xt7sj38khf12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sj38khf12/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-10-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 1997 1997 1997-10-10 2020 true xt7sj38khf12 section xt7sj38khf12   





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)1 m1.“ Storms this after-

KKK II The UK men 's soccer team

faces conference champion Bowling Green

State tlJis wee/(end. See Sports. page 2.


noon. ltiglts tieitr a’ll. Clearing
tonight. lozz‘s III the 605,

”711771 tomorrow. [Jig/J 7



: October 10, 1997

o lamp/w 3 I)t.t/ i / 4
Z Lido/Hub 7 Spit/I» 2
(Irvin. t.. 7 litumrit.’

Protest called all attertlemantls met

OKs funding
for tlye repairs

By Susan Cruce
(.‘utttttlittttttq II 't i'tt'l'

:\ faculty .iiid staff thIItlinsIT‘J‘

elevators in Patterson Office
lower was canceled after Presi—
dent (Iharles 'l‘. “'ethington allo-
cated funds to improve them.

Supporters of the event had
planned to meet in front of POT
yesterday at noon to protest.

Karen Mingst. a political sci—
ence professor, said continuous
problems with the elevators have
caused people to be afraid to use

Stacey Powell counts herself
among those who .ire afraid of the
elevators. Last ;\pril. she experi-
enced bouncing within a PUT
elevator. Site said she heard noises
like metal grinding and saw dust
coitie through the ceiling.

She said service personnel told
her the counterweights of the ele-
vator got off track and started
breaking off the elevator brackets.
causing pieces of metal to fly

The elevator is still
order today. she said, and some-
times the other elevators still

Robin Mullins. assistant to the
director of graduate studies. said
she has been trying for three years
to get the elevators improved. She
said the elevators are l5 years out»
dated and are much too old to be
working safely.

:\ memo from the vice chancel—

out of

ulty and staff on Monday said tltc
president has included the PIN
project in the capital littdgct.

lite protest was called off that
afternoon. ’l'lie pt'ttlctt will
replace lltc current operating s_\,’s

The starting point for tht
replace'nieut protect is IITIL'I‘HCuv
mg three consulting firms to help
plan and design a new elevator
system. interviews for these firms

lllt‘ desioii wotk oi lltt' 'll'lt'.‘t’

-s i
should lu' coittplt'tcd in tin t1..‘. if
the sctttt'stt't. i\\"l‘llll‘_' Iii li't

itit‘l’ltt. \\ ot‘k totiif

as l t'itt'lt.l"\.

sIJIY ttl‘.

"ll \ti't'ls 'lttc's :titt [)ilILHL\\ it',
l‘it‘llt'IIJI'}. wc \\lii ftirtfic: our
actiotis iii getting our (it“sdlt .; s\ .
tctn i‘cplaccd." \liillins said

it] the past. \Iiiigst said. tilt
l'iinersity his said it lacked tuiid
ing to do .iiiithitig ibout thc cit:


w-”_”. . _.-,. .A .‘



tioii against the conditions of the Spanish


assistant about.

lor for administration to P( )l fac~

were scheduled yestcrday.




to “Mill at


By LaShanna Carter
Stat] II 'rm 1'

kiss psychology dcparttiient. in collaboration
with the leaching and Learning (Zenter. conduct—
ed its first annual "\lind Matters: Research in
(Ioguitive Science" series yesterday.

Psychology professor _lonathan (iolding started
off the series with his presentation called “To for
get or Not to Forget: Mechanisms of Intentional
Forgetting." lti his presentation. he focused on
how the ability to segregate relevant frotii irrele<
vant information is critical for the efficient use of
memory. Sotiictiiiies w e are told that we should
"forget" some pieces of information and “remem—
ber" others.

\n example that (iolding used dealt with stit—
dcnts taking tests. \\.'hen reviewing for .1 test a stil—
tlent asks the professor if a certain amount ofinfor—
ination will be included.

The professor responds. “\'o.“ and iitituediately
the student considers that information to be irrele—
vant or forgotten.

'l'he main purpose of this series is to create a
forum for professors at [K who are doing research
in cognitive science to share their insights, research
atid any questions they have been asking about the
research. said Linda \Vorley. director of the
leaching and Learning (Ienter and associate dean
ofundergraduate studies.

This series also gives faculty and instructors an
opportunity to discuss the factors that boost learning.

'l'he leaching and Learning (Jenter focuses on
how people teach and learn and try to set aside places
for faculty .ind students to talk about those issues.

\Vorley rcalited this summer that there were a
number of faculty members on campus who have
done research on cognitive science. (Iognitive sci—
eiice research has become a broad topic within a
range of fields: psychology. psychiatry. educational
psychology. artificial intelligence and biology.

People are becoming more interested in the
brain and how it works. she said. ”.-\t the end ofthe
series. we will see if w hat they are learning in their
research is being applied to students in the class-
room." \\'orley said.

This is a great opportunity for faculty and stu—
dents to come together from across campus to
learn from each other. she said.

Phil Kraeiner. psychology professor. stresses the
importance of a series of this kind because “it is
important to maintain a sttoiig leverage between
our teaching and our research. and in turn that will
give rise to values between faculty and students."

The next presentation in the Mind Matters series
is “Sleep l labits .iiid I);iyr~'l‘uiie Functioning." con-
ducted by professor l’red Danner. from the Depart—
tiieiit of liducational and Counseling Psychology on
Oct. 30 at noon in 3H Student (lentcr.



iiiigiiugii the looking glass



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Construction workers put tltefittisbing touches on the H 'illiitm T. l'omtg l.tl’7‘tlt_‘t' on Soar/.7 Centralcamp/ts. ’l‘lti' III/Illlvltlllllttll ilo/lar I’lII/t/INQ 1‘ I vpo'ti .l to In tart/iii t'/ t .’/‘i
L'ttiz‘t'txi'iti' sometime at tltc eml of next mmttlt. ( 'K officials are predicting 1/” opening tltefitii‘t neck of .-Iprtl I Wa.


Rape victim SBIIIIS warning to "K

Koesta er relays
personal story
to stop tlye cycle

By Jill Messer
Staff II 'riter

During her first few days as a fresh—
men at \\'illiam and Mary (Iollege in
Virginia. Katie Koestner met a won—
derful guy, “Paul."

She thou rht they were becoming
friends. and c took her out on a fairy

tale date. Later that night she invited
him back to her room. and he became
angry that she would not give itito sex.
:\ few hours later. he raped her.

Last night at Memorial Hall the
nationally—known date rape awareness
advocate spoke about that evperience
and others.

Koestner told about the can ofinace
her dad gave her when she went away
to school. It was sitting on her desk
three feet away when she was raped.

“The only problem with mace." she
said. “is that we don't accessorize with
it around our necks on dates with
Prince Charming.“

:\s a soft~spoken freshman, she

didn‘t feel capable of ordering hcr
assailant out and felt know one would
help her.

:\err all. he was Prince (diariiiiiig.

For a couple of days Kocstncr did
not tell anyone. \\ hen she finally told
her dad. he hung up on her. 'lihe lady
at the clinic told her to take a couple
sleeping pills and she would feel better.
Most of the student body did not
believe her and os'traci/ed her.

But her resident adviser took her
seriously. punching a liolc m the w all
when she told him. ’lhe police were
also supportive and did .i thorough

How ever. the

district attorney

wouldn‘t prosecute. saying the cunt IL
tioii ratc is c\treiucly low for rapt
“Paul" was comictcd by a L iiiicrsity
(iourt .ind latct' evpellcd. lie was I itci'
rciiistattd and eventually giaduaied
with Kocstncr.

liltc’ dean ofstudciits told lit: thcv
made .i cute couple and it would be
good ifthcycoiild workout IlItII'lllllt'
tiff. 'l‘be woman who fixed out door
to Kitcstltct‘ \icttt out with "Paul" tltt
night aftei his t’tHHltllUI‘i

lsocstncr said this all took plaic
whcii datc rape was still in the dark
ages. and that many colleges and dis
tricts handle the situation better todai



HBBIS’ Dean Smith bids an emotional farewell

(’kflll'ltlft’ll l’t‘i'.\‘\‘

(lll.»\Pl’.l. HILL. .\'.(1. ~ He said
he lost his enthusiasm fora game he
has loved a lifetime. atid loves still.

And in explaining it all. he lost his

Dean Smith retired as basketball
coach at North (Iarolina yesterday, a
job that lasted 36 years. produced two
national titles and raised him to the
pinnacle ofhis profession.

His lon time assistant Bill
(Suthridge takes over with little time
to waste: Practice for the upcoming
season starts in nine davs.

The winningest college basketball
coach of all time said he was 80 per—




cent surc last week he wanted to step
down; after the weekend. it was I(I()

“This timing is something !
believed in all along," said Smith.
who broke Adolph Rupp's career vic—
tory mark of 876 last season during
the NCAA tournament. “I certainly
wouldn‘t want to say I'll coach this
year and resign after the season. (Ian
you ima inc how many rocking
chairs at ifferent places I would get
and them all acting like they like you?
I‘ve seen that all too often.

With students gathered outside,
pressing against windows. his North
( Iarolina team entered a acked room
ofahout 300 reporters. former play-

ers, faculty, staff and friends inside
the Smith (Ienter (Dean Dome) iust
moments before the coach.

Smith appeared at ease as he began
to address the crowd, but began to
cry when he talked about his players
-—— all of them.

“\\'hat loyalty I've had. froin my
players " Smith said. wipinfg away
tears, then drop ting his head or sev-
eral iiioitients while he tried to regain
his composure.

“I knew some day this would be
my last team. Yes. there is guilt.“
Smith said. “I look at their faces and l
inst couldn't handle that. I couldn‘t if
I turned right now. But I still believe
it's best for them unless I could give


them what I want.

“I enjoy basketball. l enioy coach-
ing basketball," Smith said. “it’s the
out—of—season stuff I didn't handle

He couldn't really pin down major
factors in his decision. thou h be
mentioned his 66—year-old body was
out of shape and overweight.

Chancellor Michael Hooker said
he tried to talk Smith out of his deci-
sion, but didn‘t press the coach

“I didn‘t try as hard as I might
have because I respect Dean too
much," he said. “He knows what he
wants better than I do. and it would
have been selfish for the institution to


I’hntn hvnttrhd

m3 ”3‘ I )mn Smtth. who announced his retirement yester-

See SMITH (m 2 day. t‘oacliesfi‘om the .i'ttlelittei‘ with his .i‘uccei‘i‘nr. Bill (.‘mht-utqu








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2 Friday. ( Arulw Ill. ”9.", Kentucky Kernel




Animal farm:










l Best Copy






- -
he Southeastern (Ionference looks a bit different from here.
\ear the pastel blue horizon sits a (iator. His orange and
blue \ isor looks vaguely familiar. l
l le is using .i terry cloth to wipe a light orange residue off his 7‘; i
teeth and keeps looking at a Big Red ‘.\" that sends him into a k: '
snap-happy terior. :5
It seems corn is his least favorite food. ’
Just a step off pace is a tangerine Volunteer. ’1
His rifle is loaded. but he looks disheart-
ened. 'l'he (iator took a rather large bite
out ofhis throwing hand and left him without
a chance at a national title. 5
In his back pocket is a note from Ohio ii
State coach John Cooper that says. “I know ‘3
' exactly what you feel like. l’hil (Fuliner). See ‘
you at the (:itrus Bowl.”
;\ pair of’l‘igers lurk in the forest stir—
rounding the Volunteer. ()tie is from
(laiun (Zountry. the other from a trailer
park in southern -\labaiiia. :i
'l‘hey {ought once this season. and the :
Bengal from the Bayou is i
still licking his wounds ‘f
, Time is running out for him. I
l‘ti)!” a couple hundred ';
yards. he can hear the hissing l
of a hungry (iator. lhe Creole
(lat is good enough on lioot to w
challenge the reptile. but the ‘ PHOTOS BY MATT BARTON A / I ,,
\ (ilillgtf‘ifrcdtla:as::1)sfum word. 0" THE "I!" 1 Kit Tim (Jilly/.1(11170.1?)-I‘lllla'fi)!‘[’15life/+07” ii III/rzillgdla-bama defrm‘iye lwck. (,‘ilrxitf'nletnir (Int/g lino! (lie/0:11) 1a nnmng SEC lenders in [nitr-rrrcprmna nm/
The other Tiger prances Aaron .t/w/i/ilplio n mil/«it I'm/c In i It .\ nficna‘iz'e nrrni'k (lg/mm the (mmemckr f’flla‘ tree/rend. It 5 ("I attack LSC roar/a Brad hunt was It'll] [w n 'H‘t'II/t’fldlflla challenge for /'i'\' Int/li/n/n
around merrily: without a SIIIIIBI‘IOI‘II
SCI‘tHCh. Spur“ I ‘ ' i
it has help. you see. ;\ rulumnivr -‘
\\v;lr Iii-Jig“: LierIL‘N “buvc‘ ' onus "ce 0 euce
sharpening its talons for a match I
with the (iator next week. From its lofty spot. it can
“Illicit 3‘:‘rilik:1:illlcljjllrltytirlsgIzzchlflihlItalllllfiljxfl M (Vlats‘ floor as they trayel to face the to make it difficult for us. and the_ (Iats hate been rcceii ing
- 1‘ Zimme says South (.arolina (xamecocks for a “l m sure we re going to see the much of the attention this w eck tor
SMSOBJQ; Behind the .112ch )lod 1 m m. 1353i) pan. kickot't'on Saturday at best Kentucky team that‘s played this obyious reasons.
B ll l) x . ’ l ‘ p‘ ' \\ illiamselirice Stadium. year. one that‘s going to be a .\laking a return to the LSC lint"
‘ 5);: gthat answers by the name fits dCan In the last tour meetings between II‘CIHCIHlO'Lls challenge tor our toot- up this weekend will be bigAplay
V , . "L' a" is stra ) )in I on a bullet iroof W“ the two schools. the yisiting team has ball team. .. , , ‘ . wide I‘L'CCH'CI‘ /:ola Haws w ho sat out
VANDERBILI "it" 3 h-Y I” ”E“ ”x , klih” _ . (b 9 come away with the win. but L i\ Ll\ ollcnsiyc tackle lsris (.om— during the Locks :34) loss to
tory :lléettween(ihuenltieflgess112:3;:50lgiiirih: “fig; y team head coach Hal Alumnie said L'SCI is stock believes the big win will play Auburn. g . ‘
swagger is back. ~ ~ _ ' hungry for a win atter‘losnig their into L l\ s hands before 80.000 tans. .\ ‘tew weeks ago. the \ll~.\lt(,
21.th weekend will he Liga‘s first trip away By Price Atkinson last two games to Slt(, \\ estern l in not goingto guarantee a \ICV candidate was arrested by local
from his doUhouse. - .\i‘lllt»l'5mff H um l)iy;isi.on toes. . ' . tory but we re goitig to be \ery con~ police lor an alleged assault incident.
Right now: he's packing. . .. . lt s about like trying to pick up a lident going down to L S(.. (.omA Scott served his star l‘L‘L‘L‘lY-L'I' with a
The other Bulldog is still smarting from the lime tor a road trip. . . ‘ wounded rattlesnake. .\lumme"said. stock'said. .. (itiefgiiiiic- suspension while l)ayis
pounding he took ‘l'rom Lga. His paws are 1 his weekend. the L l\ football l think they re'y'cry dangerous. \\ bile conhdencc can only help. awaited his daym court. On \londay
bruised. His confidence i‘ shattered. liven his team heads out on the highway in ‘ biiiiilarly. L 5(. head coach Brad alumine‘has downplayed the Kama morning. the iudgc threw out the
””me cowbell is dented. His W“ has search of their first Southeastern Scott said he does not expect to seca Win by focusing on the new chal— case because witnesses who were _
81”“ch to a crawl. (.onlcrcnce win aw ay from the flat—L ls team hit the held atter the lcngc the (.ats will face in (.olumbia. supposed to te'slll} did not show up.
(iaining on the mm“ 15 a thundering B—Z (,tnttllittlt“L‘illtli. (.at‘s‘emotional win over :\labaiiia. SK: . ‘ ‘ clearing the way lm'.,l)‘"l.\ .return. "
liontber.‘ ‘ . l he lirst and only chance the 'l m. sure that .s an adyantagc tor “c re not going tout-alk‘ about In four oi the llr\'L' L M. games.
I can barely see the pilot. (.ats had to capture a lucratiye .Sl' (, them right “OX: because it 5.? conti— the win. .\lutnmc said. \\ e re lust l)a\'is remains ticd hit the team lead \
It looks like a cat in flight goggles. win on the road was against ,\lissis— deiicc builder. Scott said. lg think going to stay right where we are and Ill receptions with -0 catches along
”C has golden fur. green eyes: claws. sippi State on‘bept. (i. a game which heading into our ballgame. ”it inst be business like about it. \\ hat s “."h ireshman t‘cce1\er _lcrmale .-
sharp teeth and a tongue that L l\ dropped ss-_ . . continues to build their confidence importantis the nest play. ‘ lxelly. L l\ coriicrback and senior
. . ‘ .‘ _, s _ However. the odds are in the and their momentum and it s going lhe offenses of both the Links captain Littlcton \\ .ird said l);l\'ls is
m resembles J phallic symbol when k i like other receivers 11‘ the \l’L
curled for a growl. _" . . ‘_ ‘ ’ “ .
fl\ 1 FL'U)inl'/,C\Il1‘.lt black flag. and the . (Di‘l‘d‘l 0 . real . lug-l _‘“.l.ll‘ llC S
/ __ Q\ blue ‘3‘ iersey looks familiar. grln‘lulll‘k.‘ ‘lll Md .Icuil‘fil“. .\\ a‘rd
kw But there h no way. That cat is said. l lc s their primary ieceii er.
flying a bomber named ‘Bowl -\iithoiiy \\ right. who quarter
liou'ndf' lhe \Vildcat always took the backs the garnet and black “”M'l‘V
bus. ' has become dependent on l)ayis
;\nd “.th ls that white wrapping with the loss ol tailback l)ucc Staley.
around everything but his eyes? Staley rushed for Ll”) yards 1"“ Z
Z()(),\ll ‘ ‘ year lllt‘l-Lllllng 103 against L l\ in the
I stand corrected. That was the (.ockshlfi—H win oyer the (.ats.
new-look \Vildcat. “\\ ith laticcvlast year. they had a
I hope he's ready to be a target. g;>-;()-kguy. Ll lsvl‘llincbackcr BO“
' l‘he gray elephant from the Heart of (? lll mg “m ‘ k :1“) now I“ "1
l)i.\'ie hasn‘t seen the underside of the ruiiiift 'K _‘ \ir Raid" ”“me h “
“14:15:13:;:)('\)::r:iwnh a bandage on garnered considerable attention as
- , j ' . < ; . , i . ‘ well. Iake most other opposing
”N Lg” Rx“ on [hi “(1 doorniat where coaches S‘cott S‘lltl the ("its‘ line
HawA mt mm m” lay. . . more than just a budding lleisiiiaii
He was a glamorous (.ainecock until candidate in tu-irterb'ick 'l‘ini
iniiiries and bad luck made him go limp. The (:ouch‘ l ‘ ‘
\\'ildcat is landing at his Southern den. ‘ ““5” *v- . im n__ ‘1 “ 'tli 'l'i
\lthough the (iamecock is not at full and the Isfay'thrdtliriliwtsst‘hht ldotbilln'l‘
’ strength. more than 80.000 people bet on it bcott said"“liheyiye put togeth'eria
““3 .Saturday. . . . . line group of receiyers that are runs ‘
lhis is new [Uri lor the big. blue cat. lhe ning “”6”le gum! routes ““1
element of surprise died with the goal posts at they're confident in “h H they “1”
"5.1"”...Ai“ (Lonimonwealth Stadium last week. 'l‘hcy stretch the field and do a nice
lhc cock is backed into a corner. job with that. plus you lime to be
\ll‘l ll” “Ill 0}" impressed and also conscientious of
\pnrti (In/1mm“! . limin Stun/(mm! it 41 political .rrlcnrejunirni He can lie their running back.
rim/mil 1m ("Null/(If.\'dlndf’7fi)rd@(lnl.1'0”] “It‘s a good challenge,"
1 3

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