xt7sn00zsq7r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sn00zsq7r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1923-06-11  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, June 11, 1923 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, June 11, 1923 1923 1923-06-11 2020 true xt7sn00zsq7r section xt7sn00zsq7r       




1 ' (1&4
I i “I, k.’
f The Universit" Beagle me: in the Little Theatre hon1; —: June 11} at 4
1' lO a.m. ‘,fo1‘”1 ;1 :1 1
Y ‘ ‘j 1- : 1?‘
V 1 . _. . 1 ,. . a . . , g
1 .1e iollovlng were recc-m: ended so one Boers OI Trustees 10? the g 1. :5 h
degrees indicated: {131‘ E ; l; g
1 i 4 N' 1‘
“ «31311112233 oR ARTS AND so 31w" . Ii 93'; i“
1 m 1
I 1'1 53
Bachelor of Arts 1' , l
7 2:1. 2
£3133 Subject .1 ll l § . ?’ 5% 2
John Regan lbcid t Arts~Law . i :f !{.§
ELi zoetl Ma rshell Elle n ' Romance Languages ‘1 E‘ g " '
1 Toliver Rudoff Anderson Economics and. Sociology T3 1 je‘ 2- y
Tilliam Arthur Anderson, Jr. Botany ‘ '1 X: [
Eston JEGkSOL Asher English ‘ ' ; .,* l
1 Lloyd Baker Averett History and Political 11‘? )1] 5: h
! acience j H ' ,
g; f Virginia Barnard English ‘ I 111‘ ‘1- g
? Robert Haynes Barr Chemistry ‘z‘iljl @113 ‘1 g
1 Dvoiel Rag:n Baugh Economics and Sociology l i “‘2‘: it“} u
, 1 Ann EOlleay Bell English 5 § L W
”3‘ » Sarah Gibson Blending History Ed Political : ‘fi .1 " a
Science 5‘ 1 l
’ Do 1 othy Sacra Bl atz Sociology . f h‘, 1 I 1‘
‘1 To mie Clarke Bronston Mathematics y o , f"ll‘ .
5x T"i z; beth Cheek Brown SOCiOlOgy ‘1 fl53 ’j2",l %
W Marion C. Brown Mathematics ' 1f1f‘ ‘_‘ ‘;;§ :2
.ilm: Huffman BrOWn English 1,. :li
. Mabel Ruth Cog. tes English i: g
V Vat:erine Frances Conroy Somance Langeagee. l d %i ’1 ' ‘EW 1
Mar" Lou so Covinfiton moonomics aha sooio 00y :1 i §

Anatomy and Rhysiology


liem Gayle Crutchfield
T e t




Nil H v ~ . f
9 John Job r currey CflleSury 5 E
1;: E H. , ;, ‘L _ "W ‘ ;
~ ’ Oliver Helper Cain nrus La . .
> . TC‘ ‘ ‘ .Cd 1
‘ John Frank Behringer iconomi . i
l “ '3 " " '1 _ (‘iolocfl :1 v
Thomas Clyde Davidson Economlcs and ~04 b] 1‘ 1
A. ,,u N . (j (I i ‘
f Lu rpc chkwrll Economics and seeiolohy 3 1
5—34 1 g i
‘ ~ Ckerles spuigeon ~oley iwrt in n ,
Romance Languages
3 l ‘




Economics and Sociology

0) G)
1 C“ 1 ‘
‘ H


f Alice Mil er Gregory . 1 ;
* rd 3 lluIO’- ’ 1
Mirtin‘ home 5 Gregory _1Soory c x a ’
i1 r: ‘ n
"Horde De“ Heddn lducotio
1,. a" H. ,, b- pndliSh
\ Pegrl Beatrice Marie Heinor e a . 1 fl " 1‘“ .4
Sr . _- 3001103133 aha 30010 )5y 3
3’ Seine hell i
. i y


J5 HE. Filuon







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i :32): ,M _ ,
enuce, “U1“ 11: LYZB’Z (Dan4iocmes ior degr ”5W

Ar.e Humphrey Lichman Jngl'sh
Laura Given Hubbard EiuCztion
Ruth Hughson English
Alma M. Hutchen English
Elizabeth “clltfir' Jackson Economics and Sociol%y
Mary Elizabeth Jones finglish
Joseph Helm Johnson Economics and Sociolqw
Otis Lgfibn? Jones Economics and Sociole
Lovel if eznpton Liles Arts—Lew
Mary Elizabeth Lyons Art

I ‘ ,V1"fi] MCRSG: I- Eccnomics and SOCiolog
Graumen Marks Endlish
Huty Burr ws Ma ters Education

H ed Overjon Mayes English

\. A0 urse 1.
LI3T9444 :mara Journalism
Jame: Charles More ' Economics and Hooiolog
Caryl Miller Economics and Scoioloy
James Thomas Miracle Education
Felix Zelma Monarch Hi3tory and Politicalsw
Lorraine Chilton . onroe jrts ~ Home Economics
Jessie Fry Moore Romance Longuages
Eleanor Beescn Mo ms Economics an Sociolwy
Caroline Pope Hicholas Enhance Languages
Margaret Gwynn ParriSL Education
D wey M. Porter Efiucation
norothy Har:is Potter Zoology
Lewis Celbott Pottingfi Euucation
Varginia Arelia guisenberry English
Howard Poster Ramsey Chemistry
Virginia Reeves Education
Louis Augustus Riedel Economics and DOClOlOW
Ann Mary Risen Education
Mary Plea: Royster English
Sam Bryan Rovster, Jre Arts~LaW
William Alexander Shelton Economics.and Sociolofl
Samuel Straugnan Shouse Chemistry ;
Laugh ‘hiTe Smith inatomy and Physiology f
Earl Hobson Smith English '
Siloert Kin: Smith Geology
Carlos Victor Snapp Education
nnna B: ntleyS spr ague English 1
Eugene Newton Steely History and Eoli 'i0 1501
Beulah Mae Stillwell English
Nilzon Joseph Sunimerville Anaiomy and Physiolog[_n
Henry Alexander Taylor History and Politicalbw
Se rah ”ardare; Van Deren Romance Languages
Harold Henton Waits Economics and Sociolofl
\ancv Spence Williams Education



Augusta Winn
Emma Lee Young
Lucille Aurora Yungblut







”-4—; “ “‘ “:9 :’. 2
Senauc June i~ i923 xCand:aates ior Dem


:aghelor of Science
Thomas Corwin Herndon Chemistry
Norman Carl Beese Physics


Eachelor of Science " Industrial Chemistrl
Flavius B. Jones George Ridgley Ecnaniel

Bachelor of Arts in Journalism


inna Louise Connor Elizabeth





Bachelor _£ Science ig_Agr ric ulture
Cas oer Acree Lennie Young Lancaster
Halter Southall Anderson, Jr. Robert Daniel Mollpin
Robert Raymond Arnold Paul filliam Miller
Reynolds T. Bell tiillia m Iéason Phipps
Reece Lawrence Bryant John Pete Pirtle
James V. Coleman Nathan Gould nlorter
Frederick Gilbert Crary Robert Randolph Robbins
Jerome Ea; ker Durham Robert David Shipman
Willi2m Goebel Finn George Lindsey Spurlin
Strauter Harney Harvey Worley Stedmai
Antoinette Harrison Harold Victor Tempel
Carney ignew Hollowell David Boatwright Todd
Charles Hubbar& Campbell Marion Wade
James Ellison Humphrey Clyde Watts
Ethelbert Lee Langsford Philip Reed Jatlington

John Blaine nilliams
Feaster Woll 0rd
Ralph Hicks Woods

Bachelor of Scien _e in Home Economies


Edith Alexander Helen Porter Roberts

Ruby Miller Barlow Luna 365 :E‘irgent
Elise Lewis Bohannan Sarah Fa lcone r Simpson
GeorgiaT erry Thompson

Sarah Vatherine Sequin
Opa Cox

Josephine Ray Evans
Barbara Hell Hank

Lois Pearl

Zula T hrelkeld
Carolyn Turner
Elizabeth Clay Turner
Eva Kay Wesley
Julia Alexander Willis

rees — cont.)





ield Hume Fannie Summers






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T).:Cf in]. ~,- w: 73 a ' .m- '1 7‘ z;‘ 3 '
sc 0 i leicnce 1 ciVil niineering
Moses llperin —dWerd Emmett 0’ are
DeWe C. Antrobus Halsey Lawrence Rcyden
,,nJamin Coleman 501115 Henry Franklin Sammons
James Wi H1 mColpitzs Jack Chester Salmons
Oliver Cromwell Green Estes Robertson Snider
James Redmond Ke filly Herman Louis Straus
Erancis Joseph urp lyr
Allie Frances Arnold William Bcehen ”rant
Williafi Paul B llinger William George Hillen
Jarle Nr2y Baughn man Bealy lust1n Meadows
Kerrison DudleyB ra ilsford Clifton L’Newl Mock
John 5 mly Burks Tomuel Howard Ridiay Jr.
Robert Mlar Jr. Vene Coleman Rogers
Fulton Warren Clare James Lillard She use
Lilburn Clifford Davidson Jean Bertram d 31 ater
Hi lis Taylor Downing Clcyde English Ta ylor
Clifford Anderson Duie Francis Aoe Carr Thompson
Br une r Clar rkson Erd William Preston :hite
Sheldon Emerson Rli ck James Eldridge Jilkins
Charles Danne Graham John Keith Nil liems
Bachelor of Science in Mining ingineering
Carroll 3parks Carer Guy megs Pat erson
Philip C. Emr t’h William iayden Roll
William llemr (er Nisbet Raymond . Sauer
Merritt Turner Skidmore
Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical Engineering
James Paul Cain Horace ”iller Clay Thomas Kart Hagan
32 chelor oi Laws
Tflmwas'quceFiHet Jghn Ransom chs Carl Pittman Lipe
Chloe Gifford Calvin Hill Lisman
John L. Hays George fiilliam Meuth
Earl MeXWell n avrin Wilbur Crafts Pickett
sliver Gilmore KeOWn Thomas Elbert Sperlzs
Millie Williams Kirtley Ray Omar Shehan
Gwen Scott Lee Earl Schmuck winter








or\'vf\17‘<1“"‘\ fina—Hnm
, H I . ," , '1 -’~‘
.u _- \l 1.31le .4 l.) DAG $1.41.}; E

Lil-5:- __ r “S
L‘c‘mceoion J. frank Arnold
English Lllie Depow
Education Edward Earl Bothermen
Economies George Hicks Gregory
Education Nita Burr Miller
Education Marthe Crouch Payne

Mathem u,o
thsios Leland Brodl y Snoddy

Botany Cello Taylor

1 l

lugustus Sisk

Master of Science

Physics Castle Wesley Foerd
Zoology Floyd Livingston MoCollum

Geology fiugene Sheridan Po y


Agronomy Joe Frank Freeman
Farm Management Julian Adair Hofiges
Agronomy Edwarl Marshall Johnson

Animal Husbandry-Waylan’ Rhoads
o Dewey Warner

Agronomy Jaoo‘

Mechanical Engineer

The Registrar read toe following

receive Commencement Honors:



Norman Carl Beese
William Goebel Finn

1am Miller
Q»a..u;Lel Straughen Shouse

The report of tie Auditilg C
s r

the Freshman Class Wa








































' \

"""""""‘ J'd-u'zk‘r a,».."=!ra4,.2,',,.; ,1”.

Th: jollcving recommendations of the Ru es Colmittee werengmw

”The Committee on Rules recommends to the Senate for gummy
tn: iollowing provisions regarding ;hysical Examin=tions, Memw
Tests are rersona History Blanks

First. Regerding Mental Tests and Personal History Blmms

«at at 1:40 flednesday'afternoon of registration week aflnu

=eniors whose records are not filed be directedtoh


r ;
'ecific rooms; that they then be given a series oflmmn
1 out personal histcrv blanks, and d.l new Studentszm

out blanks frr the Hygiene D The total time to here

's not to exceed two hours


Second. fiegardin; Physical Examinations

1. Assignment of time for physical examinations will bemm
at the time of registration.

2. If the Student does not report at the assigned time,a
notice will be sent to him, setting the second time. h duplmne
of this notice will be sent to his parents.

3. If the student does not . ort after this notice, he
u 8

will be summoned be ore

ossi‘le students will be examined after 330;

4. So far as p 0
but in case some cannot come at that time, privilege will hagmm
o; Callin: the student out of class one hour during the year firw
T's iollowing recommendations 0* the College of Arts and Scimmu:
approved: \ ,

English 122 — John Ruskin, Man of Letters and Critic. 1 houra
week for one semester. 1 credit.


- . ~ . m . . H . "'l
Economics and Boeiology llZ — current economic rroolems. 2 men
. . i . . . l . . . - , 4
History and Eolitical Science 95 — Comparative Government. T09
changed from a 2 credit to a credit course.
Dean Boyd submitted Dean inderson’s recommendation thatAN‘
squired of senior engineers, replace Art ll, heretofore giwn“

freshmen engineers.

~ A . a.. . .. . 4.. .- «3"?
The :ollow1ng recommendations from tne College Oi Agricultuie'“



hDrot ;.I. 108 — Advanced Stock Judging, 1 cr.
,1 :1 LI. 110 — ” ” ” 3 crs.

s gations in Wool
earch in jnimai Breeding
5 e oduction























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