xt7sn00zs926 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sn00zs926/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19670321  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 21, 1967 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 21, 1967 1967 2015 true xt7sn00zs926 section xt7sn00zs926 Tie
Tuesday Evening, March 21,

mtucky Kernel


The South s Outstanding College Daily



Rand Man
Says Control
Of Weapons
Is Possible



he said.

As has been the case with
Britain, France, and now China,
this prestige does not carry with
it political success, however.
Despite this, political prestige
will continue to be a factor, he
Few nations are likely to desire nuclear weapons for prestige
alone, however, and they are
persuaded by other factors.
Dr. Schlesinger placed the
military objectives in three


The first group is
and is made up of countries
such as West Germany, Italy,
Sweden, and Switzerland.
The system desired by this
group is the most expensive,
costing $4 to $5 billion annually at the minimum.
This group is probably the
most important to the United


Continued on Page 3




Cook, Snyder File

For Top SG Spot
Kernel Managing Editor

Competition for the Student Government presidency opened
Monday as two current SG representatives announced their
The opponents, the first to
announce for the April 6 election, were Steve Cook andSheryl
Snyder. Both announcements
merely confirmed speculation
prevalent in SG since the begin-- ,
ning of the year.
Cook, a political science senior, will run with Rafael
a junior international
economics major; Snyder's run-- :
ning mate is Kendall Threlkeld,
an English major. Both are current SG representatives.
Campaign platforms of the
two presidential candidates were
drawn up with an apparent ear
to current discussion of campus
representation in SG. Both platforms approve new organization,
structure, and number of members in the SG assembly.
Both platfonns promise an investigation of parking facilities
for students. Snyder's platform
includes proposals to end towing
away student's cars, construction
of "long promised University
parking towers, and more parking spaces for sorority row."
Both candidates promise a re
Val-lebon- a,

view of current SG programs for
continuation next year.
Cook promises continuation
of such specific programs as the
Impact and Student Forums, the
student directory, the academic
review board, the traffic appeals
board, the teacher evaluation program, library service review, and
the committee of 240.
In addition, he promised to
reinstate former SG programs,
including the summer employment service, summer student recreation programs, and faculty-studeroundtables.
Snyder promised to "improve"
the Impact forum, teacher evaluation, contemporary issues forum,
the student directory, and efforts
to obtain a



Continued On Page


Applications for the Board of
Student Publications are available in the Program Director's
office in the Student Center.
Applications should be returned
to the office of the Vice President for Student Affairs in the
Administration Building not later
than April 14.

"It may be time to declare the formal
general education movement dead in America,
to cease bowing to its corpse, and to pursue
the spirit of board learning in fresher ways.

Mechanical general education requirements
have never really worked; why don't we
admit it?" (From a recent speech by Louis
T. Benezet, president of the Claremont Graduate School).
The question of general education is not
a new one, but it has become a central
issue in higher education as student protests of alienation and rising dropouts rates
have underlined the importance of changing
American education.
The idea of gen ed as presently used

Neivs Analysis
began to develop around the 1920's, growing out of dissatisfaction with the purely
elective system that then held sway in most

With the strength of industrialization
lending support, emphasis on research and
specialization was attractive to many, especially in the new universities patterned
in the Cerman sty le. No longer was college
exclusively for the ministry, or even for
"gentlemen" who wanted to acquire a sheen
before entering business or a profession.

For a while, a battle was waged between
the classical academies and the new upstarts of German-styl- e
scholarship and American style "public service." By the end of
the century, however, it was all over. Classicism was dead.
Taking its place in most universities was
the elective system, championed by the influential Charles Eliot, president of Harvard
from 1869 to 1909. By the time he came to
college, Eliot's theory went, the young person should be able to embark upon study
which would lead to a profession.
This idea was quite popular in the last
half of the 19th century and on into the
20th, but it was by no means universally
The University of Chicago's first president, William Harper, pointed out the danger
of pattemless skipping from course tocourse,
and, w hile president of Princeton, Woodrow
Wilson proposed that all students should
gain "a wide acquaintance with the best
books that men have written jointed with
a knowledge of the institutions men have
made trial of in the past."
Meanwhile, at Harvard University, President Abbott Lowell was replacing his predecessor's elective system with a pattern
of concentration and distribution, limiting
students' freedom to choose any course.
Other colleges in the 20Y and '30's were
devising much more enterprising schemes


Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, the director of
Selective Service, said Monday that he now supports the creation
of a draft lottery, after deriding the concept for years, because
President Johnson had overruled his objections.
In testimony before the Se- on the form of the random selecnate Subcommittee on Employment, Manpower, and Poverty tion process.
General Hershey used a football
General Hershey said that
analogy to describe his reluctant
to higher authority. part of tlie new draft system
The subcommittee, under the could be implemented "today"
temporary chairmanship of Sen. by beginning the induction of
under the current
Edward M. Kennedy,
opened hearings on the draft birth date selection process. The
lottery could then be impleyesterday.
mented later on, he said, when
"I am an operator," the
it is decided exactly who will be
general said, "I've never
subjected to it.
played in the backfield much.
I wasn't too good on the line.
One major consideration in
But when the quarterback calls
this respect, he said, was whether
the signals that is the way I
play them. I wouldn't be an undergraduate be continued. Presments were to
operator very long if I only did ident
announced his in-


what I liked."
In his special draft message
to Congress March 6, Mr. Johnson announced that by Jan. 1,
1969 he intended to order the
drafting of the youngest men,
first and that
qualified youths would be selected through a lottery system.
Under the current draft process
eligible men are summoned for
duty by birth date with the oldest going first.
General Hershey said he now
felt that this new system should
be implemented "with the greatest rapidity" and that he did not


"it will talce very long

to do it when we decide to do

He said one possible lottery
would be to scramble
the days of the year and then
take all eligible men whose birthdays fell on dates randomly
drawn from the pool.
President Johnson has ordered
Hershey and Secretary of Defense
Robert S. McNamara to decide

Is The General Education Concept Dying?
The Collegiate Press Service







Hershey Gives In
To Johnson's Idea
On Draft Lottery
New York Timri New


In most cases, he said, a
country does not seek nuclear
weapons solely for the effectiveness of the weapon militarily,
but for the prestige it carries.
"Considerable prestige can be
extracted from the possession of
only a few nuclear weapons,"



Kernel Staff Writer

The likelihood and dangers
of nuclear proliferation are far
less than we are led to believe,
Dr. James H. Schlesinger said
last night.
"What other countries can
acquire if they go nuclear is
so limited that if we stress their
limited capabilities to go nuclear
we can probably control their
appetites," he said.
Dr. Schlesinger, a senior staff
member of the Rand Corporation
and the Rand Strategic Study
Croup, spoke to a group from
the Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Com-



to avoid the disunity which characterized
many students' curricula.
The distributing system, which requires
some number of courses from each of several
fields or groups, is still widely used. Often
called the "Chinese menu" plan ("Take
one from corumn A, two from corumn B,
and everybody get egg loll"), it is not usually considered respectable by those who
champion the "true" gen ed pattern.
One alternative is the "survey" course,
which attempts to sample material from
each of several related disciplines. An ambitious offering of the survey type was an
elective at the University of Chicago called
"The Nature of the World and of Man."
Chicago sought to summarize basic facts
from astronomy, geology, physics, chemistry,
physical antliropology, and several other

Survey courses were not universally acclaimed. Alexander Meiklejohn, president
of Amherst until 1921, later the father of
the University of Wisconsin's famous Experimental College, commented that survey
courses "in themselves have no dominating
unity. Against the survey course which lists,
describes, and classifies a group of studies,
I would suggest the analytic course which
finds a method of thought and gives a student practice in it."
Continued on Page


tention to end graduate school
deferments, except for medical
and dental students, but called
for more debate on the undergraduate deferment issue.

Assistant Secretary of Defense
Thomas D. Morris said Monday
he believed a "transition year"
was necessary before the new
system could be put into full
effect. During this transition
year, Mr. Morris proposed, "all
eligible men in class
age 19 would be placed in the
random selection pool and have
equal exposure to selection." Mr.
Morris testified after General


On Merger
Is Reached
The Lexington City and Fayette County Boards of Education agreed last night to merge
the two school systems before
Oct. 15, 196S.

If the merger is not accomplished by Oct. 15, 1968, yesterday's agreement will be void.
The chief obstacle to merger
is the problem of equalizing the
two district's tax rates.
The tax differential between
the two systems, according to
the contract, will be 5.6 cents
per $100 assesseil valuation for
school year. This
the 1967-6allows for a city rate of 73.2
cents per $100 property assessment, all general fund taxes,
and a county tax rate of 78. S
per $100, a figure that includes
51.3 general fund and 2 1.5 cents
special voted taxes.
In a suit to be filed by the
city district and a countersuit
by the county system, the two
districts will ask Fayette Circuit Omit and ultimately the
Couit of Appeals to:

1. Deteiiniue the
piev ailing
tax late of the merged ilistiiit.

2. Determine whether a
must be held among residents of the city district to bring

Continued on Page


* 2 --

Till: KENTUCKY KERNEL, Turoby, Mauli

HI, 19(i7

UK's Best Dressed Coed
Displays Fashion Sense



Kernel Staff Writer
The AWS selection of Suzanne Huffines as
girl on
campus has placed her in the competition for one of the ten
college girls in the nation.
lcst-dresse- d


Representing Kappa Alpha
Theta Sorority, the junior speech
therapy major won first place in.
competition with 21 other women
representing the various women's
housing units on campus.
The contest searching for the
coeds in the
nation has been sponsored annually for the past 10 years by
Clamour magazine.
perky, petite brunette,
Suzanne is recognized around
campus as a member of the
cheerleading squad.
According to Kathleen Johnson, Editor in Chief of Glamour,
the reason for Clamour's interest
in finding these women is a
matter of importance to the


modern woman.
"We hope to make known our
sincere interest in young college
women by showing them how to
enjoy their looks without being

preoccupied by them ... and to
impress upon them that good
looks, good grooming, and a good
mind all are important goals to
reach for in these highly competitive times," she said.
What are Suzanne's ideas on
being well groomed? "As far as
clothes are concerned, she said,
people should wear what looks
nicest on them what goes well
with their particular height and
figure is more important than
what's the fad at the present
time," she explained.
"Also," she continued, "people must consider the styles
of their area of the country in
dressing well. The style of clothes
worn in Paris may not fit the

occasion or the climate in Lexington."
What's the secret to Suzanne's
fashion success? "Well," she

Ifnh; )ft




Suzanne IliiJJiiivslJlCs
said, "my mother has always
sewn for me and I've been able
to have a wider selection of outfits than if I were to buy all
of my clothes.
"Mother and I try to buy






a basic pattern and work from
there to design something new
and different," she added. "I've
always liked to dress within reasonable limits of fashion, yet
different," she said, "and the
only way this was possible until
recently was to have someone
sew for you."
What is her opinion of the
new fashion craze of brightly
colored fabrics and changing de-

"In general," said Suzanne,
"I think being able to wear bright

outstanding clothes is something
that can boost your spirits 100
"One thing I like about these
new colors is that they have
personality they are expressive
and say so much when you see
someone in them," she said.




"I have an
coat for winter that's sort of a
cherry spot on a drab day it's
fun to wear," she said. "Clothes
can be fun to wear and they
don't have to be too expensive,
if you shop wisely."


Each of the ten winning coeds
will appear in the August College Issue of Glamour, receive
a personal gift from the editors
of Clamour, and an
paid visit to New York from

June 5 to June


The June trip will include
visits to cultural centers, evenings
at the theater, and dinner at
famous restaurants. Winners will
also meet some of the top leaders
in the fields of fashion and

UK Bulletin Board
The presidents of all organizations that had a group picture taken for the Kentuckian
should come to Room 210 in
the Journalism Building to identify their pictures. If pictures
are not identified before April
1, they will go into the book unidentified.

Deadline for registration for
voting in the May primary is
March 25. Registration must be
done in the home county and at
the office of the county court
clerk or the voter registration office. Anyone not registered at
present whoweets the residence
requirements of Kentucky and
will reach the age of 18 prior
to the November election is eligible to register.

Dr. Kenneth Boulding of the
Department of Economics, University of Michigan, will give
two lectures Wednesday: TheoJerry A. Fodor of the psyretical Biology Seminar: "The chology department at MassachuPollution of Information" at 4 setts Institute of Technology will
p.m. in the Commerce Auditorspeak on "Algorithms for Syntax Recognition" or "How to
ium, and Seminars on
"Peach Research as a Sci- Understand How We Understand
entific Discipline" at 7:30 p.m. Sentences" at 8 p.m. Thursday,
in Room 322 of the Commerce
in Room 108 of the Commerce

Fill in the measurements of your best girl so you'll be
sure to get the right size when you go "U" Shop-pinfor her!

Non-Violenc- e:

But that's not all! Each card has a number on the
back. If the number on your card matches the one
posted in the "U" Shop window or newspaper ad, all
you do is bring in your card, and you've won yourself
some distinctive "U" Shop clothing absolutely FREE!
The University Shop is giving away a limited number
of these "Demand Your Wrights" wallet cards on a
first come, first serve basis while the supply lasts. So
come in, pick up your free wallet card, and watch for
the numbers. You could be a winner!




An Older Model Car
CARS from

$100 to $1,000.00
Small Down Payments
Small Weekly Payments

Jack Smith
Economy Cars
Phone 233-101- 7

Applications are now being
taken for Key's Honorary. Requirements are a 3.00 overall and
sophomore standing. Send applications to Bill Moss, 410 Rose
Lane, Lexington.
There will be two Folk Singers in the Student Center Grille
8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Tuesday.




91.3 mc.

The Kentucky Kernel


Miami U.
Ohio State U.
U. of Cincinnati
West Va. U.
Eastern Ky. U.

The Kentucky Kernel. University
Station, University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky 40506. Second class
postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky.
Published five times weekly during
the school year except holidays and
exam periods.
Published by the Board of Student
Publications, UK Post Office Box 4986.
Nick Pope, chairman, and Patricia
Ann Nickell, secretary.
Begun as the Cadet in 1894 and
published continuously as the Kernel
since 1915.
Advertising published herein Is Intended to help the reader buy. Any
false or misleading advertising should
be reported to The Editors.

Bowling Green U.
Purdue U.
Ohio U.
U. of Kentucky

407 South Limestone
The nation



largest group of apparel shops catering
exclusively to college students.


Yearly, by mail
Per copy, from files

Editor, Managing Editor
Editorial Page Editor,
Associate Editors, Sports .... 2320
News Desk
Advertising, Business,




Evening Concert. Strauss: "Till
Eulenspiegel"s Pranks"
7:00 Hall of Song: "Erich Leinsdorf"
7:30 Black Museum: Orson Wells



Masterworks, Brams: "Piano
Quartet In C minor"
11:05 Viewpoint: "Lloyd Mallan"
1:00 Sign on: News, Music
2:00 Afternoon Concert, Gershwin:

"Rhapsody in Blue"
It Happened Today: Newi
Education USA


252-269- 7
LIME between Maxwell & High


Rand Specialist Believes

cludes West Germany.
The U.S. has tliree important reasons for opposing the
possession of nuclear weapons
in this group:
It would be contrary to specific NATO policy.
By its very nature it would
be directed at Soviet cities and
this would upset the unwritten
agreement between the US and
the Soviet Union.
It would lead to political
disunity in Europe.
The second military group
is the
group. It is
made up of Japan, India, Ausanti-Chin-

tralia, and others, and probably
is the least problem for the US.
The third group is purely
regional and is composed of such
countries as Israel, the United
Arab Republic, Pakistan, Indonesia, and South Africa.
The purely regional group is
important, because of the delicate balance of power between
these countries, Dr. Schlesinger


upset of this balance of

power could lead to a nuclear
Dr. Schlesinger said it was
encouraging to look at the demands and potentials of the couth
The countries which, because
of their technology and other
factors, could most easily obtain
nuclear weapons are faced with


the strongest demands those of
the Soviet Union.
Those countries which would
have the most difficulty getting
the weapons, such as Israel,
would have the least demanded
of them.
This situation also offers a
problem. .
"We cannot prevent first rate
industrial powers from obtaining nuclear power," Dr. Schlesinger said.
"If we irritate the major industrial powers, we may find
that they will aid the weaker
countries," and it is argued that
we should help the strong na-

tions instead.
In the past we have placed
"emphasis upon components of
the nuclear weapon rather than
on the over all system," he said.
We have
importance of fisionary matter
being used by the country involved and forgotten that this
is only one part of the process
of deploying a nuclear weapon.
In the U.S., scientists work
without the limitations ofmoney
and other things, but in other
countries this is not the case,
Dr. Schlesinger said.
It is hard to conceive that
countries that have "trouble producing light bulbs will find it
easy to produce nuclear weapons," he said.
The cost of the nuclear weapon is not the only expense,


but also the establishment of
a missile system to accompany

"There is an enormous gulf
between crude nuclear weapons
and a full fledged strategic system," he said.
In answer to a question. Dr.
Schlesinger said that he did not
think the US would be able
to withstand the political pressures for an
anti-ballist- ic


He said that these systems
would underscore the positions
of the
(U.S. and
the Soviet Union) and "mean
that we are even more free to
intervene in local nuclear wars
if we so desire."

Mrs. Isabel Dunn Oswald, 81, mother of President John W.
wald, died of a heart attack at 6: p.m. Sunday at a hospital in
Pasadena, Calif.
from the University of Minnesota.
Mrs. Oswald was the widow
Survivors, in addition to Presof Prof. Wieland L. Oswald, a
botanist at the University of Min- ident Oswald, include two daughters, Mrs. Gordon Foster and Mrs.
nesota from 1900 to 1917 and editor of Seed World, a magazine Richard Koenig, both of Paspublished in Chicago, from 1920 adena, and five grandchildren.
Funeral services will be at
to 1941. He died in 1944.
Forest Lawn Cemetery, Glen-dalA native of Minnesota, Mrs.
Oswald was graduated in 1906
Os-3- 0


Continued From Page 1
the city board members, either
the city school levy up to the by death or resignation, the polevel of the county school tax. sition will not be refilled.
By December 1968, all city
The referendum, if ordered
by the courts, would in effect members will have rotated off,
and the loard, representative
be asking city voters to approve
special voted taxes in the of the whole county, will be
equivalent of those previously down to the required five
voted by county residents.
The size of the board of education is, by law, limited to

Film Festival
Lafayette High School
Tuesday, March 21
7:30 p.m.


(Drive out South Limestone turn
right at Southland Drivecome drive
ktraight ahead till you the to a
building on
kide of the road park your car
and come in to kee a priie winning
Spanikb film with EnglUb tubtitle




The nicest surprise to happen in a long time.
Unless you just enjoy turning your back
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breathtaking shots!"

at 7:36 & 11:20 p.m.









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Cleaners, Inc.
"333 or


include residents of the city
school district. This will be done
as quickly as possible to allow
city school voters to participate
in the next school board election.
If a vacancy occurs among

First prize winner





Tom Pirrcefield, 23, are among
set for trial during
the April term of the criminal
division of the court.
The dot ket was set Monday by
Judge Joseph J. Bradley.


Lexington Schools Agree On Merger

"Maria Candclaria"



C.nv To lie Trieil

Two former University employes, indicted on chargesof unlawful iK)Ssession of narcotics are
scheduled for trial in Fayette
Circuit Court April 25.
Mrs. Susan Hohnke, 22 and


President Oswald's Mother
Dies In Pasadena Hospital

five members. The problem arose,
then, of how the 10 duly elected
members of both boards would
fulfill the tenns of their office.
It was resolved this way:
The entire county will be
redistricted into five sections to

KERNEL. Tuesday. March 21, IfMj

Two hi Nnrcolirs

Nuclear Control Possible
Continued From Tare 1
States at present because it



* Iernel

The Kentucky

The Smith's Outstanding College Daily




21, 1K7

Editorials represent the ojnniom of the Editors, not of the llniversity.


Hot co, Editorial





Vac Editor


William Knati',

Business Manager

Improper Perspective

The resignation Sunday of three
Illinois University coaches involved in a $21,000 athletic slush
fund is a good example of the tail
wagging the dog. It is a sad day
when an athletic conference in
this instance the Big Ten can tell



whether to fire or retain the services of certain members of its
The "scandal" began in December when Dr. David D. Henry,
UI president, blew the whistle

on his own school, after being
informed of the slush fund for aid
to athletes. This information came
to Henry through Mell Brewer,
an assistant athletic director, who
was passed over for the job of

athletic director.
Henry told conference officials
that two separate funds had been
maintained since 1962 and 1964 by
backers of the athletic
and that aid had been
dispensed from the funds to athletes who asked for financial help.
It was also disclosed that the three
coaches were aware of the aid.
off-camp- us

Conference Commissioner Bill
Reed then announced that Big
Ten athletic directors (with Illinois not voting) "have concluded
that football coach Pete Elliott,
basketball coach Harry Combes
and assistant basketball coach
Howard Braun of the University
of Illinois have been in violation
of certain conference rules relating to financial assistance to athletes and uses of funds in the re-

cruiting of athletes."
The Big Ten then gave UI
an either-o- r choice: either fire the
three coaches or face indefinite
suspension in the Big Ten conference. "If the university should
retain their services, then the university must show cause to faculty
members why the university should
not be suspended from the Big

Ten," Reed said.
The athletic directors could
have voted for the outright firing
of the coaches, instead of invoking
the either-o- r clause.
The irony of the situation is
the fact President Henry fought
to retain the services of the three
coaches, and his action was sup- -

tiik ;kkat wall
Perhaps not to be outdone by
Peking, the University has constructed its great wall, sweeping
above Botanical Gardens, around
the Administration Building and
on past the main campus walkway.
We wonder whether this is an
invitation tobegin wall newspapers
on this campus or whet her the great
slab of wood is one of the new
bulletin boards that was promised
for the campus two years ago.
At any rate, not every can-pu- s
has one.

ported by the university's board of
trustees. Ray Page, state superintendent of public instruction and
board member, noted,
"The penalty (for the coaches)
is too great. The university was
in error, but the penalty is unrealistic."
We would think the role of the
conference should be to see that
its member schools uphold the
established rules, and to suspend
schools which violate these rules.
But, in this case, the conference
apparently wanted to go a step
further and influence the personnel
in the Illinois athletic department.
We are not supporting the coaches
who violated the rules. We are
merely saying that the university
should have been able to determine the future of these coaches
at UI. If the university had retained the coaches and the slush
fund had continued, the conference then should have dropped
the university from its list of memio


"Let The Chips Fall Where They May
Expose ALL The Congressmen In Bimini"
Letters To The Editor

'Almighty Kernel9 Strikes Again
To the Editor of the Kernel:
Far too often have I read an
editorial by a member of the Kernel staff which nauseated me with
pompous, conceited tone of infallability. A choice
example was the recent unmerited,

But when the Big Ten issued
its mandate, the three coaches resigned, perhaps in a heroic gesture,
to keep UI in the Big Ten confer

biting sarcastic tirade that the associate editor directed to the discredit of Joseph Petro's artistic
ability. Those who believed this
article could only feel sorry for
poor Mr. Petro. The "Almighty
'Kernel" had struck again and Mr.
Petro would do well to drop his
brushes and crawl into a hole.
Some may even have been dissuaded from visiting this worthwhile exhibit. I rest assured, however, that many of those who have
seen Mr. Petro's work concur with
me in the hope that he will continue to use his talent to paint
ence. But their resignation came, reality as reality, a form of art
that we mere mortals enjoy.
according to President Henry, beIt is interesting to note that1
fore any action by the board of
directors of the athletic association many of the old masters chose to
be "pictorially honest," and yet
or the Faculty Senate Committee
on Athletes, both of whom were they are revered by an age which
has fostered a current crop of arscheduled to meet later Sunday
afternoon with Henry for additional tists for whom reality is not enough.
These modern artists paint for
consultation on the matter.
It is pathetic when an athletic themselves for a group of advocates which most certainly conconference can supercede the acstitutes the minority of our poptions of the official university govulace.
erning bodies and have fired three
The ridiculous facet presents
members of that university's coachitself only, when some, like the
ing staff. This is but another indiassociate editor, are nai
cation of the ridiculous position
enough to think that art
athletics often takes withis only what is art to them. They
in the university framework.
choose to ridicule artists like Mr.
When the tail wags the dog,
Petro who paint for the enjoyment
it is obvious the dog is not in full
of the miltitude of us so impovcontrol of its faculties.
erished of perception as to need
Until the public becomes more
aware of the incompatibility of for our understanding art which
resembles its subject.
athletics and the univerThe associate editor accuses Mr.
sity's attempts to provide an acaPetro of offering nothing tnat Eastdemic climate for scholars, it is
man Kodak couldn't have done
unlikely that such situations will
better. Eastman. Kodak, probably





could satisfy him, too, by twisting
the lens out of focus and interposing a warped piece of bottle
glass between the lens and the
subject, thereby providing the distortion "vital" to art. If he thinks
art has not been represented in a
multitude of forms down through
the ages, thumbing through
History of Art might remove
,the misconception and broaden his
Had Mr. Petro wasted less time
in medical school and instead applied it more profitably by mixing
with some slovenly colony of misfits he might have learned to paint
something as beautiful as it looks
is a sin. With this knowledge he
might have pleased our associate
editor, art critic deluxe.
students, visit Mr.
Petro's exhibit; you may enjoy
art that is
As for
the Kernel, don't you think it
might well confine itself to criticism of the constructive variety?
Shelby A. Sherrod
A & S Senior
Editor's Note: Art reviews, unlike editorials, express the opinions
of the reviewer and are not necessarily those of the Kernel


(find (lym Is Open
To the Editor of the Kernel:
We were pleased to learn of
your success in opening up the
(Alumni) Gymnasium for public
use on weekends. We have had
similar reports from other areas,
and our campaign apparently is
meeting with excellent success.
We appreciate your support, and
hope you will express our thanks
to your staff members.
V. L. Nicholson

Director of Information
President's Council
on Physical F