolic Blue and White 0 it I v&;-,\.\"_‘-x{,‘.’gu‘;fi’:; ,, ‘37.”. / l / I
. t. '.‘:,\\'. «335" ,' '- , ,
game. On the subject of sport, we have one other ; i, i l l a \\\“\\\‘\\?\‘:\‘3/ 2—’;z_.,;/,,I/ ( , if ’
His fortunes during the fall were no better. wish —— to see the National Football League in J} «3330’ . . ' a {// \(t l , ( l (
Beset with quarterback problems, his team season closed now. I l l “‘9“ J. 3 if /
limped along to early-season defeats at the It’s clear after the resumption of play that \ 5‘ 3?, . f". a” r / /
hands of Kansas State and perennial power- fans don’t care about the remaining games, I r y / I , ’aefizn'éfia'yZ/fl /
house Oklahoma. and the playoff system threatens to surpass L . ‘ . wall/a- ’ “a f t
It seemed the team might get back on the National Hockey League’s as the worst // // ', //
track after tying Kansas, but the rest of the joke perpetrated on sports fans. // ' ' . /
season could best be classified as the year of The players should take the fans’ advice —
the second half swoon. Only twice did the go home until you feel like working again.
Off '0 'als l ck ol 't'cal co r to we yla y severe deficits
Congressmen who emerged from could mean as much as $80 billion in nest F. Hollings announced last many Western residents, grassroots downsizing of the missile moderniza- After all, responsible defense spend-
elections two weeks ago armed with savings through the 19805. week that he could “guarantee” the Opposition to the $40 billion manned tion program.) ing was an almost universal theme
newfound vendettas against a swol- As Bob DeGrasse of New York's votes needed to kill the $25 billion bomber is minimal; meanwhile, When congressmen fail to tackle among Democratic candidates.
len defense budget have about 30 respected Council on Economic MXintheSenate. contracts on the carriers, according the Mx or the B-1, they’re still
daystodeliver their quarry. Priorities put it, “Without some Meanwhile, on Nov. 15, Rep. Jo— to one study, are held in more than under pressure to cut defense, and Unless they move forward on their ., .
-:'.T'..—.——' quick changes, the 1983 budget is seph P. Addabbo, D-N.Y., convened 400House districts. they‘ll do so where it hurts most: in vow now, they’ll be vulnerable to
l “ it" w 2‘ GLEN going to lock Congress into a signifi- his subcommittee on defense appro- Said one aide to Sen. Gary Hart construction. personnel and mainte- charges that their forte is winning
"'“'~‘*"*-“- cant amount of spending." priations behind closed doors to (D-COIOJ. who Opposes the carriers. nance. elections,not leading the nation. i.
1‘. afif 5'. and Unfortunately, there is little hammer out reductions that could “There’s enough pork for almost ev- Rather than assert control over
, ‘ ‘ ; ' SHEARER chance that lawmakers will find the axe both the B-1 bomber and at least eryoneon those ships." long-term growth in the military For a country at large, their lack
‘3 . I political courage needed to bolster one nuclear-powered aircraft car- Another factor is leadership. budget, Congress will likely make of resolve would only extend the eco
_____________ words with actions. rier. Against strong presidential support short-term economics in areas that nomic misery caused, in part, by the
While many congressmen have Nonetheless, lawmakers may sim- for military procurement, some are already short-changed. threat of continuing deficits. Short of
Unless they can agree Edsome harped loudly about Reagan‘s lop- ply lack the votes needed to gut the Democrats complain that House “The basic lay of the land hasn’t massive pressure from comtituents, N"
cuts by Christmas, eyIcIo 33:“ sided commitment to the military, big—ticket items, While the MX sur- leaders are still unwilling to forsake changed, " said Warren Nelson, an lawmakers will continue to see
rentee severe federal deficits for e few will speak out —much less vote vived a House test this spring by a weapons proposals rejected by for- aide to Pentagon critic Rep. Lee short-term political advantage in fi-
duratloInofthe decade. . _ against expensive arms projects mere three votesI both the 3.1 and mer president Jimmy Carter. By Aspin, D-Wis. “Members don’t want nancing weapons contractors at the
Cognizant that more than a thll‘d when the time comes. the Navy’s request for two $35 bil- and large, Democrats continue to to challenge the military experts on expense of the economy’s health.
0f Ronald 393831}? 1933 Pentagon Of course. it might appear that the lion carriers subsequently passed support Reagan’s military bUlldllll aparticularweapons system."
request for $245 billion 15 slated for end is near for several controversial muster by 3.1 margins. (Even Hollings asserted last week For Democrats, a standoff on de- Maxwell Glen and Cody Shearer
weapons pocuremenIt,I congressogsn weapons systems. South Carolina Moreover, unlike the MX, whose that his newborn Opposition to the tense would negate whatever spoils are Pulitzer Prize-winning national
realize that a $5 b1110n cut t y Senator and presidential hopeful Er- basic plan has stirred the ire of Mx was simply a way to force a they earned in the 1982 elections. columnists.
The 'great American pastime’ returns
1 got a rery Lou Grant feeling last turned to their various jobs. I get certain images when I think
week when news flashed over the They‘ll think the significance of of the word “strike.” I see poignant, ‘ "
Associated Press that the football this event over in their minds and dramatic silhouettes of oppressed ,4 “we, («a /’~\
strike was over. Our editor-in-chief then chat about the concepts over workers with nowhere else to turn. I :3; 31; ,7‘ it.
called for attention and read the their Big Shef and fries. see a crew of dirty, rugged miners / "I {,le \lh , a '
earliest notes being released for Somebody has to write newspa- struggling against corruption and in- ’5, H» ‘ w,‘ "M... L
radio stations. pers. you know. dignity. q\ / , , * A U‘ ‘- g
In any case, this is not a column Frankly, I don’t see a bunch of nt ‘ 52‘ ‘39 An “
————————— about journalists. Nor is it about football players who are upset be- :‘l‘jv- (at. /, \\ w; “ '—
football, which this particular writer cause their employers make more at?) :5}: tux}? / ' . M. V ,
James has belabored oflate. money than they do. It’s hard for \trltjfg :3, . ":4 I ,1 Li' . \x
This column is about greed in so- me to sympathize with a guy whose "\‘i ;, "' 4 3 ‘1', h l 3...?séi
STOLL cialprogress‘s clothing. biggest problem is too much co- _, l7" ‘5 l . $4;
Of course,l‘m not complaining. caine. 51‘ C“ ‘ a]. t, , his»
Professional football players are It’s even harder for me to respect o.‘;l t: n / a
really little more than highly techni- a strike whose end is forced by a 3‘. gig-ft . e ‘ if:
_ _ . cal actors. They get paid so much Super Bowl date. ;‘.‘.' I I j;
~ - longest strike 1“ sports hIStO' more than your average theater The guy who owns the pizza place v I i.
TY comes to an end as a tentative major because stars of stage and I work at has always made more e .s'I
contract is reached . . . season to re- screen don't often have to face Mean money than me, even when he didn’t m t} _
sumeSunday, . I . Joe Greeneonopening night. have to lift a pepperoni himself. I ”1".“ , I}
The news was met Wlth various However. as much as they get figurehehasaright. :13“? I as
journalistic nejomders. paid for playing football, they want Oh. well. 1%
”what? Strat-o-matlc doesn’t get more. Like the baseball Players and r") "0t complaining ————-————_————I it:
to strike?" the air traffic controllers, they feel Sundays in America once more re- . ,1.
“Sure sure my a-- the season will they don‘t have to be satisfied with sound with the barbaric triumph of 2,;g
‘ . ' ,.. . enough. crashing shoulder pads. The '2
resume this Sunday. (One editor , , _ _ . . .
has atendencytobeunprintable.) Unions in Poland fight for freedom strength, manhood and Vicanom VI- 9.".
II .. and dignity they need. olence that made our country great
HIOW could they dothat'.’ . Unions in Amerlca light for all is back atlast. ______________________.________—__——— a;
Trngocem-egmglh qufitlgnu‘llis they canget. Sure, I’m angry. Sure, I'm dis- g,
FePl 0 MW" “183’ an 5"“ ' Still,l‘m notcomplaining. gusted. However, I’ll smooth my I r ing His S irits," we were reminded th det m- d th h t h -,_
neously. My problem was that I looked feathers and settle back to watch Tasteless photo of the Chfistian view that: “As you segdepiztredutlzen unqeugtlbr‘lghllyftnlle l“
“Money!" several voices clam- “PO" the strike as a battle between the remaining games With a sem- This letter is in response to the have done unto this the least of my scene, they deemed the capt on ac- »
ored. oppressed and OPPT5§°5~_1 figured blance ofsatisfactlon. . I tasteless picture that appeared in brother. so you have done it unto companyl'ng it flippant and ll poor
Ifeltitwas timetoassertmyself. they d talk over the" dlfferences The great American pastime lS h me.“ taste. Therefore, the Kernel apol’
. . nd then come w a “St fa”- com. back the NOV. 15 Kernel. T0 fires your . . . .
”The great American pastime has a . J - - , . The glib. repulswe and tasteless ogizes for any offense it may have
,, romlse (Hea dramatic Sigh , memory, the [halo I refer to was of .
returned! lyelled. P . Vyv . . I . ,, ,. ld bl k "I stab at a man ravaglng through the caused.
Uh-uh I wonder how they re domg in P0- a down and out 0 ac man s l .
. _ 1 I _ _ . . . _ argesse of UK football game leftov- _
Mixed reactionsnone pleasant. Anybody who IS looking for we land”. “"8 1“ Commonwealth Stadium c0! ers is certainly no laughing matter. l
Like the hardened, practical types tice. fairness or compromise is leCtlllS leftovers from discarded '" And, frankly, it does little good to -
these journalists be. they all missing the point like I did. This has James A. Stoll is a theater sopho- quor bottles. Best?” the [into wIas advance the positive image of UK ‘
mumbled and muttered and re- to do with money. more and aKernel columnist. lilefme caption, Uplifting H's Sp'r' among thinking black people. L9“ POI. ..
l s. , . . .
DRABBLE @ bY Kevin Fagan To make lest of the misfortune of JD: ““9059 S ambltlms as a 9’8 Icy _'
. . , .. - - .. -. photoioumallst should be made of .
one of this soc1etys Victims in sturdler stuff' Wh not recall the ”0". “mm." b..." ,o ,
WNEAL Jute is A mm ileum; m JOBORABM. mo it his Ammunition certainly easy and may even berm:- slam from ' ..Myy Old Kentucky .... am...” am... M... .e
Scheme EDIlehL ~lou 1 Tom OVER Roots mo of hue confine mean t I morous to some. But most Isensi iIve, .. . h.“ "I." ‘WM. We“ a".
'm" (L. compassnonate people see it as Slm— Home and caption your penchant
“GTE m {“5 Ema ALL NE, UNM‘ANT UKE Will“ KNOIW WHWE a‘ " ,d‘ ply Crude Mi“ Wing mar, ”r for (he mwerse: "“5 fan and the double-spot“ ,0 'h. u".".. u- .
SCHOOL “FER! ~ ; WNW? THAT 9“” 1° ““9 M5 l» <7 V .0 “s"; darkies are in needof warmth." I ‘
V r\ a UNWRNEAW‘. 1’ $00)) / 1 “ma - "or or :14 learn-WU“? —
.. ”' e . 2 K/ ' , ' {E} ‘ , UK. I... "goon. Ky. - -
V ' 3 it , ’// P . (fl 3 w Greg Spats . Anthony Brown Writ." mu" lucked. "RI!
,.‘| I (I; , ,/ . . . . P
. g I a \ j ' I‘Y . . ' I Cornmunlcanons Junlor resldent Of the Mu Them Chapter '
l I - * \‘“ / )5 egg) $7) ~ ” Lg? ‘. of Phi Beta Sigma "m“ '“m' " ""°"'
y I J 2.: i h ’ .. ,," / \* t- . - ' number: end their union. clout-
‘ X I; / 'ptfl . / . I, *7; "iii-3| Negative Image Kernel editors. responding to a Ole-None or connection with UK.
__ _ .. ._._.1 ;I 7. I A i 2] ' . :33 - t—V‘ Whe . ed in phi . th heavy reader response about the Indomlllcoflonvrlllbodncllod.
A I . 5 .\. I n we View e 00 In I 6 picture in question. have re-eval-
“N _. g F r ,_ _‘ .' - 9 ' .‘ Nov. 15 Kernel ofa gentleman “Llft- uated the decision to run it. While ;.

 THE KENTUCK YKERNEL, -Mon¢hy, Novombor22, 1m -3

D' b't' ' ' Id t d t k
IVOI‘Ge, am I Ion Increasmg 0 or S u en 8, spea er says

By MA'I'I‘ KELLY Women Voters. tials for skills already possessed, students. she said. Programs such and can start at any time. In addi- problem to adult students than
Reporter “Women that find themselves the Stephenson said. In addition. several as Project Ahead. a service that tion, the program has no specific younger onesshe said

sole supporter of a family and wish adults return for the enjoyment of places women 25 or older in inter- registration date, she said. Students 'Adults have more of a problem
4__.s___._r‘—— to keep up the standard at which learning. nships, and Career Directions for send in assignments and may never With educational costs because stu-

The increasing divorce rate and a they are used to living find it nec- Stephenson stressed the need for Self-Exploration, which serves men, see their instructor unless they de~ dents often receive money from
desire for job advancement are rea- essary to return to the classroom,” proper academic advising for the are available. . . . . sire. home. Stephenson said. “It is very
sons adult enrollment is increasing she said. This is evident by the fact over 3.000 non-traditional undergrad- For those who find It dlfheldt to The program offers almost 150 rare that the adult student receives
in universities across the country, that more women have re-enrolled uate students — adults over 25 —en- accomodatea full-time job and class courses ranging from foreign land any financial aid.”
according to Jane Stephenson of the than men. _ . . rOliedatUK. . meetings. there are evening and guages to philosophy and the sci- .. Adults are oftenseen as being ina
Academic Support Service. Other reasons 8W9" for the P99 m 3‘th do not have time to waste weekend colleges ences to math as well as others. Ste- gray area of being too poor to af-

Stephenson was the key speaker at adult enrollment were the desire for taking the wrong classes," she said. A150. the Independent Study PI’O- phenson said. ford tuition costs and too wealthy to
a lecture Saturday sponsored by the lOb advancement in 3 pr 08’6“"! As well, several programs are 0“ gram allows students to have up t0 The cost of higher education. how- receive grants or scholarships. Ste-
Lexington chapter of the League of society along with obtaining creden- tered by the University to aid adult one year to complete their course ever. sometimes poses more of a phenson said.

I ' traffic deaths worry state police '

(AP) — Kentucky motorists are This year's highway death toll had prehensive about the . fourday yield the right of way are the three .
killing each other at an enormous drawn Within one of the lml rate by Thanksgmngibreainlesaid. largest contributing factors." Lile .,
pace and Kentucky State Police offi- yesterday. when SIX weekend fatali- 'l‘hanksgivmg has been one of our said. r." you look at national fig-
cials say they expect a grim ties brought the total to 741 com- rougher weekendsf: he said. “We urns, alcohol has a very high place 3
Thanksgiving weekend. pared to 742 by the same date last Will schedule a maleum amount of as far as a contributing factor in ac- - . .'

Around July, the state was about year. maltihpower l:iutdon the highways dur- cidentsf' .

m below 198‘ highway death rate‘ “w ere do'n so we“ therefor 3 mg eww en '" . It also is a traditional part Of hOIl- ‘ v .' .
said Lt. John Liie of the state police . e w I 8 . . Fourteen people died on Kentucky days, including Thanksgiving, Liie .1 , :

. . . . . . while, then everything started gomg . . _ y , fl _
public-affairsdmsmninFi-ankfort. to pot" said Dave Salyers of the roads last 'I‘hanksglvmg. That was said. .L g

The death rate has risen dramati- state police highway safety section. three more than in 1980 and six “1 think everyone has the percep- la! ’;:»
cally since then, even though the “You have a few had accidents and more than in 19h). tion of having a good time during ‘ ‘
National Safety Council says Ameri- they juststartto grow." . In the last nine years,- 107 motor- the holidays," he said. “They think ‘ .
cans are driving slightly less and ‘ ists have been killed during the Mir it (drinking and driving) is socially w ‘v
state police have cracked down on The recent escalation makes law- day period. acceptable. The problem is we‘re .
drunken drivers. enforcement officials unusually ap- “Speed, alcohol and failure to killing too many peopledoingit." ,_ ,
Instructors, alumni aid instructional contests i 32%, - ..

A ' | t d t | ' thro h 'ud '
grlcu ture s u e s e g g l g g J I,
skill that is beneficial in future ca- 5g. '
By DIANA JEFFRIES reer successBamhart said, ;'. #wfii
" ‘ Staff Writer “Being on the team gives students L- ,
‘ ; an opportunity to make decisions ,4
FR. , 1-, under a time pressure associated t " , ‘5'

Aside from s rts action. other ,7 ‘ Kg, ' with group competition. It enables a ;' lac '
competition exispt: at UK. such as [(2 t . . .. , StUdentS to think on their feet, devel- .1 V ’
the eight agricultural judging \~._ 4k ’ ”‘ I op a convincing argument. and then .c ; _ ,
teams. W , sell their v1ewpoint."said Bamhart. f y a"; 1.4,

Competition is the common de- 9 l “People who have had this type of ,-" - «
nominator for the members of the \\\\ ,3 ' experience-tend to do bette