xt7sxk84nb9v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nb9v/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1991-08 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, August 1991, volume 14 number 4 text Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, August 1991, volume 14 number 4 1991 1991-08 2020 true xt7sxk84nb9v section xt7sxk84nb9v Central
w J cwish

Volume IX August 199] Number 4



New Federation President Elected

Judy Saxe is a founding member of
Lexington Havurah, and a member of
0havay Zion Congregation. A former
Sisterhood President and Sunday School
President, She is currently a member of the
Hadassah National Board. Judy has been
active in the Federation and related
activities for more than twenty years. She
has been a member of the Camp Shalom
Camp Committee, and the Forum Selection
Committee. She served as the Federation
Vice-President under Michael Ades, and
chaired the Social Services Committee. Judy
was the first Central Kentucky Jewish
Federation Executive Director.





Presidents’ Messages

Judy’s Incoming Message

This is an extraordinary time for us as a
Jewish Community. We are privileged to be
witnesses to a whole series of modern miracles -
and more important, privileged to play an active role
in bringing the miracles to fruition.

The flood of Soviet Jewish immigration to
Israel is the fulfillment of two dreams: freedom for
Soviet Jews to leave the Soviet Union, and the
reality of Israel as a home for the many thousands
achieving a modern Exodus.

In our contemporary version of the Passover
story we might have said, ”Dayenu,” enough.
Instead, we listened and watched as the Israelis
engineered a second Exodus — the airlift of more
than 14,000 Ethiopian Jews in little more than one
day. And we must include the arrival in Israel of
some 300 Albanian Jews — Virtually their entire
Jewish Community.

Our role is more than that of enthusiastic
observers. We have been asked to share in these
events, by contributing to help defray the cost of
absorbing these new Israeli citizens. CKJF, along
with Federations throughout North America, is in
the process of establishing a loan guarantee program
to support their absorption. Now, we can help even
more by urging our Senators and Representatives to
support a program of Federal loan guarantees for

I applaud the efforts of the many volunteers
who have reached out to the four new Soviet
families that have become Lexington residents in
recent months. I also want to express the gratitude
of the Federation and the community to our Camp
Shalom staff and board for another successful camp
season, once more ”one of the best ever!” I look
forward to Theodore Bikel in the fall, and the
special Holocaust art exhibit scheduled for the

I feel honored to assume the presidency of
CKJF at this dramatic and exciting time in Jewish
history. I am confident that the Board and our
committees, with the support of you, the Central
Kentucky Jewish Community, will continue to meet


our responsibilities. with enthusiasm and hard work.
Our commitment to enhancing the quality of Jewish
life in our own community is an ongoing effort. I
look forward to an active and challenging year.

Judith Saxe
President, 1991-92

Mike’s Outgoing Message

After two years as President of CKJF, I

especially appreciate and value the many ways that
CKJF significantly touches the lives of others. I
think of the children at Camp Shalom and the
scholarships given to children to attend NFI'Y and
Hadassah camps and to visit Israel. I think of those
Jews in our community (fortunately very few) who
have been aided in different ways through our
Social Services Committee. I remember how much
we have enjoyed speakers and music programs
sponsored by our forum Committee. Our
Community Relations Committee has actively
worked with the school system, the newspaper, and
in other ways to improve or repair relationships
between the Jewish Community and our larger
Lexington Community. We are thrilled by the
resettlement of four Russian Jewish families in
Lexington who begin new lives with the assistance
of our Resettlement Committee. Many of us and
our children have attended special programs
celebrating significant Jewish and Israeli events and
holidays organized by our Community Activities
Committee. Through the work of our Campaign
Committee, we have raised over $300,000.00 for the
regular UJA Campaign, Operation Exodus, Project
Renewal, and local use. These funds have been
distributed in Israel and other countries, to a
significant number of Jewish charities in this
country, to both Jewish and non—Jewish charities and
organizations in Lexington, and to provide the
essential administrative support of our CKJ F office.

We can be proud that CKJF has assisted,

Continued on page 6





The @KJF Forum Sthgiights


Sunday Evening, October 6 7:00 p. m.
Sing/etary Center for the Arts

Members of the Jewish Community will have the first opportunity to obtain tickets for their families.
All tickets are available at no charge. See your next CKJF Bulletin for details.

Co- Sponsors. CKJF
Ohava y Zion Synagogue
Temp/e Adath Israel



You are invited to join us in worship
as our daughter
Rachel Swan
is called to the Torah

as a Bat Mitzvah

Saturday, August 3, 1991

10:00 am.
Ohavay Zion Synagogue

Please celebrate this joyous occasion with us
at a Kiddush Luncheon following the service.

Marilyn and Doug Edwards


Elayne, Ralph and Amy Crystal
invite you to join their family
for the Bar Mitzvah of

[eremy Kenneth

Saturday, August 10, 1991
10:30 am.
Temple Adath Israel


[eremy will symbolically share
this occasion with
Abera T. of Ethiopa

Luncheon and dancing
will follow the services.


Qar and fiat Whtzvah

‘With great LPride and joy
Linda and Leon Kavvin
Invite you to Share in their Simcha
at the Qiar .‘Mitzvah of their Son
{Michael Edward
Saturday, fllugust 17, 1991
at 10:30 am.

Temple flldath Israel

Kiddush Luncheon following

the services

E’lease join us for
Cochtails and fl-[ors QD’Oeuvres
on Saturday Evening
Starting at fight-Thirty

1404 Meganwood Circle

valet parking availahle


join us in worship as our son,
David Bayne

becomes a Bar Mitzvah
Saturday, August 24, 1991
10:30 am.
Temple Adath Israel

Please join us
for a Kiddush Luncheon
following the service.

Susie and Gil Iohnson



 Camp Shalom 1991

Your Federation dollars have again helped to produce another successful year of Camp Shalom. The
camp is a CKJF sponsored Jewish day camp for children ages 4 to 8. Camp was held on a farm owned and
donated for camp use by Steve Caller, Rob Rosenstein, and Irv Rosenstein.

Led by Camp Director Mark Scarr, Assistant Director Stephen Miller, and Head Counselor Sue Little,
the campers embarked on a journey through Jewish History. Week one centered on biblical Jewish history,
which included stories of biblical heroes, Jewish trivia games, making wine, making matza and matza covers,
along with other traditional camping activities.

Week two covered Diaspora (pre—statehood) and included activities such as making challah, watching
videos about Israel, and many field trips. During week three, we explored modern Israel with slides and video
tapes of modern Israel, an Israeli luncheon, an overnight, Immigration Day, and a performance for campers’
parents where Jewish songs were sung and interesting facts about Israel were discussed.

The camp has provided a wonderful Jewish experience for our children and a focal point for involvement
by our community. CKJF would like to thank this year’s terrific staff: Mark Scarr, Stephen Miller, Sue Little,
Eli Scarr, Andy Leichter, Stephanie Kocen, Adam Miller, Michael Ravvin, Abraham Scarr, Jennifer Silberman,
and Andrea Silberman, and Rebecca Miller.

CKJF would also like to thank the following people for their involvement and commitment to Camp
Shalom: Steve Caller, Rob Rosenstein, the Camp Shalom Committee, and Sharyn Sharer, Ben Baker, Bryant
Evans, Herb Eichensen, and Anna Angelovici. In addition, we would like to thank Temple Adath Israel and
Ohavay Zion Synagogue for the generous use of their facilities.



CKJF acknowledges the gift to Local FEDERATION NEWSLETTER
Resettlement of Soviet Jews from David and 333 Waller Avenue, Suite 5
Vivian Weil. Other contributions may be made Lexington, Kentucky 40504
by calling the CKJF office. Judith Saxe, President
Linda Rawin, Executive Director
CKJF apologizes for misspelling Irv Rosenstein’s Sharyn Sharer, Program Coordinator
name in the previous bulletin. Becca Hamrin, Office Manager

Member of Council of Jewish Federations



1991-1992 CKJF

Board of Directors

lst Vice—Pres:

2nd Vice-Pres:

At Large:
At Large:
Ex Officio:

Sandy Adland
Bob Baumann
Dana Broudy
Arlene Cohen
Arthur Frank
Marilyn Gall
Chas Hite
Marty Kaplan

Judy Saxe
David Kaplan
Martin Berk
Austin Cantor
Cheri Rose
Carole Wilson
Jo Belin
Michael Ades

Gloria Katz
Judy Levine
Susan Mason
Lloyd Mayer
Tomas Milch
Susan Miller
Kim Rosenstein
David Wachtel



Committee Chairs 1991—92

Community Relations
Bill Leffler David Kaplan

Social Services
Carole Wilson Merle Wekstein

Community Activities
Judy Levine

Ernie Cohen - Men’s
Marilyn Gall - Women’s

Long Range Plan
Michael Ades

Budget and Allocations
Bob Baumann

Soviet Resettlement
Gail Cohen Rabbi Jon Adland


Presidents’ Messages Con’d

1Vfike’s Message (con’d):
educated, supported, affected, entertained, and
touched so many other persons in so many ways.

Naturally, these activities and programs are
only possible through the active support, energy, and
plain hard work of many of you. Particularly,
appreciation and thanks should go to our Committee
Chairpersons for this year: Community Activities -
Judy Levine, Social Services - Judy Saxe,
Community Relations, — David Kaplan and
BillLeffler, Campaign — Ellie Goldman, Budget -
Bob Baumann, Resettlement - Gail Cohen and
Rabbi Adland. Special thanks are due Nancy
Hoffman for her extraordinary services as Treasurer.
Linda Ravvin, our Executive Director, and Sharyn
Sharer, our Program Coordinator, have served us
with professionalism, dedication, and enthusiasm,
and have been indispensable in the organization and
operation of our many varied activities and
programs. Thanks also to the Directors of CKJF for
the ideas, commitment, and wisdom.

Finally, thank you for the privilege of
allowing me to serve the community.

Michael L. Ades
President, 1989-91

CKJ F would like to thank the following people who
have just completed their terms of office on the
CKJF Board: Nancy Hoffman, Ellie Goldman, Gail
Cohen, Richard Sadove, David Wekstein, and Kathy



Mary Birenbaum was installed as President of
Wilderness Road Girl Scout Council which includes
Lexington and most of Eastern Kentucky.


 Toyota and Nissan Will Sell Cars
in Israel; A Major Breakthrough

The announcements by Toyota Motor
Corporation and Nissan that they would begin shipping
autos to Israel before then end of the year represent a
significant break in Japanese cooperation with the Arab
boycott. Significant as well was the source of the news
about Toyota. The powerful Ministry of International
Trade and Industry (MITI), which for years had denied
it gave ’political guidance’ to Japanese companies,
delivered the startling news to Israeli representatives.
The MITI announcement followed a year of ever-
increasing protests by segments of the organized Jewish
community. Tim Andre, manager of external affairs at
Toyota’s North American headquarters, told reporters that
many Jewish groups had contacted Toyota to express
their concern ’that we were in tacit compliance’ with the
Arab boycott.

Even more threatening was the protest held last
April in California by Jews and pro-Israel Christians who
picketed the hotel where President Bush was meeting
with Prime Minister Kaifu. The pickets carried placards
reading ”Stop the Boycott.” Among those protesting was
the president of the Jewish Community center of Orange

Toyota’s move was described by Paul Blustein of
the Tokyo Bureau of the Washington Post as a ”major
defection” from the ranks of companies refusing to sell
their products in Israel. Max Livant, minister for
economic affairs at the Israeli Embassy in Tokyo, called
the Toyota move a ”breakthrough.” A Toyota spokesman
told Blustein that its decision was based on the recent
growth in sales in Israel to about 100,000 autos a year,
up from 55,000 in 1985. Blustein also reported that last
year Toyota shipped 120,000 cars and trucks to Saudi
Arabia and the Gulf states. Worldwide, Toyota produced
4.89 million vehicles last year. Israeli firms have been
seeking the Toyota franchise for four years. Last year,
the American Toyota firm told its Israeli suitor that it
was willing to grant an Israeli franchise but needed the
approval of its Japanese parent. The parent company in
Japan first refused outright to permit the franchise, but
has now given its blessing to the shipment of Toyotas to

The news about Nissan came from the Japanese
Times, a Japanese language newspaper. Until recently
such newspapers maintained an absolute embargo against
any news of Japanese participation in the boycott. The
Japanese Times reported that Nissan’s decision was
reached following accusations by Jewish organizations
that Japanese companies were participating in the Arab


boycott. In the article, the Japanese Times noted
parenthetically that Jewish organizations have a great
influence on the US. political and economic scene.

—American Jewish Congress Boycott Report


Urgent Notice To All Jewish

Just recently, Israel rescued 15,000 Jews from
war-tom Ethiopia and brought them to safety in Israel.
One million Soviet Jews will also immigrate to Israel
over the next several years-— the largest migration of
Jews in history. This fall, Israel will ask the US.
government to ”guarantee” a loan package - probably in
the amount of $2 billion a year over five years - to assist
in their absorption.

Because of the urgency of this issue, community
and synagogue leaders across the country are asking their
members to participate in a national letter-writing
campaign beginning now and lasting through the
summer. Please write your Members of Congress to
emphasize the urgency of this legislation.

In your letters, emphasize that Israel is asking the
US. to co—sign a loan, not give her a grant, and that
Israel has never defaulted on a loan.

Suggested recipients of letters include, but are
not limited to:

Wendell H. Ford Hal Rogers
600 Federal Place, Rm. 172-C 216 Poplar Avenue
Louisville, KY 40202 Somerset, KY 42501

Mitch McConnell Carroll Hubbard
600 Federal Place, Rm. 136—C PO. Box 1457
Louisville, KY 40202 Henderson, KY 42420

Carl C. Perkins
PO. Box 127
Ashland, Ky 41105

Larry Hopkins
333 W Vine, Rm. 207
Lexington, KY 40507

If you would like a copy of a sample letter, contact
Becca at the CKJF office, 252—7600.

’ . , ._ ..__...,_ ,, I_I _ "-l-I _-



Operation floiommr

TEL AVIV (JTA) - In what appears to have been a brilliantly planned and flawlessly executed operation, 14,087
Ethiopian Jews, comprising over 3,000 families, were airlifted from Addis Ababa to Israel within some 36 hours.

Code named ”Operation Solomon,” the airlift was accomplished in a mere 40 flights, involving dozens of aircraft.
At one point, there were 25 aircraft in flight simultaneously. One El A1 747 jumbo jet set a world record by transporting
1087 passengers, two-and-a-half time the normal capacity.

Despite the potential for tumult, error, and disaster, the thousands of Jews were protected, cared for, and then
transported without incident or difficulty to waiting planes of the Israeli Air Force, El Al Israel Airlines and the Ethiopian
Government, to bring them ”on the wings of eagles” to the Promised Land.

In planes without seats, and some without lavatories, they sat on the floor, as they soared from the primitive
culture they had known to arrive in only four hours in a modern, industrialized, democratic -Jewish!- state.

In Israel, they were greeted joyously, with over 1,000 aboard the first three planes that touched
down at Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv at 5 PM, just before sundown, Friday, May 24.

During the course of the exodus, two planes landed via Eastern Europe with Jews from the Soviet Union, as part
of another remarkable aliyah that is far from commonplace.

Once the 40 flights of Operation Solomon had landed at Ben Gurion Airport, the long and daunting process of
absorbing the Ethiopian Jews began.

Some 300 buses operated by the Jewish Agency for Israel transported the new immigrants directly to 45 hotels,
guest houses, and mobile homes throughout the country.

In Israel, as in Ethiopia, the Jewish Agency and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee worked with
meticulous coordination to provide for the needs of the Ethiopian Jews and to help make the evacuation succeed. And
in the U.S., even as the airlift continued, the United Jewish Appeal was working with the Jewish federations, and others
to begin to meet the enormous fund raising challenge.

The United Jewish Appeal announced that $40 million in cash would be needed by June 15, 1991 as part of a fund
raising goal of at least $130 million to provide for the Ethiopian Jews through their first year in Israel.

”At long last, the Jews of Ethiopia are in Israel with their families,” said Jewish Agency Chairman Simcha Dinitz
after the last of the planes used for Operation Solomon had landed. ”Another chapter in the history of Diaspora Jewry
is closed.”

But for those who were reunited with relatives, the next chapter was just beginning.






 Conference on Mternatioes
in Jewisfi £ducation

Hofstra ‘Uni'oersity, ermpstead, New [York
flugust 18 - 22, 1991

Tre-Conference: flugust 15 - 18

QUE 16 wiII provide many opportunities to address
critical issues facing Jewisn education as we enter tne
90's, witfi its atmosphere of dramatic wor[d cflanges.
Some of tfie topics wfiic/i and 6e addressed in our
works/ions are:

* Teacfier finnpowermmt *Ieadersfiip @eoebpment *
* my/izaqfim'onal Interaction * *flrfininistmtioe
Buszence *
'Wnafizirgjewisfi Wtion *
*judeo fitfiiaiandtfieflnmican ‘Way *

"Ifie Educator's Imutioein‘feacfiing afiout Israef *

{For more information, cad tfie C170? oflice
252-7600 or 252-7622


National ‘United jewisi'i
flppeaf Mission to Israei for
Dentists é’ Tnysicians
Sunday, Octofier 27 — Wednesiflzy, November 6, 1991

Courses on tfie cutting edge
of merfi’cine and medicaf tecfinoiogy -
12 CMCE Credits aoaifafife

Mission IPrice: $2200

for more information contact:
tfie CK]? oflice at 252-7600
or 252- 7622; or Steve CaIler at

Single Scene to Celebrate
Labor Day Weekend in

You are cordially invited to attend Single Scene
weekend. The weekend will be filled with fun
and entertainment galore. Come and join our
congenial group. We prefer you be thirty-eight
years of age or older. We promise you will meet
from people from all over the US. and Canada.

* Visit to the Natural History Museum and Omnimax ‘
* Lacomedia Dinner Theatre ‘
* Massage Therapy (Xtra charge) *
* Astrological Sessions (Xtra charge) ‘

Expenses for the weekend will be
$480 Enrollment Fee
plus Hotel Room Cost
Please mail reservation request
and check by August 17

Suggested is the Harley Hotel
8020 Montgomery Road
(513) 793-4300
359 per room up to four people

For more information, call the CKJF office
or Chas Hite at 266-0246



Discovery ’94
UJA ’3 Midwest Mission
to israe/
October 6 — 75, 1991

COST 3 2200.00

*** Hotel Accommodations ***
Dan Panorama — Tel Aviv
Laromme - Jerusalem
Ramot Kibbutz Guest House - Galilee

Participants who do not meet $1500 minimum gift eligibility
may travel for full cost. Subsidy may be available to reduce cost.

For more Information, Contact CKJF office at
252-7600 or 252-7622;
or Steve Cal/er at 266-1314.





Please make your
contributions as quickly as
possible. Send your

14,200 Ethiopian Jews flew over the Red Sea in the
secret airlift to Israel.

Tens of thousands of Soviet Jews are crossing the Cheek for your regUla-r
great divide from anti-Semitism to the Jewish homeland. CKJHUJA pledge and
None of this is possible without your help. your Operation EXOdUS
Your gift to Operation Exodus fuels the freedom pledge to:
flights to Israel. And your gift turns an exodus into a Central Kentucky Jewish
homecoming. Federation
So please be generous. Cash is urgently needed. 333 Waller Suite 5
Your contribution will create miraculous results. Lex., Ky 40504-2901


Prepared by the National United Jewish Appeal as a Jewish Iileline partnership service for American Jewish communities.






BUILDENG HOS NEW COUNTRY—Leonid Olevsky. a civil engineer from me Ukraine is heiomg consizum mm
to: my «grants m Neiavot. The UJA Federation emergency cash effort is providmg 1 33! funds for the any
hundreds of (mus s of Soviet Jews.


Panto Credit UM Pleas Serwce Photo by Richard Lobe?!




New Israens-~--A Sumo: Jew reaches out to a young Ethiopian Jew a: Israel's Ben-Gurion Aimmt. 80m arrived
in Israel Ihanb xo UJA.
5 ,

w Ser




' sic ‘thbatd Label! -‘ "31



 August Calendar of Events

3 Rachel Swan 18 TAI Sisterhood Board
Bat Mitzvah-OZS Leadership Program

6 028 and TAI Board Meetings 21 CKJF Board Meeting

Board Orientation

10 Jeremy Crystal /
Bar Mitzvah—TAI 24 David Johnson

Bar Mitzvah-TAI

17 Michael Ravvin
Bar Mitzvah—TAI 25 028 Sisterhood

Newcomer Event


Dear Members of the Jewish Community,

I would like to introduce myself as the newly employed office
manager for the CKJF. My name is Becca Hamrin, and I began working
for the Federation at the end of May.

I am a student at the University of Kentucky in English Education,
and I also enjoy accounting and computer science. I teach Suzuki flute
privately, and I play and sing folk music with a classical guitarist.

If there is anything that I can help you with regarding Jewish life
in Lexington, from emergency aid to donating goods for the newly arrived
Soviet-American Jews, please feel free to call me at the CKJ F office, 252~
7622 or 252—7600.











NomProfit Org.
Permit No. 719
Lexington. Ky,