xt7sf7667060 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sf7667060/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19110126 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 19, January 26, 1911 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 19, January 26, 1911 1911 2015 true xt7sf7667060 section xt7sf7667060  
 ;,_..,.._._.,___ ____,___,____. ____ _,_,__,_, , ,__,_  
‘l` H E I D E A  
- N
I "i Vol. III LEXINGTON, KY., jANUARY 26, 1911 No. 20  
_         rison missed 1, Maiden 2, missed 8, ferson, of Transylvania Vniversity,
-——- -——— awarded 1. ilton of State University, Prof. Jet`-
_ GAME RATHER ONE-SIDED. KENTUCKY DEFEATED BY HER Referee-Cruise Y. M C. A. Prof. Jamison, of State University.
' —— OLD mvA|_S_ Umpire--Guyn, High School. They complimented the speakers
Wilson Stars For Profa. Timers-—Mi\es, Snyder. highly on their splcntlut delivery.
——- Scorer- Becker. The gold medal is known as the
On the 18th of this month the fag- Tramywama Tum a S°"p"I'°' _ _______,_•,,____.._ Crum Medal in honor of Mr. Crum
g ulty five tried to play a game of bag- j ;;· · _ who left an endowment fund of ($50•_»)
ket ball with the Varsity, and they The above head-line indicates the c0Nc·P’   five hundred dollars of which the in-
nearly succeeded. The Profs. had not feeling with which many State sup- GLEE AND MANpg|_|N c|_U35 1Q terest on this sum purchases the
practiced very much together and porters left the Armory on last Fri- GN; SECOND cgNcER1· |N medal every year. The medal is a
I hence their lack of team work. Prof. day night. It all happened so quickly vERgA||_LEs_ beautiful design and is inlaid with a
Wilson gave an excellent exhibition that it was hard to realize that our ___ small diamond making it an attractive
_ of guarding in the first half and when fellows had been beaten. At the end GO Under the Auspiccs of y_ M_ g_ A_ piece of workmanship.
  he was injured the team work of the of the rirst half State was in the Last December the Glee and Alamo. ._.....,,,.,t.
  instructors fell down considerably. lead and they appeared to be homing ml Club Opened their Season in vm-. sw5E·r|_ANp·s HEALTH
Downing was the main factor for the their own games and after giving 41 successful BAD; MAY gun- Jgg
Profs, that is in the scoring. He made In the second half State still main- Ccncem they were asked to play ag ,.6-
al lthe points for the faculty, which tained the lead until about the last mm engagement Some time in Jan- "”"“'
consisted of one point due to a foul few minutes of play, when in the um,y_ F0,-mer gmc and wha, coach May
by the Varsity. twinkling of an eye, Transylvania The y_ M_ C_ A_ has und€rtak€.,, to Leave the Wisconsin crew
The Varsity played a rather smooth forged ahead and nosed us out of a manage the affair and its Success is
game. The first and second team, victory bythe score of 23 to 18. ,,6 _ The concert wm be ism _ _ T" ’
playing the mt and second hams, T.-mytvam had much better mm ?§S[§,8dAud,,0,,um of ,,,6 Y_ M_   A_ Hb MM Sm? COACHIML
developed some good team work and work than our men and they were on the evenmg of January 2; The -———--
the guarding had also improved COB- better on goal throwing. Kentucky members of the clubs wm leave OD Physician Wants Him to Take Vaca-
Sid°mb]Y· The mw] S°°r° was 50 t° Seemed to lack m mum w°rk as they the six o’clock car for Versailles and tion From AU Work-
1 and thi! faculty iii D¤`0\1d D0S¤€88i0I1 followed the ball too much and did not ii is important that an be there as
of the one point. do enough guarding. It is very dis- the next Cm, wm not mach Versailles A d__ { I f. “ d_ wi V
Line-up. couraging to a coach to lose the first in time fm, the concert {Wa C ‘_ ‘°'“ - *1 ‘?"“· _S·· *9*
Varsity pmf8_ two games, but let us show our ap- ;F:‘¤`¢li> ;`0l1;{&¤11`e<1 the information that
Mm, Farmer ...... . Sm-, Gilbert ¤¤—¤—¤a¤¤¤ or his   by ¤¤¤¤¤g out PATTERSON LITERARY Swan.     1 ?`T°"?*‘?‘“‘ “"‘T "*“ """
Left F0I·wm·d_ to see the games. If there is any 51319 lill\9·lSl1) ot kentucky amt la;-
Strueing, Hart ...... . .... ...Ke11y 0H€* in $@001 who think they can N. W. Utley. Jr., Winner. QI _b€gun_ ms duugsflé coéch Qt T8
Right Fm·wm·d_ play basket ball at all, why come out. ___ ¥‘0“it1g Qléu at the trnwersnty ot \\1s-
Beatty, Harrison .... . ...., Downing You may not make the (Gam this Wai`, The annual declamatory contest of "°“°_'“• ‘S *11 and M11 not bé 81*19 to
Cgntgtg but you will be better DI‘€D81‘€d HGH the Patterson Literary Society was wrttluue {S coach of the Badgers-
Carnpbell, Iuelton I-...Wi1S0n’ Sphar year.   in the State lvniversity chapel (»O§(`h bY1'€€tl8.Ild   1)€'t)`1 " `(1(%l'Qd
Left Guard. For Transylvania, Fl‘8¤CiS Played Friday evening, January 20, 1911, ar-tl PY hts Physicians Y0 EWG up all coavh-
Gaiser, Preston   ...... Schnaitter the best game by fm`- M¤id€¤ wd Mr. N. W. Utley, Jr., the winner of the mg my at least fi $98**011-
Right Guard. Foster showed up WGH. contest was awarded the "Gold TP9 despatch trvm W1S€`0¤Si¤ WHS
Barnett——Referee. For Kentucky, Harrison did V€¥`Y 1\Iedal." He is a Junior in the Col- as t0u0“`S?
—-——---•·•-»——··-—- good work especially ill goal lhI‘0WiIlg- lege of L3,w_ and his Subject was; MTXDISON. \V1S., Jan. 1T,—Th9 ['ni-
Miss Addie Dean was tha guest of Hart was a. little off ill throwing "'l‘he New South." He showed train- VGVSUY of “'iS€0¤Si11 l‘1'€\\' has re-
Miss   DG Jarnett in Paris from fouls,   can bg ygmgdi3d_   ing and his gestures and positions on Ceived “'0rd   E.   S“'€*Ptl8,]ld’ the
Friday tc l“0YldU·Y· •*_]8_kg" played 3 very hard gamé 8.Hd (hg Stagg wgrg pgpfgcp being an at- ‘Qwly'a·pDOint€‘d CVGW £O8.C1l, \\'O\1Id
"‘*‘°'°'°""" guarded well. tractive declaimer and mastering his um be able to ?"“'“ai“ "€""* this Sm;
Miss Hubye Fleming spent the Unewp. Subject admirably. SOIL
weekend at Patterson Han with Kentucky 'I`fal1S>'lV8¤i¤ The contestants were G. L`. Routt, Hm PhYS“"a“S l‘a"" f‘“`bidd€“ him
Mises Bess Hayden and M¤¤‘i¤¤ Jvhu- Hm ______   ____   ___M,,,d€,, N_ “-_ lytlcy, W_ PG,.k,,,.,_ am-, C I, to do any t·oat·mhg this season, and it
sou' Right Forward. Wilson. Their subjects were well se- l”`°babl$; will be s°‘“'$‘ time b°‘f°*`° Di;
There was a young lady from Siam, Marx ......... . ·.·-- ·-~G- 'l`i¤Sl¢‘Y lected and presented wi·n t·o:·.sider- "*°"*°" l‘·m"" S€’*`“""S a Substitute *0
Said unto hm. [Oven ··y0ung Hmm, Left Forward. able skill. They showe.1 nnnvh ml- mk? his pl‘“"’·’L"Xi“g“)“ Herald-
lf you kiss me, of course Harrison ...... . ..... . ..... Francis ent and hard training and abme ull, it -————••-•-l-—
You wm have to use gm·c6_ Center. is a credit to have such talented s• ¤· AU- PROV'DED·
But God knows you are stronger than Gaiser, Preston ...... . .. .. .Foster dents of the State University to come ···i
l&m_·· mgm Guard. before the pl1b11C and uisplny their Mrs. X tuwuy from 1¤<>¤w>—J¤h¤¤.
, Campbell .....   ...... H. 'Finsley ability in the at-t or txemanmng. did you leave out anything for the
Why is a fat woman crossing the Left Guard. 'I‘he contest was presiue·rl over by WV b€f0¥`*‘ we Started?
street on a rainy day in front of a Goals-—Marx, 2; Harrison, 3; Camp- E. F. Worthington, px·esit1’¤= college soooss from all ooo. tho sous- MILLINERY. .‘ t .
COI; S_ Lime am] Colfax Sts "(lov. Manship appeared at the Audito- try in Om. reading mom here at wss  
  rium before an audience of nine thou- lsyss but mms Of them srs bsttsr FOR ‘ 
EVERYTHING FQR TIE Sa;]dHp°°;)l3‘i His “2;t°h“Xs°;Fnt€°rl·g than the Idea for real college news.  
KODAK! S9 le u ence W} ‘ W°u ln addition to this, we cannot read '· 
D I _ d P _ t_ happen here at Lexington if we could the mss sud not catch ssms of its   and    
wc °pmg an rm mg' get an audience of even one thousand smh . ~ _ ‘l-*
_ usiasm for the advancement of Full I- Y D- 1  
Lexington Photo Supply co. $19 lim *0_¤·%_s€<=t¤f?thT¤jsD€¤;$i State University. it makes oss feel *“’° * °W °“ isp ay [  
Over Kirby’s Ten Cent Store lmes Says On' u Gr ans 1p’ that he would like to belong to such ·c
the famous artist of the South enter- . E Y { F
_ ’ a student body. Then, too, 1t always      
Him? (me Of the lslrgest audiences creates a desire in a fellow to put •  .»
Amgggj iii.  ° i ° _S°”°“· ‘“°V “g *° *°“”;_ °" forth his best efforts in whatever col- Main Street East. I
_ _ convulsing with laughter at will. legs hs may bs Though a student  
ick CRPJAM PARLOR Thus dozens of this same character at wsslsyss 1 swatch for ths mss ___;_....___________ Q Ti 
, •.
AND LUNCH STAND :*8* be s°“°;°"·l M’· ;“°“s;"" b‘”;“§“ with almost as tnnon interest ss 1 do   s·
South Lime and \\`inslow soon. ““‘““ °“"S "°“°’ °g° " ““ “ for on- own ooooo. and rejoice in no ··—········—····*'? » l
_ I Spoken °f as mrhe soul of humor who victories of your football team and  
n krwfvsithe Sathgag thatkais to ivilry your other athletic victories almost ’ _ i 
J- v- FITZGERALD Sim 9 D t 6 S a owy Jung QB 0 u` as much as if l were one of you. ' ·
man nature; he knows the hiding As a leopard cannot change his Y
PLUMBING places of the hearty laugh, and he . [ f
, spots neither can a true Kentuckian . ~
Steam 8.Ild Water Heatmg will take you through the scented shssss his loss for ms dsss Old Sssts _ l '
269 W· Sh°l't · · L°Xi¤gt0¤ KY- lanes of other times that lead back therefore I am with you in spirit if Our Semi-Annual Cut  
  :0 ?l:avg“siD¥S’ From the Big House not in acts, for a better, greater, and Pl'lC€ S8I€ is HOW going A 
o e a n. · »
more progressive Kentucky through • · · i ,
KINKEAD COAL COMPANY _..._...,.........— State University. Thanking you for on In Furnlshlng Goods 1  
OTFICE and YARD- ENCOURAGEMENT FROM ABROAD the pleasure which you have afforded and Hats, i ?
N0_ 157 N_ Broadway. ' me through the Idea and wishing you i i
nA1LnoAh vanp-c. s, rroignt ps. Wesleyzsn Univ:-gsity, J lr 1911 '“° bm °f ““°;’:s;l;l*;‘€ f‘““‘"°· I am GR ADDYQ BRADLEY ¢ * 
pot, S. Broadway and Christy Sts. Mldd "mw“· °““·· an "· · Z · V 
Editor st, [dsa, Ksstssky Stats Uss Tl-IOS. A. WOOD. 140 W6815 Miam St.
" versity, Lexington, Ky.: ‘-"‘_ "' "'_"—""‘j"‘;""“"“'  'V
. ¤;.- .   A ·, Dear Editor:—-Being a Kentuckian lt is needless to say that the Idea {
FIII6 clfldlbi s I . t di th s . , f I f s i d JUST RECEIVED! A
W natura y am interes e n e ear, is gra e u or .1e encourag ng wor s
’ old State and everything that tends from one who understands, and who, . - ·
a shipment ot
119 South U s St to advance her. Now , one of the although in another State with other
L _ t pp r ‘ most important factors interested in interests to engage his attention, still WHITMAN’S
umg on' ' ` ` ` Kentucky her advancement today, I consider to has the welfare of his native State ·· _ . _
s____________ _ lhe Best Chocolates and
•-'*"** be State University. It is there that; at heart. We can not better comment C f _
J M   h leaders are being and will be train- upon this article, than by quoting on ectmnb Mud°‘
° ’ g ed to lead Kentucky to the forefront from the address of (lol. llenry Wat-
in all advancements of civilization. terson, delivered in Louisville, Ky.,     CO_
B t. Already her colleges of agriculture during llon1e—Uoming Week, 1906: Pharmacists
Pu   and mining are winning a reputation "Uuce a Keutuckian, always a Ken- N W C M , _
for themselves beyond the boundrles tuckian. From the cradle to the ‘ ' og sham iild Lung
306 HOITICK Indie Buildimt. of the State, while her academic de- grave, the arms of the mother-land, 0 P (m8—1"3‘ I

 · l
T I1 E I IJ lj A
`1 ——-—---.....~...—-.........--.- stretched forth in. mother-love·—the
_ A Penny Saved bosom of the mother-land, immortal
as the ages, yet mortal in maternal
l A Is a Penny Mad; affections, warmed by the rich, red
blood of Virginia the voice of the A
r W, (ml mw you many P,,,,,l,_, motlterland, reaching the farthest
l t lwumn ou corners of the earth in tones of heav- .. g_
l‘ i. } g j (lily music, summon the errant to the     _ _
` .   P   roof-tree‘s shade and bid the wanderer y   The World’s Standard. Tone
. O
. l E Z¢7°7Z€ Drug homt. What wanderer yet was ever {  J clear, mellow and very pow-
i   , I lothe to come? Whether upon the   • erful. Absolutely perfect in
. C0. j` heights of fortune and fame, or down   . _ o   scale. Finest workmanship.
l   amid the shadows of the valley of I       Prices from $15 upward. lm
ll-· sm;} af death and despair, the true Kentuck- ` {   ·5`7` S¢¤d f0!'1u\18t!'8t¢d CMB- {bja
_.·· ,9 ,· •
ll. . ian, seeing the shining eyes and hear- l     log to the makers.    
,       ing the mother call, sends back the 1 __   |"¤r••lebvi;l1l;¤;l;;:;r¤¤•1cdcnlenl  
Y l ns verin refrain: ’·     “ l/
SOA PS E ` ,g y .  lf LYON & HEALY l »
Where er I roam, whatever realm I 1   ll. ll. __ l » ··ll
‘ —" / (95) Q     / W]
l. PERFUMES SEQ,       ,   , ` /   l
·     My heart, untraveled, fondly turns to       · /   ~   ~  
. ‘,· o n   _ _ \···‘:?'¤·i°’_·.· `,..•—•_,_____£:_;._:,: ( ‘· ‘i
AT tosr """’· / _ '      gz  ll r
  *""*" \ _   ` Mfftjgyygf; ” 2 *4 j
·l THE TAU BETA Pl DANCE. ‘ ‘·     - =·—- r· · ·
  The Fest Hot Chaco/ate zn —···
’ th Cit The Kentucky Alpha chapter of the
lla e y honorary engineering fraternity, Tau MAKERS OF LYON AND HEALY PIANO
ll? _____ Beta Pi, will give its annual dance ln
g I the gymnasium, Friday evening, Feb-
r·‘’- Z • ruary thc third. The dance is given POPULAR STUDENT LEAVE;  
        0, in honor of the Junior engineers who __  
  l o o have been elected to represent their POLK THRELKELD WITHDRAWS
rl 1Ph0ne1.>4 Your }\'ear¢·,v1'Drug swim class in the fraternity. These men W t 1 t _ I tt
Q   will be announced and pledged at the FROM THE UNH/ERS|TY‘ an S icuii D; ur; Smcg you Q.
i   termination of the grand march, which —-— l Omg- O OBS you
3 ‘. tl · y . v · · . . ‘
ll P E E R I E S S lslto Je led. by lr Benltolhns, the Wm Dcvctc Tlmc to Farming. l  
  president of the thapter, and Miss -·-
I} lhssie Hayden. ····‘ · CALL AT
li L A U N D   Y A “‘"""" ¤ee1¤f·‘i~el¤·r exim i““°“g Polk 'l`llrell·~l =lh—·. I _ _
at i nrc tase _ exft neon tue optt eil Y lolll WEST MAIN ST. hw Phono wooo
PRINTING sENloR-l=Acnl_·l-Y FASKE1- BALL ll»1‘eii—el*l <‘<>liieS ireili \\e1yei‘l>’. L.._..... ..4..---
l GAME. Kentucky, and is a member of the Phi
l . M   G & C llelta Theta fraternity and the Mystic  
I l C     0° _ U _ V Thirteen. For the past two years he
l ‘“°°°"°°"‘“"" lllillltllludiifillllHi,i—`lll,`l.l;n`;[11ilu?Q`? H".? me i*‘e>’*‘<>¤1»¤ii QVER ,5 YEAR,.
ll _ 7 _ of ‘ "‘ ° ‘ I _ ‘“ ‘ 'm°"· team. and when it came to line plung- EXPERIENCE
7 I\°· 102 nest Mem Street Inu ile rlleeil tl mium OI blusket bell ing, he was the most ferocious "wild
`or llc c iampionsiip of Ile school. . ·· , . . .· ,
i l' i»e><1¤g1<>¤· Ky' '|`hc contest·ints will be tl — Seniirs (at ml [iu wami Lam bmlui he
‘ 1 “ ‘ “ was Captain of the track team and has
.   mill l"i1<‘11l¤>’· lt is 21 well kiieirii inet l·..l,.all»liil· wml ills   lll lilo l`;llf
l l 1 tl::1t the faculty can easily handle the llllll,_ llasl yeal. ho, llllllpll gllalll Oll
_ ’· Leonar Ote V*‘*`*l‘>` mid ll*" S‘““l""S l‘“"° “°"""` the basket ball 16*3111 and a had ankle T°‘g°:,:!l::K°
ll B b   lkililtql delteat. \\ithobut a doubt this has llolll llllll l,lll of l,l.fll.lll.o, lllls 1 sonmcwrs &c·
1 > s···z   >~ ·   . ,,,, _ 4 a l
  3.1‘ Cf op §~ l >< toll l.lclttgt.l tsl, Illobt evil stlllllll. lllSI‘l5‘}“l‘3llE-‘Zl'2l..lll‘§.Fl"$l$ll.?.'.'."ll§§°§Jl.i.’l‘lI2ll"l'i5
l o l o mg and ll1le1—&·1l11i¢. é1i1111€‘ ot 1l1€ >'<‘f11‘- His loss will be keenly felt in col- ;I|iY[$;l;:?:é[;;{?(Ili1kt;t5léi§irl;'?f(i;Kh`8%cd0R·(;l|Ill?::‘l$g`£`£
. The only hrst class shop in Lexington tome out, all ye students, and watch logo llllll llllllelll. l.ll.l.ll,S and ll is ¤1‘{llu1;§?i olllm; txglla;llo;l?ll=:rl:aC%¤1:$L?l.'•
Yale Pompadonra specialty. your dear profs. get theirs. Read the lllllll l.l.gl.l,l llllll we Seo. llllll go ·l-lll, •wviull10¢ice. wlthouccbarsa. lutlie `
, B_ FO'[`$QH_ Proprietor ltttc-up and see if you 1*2111 llolil >’U111'· "ldea" joins with the Studellt l1or:1lt5‘ and nlumnae 0 · They Seem to take their gage, [_
  . ··i·_ $SS\l(‘\€’ _
“*‘“,.""2ii Wi. ‘l‘§a$”"il2'J‘h‘i2"1"’0“b‘§`§£é`€. T2?gh-2‘¥i§£S.?311.~.i?.T"¤.»..·. of 1{,mm.~1.,~. ”Ihey do 11 by degrees. _  
gsrmxllfiglctiiéyi-ii»`it gives items of interest concering other universmes and __C0]umb|a Jestmg .
colleges in the l'nite—d States and Canada. h _____•++_____ U }·
  NEVER AGAIN, IS NOW Going 0,, ~
Entm»p(] ag Lexington Post Omceus SQCOHJ CIIISS Thai] l'l'\3.U€¥`. _____
, , Once on a time I sought to woo At %
WILL H. TO\\l\SEND, P·dit0!`·I11-(~hi€Y· Asqiqtlmt Editor A girl who wom a number two;   .
R “'· T‘NS[’m ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`‘ "°‘§Z,§§Z§ZZZZZZZZZZ"ffZjfZ..'.`."ZZZZIII. Aliiimc mimi Hm- father wom a number ten-
F· L· MARX ’'''''''`` ` ''``` Assistant Athletic Edlotr .
E. L. BEGKER ........ . ..................... . ......,. I never Called On hm, again N
  C. EBBERT, Business Manager .
F. L. MARX, Asst. Business Manager. J. B. bAI\D¤Rb, Asst. Adw. Mgr. E
THEO, SLADE, Advertising Manager. W. A. LURITX. Asst. Sub. Mgr.   0
· ·v · ‘ ‘ KOHN Asst. Sub. Mgr. ll r P C , -
\t. L. DO\\h1I\G, Subscrnptiou Mgr. E. J. , 0 S _  
  ]n;·;1rp(1rn,L•*0;1 thé m;I1;]S Oi Y}1€1¤' uate the co11testa11ts. Hut after al], tjt]C(] fg sgml FRE E of tuition, ‘ 1
ut en s 1e 11111101* ance 0 t ’a ' . . 1 · . .. . , __ . . . . ·.
bmmlheq of athletics and i;`€;€;0?; athlctus octum a plate ot IlllIlOI` miitpimilatioti, ]ztbOl‘£lt0I‘Yfi¤t1 0th‘     .
` . . . "“i’°"‘*“""’ '“ °°U°¤€- “‘hiI<‘ Some er fees one or more appomtees. i  
th· t‘ll]lUl`(ll s1de ot their activities. Othel. Sludem activities, dramamn lit- Y\_€’qmr ex cnges moderate  
Few students do not apply themselves Mar`, nmsiwl an] __ _. I . .   LL   Y, ` p `. ` t. ` 5 * fl
to study of the regular work, but how I " _ ( °]‘”uOI“a* "“’ m` I·or full 111for111:1t1o11 regz1rd1n}z C . 1;
O `( ' · ° X . , V ·· 7 ~ v ·.
man} bl'8ll(‘]l out into the fields of wJmm€nU` appolntmm Courwh Of html}, cost 1 9
letters. arf, music, and oratory? How 1**** ¥"€3i€S¥ 11990 of the college of htlflrtl. et.0.,`:1ppIyvto `   for the (henuine f
many are sincerely interested in any 5 udent today is I`O!` }0|`t€<·1‘ aims and 'rAT\I}"S     [IIT?  
.,,— .h.... 1.,,. .1,. ...1.., .,1 ,....1, 1.....1.   ..mm110.1S. 81.1.     tc M'"i°.§§;YO€1e"$&t· —'_1"_"i' 1 ? 
letitual lfiillllllg? some extent the result of l131‘1‘0\\' and 4 A I ’ V i       i Q
I. 7 ‘ f · · ° · ‘ ‘ » , 1  
V   lSS&t‘U`21.· ` · ‘
_ _ . 1 ,· -. ., - ,. N· l B k ·
[HITS be made, where will tl1e cause dun 0m.°m to bg MNH mmf hbmty lf You \\"lllt C c§Jgd“er yhglgi $0lgYa&ON N
» · L
be found to lie? lsit that the Al]l(3l’l· O1 S°"w°U°" and a g"°m“` SCOPE Of 0 '
van youth of today are naturally lazy kiluiiiiblfé Sil1u¤¤· mt-11911 to all mm is t1eS1g11et1 to <·ul- _  
try no doubt are surrounded with an . -   8 R C
t1vate and broaden Blld rehne. As · ·
aIIu0SI)h(ll·e as artistir as “·i]l be I I · d     0.        
found 8.ll)'\\'h(·’l‘(?, but is this true of ]0m" ab bmh [Hm"’b me (oubldut   I*I‘€nCh Drip COHGG, OYSQGPS lilly
tl1e ave1·ag1· AIl}¢*l‘i(‘&Il college, where Suitable OUIY Y0" the f°“'· just so long Style ut ii m0m€nt,S notice- The
the great inases of the youth receive 1··ill our standard fail to be what it only f1I'Sf.-Class Lunch Col1I1t8l‘ 111
Ill8il' higher training'? lt is not the Should Um- Country is gym- calling UU only Tlmt Kind She S0l;t·h_ Glad of the city- Open
*, . . . V . » ·' · (     .
{I" b€[;€l[:m9b IT theme in (§alt“t];2 for 11obler and better men. Let 1t be ay 8 "
ut w1t 1 1088 1a mos a ec 1
public at large 11.., 11.11..11.).1 or me cmneges to me W. S. BRADLEY
` . ,0m ` 'V l'
ls there really something funda- that call.     (1 QP Mill and BOI! 3
l 1

 TI! E II) l·,` A O
I )) (
...~ I  
§ · I •  
_ I with the in li. {Hunts
D  · I
k f .
THE PASSING OF THE BUGLE. And honor's scrall records their name
-—- \\`l1irh dint oblivion ne'er can claim I
'l`he soundini: buiile now has blown talnily sleep • ·
I Its last familiar peals; Kt-utucky's brave
I :I;I tp' I No more shall warn The lazy drone
I I': ‘ To ll8Sl€ll to his meals- l`pon it lonely mountain side  
-’ 'I   (tit is a grave I
• l fc`? lts clarion voice shall i1¤*I'*lFl*llllV‘> L"-; \\'il(?l'§‘ sleep bentath the shadows’
I =l Disturb the peaceful Sl€t·<·<‘t‘S Su·'>¥`<‘ glide ·
Or cause a troubled smh. Ami Willows. Wave I Q
        l{eutuclJ· ver cease
In Neat Dreggy Blacks, I HI" l>d>~—-ul: }<’2U'S with rutliless li·_i·ti Kt_ml_l_k\,.s bl.u\,\_ BASE BALL GOODS,
I — t iv one across the strand by II_ _ _ I _ II -_,.I . I ll 3.11
' -,-1.,,,, I " "l¤‘ eu the tliiiiss we site in tears A ( ` itmnit-tas t»t-w··- FLAGS'
  l’r we lamps to light lit`e's darkness. I ` ` e\\· II Q II
  500 Fine Silk rOur-i¤-nam1s I __ I PILLOW OOVLRS»
I · 11* thou content thv work is done I
I OW L ‘ 4
I _ R€gular§0§.Qual;ty° N Nor lose t