xt7sbc3sxw62 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sbc3sxw62/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-01-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 20, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 20, 1972 1972 1972-01-20 2020 true xt7sbc3sxw62 section xt7sbc3sxw62 0
+ 3 / '
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H . The Kentucky
p ianuary 20,
C ° i 9 72
ouncfl post
Howell Hopson, a junior political science major. was Vol. LXIII. \o. 72 l.l-Z\l\t.'l‘ti\. KICVIl ( In intuit; l‘hurstlax. .laiiiiai'y :o. IHI'J
elected as secretary of the Senate Council. Tuesday. He is WW“
. the first students to hold a office in the Council. \1 o 33
Hopson. who was absent at the beginning of Tuesday’s A 675 (0 u n 011 m a A I , 3
“ (‘ouncil meeting. won the election on the nomination 2’ . I‘ C tall/252‘? ' ;
ballot. He was confirmed by acclamation. o .,
When the Arts and Sciences senator arrived at the ._ '
meeting he was told of his election. At that time he req Ulremen t8 far dpgrpps
declined until he could consider the matter. Wednesday V e '
afternoon, before the continuation of the Council‘s session. .
llopson said he decided to accept the post. ”5 “Hi-V “Ii-\Y He said the l'iiiversity of New Mexico and
Advantages for students Editorial Page Editor the l'iiiversity ot Michigan have similar 3
”I think the person who says the least in the Senate is .. . . . programs and that they have met with
listened to more. however the advantages of being a ““3““ 1“") weeksthe Arts and “10'1“” ‘A general we...“ ‘ ' . .
student as an officer offsets any disadvantages." Hopson 8" S) F aculty ( ”um” “"11 propose new degree , . . . i
. . . . . . . He said the plan. which still may undeigo ,
said of his deCISion. requtrementstorthe more than 8.0(iostudents substantive “WNW 3e ””33! an 33333.33”)! [33
As secretary of the Senate Council. Hopson will be in that college '3 . .. i . ‘ ‘_ .
» . . . . spctity (.cncial Studies oi to iiiidtit iit
responSible for accurate minutes. His most important “W333? R33” (3333333 33 “.3“ 3.3333333 33 (33333333333 3 3 3 3 3 33 33 r
. function. he said. will be representing the Council in . ‘ _ . f“ , . ‘. _ . ”mm“ “mm ”” ('“m‘”! 5“““01‘1 'H‘“ I
Senate meetings. proposal now. 533‘d3 “10de ()lshevy sky. Senate voted last December to allow students , .
(Generally. the secretary presents rule changes. chairman ofthe A&S Faculty (ouncil. Bl" he to choose which live (it'ltt‘l‘tii Studies areas ,
resolutions, or other Council business to the Senate for (‘Xpt‘ctstmt‘ Will be ready "bytht‘ last of ”W3 “WM “m“ ‘
action. However. other Council members more familiar this month 01‘ the firs‘ 0f February.“ when the proposal is tiiiislied it \\lii be 3 '
3 With a certain matters can present them). Currently ()lshewsky and A&S Dean submitted to the Senate (‘oiiiicil and the 3
”0950" discussed his goals in an interview yesterday. Wimberly Royster are supporting a plan that l'ndergmdiiatc ('oiiiicil Both must approi e 3‘3 "
“My primary goal as a senator is to improve un- may require a student to meet four-unit ‘
dergraduate education. The means are to change the 3 3 d 3 h _3 . 3 3 -\|’|"“""l""“gh? 1
degree requirement structure to place more respon- laliiguadg‘ebrggdthwci‘; Cufligsmrgilzltrigiii"; ()lshewsky said getting approval “might be 3 .3 «
sibility 0“ the student for his own education." p 33 3 _ 3 3q . ‘ k a problem” due to a document recently 1
' Reward teachers 3 _ hours each 0‘ natural “.10an humanities released by the Senate (‘ouiicil It explains the
“I would also change the administrative structure so and 50031 and behaVioral SCIehCeS ‘0 F000”? ‘ V~ ‘
that teaching is adequately rewarded.“ The system here. a Bachelor of Arts of Bachelor of Science December action and states that the two «.3 3 .
and across the nation. rewards research,“ he said. degree. councils will require “clear and substantive i, 3 ‘
. The new secretary said students should be placed on the justification for adding HS VFW-“11.1““- i’l‘t“ '
Area Committees which are primarily responsible for Includes new degree Professional or Major requirements. areas or
‘- tenure and promotion. Hopson said students on the Their proposal includes a Bachelor 0f courses previously shown only in (it‘llt‘l‘ili V
committees should have more than an advisory capacity. Special studies degree for those who would Studies requirements.
3 ..“.0ps.0n replaces Dr. Staley Adams. chairman 0f the prefer to simply meet the present General "Hy such clear justification." tiie document
3 3 ( W” Engineering Department. 353 secretary. HOPSOH 5 studies requirement and complete 120 hours. stated. "we refer to one which alludes to the
term Of office expires Dec. 31‘ 1972' ()lshewsky said he supported ths plan utility and necessity of the desired 3
. becauseit would “let traditional degree stand i‘equireiiients in terms of the Major of l’l’ro-
and yet still offer alternative opportunities." tK‘SSiUnUl program." '
3 O O 0
Lexington voters M71” decrde
. _.
O O C '
Blac OllthlaIlS’ where t n 9 -
p . . 0 ow .
By KEITH BRUBAKER the schools are dilapidated, Harry Sykes. but that doesn‘t immeasurably. I don‘t think he needs. which is not true "
Kernel Staff Writer unemployment is high. and crime mean he‘ll neglect the black knows that yet....but some people “mm" ""“m”
Editors‘s N0“: Lexington is is public. For example. one can community. presume you have m be black m The WNW“ N” ‘lhlh' 41* clear
middle-America. It is located purchase heroin readily in any of ()f the black man Pettit says “I represent black people or to do as l’cttit would have one believe “sit 3
almost. but "0t quite. in the the ghettos. think he has been advanced proper things to answer their (‘ontinucd on Page 2. (‘ol. 1 3
Sflll‘h. It iS a three-hour plane When you have those problems
ride from New York and a five- you have poverty. People in 3 3 w. 3 3.33 33 3
‘ hour drive from Chicago. poverty are usually suppressed : ' ' ' i
.3 Lexington ""9" 3109553" far 335 to and fail to take control of their ‘ , ""- "
be a middle-sized A merican City. situation. ’ i:_ 3
Lexington is. simply, ;\ merica. Blacks form bloc 3% 3 . 3' I ' ~ - 4% 3313; " ‘
With all of America‘s publicized i .. M 3 3 ”3‘9”? 3 .
p re judices. this city almost In a “333.3 Lexington is (333.3 3 3 3 = 3 333333333 .3. .3
elected a black man as its mayor t't‘rcnt. In recent elections the .3 " “3 ‘ ‘
in the recent mayorality contest black voters have begun to come V g», ". 3.; = . 3 I l i t .1 i 31
i “1 N0Wmh‘“‘~ '97" out in force. They are voting in i Q1 V i .3333». i .
III “N‘Til'SU'l-i' ”WW I’ll” Series blocs and the local politicians are 3‘ E. @fié l ., ,. . _ _ -.
of black politics in Lexington. listening. _ Y e We 3 o" . l , I '
Keith liruhaker will attempt to 3 ~ ‘33 " . t | 33
1| hm" ”W impact 0" ih“ black elected mayor pro—tem two terms . ' ' " ~(5 5 5 1' 333. «3 .
mil" 0" politics in '3“\i"t1‘""- ago. The following term was an (i =- i g 1. y ' (5%“?
Lexington has several black otten~criticized city majority 3. H 2...; ~33 3 .13: A" 3 1 :15
five are known to most citizens of Tom l'nderwood. l'iiderwood ”My "flee” $35.3:
the city. There are l’rawltown. told the black community he V 43%;”? -~ Tl. .ga‘i’fifi“
the North Lime (lhetto. the would lower their taxes. in ers i '. i ’ g: wits .i
l)eWeese street ghetto. the cluding the sewer tax. They put ”’ ’ egg... »*§.~.§§‘>;
Jefferson Sti'eet-Newtown l’ike him into office. The taxes were ”i“ i' W‘ A” ' 93 '
ghetto and luhjwm3 There are lowered- .\fter being defeated twice at the polls last will run in the upcoming primary for the
about 30.000 blacks living in these Lexington‘s new ly elected year. Edgar Wallace is unsure ot his political lM-inocratic nomination for the Democratic
ghcttos. mayor. ll. Foster l’ettit. was “mm“ H" l“"“""”.\ 3* working in his in- Sixth congressional District.
The housing is substandard elected over black candidate suraiice business and has not decidcl if he
. - ‘

.\ .
Author alld historian l)r. He served as [CS aliihassador to history. His decision will depend
j llolliian Hamilton has been Spain during the Spanish (‘ivil upon how the research goeslnthe ..
I (tell lt‘p named the ('ollege ot’ .v\rts and \\:l1‘ and as allihassador to (‘hile l' S ‘
t Scielices‘s Distinguished tor H years. Dr llamllton replaces Wendell ..
l’rotessor. _ . [C_ Berry. all English professor. _ '
(‘omplction ot the book will as ”W Distinguishvd Pym-(5501.. § Q .4; " ‘
. h0n0r8‘ l1i'. Hamilton was elected to til”;illuuii‘ffixiit‘s:5::inls:::l‘:::: l)i', lllalililtoli4 Joined 12:55:: it" A N 2?
1 rec i've ' award bv his '* w '. ..‘ - ~. . . 11W“ [.V l” “’3 “5 a” i 5 i a. ' “"‘“
lacititv 11:11:11”)le and vy'iilll(i)<' “9W0” lite. l.)111‘lnghlh stud} professor and has held the 1%
released from his duties during M Bowel‘s‘ hfv.’ Dr. .H“”“1.“"‘ position 01. professor since 1964‘ “v
V the tall sememster at full pav. traveled to (hlle to interview .. . hon he i ”‘W
I< ' W. is‘ currently on Sabbatical persons who were familiar with Among the numt‘lous .1; -
U pro leave from the l:ni\'el‘sit\' and is Bowers and gained access to bestowed upon .ln‘ “(1111:1071 ~ . \i
o using his time to complete a new many of Bowers' manuscripts include his being namtd : §® a. t
' hook concerning the lifeof (‘l'lude and works. Guggenheim P 0110“ an ‘5.
‘ Fulbright scholar. 119 lb the
' me‘s' l)r Hamilton said he is author 01' mum b00k5~ ”‘05”5’
\ thinking about journeying to dealing With U-S- history. and ls
Bowers was a noted journalist London and Spain later this year the editor of several other DR. HOLMAN HAMILTON
’ and lecturer during the 1920‘s. to do intensive research on us, publications.
F l l 1)] k ' t t vote
‘ (‘ontinued from Page 1 come into his neighborhood. or the chairman does most of? for Sykes and 34 votes for Pettit; registered to vote. Will they
_ ‘ . f 0 r g e t i t _ . ,, the Chestnut Street Prec1nct—324 register to vote, or do they need
it to be. The November 1971 City Wallace disillusioned? work. d f P at . the to. to keep the black man in of.
commission election brought in Edgar Wallace who placed Potential is there for Sykes an. 3 0:60: 1's’ kes .
an all-white city government for fifth in the recent race for city . . Douglas precinctf. thor Jyl' flce? Will what happened in
. the first time in eight years. commissioner and then 'ran The questions remain unan- and 12 for Pettit. e uius Gary, Ind. or Cleveland happen
. . _ > ‘ swered. The vote otential is Marks prec1nct—274 10“ 0
Mayor elect Pettlt headed a unsuccessfullv forthe6th District . . p . . f p t’t' th here.
ticket oi‘five white men. He rana Congressional Seat vacated b there. The precmcts which have Sykes and 6 or . e ti , e It ,
campaign calculated to bring the the late John Watts seem: been organized in the past Walnut Street precm‘ct—-225 for liteepedrs to depend upon the
entire ticket into office and he disillusioned. v demonstrate that an organized Sykes and 6 for Pettit; and tfhe Pilitlicct?:s alone. The black
was successful. He said he is no longer sure black vote an be powerful. Those (S)h‘l(o (50‘:th pr;013?tt*315 0‘" p ‘ "S are being non-
, Was it racism in disguise or whether he will fonow up on his priilncltstwinttheavfly for Sykes y es an or e I ' committal for the first time in
was it truly a step forward? promise to run in the upcoming m e as eec ion. There are only 71 precincts in years, while the white politicians
‘ Local black politicians vary in primary for the Democractic Some of those precincts were: Lexington. The majority of are now talking in terms of the
their opinions. nomination for the 6th District the Alabama precinct-223 votes blacks in the city are not blaCk as a voter.
A black politician from West seat. He said. “rightnow I've got
Maxwell Street. a barber by a desk that’s piled sixinches high 0 l ’
profession. Johnny Jackson. with correspondences I should The news ln 0’“le . . .. .. _ _ . ;.:5.
seems unfavorable towards the have answered two weeks ago V V
all-white city government. this insurance business)—and .
Jackson wh0 almost defeated that‘s Numero Uno." A bipartisan effort to curb saying it plugged “only one hole D95?“ the large coverage. the
Pettit for the 53rd State House He continued. “Most of the presidential campaign spending in a sieve." counCll said the exemptions fall
‘ seat once tells reporters he won't people in my campaign are now Cleared Congress wedneSdaY- It The 16 . l t. 1 th 1925 Shortcf.d.econtr01. It Claimed that
comment on the matter over the working for the NAACP_ I is the firSt White House campaign , ng a 10-“ repea S e - competition from Cham Storés
. telephone. He says if someone became vice-chairman (of the spending ceiling in American corrupt pradctlces act], wl:clh and big landlords WOld restrain
wants to ulalk to him they can localNAACPl,on the assumption hiStOTY- fligrliclsavionm er more 00p' 09 the rise of prices and rents.
By a vote of 334 to 19 the House W
' S P R I N G R U S H . . . . . passed a Senate-approved WW Mostly cloudy and continued
. - . ’ compromisebill which restrictsa The Cost of Living Council mild Thursday through Friday
. ._ preSidential candidate’s radio- Wednesday exempted the with a chance of showers. Highs
a ' R EG I ST RATIO N TV ad budget to $8.4 million this nation‘s small retail stores and Thursday in the mid to upper 505.
fall. almost half of rental housing Lows Thursday night in the mid
Jan. 13 thru 20 The bill sets a formula limiting igirggges‘dem NM" 5 econom‘c :3: 5015“ “may m the 508 and
federal office seekers to 10 cents ' ' .
' ' ' .. a per eligible voter for all media
, Blazer. Donavan and Complex Spending with no more than 6 UK grad departments halt
(Iafeterias cents allowed for broadcast ..
advett‘smg- re uired forei n l
PreSident Nixon is expected to Eighteen de artments of th
Office Tower Room 561 257-2651 51g" the measure I“ .1970 .he UK Graduat: School hav: De‘p-artfnems no longer
vetoed an election spending bill, , requmnga foreign language are:
, - ‘r’éi‘t’i‘i’ffmé?i $535142??? S““‘°‘°gy~ Ge°graphy' PM“
5‘ macology. Toxicology, Social
PIZZA the mastev slevel. W k (‘l' . l N .. E
PIZZA The decision on the foreign toorrnol ’ mica F utrition, , n-
SANDWICH 5,..." u,” completely to the individual . M. “ '
' Ptain—Tomato8tCheese $1.10 $2.20 department. . :jsmlcaelOflS. High-er- and Adu“
SHOP ~. Bacon 1.35 280 BCSldeS the elghteen depart- J ucatlon‘ StatlStlcs‘- Plant
. ' ments dropping the language Pathology. Animal Selences,
| Phone 269-2 37 l 890 East High ‘ 1:210"? :55: :3: requirement completely. several Crop Science, Geology. Master of
room: no voul anon mu. IE nmvm alumni '5 Onion 1:35 2:60 3:29; departments are dropping Science in Library SCience~ .
"Not the Oldest Bu! "R 89"» CL», 6““ DELIVER [:2 Green Pepper 1.35 2.60 M Stugl;lr\::?:il:l t:2(§:;::t;1r::ts fifélth‘ .PhySIC‘a] Educatlon and
. Tl . W k. 9pc ial "75'5”" Sausage 1.35 2.60 (creatmn' PSyChOIOgy'
IIS (‘9 ' S k (' D 0 o
raft counselm available
x ) w 1 1 4 10" 15" . g '
bl 1“thqu DINNER M sm'" w” i)raft counselors for UK are (‘ivil Liberties Union (CKCLU)
Offer GOOd Anchoives $1.35 8:.60 being trained in Louisville under A symposium on tenure is also
‘ Thurs & Fri ¢ Combinationo:arw;wo..4. :2: 4:: :helalusriices Yof the Kentucky pianhed by the CKCLU for April
, - . *0 Comblmtiono ”W t” - - ‘V' 1‘ rty W110“ ‘0 eventually 8. said Corky Bryant. UniverSIty
__.._—— I Combination of any 5 Items 2.65 4.50 becomepart of a state-wide effort of Kentucky Civil Liberties Union
Ask about Lundy 5 iii? Combination ofanyGitems :2: 2053 {013:0de driift coufissling. interim president.
Combination of any 7items . . 0 COUHSC ors WI 0 able to Bryant said he m slum
SfUdenf [-0- Card ' SOVG Money! ., Extra Cheese .25 .50 ”913' mt experts in larger cities will consist of spéakerssyanfiolater
according to a (‘entral Kentucky evolve into workshops.
2—'l‘lll‘2 KENTl'(‘KY KENNEL, Thursday. January 20. 1972
x . .

 0 o
1 mg problems plague Kent k' t ff
Bytilthh HARTMANN law) and awards the contract to chance to approve the inn] the book ”1'” w-iy “ '
Assistant Managing Editor the low bidder. draft “ H‘he ) ' t-i . . t I i t‘ “hm tht' t’ttls “t‘l't‘ opened
Putting together a yearbook \' l- ' f loin u out seyeral tirecn said the contract should more problems aiose Tht hide
. . o )asis foi‘award errors. including one item which he ‘i\\ 'irded to tli . b it“ it , .. ' - A
always means hassles. Putting One problem lav in hacking out ' ~k. , t t i t m“ H ”mt“ MH- H‘mmvd with my grand 1
together the printing the final SpeClllCattions Scntt th «is (d the bidder to name three the cheapest basic run 'l‘hen. total separate from the pricing
| ‘3‘ 0 e -.-'. ,, ,, -.' .. , -_ '
Specifications for the 1972 Ken- companies for bids Green 'ind Lhiszsot pagu ht could List in the ‘ttl’t;ltllll:tI oln his budget and sheet. w hieh contained the
. -. . - . . . . ' . . .‘ ".‘t‘ 1911‘ were only two .tt‘in‘mo' sa es. Kielkoit c tild itibli.l s ' ; ‘h ~ .
what“? and getting the K't’lkt’pt mt’d'flEd the” original blanks t choose ‘lll\ ot the UplltiilN'Ulit ltlltl vi] ttltlht: it” ”pimm
u is m com ani . ‘ .---.. _ ‘ _ \ , H ~~ . . t . . t . ts in a seaet enveoie
:9th h g 'lp :5 t0 hltl 0" specifications once to sun Pur- lwo puhllglu-l's' agents con« wanted. l“!‘tilil the grand tot'ils it t '
ave ‘1 rea y PFOVlded chasmg, and were told they were tacted before the l 'd‘ xii-0mm, t t‘ .. l . . it . . . ., It ' tip-
plenty of trouble for the yearbook acceptable Nov 22 On Dec 1.} )1 5 “(to ~ . L o .iaty. atting all peaied laylor Publishing
staff . - '_ .. - opened agreed the specs were possible costs tttgethei‘ into a t'oinpany had the lowest bid but i
* . after three weeks of waiting for oor ,.. . . . ' h ' '
thi t b "I‘d G‘ .. . p ‘ - . . .. Litiml total gaye all the coin- when the llt‘llll/t‘tl pricing Sheet
Their problems began last mldmthzree £2121 Cun~0 LZZhS “f2: Ihe hentuckian statt also panics the same opportunity and was opened it turned out their
September, when Kentuckian award“ and the ” i'f'i't’ ‘ attacked the way the-contract made it possible to award the ‘grand total" was only the price “
editor Larry Kielkopf and . 1d h' b DP?“ ltd 10“ was awarded. Ihe imitation to contract to the lowest bidder ot the basic hook
Student Publications Advisor “0U th to e reworked. bid for the yearbook consisted 0." rather than negotiating with all of 'l‘hus 'l"iylor“ bid w i I - t i
v 1 s . - l . v 1 ~ ‘ . \ ‘ S “‘ ) . )
Nancy Green started drawing up Mary Grady. the Purchasing t“0 Part-V tht‘ 5P“Lb dhd t1 ”‘0'" ”h t‘t’t‘l‘} Upttotl ”W“ him‘ and the tit-\t lowest lillliltf ‘
specifications for the Ken- Division buyer who handled the ”C‘mttat't Pt‘lcmg sheet" “'hlt'h to hint“ it hit-“'15tth‘t‘ltitl‘tlt‘S.”5h“ l’tihlishine t‘oni )" t “i
tUCklan- Specs include the bidding and the speCificationS. “5th 230Pt10ltS. COlOI‘ pages and said. "Besides. none of them oiieiied lts "Hi“llltidtnf-il” “(If »
number of pages, type of cover, said she consulted with several spectalcosts.The bidders wereto knows what options Larry ”1M, 4. huh. with (N ““5 '
number of color pages, special PUbliShers in drawing up the final hSthhtht‘PI‘IClng sheet what they wants" ‘
printing effects, and type Sizes. ~ Specifications l“ order to be would .Chtéfjgt‘ for tat'h 0t .these Another problem arose in “will”? iall mt. SWIM pricing
‘ better aware of publishing options. a . 't tt’ the has” “mt getting the invitations to bid out i H t [5 1‘“ t” t)“ ”l’t’ttt‘tt. “lily one
Publishers bid for the yearbook conditions. tthe COSt ”t a loll-page black and For unknown reasons in'niv publisher had understood the
contract on the basis of these The final specifications were “'httt’ yearbooki and arrive at a arrived late. The bids were HNHMWIS and ”(MM up a "
Specificationssmce UK isastate mailed on Dec. 23. by the Pur- “grand total.“ opened Jan. 7. .-\lil('l‘lt"ill grand total. Tm “WNW Pur- V
institution, the bidding must be chasing .Division. No one on the 'l‘otalmeaningless Yearbook (‘oinpany got its notice thrilling had I” ”(W ”H ”m”
done through the UK purchasing Kentuckian knew for two weeks. “The grand total is too late to bid. Several publishers lit H1115 Hwnmihw “w mntht V "
DlVlSlon. It sends a final draft of Never saw them meaningless. Green said. “'itou were notified. only a tew days “1?“. 1“} “a”! it” t ‘n‘tgtm ”055'
H . ‘ eiiat; t.'- "-i "-
the SPGCIlltatlonS to at least ten I never saw them until Jan. can t Just add the base book and before then. tiut of ten publishers 'lll(l .l gr intt iii“! pint of 58.420
com anies (as re uired b ' " ' .. ' ' ~ . ,. L A ‘ t l i t H u U S ”'385'
P ‘1 y state 3, Green said. I never got a all the extras together and dttdl‘d notified. only live bid. ~
Delivery of the 1972 Kentuckian :
. . is set for Sept. 13. barring '
ettmg it together
ovenslms JoBs Hm -
O . . STl l)l~.\'l}\
Group out mes p an for elty, county police merger 33:52:92.; tittirtpz‘ta at: "
to 53.000 monthly Expenses ’
Y. . . . . V iiiiid. tw- tj ». g‘ h ' _ Y
A study released Dec. 29 by the department With .. a unified as to maintain continuity of (ounty Police Department 5:?" it‘f‘trrmjllon at???“ ,
Systems. Seience Development com‘r‘nand structure and Phase direction yet allow participation employees so they will be equal I.ST;:.';;,.‘I‘-it”gzl‘t‘.§ Hm W'l' ,
(‘orporation (SSDC) of McLean, 1“ starts Wlth the Operational by elected officials.“ With city employees. —-——-——————-——
Virginia outlined a three phase consolidation of the department,
program for the merger of the and ends when the merger is “The joint board‘s powers
Fayette County and Lexington functionally completed.“ should be clearly stated and '
City Police Departments, while The new police department, to limited to the duties specified in
Stating that the merger, once be called the Lexington‘ Ken- its establlShment. W'lth the un'
as quickly as is possible. Department. would be governed the board can aCt only when -
The study was done for the by a five member joint city- meeting as a board. and not as e m
Fiscal Court of Fayette County county board. ‘deldualS-" «
due to the impending Lexington- Two of the board members The SSDC also says that a . I I ,
Fayette County merger which would be chosen by the Mayor of "30"" f0ur-member city-countv W! e vens
will combine the two govern— Lexington with the consent of the civil service merit board should ! ‘
ments and make it necessary to city commission, two would be be established independent of the .
haveasingle metropolitan police chosen by the Fayette County City and the county. t0 be BP- 9 09 Ight
force. Fiscal Court Judge. and the fifth pointed in a nonpartisan manner I i
The three phase plan created by the Mayor with the consent of by the IlOlnt'boal'd." . -
by the SSDC would consist of the Judge. C l h b ‘ f. E “to erson
. Phase I, which would be Tokee th b d‘ ”1.10m y t e ehe ”S and ' ’
p e oar in control the ,
.. . b b '. salaries for the Lexmgton Citv I
commitment y 0th the Uty the SSDC report also states “the Police ')e 'irtinent are higher '
and the county to merge. and terms of the five members should t p t i I ouse
. . . . titan those for the P ayette ( ounty III ,
. ends With the effective date of the be for differing lengths of time so Police Department The report
mer er a reement." ast ‘ v . ‘ . ‘ . . . '
g g 0 be staggered m sum 3 way urges immediate raising of '
Phase 11 “starts with the ef— 1.,» i _4 _ - ,
fective date of the merger 5 LATE snow "u our ‘No ' alld 98! paid for!!- —— "
agreement and ends with the l‘3°'3’3°'5‘3°’”°":45 ' ' ' H
o erational consolidation of the )7" " _, I New) <1 tft‘kit. I“ ’l‘ttiILLZ‘,’ t t: “v;
p . - A: ‘l' - " ' . ALBERTR'BRDCCUU Cozy trio" M .. I ., . "W, ... ,‘ .
two departments into a new ’3“: I. ‘9ng MHARRYSALTZMAN ‘l “I l t .. :' t ' None 1 .
I7“ 4 .3“ (t Page,“ - Havens Trxoe l‘wi i‘~il’t.’.T Kr. ‘ Kant fit-r‘ :. ::.i t
if :i’ ‘ -- I, _ e 5e an lilt‘tlltllf tine Ami the :0 itl‘; i 9.1."; z :5 LC‘ II‘.
W e goo e ‘ t Connegy
. 41,. :_. .5 i as ' - ' 'Wero ’1 till 10 {I‘IILC‘II ii :;,_.-_._ ‘ ::.t 1' I" '
in the Jan. 19 issue an addition -..I,‘. 1‘ .539” an d 0075:!"b nee on ti tattess, .0 {Dig}! .2 .t :1 ::.’:rp
to the Student Health Insurance 3‘}: t§ .. *3 '- n ‘ . Ethnic?! or .zotitCt represent itt'm _ r. ;: :: 1:.3; 1;;
story was inadvertantly left out. :ch ’fir“ 9:2") I‘ \_ §3I " - tnlAN FLEMING‘S We have (I tzir out toilet of Cj-ct71fxr: : irt; is lit; -
_~ , . , ~ - '.r / g f" _; iti:;ttC sounds and ch; *txqwn-r ~ ~,
Students who were. deliquent in I”; I , h‘ nlamonds “ , M , .7 , it t t.. t . . g , '
' PHYing insurance fees last fall . S is? l‘ t: 1‘ ‘L ‘n‘9 10de f‘ 1511?th 34W.” Iii”! am 1'7
are being allowed to sign a \< ' f t“- . ‘ ‘f Ale . " mp about it, don t hang back This; :3.