xt7stq5rc092 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7stq5rc092/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-03-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1980 1980 1980-03-26 2020 true xt7stq5rc092 section xt7stq5rc092 I
' Vol. LXXH. No. 130 KB r 81 l'nivmily 0‘ Kentucky ‘
Wednesday. Much 25‘ 1930 an independent student newspaper ' Lexington. Kentucky
_ \
‘ A d
8&5 Col/e 9 having trouble n 9'30”
' fa rofessors f, .. . 5 cu d run
By STEVE HL‘NT full—time equilavent faculty member ,1 Wafljfié’ff/x % y 2% ‘ .
a..." fur etett 400 undergraduate student teed” / a We d 'd '
credit hours generated. said Ecton. ; *' , 2 2/ ' i. ' .. ' ’ ._ d/ can I ate
The College of Business and Eco- adding this is ‘he main thing the 3&E 4’ , i - .5 5 ,t' -
nomics is in need ofmore facultybutis College '5 worried about. ‘ . _ ‘ ' _ g ’i V 2 " X By DON WARD
having problems recruiting professors. . ”‘9. SCh'OO‘l '5 "OW considering 3 2 ' ' -. .2 ‘ ‘3 start Writer
according to various professors and imposmg limits to keep the laculty- 2‘ 5.‘
administrators in the college. student ratio at a good level. Ecton 2 . ; ”A“ , I "We have to act and we have to act
The administrators cited acombina- 531d; . e ,1 Z fast" seemed to be the sentiment in a
tion ofincreasing numbers ofstudents "_1 he college has under S‘Ud! a plan "f meeting at the Student Center last 2
and decreasing numbers of qualified 3? limiten'rollmentbymeans olaselec- .;;2,..:;t'fil W 5 j 2 2 night to pull UK students. facultyand
, faculty. and not a lack of competitive tive admrsstons policy for entering "’e§; ‘ .. 432:2 _ employees togetherto help elect Con-
faculty salaries. as the major reasons freshmen and by requrringcompletion " _ a, ._ ) . .2222 '., gressman John Anderson as the next
forthe inabilityto attract professors to 0f the ‘pre-mayor‘ component. “’"h a y 'fl.; 1’ 2 -._. United States president.
the college. 2.0tGPAl staéiding ford entry into the 2 "Steffi I? g. ————.———
or . ‘ o s' . . . '2: 2 -
In aprepared statement sent to B&E Juiillmgl::enw::0: 01'5““ a plan. if M 2, ' anaIYSIS
college personnel. W'“'.‘“" W' Ecton. approved bv the College (of Business 2 .22.. . .. 2 , . _ ‘ '23:?" m
ME dean. said “recrunment Mum and Economics) facultv and the llni- ‘ I .. ' _2 , . . About 45 persons were present and
faculty has been seriously impaired. versitv as a whole. and ifcompleted in f5 " led by: former Rebublican State Con-
' not because ofthe University 5 lnabll' time. .would affect entering freshmen 4 ' “iii/u gressman .loe Graves. Graves has been
ity to offer competitive entry-level this fall and transfer students us (j ‘ WWW/ra/ 54/ ‘15de by Anderson‘s national head-
salaries. but because the number 0f early as the fall of ”8| " he said. / {i ya alz/WV’ e f quartersto coordinate work in Fayette '
new faculty is deereasin g at the source— The College of Engineering passed I a 2 22:» _ ‘ ”Vi/2” " We (‘ounty in hopes of increasing support
2 graduate programs. ad mission standards in late spring of .2 ‘ 22 /,"’222u"Mr a; a lot the white-haired politician from
“Students entering SUCh programs ‘78 and put them into effect in spring ifigg/ ' ”g” lllinois.
‘ : . ‘ 2 II'E‘d' - 4"”‘1: ”ate/4 aim-22:2,;- :;:-2/2- waste:
‘ and the number 0‘ new doctorates ‘79. Warren W. Walton.assistantdean .-. zfeie/v%/ Many students forwarded reasons
awarded are decreasing while the of the College of Engineering. said the 9W ’% ”#W275’7/flg’fflfiéé for their SUPP”! 0f Anderson and
demand lort‘hem is accelerating across selective admissions have helped. e/‘f‘%/x$%¢ ~ $2.2. flag/WVM" . agreed that their main objective would
, the country. he said. John Masten. a retired University of 42/1”, . “° 5‘5? be to get Anderson's name and his
According to Vice President of Aca- Georgia PrOfCSSOr and ”Siting ["0sz- H i i .. i I I B\ Bl-NJll v ts HOOK/Kernel Stuff “and?” the Issues disseminated m the
demic Affairs Lewis W. Cochrane. the sor this year. said “limits have greatly Take thlS minds ofvoters through media and by,
. American Association of Collegiate lmPFOVCd the quality ()fthSlUdenI-‘u‘in word-of-mouth. . . . 2
Schools of Business is scheduled to [ht Business College at Georgia. We . “What made me hke h‘m '“ha‘ hes
,. review the college in l9tll. The must accomodate those Who will . . . . . dead serious 39‘? kmd 9f scary. bl.”
‘ AACSB reviews member colleges benefit the most.“ l'K football coach Fran ('urci crams an apple into was a’formerNationalPootballleague referee.Atriglit ttsgood because itstrue.‘said Jeanie 2
every l0 vears. P.J. O‘Connor. an associate profcs~ Lexington attorney Tommy Bell‘s momhmmpongeu'g is l Islfoothall player Steve Hricenak. The l K football Wolfson. agraduateteaching assrstant
One AACSB criterion requires one ('ontinued on page 6 stint as a “main course“ for his upcoming "roast.' Bell team Is currently in spring practice. in computer sCience. ' Hes leveling ‘
with people and showing his serious- .
2 ’ . ness in the matter."
Another Anderson supporter is pol-
enne u 89 S a r I itical science sophomore Chris Schalk.
: “He‘s willing to say what he feels.
unlike Carter and Reagan. who will
By WALTER R. MEARS W‘ llCl‘OsK."hC said “if it rnadca difference lion and a lorcrgn policy that is a PTO‘BZbLV lesd U: ofn/{ogin the Binge}; -
AP Special Correspondent . there it will make a difference here." disaster." :35 i C. a sai‘ o n erson. t m '
‘ Reagan. in lon ’\lC\\. Inc. said h- S i itl w' ‘k tlsi ,r 'd the tw ) vi‘to- lb mayor attribute 15 his conststent
. r t .L I k . H 1 1L ' ( e“ t ( L“. honesty. and it‘s somethin d we need
NEW YORK Sen. Edward M. prlmary ncyci thought licd win ( onncctictit. tics would he an enormous boost for if h 2. E V. ..
Kennedy upset President Carter in the "it being George's territory." Bush the Kennedy fundraising effort. Thev more 02 t ese days espCCially In this
New York and Connecticut primary ‘ won by the percentage points. virtually guaranteed that the senator country. . . .
. elections last night. revitalizing his 0 New York llic Kennedy camp. accustomed by from Massachusetts will he contesting Pat TOdd' a general studies-Junior.
‘ ‘2 challenge for the White House and now to ltilt‘tis‘t weekly dclcats. finally (arter all the way to the Democratic 39'“? her concern about womens
silencing the Democrats who had sug- (‘onnccticui had something to cclcbratc: Kennedy ‘s \ational (‘oriyeniion as Kenncdv issues and said she hde where Ander-
gested he quit. six percentage point \ictory in Con— had said all along. I :0“ 5m?" 0!" :th mlahtte; 5:? 'Sfm
New York gave Kennedy more than y necticut anti ilh ltt-point lead in \cw Republican Reagan said New York SR3; ot'rex in ingd -.e .a hine :r
. ' a victory. it gave him a surprise lands- York "certainly is going to quiet those peo- 1‘ Ira I ma ion an. is pro—c ’OlCC .n
. ildC. W "i filillis [hc bubbles burst- [m It \\ yt 2- - V r ' u x y drbOTUOH. He feels It IS'thC “OTHERS
‘ ' 2 . , ~ - 2 2 . , - . ~ p i h( d” Mime kmmd) h: ought ri ht to choose on abortion and wants
- ‘ l-ormer l...\. Ambassador George the majority ol New York (rOPdele~ Bush. in Milwaukee. said the (‘on- Jimmy (artcif‘ said lom Southwick. to get otit of the race." 3 'k . 1‘ l d 2f .. T dd ,
Bush won the Republican primary in gates. to swell his already command- necticut victory bodes well for him at Kennedy ‘s spokesman. He said the .t\t the White House. press secretary ;0 ma it It ega an M e. f0 '5 '
Connecticut. gaining a comeback of ing lead in nationwide nominating Wisconsin next 'I ucsday. "li looks to \otcrs had dccided“they cannotnonii— .lody l’owcllcallcd Kennedy‘withcori- 02mm; 5t?:ni::k(:'ln:ii:irpai2:i 3mg}: ‘
his own. But Reagan supporters won strength. me ilkt. l was getting my point natc a president with 30 percent mlla— (‘ontinued on page 3 National Organization for Women. .
I UK staff member Marsha Brown .
explained that her support of Ander-
a m e n m e n O a s 9 na 0 r a I 3 son stems from the qualities ofleader-
ship she sees in him. “He takes risks.
has courage in his convictions and
By JAY HAMBURG there are a lot of technical problems.“ membership present. students who have already filed for (‘lark speculated that the Election stands by his beliefs." she said.
Staff Writer Fine Arts Senator Leslie Bingham. Last night was to be the first of two candidacy understand how the people Board might let [.1 l students go ahead Butjust where does Anderson stand
' who abstained. said. “Tonight‘s bill affirmative \otes needed lorapproyal. who voted against this bill lecl. We are and run for a non-voting seat. among voters? Right now he is run-
Lexington Technical Institute lost does not clearly specify whether they Bingham said the problem stemmed all in fator of them haying a seat." S(i President Mark Metcalf and ning neck~and-neck with George Bush
its proposed senate seat at last night‘s (LTl students) could run for president from the ambiguous status of i ll stti- Business and l‘conomics Senator Election Board Chairman Rudy Bisci- for second place. behind Ronald Rea-
SC: meeting. The on-again. off-again or vice president." dents at the l'K. Hob Clark. who also abstained. said otti confirmed that I. ll students gan in the race for the GOP nomina- .
amendment was defeated by one vote As originally passed two meetings “At the first meeting." Bingham that he also was in lasor of I.” would be allowed to run for a seat in tion. However. he has the broadest
24-l with four abstentions. ago. the amendment would not allow said. “the senate decided that ll l stu- representation. the spring elections. lhc winner appealto bothliberal Republicansand
It takes a two—thirds majority to LTl students to vote or run for any dents could run foraseatbccauscthcy “ll they iron otit this ammcndment becomes an official tion—toting crossover Democrats. ‘
pass an amendment. other seat. The proposal. which must are UK students. At the second meet- and introduce it intimcioriheelection member. if the senate passes a resolu- On the issues. Anderson backs
“It‘s not that we don't want to give pass at two connsecutive meetings ing. the senate decided they: could not of freshmen senators in October. then tion to that effect before the end ofthe federally-funded abortion. hand-gun
them(LTl)representation.”said Engi- according to SG regulations. failed at run for president or vice president there should be no problem." Clark semester. control and the ERA. He opposes the
neering Senator Mitch Griffin who the following meeting because the because they: are not l'K students," said. "lhcy would only miss two Without such a resolution. the Continued on page 3
voted against the bill. “It‘s just that senate did not have two-thirds of its Bingham added. “I hope those I ll meetings." ('ontinut‘ ' on page 3
Oday\\__ Anti-draft eeganization holding
nation in i lor t\rchbislio ()sc'tr t\rtiu|fo Romero icriiicof I . h
campus (oNsl'MER PR|('[§ m lug-hm“) yumpcd i4 yihlcncclcllcd by iinassassin's bullctwhilehcwas say- laSt meet'ng tomorrow "'9 t
_~ . . _ .- percent for a second straight month. roviding new ”it! MIN . . . - . .
, ties the Counseling and Testing Center and Exten— annual rate. government figures showed wgrcrda) throughout the country betwttcn l a m and tt .i in mm t Pe r credited cam .u5 organiza-
sion Student Services are sponsoring a test-taking As a result ofthe latest “"5“ m the(‘onsumer Pym» l .8 I. a do/en in the Sahadorian capital. tn apparent .2 ‘ _ _ . . y ppe h . P" h h . '
workshop on Saturday from 9 am. until noon m the Index. the buying power oi the average American angry reaction to the death Monday night oi the 62» lhc lcsington (ommittec Against “OHS across 1 C nation “ll awngft
AIDS room m the MI King Library. wage earner fell byarecord 7 ,lperccntduringthe prc- ycar»old Roman (atholic archbishop Registration and the Draft wrllhold its large part In helping defeat Carter‘s
- The workshop w.“ involve learning how to review vious l2 months. the government said in a separate . y . mgr meeting tomorrow. according to proposal. He said last week 5 anti~
and predict exam questions.howto masicrthe objec- report. PALESTINIAN ARAB" “Mil-D “ “new Jim Pepper. presidcnt of the Commit- draft march In Washington. DC- and
me test and learning relaxation techniques to help KENNETH FARM-Ill. “h“ “8 charged “11h “I“?-‘FEE”);hi‘mghm” {hell’ce‘fllj‘ele e“ ““13“ tee. Pepper said the group is ‘I‘gomg to demonstrations atthe UCLA Md Yale
overcome test anXIcly‘. Mm in In what lnmh.amr\ at {W Wd “8‘ an o. t t . or ‘an no to protest. cm s p an to \L t dlgband becauscthcrc .t nothing left to campuses brought public disapproval
For more information call 258-870I. pp 3 y g 2"“2‘ ”‘ ”‘hr‘m ““1 ”“r‘ “W "9"“ ‘h‘ “Ir“‘d’ do.“ of the proposal to the attention of
attempt to mm“ a family. has now been Charged “”h strained Israeli-l gyptian Palestinian autonomy nego- (‘on reds
state sexually abusms 518W" Slayer dllrlntl ”‘0 WW" )6?!“ (Idlitins laccd new trouble Pepper said l.(‘ARl). a registered Hfaluso' attributed the defeatto Car-
THE HOl'SE YESTERDAY assed a workmen's he spent with the youngster.“ g . . Special l' N Am bassador Sol | inoiil called the campus organi/ation. will dishand at t , osalincludin womenin
‘. . . .p Mcrced. (alil.. polite 5") additional information Israeli decision to establish two Inc-in schools in tomorrow‘s meeting Since President ”sown Prop_ 8 "
compensation revi5ion bill which even supporters that has come from the boy m the past several days" Hebron“disturbing"and added ..I mum, ” mancgw .. J y, l _ h d ft the draft. “This had to come about.
acknowledged “35 unsatisfactory. led to amending the kidnapping charges of sexual tiatorintheautonomy my. ”MN-0i mm} concern (fine' \ proposa to resume i e mi Pepper said. “I don't think people
By 66-3|.the house approvedtwo amendments b \ 2 ‘ " . . ' ‘ will probably be defeated. He said ,
. . .2 a use ltomcycdthistotheprimcministcr Wearertgrctlul - . . - , 2 . , - would stand for more of Carters
out of 33 offered ""9“ WW“ PTOV'de additional In the meantime. the women who lived tor a time the dcmum “a. mu“. .. funding h" registration hasn’t made " double-talk "
benefits ‘0 injured workers out Of {31’9"les ”‘31 are with thetwo whilethey posed as "father and son."said ‘ out of the House Appropriations SUb. J h C i I
paid by employers. Parnell slept wrth the bov weather committee and isn‘t expected to. 0 n rump. community sponsor
Rep. Lloyd Clapp (D-Wingo). sponsor or the (my. ' ' of-l.CAR D. said. ‘I havent heard any-
nal billand ofone oftheamendments. warned hiscol- worId THlth l-; WILI. iii: PARTIAL clearing today with lhe meeting is scheduled for 7:30 thing about it (the disbanding). but I
leagues that although the measure mandates a 25 highs in the ripper 40s to mid 50s lonightwillbc par» p.m. m 245 Student Center. suggest theylmembcrs of LCARIDHx
percent reduction in rates the first year. it inevrtably TERRORIST BOMB EXPLOSIONS rocked the Halls t‘loudly with lows in the mid .ltls Mostly sunny l (‘ARDwasfotmcd after President prepared we haven’t W0“ a VlCtOl’y
would result in an increase ofat least l0 percent inthe El Salvador capital. San Salvador. yesterday Schools and a little warmer tomorrow. with highs In the mid to Carter proposed the resumption ofthe (yet in Congress). They haven‘t
future because of the extra benefits voted. closed and the government called for national mourn- unpe’ 50‘ draft in answer to a supposed threat of learned the games those in Power
ME; war in the Middle Fast caused by the play."

KhNTU Debbie \lclhuiel
Iiitlttl .H t’ It ./ \Iiuk (in-en him \ubre) Thomas ( lull John (by Guy Linden
Ju) hissett Bob ( ochrune IItri Ilrltllllh‘lll l-ilrtor Spam Editor ’ Director of Pholugmpht'
(IN “tilts litr'tlillt .‘tlriiiri Paul Mann
Uri/tuitrrirt [ill/4t! (ind) “dice \, I. Robinson Brim Rklerd DIV” Maynard
Jacki Rudd THItIlIIH {sin/uni Spar/t Ifdtlrtr Ph‘m' Manager
slrtr \Tl‘st‘t Ilsa Doumird ( ii/n I./Iltt’\ lll/t Hutu/item liltror ..
editorials 8: comments
I I l
I lhs‘ VIN“ Chumpmn‘hll‘ ts‘lllttts‘d I” “HM in Ks‘tr tht-hhsd it I “WWW “WC ' t1" GNU ‘L‘Um “h's'h the linal \ ictor would he is debatable. but the quality Kentucky scluarelyinthe spotlight ofthe nationaltele-
tuckt Monday night. though at a tittiietsrty othet dcteatcd the \\ rlilt'ats titrcc dUHILL' lhs‘ WNW“ of play would be undoubtedly superb. vision cameras.
. 'r-w-‘lwo "ll .,. . , t» , y . . .
than ”uni mh kld m “1" ll l 1 t i l“““"”‘ ‘ “‘L I” H" W"”‘“‘“ ”' ”"WWI ”mm” NCAA regulations cloud whether this game cottld Even if the two schools should choose not to play
‘ ‘ . ‘ \‘ l ) )lll \l C ‘ L‘i ) ll ‘r . . .. , . . . ' . l g ; . . . v - , ~ -
MSW y t [LI(‘[nI\Lr‘ tlyii i s h LL. r t (tut. regratc basktlbtill lll.lkt\ plitltilt tib\t,ttts \\illI mill} he played m“ W”. and .1 It doubttul either team each otherrntheregularseason.thenperhapsanexhi-
' 'I\ r 'Ollt rl\'lt Ctllltllllll TL' .- -- - -II t ~ r ~ i)- ' ' r - 3 ~- - ..
“3k I‘IiI'lkIMhl IL) IP 2"“ ll ll 1 tthsLHLH ot httsksth-t“ him Ame ”New“! Ml” “Quid agree to the match-up l. of L would resist bition game for some charity (or several charities, as
‘ ) .» . ' *‘ tr l ataii a tattatit . . . r. ' _ . - , - ; . . . . . ‘ , - . .
st he ltlrK “I Ictifc mi t .L r l is l K lllck\ is the home oI .iio litst rate basketball squ its risking a possible I‘M to cloud m. nationalchampton— the gate receipts would probably be plentiful)could be
‘ l'lLl Til\ ‘ Li “L! \ lll; llllillllL‘ [Till d ' t . . , " . , '
i” irl U L ‘ Id k l h i! l I: t I had it Is a crirtrir shame the t\\o tlorrt plat each ship. and l ls may not want tohicethe possibility that arranged on a yearly basrs. Freedom Hall and Rupp
‘illlt.’\[ wou on \ tir st‘e it a tttt.cs c~ ‘ ' . . - -
0 st . P t P Um“, it My 1m. hm team .n the slulc, Arena could host the contest on an alternating basrs.
. ciall}. it by sortie tlukc or miracle no doubt. I ol l . .
, should “mg \l K»l otl LIttll’t t: t‘sltt‘eldlh ttt this tlietrrral \cai Still. a l'K—l' of 1. game. either this year or in the The playing of such a game for in-state concerns
I ' Suddenls thcshoc lsttlllhk‘tttllct lttttt.;tsttttt'l oil «it Klls‘ Vast :tttit “attic“ (it‘tttt'th. \wttltt hs'zttt 0111- near future. tmttld he an asset to the sport. to the rather thanexhibitioncontestsinJaPan orsomeother
Pia)” pointedly ptotioutrccd M a public wwmum hitiori ot basketballat its latest ltriagtrrctot' a moment schools and to the state. Such a game would be an exotic pon-of-call would not only better serve the
. ' with the goiernor l of l is the national champion “itts‘httts‘ th's' M“ WWW t*1 l UUNIHC on the same excellent demonstration by tho pmu‘rht’lhe teams. interests ofthe state‘s basketball fans. but also benefit
instead oi thepredrctedl KLll‘isililC(I;lrdln;1[\soundh court with the restrained tiriessi: ot Kt‘tttltt'm who bring in additional rc\etiiie to both schools and place the state as a whole.
It all comes home to roost someday
I I ' ' I ra h r h I? Id 1' . 1980
Will we electa media Image t e t a a may an In .7
‘ By JOHN M \RB()R()l till viriiioeietl irr \ M itttk ( :'\ rrrar. .tttttatttsttrttttts Hi i shell-sighted crarts low "cut “hat \sottld a good l_\/e Us all into boxes from which we Noises. The Poor are still poor. The
- icpteserr: .: ::._:. tt' rr tl‘a araials ..: ntitttt‘ts‘t ‘tt‘l‘li‘ttttt‘s' ”I: "M ””3““ 1““ politician (It) without some kind of neier will escape: the Professional RlCh are SIT” rich.Andthecredit binge
-\ PMUNMMI MIMI h AWN}, \mwm“ mm. M. [rm Wilts My, ,it‘atlgtzlit ut'titccl prior iierc linalls pork barrel" Why not pump money Sociologists. who have successfully isover.Andwearelookingi again ~
‘ _ I hated and his funeral makes new \ trait. {Vitri'th‘b as tar trror. aha ' i ‘v-‘t attitl Wm "WM“ \H't's‘ ht‘ttmins’I into a decaying city" sortie/wilt will catalogued eyeryone into classes.sim- at an actor who would be president.
rather late: collection t'l rletriotrstra t": ,‘r'i‘Jt ... h or 2.”th ll‘ Ulli tizi'rw tilt W5 ‘\ it!” Ms . “Ith ths‘ WNW hcnctrt. -\nd indeed. the) did. the l’ro- ilar enough to the Marxian notionsto Do we ever learn anything?
‘ . tors shows up led hi otlrct t‘totev that: does the :Illti\\ dsrrtrrtistiattim »r:~. trottot: th r' ihercttastt rohtot CH“ lessiotials. again, lhe l’tolessioital make Lenin‘s ghost chuckle at our
slottai tlclfllsl's r. \\aor.:rguirr to agaaisiihetlratt \\:‘ri tiasl tl\\\‘li\lL'll‘r tmti; at the anti ot ttllLIs trarrrirtg tit Social Workers. who rrrererlesslt inantt). And what happened to the John Scarboroughtencheshistoryand
I ' ' protest 'he p-tss.h.’e rgirrrposttrnri ..t kréetl‘ ttti: tart airtii: that he :i-arlx whims"? WM lott—‘t‘lts‘tt “t“ ”W exploit hritnartlrailt};thel’rotesstonal DCOPIC'.’ Not much has changed. it classics at UK. His column appears
. " the dratt (‘teiltt carit wtttrtatttcs sta‘tc ’tz‘ttr tut ltts viii ttstords that strearl .trs c‘\\i‘ttll.tl husrtit'ss ot sttbstttttct: ‘tW‘ Psychologists, who niercilessli ana- turns out. in spite olIall ofthe lmage- every Wednesday. ,
- f . thatthc'itcctttlc‘IItso‘.cr.atttithatttr‘ titre irtrlilIr":t .,it. .t:tttt".r‘;t.i.tl‘..a't; it ‘isilsi ‘ii‘ U‘i-lik'dwmd ““1 Eh")
I' will hate to t‘a. a: .r’ ‘i\; s.;. \t' mattress \toi. ti :t't‘..i.. We gttrbht a t. t: v...:. at .tt trrt-tt thousands Stti~ .
own i\t-t\ "\l‘ue a. ,titzrtstI Q-II‘rIJ‘r arr-ahtigaridHorn-r .-\;ttiv_i_- i: \g; i! I- t‘tt\\ ti-:t‘pi.ir:r that too many Letters pal/0y
that ottc could list ilils gone to can business, poirtits tillsilllc‘htilqtt. .t‘titlt-‘\\t‘7\ ti' I' MW“ ”ls” II‘TUH ..
- -' . r i r - tr» ~ ~ - amt l .. lrtl .~ rune , I -- - . - -
. . Washington to make so” that ttr tht cat; _._._. .-cnafi __._ -,.- I" t' ‘ ‘ . t‘ . P1 H ”0‘“ “ Ill“ The Ammt'kt' kernel welcomes all contributions Letters:
_ . . coming titties ol tti’; llt'llfiL‘t‘t trta: “_‘—“ .ta iii t .i ‘»i‘.ill oi l.l\ tea l\ lIrom the ”(community ior publication ontheeditorial Should be 30linesorlessand nomorethan 200words.
' " -- r a .. i .- t m s ~tt -.' ' .i'rj I’I‘_'ill‘;;‘ t! - . ~ .
. sptcldl lrllstcsi ii a h\ t. t, art . It » s ._ , f » . » ~ ““ ”“N h“ and opinion page, They should concern particular issues, concerns or
, ‘ . . (‘rowds throne to trtotes that otter In menfe 39/ are "tat _. ' r :t tittitr: lot the iticottt- , . . . events relevant to the UK community.
I' ' .. total escapism. stierree trcriotr airttairs ;._~ in ~ rizii tenure in the letters. opinions and commentaries must be typed
. hate returned to thi'tiies ot \L iterated «~_ a-.,.._fi.__- AV.-__._-~.~— . - v “iv; sixty» \iiil tht‘tt'ts. and triple—spaced. and must include the writer's signa- '
Wat-ettpcra. and L’L'llL'ltliH hook \tIt's l’rotrssrwtra .it:...~.ts at; .‘ifst the 'r.:. \f a ti mattress it: acadct‘ttcs, ture. address and phone number. l'K students should OpinionS'
..- . ' um h‘mmmp .)t lht' cyliylir‘k mildly-We {\t of; “IIIiIiiI "DUN! the? n. >llt it“, .r .l \.. IIIVIII I ~ 37‘; seri‘}l lttttsg ttliit ltrrT traclultijellhetzycar and mdlttgadnfi Ilintterstty employees Should b690 lines or less and should give and explain
:1 : about rm presume-r1itirhgr-tarra innit-t l t'lt'\l‘ilk' lititl iiitrird ’i‘cI’xttlliL extrrii. L'itl writi inks. mar!zrrasrrrrraciptttjrits. s ou rst t etr position an cpartmen, a position pertaining to topical issues of interest to the
. > ' 4 t l ill it ."sll " I‘. lit.‘. L! 1’1'!‘ ("11‘ “.1 l' L‘li‘.‘ l .‘it ‘I'\‘ I] . r' .. . - , ' '
, lmtl‘lh “Nd“ “I ”it “How“ tut It s ""M (:t I]. ‘ “ l ” ‘ ” ‘ ‘ I K I ‘ 1‘ The kernel may condense or rejectcontributions.and UK community.
- ' ' ' «I 1 ' ‘l\ ttl till i C t’ i". ‘ ll; 'rl. '. illx'l r\ '2) 4 "lg“; ’ 'c'l til. ltl 'll ‘llll' ll ) - ' . _ . .
. dtltd smumstl P““~ ”l l-M ’ ‘1'“, [WI “H C ‘ h “(Ii 2 ‘ i ii Ll " l ‘ trequentwrtters mas belimited [‘dlIOTSFCSCTVCIhCthI
‘ . ' * lll ‘ .l‘tl lt’lt' .l.\'.t‘ 'rll\"l l. ilflflc” Alix-.3 i'rilli'l'l'c’ \ i’c‘. ' - _ V '
pd’iilklt l \ i I _ ”I“ {L I 1' ‘ K 4"“ ' ‘ , I ‘1' ”I in 11: ”E: to edit for correct spelling. grammar and clarity. and
- .._. tr 72;" Dar es, l'tttl; tat: .tt’atin' iit‘ttnactttsi :tiast .l.I~ _ r.tt=.ac \\.r. t - - ..
I rim III ”m I I I I "I. r .yf p, t- i , \ I,I k, H l I 1,I a .r . y, ‘ .. I if!“ U _ may delete libelous statements. Commentaries .
. , dLnlla. 'iktllt‘ll‘ a him tie. \itii... it -l"\\‘l\‘ltill .. iisi, \\ rtr ‘.lit\ caiat. wt .i Lttlct\ as \H as lliltl' (‘ t h t' "h Id bed 1' *edt R 114.! Should be 90 lines or less. Wt? no more than 800
. : otters honesn .ttlti \pttrL’H'ssllt'ss irn'tht- potathtp a Itprssage trots perterict. )iit ‘ ..i org. sit .i nae :zriist understand n [0" “l, Uslomi: Oi'IK t talkie“: t::mK ”(5);;- words. Thesearticlesarereserved forauthors who,inthe
v . .. i. v ~ ~ ' - ‘ tort ‘l't .tt. '.'..i‘7 t' .t'r "start. ,~ r l , V . ' _\. .. , . . . . -- , - '.
, \ one hand. WEI. tlti INS hsdmd; si‘t’ttt‘r.‘ *3 A Ps1 PW“ {-1- ~ {1 ” t . ‘ ‘ I‘ll’l‘sm- 1““ a 5'“ m e" 3 0 en u g y editors opinion. have specral credentials, experience,
.. . ‘ “KU‘”“‘h-“i”"“ “W” \“W‘ “W“ ""‘“ “““d‘ " “”' i“ “"‘I‘m’ ~“ ”‘1 "W “ ‘l‘ " rot legal reasons.contrrbtitors must presenta UK lD training or other qualifications to address a Particular
. I ‘ ’9‘“ \tUi“HtL‘lt‘l l‘” ”ls” otht't thttl *\ l‘WL “h“ “"5 W’“ i‘L'ltk‘l‘“! ””I’l‘l‘ ”l “1“”“3’ “’34 ”l ”l“ Will”? before the kernel will be able to accept the material. Subject.
, . - choice’ lhc old illtL' sccttrs to he tine (lliHHIUJ botttiti ttotti the i’tttttlii ,t"‘r:t.t~ \\ t ot the szxtrcs"beltctcd"itt
' I' ’ trigt again "It all Unites home to [itttsl trough \tlil trots that the httttttt‘. that the ( N'ii't'itl' image We ten-lied til it —___—__——————————___———
' . somedaj. ” \\ ill L'IlttllL'il .rt irrir periph- is scerr as exaporatirtg sha‘f up l‘tt\\ \M- med the K'l‘KllL‘H in the White ,
‘_ ' ~‘ be “mp-d ht myMar-‘1|rmgrvtrrrwstt seek scapegoats' \\ ho can we btaitrt- lii‘ll‘vc ii‘rar proirrled a tteedotn lrom The Leather BOyS at SC C/nema
. . It) "elect" arr "imam" ititht't that) a lot the hinge ttl the sl\llt'\' ltitcllt‘slir the ll.titi\tilikitilC\ Hi the illllL‘\ .lohn
, ~ ‘ ‘ i I I I .
' presrtletrt’ \latshall \1tl trharr satil ab {\‘z‘tttig .totit thc.t totircs Hanks bt'tttiz‘ih had discolctcd the po\\crol
- ‘M ' this would happen halt in the frytria‘. \tlto exploited the piolcssrotrai sports The Ittiagc “tits lltei‘r he “as shot. I m eplc s Om es Ic rage y
g ' of the ~.l\[lt's. iihere l \ ttas ttrsl hrgttt dieattr to a porn; o! ittilt ii;iiirs salatres ast an the \lcdta .Itilitts (IaesatIs
. ' 1’ tttttg to “tics its tlrckcrare lll1l\cit'sII l-‘ta‘ threaten trirstit pl‘tit'sshttltli [talks at. ..zri turt‘hL'tl tar tewet \tid then By TRA(I\I PETER land still rent byantiqueclass conflicts Their attraction isn‘t sexual —- it's '
. " and discosctrtte the sitttpie pour rig: of l‘|.l\llrt‘\\' I abot rtttiotrs Mirth the :tti't.rtab|e. i! one though about it ~ ‘ .. and charged with the bitterness and the mating of two “mankjnfwho fill
. , I i Images R‘I‘fm.‘ flail-l "1‘1““ ‘1“ “’9’“ l“ WW .UW“ H J‘ "1*“!ch ms" tl‘tt' "l'tt'ls‘omttdb" mmctl ”1- PM“ S’dnc.‘ "- hm“ ‘ H'“ 1‘7”,” 8“” despair of urban proletariats who fell their time exchanging rather sweet.
._ . \\ hat loo/m1 yr‘d. tostr trite“ are a iiiisillL’ss l stahltshiticttt the. lta\t' ti-sstotral ltttagc \lakcts l’totessronal ”963’ l»‘ MW of the be“ (”th” 1‘3““ through the cracks of the Welfare boy scout intimacics and planning to
‘ year to be renteitiberetlasa \Mtlt'tsltc'tl lt‘ttldc‘ti ' l‘ottt:i:atrs. \trtostat .‘ll btrsri l ribbitsts l’tolcssiotial l \plotters of “CH I'm-0““) arttittcts H0”) ”W P‘N‘ State. throwing in the faces of three emigrate together ona merchant Ship.
I I . .“ Perhaps when the \ttteircatt Pct‘ttlc t'tL‘v~ m l‘t‘ttcii mg what the Public uha'mct weaknesses, we as human “111 Brm‘h renaissance in theatre and LZCnc‘rations oiI BritiSh Politicians their In fact the fartthtjournCy they take
. ' I I ““311.‘ hs‘t-Wt to Httdt‘tstarat “Mt mirth ‘~\_ttll\ m hear ’ \1rttra tolk who ttti ,. h "this" tit‘t‘lill‘s‘h‘ ”1““ “”11“”? “"1 "Imam u mmcmcm. ”1.2“ (“MM Promiseto make Englandaland fit for together isabike rallyto Edinburgh~
. . .. . > they had been tooled. not so Y‘rl-lvlcil b\ tetrct' otit Plt'llltilt;‘ arid sorrictitties tot :tccijottt \ttil \te got it ( rcdtt 21W!) it“ Iht‘ neo—l‘dwardtan IDMSICYTCC heroes to “ye in. a quest which turns into a mock epic
‘ ‘ the Media. as ht their with collectors :s't‘ott their; iii a \\ttll'l’\lllll.'i1llti actit cards \ \\at in southeast *\\llt. \o 0' hCStUI} 0‘ “THC 0‘” ”“1“!” ”0”” from roadhousc to roadhouse. The
.I I ‘. I desire t0 Wattle" the Rea! vl’totp‘lerrrs tare t‘lilttltt‘ttI' :ttjlll'c'lllltefl soiriebrrtlt :tirrttynbtttil} directed ”l’oiert) l’ro~ criticism. I iletnallttsttngtitnliticss . . M'onderjahr turns sour when Reg
. . .’ ahorrndrrlg it.‘ hat a (tlittiL‘ It L‘sl iras to pat tit tit s o’it we lit.” tt grants that the |\ public soon Ptltllsltldtl) working-classliic this opinion meets Pete's homosexual friends in
>_ . cm for ltcsiiictit ‘ii_'}\\itlliii artiiii lls \totLt he IIIriI \\ ht trotI ) ht‘t'pttt: hotctl t It itttcs‘tltt ttttitt’ltts'thtst dccmtl": l” IiIIIdWII'II"SILhIICCVmLItm—I what must be the most decorous gay
. ' e " t - ‘w rrr‘t‘ gt; ’l 1 .Hzti ‘1' w on t * rtit ‘l . . . _ ’ ,‘ ' ‘ ’—__—‘_————- s - '
g . _ to escape Itist a litta w ll.Li rttr [ t ttlllt rsti trs it t l-\ \tit .t.t ..tr ,t t.tttit.rl portrayal oi an “‘0“ must ismtssc )th‘lsl W . g . bar m the history of world Cinema W,
‘ . ts unlorturtaieli alteait'. trctc il‘. eao iitirsetsrtics t'HMttilLti ctrtoiitrtetrts~ \rspalaetira betelt ot lltiinarr Bung» (oward rclered to it as the ‘kttchen Brought 1" for 1655 than '00‘000 - -
‘ l ‘ I t ‘I I k" t | in 'l h tunds 'l'heleather Borswas oneof repulsed by the lmpllCd threat of
_ . t ,~~ . w r r,- » i > r it t > - i ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ( .. . it ~ - ~‘
g . you hat ti. llllllekki‘ lLl tcttttg Irk .IttttttrtaH drttiogtarttrtc tts. stcttohpts. :In sc too 0 rtt‘tsidramdtt c ITL“ P ’ _ l” ‘ f' ~ ‘ . ‘ accepting responSIbility for another
.' ‘. . . lhat ptolt‘ssrt'tlal .rttr-mr \\llit \tas taets or ltlt' ltaht liooiri lhat led lhris the l'rotessrorial l’oor l’olrrr— angry young men dissected an l-ng- Btlllsh Jon S 'irstmarorsuccesses. II 8 domestic arrangement. Reg meanders .
-. . . , a poignant little domestic tragedy - - . .
- . _, . . , . off again into Nottinghams mean
. . ' _ . , 7 .,.. , g 3 l played outtn homelybotttnghamshire
‘ i. m ‘ ji‘ _ , “A I,. «..t.; w at‘.‘A‘\lt[rttsI1q—)‘TEN(S o , .. . - - - streets.
.» , _ . ARL“ ”4ng ~ . s . . tt N , accents amid crumbling bricks and .

. » . g _ F l< u 4 . , IVER u — 0RD . . . The Leather Hovsinfluencedseveral
, 4 _ r, - ’ _ / 941th or W3C ,» t ,. 3 r“ K, r View ittf tits). StTt RtC wrinkled crepe de Chine. The charac— later English movies notably the
. . .. r : is . - m « ~ . 'é ‘ I - I
. ' ' . ; t f . DJ J]; hN UNSUSPUT "“(Y i'“ W ”7 EN“ T D‘SCCVEQED “KAT Fer: irctppfotographed In small. CEO), Boulton Brothers' The Family Wat:
‘ . ' . ‘ t . . , . a in . s ' 00 s o . . . ' ‘ .
r g y/ . f 1 ,/ UKGQNO giurifirfl' .- / drag um FAttED to PM his TUtTtOh) g} u 3 r m r agains a thoughrttsdonewnhouttheBoultons

. t, - / h ‘a c O backdrop of shabby. decaying row- . .
g , a r . ; f / ‘3 DthNb HCME FROM y/l /, 6,, . t to A M BUE ATTENW’T BtG—l M, . g . . . customary sunny sentimentality. The
. , _ _ . _ / / . r ) - houses and factories a nice Visual . . - -
. . a 3 HEN A Rh“- 0‘ r. r , . , . effectively delineated relationship of
' . ~ . 039 LLM) W x r g - ’ .. metaphor forthetmmurementofthetr ~ .
~ :' . . . t K N691“ APPRLMHD . , . / , u - g ' . . . Reg and Pete. With its suggestion of
. . . 4 C (-08“ E . . i . J // s . ltt'es.an imprisonment broken only by . . . .
. .- l} . . ., c. w e z 7 / o ‘3 . . . . twomalformedindIVidualsattempttng
- .' ‘ . - V5 w, _ ‘ ~. .- » / . . o ’ e ' ‘r n., the illusion of freedom obtained by
' . ' ‘ t '1' I “I ’ " \ / ' ” - I I of" ‘ careenin down narrow roadson their to form a healthy WhOIC suggests
, ; . . . ' {fit 7 ‘ W 2 . . y - Wfi‘ .- rflfl ' motorcylges ‘ Losey‘s overrated The Servant and
‘ ,' . [I t‘I ,v , " . , ,. . I I0 7 -‘ ‘\ 'm@‘t ~- ~ . ' " Evan Jones‘ unaccountably under-
4 , . . . ,I ,v , , / ,,._ ’ r ' ,5) , . .. z ‘- . Reg, a pretty vacuous boy-man .
.. . , ,{y ,,. {hr 7 -_" )L ‘Ht ‘ O . w / ~ ~ :0; O , t layed in ratiat'in l by Colin Sim rated Two Gentlemen Sharing. The
, . r ‘i r . ‘ v I. . / it, - .‘ _ ' ' ' ’ . - . . i
, { 11,1592” . ’t h ‘