xt7sn00zsk36 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sn00zsk36/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-03-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1981 1981 1981-03-26 2020 true xt7sn00zsk36 section xt7sn00zsk36 VOL LXXXIII, N0. 127 ' d r l'niiersil) of kentuck) , I .
Thursdny. MQI’Ch 26. 1981 m m “mum" "we." "ehp'p" Lexington. Kentucky ' . I .
' Poland’s strike " ' '
may be averted : -,
' f ' 1' I I 1' 1.
says one leader r. - , ‘-
d: ’. 1 ,d 1 or, 2 me of regime
:- . ', «.‘2” ‘.
' e! 1,111.1111‘111 1 ‘ . I. By THOMAS ii..\r:1"i‘r:il ,
" i‘ If“! “ 1 ’3. y i .- y. * Assocrated Press Writer '4‘ .
. ‘ antmlfl “j”! WARSAW Poland The com 1; f ’
7 a.‘ 6‘" f - 4 4., "t"? {1;} munist regime's top labor negotiator .; ,
. ‘ " ’ ~, / ’0‘; "W” "‘- said Tuesday he believes a threaten 1' i'
_ (i ' , I ’5’” “ 1 ed nationwide strike can be averted. L" ,- "
l 1' I . . ' - .4 but told Solidarity chief Lech Walesa :' j
' ‘\ ._ M 3o, x,» ‘ that elements of his independent 1".1‘:1 7
, ' I / l )1 _ union want a "holy war" against a
a | ‘ ' . ‘ . _ government that l> Poland‘s "last 1‘ .
1 “i. “ chance " 1:
"Are you trying lo prove that in '1 1n."
dependent unions cannot exrst under ‘1 ‘1 -
. . SOCialism" Because that brings about 1'
~. the fall of the state and an end to w;
soc1al peace." Warsaw radio quoted .. '
W e o . By BEN VAN HtXDK/KernelStaff Depth." Prem‘” MWZFSla“ -' '
alkmg mth the WInd 11iis couple heads home after a kite-flying ses sron. They were enjoying the warm, mndy weather at the parcourse. refilligkiliiih will]: m d 9“ minute 1
There was no immediate reaction '
U set overB h . t ‘ . from Walesa or other leaders of the 1
p ”S appaln ment independent trade union Walesa had , .
emerged smiling from the meeting 1_ -
9 ‘ O ’ . . . with Rakowskl and said later that .
talks aimed at ending the strike alert , '. .
a1 SI I I k I I I I I la r were adjourned for a day to await a ‘ t .
’ government report on the beating ' 1
9 last week of union members d 1.
By R. GREGORY NOKES An official, who did not want to be hours,"said the official. “It will have day, wouldn‘t resign this time, any Presidential press secretary mg?;g‘f;§qujad; {fgitdé’gwihlt 12'
AssociatedPress Writer identified, said Haig literally had raised questions in some people‘s further “public rebukes“ from the James Brady predicted even greater 170 miles northwest 01 here'hasrais: ‘ .
been “pounding the table" in frustra- minds about the competency of this White House might cause the strong- cooperation between the White House ed fears of 8.011.111 11118111911111)“ ‘ “ ’ 11
WASHINGTON _ Secretary of tion and anger ata turn of events that administration. This administration, willed secretary to leave. and the State Department, saying he The Communist Party Central 1f ,1
State Alexander M. Haig Jr. was seemed to downgrade his importance after all, was hired to avoid this kind Another official, who also did not now expects Haig to participate in (‘ommitlee scheduled a meeting for ‘.
“very upset and sulking” and was in the admmistration. of debacle," want to be identified, said under the Reagan‘s daily national security Sun day “to discuss the current party ' - ,
“pounding the table" because he Haig went to New York to attenda He said that while Haig may not new division of responsibility Haig briefing. That role previously has [ask 1'” the face ofktheslluatlorl m m;
wasn't given crisis command private dinner last night “in what have explicitly warned the ad- will lack the authority of former fallen to security adviser Richard \' country .. the OfflClalL news agent: 1- q
authority by the White House and he can best be described as an unhappy ministration that he might resign if secretaries of state Henry Kissinger. Allen. but apparently now Will he PAP reported ' ' » -_ < . 1
left his staff wondering last night if frame of mind,”theofficial said. matters didn‘t turn out to his Dean Acheson and John Foster shared. Rakowski‘sslatemenl carried 1111 .111 .d
he would resign, an informed official The same official said Haig left satisfaction. he left high officials, Dulles,all of whom had responsiblity “He probably will be here most i’olish broadcast medialaboul ”“911 .
said. behind a staff that was “very ner- although not Reagan, with the im- for managing crisis in the foreign days," Brady said of Haig. “He‘s hours mer he 11181 “11h Walesa was 1‘ ,. 1'
Although President Reagan raaf- vous" and wondering if he would pression he might. field. (‘ontinued on page h, mp ist‘mnwfi ’11121111151‘11611111116 111
' firmed that Haig was his “principal geciclle11t1tlit$i€herit.1:lthough1thisthzf- ffeagafn‘ls pugic agiimagfrfiof con- . SOlldal‘llV since it was formed ’luf‘l'li; -“ '
adviseronforei affair-S1" Haj was lCIa s i u ere was ess n i ence o ow a vn mg on . . ‘ . . . 1, 1,
and...“ ddddddddddd dddddddddddd dddddddd .., Supreme Court faces issue “m -

1 of what he wanted because Reagan But he said others thought there was secretary visited the White House. mounted 51 m1, the $01,101 1.1mm mg 1
didn‘t explicitly say the secretary of agliaeater chine? :hezt Haig wléiuldéda Ere gesidiht dent: any suggestign . ed Poland [0 take a tougher 1.111110. . . 1‘ .1
the state was in charge of carr - ig is sc u to test y t y at aigt eaten to quit overt e f d t ,, , . ,1 , .
out foreign policy ying before a Senate subcommittee on new role for Bush, one which he 0 sen lng women 0 war $3131.32: 2:1?” 1:22:28; 51h: 7

Haig is unhappy that Vice Presi- foreign aid matters, and could give wanted for himself. holding military exercises in and ‘ 1:1
dent George Bush was named chair- some clue as to his intentions at that But lone info1r11med official said around Poland . ‘ . 7
man of a “crisis management time, the official said. private y that w 'le Haig, who went B STAN BENJ “11V Calif one of a "The facts row that m 501 d' rm. 4, ;. 1' ‘ _

n u» ' - - - _ . i . .i . .. group of men who p ‘d . ,._,1
team. It S been a rather unseemly 24 public With his unhappiness on Tues Azsociated Press Writer challenged the maleonly draft. com- there are forces “4h" want I” declare ,;. .
. . mented in an interview after the 0” the hoop]0 I“ power a holy war ,1

0 861.10” 0 arm re lgerators WASHINGTON — The govern‘ arguments that “there may come a Theytorget thattheyarenlso declaiv “3,3.
ment‘s defense of a military draft time when women .will be allowed "1% ‘t 0“ ll‘9m591"“5- Rak‘lWSl“ 1: '

° that exempts women is entwined to fight in combat." sald -"'1,

may epostpone mm (1 er na s wee .. ddddd d do...
. 1 1 women draftees would be sent into would not be the one to bring such a and subsequent general smk" “’9 br- .'_-.. 1‘

By CINDY DECKER 1n the new contract, CPI has also delinquent students nught include combat. lawsuit. inging closer the moment when 1 1- ,1: -
' Staff Writer agreed to decrease the required Witholdrng hhal grades or {9’9th In an hour of Supreme Court Answering a series of questions. g‘o‘emmenl“ and pum“ ”pmm“ how "i." '.~'
deposit from $20 to $10 and not to students [0 pay through the Umversr- debate Tuesday. neither the govern- Goldberg said, “If I have to register ha“ and ““51 become ""“Vmced 0f -. -,"--,' u

There is .da very real possibility” raise the price of the refrigerators ty instead of directly to CPI when ment nor the challengers to a male- for the draft, then my wife should our lin1abr1lily dlo 1goi1'1ern ourselves 1,1
students will be able to keep their for the next two years,Bingham said. they damage refrigerators 1 only draft could av0id the overall also. Again,if we have to draft people “1:19 3 33d 2:“ (PM? .. f ,1. .1
residence hall refrigerators W The refrigerators now cost $43.70 But, that 5 5131111 sometlung we question of women in combat. 1 into combat situations. then those 91; :1 1K1 ‘be 1. ass 1in :l‘rlnd\1:1(1)n
finals week starting with next foroneyearplusaszodeposit paid in havetoworkout, Binghamsaid. Zeroing in on the issue, Justice whoare qualified,ifthat includes my m 1: 11‘1‘5‘“111kl?r1“m“1r1’ “1‘1 1°'1 3.11;,

Springaccording to Leslie Bingham, advance. fIPl rents about 49.000 dorm John Paul Stevens challenged wife, then she might beat jeopardy." 1:1“: 1 ‘31:}11‘1‘ 1’ 51g0“1”:"1‘;'lh “1 ,1 >1

Student Association chairman ofstu- Refrigerators are collected refrigerators to1umver5ity students Solicitor General Wade H. McCree. The Supreme Court‘s decision may i _91 ‘lbl 1‘13"“ “"(mm’ “ 3 an .‘ . ,1 ‘. f
dent affairs before finals to prevent problems across the nation. About 1,000 0f Jr.,who was trying to defend the ex- well rest on legal questions less emod ”“5 “W I it 1,,
And Jean Lindley, director of hous- which have occurred at other univer- these refrigerators are rented ‘0 UK clusion of women from draft tional than whether women should be __________fl__________ .1— 1 1.
ing, said CPI has verbally agreed to sitiee when rental was extended students,Lrndley said.1 registration on grounrb that Con- shot atalong with men. thlde 13,3111
allow students to keep the through finals week, said Rayvon The Umversrty decrded to award gross barred them from combat McCree argued that since the Con-
refrigerators through finals week, Reynolds, SA senator-at-large. the 00mm“ ‘0 CPI @15le higher roles. stitution gives Congress authority to 1 1 1 V11; 1;
beginning withthenew contract. “The only thing most students have rental rates, because It lsareputable “Your entire argument assumes raise an army, the courts must give PlC‘W?1hflll0T1 hf“) Moran runs 1-1‘11 1‘,-_
However, althoughtheUniversity ontheir minds after finals are over is company and 3150 because the the constitutionality of that decr- great deference to Congress‘ choice d9“hh 1th“ 393“ lb track team 1-1 - 1,12
has agreed to extend CPI’s contract getting out of here," said Jean refngerators use 13 low amount 0f sion,"Stevens suggested. ofamethod to raise that army W” 3“ All‘Ah‘erm’“ 5 "h ‘h" [Gilm- f. _ .'17‘,
for twomoreyem1Mehasbewm Lindley,director of housing. electnc1ty.acc0rdlngt0 Lmdley and “It does," McCree admitted, ”but McCree said that means the Sghool monk 1m“ bowl: broken and 1“,_.
response from the company, said Keeping refrigerators during finals SAme1mbers. 111 1 that statute is not under attack.“ government only has to show that ex- t e 09900" for 'h" ““5“” ‘5 WU .' .
Tom Fieltb, director of purchasing. week will be possible “if the housing CPI 5 ”“5 are a little higher And Philadelphia lawyer Donald L. eluding women from the draft is “ra- promising. For more 9““ Plillt‘ .‘i m
The contract was mailed about two department can finda way to punish than some 9‘ the other compames, Weinberg, arguing that it was un- tionally related" to the objective of the Sports 590m“ -‘
weeks 880. according to Dave Hub- students who run off with them," but the $1“th IS "0‘ that srgnrfr- constitutional to register and draft having an effective army. _____._:._,——.__..______. ..

buch1dimtorofSAaffaiI-s1 Binghamsaid. cant, saidHubbuch. 1 men and not women, avoided the Weinberg, however, argued that outs|de 1,- ‘55,;

The refrigerators, rented from 001- CPI has a harder time tracking 1”0h€ 10f 1W? reasons why they re question of whether women also because the all-male draft ' '~ 1
legiate Products, Inc. in Kansas, are down students when refrigerators d0|h18 this ‘5 became the NOTCCOId shouldberequired to assume combat discriminates against men. the court Cloudy skles and a 30 percent ,
usually picked up one week before are collected during finals week, refrigerator “56 two-think 155 elec- roles. 1 1 should not approve it without apply» chance of showers today add a ' n .
finals week.SA members decided to Bingham said, adding that tn1c11ty than other brands Similar to "Registering women does not dic- ing a tougher test: whether it is gloomy touch to the week. -‘ ‘.; ‘1‘1
work to extend the pick-up deadline refrigerators were collected then to it, Bingham said. 1 late the number 0f wornen1to be “substantially related" to the pur- Temperatures will remainin the mid 1'. . 1;.1 1
when several students complained allow cm ‘9 contact Sh‘dems Who CPI s 5”“ reputation was drafted 0" the" ”0195' Weinberg Pose Ofmll'mry “Fens?- to upper 605 today. and dmp to the “ ._ ' x
that they need refrigerators during missedtherncls-up hours. “0"” “a" '",e"“?"dm8 the ‘30” said In a series 0‘ rulings issued Prior to mid 40s tonight Look for a high of 70
finals week, Bingham said. Reynolds said ways to deal with tract,Hubbuch said.Lindley agreed. Robert Goldberg of Oakdale, the draft arguments,the court: degrees and cloudy skiestomorrow 11_

Police attempt captu e of . . mg S as er S 1.

By DALE G. MORTON strong place for indecent ex- do not want to prosecute, so police staff on getting victims to report remember what he looked like and and don't report it lor wait an hour _ '

Senior StaffWrita' posures," said police Chief Paul arenot notified. flashing incidents to police.“The randown thcstairs real fast. before they do) are doing a disser- ‘ ~ ’ ‘9
Harrison. "... the stacks are there. “The police won‘t come unless library staff is being really helpful. ”He followed me for about three vice to every other woman on cam- ' , .

A recent rash of indecent me It‘s like looking in a jungle — it’s so there is an individual to give them 3 There are a lot more instances being flights of steps and when I got to the pus." she said “Granted it‘s a lot of _ U
905W attheMJ. Kins Libraryhas hardtofindsomebody." description," Lach said. “There may reported now than in the past," he bottomlwent straight to the circula- trouble to hang aroung the library . ‘ * -'
campus police and library personnel Police records indicate there have be as many as three to four thousand said. tion desk and told the woman there and make a thorough search but ‘
baffled. Although there has been pro- been nine reported instances of inde- people in the building at one time. The latest incident occurred on (whathad happenedl," she said. every witness to a flashing ShOUId d0 . . ‘ -
grossintheinvestigation withtheap— cent exposure in the library since Every other person you see may March 4, in the fourth floor book rack Lech said seven or eight police of- so' , 7
prehension of one man, at least one May 4, 1m. 'I‘hemajority of reported resemblethedescription." section. ””3 arrived at the library within Lach said things get worse toward ~ -
otha-isbeingsought. incidentsoccurredinthecentralcore Anderson said a 33-year-old Lex- “Iwas in the library at 10:30in the minutes after library personnel theendofthesemester. ‘ ‘ _‘ 1

“He‘s kind 0‘ a mystery," said section of book stacks above the ington man was cited to appear in morninglookingthroughthestacks," ot'fedthanoftheincident "It‘s like clock-work around exam
police Capt. Ben Anderson. When fourth floor. court by police in rebmry in con- saiduieai-yearold student who was “ “ 1 ' lime." he said “The pressuic just
police are notified about a flashing However, this figure does not ac- nection with at least two flashings. flashed. “I was standing there look- "We looked {0" “me‘mldy 9“" does somethlnll to these guysTheoe ' . . ’~
incident in the library. they take the curately represent the actual Because no actual arrest was made ing at the books and saw him expos- and With“; "'3" the libranan people are sick individuals. I don't ' 1
victim‘s description and search the number of untamed, according to hedeclined flu-trier comment. ing himself through the opening in @5150?" 0‘ the “Chis had come 0“ think the students are being pro- 1 , 1
buildim for a person matchiie the bothpolice and library personnel. Campus police said muddy they the stacks. Mums somf 0' the {we doors hid vocative " _
description However. the design of Michael Loch, assistant director could not provide information about “I was kind of shocked. I‘ve never be?“ opened. the student wd- If someone is flashed, Harrison
thelibrary makesit difficult for-them fu' public services at the library, the outcome ofthe case because the been flashed," she said, agreeing to “Since that happened. I feel very said they should remember to notice ~
to locate a person who is trying to said more than 50 percent of the detective who waited on the in- talk only if her name was witflield. uneasy when Im “P ‘h the “he“ physical characteristics and what
evolddetection,polioe said. students who report instances of in- vestigationhastherecorth. “Then I walked toward the stairs, alone. typeof clothingthe person is wear-rig

. “The library has always been a decent expoeiu-e to library personnel harrieoncomplimentedthelitrary looked at him so I could try to "lthinkthooegirls that get flashed and tocall the police immediately.
’ o 1 ' . . 1‘ e

 r._,_____,__,, _#,_,v_,_,_._______#~- __ _‘_,‘-.,_s “MW
! - - Tl
‘ ‘ e d ltor' a I s & ficve Massey Sec“ 3.0?“ 1‘. Clay c", w“. 1..- Mon-
Editor iii-Chief Editorial Editor Maw Spam ldltor Entertainment Editor Picture Editor
m Fol-«t mum om Cork
m m Manuel": EdhO' Auoclau Editors ChWPWIWP’W
I CO e nts Kickiml’otleoa 5.“ M Malawi“ WW
~ » Jacki Rudd " a" y W m. oustew-re mow-um Jane-nyl-
~ i I INK-nun) Km-ekumulkllubndoplnoni. IMIenandopinlouMhlyn‘Jflpk- Day Editor Jdlutlk Auutant 59°,” Editor Auutant Entertainment Editor W‘m
‘ ’ spud and include lane, residence and proper Mullins-tion “eluding l I ID for “Menu and l l mm:
E en'loym. It“!!! should be hauled to we wyrds and opt-urns and con-eels lo .0 words. 5“”, 5a!” Writer.
, hes-_,A,_ws,_-.._-._.__.__,_. _________-_._.__ __ _ __ ._ .___ _
‘ ' ' Unemployed citizens seem to confirm loss of Am ' k thi
‘ f p A few of my friends were a bit to work as waitresses. Not one of terviews if one wishes to removethe maybeaprejudice,butlnowamfln- [interview willbedependable people
~ . _ upset with my last column. One lady f themappearedonthedesignated day prefix un-from thatstatus. ding myself with the attitude that willing to work. Perhaps they will
-_ . , ‘ _ actually shrieked at my insensitivity. ., ‘ to start working. I asked my im- anyone I hire won’t wuk anyway. change my developing prejudice in
k ‘ ' . crumpled the paper and hurled it at mediate superivisor. He said that he I have certainly not inta'viewed That attitutde is certainly a disser- this area; [certainly hope they will.
. . ' ‘ me. (Fortunately, crumpled paper had seen many similar situations in enough people to have an even vice to the individuals who walk (Just for those of you who are
- ,. . . _ doesnot travel veryfar very fast.) dOnO ' the past. Paul Harvey constantly remotely representative sample of throughmy door, butithasprovento wondering,no,Iwill probablynotbe
: .‘ . I‘m not really as hard core as I ICO meals on his radio show about jobs the unemployed in Imdngton. No be representative of the group. Peo- hiring the remainder of this week or
. V Ipwposely) came across in my last p ’ that go begging for people to fill bminessman has. Butifpeople don’t ple complain that the new Ad- nextweek.Afterthat,perhaps.)
- V . 1 column. It was written to raise a them. show up for job interviews, and if ministrationis unsympathetic to the
-- -, r ‘- point and perhaps begin some sm‘t of It can be difficult to have much hired don’t show up for work, it is plight of the unemployed. I wonder
‘- . ‘ discussion on basic political and sympathy for the unemployed when easy to understand why so many how much of that is a result of ex-
_. . . ‘ ' '- ‘. ' economic issues on this apathetic ~ the unemployed won’t show up for a business men have the impression periences like mine. Dana Pico is 3913“ columnist. His
‘ z - campus. However, my experience of simple job interview. When one is (the prejudice, if you wish) that the Perhaps I’ll be proven wrong. column appears every other
," . the last two weeks just about con- Admittedly, telephone work isn't unemployed one must attend job in- unemployed don’t want to work. That Perhapsthenext group of people that Thursday.
. r . firmseverythinglwrote. for everybody. For every positive
; . ' My company (and yes, it is feasible response the caller has to listen to a ———————"—_—_——_—_
.. - -' . to work one’s way through school) dozen “nos.“ But telephone people
- .’ " has started a new project, and I have can make a lot of money, and the only ;
- . '- been placed in charge of making it way that anyone can know if they can ./" 1 MT TM 1“ To Pmr le WT .
' 3 _ work. The project requires that I hire do the job is if they try. The people I ~
. .v r. . several people, so l placed a “help who were invited to try could have ‘ OFA Mm thfium WW£ wlm ATTMW b 1‘
. . wanted" advertisement in the Lex- learned in eight hours whether or not \M B Y W, Lg MT" I l
I ' ington Herald. I received 46 they were suited for this type of , '
- responses and set 37 appointments work.Since 100fthe12 thatlasked to &\\§\ L AW WW wPPLleD ‘*l‘ l
. . _' for people to be interviewed for the start were unemployed, giving it a .\\\\ W H‘MHH FA,
. ' positions. But of the 37 people try for one day was hardly an imposi- t :\ , ( . 1 ‘
. 7 - , scheduled to be interviewed, only 13 tion. / . \ {r s- ~'~ .
, . bothered to come. Of three inter- I have been accused of - '* .. 'Lfiz;ob;:‘-'_-._ “-§ , \
, ‘ Views scheduled by thelocalemploy— heartlessness (among other things) “ hi, 4,4 7 ‘j ' \, ‘ _ I l ,’ ‘.
. ‘ U ment office, only one person showed for my last column. I was /L I '~ \" ‘ ' \ “it
up for her interview. characterized as being willing to ‘ .f‘“ ., ‘l r» //f x , , . t
z lwas willing to start 12 people, and perpetuate the lower classes, and ‘ ‘11}, . f‘ as , M, \\‘\ 76 l 4,.
’ ' ~ asked them to attenda training ses- having no sympathy for the (uni! ‘ I’WT' ‘A - , / g‘\\.—/{‘ \ ‘ ' 1 IN
‘ sion. All 12 said that they would; only unemployed. lfeel that I have plenty g i W "3“," ’21 T , . ' '11,, y, I l \ r
. . .' . four did. Of the four that appeared of sympathy for the unemployed; l «1/ W 7 W I fi « I I ‘fi
‘ . .1 ~ , for training. only two did any work at was offering some of them employ- A ' w / ’ ‘ ' \ ’/ aw . I
-. i. all ment, I was offering them a chance a 2- " , / ‘ / _ m -
. 5 Obviously the job for which I was to work around non-traditional Ja_ " , . ' H l 3.35;??- ‘
_ .~ ,1 - hiring people was back-breaking schedules, and I was offering them a . e'o‘, ‘— - ‘5 A V‘ h :- - Q ‘
. . , . ., 0 V - e
. j . labor at slave wages, or surely more decent amount of money All that 1 (‘35? v o 4 . ‘ / c. //
. . f people would have been willing to was asking was that they try. Of 40 r - ' 1" .r v/ l ’
.: . , work, right? wrong! The job for people asked simply to attend a job / mmax'fg v v
‘ ' -‘ which I was hiring was that of a interview,onlyl4 bothered to attend. ‘ -4:- ’:’@("£91 “
‘ ‘ telephone solicitor. The people hired Of the26 noshows, only one had even , g (fly-r2] / // Eh -W _ I ’ :‘1
‘ , ' would work from their homes, could the courtesy to call and cancel her r? . i ’77:; fl i 4—?
. . ' - . set their hours and would be paid a appointment. , / , _ , ‘ i ’ 7/ (If ‘\ .7-
' ' very liberal commission structure. Thinking that it was perhaps just / /// ‘ 7W , 35:“ L9"
3 ' The work is productive; one of the me, that l was in some way driving i l I.~" -y_ ' y ,: .’ ‘ —..___. ‘=‘—“%1
. '- ’ people that was hired earned $40 in people away. I checked with a few ‘5 ‘il j, , , . ' 7, fl m H
‘. six hours on her first day. and the se— other people. One of them owns a ’ lw' - f
j . ’ y . cond earned $220 in about four hours. local business. When he ran a A 9 — W m-
’ .» ,’ V _ That‘s a lot better than minimum restauant in Birmingham, ”MW
, ' if wage. Alamama, he once hired seven ladies
’ - i I I
. 1' Op I n Ion All contributions shouldbedeliveredtolu Journalism Building, University of Kentucky. Lex-
, ‘ _ . . ington. Ky., 00506. The Kernel reserves the right to edit for grammar and clarity and to
, I. '. Av eliminatelihelm material.andmly condenseorrejectcontributions.
. , ~ , Separation of Church and State
' Moral Majority’s methods fail to l as tho e 't r res t
' .l ‘ ' ' ‘ religious groups and also un- ' . m » Hm, r «a »’ .. " . ’ - i . - - posed
.1 ,2" , Chmm ”Otallowmg constitutional. If the followers of w”??? , gy’ (*3 l3, .1?" {:1 4 ChrlSt S example Isn t iigcnréagzhiiivflufih t3]: frile'dom td
'_ . :1 ; . h [I bel' . Confuswus started handing out free \\\§ * g ' t". .. \... ,-‘ .7\_ fa. , , pray in school and to the fact that
“A; ,g - equal ”g LS toa [efS editions of the teachings of Con- [3 ;» ‘2'. .-\ \ (a 5% "9 f}; \ one of uszng power the Ten Commandments can be
5 1.. ,. fwmus. you bet the Christians gig”), at; , ‘15-'35- \. :: -'. ,_ , . xx . hung on the wall. I think this is a
. “’0th 0131801 (hy the way, the i)" )’ ,.. ‘- sit-2.373 , g “.1 fi‘“ , ’ , ‘\ "~ simplistic view of a complicated ,
, .V “ . I would like to comment on an American Heritage Dictionary ‘ '2‘ ii?" ; -. 33$“ "er =' . {M "iv j "The witch hunters abarh, situation which involves facets of
' ' « =‘ . -' ». opinion written for the March 25 defma ConftSianism as an ethical ' 5;“ ‘ ,oén‘ 5/" ii ‘ yak a * ”a (in. .» '3 The witch hunters wheeze economies, racial tensions, bising
‘I issue 0‘ the Kernel . system emphaS‘ZW? personal v11" '4: ’ .- E . : if ; ,‘5 ”(is $3. 4" .4 \ and they try to tune us into their Md educational considerations.
f , . ' Ever since I have moved to Ken- tue, devotion to farmly and 1‘5““; ‘ T _r‘ «j‘ ., I: . - N .' otfif,",*fi‘,«_\ ' T p"? worn and dated. You would haveus that are Caesar’s and unto God the
:1 ; Moral Majority refuses (especially country was founded to" was the 123%: , " gar -‘ -. f ' ~ ”‘3 — L" - take a 9'8!“ step backward: back things that are God‘s."If thisisnot
in Kentucky) to acknowledge the freedom to practice any religion "-w/ ' .in ,_ . ‘ a v “.‘ss, . ‘§i. 1.. a past the 19505, the time of your thedoctrine of separation of church
_.“ ix,".‘".-‘_‘. freedom of others to their own OPl- one chose to, not the freedom to r3»: " 4 'z :' 3-; . h“ i\"““ {Mar newest crusader, Ron Reagan; and state,what is it?
i monsg For example, when the practice only Christianity! When $100,0000nafacility, do you realize On the contrary, the major issues back past the 17005, when this coun- Again, you would force-feed i5
3-H : uhjue law" was in effect here, sup- your reader said“What masterlsit how many starving people couldbe should be our stand on foreign try was born on the promises of many of your ideas while at the
. ‘j. ports of it refined to accept the fact that says, ‘Well, it’s is an in- fed with $5,900,000? Almost all of policy, budget balancing, and ris- religious freedom and the separa- same time drive away many poten- .
, 315-: that it was unfair to the Jewish dIVlduals'S right ‘0 d0 "“59 thihfi them. ing unemployment, among others. tion of church and state; back tial newbelievers byyouractions.
U} l community, among others. The and we must protect the in- One more point: I once heard If the Moral Majority gets into beforethe Reformation whentobe As far as the posting of the Ten
3-, Jewish sabbath is on Saturday. In dmdual?’," hefalled to realize that Jerry Falwell, leader of the Moral government (heaven forbid), and sinful was againstthelaw andtobe Commandments goes, 1 would re-
; order for the Jews to stay in that is the Oblechve 9‘ F“? 0°” Majority, say that he feels makes laws against their major unlawfulwasasin- mindyouthatChristsaid that there
. '- ‘ 3 3,‘ business, they were forced to open stltutlon, to protect an inleldual's homosexuality should be con- iSSUS. they 8X90“ the PS! 01' is to YOU W0“1d destroy all by is one commandment: to love God
-. ' their businesses on their sabbath, rights sidered 8h equalcrimetomurder-l abide by the law. The Moral Ma- “compelling” ustobelieve- Where. with all your heart, soul and mind
, ' _-.,'.I '. but on Sundays. which should have I ,3150 object to “0‘ taxing wonder if the Moral Majority jority (10%!"t acknowledgethefact my friend, did Christ ever and to serve all men as your
.W «I' 3,. been another business day for religious institutions. I get very realizes that if homosexuality was that posting the Ten Command- “compel?" He said, “Take up your brothers.
.f i .: J l . them, they couldn‘t sell their mer- upset when I receive my paycheck considered a violent crime the tax- ments is unconstitutional and il- cross and follow Me." but it isup t0 Finally, Brother Barker, I con-
F’s. ‘, n1; chandise, justbecauseoftheChi-is- and thereis almostssodeductedfor payers (not the churches) would legal. youtotakeupthat cross. He forced cede tllat you are very familiar
-- ., tianinta-pretation ofthesabbath! taxes. Then on Sunday, I see a have to pay to enlarge and improve If the Moral Majority wants a nomanor woman. with the written letter of the law,
.1: . .‘-« ‘ f . _ . pastor holding services in a $6 ouralready overcrowded prisonsto religiomly run government, let [would also like to know where butdoyou (andthe“Mog-31Majofi-
:— ‘ I realize that this is an outdated million facility on national TV. accomodate these criminals of them look ata presently religiome you got your facts and figures con- ty") truly understand the spirit of
r v, . example, so I will use an updated receiving payment for the show, Zionism. rungovernment—Iran! eerning your-statement“. . .enroll- thoselaws?
. . . one: the Ten Commandments. and then passing around a plate for Your reader also stated that the ment in Christian schools is in-
, y: . .7 ' Again. this posting of the Ten Com- donations, tax free! If this major issues were abortion, Frederic A.Zegelien creasing while that of public Robert Samuel Young
.; .1. . ‘ '. '1 mandments is unfair to many other organization would have spent only homosexuality, and pomography. Staff Member schools is dropping." Surely you start Member
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