xt7sxk84nj8k_115 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/L2021ua019.dao.xml Kentucky University 18.26 Cubic Feet 32 document boxes, 5 flat boxes, 21 bound volumes archival material L2021ua019 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with Transylvania University.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Transylvania University Library. Record Group 5:  Collection on Kentucky University In House of Representatives. Substitute for House Bill Number 238, 'An Act to Amend an Act, entitled 'An act to amend the charter of Bacon College,' approved January 15th, 1858 (3 copies, 1 copy notated) text In House of Representatives. Substitute for House Bill Number 238, 'An Act to Amend an Act, entitled 'An act to amend the charter of Bacon College,' approved January 15th, 1858 (3 copies, 1 copy notated) 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/L2021ua019/Box_5_21/Folder_53/Multipage5622.pdf 1874 February 9 1874 1874 February 9 section false xt7sxk84nj8k_115 xt7sxk84nj8k IN HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.



MR. D. W. WRIGHT ofiered the following as a substitute for House bill No. 238, viz:

AN ACT to amend an act, entitled “An act to amend the charter of Bacon 00!-
Zege,” approved January ~15t/2, 1858.

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§ 1. Be at enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky,


That the Treasurer of the Board of Curators of Kentucky University shall not be

a member of or Chairman of the Executive Committee of said Board,'and the

,' 4,:

Treasurer accepting 61' holding the pesition or member‘bT'or Chafimfi of said
Committee shall operate as a vacation of and removal from the office of Treasurer.
I § 2. Be it fart/zen enacted, That the second section of the act, entitled “An act
to amend the charter of Bacon College,’f approved January 15th, 1858, be, and
the same is hereby, repealed, the repeal to take effect on the first Wednesday in
April, 1874 ;_ and the individual living donors to the several funds of Kentucky
University, who have made donations prior to the 9th day of February, 1874, be,
and they are hereby, authorized and empowered to elect thirty persons as Curators
of Kentucky University, to serve for five years, and until their successors are
elected. The first election shall be held in the city of Lexington, Kentucky, on
the first Wednesday in April, 1874, and every five years thereafter an election
shall be held for the same purpose in said city; and each donor who may attend, in
person or by proxy, shall at such election or elections be entitled to one vote. At
least two thirds of the Curators so elected shall always be members of the Chris-

tianChurch in Kentucky, as provided in the eighth section of the act of which










this act is an amendment, and for the purposes therein expressed, and shall be
members in full fellowship in said Church.

§ 3. Be it further enacted. That the thirty persons who shall be elected as Cura-
tors on the first Wednesday of" April, 1874, as hereinbetbre provided, shall be,
and they are hereby, as soon as they shall be elected as aforesaid, constituted a
body-politic and corporate in as full, ample, and etlectual manner as if; they and
eachof them were herein individually mentioned by name, under the corporate
name and stylelot' the Curators of Kentucky University ; and they and their suc-
cessors in office shall have perpetual succession and existence, and a common seal;
and by that name, and in their corporate capacity, may sue and be sued, plead and

be impleaded, in all the courts of law and equity in this State; and the s-rme, in their

corporate capacity and name, are hereby invested, as soon as they shall be elected

a as aforesaid, with the legal right and title to all the property and estate, real, per-

sonal, and mixed, that at that (late may be vested in or held by the present Board
of Curators of Kentucky University, and shall in all things become their success-
orsrgn’? be sub‘s‘fitnted‘to all their rights, franchises, and privileges, and shall
assume all their obligations, and shall be bound by and faithfully carry out all the
trusts, conditions, and obligations imposed on the Curators of Kentucky Univer-
sity by the act consolidating Kentucky University and Transylvania University,
approved February 28th, 186-5, and by the act establishing an Agricultural Col-
lege in Kentucky, approved February 22d, 1865.

§ 4. Be it further enacted, That. the Trustees who shall be elected on the first
Wednesday in April, 1874, shall meet in the city of Lexington, Kentucky, on the
third Wednesday in April, 187 t, or as soon thereafter as practicable, and organize
by the election of the officers mentioned in the fifth section of the act to which
this act is an amendment; and the otficers of the present Board of Curators shall,
on demand, immediately turn over to the Executive Committee that shall be elected
as aforesaid, all the books, papers, stocks, bonds, notes, money, and all other prop-
erty in their possession, or under their control as officers of the Board of Curators,

and shall be responsible to the new Board of Curators for the same until the whole




of the same is delivered; and the bond of the Treasurer shall remain in full force
and effect, and may be enforced by the new Board of Curators the same as if' it
had originally been made payable to them.
§5. Be it further enacted, That when donors shall be reduced by death, so

that they in the aggregate represent only thirty thousand dollars of donations,

‘then the alumni of the College of Arts of Kentucky University, in connection

with such surviving donors, shall elect the thirty Curators, and each surviving
donor and alumnus shall in such election be entitled to one vote; and when the
donors now living shall all have died, then the said alumni shall elect the thirty
Curators. ' 1

§ ‘6. Be it further enacted, That all the provisions of the act to which this act
is an amendment that are inconsistent with or in conflict with this act, be, and the
same are hereby, repealed, and this act shall take effect and be in force from and

after its passage.

Mr. SCALES ofered the following amendment to Me substitute proposed by M7".


WRIGHT for" House bill No. 238, etc:


Add to fsmth section:

Provided, That so much of the act establishing the Agricultural and Mechani-
cal College of Kentucky as one of the Colleges of' Kentucky University be, and
the same is hereby, repealed, to take effect on the 11th day of June, 1874, and
after that date no part of the interest of the fund arising from the sale of the
lands donated by the United States to the State of Kentucky in 1862, shall be
paid to Kentucky University.

The above amendment offered by Mr. Scales was adopted by yeas 43, nays 33.





MR. D. W. WRIGHT ofiered the following as a substitute for House bill No. 238, viz:

AN ACT to amend an act, entitled “An act to amend the charter of Bacon 002-
Zege,” approved January 15th, 1858.

§ 1. Be it enacted by the Genenat Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky,
That the Treasurer of the Board of Curators of Kentucky University shall not be
a member of or Chairman of the‘Executive Committee, of said Board, and the
Treasurer accepting or holding the position of member of or Chairman of said
Committee shall operate as a vacation of and removal from the office of Treasurer.

§ 2. Be it further enacted, That the second section of the act, entitled “An act
to amend the charter of Bacon College,” approved January 15th, 1858, be, and
the same is hereby, repealed, the repeal to take effect on the first Wednesday in
April, 1874; and the individual living donors to the several funds of Kentucky
University, who have made donations prior to the 9th day of February, 1874, be,
and they are hereby, authorized and empowered to elect thirty persons as Curators
of Kentucky University, to serve for five years, and until their successors are
elected. The first election shall be held in the city of Lexington, Kentucky, on
the first Wednesday in April, 1874, and every five years thereafter an election
shall be held for the same purpose in said city ; and each donor who may attend, in
person or by proxy, shall at such election or elections be entitled to one vote. At
least two thirds of the Curators so elected shall always be members of the Chris-

tian Church in Kentucky, as provided in the eighth section of the act of which










this act is an amendment, and for the purposes therein expressed, and shall be
members in full fellowship in said Church.

§ 3. Be z'ifurt/zer enacted. That the thirty persons who shall be elected as Cura-
tors on the first Wednesday of April, 1874, as hereinbefore provided, shall be,
and they are hereby, as soon as they shall be elected as aforesaid, constituted a
body-politic and corporate in as full, ample, and eliectual manner as if they and
each of them were herein individually mentioned by name, under the corporate
name and st-yleot' the Curators of Kentucky University 3 and they and theirsuc-
cessors in office shall have perpetual succession and existence, and a common seal;
and by that name, and in their corporate capacity, may sue and be sued, plead and
be impleaded, in all the courts of law and equity in this State ; and the srme, in their
corporate capacity and name, are hereby invested, as 8001'] as they shall be elected
as aforesaid, with the legal right and title to all the property and estate, real, per-

sonal, and mixed, that at that date may be vested in or held by the present Board

of Curators of Kentucky University, and shall in all things become their success-

ors, and be substituted to all their rights, franchises, and privileges, and shall .

assume all their obligations, and shall be bound by and faithfully carry out all the
trusts, conditions, and obligations imposed on the Curators of Kentucky Univer—
sity by the act consolidating Kentucky University and Transylvania University,
approved February 28th, 1865, and by the act establishing an Agricultural Col-
lege in Kentucky, approved February 22d, 1865.

§ 4. Be it further enacted, That the Trustees who shall be elected on the first
Wednesday in April, 1874, shall meet in the city of Lexington, Kentucky, on the
third Wednesday in April, 187 i, or as soon thereafter as practicable, and organize
by the election of the officers mentioned in the fifth section of the act to which
this act is an amendment; and the officers of the present Board of Curators shall,
on demand, immediately turn over to the Executive Committee that shall be elected
as aforesaid, all the books, papers, stocks, bonds, notes, money, and all other prop:
erty in their possession, or under their control as officers of the Board of Curators,

and shall be responsible to the new Board of Curators for the same until the whole


10 of the same is delivered; and the bond of the Treasurer shall remain in full force
11 and effect, and may be enforced by the new Board of Curators the same as if it
1; 12 had originally been made payable to them.
l §5. Be it further enacted, That when donors shall be reduced by death, so
/ 2 that they in the aggregate represent only thirty thousand dollars of donations,
n 3 then the alumni of the College of Arts of Kentucky University, in connection
5 4 with such surviving donors, shall elect the thirty Curators, and each surviving
i 5 donor and alumnus shall in such election be entitled to one vote; and when the
t3 donors now living shall all have died, then the said alumni shall elect the thirty
7 Curators.
§ 6. Be it further enacted, That all the provisions of the act to which this act
2 is an amendment that are inconsistent with or in conflict with this act, be, and the
3 same are hereby, repealed, and this act shall take effect and be in force from and
4 after its passage.
5: 1W. SCALES oflered the following amendment to the sulfistz'tuie proposed by Mr. V

WRIGHT for House bill No. 238, vie:


Add to f/o‘ui'tla section:

Provided, That so much of the act establishing the Agricultural and Mechani-
cal College of Kentucky as one of the Colleges of Kentucky University he, and
the same is hereby, repealed, to take effect on the 11th day of June, 1874, and
after that date no part of the interest of the fund arising from the sale of the
lands donated by the United States to the State of Kentucky in 1862, shall be
paid to Kentucky University.

The above amendment offered by Mr. Scales was adopted by yeas 43, nays 33.