xt7sf7667733 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sf7667733/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-10-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 30, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 30, 2002 2002 2002-10-30 2020 true xt7sf7667733 section xt7sf7667733 UK goliers are driving for tournament wins I PAGE 3




October 30, 2002


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Provost named, process criticized

Controversy: Acting Provost Mike Nietzel will fill the post permanently.
though critic says the search committee bypassed criteria in the search process

By Rebecca Neal

Acting Provost Mike Nietzel was named
provost at the UK Board of Trustees meeting
Tuesday Questions have already been raised
about the legitimacy of his selection.

The provost serves as the chief academic
officer and oversees the deans of the universi-
ty‘s colleges and academic student affairs such
as the library system. International Affairs
and the Graduate School.

While top administrators laud Nietzel for

his work as the second-incommand under
President Lee Todd. at least one faculty mem-
ber voiced concerns about Nietzel‘s selection.

“I‘m disappointed not with the person.
but with the process." said Jeff Dembo. the
chair of the University Senate.

Dembo said he felt the search committee
had violated criteria made at previous meet-
ings. He said he was disappointed that no can-
didates were brought to tour campus and meet
with faculty. staff and students an act he
said contradicted guidelines set at search com-
mittee meetings.

Todd said that no candidates visited UK
but that visits might not have changed Nief
zel's appointment.

“We still could have had the same result.
regardless.“ Todd said.

N ietzel. who was appointed by Todd when
the provost position was created in July 2001.
originally said he was not interested in apply—
ing for the permanent position. then declared
his candidacy in the spring. N ietzel was the
dean of the Graduate School before being
named acting provost.

At the meeting Tuesday Todd said Nietzel
has served UK well as acting provost.

“Nietzel has the experience and proven
leadership for this position." he said.

After the appointment was approved. N iet-

zel thanked Todd.

“He took a risk on me.
and I'm glad he gave me this
chance again." Nietzel said.

Some professors were
pleased with Nietzel‘s ap-

“I‘m delighted to hear
about his apmintment. and I
think he will make a terrific
provost." said Patricia Coop-
er. a history and women‘s
studies professor.

However. Dembo said he
felt the committee had made
misleading statements and had not followed

See PROVOST on 2



A day in the life

Campaigning: Interns on opposite sides of Lexington’s mayoral race
contribute time and energy, find excitement in politics


Board of Trustees
names research VP,
approves new college

Changes: Baldwin says UK has potential for growth
through research; College of Design to be formed

By Rebecca ileal




Winning ways
Jennifer Spalding, a political science senior and intern tor Teresa
Isaac, places a campaign sign In a supporter's yard.

Lights, camera, action: Intern says she blew
leaves on Isaac for campaign TV advertisement



With a five~pound Lexington phone book and a cell
phone in hand. Jennifer Spalding spends her days traveling
for hours to put up the road signs strewn all over the back-
seat of her car. Though she sometimes works more than 30
hours a week and does not get paid. she says she loves every
minute of it.

Spalding. a political science senior. said she could not
think of a better way to spend her time. As a student intern.
she works for Lexington mayoral candidate Teresa Isaac in
her campaign.

“It‘s the most fun thing people can do to make a differ~
ence.“ Spalding said. “You get to be a real part of some»

Spalding got involved in the lsaac campaign during the
primaries earlier this year. This is her second internship
with a politician — she worked for State Representative Ruth
Anne Palumbo in Frankfort last year

“Basically. the best way to learn how to help run a cam-
paign is to help run a campaign,“ Spalding said. “There is a
lot you just can't learn in a book."

For Isaac‘s campaign. Spalding works out of the cam
paign headquarters — part of an office that has been con-
verted for the campaign. The room is small with a few tables
and supplies scattered around.

“We all fight over chairs and pens. but it‘s more fun this
way." Spalding said.

To satisfy her internship requirements. Spalding must
work on the campaign at least 20 hours each week. but she
said she sometimes works every day for up to six hours.

“It‘s a lot of hard work. but it's completely worth it be-
cause I think the biggest thing in politics is getting the right
people elected.“ she said.

Ian Jefferies. the campaign finance director for the Isaac
campaign. said Spalding has been dedicated enough to her
job to even put up signs in the rain.

“She is always willing to do whatever we need her to
do.“ Jefferies said. “She never complains.“

' See ISAAC on 2




Winning ways
Ryan Watts, a political science senior and intern for Scott Crosbie,
gestures to one of his coworkers while on the phone.

Serious commitment: Crosbie intern ‘risked' life
putting up banner on a ladder a during rainstorm


SENIOR snrr more

When political science senior Ryan Watts began working
as an intern for Scott Crosbie in March of 2002. he found
himself faced with more work than he expected.

“I didn‘t know how much effort went into a race like
this.“ Watts said.

A typical day for Watts can include answering phones.
addressing envelopes. delivering campaign signs and helping
plan fundraisers.

“I do a lot for this campaign.“ Watts said.

In addition to being a full-time student at UK. Watts cur-
rently works 3240 hours at Crosbie's southside office.

Watts said his academic performance has not lapsed be—
cause of the time commitment. but he has definitely sacri-
ficed sleep and food for the campaign.

One of Watts‘ main jobs as an intern is opposition re-
search. He finds out how much Teresa Isaac's campaign is
spending on TV ads. what time they air and how many times
they run. He then compares this data. all of which is avail»
able as public information. with Crosbie's numbers. Watts
also compiles newspaper articles about election issues. such
as the Kentucky-American Water Company debate. construc-
tion. and police and firefighter benefits.

While he enjoys his job. he doesn't look forward to enter-
ing data in computers.

“It‘s a lot of typing.“ he said.

Watts said he loves helping plan fundraisers. however

"You put in so much work for them. and once you get
there and see them be successful. that's a gratifying experi-
ence." he said.

And. as with any campaign. there is the delivering of
yard signs and running various errands around town.

"Before I started working this campaign. I didn't know
where anything was located in Lexington." Watts said. “But
now I know every inch and detail of this great city"

Watts said he was influenced to work for Crosbie in Feb-
ruary of 2000. when he saw Crosbie on television supporting
keeping the POW w‘MIA flag flying above the Lexington-

See CROSBIE on 2



The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky, Lexingon .,_.




The office of provost was not the only vacant post filled
at UK at the Board of Trustees Tuesday.

UK President Lee Todd named Wendy Baldwin. the
deputy director for extramural research at the National In-
stitutes for Health in Bethesda. Md. as the new vice-presi-
dent for research.

“Dr. Baldwin‘s extensive experience at NIH will be a
great asset to the university.“ Todd said.

Baldwin. a graduate of UK. visited campus three
weeks ago and spoke about her plans for
the University at a forum for students and
faculty She said UK has untapped poten-
tial for growth through research.

“I think UK has more capacity;
whether (UK) does grow comes from
many different things." Baldwin said at
the forum.

Other candidates for the position
were Brenda Russell. the executive vice
chancellor of research at the University of
Illinois. and Frederick de Beer. vice chair
man of the department of internal medi-
cine at UK.

Also decided at the meeting:

- Paul Van Booven. who has been serving as acting
General Counsel. was appointed to the permanent position.
Van Booven is a graduate of UK‘s College of Law. He was
assistant dean of the law school from 1976 to 1979 and was
associate dean from 1979 to 1989.

“I‘m now the chief lawyer for the best client there is in
Kentucky ,_ UK.‘ Van Booven said.

- The Board approved the creation of the College of De-
sign. The new college will comprise the School of Interior
Design. a School of Architecture and a new Department of
Historic Preservation. The Board approved the proposal
with no discussion.

. The Board of Trustees accepted a $1 million donation
from Richard Barbella. a UK employee who won a Power-
ball jackpot of $41.5 million in July

“The money made my dreams come true. and now I
can help the University‘s dreams come true.“ Barbella said.

The money will be used to create the Richard A. Bar-
bella General Fund Endowment. Barbella told the Board of
Trustees to use his gift wisely

“I challenge you to make my gift go a long way by get-
ting more donations." he said.


em ~“OKII'A‘ M I a ‘5‘ l .3.






z :| WEDNESDAY. 0mm 30. 2002 | KENTUCKY must





Continued from page i

A big part of Spalding's
job is delivering and putting up
yard signs. She estimated she
had already put up at least 75

“You are probably tired of
looking at them. but I'm even
more tired of putting them up." Spalding joked. “Driving
arotutd with my phone book and maps. I feel like I'm stalking

A police officer rode with her one day for four hours
putting up signs so that she wouldn't get lost. she said.

"You never know who l'll recruit to help me." Spalding
said. “I'll ask just about anybody."

Spalding also helps with t’undraising. making phone
calls and organizing hinders filled with lists of contributors.
She mails invitations. delivers commercials to television sta-
tions. makes phone calls and runs errands.

“I do a lot of the stuff that no one else wants to do but
that‘s kind of what 1 like." Spalding said. “I never have a typ
ical day because it changes depending on what needs to be

The worst part of the job is calling people about
t‘undraising. but there are plenty of other good parts to bal-
ance it out. Spalding said. She helped film a political com-
mercial; Isaac spoke about election issues on camera while
Spalding threw leaves at her to tie in the fall season.

Spalding said the Isaac campaign has taught her about
grassroots politics and how to take criticism in stride.

”You are always knocking on doors and calling people."
Spaldmg said. “You need to have really thick skin as it some-
times hits pietty low."

Spalding said she plans to graduate in December and
that she wants to be able to continue working in politics he-
hind the scenes

"There are campaigns going on all the time. and I just
love politics.“ Spalding said.






Continued from page]

Fayette Urban County Govern-
ment's courthouse. Some peo-
ple were calling for its removal.

“That captured me from
there on out,” Watts said. “If
he stands up for veterans, then
he stands up for the heart of

As he continued working with Crosbie. Watts' apprecia
tion of him grew. he said.

“As I got more involved with the campaign. I realized
even more that his values and ideas corresponded with
mine." Watts said.

Working for the campaign can be hazardous at times.
While out delivering signs in bad weather. Watts has nearly
had several accidents. He also spent one afternoon in torren»
tial rain standing on a ladder hanging a banner outside of
the southside headquarters.

"l risked my life.“ Watts joked. “That's dedication.“

Anthony Ridgeway. Crosbie‘s press secretary. has no
ticed Watts‘ dedication. He said Watts has worked long hours
for the campaign.

“He‘s an excellent intern." Ridgeway said. "He‘s a hard
worker. and he has nothing but a bright future ahead of

Watts said he's not sure whether he will continue work-
ing with Crosbie if he wins the election. but he said he does
plan to remain heavily involved in Republican politics.

Although Watts puts in hours of work. it's all volunteer
work. He does, however: get six hours of class credit.

Watts sees Crosbie about once a week. He said this is
largely because Crosbie has many duties to keep him busy.
such as his family. Urban City Council and his law firm.

Watts said that winning the election is one of his top pri-

”Getting Scott into office has been my tnain concern
since March." he said.







Continued from paqei

their search guidelines. He
said the lack of interviews
was questionable and con-
trary to prenous statements.
"Campus interviews shall
be structured so the commit
tee can obtain input from fac
ulty. students. staff and ad-
ministrative staff." the min-
utes from the Sept. :3 meeting
of the search committee said.
“(People) reading this

an issue.

“It did not appear that any
candidates would stand head
and shoulders over Mike Niet-
zel. It may have been in the
best interests of the university
and the candidates to go ahead
and make an appointment."
he said.

Dembo also said Senate
members were concerned
about a letter written to the
Lexington Herald-Leader in
March supporting Nietzel.

“It‘s questionable to have
deans who wrote the letter to
the Herald-Leader supporting
Nietzel on the committee."

dertaken. We appreciate his
leadership. his intellectual
courage and his hard work.
his vision."' the letter said.

L(‘("s president. James
Kerley. and 14 UK deans
signed the letter. Three of the
signees. Kay Hoffman. Robert
Shay and Allan Vestal. were
members of the advisory com-
mittee. Each said there was no
bias in the search and its re»

Hoffman. the dean of the
College of Social Work. said
she did not think signing the
letter would conflict with serv-
ing on the committee.

to the advisory committee is
clear. and the advisory com-
mittee has to take appropri-
ate actions to implement the
President‘s directive." he said.

Shay. the dean of the Col-
lege of Fine Arts. said N ietzel
did not necessarily have an ad-
vantage by serving as acting

“Serving in an interim ca
pacity and applying for the po.
sition is both an asset and a li-
ability." he said.

The search committee's
other co—chair. Doug Boyd. dis-
missed any ideas of bias or
conflict of interest and said




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were led to mi what mp [)embo said. “I am an open-minded the search was conducted 0” 6
process would b... and people The letter said the deans person." she said. properly RM" 5"“an I
had a right to know what were pleased with Nietzel's Vestal. the dean of the "Dr. Nietzel will be one of E
changes were made." he said. WOI‘k I15 provost. COUPE? 0f I.aw. said he saw 110 the candidates. but he will be
The provost search com- “Those of us who work COIfillCl 0f 111191951 and that evaluated on the same criteria FREE 385 ”MESH,“ " 231-8989
mittee's co-chair. l,oys Mather. closely with Nietzel cannot thecommittee 100k lht’ SEflFCh as everyone else." he said be- “"33 FIIIM llBlMES lllll I
said the lack of interviews think of a person better suited SPI‘IOUSIY fore the appointment had been 3mm [EXINBWN ‘
with candidates should not he to the difficult job he has un- “The President‘s charge announced. , ‘
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Travis Hubbard
Sportsnaily Editor

Phone: zsr-ms I E-mail: lernelsportsGyanoorom



WY man. I WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2002 I 3



Coyne, Holmes drive Cats
with improved golf play

Getting up and down: Confident Cats won't let anything but weather
get in the way of their pursuit for tournament wins this fall and spring

By Adam Sichlig

Despite a lack of wins this fall. the
UK men's golf team has finished in the
top five with a great frequency.

But the Cats will not be satisfied
until they start winning tournaments.

Led by senior Ryan Coyne and John
Holmes. the Cats have familiarized
themselves with success. earning sec-
ond- and third-place finishes in their
last two tournaments.

“We are definitely due for a win."
said UK coach Brian Craig. “I feel we're
poised to turn the corner. These guys
want it. and they‘ve worked very hard
to get a win; they deserve one. quite

UK's best chance for a win came
two weeks ago in the Cary Koch Invita-
tional in Tampa. Fla. The Cats were
only three strokes back of their rival.
the University of Florida, when the
tournament was suspended because of
rain during the third round.

“We were disappointed, particular-
ly because we had a legitimate chance

to win. but unfortunately Mother Na—
ture took that away," Craig said.

Even so. the Cats were enthusiastic
about the overall results of the tourna-

“We proved that we can compete
with anyone,” Craig said.

Coyne concurred. feeling that the
Cats‘ effort in that tournament “showed
we can beat a great team like (the Uni-
versity of Florida)."

Holmes and Coyne are the main
reasons why the Cats have been playing
well. Through four tournaments this
season either Coyne or Holmes finished
with the Cats' low score. The play of
Coyne has been especially pleasing for
Craig to watch.

“I'm real proud of the way Ryan
has been playing," Craig said. “He’s
stepped right into the lineup and has
been playing well ever since."

While Craig attributes this change
to Coyne's mental toughness. Coyne is
more modest.

“The change isn‘t so much in the
physical aspect of his game, but in the
mental part." Craig said. “He‘s just play-

ing with a whole different demeanor.
showing lots of poise and confidence."

Meanwhile. Coyne said his hard
work over the summer is the reason for
his success so far.

“I‘ve tried to carry that over into
this season.“ Coyne said. “I really feel
like I am in a groove. and i look to keep

They finish the fall half of their
schedule today and tomorrow in Baton
Rouge. Louisiana.

“Last year. we buried ourselves
with a rough fall season. but this year
we certainly haven't dug ourselves a
hole." Holmes said.

As much as the Cats have im~
proved. Coyne said they still have not
reached a peak performance.

“We've had a solid fall. but we
haven't played close to our potential
yet." Coyne said. “That shows me a lot
of promise for this squad."

The Cats have yet to claim a team
tournament championship this fall. but
Coyne. Craig and Holmes all suggested
it should not be long.

“One tournament. we‘ll all play
good together at the same time. i think
we'll win that one." he said. cracking a
smile that certainly does not bode well
for future Cat opponents.




Riflers head to Alaska
By Paul Leightty


The UK rifle team hit the
bull's-eye Saturday at Buell
Armory in a victory over
Ohio State, 6214-6094. and an‘
ticipates doing the same this
week in Alaska.

Coach Harry Mullins
said the Rifle Cats‘ national
ranking is “probably going
to jump somewhere in the
top four or five."

The sharpshooters start-
ed the season ranked No. 2
behind Alaska-Fairbanks.

“I think the team work

ethic is pushing everybody
right now." said junior
Bradley Wheeldon.

Wheeldon was the top
marksman with a total score
of 1578 out of 1600.

“There‘s room for im»
provement. but there always
is." said freshman Vicki Goss.

The team starters were
Wheeldon. Vicki Goss. Lind-
sey Meagher. Melody Cook
and Crystal Hamilton.

Mullins said the team is
improving, but he still wants
to push the shooters.

“The points are just a
hair off from where I’d like
them to be,” he said.

The riflers compete in


three positions with .22 cal-
iber smallbore rifles and one
position with air rifles. Each
shooter gets 40 shots per po-
sition, and six hours to com-
plete all their shots.

In order to get the total
10 points for a shot, the
shooter must hit a dot on the
target the size of the tip of a
ballpoint pen.

“Fifty percent of the
goal is just to outdo what
you‘ve done before,“ he said.

The Cats travel to Alaska
this week to shoot against
top-ranked Alaska-Fairbanks
Saturday. Alaska has won the
NCAA Championship each
of the last four years.

“We've been looking for-
ward to this for a couple years
now,” Wheeldon said. "Actual-
ly I think we‘re more excited
about shooting against Alas-
ka than going there."

Doubles team wins title

Jill Buckley and Amy
Trefethen defeated North Car-
olina's Kate Pinchbeck and
Kendrick Bunn. 8-3. Monday
to claim the championship at
the ITA/Southeast Regional
Tournment at Wake Forest.

Buckley and Trefethen.
who are ranked No. 41 na-
tionally as a doubles team.
reached the finals by defeat-
ing the top seeded Duke team
of Hillary Adams and Kelly
McCain. who are ranked No.
9 in the country.

With the win. Buckley
and Trefethen receive an au-
tomatic berth into the 16—team
field at the Omni Hotels Inter-
collegiate National
Championships on Nov. 7.

Compiled from wire report


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 Editoi‘t.zi Board

Will Messer, Dialogue editor

Josh Sullivan, asst. Dialogue editor
Tracy Kershaw, editor in chief
Travis Hubbard, SportsDaily editor

Therese Bratten. cartoonist
Daniel Thomas. cartoonist
John Wampler, photographer
Wes Blevins, columnist






in alternative
health care

A patient i saw a couple of weeks ago
was generous enough to share his head cold
with itie. ()ne of the great things about be-
ing sick is your secretions increase all of
them. So. as I often do. I was beinoaning my
ailments to anyone within earshot. A friend
of mine offered an alternative solution for
my problems The answer? An ear candle.

If your mind works at all like mine. un-
fortunate as that may be, you immediately
envisioned a candle
made of earwax. Well.
we were both wrong.
This car candle is ac-
tually strips of linen dipped in beeswax
and formed into a funnel shape. Here's the
concept: place the small end of the funnel
in your ear canal and. you guessed it. light
the other end on fire.

Please allow me to pause for a ino-
ment and plead my sanity The friend who
suggested this therapy is a wellinten-
tioned fellow whom I've never known to
light fires near his head except for good
reason. That being said. I'll continue with
the science of ear candles.

With the opposite end of the ear can-
dle lit. I was told. the fire draws air up the
funnel and with it. earwax. l scoffed much
like you are doing now. No. no. my friend
insisted. when the flame is a few inches
from your head. douse the flame. Once the
fire is out. peel open the rest of the candle
and be amazed at the earwax once ailing
you lying at the bottom of this simple. yet
amazing. contraption.

Momma didn't raise no fool. so I de-
cided to try it. I surprised my wife with
four ear candles one Friday night. I know.
I'm a hopeless romantic and she doesn't
deserve me.

But. being the good medical student I
am. I had my otoscope on hand (the lnStl‘ll‘
inent that strikes fear into the hearts of
children as they see me approaching their
ears). I checked out my wife's ears before
the candle and would check them after to
be amazed at all the wax we‘d removed.

For whatever reason I didn‘t become
suspicious until after we'd treated three
ears. two of hers and one of mine. I no
ticetl the candles from both of otir ears
looked extremely similar and I didn't see
any change in her ears with my otoscope.
I decided to w iste $1. 97 figuiing I had
prob ibly alre id\ w istetl 3.391

We lit the list eat c andle but i itliti than placing it in my
eat. I put it in my p 11111 \i.i(l much to our surprise it seems my
palm had the ex \act same \\ 1x pioble 111 my ears did. Thankftu
though after a Vtwtllilt‘tl phone t. I“ to my physician suspecting
earwax nietast isis to my 111111.. to sin mised that the earwax at
the bottom of these ear tandli s was actually ashes from the
burned linen and melted beeswgu that had once coated it.

A crisis ayeittd M. p. .lnis ire 1 on 1x free. However. there
is still this pr: 1c tire of ear 1.11111 t thei 1py which is taking over
most of the Southeast But. i suppose anyone who routinely
burns things in their can w ill eventually weed themselves out
of the gene pool. And so. 111 the problem. lies its solution.

I'm sorry, mam.
In addition to
your first born,
we will need
either an arm or
a leg of your
choice to pay off
your college



“We lit .
the last
the other
end in
my ear, I
placed it
in my
palm it
had the
my ears







McConnell too powerful
to evict from Senate

It would a take a strong candidate with a well-financed and well-
coordinated campaign to defeat incumbent Sen. Mitch McConnell
this November. But Democratic nominee Louis Combs Weinberg is
none of these, which