xt7sxk84n723 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84n723/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-12-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 02, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 02, 1981 1981 1981-12-02 2020 true xt7sxk84n723 section xt7sxk84n723 i . . ., . . . . . ' , ‘ " ' .' * . ‘ . , , ’ ‘ 6 1f '8‘ .g . ‘ ' . » , '6 ?6. 6 " l 1:55:32; "2:636 53“";
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. ‘66
. Bnngoutthebeavyjacketsandcarry i, a _, ~
i ! yourumbrellastodayasweareex- ' ’ ,-
M if i pectulgclmldy,breezyandcoldcondi- .'.l’ i
. ' tions with a chance of shavers. The '.
. '1 ‘ high is only expected to reach into the r I,
mid «3. Tonight will be mostly cloudy ’
and cold with a chance of snow flur- f}; ‘
mes The low will be in the upper nos.
_—____—_—.————'-——_—_—————-———'— mm— . -,
Vol. LXXXIV. No.75 An W conduit m since 1m Univefllty 0' Kenludy . It:
Wednesday, December 2, 1981 Lexington, Kentucky I: .
m if
swiftlwi’ y fl?” . 63" ate 6;? ‘ afif6ig g . ‘
e - Neonatal Complex
. - - i g 1. ‘ l y '
6 ~~~— on us
. . WMWMW-“6'mwr‘w‘Vm'OWWWWmu-r ”Nob”... WW6 "*'—--0-—-~mgin;esteefmhhiswflgkekti‘iaff‘itieia ‘ l
. ~ - - u' - :55*..£;’.9.:§<.-‘..-it’=-'.:iii’4:559:52?‘ sWfivfifiéefifixs”§z %§:===i'.‘€ss/“§°”’ sic stifle? =~‘ ..: .2, ::~=:*‘..;;;.;:= . “0 ’.
‘ 0" b0“! Sldfi- Helm“ Schm'dt has said, If “0 nimble s%“~esen“we§§$ n. st "
I Perhaps negotiations between the countries results are evident in the negotiations by “B it... . .. n..._ K‘Wit‘l’sfiec'mfifiigfi"?ii$3v§§¢§°gfixfgami’ea‘t‘sg‘éan‘wfigfteH‘M‘
have been just for appearances sake. Just to end of 1983, then West Germany will proceed t t Inc’- ,a
. . placate the American or European public. T0 with its deployment plats.” c n I' ry f r bl p b I W
‘y let people see that efforts are being made. Or West Germany is one of five countries where O a 0 avg a e u I :
I at least, ostensibly. US. missiles would be dispersed as approved ' h - h d l I,
. in. an... on. between an... 0.8. n. nnno. in. pan. movement in an... United Way urtmg t e nee y
, \ negotiator Paul Nitze and the Soviet delegate, threatens the deployment of US. missiles , :
. Yuli A. Kvitsinsky, which began Monday, there, however, because it will make it im- Every autumn brings not only the voluntarism, the new White Heine ‘
7 have been characterized by Nitze as “cordial possible for European governments to accept thump of steel-teed toot asaillot ”J I I.“ l i I'll. I.‘ hummi-
" and businesslike.” them. pigskin but the extension of the hand . How voluntary much United Way
T Vladimir Evdokuchin, a Soviet delegation So what is really to be gained here by arms ”d the "mm“ d a” “'9 by um.“ "I ”I“. emmum me. 9““ ‘3 ‘5 m“u°' ””9””
1 . . Way.0ftenthegameandthechanty Soitishardtodisagreewith Mr. who work for large corporatlmsor
; spokesman, described _the first contact talks that are as redundant as they are wanna, are molded together a Wurfwhal new, that anemia govmmt am” will tell you
‘ between Nitze and Kwtstnsky as “very con- lengthy? If these negotiations are aboveboard any wager of gamma] tooth.“ the United Way being in business to uni the mum to give is anythirg l
f structive, with both sides striving for agree- and US. and Soviet Union officials truly sup- games on TV knows. Sandwiched in hdp peoiieinneed, its leadelslliphas but friu‘ltfly. Often promotions or the
; merit.” port them, then they will probably be a step between thetire medals and et- yet toilet!” We word of criticism avoidance at demotion! an Mend
: Everything sounds so sugar and spice. mard solving the worn-out arms disagree- ““3. °‘ Gm“ MW“ t" 9‘“ “m' “th‘mpwwcm “mm wweiwmmmfleitm”
l The . thi . the f ulti Ifth n1 f salt momsunderthenoseofwmlld-be mwmdmflhflldflnapanmtcanmakeltsqtm.
I re Is "9 us new in ‘7” o Spec 3 on ment. ey are 0 y or appearances e’ cmtomers who have swooned from Americans." Mr. Wurf smote a in fact, officials in New York City \,
or strategies, really. In addition, the two am- then something 5 wrong. Bad wrong. stick, M, m m a steady mm- that wwmm um may m United Way payroll a,
I streamofUnitedWaycanmercials. “Since November I”. the United deductions for city employees. citing
. _ ; 5 I Fl] Preemblytheyarealredbythe Way executives havebeena'owing coercivetactiesasoneottheieasons
~ I 1:: .3. ll Natialal Football becamethe and rejoicing over President for ‘ so.
League dong
i, II“. I UnitedWayisalmtaspopularas Reagan’selectim,andltmlycan’t 'l‘heWhitel-lmhasbeencaleful -
l . .-- '1 7“- _*_.n , l '— — givingtoystopoorkithatChristmas. mdentandwhyexceptbyseeimthe to say that it doesn’t expect the . I
W,“ Ii" , l. ,I‘ l Doubtlessthatistmefortheup- UmtedWaymachnntycanelcon- modernvoluntarlsm,whlchlssup- .
l‘ .Jthh, l , .- £1": 5 i i market corporation employees who trolledbycorporateAmer-iee.” port of institutions like the United \
it in”; lovethepufessimalgameandwhoae Forthcmostpart,mlited Wayhas Way, to take the place of old- ; I
5 31:2: ' ‘ jets fly in every January for tint excluded any 0‘ the boat rocks fashioned barn raisings, when . I '
Lysol I -q__, -’ . rm 2 / ll misting commercial becdlanalia. organization, be they NOW, the neighbors got together to hdp; l
\ a... — 3 ii the Super Bowl. Blacks and other Native American Delano Fund or neighbon. 5
’ ~ Ia_ ‘V ._,_ typeswhoprefc baseball,agame a'ganizatiolnliketheNAACP.'l‘he matisexactlywhat’swrongwithf t '
. ; W Q,“ A! a: winchaworkingpsientosnsttortto prefer-ewe has been to give the boththegovemmenthandoutswhich ; I
\ g ,l 5 l», f :‘1 buyatickettotakehisorba-children money collected to direct service theReagans rightly deploreandthe '; . l
"j: l ‘9' = . ,5 tosee, arenotsohippedon the United organization that provide flood relief private handouts which they applaud. ; -.
A , J y 3,. 5‘ ,, 2.,“ ' $.33:— Way. or lute-school recreathn. The boat In both cases they seek to supplant . I
“ 5 s?) 3,7, / . ignl NorisJerry wiiri.presideritotthe rocker smiles ale shamed because mutual helpandself-helpwithasoup ,
A, .fi‘ .— "-:rl:':l// , ' J 7’ ' AmericanFedaationofState,Coun— "leyathOcausemmleto kitchenmentalitymsthoughitwa‘e I
a... infifl‘ :5’2?’ /' l - I‘Q!‘ tyand Municipal Workers,whocalls bring about change, the sort of less humiliating to get your dole 5
‘ , 7-‘0'h "’ Lg;~»r~{/;'£§Z/\ . ‘ ‘e’V. ita “dlal'ity OPEC.” Ofoourse, Mr. change thatmight begintomakepeo- money from a civil servant social 1 , ‘
’ ‘\”%'3-;;b.f* ,- ' . f, -.,le .Al Wurf is a union official and the ple independent at United Way agen- worker than from Fancy Nancy, the ;
,; :T \\g .’,-,,/ MP/é’" ‘ “ ”I, .- > faslliotlistodsmisspeuominsuch cies. lady bountiful figure, who expects; .
a l:,1_.‘;-\ ,r,/-” ‘4‘ " I) 35;; 9mg occupatiom as perasitical blood- As Mr. Wurf and many another curtsiesandnosass. ; -
‘F-l!» ’ <2”? :«Qi Sn”? " ‘ W‘ suckers whose economic have noted, United Way is the cat's- Either way the victims — partial, .
'6 intestate! l,"/”~ ‘ in " g obstructimismhasopenedthedoorto new of his mums executives and thereeipients—otthebotmtysreldt : ,
- .as-V’"1-,,"—j I ' "/_ e» the Japanese with their irresistibly thereto“ can be viewed as a naked, without dignity and with:
. g ’- .5 1, - a; % seductivecomumel‘pl‘oducts.3etlla_t medallism of social oontrolasmuch resentment, not mtitllde in their;
9-” ' as. my asitma ,onoocaiontmionomdsls' as an instrument of “interested hearts. ‘
” Riley” tta-iy mak than clarityNevertlnl withtlle t turesSyndi telnc ‘
...I73 Eat/WAmeanwuwazt Kata/war 1: “W no nanny emu-emu 5- ea. cu- ©issiltin¢res ca . . _ - ,
wremn’ mes, NW ‘2 Baum/W a»: loose warmer dew-1w mingd'fi; my“ 1: no“: mgfmm ”2°: “1"“ Nicholas von Heffman ale-cribs: .- ’
W /’M 6677/06 UMY W W m7 M, Q!” 73602.... ’3 . _ V0138!!!“ ' a 0t“ issues of national importance in hi: E
52x 17 b7 taped and Mixed with the Bettina and praise as examples of syndicated column. ,
' I , I e i I u . 3’
—— Disabled persons Camp Kysoc facing l mlnatlon of funding . é
- t
am my For nearly25yeancempxysoc,ammmercampfor mtlnourconcernforomselvesletmnotforgettluewllo' I
the handicapped, has served Kentucky’s disabled in- areless fortmatethenwem. ,
rmmmmsndwmeaummhe www.mumpismeotthemlytwoinxmtuekyand Kysocismtdeadyet,lnwever.'l‘heetaffandmanage-: _
K,mlmmMmmu gm and “1,1,. islocatedinCan'olltm. ment of Kysoc have orgastized the “Committee to Save
spaced totkeedlterial ediuir at luJou-llalhln Midi-g, While at Kym compel! anticipate. wine for the first Camp Kysoc." The committee is a state-wide mutation
UKM. time, in such esoteric activities as fishing, baseball. withchaptersatmostofthestatetlniversitic.
Writers t I lug M _ mm.“ beskethellmndswimmim. . ,
teleplne ne-lntaezcedthdr muffinclrumutimor Mlenmebwtmtmmuandmfmbmtimendee The UK chapte- M W” been formed and I. I
connectl-lwlth “.mehequeflmltedtoxe dw-Mwfllecamphuelmemh-flmflm ‘ maymnfmmmmma'mwwd I
wordeJndintlvidulenbmlttingmnmhpeI-Iu for themmpen, paved trails,_enda WWW, ownedlalldatarentalrateonlpu'yearfa'zsyeem'flle Am“"°"“"mmamnmwwhiehgudh:lu
should m UK [0. gamma. use“, campers get to expel-lane sleeping indel- the stern. cook- statealsocontributed funtb fortheoperatilu expenses. can work at Kysoc “I credit. may, studen ‘F ,l
erltllgentfleslu'the"l’dm"c0lumn.whlch irgoveranapenfiremndeenoeimmalekeflheoempis mgmragmmummunfmfwm gelditedfmnummmmim “WWW! "
‘ is open to anyone on cm or II the community, moonwedwithmldmryandtwofufltlmm. Kysoe. The state cut the entire slooooo mtbwmeat for ““"m‘dmuwm '“W' I
should contact can-ls Alli or out stelden at 156-5184 Cempltymhlmedefodntyta‘m’Ih-mv Kym.
- . Ifyouwouldliketohelpinthisworthycaueeontact 5
”mm..mfl. pedreudentsflowevcfiheeempisnowinurioutrotfle Urumulemmeyisrauedbyothermeemflampxysoc Beekyfluckabyatmoraulufcndletmmw
Myymmmwdlmume. (hmanysocisMbytheKenhnekyEnta-Seeh summerwillmtexperimcethejoyolcamphuandwt- “mpg,“pmyou l
Society with most Mdamtdgbyflngm doorlifethatmanyoflntaefa-granted. '
Kentuckyfl‘hemwesmedepod when . Fewhaveescapedtheblanketbuthetcutsimpoeedby mwra“, Morer H." 'I
i , . y. is a chemistry senior and .
_ — Albert B. Glandlc gave Easter Seals we have ot state- federal and state gave-masts. (la-talnly we at UK have mm," of”. Commimto 5”. CM, Knoc-
' noon COUNTY byBeI-ke Bmthed \
} ' mu, “an MW mun. wwwmm ' 5" . - ’ .— C
I ' I I avg/‘3’“. mule?) m" fiwgg teams I” III new $5741.90?an m 3%». ”WV 4:! 'Jj "I34 '
I: ' s. V . , ' ‘—l‘ 4 ‘
_. J .,, 3% mm“ fi'fls ”a”. me .. ,, ammonia mm H - with? -
_ a, , we was . m aim . WWW m. assrmm ’
5;»...3. - - I my men. renew. m I -
3... ,5 " W \\ \ a \ g Ill lat. ’ e: s t | r, 32“” rr. '
i. it. . .. . . - . - .' “ . ,
ante ax ‘ ,‘ '23 m it if A I e-‘-- 3 n” -- n . !—’ ° ‘l * 7i -
‘ “€41 . M x \ { ' .t' ‘. Vt ,, i - v El. 3. a I‘L .
e-‘~I’:":"l‘iii‘.’" , ‘ act‘s - gen 0 - - nv ‘ '
Wee -. “4’, - 5:- '~== - t K"? *' ‘73 A” l , a» c V t I": -\— ' ’- -
a - - s ' . - - ———— i ——.. ,___ .l- - -—— —. . n
-.v.:- o .M m. ' -.___. E ’ . his? - " . . it . I... ' ‘ '
' " ' ‘ If? we“ iitiaei’efigwefiea ' . .. 4.. We if“ . ., ' -. .
. - 1.- " ‘ at“ flirting? :5 “if“? wattage ., * ' ' en, a ~ 1 5i! ' l-
. .5 km hégfirgvgneei%$;itagev§n;¢cfsggii ..f$€:_;:i (Mgr, afla§!3313 §231¢i52%§¥ .5», 5 , 4 - 5 _ 5 . 5. _;v =5, §¢r@i,zig 1:; ‘f 5 .5 1.
, r , ‘ , a My“; . eteazazi’ _ - . ‘ - . , wfl- .‘ "ea sees... «his . nan
' ' I - . . . an ' e - ’ ; ' .- a; Anita“ .5 “' , ‘f‘ . a: areas .

 . '1' mma n Wow - e: -, owl-.13. .. 6s i“! "i" ‘ - ' ‘ '7. a. 41"“ 1 “g ’f ~‘ '~ I 7 "uni-u gr‘gefihgg?’é‘twfiygflfglgéhxm‘wgfifflf ' ' 'l‘ '1 V '
. . ,. , .2: _,. . 4 when": . " .‘i‘ ; ‘.,~'.";‘ .. u ' . 's- '- _ '- ‘ . ». r '~ , w , . . - . _. s ., ' ,. v , '4: t t .~.- ‘- 4 f, 1 ,. .12: is” ‘. r i‘ ., «rind-L" .1 .. rift. ' , ‘ ..
2,. :21. .. 3,. j with“ -. ,t , 1.1.... , ,t‘ 7‘ . . "‘i‘ .1 . 1., . , f . t. . .' ‘ .. 4 . .. , _ M ’ T y, .i its ,. . .. ‘ ‘ X’“.“‘""t3 3‘: ,."~.'. 31”." ,3:..gkf‘iqiflxypmr;v; may.“ oz“ ‘ > . f ts’r‘j’ily‘il‘ffis'ap;»,‘é. ‘1" "his ‘ , --1'
7 . a W U . g‘i . 33- "Niko-31 ”it 1 " . ~ ~ ”V ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ,, - " ' a, " - - , ” ' .' " 'ii.i:§.1”3§‘§}"';g 1ttwfitgdlwgg’gmdkfihfieri‘hg" ' .ii;
‘ ' ' . .‘l 1;: 2:"; 53:63:»;8.215;.“ " “- .» .. " - ‘ ‘ , - . ' ~ ., " 5“ . “i , . ’ J'i'twf’» "Var "'1 ,ri 1:7,3’ an“, ”5.121;..‘24 H '1. .
. * . "1%; ” .' “ =1“ ~, " ‘ - . » ‘ ‘ ” ~' . _ g‘ .' 51' . " ’3"? ~, - ’t '5 if” ’éinfifltiffi; M”horii‘ei31tiol'tma o‘t‘u '
. I . dad; W ‘ .. ,,' ._,-_ A ,w,,.,,_-.. _ , ._ ,, i _ .e e......»...i._ .. . mr----mW-o—--m~ w._....i.,...., s ... i, . ,e ... ., ,._,_ fl. , , _ may. 1:19..
or" i’ '.
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" THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Wednesdly. December 2. lfll-a
' '1’
u- l coinhd from n it,
. news ran up ,m l l
l , I u 7 It .‘
. Agenchdltrainingandemploymaitp'ogi-sms Browmviue,Texas,sswa7mpeicentiilcresse '8 “an mm mm' ’
m {a a” m m a Variety a m MViM in mm] aha. din“ in “I m’ .muy :._.g.,.-,‘.....,.,.,$44.;.;._.'.-.;.;.;.;.;.:.;._.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;2:44.34.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.:.;.;.;_;.:.;.;.;.;. ._-.;. i I}
assistance me- B I Wt 0‘ the WC 000“ “11W! 8015118 5525' g ,
LEXING'mN- Fm UK WW “I? Sen. Jake Gun. R-Utall, chum or a HUD do