xt7sxk84nj8k_151 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/L2021ua019.dao.xml Kentucky University 18.26 Cubic Feet 32 document boxes, 5 flat boxes, 21 bound volumes archival material L2021ua019 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with Transylvania University.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Transylvania University Library. Record Group 5:  Collection on Kentucky University Petition to the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Kentucky from the congregation of the Disciples of Christ text Petition to the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Kentucky from the congregation of the Disciples of Christ 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/L2021ua019/Box_5_21/Folder_55/Multipage6005.pdf undated section false xt7sxk84nj8k_151 xt7sxk84nj8k  






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Legislature of the Gommouwealth of Kentucky.

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Y our Petitioners, ...................................................................................................... page” cowagaaaezwcw as» may “@15-
CIQIQES 0E @EEIST’,” usually denominated CEEISTIJQWS, worshipping at
..................................................................................................................................... in the County, of
and composed of about .................................................... members, being a constituent part of the Christian
Church of Kentucky, would most respectfully represent:

That, in the year 1836’, the Christian Church of Kentucky established an Institution
of Learning at Georgetown, Ky, which was Chartered by the Legislature of Kentucky by
the name of Bacon College, and was subsequently removed to IIarrodsburg, Ky. In Jan-
uary, ] 85 8, the Charter of Bacon College was amended, and the name was changed to
Kentucky University. (See Session flct of ]857-8,' pages .182 to 187.). By this amended
Charter, thirty persons were named as Curators of Kentucky University. who were in-
vested with the legal right to all the property’and estate, real and personal, of said
Institution, as Trustees for the Christian Church of Kentucky. The Board of Curators
were not only authorized to fill all vacancies that might occur in the Board, but also to
increase the number of Curators indefinitely, thus making them a self—perpetuating body.

By an flct of the Legislature approved the 28th of February, 1865, Transylvania
University was consolidated with and merged in Kentucky University, and all its funds
and property passed to it; subject, however, to be divested by the removal of Kentucky
University from Fayette County. Soon after the passage of this flct, Kentucky Univer-
sity was removed to Lexington, Ky. The flgricultural and Mechanical College of Ken-
tucky was established the same year by an .4 ct of the Legislature, and attached at the will
of the State to Kentucky University. JV“ either of the last named flcts changed or attempted
to change the ownership of Kentucky University, which, by the flct of January, 1858,
was vested in t e Chr' ’ ' i ' rch of K entucky, through the Board of Curatorawho, by
its 8th Section, iwstituted Trustees to own and control t e University for them.

Since the passage of the th of 18.57, naming Wrty individuals as Curators, the
number has been increased by the Board to forty—one; and by filling vacancies and ad-
ding eleven new members to the Board of Curators, its constitution has been so changed
that it has ceased to represent the will of the Christian Church of Kentucky and the Do—
nors to the Endowment Fund. 0n the contrary, the majority of the Board have openly
and deliberately disregarded the will and wishes of the owners and founders of the Uni-
versity, and placed themselves in direct antagonism to them. Besides this, they have, in
managing the University, disregarded the plain enactment of the Charter, and acted in
violation cf its provisions

We, there/lore, respectfully and most earnestly @Ezwzweisr your Honorable Body to
enact such amendments of the Charter as will correct these abuses, and enable us to
manage and control our own property as was contemplated by the original and amended
acts of the incorporation. By this means, and by this means only, can the University
command our confidence, sympathy and support, and the patronage of the Church and
of the Donors and their friends, and a large portion of the general public. Without
these, it will dwindte into comparative insignificance, and become merely a local insti-
tution with local patronage. .

We do, therefore, most earnestly and urgently Petition that the Charter granted in
1858 be amended as follows:

1 st. That the number of Curators be definitely limited to not exceeding thirty, and
that the self—perpetuating power of the Board of Curators be taken away, and full
authority be vested in the owners and founders of the University, through their regu-
larly appointed delegates, to elect a new Board of Curators on the first Monday in May
next, and every five years thereafter.

' 9d. That no member of the Executive Committee shall ever be eligible to the Office of
Treasurer. At present, the Treasurer is not only a member of, but Chairman of the Ex—
ecutive Committee, which is by the Charter required to audit his accounts and certify to
their correctness; and is specially charged with the duty of watching over and guard—
ing the Treasury.

In addition to these amendments of the Charter, we further Petition that the con—
nection between the flgricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky and Kentucky
University be severed.

Whilst we hereby express our fixed determination to faithfully and fully carry out
all the obligations imposed on us by the act establishing the flgricultural and M echani—
cal College, yet as its connection with Kentucky University has given reat dissatis ac-
tion to other religious denominations and many gobd citizens, and has been a source of
mfrom the beginning, we'do hereby express our entire wi ingness to surren er ‘
this trustz if it be the will of the Legislature that we should disc Iffiiowever, your
will is t at the connection should continue, you may confidently rely on our earnest
ejforts to co—operate with the State in making the flgricultural College a success.