xt7sj38khc82 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sj38khc82/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-09-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 05, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 05, 1986 1986 1986-09-05 2020 true xt7sj38khc82 section xt7sj38khc82 I .
i E P .’ e l , - ’ I I i
Vol. XCl No 8 Established 1894 4
. . Unwersny of Kentucky Lexin ton K . . . .
. entuck lndopond m . . . -
9 y 0 since 1971 Friday, September 5, 3986 . ‘ .
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386 t "‘ r "“1an “1 mg OWCtO funeral
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‘ . _ t m ‘WW M By inyiocmny , , _ . . , - ’ ‘ i. I 9-
. l . M " Associated Press droye mourners “‘m-_“"“”"‘l WWW Security men sped through the “ ‘. l i, I.
i » ’ ”I... “an..." “a. stadium near “hllt‘ i It} the Niweto township in armored \ehit‘les tiring ' '1 - ‘- ~. ,
" i ’ , ' w ‘ . , neighborhood hit hardest fr. the Ho .h r N _, t . . p " w_‘ i g {,1 -
. . . I ,‘Mgéz . , , it“ J(7)HAI\I\L§BL HG. South Africa lence clergymen ind Swim! r M a go. Lanis ers and sometimes ;.‘l_,s .| 1.. 7;“! y
2- _ ‘ ‘ u . , _ . g « Security forces filled a stadium dents’said ' ‘ ' ' “l ‘ . tiirdshot burieillaiitw- helicopters if xvii-f. '. .13' y
‘ A k A ' ; ‘ . v . With tear gas [0 stop a mass funeral (‘lergvmen said thex W.” W; mattered ou-rhead , i -A.rI,-“_.;-;‘_ 3: VI“,-
dfl} M ,, t V.- i y a} r 2 for not Victims yesterday. then human liarrier‘in the U: m i, i ii lhere were confirmed reports of v.21," '. ,, _. 51-3.:
. ‘ Ea, '. 4 swept through Soweto breaking up I ‘y . . f a tuition; one tasualties out the Bureau for lntor , m _, fl, £51.; ..
i. “ “i -’ t. «. 3’ other services and battl'n , . - point I" "'9” “’1‘” dl’l’t‘dh'h'l " h" fl‘iLtlltln said polite had filed no re- . :' i J I ' -' .
. . , . . ’i' _ _ ‘ . . l "r" . s - , ’ g gangs 0‘ an imminent confrontation between tr , . '1""-" ’i ' .
- v - 3 t ‘-‘ . » .. . youth_s.witnesses said ,._i.._s .... V’“°(’M"dlh“’r”Him“ - _‘ x , VI ,_
‘ '2 ' 1 . i l; . l ‘ , ’ § A Soweto clergyman said. “The W““’““““‘”‘““*"* ‘Wilnk'SNeS said a woman was f. . 5' ‘\ _' ‘1.
i _ . , , 4" i j fact that people managed to get AC'Thr‘hhti ‘0 the filh't‘l‘mln‘nf's Bu killed Wht‘h 5h? 1‘3“ ”7 lmnl 0‘ a '« . 5"J‘ 5?: '~~“”"':'
t ' .. W ‘ i‘ l W ,m through the dragnet to bury their ma” ’Or, Informah‘m “hh'h Pr” ”“m “m“ heel-“ii from 501mg m9“ 3": i "7. i- '.1 '7i-3'.“"."
' t ’j 7‘ - y ‘3 . _ r dead is laudable.” He asked not to Vides official accounts ot unrest “h” lbs” “hipS 1“ PN’WhI W’Ple I" flit.“ fall-st": ‘
, ¥ ' _x § ? 1 f’ 2 a: ‘ ' be identified under the nationwide state ot emer- from 80mg t0 JUDS 1“ Johannesburg, J , I. '_ "“.".*ff--.""‘
I u ’ P " 'i . f ’ h‘ Young men with whips roved the gt‘ni'y imposed June 12. smeral A man “11> hurt ‘v‘hf’h he jumped -.i .'_‘ "i , i zi"-"’.I'-’.'
4-» 1 l " ‘ . ,~ ”31‘ i n- streets. lashing p80ple who tried to smaller funerals (M ’4th Phh't‘ 1’- ‘“"h m" ”3‘” l" “WP" th“ “‘th\ t1“. "'tif
' ' :. i " _ ‘ " “T" = --i 2......“ .0 _ s! g go to theirjobs in Johannesburg. gave "(’d"""’“‘ me} mm . 1. In)
'- 3 l I ' 1’ 5 9 i. l " ‘5‘ a it ,. .v' The funeral organized by and Youths angered by the ban on the “in: in. thousands 0’ Mmemm f is M", ‘v" " h ’1“';i'-‘”5n' I
, 2.... i . i \ “.‘  ltlt‘rt‘t b A&S ff' ' l . ., " i ‘l \d .' " -\ fly .‘
H ‘ 2' a" 3: 'L " \ 7 r- ' y 0 ICIa S .; V: , - ~.
' 2—5”, ‘ 3 ' ‘ By E‘i'.»\J.\\'l.\'KLl-Z "'Tommy \\d> .1 unique indziiiiu 1'3. s ‘ ‘~ ;._ ‘is
"i ' i ‘ ‘ . - . ' . ,. I Staff Writer al Stt‘wns said He migh' hate 5‘ EVH-Y\ B. LESTER " .. ‘ g ' .. .
1 3 , ' :z , “ ”gr” been of short >313“, but m, “(if «1 contributing \Kri'ei' 9; f 7 -' '.
" i l , * if _, 7 , The UK Board of Trustees has his big man am: he lef' limp-Hg -_. ‘ _“ , ~".
t; ' v, l _ is, . m,“ . ~ created a scholarship fund m the legacy at the law school \ fund has been t‘xl‘illitsllt‘d by the -' ' .3, " ‘.-' ,_ '1 '.
. 3 i .. - m g I, .- b « ~ . name of former BOT chairman (”[er tor 'h‘ ‘ h l' h college ot Arts S N'lenc(-.\ in mem- . J .. ,
- w ' _ . l a : {7 3‘“ “ j" g“ ,V Thomas P. Bell. who died of leuke- um 1 ~ . ‘1’) t“; of"? ’l’.‘ r‘ or) of Susan Belmore an assoctate .. ' ,. '_ .. 1: - " L'If
‘ ' a '3 3 . l k ‘ i ” "-. The scholarships will go to three ' f , "" ra t‘ «i -on. \tart-n . ,' ‘ .‘~'
.i ,3 ' 7 ; fa" — l - , -.t \_ ; . UK law students bination of academic promise and 3,7 . “‘ _ ‘. i .- ~. _ .
-“ ' ’ fir : ' W :' ~ . i t. V ‘ . K nancialneed, ‘Stei'ens said Th“ WNW- M ltt'iiriurt- Memorial .. - ’3?" l ‘ -
. . 25.; 9.. ans M' . i Carroll Stevens. as5istant dean of Fund “in contribute m all an.“ m " i - “. ‘. " .
.. . u, ..t J .-_ . ‘ . lhe (Shiite: of Law 531d 310-000 has The amount of the aw aids has no: uhdvi‘gi'aduate study \Allhlfl the arts ' . 'V
! , _‘ a g 4.5-4}; w £4 area y nset aside for the fund yet been determined am‘CMWPMWHCEC g . . i4
‘ - _‘ ; _ ... ‘ § . . . . . "We want to put together a total , . , .. , , ' ': '
. ’ ‘5! s, ‘ i H '9” r ’. ' ; endowment of 3100.000 to generate h’Steyen.‘ said SINUIM ’l’.p"""g‘~’5 “(\ksmr-dmg [rut “mm” A 8“.” 5' I .’2 7'. "-
- ' ‘ . ~ V I '..,. I , . a L fl ’ three full~tu1tion scholarships to '15 been culiected lzrom U‘ alumni 1‘“ ”I [he (.U‘1P&1’»’)’ Arts at M”: .‘ i i '1‘ ’v i 2’5
I . 0_ H _ T" ' I “ ‘ . .. —___£..'.a:... .4 L i WW” 2 \V Kentucky restdents."Ste\'enssaid and friends of the zaxi school Set-es ht“ the fund Aiil be distributed _’ . .1, »' 4 l7“, _i
5 .\ axmgafi's'w’fiffi’” W;W"1":' .* -‘ ""L ': w“ . . . , ”I “he” acquainted with Bell .‘ *‘ “a“h’.‘ ""‘hhhlm‘t‘ “hls‘h .' “ ' .7277:
w . -. w » u .. .. “vuwo ‘ wfl“____._ as. ' , 1:301] s family. in conjunction with through athletics haw also i‘lltlll‘lfl ~‘h0um “0 aililhlhh‘d ‘iVllhm the next - . :5 ’“‘
. “mum,” “WSW ['lx President Otis A. Singletary and uted three w eeks ' V . 7 . ,;
Wall Informed Terry Mobley. director of the devel- , ‘ Th) . 4 _ _ , - . 1‘ ’ 1; 55’ f' "
opment office. began planning the stevens ““‘l in" “h“‘ih‘hill ““1" , ( tun“ ‘5 “Hi““wc’ "W ”mm“ ’ '3 i I 3
. . fund shortlyaftcr Bell's death. would h< A great boost to the law "“n‘“ lhhm‘zitions course develv " " .‘ ." ‘
Construction workers pull the forms off a con- mining and minerals research building The . . school In our effort .0 ”an” the fipmei‘its .ind untler'gradudte schol» ’ ‘ .f I“ , Q - 3.". '.
. crete wall yesterday on what is to be the new building should be done in about 0 year Stevens .said a campaign to ratse Very besI studying} In our recruit “ships .5 ~, j ,:“__. S.-”.:'““‘:"; Li;
~ money was then quickly enacted. ment pool ‘ \k H \li. My: \ _' t " 1'" 7.” f” -,-I (l
I ’Ir"":._.f|i,";'<’
Ho ' ’ ' - D th m
_‘ -' h 3': ] " '1’ ._
spi a s igh mortality rate ea ca e ..
j. 1'. irvo,‘. ,‘.",.: 7:”
"u n t n ura ti " ".'“"’. f; 5 r_'
x oc ors Q 6 in ,
: . ‘ i: . . '- ax. -, .
WM. ., - , , _" f‘ ‘ ' R l ’ ff 3] a : f '. " ' i 1'3 ‘ rr‘ '. _'_
. Xisi‘sltbhlt’:é::v{y£h§ tients Wlll be referred to a regional mendous loss to the Citizens of the \M 9" - .- ‘ .1‘ .z ‘ O lCl S yS . ,1“ (s “5;” ”.7- :1.
. . ~ A 5 101‘ \A hospital for heart surgery. said commonwealth of Kentucky." . is“ N 5) 'Q N) « V a 45 7 ~ . I {1. H J" :1 1r“!
Doc! 1‘ . ‘ ‘ Bonner Day, a \'A spokesman m (‘ow'en said ' _‘ ‘ . 7 ‘ .‘ y ‘ 1'! r V Staff reports . . V. : _~ '- ;,7 3.
“Id 'Orsd mm LKS '(rollege of Washington DC "It would be very detrimental to ' i i in: ' s, y - ”. "'1! ' i
t f ‘Cth' efended the high mortal» The nearest VA hospital equipped our pallt’llL\ and less than helpful to k V ' i 44 i A 4")?“er Lexington woman A, | ‘ ii ' : if?"
I t) if] '9 $201“: heart §urgery 93‘ to handle cardiac surgery is in lndi- the attitude of the faculty and staff . . ‘ It} / ..—— “‘hUS" hOd.‘ “'35 thhd In her apart , i." .-“3‘ *3 1-” i.
‘V alien stint H X't‘gton Veterans Ad- anapolis. said Dr. David Cowen. as who partiCipiite in this program " he V W / u... - * mem Wednesday med ”l natural .i" 3‘ ‘35 ‘ “XV-‘3’:
3111:,3” 3’3“”: h Id “ soc1ate dean for clinical affairs for said. ' ’ — i . s ““995- offiCialssaid Yehudi!) i ‘ . I ‘ _-' ..i I it
. ionf) L 'V . ma 5, e a We» the college (‘ow'en said the statistics being re- a _. 3 ‘ . (atherine C Fulkerson of 661 ~ j g . .' -‘
hi dtrelnce )e‘q’erda) at the LK (‘owen and Dr Robin Powell, dean Viewed about the hospital are mis- 1'! . , , * " _ ‘ Maxwelton ('ourt ““5 pronounced :' ‘7 5.“ xii" ‘
hill“? center ’0 ”son" ‘0 ”Cent of. the UK College of Medicine. along leading and should not be used to ”‘ i x " dead at ”‘9 “'9“? 3‘ 3 2“ Pm -‘ ,“ “Viv "
“‘~‘Ff“per réports that the Letung- With four l'K heart surgeons. de~ measure the heart program's quc. ‘ “um” , ‘ Wednesday, said Rolan Taylor. I; a i‘ . __
ton \A hospitals coronary unit is fended the VA hospital cess ' ‘ . "m' 5”“ Fayette (‘ounty deputy ciiriiner ’i '3 i
‘lm ’31:er the United States to be 80th the VA hospital and the UK "It would be a serious mistake to Dr. Dawd Cowen (center), associate dean for clinical affairs for MaXWHh’h V011” ‘5 across from [K . :i h . i - t : ,Ii
“’l’h‘ (h ‘ or _C0nsolidation . Medical Center work interdepen- end the program.“ (‘owen said the College of Medicine. addresses the media yesterday Cilmplb s: ' ~‘ ‘ 9‘ ,, ' j .v'i ‘j
h, s o 05PM] 5 death rate. which dently. with L'K doctors staffing "There IS a tendency to gauge a pro h . ””mmd“ “'35 ““E'hith.‘ >llSlK“l<’d ' ‘ i ' t 1 'i - ..-
1.“? “€09de 8 percent each 0’ the mth hOSPhalS. gram by its mortality rate .. he said . Ospital had a heart surgery mortal “Vie feel a misinterpretation oi in the death because a door into the ~- ' . '- , , ‘
1st three years. could lead to the Powell and (‘ow‘en told media rep- "But the StallSllt'g ~m ”H‘s case do ityI rateof 8.2 percentin 49 cases the statistics» results from a failure apartment appeared to have been .’ ‘ ~ 1 ,1: , 2
C thing or. ”5 he?" surgery [”0 resentatives that the VA hospital‘s not necessarily convey full and ac- 1." BEE" 10" percent 0f the hospl' ‘0 understand tht‘ risk 0t seriously ill kicked in However. Taylor said l'ur- " . ~ ' . -.‘
glam. forcing patients to look else- heart surgery program is {00 valu. curate data - ‘ ' l3 5 '3 heart SUIfgery cases resulted patients approaching coronary sur ther imestigation revealed that l-‘ul- t 3; -'_'_ ,. ’ *
“her" for heart surgery" ableto lose Day said that during the m“ m” in deattlhm.‘Day said. gery. he said kerson who. he said. had a history . " ' ' .‘ ' ‘~‘ '
f the Lexmgton unit is closed. pa- “It would be a Significant and tree of fiscal year Mitt the lA-x'ington {A . Bill 939 Statistics have been mis- In 198.», an ll-meniher task force of mental illness. was responsible 2 . ‘ I "
. ~ ~ , . ana yzed.Cowen said. We lmclims. lain ‘ tor damaging the door ‘- _ s, ' a '-
Student Center work 1' * ‘ , ° - - . .- - w.
’e-r ,. «* ‘7-_ "P§;“;§*:‘, O i' . “.-‘ ‘. i
e s ~ w Coaliti ad a a st R h t » ~ . . ' - .
, «was a 0“ V1595 1“ e 11 ms - - s .
‘ r . ~» semi-gr; > v _ ‘ ~_ , . ._ . . Q
ee mOVle passes Righ‘igflguna‘h‘h his statements at the Univ to the ltehnqutst has said he knew little . ‘ _' .' ’
float Gayle Davis writes ‘ r955 “hfichhgl‘Egl'(Imihmlht‘t‘ R h aggut the fillets of the case. but a “ ‘
w , .s . , . , . A suty covers e n- . . memo 9 '0l ‘ . , . - = ~'
ittyafl‘a‘.:‘.:.\:\lf\l\l.f. However. Ballard said that Sm“, 3"0'9h' from "'0 S'l’NN- WASHINGTON - The hahOh'S quist‘s record on issues such as partment offic1\a‘lriScIZLQ‘hugalcerriij» i ‘ i '
v ( that-time the total number of paid $00 PASTIME3. P0903. major CW“ rights coalition CON“ school desegregation. voting rights. Sion for use of the Army to gather ’ i 1 ‘ ' ‘ " :
The Student Activities Board 33:35:5‘0"; has decreased at a glad“: {3233‘ that the Senate should Public accommodations and the ra- intelligence on Civilians ’ ~ . i "‘ i '
voted in i0 7 Tuesday night to make ‘ Balla’fd smd in the fall of 1985 _ . Al Dakar may be on. of liieefiesi narlgmyi'inll”? 21’ (3"? J9“: Cial makeup of iuries Rehnquist. in a 1972 filing explain- 1 " ‘ ‘
. . Student timim umpiuym pay flu get percent of the mm “might-:5: UK’s hottest prospects. and immuéngnc his ”353:8, rccofarigu: ()urg‘prinicipal reason for oppos- ing why he was continuing in the ‘ . ‘ -
intoSABsponsored movies which was 2684 ' .. ' OVOWono's talking about ‘t’ .. ‘ ,J ,‘ u v P ing Jusiiw 'iu‘hanlSl s nomination case. failed to acknowledge (iitical ~ ' ' ~ 1
In the past the em I d . . was "99 That , 905‘ ‘0" toequaljustice, is his .b-year record of opposi- facts “that clearly showed that he -
guest M) ‘II N! POYees an a number decreased in the spring of h"“ - Oxcopt him. So. The Leadership C0hf9r€hfe on two to the fundamental prinCiple of had preyudged the case and should ' ' ’
moy'ies MI? :4 0“ to attend the 1986 ’0 ”’3 percent. hUl the lOlfll W,POQG‘. (“"1 Rights. “'thh represents 135 equal rustice under law.~ the report have disqualified himself " the re» . ‘
Th . 'rge. _ . number of admissmns also declined organizations. reached "5 conclu- 53"" ‘ portsaid I I h i
e new eCiSion. however. wtll to].623 } \ “ ‘ use ..g__;§6;3%3v Signs in a new report that reviews , i . _
requtre that em lovees , the f ll ,e . t y ,. , QM; \a , ‘ , But it also tontends Rehnqmst. ..
rm) ofSl q_ P . Pa) u The percentages were too high for s . _. ‘ .7 L 1 3.“ Rehnquist 5 private and public ca- now an 835mm“. “NW9. "has Sp“ In its (‘l\ll rights review. the lead
p l A” _ . major productions and were there- 9 ,~ wfiyfiyv reer over "‘0"? thanthree decades. ken and acted in ways that rose the ”Ship conference said Rehnquist
.ennifer Ballard, Cinema commit- fore “creat'n b ‘ " ”M” . -‘ ‘ ‘ shouldbeopposed because
tee chairwoman said the de ' ' " I g a urden on the The Senate ’5 scheduled to conSid- most serious Wh‘hhh’ “hill" h'S ' .
. m” not affect. members ofmsl: board, Ballard said Today will be partly sunny er the nomination of Rehnquist next candorand senseof propriety " wWhlk‘ a Supreme Court law
board SAB members and a guest he“ 193’ revenue {0’ lh? program.“ With a high around 80. To- 25:]: aalgngo “’2‘. that ‘0’ Antonio Among the questions of propriety. clerk m 1952‘ he wrote a memo de- ’
wiiisiiiiheaiiwedmfree ; 53' J Oh‘lously. the board did night will be mostly cloudy boa“ ye mg” Supreme the report said. lS Rehnquist‘s df‘Cl' ’f’m’m“ the “’96 decfho" .3“!!th
The practice of Student (‘enter 90’ It “as too much 0’ a financial with a low around 60 T 38.8mm “us"m' sion to vote in the 1972 case of Laird separate but equal (“‘th f0?
”mplnyfi‘ privilege was begun in the burdenonus ther committee) morrow's hi h ill b. l. ”i: d Most ‘55‘1‘5 lhh‘e' report surfaced vs, Tatum. a challenge to the (‘0nstt blacks, and told the Senate that it
{an of ”m by David Nickel], then. Ballard blamed the loss on wdm 9 W n uring Rehnquistss confirmation tutionality of an Army surveillance represented the View? of Justice
. mid tou r703 hearing in Au t H h ' ' Robert Jackson n t h
chairman of thecmema committee. SchOV’IE.Pagc" pp. ' tentlv declinedglt’: e as consis- program on cmlian anti war protes ‘ ° '5 own. Jack-
“ , comment beyond ters Scc(0Al.rtION.Pm7

 2 KENTUCKYKERNEL, Friday, Soptombor5, 1986 .. _...___
?’>'\ “2:3“ . . ,.__.._.. WV . . ,.. , ‘ .-_ «—--'—~‘—————_——_.————_
.‘u s ‘ ‘
3"». ‘ ' I. _ Fran Stewart Scott Ward
.‘3 .“.‘~ I? v I E W POI N T Editor in chlei Managing Editor KentUCky Ker nel
f I;‘_;‘ C MM. Palermo JOY "°"'°"
II:\ :5- . 7“. YEditoriol Editor News Edilol Iliflb'llhd 1.9‘ 'nd.P.nd.fl' Sinco 1°7‘
lj-y ‘4‘: in}: 3 ,.
;}.1‘;;_-.;I,f.y:‘1 - , ~ »- »«-——~v ,~__-______.__..--.. ,M_% .
it; §_1."§;\;‘fw_ o o o o
F orm er Z TA pledge seeks recogmtlon a ter reco onlzatlon
- Isis)?“ -
“__i'.‘-' f‘.\'
--. an»: g . .
~‘zrfe3- Cy‘ . . . - .ti-I.. i..».. \.Itl‘i.i "'—"“‘”*—'“_—‘— All my efforts seemed unfounded. Like all parents. mine and my 50- or three weeks. Three weeks passed. asking from the national office. I do
.5. s ‘3‘»! . . .
., ‘3;l'r-:=.5’. . . ,-.~t~inIiI../a'.oi. cit-Ii" though, when at the meeting belore rority sisters' parents were con- four . . . two months. three months have a lot to offer this new sorority
E-‘R‘IF-t‘fifihy I; . ‘Ic‘ mm siiv‘t't‘v Guest Thanksgiving. at national officer cerned with this sudden change of . , . nothing. I heard nothing until I —~ I am a good leader; lam on the
, §;~-’._.~“"=s-;“._,3, .. .HI 'hm. :ii: i do came to Inform us that our chapter events. and so several of them called the home two days ago. I was dean‘s list and am active in both
“Suit _- (Ir's IIi' 'tiLs stud OPINION was closing. It would recoloiiize in called the national office to find out given no answer on my possible community and campuslife.
1:3‘7‘5-"5‘5‘7 th fall nd we would not he iven the scoo Much to their surprise. membership. and l was informed [enjoy greek life and I do not a
1IL 'X.““ e I a g p . , . . , . . P‘
ataxia-g} , ; .Ia .IIKIY. 'I.l'.\ —_ the chance to reJOIn The reasoning they were politely told that past that l was not qualified enough to preCiate the inconSideration or the
afififlg} " .,.I -?I"‘II'I1--I“'-' was that the chapter had "low visi Zeta sisters were failures at lites hold any posmon of importance in slanderous comments made about
fict‘h’hlfi'. ‘ ‘ I: 'III :: my. .‘ I , when III‘IPI‘II me keep bility” and the recolonizatioii ettot‘t many aspects 4’ repuwlwn- grades. thealumnaechapter. my sisters' characteristics and
~1g3\§§¢.-“\ * I...“ U hum: ,, ”I‘ I”? ‘I‘ -’II"II1I Mid lR’CI’me the would allow the last Zeta chapter in personalityetc At this point. I have been banned mine. All I am asking is some con—
,‘I'I.l‘}‘.l'.~§§{ ‘ a .‘ wry» ; :ht .i...::;:~.u ,‘f..iil"x\0l‘.‘..ill correspond» Kentucky to remain Open By mak- L'pset, but not quite willing to be- from the sorority, any active partici~ sideration. recognition and the
Yi’ffi‘l‘ls‘i“ . ' \I‘ITXINI‘!‘ l I 9;; “”5“ h““"""”“”‘-3 chairwo- ing all previous members alumnae. lieve these slanderous comments pation in the alumnae and from chance to make my own choices
. 5;;._._,‘._’§‘.-‘I, _ : A. I”! 3“”. my new i' \thzng t‘l.\(‘ i thought the new girls would be given a fresh were uttered. l made a request to greek life. I've heard of hitting dead about my membership »— not have
39")!" , ._..t . 'f‘it' art-ruin; time. my... . ’1: I .. :t}; :in- problems facmg start without the burden of "our" national office to be allowed the op— ends. but this is ridiculous. them dictated to me,
"3&6: . ,. . y Int tum Izs. , . manic: failure. tion of mining when the chapter rec~ In conclusion, this is my last
' 393‘s“ 3' . l‘II'l II In II...“ “H“ l I‘Ouldlfan' without my concurrence. they olonized, After being ignored for chance to gain the recognition I am DebiWilliamsisafi'nancojuni‘or.
NE»? E; - '- «I'I'T amp“ "““I'i “- ‘4”?“3‘ 3” ”It: Plight 0‘ [TA closed the eXisting chapter and tore months. I was finally told that if 1
Q9553? l. 3 I‘m II'i-T-IIt'“ {3‘1”3“ 1” ”‘1“ij ”‘9 ““5”“? 15 closed a chance to jtllll the recolo- attended various alumnae activities.
i‘fighfiififi . . '- ‘Ilt‘f‘flu‘f I: Hot: “N " .~ I'“ ' in“ members 0’ the nized chapter Since i had already and they were impressed enough 0
15:,‘5‘33‘ WV.“ WI fur smurf. 9...: Irieoing policy to initiated. l was also denied any with my character. and nationals Letters pallcy
fi‘glh'gé 3* V.» 1.1. :.I I‘I‘V'ls‘ 3'” “ ~'~" " ””"mlalm" “'“m chance to Join another sorority This voted positively at their next meet- '
_ figgaq » . 1.": .z.’\.ll;l.:.":~.‘t I: III-~54» I,~_,.I.‘ wiltnhl I [)?::;:;3:19<: is ritgefair._1f ['[Wt‘l't'hltl ti;i'ii:fer :o nag. 11 might be allowed to )0") the Reade“ are encouraged m Wbm” law“ and “pmwn‘ m [he “mud“ M“
e, ‘ a» w lt‘l". ILUIL't‘T 3"” T ~ ~I"I"~i l‘W‘I- N ’ i- anot r univerSi v w ere . .s a e C ap er .
taut-U 3 ’2‘ . _ » .. _ .E N _ W - _ ‘ . .* ml
uvggfi; . ‘ ,, "“33. W” a” 3.“... I . adv. . ri assuitd that localed‘ 1 would be given the option I did these things. and believing 1 Persons submming mmenal should address ”16” Comments to the editorial
§;;3lt39.5ci .. . “my I I; I I». . cranium and Herr or joming. and if a current member had thoroughly impressed the higher editor aithe kernel.035 Journalism Building, Lexington Ky 40506.
3116354; , .mTll.» .i\l‘.‘ t... '3: : t .I..;\ ' ._ i trusted these re- were to transfer here from another echelons of authority. I sat back and “we“ should be 350 words or less Mule gues, opwons should be 850
- ‘ gregés‘; . gangrzxed t i' VII-"N“ s:.. " ”II'M‘ DWI”? WW9 my campus, she would be given the waited to receive the phone call that wads orless.
. :{figf‘gpzf‘ . ~ ‘ km .. ~‘ "I‘Ir"' "‘ same option here Why not us“ I had been told would occur in two
. III-3:4}?
— A» ll.
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III «~-—————-———— .
«III-an:— .t . - .
all? Contemporary MUSIC Party \
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Aucttn an “Icon -— 2350 Woodhtll m Cantor. TM and W- for thought '7'. 3‘ , 'f #3:": .‘f'f’a‘
row. country rockers Tho Grog Austin land WMW’pJ“. to I am. $2 I77. "5;.” if rI,‘_I
cover both nights. ° - . . “ , (.5; lz’f' WIT-ff,“
n. u. -. 224 e. no. 5.. tonight and Wm... To, Moo not. on . P0€t overcomes past misfortunes, offers unique View of life from the streets 'r; :7
sound system. A p.m. to l a.m.; otter hour: Wow tram hi) to 3:45 am. '-‘. ;_'-' _.__“ *7” :‘Iif
33m... 8) ERlKRl-ZEH-I l v .i- ,» . _ ,g . . -fi',.-.I.~I._:':I«..,'".‘."
Iroozlna’s— 234 E. Short St. Disco manic tramasoondwstam. ”com. Arts Editor 3.. ‘ y. ‘ , ’ ' h . "t‘ l ’ ' .I if; I. -I "It“ " i’.‘
Bottom uiio _ 36t w. Short St. Mighty Kttquo. rom mac, trom 9:30 am. ‘ g . ‘ tIli . a . ‘ . . . ,1 gt 1' ‘1’.
tola.m. tonight and tomorrow. Cover issflsingloJSuooapta. Gayle Davis ls an anachronlsm of . p - \ l' 3 ‘I _ ’ . l3 I.‘“~."1:‘,I"‘.I‘r)‘Ii'I-qfrf-‘f
Im- A Saloon _ 2909 Richmond Rd. tonight and tomorrow. Flip City (Top sorts t... It” i l 1 1 ‘ ‘vI- ‘ ; .W _ 3 i . 2,"). ':..‘.},..-I-‘-,;‘~':.
40/ dance music) wlll ploy lrom9p.m. tola.m.$3covor. Forty years ago he may have l‘ ' g I m \ ,QK’.IE ”‘1‘” .:5 3; ' j“ 3:; .’.I":»l 3"... 115:3“ ”3‘?
Who's 7—» 509 w. Main St. MotrOPOliton lim- All-Stan, tonight and to- found “‘5 “.‘Che '" 3. Frenchcafe, = ' " *" ‘ 'I 5‘ J \— £3513? A”??? a 5‘":- ‘“It'733‘433'33T”;‘7'
marrow starting at9p-m. ”cover both nights. composmg tn 8 fashion familiar to T“ L V -. " w l ’ ‘ S: :1 3‘ u; 'v‘i' "11'
Sartre and the rest of the cafe philo- ~~ -Wm ‘ ‘ , as}. -'~:'g:'-g_‘s_t.: ‘; .5 Int
Crystal's ~ Hyatt Regency Hotel. The loungo features Top to dance music on sophers. poets. etc ' ‘ ' ~* a . ’ *«I . r‘ . r‘ ‘d’ :I-"IPI‘r "I."j~_,‘-;". .1'
osound system, in addition to tovorite vidoolonolorgoocnon TV. A5 it is. [)avls seems slightly qu. ’ ' "3‘5 5 I ‘ , "33'1”. ~' ‘-.‘I='th‘-_i"r.‘f.~-',:l.
Great Scott's Depot —— 684 S. Broodwcv. Tonight, Tho Johnson's (original tam“)? slignfi alone 1.“ é) [.tttesbgoesk- '3 - :3,“ r; ’ I ‘ “"‘ {31,213,22‘fllvl‘Iflti'tsr’t‘l
rock) play from 9 pm. to l o.m. Tomorrow, Core of Ramona will play from auran “l ‘5 penI an noe - - ' » 1- ._ ' . . H : .:; hi"; I" 5"} H'.‘
9p.m. tot o.m. S2 cover both nights. . pondering the themes Of his “mung 1' ’. yt‘ 8' ’ . 5. l ’3 m 4 . .-..--‘ L" 2“? l-‘i'f‘.I.-""i"',i" 'il'll‘v'.
while those around him ponder mat- . *Uu: ‘~ ’ g ‘T - ~ g ’ . .~ 1.» (IV-’13 515”}: 5.; .
Klfll‘s Arm Pub « Formerly Jefferson Davis inn, ‘0? W. High St. Tonight and ters more along the lines 0f salad if. . : ii“ .‘3 ~ 3 :‘Ir‘lI‘iii
tomorrow. Timberline (Bluegrass/country) will my from 9 pm. to 1 am. 52 bar combinations. » ' \ l". ; A‘I ’ IQ ”‘3 .f", Zill)‘;
cover. This ls the atmosphere that Davis . - .t \ 1 3 ~\ I"Ir,:‘,
finds most inducive to writing. And ‘ . ' is“ “I";n"~-.-Il,."\.III“3.-'.‘;‘.'.‘I‘
LA. Ollvor's -— Holiday Inn at MS and NMown Pitta. DJ spins Top 40 dance what he writes these days is poetry . . X. f1 ‘ X 'r IMF?“ i""~’j:t. -.-;'.
tunasonosound systemtromspm.tola.m.Nocovar. . street poetry. not ill the rough ‘3 " . W" ‘ ItII-‘I‘tf'gi'i;3;.5-Hljéé’.’
and tumble sense that is usually as- . Rf ! o..- - . 1).: 32-31;": ._‘1‘3-3 it
Library -— 388 Woodland Ave. Tonight and tomorrow, “tamper and the Plaid soclated with the label. but in the l i . :«m 3’ 11;.“ 33!; L‘ ' -
Rabbits (dance music) play trom9p.m.to i am. ‘3.”covor. sense that h15 poetry 13 a leduct 0‘ 3 5. . . .\\.. H; ‘ \» ~ 7'“!'il'z’r..A:-‘5»‘.It>:'~ .1
what Davis learned there And . ' ' _ - . 3 .'~ {Kn-1:511." .‘ (Ell:- ‘.
Spirits w Rodisson Hotel Plaza. Tonight and tomorrow. Tho Trondells (‘605 Davis ‘5 no stranger to the streets. ‘3‘ . \ ’ ‘ . I,.’ ff I. Iii".- v"‘
and 70's rock) play trom9p.m. to l o.m. Nocovor. Three years ago he l05t his jOb as - .‘T ‘ l is; I , ' a. “‘59:“. '-:" “.'..
a jOLU‘nallSl covering federal and _.If-T , _ . _ ‘- ' ‘.3 I’I :I
he Kay: - 333 s. Limestone St. Tonight and Wow. A: It (original rock) “at" ‘5‘”95 for Th" .sze" V09“ .1? * Q ‘3‘; ,. g I” - ,ii £1,515 :{g_‘-‘g“-. 7‘45“;
will play from 9 pm. to I am. Men $2 cover, ladies 9.! in hoe. and “my" m lrvme. k3" Of his F115- 3'} ' “*9" 1' K At “T “0th r I '3 ' i it“ it‘ll :\:i :
mtssal. Davis merely says. "It Just ' ”"--~W * 3! // ‘ 5 ‘ jjII‘I; st). ’5‘,‘¥.",.
didn't workout ” ’ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ . .I =. ' 34,1- "3“ t”. ‘. :3
Ml-VIPCIub 5539 Atheanoonsboro Rd. 268-3335. He then came to Lextngton in l I , ‘37.: 5 g \ l‘v
hopes of tlndlng work. When several 3' ‘ I t . 33313:»: . . ‘ ' . Ill-‘33:.IEI5'I;
jobs didn't pan out. “things just - Iv :7" < y. 2‘ ‘ a" ’ - r ll! h.“ i .\
h“ . ~ 5‘ v~———I I went downlnll." UiiHS savs. He hit ' l m I. ~ "‘ ~I ~ ~ . - . ‘1." ".-,"-’.~“~.§“2.‘1~\'.v -
l 7/ k; 1‘ the streets. ' ‘ ' ‘ rem ” ‘ W " 3- Lil ‘
I A o ' Davis roamed Lexmgton for eight Go le D . d l . l “u.“ mum '" ’ \‘\\{k\‘v
I . months before hls luck changed. d y IaIVls spen s at east twee hours of every north campus He prefers public , 4‘me I, .3 4:15: III-II "'i.‘~'_f.";
/, That was tn February of this year. 0y wwwg 9°9er 0’ D Llle> "ESI'OUFOm near the silence of his moon 0' "he Kt'rcs N .. . 'i 15.7.3; ‘ TI":.‘<..-".“? I.
.- . g . . . . . . . “i jII' :- $.51, "-._.-_j{_--
g l ON 3322.12:dglirignf()hl::dbr£ie:l:n$tt: goestcti'st aIItlimlIt to taint}: aIn} close t'lIll‘lét-rVILll'lVIC st}le ot dress makes 1 TYLIZK Tha‘ _;n.: t' ' ‘ .. ::. :‘r'h’ul‘l'.
v out a room at the Kimball House friened .bIeIIsaIvs t t tIt- his lX‘t‘lt lllnt tlr.uallI\ unnotlceable He plex ni- haw' : :w . . ‘:« v If.
and attends a voluntary treatment orc 1 ) Circumbwnw" m H) :pmk‘K with twang} embracing “’r ”Fl-\‘V‘ 1"” “ \v . '3‘ '" ’ "‘ (iii-tell.“ 9' ‘
program at Veterans ”05pm“ where miggsegélfr {t . . .. .Mtslt} .I and drawstrom a welldevel that botany .: mi» ._~ :I’
‘ patients are taught habit manage- . . I ~ 3 er Md” "l *"lth’ oped ‘(Xdl’Uldrfv do he searches tor .ttsjut l‘tt‘t‘llfflt .. '.'. :.; .-- ;.. Iii-II}. 31""
About Last Night « Demi Moore and Rob Lowe star in this lava story. Rated ment. Hit'tOUSI pm ,and attending "willow. :hv proper “3} to articulate hh lltl‘riudt. 1" in I A, :3 l" V i ' ‘\ r": (find. " :‘ 351‘: '
R‘(N°”h PM“ ‘05 33‘5» 5125' 71°: 955: ’OdaYondtomorrowatllzss.) The treatment is designed to coun~ mlt‘l‘mltlentl} ‘5‘” ha? ,3JCCUXUWJIH1 .hottghts ”1-“ 'dSWFles are bold tach 1:... g rag ' .v ' ' ~ -", "1255-3": .35“ so: .
“l." -* Hang 0“ ’0 Your seats. This sequel is lust atoll at suspense as the ter what Davis calls hls history of 80 “Zed" hOUFSV Davts litt’ Him and are delivered with ('Ull‘i'lt'llltl; Mir: ll‘gtt|_t;_3' . . . . - ._ ; .~ » . 1,3‘HA “3'13: