xt7sqv3c125z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sqv3c125z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19770506 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, May 6, 1977, no. 177 text The Green Bean, May 6, 1977, no. 177 1977 2014 true xt7sqv3c125z section xt7sqv3c125z UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES' NEWSLETTER
5/6/77 p N0. 177
12-13 May- Special Libraries Association, Kentucky Chapter
meeting — Mammeth Cave .,
13 May _ — Administrative Council Meeting-Gallery, 8:30-9:30 AM V `
14 May - Art Libraries Society of North America, Kentucky-
Tennessee chapter meeting — at UK.
16 May - Bluegrass Librarians' Association meeting-
Chllery, 7:30 PM.
20 May — Library Faculty meeting - 8:30 AM, Gallery. · i
Current exhibits: Gallery, Department of Special Collections: i
"Books and graphics from Die Eremiten Presse" (through 6 June)
Foyer, King Library North — Spanish Manuscripts and Imprints I
. (13th-17th centuries) ; a selection from the collections of the
University of Kentucky Libraries.
Contributors to this number: Trudi Bellardo, David Farrell (Editor),

 ..2.. l ‘
Editor's note: T
Claire McCann (Special Collections) will edit the Bean for three
weeks beginning l6 May. Deadlines for each number will be 3 PM j
on Wednesday (l8 & 25 May, l June). (
Staff Picnic Planned: y
'The Library Staff Organization is planning a picnic for all library
staff and their families to be held Friday, June l0, 5:00 p.m. at .
Jacobson Park. Sign—up sheets will be sent to all departments within
the next week. If you have not yet paid your LSO dues now is the _
ti.me to do so; full—time staff —— $1.00 for the reminder of the year
and part-time staff (associate members) who work less than 32 hours
per week —- 50¢. Dues should be paid to Mary Welch, Cataloging (
Department MIK—North.
Data Servi.ces Slide/Tag Caramate:
Now ready for viewing is a CARAIVRTE slide/tape produced by the UK
Nedia Services Department. It features a costumed mime protraying (
a potential patron learning about the online bibliographic search
service. It is about 7 minutes in length and will be used in a
variety of lecture, demonstration, and individual instruction —
situations. Staff members who wish to view the production can call
Trudi Bellardo in Data Services.
New SPEC Kit in Reference:  
The Peference Department of M. I. King Library has received a new I
SPEC Kit (#31) entitled "allocation of resources in academic libraries." I
The survey is based on the response of 70 Libraries and deals with three
specific subjects within the heneral topic of resource allocation in
libraries: strategic apporaches to financial retrenchment; procedures
used by research libraries to make fundamental allocation decisions; and
areas where libraries are experiencing significant allocation reductions.
The kit will be filed behind the reference desk. Anyone who is interesed p
is welcome to borrow the kit for a few days. .
Director, Center for Creative Photography. University of Arizona.
Application deadline: June 30, l977. Available: as soon after July l
‘ as possible. Salary: negotiable.
Curator of the Wason Collection on China and the Chinese. Cornell University
Libraries, Ithaca, NY. Application deadline: July 30, l977. Salary- $20,000+
depending on qualifications.
Head, Science & Technology Cataloging Section. Cornell University Libraries.
Application deadline: May l0, l977. Salary: $10,000-depends on qualifications.
Director of University Library. Grambling State Univ. Available: July ll 1977.