._ g 3: Ni: c; i , 1 , wig, - - - - - H 8 %  cT; :
h, I 1 .- 1 it at J} M ii. J; b lab IS focused on pushing the limitsof Single-molecule E g g Q C. E If
g : ' 1i i l l 2/ \_;:'/ :71 : Ll detection methods to study biological systems With 3 g [3 <7 .3); l
multiple components to better mimic the cellular 2 $05 a .5 .4: f @
conditions. in the rst part, Iwill describe the surprising O 3' it E .3
and deep insights, revealed by multicolor FRET and CL l a;
uorescenceforce spectroscopy, on the dynamics { '
of DNA repair proteins on single stranded DNA. In the l @
8:00 A.M. second part, I will describe a single-molecule pulldown
REGISTRATION Er CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST (SiMPull) assay that combines the principles of a Ii @
Gallery, W.T, Young Library conventional pulldown assay with singlemolecule i
fluorescence microscopy and enables direct Z 
visualization of individual cellular protein complexes. 3
8245 A.M. WELCOME SiMPuIl can reveal how many proteins and of which kinds Q9
Dr. Eli Capilouto, University of Kentucky President are present in the in vivo complex and is widely applicable . /
Auditorium, W.T. Young Library to various signalling proteins found in the cytosol, 3 @
membrane and cellular organelles, and to endogenous i
9 O O A M protein complexes from animal tissue extracts. :5 e @
DNA Origami Nanopnotonics: from Superresolution to . 3
Functional Devices 11'30 AM' LUNCH l &
In recent years, DNA nanotechnology has matured to 1:30 p.M_ POSTER SESSION i Qb
enable robust production of complex nanostructures M lt' R 8108C WT Y L'b g o 0
. and hybrid materials. We have combined DNA U ipurpose oom,    oung ' rary ;: Q. s
nanotechnology with sensitive optical detection to v Q
create functional single-molecule devices such as 2:30 '3. DR. CARLOS BUSTAMANTE 8 g .  0
nagoscopic Trulersffor superlrresoDliion mlchSCOpy I Division of Labor and Coordination Among the Subunits 5 i 08
an energy rans er swr c es. origamis are a so rf - ~ - I,
used to construct nanoscale force balances with Of 0 Nearly Pe ect BIOIOQICOI Machine . m LU yo
FRET readout or for singlemolecule placement in As part of their infection cycle, many viruses must >. a; 8 3 i o ,
zelrfomodebvvccijveguides :5th FGhQOdOWeFS-l Especially, package their newly replicated genomes inside a a < > O 8 , 
:znigzism:lazieizzxe'esniiisstrategists . 'g m x i, a .. 0
for single-molecule detection at higher concentrations {3'6 mm long double-stranded DNA usrng a pentameric 0) 8 g 0 J 1 4
for biomolecular assays but also for diagnostic ring nano motor that belongs T9 the ASCE (Additional -C "" 4" Ln 0 t '
lications i will discuss recent advancement in Strand, Consen/ed E)_superfami|y of ATPases. A number U 3 5 O S ; $.
ofoeescence enhancement and how to dis nt n le of fundamental questions remain as to the coordination q_ E X V D: .
the complex factors that generally inuenceethce] g of the various subunits in these multimeric rings: The portal 0 __ u_ >- LLI ;
uorescence of single molecules near metallic motor In bacteriophage phi29 IS ideal to investigate E _l O X (1)
these questions and IS a remarkable machine that must a) _: > C U)
nanostructures. overcome entropic, electrostatic, and DNA bending E '5' '4: O U)
energies to package its genome to near-crystalline density 4.. o 2 6'.) Lu .
10:00 A.M. BREAK AND REFRESHMENTS inSIde the capstd. Using optical tweezers, we nd that this a U) a; C DC
motor can work against loads of up to ~55 picoNewtons on Q 0 .2 -; 0
average, making it one of the strongest molecular motors G) O C a) D . -
emiitstie-nzigeTSS'toi:25mm Sirisizioiiigzagiiiiisgzizzistgiz3842:1232? O i 3 4   SINGLE noracurmpnomuas
Eavesdropping on Single Molecular Conversations as the prohead lls, indicating that an internal pressure E ,0 TO DECIPH ERING MOLECU LAR
builds up due to DNA compression attaining the value of ~6 - o INTERACTIONS IN BIOLOGY
Singlemolecule detection has opened vast avenues MegaPascals 0i the end Of the packaging. This pressure, EU ,
to investigate aspects of biological systems that are we Show is used 05 F30 Of the mechanism 0f DNA injection  EB 
inaccessible by any other technique. Research in my in the next infection cycle. Ez i